NFL La colaboración de la NFL con "Toy Story"

La NFL se puso animada este fin de semana, ya que la liga se asoció con nada menos que Disney para transmitir una versión simultánea de un juego en el que todos fueron reimaginados como juguetes.

Nos referimos al enfrentamiento entre los Jags y los Falcons en Londres, el cual comenzó muy temprano. Disney y ESPN estaban preparando una espectacular sorpresa relacionada con "Toy Story". Tan pronto como comenzó el juego, su propia transmisión animada comenzó en vivo.

Es exactamente como suena, básicamente, mientras el juego real se desarrollaba en la pantalla; otra parte de la pantalla mostraba lo mismo pero en el universo de Disney, donde se podía ver a todos los jugadores convertidos en juguetes.

La transmisión de "Toy Story" no estuvo en la pantalla principal todo el tiempo, al parecer la alternaban en diferentes momentos del partido, como en las repeticiones y momentos destacados, etc.

Fue bastante impresionante verlo, y las reacciones en línea ciertamente lo reflejaron. La gente quedó bastante cautivada por la tecnología, sin mencionar a todos los demás personajes de "Toy Story" incorporados en el fondo y en las líneas laterales.

Dicho esto, la nueva característica no estuvo libre de problemas; hubo momentos en los que "Toy Story" se trababa o no regresaba a la acción a tiempo, lo que molestó a algunos.

Aun así, hubo más cosas positivas que negativas y considerando cuánto se habló del tema de "Toy Story", casi se puede garantizar que la NFL intentará hacerlo de nuevo en un futuro cercano.

Por cierto, esta no es la primera vez que la liga hace algo así, en el pasado se asociaron con Nickelodeon y superpusieron imágenes de realidad aumentada en partes del juego, incluyendo momentos "slime" después de los touchdowns.

Es bastante llamativo, pero la idea general (aparentemente) es involucrar a los niños en el fútbol americano desde una edad temprana. Nunca es demasiado pronto para atraer a un nuevo espectador, suponemos. 😅

NFL 'Toy Story' Team-Up ... Simultaneous Animated Game!!!

The NFL got animated this weekend -- the shield teamed up with none other than Disney to broadcast a simultaneous version of a game that saw everybody reimagined as a toy.

Of course, we're referring to the Jags facing off against the Falcons in London ... the kickoff for which was super early. That doesn't mean Disney/ESPN wasn't ready with their big "Toy Story" skin, though -- as soon as the game started, their own cartoon stream was live.

It's exactly how it sounds ... basically, while the real game was playing out on everyone's TV, a different part of the screen was showing Disney's carbon copy universe -- where all the players were turned into toys and their on-field play was translating moment-for-moment.

The "Toy Story" stream wasn't on the main screen the entire time -- it sounds like they cut away to it during different parts of the match ... including replays/highlights, etc.

It was pretty cool to see, and the reactions online certainly reflected that ... as people were somewhat mesmerized by the technology -- not to mention all the other "Toy Story" characters being incorporated into the background and on the sidelines.

With that said, the new feature wasn't without its issues -- there were moments when the "Toy Story" would glitch up and/or not cut back to the main action in time ... and it PO'd some.

Still, it was way more good than bad ... and considering how much the "Toy Story" stuff got talked about, you can almost guarantee the NFL will try doing this again in the near future.

BTW, this isn't the first time the league has done something like this ... they've partnered with Nickelodeon in the past and had AR visuals superimposed over portions of the game -- including "slime" moments after touchdowns.

It's pretty gimmicky, but the whole idea (apparently) is to get kids more into football at a young age. Never too young to draw in a new viewer, we suppose. 😅

Jake On 'Hannah Montana' 'Memba Him?!

American actor and singer Cody Linley was 16 years old when he first started playing the role of Jake Ryan -- the famous actor who is a heartthrob to all the girls and one of Miley's love interests -- on Disney's "Hannah Montana" back in 2006.

Cody was cast alongside Miley Cyrus, who was living a double-life as Miley the teenage girl and also the teenage popstar, Hannah Montana, Emily Osment as Hannah's silly best friend and skateboarding aficionado, Lilly and Jason Earles as Miley's older brother who loves to give her a hard time, Jackson.

Guess what he looks like now!

