Miley's Music Video Hannah Montana Is Officially Dead


Miley Cyrus' new "We Can't Stop" music video features twerking, girl-on-girl, girl-on-doll, furries -- y'know standard freak show stuff ... and the official death knell for her old Disney persona.

Oh, and it's also ... awesome!

Amanda Bynes Pretty, Pretty Princess Wigs

Amanda Bynes has a serious addiction and TMZ has learned she just got herself another fix -- no, we don't mean drugs ... we're talking WIGS.

Bynes recently placed an order from Couture Princess Wigs for three Disney-inspired wigs -- one Cinderalla, one Barbie, and one Belle. She placed the order the day of her arrest and three wigs cost her a total of $830.00 (that includes shipping).

Bynes and her wigs have become infamous since her arrest, with Bynes tweeting after her court date, "I need Nicki Minaj’s wig person stat!"

Speling Bee Champ I'm Going To DISNEY WORLD!!!

It's bigger than the Super Bowl ... so it makes total sense that the 13-year-old winner of the Scripps National Spelling Bee plans to celebrate his victory by going to Disney World.

Arvind Mahankali won the competition last night on live TV -- correctly spelling the word "knaidel" (look it up) -- and his father tells TMZ, Disney World was Arvind's one request after he was crowned champion.

Arvind's dad says the family is planning to go during the summer -- and Arvind says he desperately wants a photo with Mickey Mouse.

Arvind tells us, "[Mickey is] really the only Disney character I know of." (Seriously, the kid can spell "knaidel" ... but he can't remember Goofy?)

As for the people saying Arvind didn't look too excited when he won -- Arvind tells us, he WAS excited ... it just took him a while for the reality to set in.

And the $30,000 prize? Arvind's dad says it's going straight into his college fund ... Harvard or MIT, naturally.

Disney Settles Ass Slap Lawsuit

Disney just agreed to a self-spanking by writing a big fat check to a woman who claimed a Mouse employee relentlessly slapped her butt during a taping.

TMZ broke the story ... Kellie Rodriguez filed a lawsuit back in January ... alleging warm-up guy Ron Pearson was entertaining the audience during a taping of the Disney Channel's "Good Luck Charlie" ... when he repeatedly spanked her on the ass ... then kissed her on the mouth in front of her kids.

Sources connected to the case tell TMZ ... ABC Cable Networks paid Kellie somewhere between $20-30K to make the case go away.

And get this ... we're told Pearson is still doing warm up for Disney -- for "Good Luck Charlie" no less!

No word on whether he's been ordered to keep his hands holstered.

Backstreet Boys CHRISTMAS FRAUD in November


It's barely November ... but the Backstreet Boys are already pretending it's Christmas time.

The entire band -- even Kevin -- threw on their obligatory ugly winter outfits for a performance of their new Christmas song at Disneyland this weekend ... sparkly sweater, checkered jacket, scarf, etc.

For the record, it was 94 DEGREES in Anaheim yesterday.

We're told the performance was pre-recorded for an upcoming Xmas special.

Nothing says Christmas like a base tan.

It's a Small VIP World For the Kardashians

Escorted by security and a tour guide, Kim, Kourtney and Rob Kardashian along with Scott Disick, little Mason, momager Kris Jenner and youngest sisters Kylie and Kendall Jenner enjoyed a VIP excursion on Disneyland's It's a Small World ride on Tuesday.

The Kardashians really do live in one big fantasyland.

The Rock Smuggles Guns Onto Splash Mountain

The Rock is afraid of no drop ... even one that leads into a briar patch.

Dwayne Johnson posted this pic on his Facebook page after a recent trip to Disneyland.

Apparently, the guy riding in the back of the log wasn't feeling quite as tough that day.

Selena Gomez Worth Millions at 17


not Miley Cyrus money, but fellow Disney starlet Selena Gomez still pulls in some serious cash.

