Kim Kardashian More Popular Than Bianca Search-Wise ... Despite 'It Girl' Status

Kim Kardashian might feel like an also-ran these days in comparison to Bianca Censori -- who's the "it" girl right now -- but in terms of who's getting searched more ... it's the OG.

We were curious which of these ladies people were flocking to their computer screens to see more of these days -- figuring it might be BC because of all these wild outfits and style choices she's been flaunting lately with Kanye West -- but as turns out ... we were wrong.

According to some basic Google Trends data ... it would appear Kim K is actually the one who's been searched more on the platform over the past 90 days -- a period in which Bianca's popularity, visibility, and mainstream appeal has unquestionably soared.

Take a look at this chart for yourself to see the results -- it shows that Kim (in red) has had more consistent and more prevalent searches dating back to Dec. 19 ... and while Bianca has had lots of peaks over the past few months, Kim's beating her more often than not.

The data also shows how the searches between these ladies -- with their full name being the key terms in question -- break down across the entire U.S. ... and KK tops BC in all but 1.

Looks like the state of Wyoming has had more "Bianca Censori" Google searches than "Kim Kardashian" in the past 90 days ... which is a bit random. But hey, they like what they like!

Then again ... Kanye did have a whole ass ranch out there, so maybe it's just Ye love.

In any case, there's no question that Kim's more popular than Bianca as far as Google's concerned -- but even for a tool like Semrush (which specializes in keyword research and analysis, and which we have access to) Kim takes the cake there as well ... kinda handily.

We ran their respective first and last names on that as well -- and Semrush crapped out some interesting insights ... namely, over a 12-month period, Kim has a monthly average of 1 million searches for her name ... whereas Bianca clocks in at 673k in the same window.

The Semrush breakdown also notes Kim's name is one of the most challenging keywords to compete for online -- pegged at 100% difficulty, while Bianca sits at 53% currently.

Kim's average searches -- again, just for their first and last names together, as a unit -- are much more flush and level over a 12-month span in terms of trending ability ... and Bianca's searches are more up and down, with very high highs and low lows. So, more scattered.

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Instagram / @djpharris

Point is ... it would appear Kim's years of branding and name recognition are paying off when it comes to what people are looking up online as it pertains to her and Bianca -- which we suppose makes sense, since she's a legacy celeb and has been around for ages now.

Bianca, on the other hand, is fairly new to the Hollywood scene ... so her numbers are pretty impressive considering where she came from -- relative obscurity, that is.

While Kim might still be the Queen of Google and online searches, it would appear -- at least on the face of things -- that Bianca is still the people's champ right now. Room for both!

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Ariana Grande Oficialmente divorciada de Dalton Gomez

Ariana Grande y Dalton Gomez están oficialmente divorciados, pues un juez acaba de poner su firma sobre el documento, según ha confirmado TMZ.

El martes, el matrimonio de la estrella del pop con Dalton llegó a su fin en los registros, aunque el acuerdo entre ellos había entrado previamente en vigor y los había desvinculado legalmente, poniendo fin a su matrimonio de casi tres años, de acuerdo con documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ.

No era mucho lo que tenían que hacer desde que habían firmado, sellado y entregado los documentos, solo esperar que la burocracia hiciera su trabajo.

Como informamos, Ariana presentó la solicitud para disolver su matrimonio en septiembre de 2023, después de que la ex pareja se separara ocho meses antes. Alrededor de un mes más tarde, ella y Dalton habían resuelto uno de los divorcios más rápidos de celebridades en el último tiempo. La pareja tenía un acuerdo prenupcial y no tenía hijos.

Fuimos los primeros en contarles la noticia de su acuerdo. Ariana tuvo que desembolsar la suma de $1,250,000 a Dalton y dividir la venta de su casa de Los Ángeles. Ella también le entregará $25.000 por los honorarios de sus abogados.

Se pueden acordar que Ariana se enganchó con Dalton durante la pandemia del COVID en 2020, y al principio todo iba de maravilla. Pero una vez que se levantaron las restricciones, su relación rápidamente se fue cuesta abajo, ya que Dalton, un agente inmobiliario de Los Ángeles, quedó sorprendido con la fama de Ariana y otros cambios en su estilo de vida. Además, ella volvió a estar ocupada como estrella de la lista A.

Después de separarse, Ariana empezó a salir con el actor Ethan Slater en julio de 2023 y parece que siguen viento en popa. El propio Dalton también ha dado vuelta la página... así que ya está.

Ariana Grande Officially Divorced From Dalton Gomez

Ariana Grande and Dalton Gomez are officially divorced ... something a judge just signed off on this week, TMZ has confirmed.

On Tuesday, the pop star's marriage to Dalton came to an end in the books -- with their previously agreed-to settlement taking effect ... and making them unattached legally, ending their nearly three-year marriage, according to legal docs obtained by TMZ.