Jake On De 'Hannah Montana' ¿Se acuerdan de él?

El actor y cantante estadounidense Cody Linley tenía 16 años cuando empezó a interpretar el papel de Jake Ryan, el famoso actor que es un rompecorazones para todas las chicas y uno de los intereses amorosos de Miley en la serie de Disney "Hannah Montana", de 2006.

Cody formaba parte del reparto junto a Miley Cyrus, quien tenía una doble vida como Miley la adolescente y también la estrella del pop juvenil, Hannah Montana, Emily Osment como la tonta mejor amiga de Hannah y aficionada al monopatín, Lilly y Jason Earles como el hermano mayor de Miley al que le encantaba hacerle pasar malos ratos, Jackson.

Adivina qué aspecto tiene ahora.

ARIANA GRANDE Y ETHAN SLATER CITA noctuna EN DISNEYLANDia En medio de sus divorcios

Ariana Grande y Ethan Slater finalmente están saliendo juntos y eligieron el lugar más feliz del mundo para tener una cita.

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cita en disney

En las fotos y vídeos que acaban de salir a la luz, los tortolitos fueron vistos paseando del brazo el viernes por la noche por el parque temático de Anaheim, California. Ambos trataron de ir de incógnito —con sombreros y sudaderas con capucha— pero eso no impidió que los fans notaran a la pareja.

Una fuente cercana a Ariana nos dice que ella y Ethan fueron al parque con un grupo de amigos, incluyendo a su madre y su hermano. Nos dicen que Ariana y Ethan son muy felices juntos y muy buenos el uno con el otro.

Por cierto, el grupo tuvo pases VIP durante su día en Disney, con un guía turístico privado para llevarlos de atracción en atracción y evitar las molestas filas.

TMZ publicó la historia; Ariana solicitó el divorcio a principios de este mes de su marido —Dalton Gómez— después de 2 años de matrimonio citando "diferencias irreconciliables." Los dos tienen un acuerdo prenupcial.

En julio, Ethan también solicitó el divorcio de su amor de la secundaria y esposa de 5 años, Lilly Jay, pero no ha revelado lo que causó la separación.

Ariana Grande & Ethan Slater Date Night at Disney World Amid Ongoing Divorces

Ariana Grande and Ethan Slater are finally stepping out together, and chose the happiest place on Earth to show face, having an intimate date night at Walt Disney World.

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In newly surfaced pics and videos, the lovebirds were spotted strolling arm and arm Friday night through the theme park in Orlando, Florida. Both tried to go incognito, with hats and hoodies, but that didn't stop fans from noticing the couple.

A source close to Ariana tells us she and Ethan hit the park with a group of friends -- including her mom and brother. We're told Ariana and Ethan are really happy together and really good for each other and all of her friends love him.

BTW ... the group got the VIP treatment for their day at Disney, with a private tour guide to take them from ride to ride and avoid some of those pesky lines.

TMZ broke the story, Ariana filed for divorce earlier this month from her husband, Dalton Gomez, after 2 years of marriage, citing "irreconcilable differences." The two have a prenup.

In July, Ethan also filed for divorce from his high school sweetheart and wife of 5 years, Lilly Jay, but hasn't revealed what caused the split.

Do you think Ethan Slater and Ariana Grande's relationship will last until the end of the year? Vote below.

Ashley Tisdale Sued Over H'wood Car Accident ... I'm in The Hole b/c Of You!!!

Ashley Tisdale is getting dragged into court over a car crash she allegedly caused ... but her team is calling BS.

According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ, a woman named Lina Gonzales is suing the actress for injuries she claims she suffered from the accident that occurred in September of last year. As a result of the crash, Lina alleges she's suffered wage loss, medical expenses ... and, interestingly, loss of love and protection -- now seeking damages from a judge.

Her attorney, Michael R. Parker, tells TMZ ... the accident went down as Lina was driving on Hollywood Blvd., waiting for her turn to make a left in the left turn lane. However, while waiting, he alleges Ashley changed lanes and collided with Lina's car.

According to Parker, it didn't end there ... he says Lina told him Ashley made a big fuss about the situation and even allegedly called her names.

Lina's attorney says the accident caused her severe neck and back injuries ... and to make matters worse, she's facing roughly $140k in medical expenses. Parker says he made a demand $600k to Tisdale ... but it was rejected, hence this new lawsuit.