TMZ has obtained a minor contract filed in Los Angeles Superior Court last month for Gomez's work on the live action adaption of "Ramona" -- and she's netting $65,000 for the flick.

According to the docs, if the movie gets huge box office numbers, Fox Pictures has to fork over more cash -- Selena could collect anywhere from $250,000 to $1 million extra depending on how much it makes over the cost of production.

In Gomez's deal, Fox has the opportunity to make two more movies with her -- in which she would collect $1 million for the first one and $2.5 million for the second.

FYI -- She's also got a full-time TV gig on "Wizards of Waverly Place" and a music career, so this is only a piece of the multi-million dollar pie.

Miley's Handlers Hijack Radio Show Take 2

It's time for Round 2 of Miley Cyrus' PR bulldogs vs radio DJs -- and this time, one of her handlers actually jumped in on the conversation in order to redirect the line of questioning.

Miley was on with Chet Buchanan and the Morning Zoo on 98.5 KLUC in Vegas today, when they strayed from the pre-approved topics and asked how much control Cyrus has over her bank account. Great question, right?


The voice that answered was not Hannah Montana's -- and the DJ's response couldn't have been more perfect.

Disney Bounces Their Boob Screeners

If you happen to be an exhibitionist, the Happiest Place on Earth just got a little happier -- 'cause Disney is dropping their last line of defense against roller-coaster boobie flashers.

It's all over rides like Splash Mountain -- aka Flash Mountain -- where some people would whip out certain body parts in the hopes that the park camera would catch the nudity ... and then display the naked shot on the photo preview screens for all to see.

Disney had created "image screening positions" to prevent the XXX shots from going public. But now, execs have told the OC Register the screeners have been "redeployed" -- and that they no longer need to monitor the rides because "actual inappropriate behaviors by guests are rare."

But before you run out and bare all, Disney claims they're still going to patrol the park for flashers ... and anyone who tries to turn the place into their own adult Fantasyland will still get a taste of Mickey's size 24.

For the record, Donald still doesn't wear pants.

Disney Kills Lawsuit Claims

A Burbank family is suing the Walt Disney Company, claiming toxins from its Burbank headquarters contaminated the surrounding community, resulting in death.

Dennis Jackson claims Disney's air conditioning system contained contaminated wastewater laden with toxic chemicals that migrated into nearby residential areas and even contaminated drinking water.

The lawsuit, filed today in L.A. County Superior Court, claims Louise Jackson, who lived with her family in the neighborhood, died as a result of the pollutants. The suit claims residents now live in "terror of emissions."

The suit says Disney has been using the same cooling system since 1957.

Disney Pirate Discovers Multiple Pleasure Chests?

A pirate's days of raping and pillaging are over -- now all a pirate needs to do to get some booty is say "Yo" to a ho.

A former Disneyland employee claims the Mouse House fired four different Captain Jack Sparrow impersonators after the character's sexy pirate persona evoked wench-like behavior from a couple of landlubbers. In other words, some female Disney guests were flashing their teacups.

A Disney spokesperson called the claims "absolutely false," saying the swashbucklers were sent walkin' the plank because their character had become less popular -- not because fake pirates are to theme-park-goers what a Joe Francis camera crew is to Mardis Gras.

Arrrrrren't you wishing you looked like Johnny Depp?

Mr. Toad's Wild Meth Ride

The girl who played Hilary Duff's BFF on the hit show "Lizzie McGuire" pled guilty to possession of crystal meth last year -- but managed to keep the whole thing under wraps.

Lalaine Vergara Paras, who played Miranda Sanchez on the Disney Channel show, was popped back in July and charged with felony possession of methamphetamine. But before the plea there was lots of drama. Paras was a no-show for a court appearance and the judge issued a $50,000 bench warrant for her arrest -- but it was recalled when she showed up in February.

Paras pled guilty to the crystal meth charge, but her record will be expunged when she completes a drug-treatment program. She's enrolled in the Asian American Drug Abuse Program.

Calls to Lalaine's reps were not returned.