There wasn't much they needed to do other than wait for this one -- it'd already been signed, sealed and delivered for a while ... the wheels of bureaucracy just had to take effect.

As we reported ... Ariana filed to dissolve their marriage in September 2023 after the former couple separated eight months earlier. About a month later, she and Dalton had settled up -- one of the fastest celebrity divorces on record. The pair had a prenup and no kids.

We broke the story -- per their agreement of their settlement, Ariana had to cough up a single lump sum payment of $1,250,000 to Dalton and split the sale of their L.A. home. She will also throw Dalton $25,000 for his lawyers’ fees.

You may recall ... Ariana hooked up with Dalton during COVID in 2020 – and, at first, everything was going swimmingly. But, once the COVID restrictions were lifted, their relationship quickly went downhill as Dalton, an L.A. realtor, was taken aback by Ariana's celebrity and other lifestyle changes. Plus, she got busy again as an A-list star.

After they separated, Ariana started dating actor Ethan Slater in July 2023 and the couple appears to be still going strong. Dalton himself has also moved on ... so that's that.

Sophie Turner Reactivates Divorce with Joe ... Still Amicably Talking


7:16 AM PT -- Joe's rep tells TMZ, "The filing was a legal formality, and the couple continues to negotiate an amicable resolution."

Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas have failed to hash out a settlement in their divorce, so now she's filed legal docs asking the judge to lay down the law and end the marriage.

Sophie's docs, obtained by TMZ, ask to "reactivate" the divorce proceedings, which were put on hold as the former couple went to mediation to work out a property and child custody settlement.

Apparently, those discussions broke down, so she's asking the judge to hear the case and impose a court-ordered settlement.

They went to mediation in part to keep their disputes private ... but that won't be the case now that she's asked to have a judge take it on ... all the filings -- outlining their disputes -- will now be public.

As we reported, Joe and Sophie had significant disagreements on where the children would live full-time ... she wanted to take them to the UK -- Joe wanted to keep them in the U.S. It got so bad, Sophie filed legal docs involving a child abduction law, but she dropped it.

It seems they're still at loggerheads over custody. They had a prenup, so property is probably not a big issue.

Joe and Sophie reached a temporary child custody arrangement, but it seems they've been unable to hash out a permanent one.

Both Joe and Sophie have moved on romantically ... he's with Stormi Bree, she's with Perry Pearson.

So it's game on ... again.

Originally Published -- 4:39 PM PT

CHRIS APPLETON BEACH DATE With New Fling ... Splash Around in Ocean!!!

Chris Appleton and his new man are kicking things up a notch as we officially head into spring -- hitting the beach together and showing off their toned bods ... water included!

The newly-divorced celeb hairstylist and his hunky new fling, Federico, hit up the beach along Santa Monica Sunday -- ringing in St. Patrick's Day by soaking up some sun and losing their shirts in the process.

Chris and Federico got into the water as well ... and yeah, it was pretty hot to see. And as if the dip in the ocean wasn't refreshing enough ... Chris grabbed a popsicle from a vendor along the beach for him and his date.

TMZ broke the news ... Chris and Federico have recently linked up and are casually dating on the heels of CA's divorce with Lukas Gage.

Chris' heart found exactly what it needed in Federico – a refreshing change of pace after the whirlwind with his ex-hubby. And with his friends giving Federico the seal of approval, sounds like this new chapter is off to a promising start.

As we reported ... Chris called it quits with "The White Lotus" star in November, just 6 months after their quickie Vegas wedding at the Little White Chapel officiated by Kim Kardashian.

Chris listed "irreconcilable differences" as the reason for the split.

Chris Appleton Está saliendo con un graduado de Harvard Luego del divorcio...

Chris Appleton ha dado vuelta la página de su ex marido Lukas Gage, y ahora está saliendo con un nuevo novio que no tiene vínculos con Hollywood.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que el peluquero de celebridades, conocido por ser uno de los mejores amigos de Kim Kardashian, ahora está saliendo casualmente con un tipo normal, que resulta ser un bombón llamado Frederico.

Los dos fueron fotografiados por primera vez en público durante el fin de semana de los Oscar en el famoso Chateau Marmont de Los Ángeles.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que la pareja se llevó bien después de cruzar caminos a través de amigos en común hace aproximadamente un mes, y ahora están manteniendo las cosas relajadas y viendo hacia dónde los lleva, más o menos como todo el mundo cuando está saliendo con alguien nuevo.

Nos dice que después de la separación de Lukas, Chris estaba abierto a probar algo completamente diferente y es un cambio bienvenido que no esté saliendo con alguien de Hollywood.

Aunque no está claro en qué campo trabaja Frederico, es un sabelotodo, pues nos dicen que es un graduado de Harvard, así que pueden asumir que tiene una carrera bastante sólida por delante.