A rep for Ashley Tisdale tells TMZ  ... there was no aggressiveness or words exchanged from Ashley following the crash -- adding, after the accident, the 2 exchanged info and moved on.

'Hannah Montana' Star Mitchel Musso Arrested ... Public Drunkenness, Theft, And More

Mitchel Musso -- famous for playing Oliver Oken on "Hannah Montana" -- was arrested this weekend in Texas, and according to cops ... it was all that and a bag of chips.

The ex-Disney star got hauled off to jail Saturday evening in Rockwall, TX -- this after officers say they responded to a call for service at a nearby hotel, where folks were claiming Musso had been acting belligerent ... and where he allegedly stole an item from the food market.

That item, per police ... a snack of the potato variety. Rockwall PD tells TMZ that when staffers demanded he pay for it, Musso allegedly became verbally abusive ... and walked off.

Cops arrived and they found Musso outside the hotel ... where they determined he was allegedly under the influence. In addition to this ... Rockwall PD says they discovered a ton of outstanding traffic warrants in his name -- so, they cuffed him and took him into custody.

Musso is facing a few different charges ... public intoxication, theft (under $100), expired registration, failure to display a driver's license, and violating a promise to appear notice.

We're told he's being released right now on a $1,000 bond. Of course, he posed for a mug shot too while he was in there ... which looks pretty gloomy, to say the least.

The guy had quite a successful career over at Disney Channel from the mid-2000s through the mid-2010s. In addition to his "Hannah Montana" fame ... he also starred in shows like "Phineas and Ferb," "Pair of Kings" and "PrankStars."

Celebrity Scramble Guess Who!

Hidden behind this mashed-up image is a singer and actress who was born in New Mexico, grew up in Dallas, Texas and turned into a child star in the early 2000s! Don't let the swirled eyebrows get in your way from guessing this A-lister!

From "Camp Rock" to "Confident," there's no denying she's got skills for days! And when she's not belting it out, you can catch her sharing her latest tats and hairstyles ... today, she's celebrating her 31st birthday, and she's "Sorry Not Sorry" about it!

Can you unscramble the altered pic and guess the celeb?!

Christina Aguilera Cruisin' Disney in a Wheelchair For Daughter's Bday Bash

Christina Aguilera traded in her walking shoes for a set o' wheels at Disneyland ... celebrating her daughter's birthday while also giving her feet and legs a rest.

The singer -- and former "Mickey Mouse Club" member -- took to the Happiest Place on Earth Wednesday, donning matching tie-dye shirts with her partner, Matthew Rutler, and some pals for Summer Rain's 9th birthday.

Her group was escorted by a private tour guide, getting front-of-the-line access to rides like Alice in Wonderland ... but while the rest of her crew was walking around the park, Christina remained seated on a motorized scooter.

Disney normally rents the transports out to guests, and a source close to Christina tells us the singer needed it because she's currently nursing a minor knee injury.

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It's nothing too serious, but we're told she's trying to rest it to make sure it doesn't get worse.

She didn't let it crush her Disney groove, though ... Christina was still able to have a blast celebrating her daughter's big day. Oh, and it looks like gettin' splashed on The Matterhorn gave her a little shock -- but hey, you may get wet!

Rachel Zegler 'Hating' on 'Snow White' ... Compared to Halle's ❤️ of Ariel

Rachel Zegler has shown what many are calling a deep disdain for the story of 'Snow White' -- morphing one controversy into a new one ... and now, Halle Bailey's getting dragged in.

Here's the deal ... we already know folks have been outraged about the forthcoming Disney reimagining for months now, whether it's because of Zegler's race ... or 'cause they didn't cast many "dwarfs." On all fronts, the live-action remake has been called "woke" by some.

Now, a new anger is taking shape this weekend ... and it all has to do with resurfaced press remarks Zegler made back in September (almost a year ago) while promoting the film, alongside her costar Gal Gadot. No, not the blue carpet Variety interview ... the EW one.

In this Q&A -- which, again, is several months old at this point -- Zegler confesses to having only seen the OG 'Snow White' once as a child ... and not liking it because she thought it was scary. She says she never watched it again -- at least, not until she was cast.

After seeing it anew ... it sounds like Zegler was turned off by what she saw -- the way she's described the cartoon, it comes across as dated and, perhaps, even regressive for women ... that's certainly how Zegler views it anyway, and she's made that clear in fierce terms.

The problem ... it seems her attitude toward the old 'Snow White' -- kinda bashing it -- has turned a lot of people off ... and not just conservatives either! There are a good handful of (seemingly) normal women who are speaking up and rolling their eyes over Zegler's take.

Waiting for your permission to load TikTok Post.

As one user put it ... some of the elements of the 1937 film (not to mention the original German fairy tale) are still appealing to certain women, even today. As you can see above, she laments the "girl boss" trend that some feel is being pushed by Hollywood these days. In short, this woman argues that some ladies still wanna be saved by Prince Charming. 😆

Enter Halle Bailey ... press interviews she was doing last year in the lead-up to 'Little Mermaid' are also being resurfaced right now, and they're being compared to Zegler's clips.

There are a lot of interviews Halle did at the time where she's talked about how much she loved "The Little Mermaid" growing up ... and how much influence Ariel, specifically, had on her as a Disney princess. Basically, Halle was a big fan of the IP and sounded grateful to give her own portrayal -- which, by and large, has been praised ... despite the loud haters.

The point of all this is that a question is now being rhetorically asked of Zegler ... if you hated the movie and the character of 'Snow White,' why sign on for this role at all?

She's recently said she wants nothing to do with all the chatter that's taken shape, but she'll undoubtedly do more press as the movie release date nears -- so we'll what she says then.

The rebooted, live-action "Snow White" is set to come out sometime in the spring.

'Star Wars' 'E.T.' Producers List Malibu Estate ... $18.5 Million Price Tag!!!

Two of the people behind some of biggest movies in history are selling their Malibu estate ... and the place looks like heaven on earth.

Legendary Hollywood filmmakers Frank Marshall and Kathleen Kennedy just put their 4-bedroom pad on the market for $18.5 million ... and it's the house 'Star Wars' and 'Indiana Jones' built.

Nearly every room in the 3,989-square-foot-home boasts beach and ocean views, including the primary suite, which features its own fireplace and a spa-style bathroom, plus a walk-in closet.

Anthony Barcelo

The estate has all the bells and whistles ... an infinity pool, fire pit, outdoor BBQ and dining area, as well as an outdoor shower.

The chef's kitchen has a center island, full bar, mini bar and a fireplace ... and there's a third fireplace in the living room, which has vaulted ceilings and glass walls opening out to the Pacific.

Whoever buys the home will also get membership to the super exclusive La Costa Beach and Tennis Club, which is just down the block in Carbon Beach.

Kathleen, the president of Lucasfilm, and Frank, who runs the couple's production company Kennedy/Marshall, bought the 2.2-acre property back in March 2015 for $9.75 million ... and homes like these don't hit the market often.

During their illustrious careers in Hollywood, Kathleen and Frank have produced the new 'Star Wars' movies plus the 'Jason Bourne' franchise, as well as timeless classics like "Back To The Future" and "E.T." plus "Jurassic Park" and "Jurassic World."

Stan Richman from Compass holds the listing.

Guess Who These Sweet Sisters Turned Into!

Before these two loving sisters were famous singers and actresses, they were just looking after each other in Tennessee with their 4 other siblings, bringing their dreams to fruition ... and securing their spot in Hollywood!

These famous siblings come from a talented lineage ... like their father whose known for his long locks and songs like "Achy Breaky Heart!" And with both of these sisters on their own paths and journeys, they've also worked together on several occasions ... acting side by side on a hit Disney show, and singing a duet to Dolly Parton's "Jolene"!

Can you guess who they are?

Logan Paul I Feared Jake Would Kill Himself ... Over Internet Hate

Logan Paul says he was terrified his brother, Jake, would end his life over the incessant hate he got on the internet early in his career ... admitting he and his father were "both legitimately concerned" he was going to die by suicide.

The older Paul bro detailed his fear in the new Netflix doc, "Untold: Jake Paul the Problem Child" ... where he explained the backlash Jake faced after a multitude of controversies had him at an all-time low.

"I mean, both my dad and I felt worried for my brother's life," Logan said. "Jake's always been pretty emotionally unpredictable, and volatile."

"There was a point where we were both legitimately concerned that Jake was going to kill himself."

Jake was low-hanging fruit for internet trolls during the start of his YouTube fame ... getting backlash for wild pranks and outrageous stunts that led to pissed off neighbors and losing his role on Disney's "Bizaardvark," as well as lucrative endorsement deals.

"It was easy to rip me apart," Jake said. "It became a thing to hate Jake Paul."

"It's not easy to be hated by the whole entire world and it creates a very dark mental place."

But Jake found a new purpose through boxing ... which has led to increased popularity and respect from legends in the sport like Mike Tyson.

Jake has since racked up wins over former UFC stars like Ben Askren, Tyron Woodley and Anderson Silva ... and will enter the ring against Nate Diaz this weekend, where he looks to bounce back from the first loss of his career.

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Disney's 'Haunted Mansion' Big Bomb At the Box Office ... 'Barbie' Keeps Flying High

Disney has another dud on their hands -- this time, it's "The Haunted Mansion" ... which paled in comparison to last week's big hits, including "Barbie" -- who reigns supreme again.

The Mouse House's latest offering -- featuring a star-studded cast, including the likes of Lakeith Stanfield, Rosario Dawson, Owen Wilson, Tiffany Haddish and others -- got off to a bad start this weekend ... having only generated $24.6 million in North America markets.

Overseas, it did even worse -- raking in only $9.1 mil, meaning worldwide ... it's got about $33 million to its name so far. The problem, the film's budget was $150 mil -- plus tens of millions that Disney reported spent to market the movie. So, yeah ... way down in the red.

"Haunted Mansion's" poor performance at the box office is emblematic of how its premiere felt ... very empty/soulless. Granted that was SAG strike related, but still -- they run parallel.

It ain't the only Disney flick of late to disappoint. The new 'Indiana Jones' didn't do so hot either -- although, their other films have done somewhat decently big picture this year. It's a mixed bag ... but it's certainly nowhere near where Bog Iger would like to see the numbers.

Elsewhere in movie land ... "Barbie" cleaned up for the 2nd week in a row. Margot Robbie and co. still had momentum from just 7 days ago, with a massive $93 million haul domestically. Mind you, that's in addition to the $162 mil from the opening weekend. And don't get us started on the international numbers ... at this point. "Barbie" has made over $750M.

"Oppenheimer," too, is riding a second wave of success. It clawed an extra $46.6 million from ticket holders this weekend ... bringing its final domestic tally to $174 million. Not half bad!

It remains to be seen whether the 'Barbenheimer' phenomenon was a fluke or if it's a trend for features to come. On its face, this feels like a viral marketing thing that took a life of its own ... morphing into an event for people. Hard to tell if folks will get as excited for others.

Page Kennedy H'Wood Royalties Don't Pay the Bills ... Look at These Dinky Checks!!!


Page Kennedy is feeling the burn of the ongoing SAG-AFTRA strike ... not only putting a damper on his upcoming summer blockbuster, but also reminding him how crappy royalty checks are!!!

TMZ Hip Hop caught up with Page, who says he's in shambles over the strike, which is affecting his upcoming film with Jason Statham "Meg 2: The Trench" ... a real bummer because he says he almost drowned filming the project.

Page reprised his role as "DJ" from the first 'Meg' thriller, but tells us he wasn't fully prepared to film scenes in the ocean -- at one point, he swallowed more water than his gills could handle. Luckily, the crew was able to usher him to safety.

The veteran actor/rapper has dozens of film credits under his belt, but echoed the sentiments of many actors who say their ever-shrinking residuals aren't cutting it -- and he even showed us some of his checks to drive home that point.


For example, his one-episode appearance on FX's popular Western drama "Justified" paid him $123 ... while his time on the short-lived FOX series "Backstrom" just netted him $59.

It might not be a get-rich-quick option, but Page says his love for acting is still there ... even if he feels execs like Disney CEO Bob Iger wear their greed on their sleeves!!!

He's also in the trenches with the picketers every day, and is back in his rapper bag with a new album, "A Book of Pages," slated for an August 4 wide release.

The music industry is currently raging against low payouts in the streaming era similar to their TV/film comrades ... a clear reason Page says you should buy his music instead of Drake's!!!

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