¡Chris definitivamente se siente bien en esta nueva etapa y parece que Frederico está encajando bien con su círculo! Nos dicen que incluso se reunió con algunos de los amigos de Chris, que le están dando su pulgar de aprobación.

Como ya informamos, Chris puso fin a su relación con Lukas en noviembre, solo 6 meses después de su rápida boda en Las Vegas en la Little White Chapel oficiada por Kim K. Chris alegó "diferencias irreconciliables" como motivo de la ruptura. La pareja tenía un acuerdo prenupcial.

Disfrutando mi soltería!!!

Chris y Lukas están siguiendo con sus vidas después de la separación. Lukas se metió de lleno en Hinge en enero para encontrar un nuevo amor, aunque ahora dice que está muy bien disfrutando de sí mismo.

Todo es cuestión de amor propio, ¿verdad?


Chris Appleton has moved on from his ex-hubby Lukas Gage ... and is now dating a new guy who has no ties to Hollywood.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... the celeb hairdresser, known famously for having Kim Kardashian as his client/BFF, is now casually dating a regular dude -- who happens to be a bona fide hottie -- named Federico.

The two were first photographed in public together during Oscars weekend at L.A.'s famous Chateau Marmont.

Our sources tell us the pair hit it off after crossing paths through mutual friends about a month ago, and right now they're keeping things laid-back and just seeing where it takes them -- pretty much how everyone rolls when they're vibing with someone new.

We're told after Chris' split from Lukas, he was open to something completely different and this is a welcomed change he’s not dating someone in the Hollywood scene.

While it's unclear exactly what field Federico works in, he's a smarty pants as we're told he's a graduate of Harvard ... so one can assume he has a pretty solid gig career-wise.

Chris is definitely feeling good about moving forward, and it sounds like Federico's fitting right in with his crew -- we're told he's even met some of Chris' pals, who are giving him a thumbs up!

As we reported ... Chris called it quits with Lukas in November, just 6 months after their quickie Vegas wedding at the Little White Chapel officiated by Kim K. Chris listed "irreconcilable differences" as the reason for the split. The couple did have a prenup.


Chris and Lukas are making moves post-split ... Lukas went all-in and hopped on Hinge in January to find new love -- but now he says he's all about dating himself.

It's all about self-love, right?

Kim Kardashian Vuelve a la órbita de Bianca... Para apoyar los sueños de North

Kim Kardashian y Bianca Censori volvieron a encontrarse esta semana, ya que ambas fueron al set Rolling Loud de Kanye West, donde participó la joven North.

La familia Kardashian-West se veía muy cercana y relajada el jueves por la noche para la actuación de Ye y compañía en el festival de música de Los Ángeles, y North también estaba lista para hacer lo suyo en la canción "Talking" de "Vultures 1" junto a su padre.

Al igual que hace unos días en San Francisco, Kim estaba allí para apoyar a North. Llegó al evento en un SUV en el que iba de pasajero, similar a la forma en que llegó Bianca.

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Unidas por Kanye
Instagram / @djpharris

Por el momento no hay evidencia visual de que Kim haya estado con Bianca de la forma en que las vimos juntas el martes para la fiesta de escucha en San Francisco, en donde estuvieron prácticamente hombro con hombro, pero no hay duda de que estaban al alcance la una de la otra, ya que obviamente tenían acceso al backstage.

Hablando de North, sabemos que recibió tratamiento de A-Lister toda la noche, estrechando la mano de sus fans (sí, también adultos) con su séquito de amigos apoyándola.

Saludando a los fans

Hay otro video que muestra a North aparentemente haciendo una entrevista con alguien tras bambalinas y mientras ella responde a las preguntas, se puede ver a Kim observándola no muy lejos. Así que sí, Mama Oso está manteniendo un ojo vigilante sobre ella.

Miss Miss Westie

Obviamente, Ye está muy involucrado con North en este momento. Recientemente, ella anunció que está trabajando en su propio álbum ("Elementary School Dropout") y hemos escuchado que está trabajando duro en el estudio con Kanye guiándola. Parece que se lo están tomando muy en serio.

Es interesante que Kim siga apareciendo por su hija. Se pueden imaginar que debe sentir algo de conflicto con todo esto a causa de las muchas controversias de Kanye.

Pero a pesar de eso, está aquí apoyando a North, y al hacerlo, se codea con Bianca, que ahora es la madrastra de todos sus hijos con Ye. No hay ninguna señal de que haya mala sangre entre ellas. Ambas se ven muy civilizadas.

Una cosa que sabemos con certeza, sin embargo, es que Kim definitivamente no es tan audaz para vestirse como Bianca, y estamos seguros de que quiere que siga siendo así. Bianca ha estado luciendo algunos trajes bastante atrevidos últimamente.

En cualquier caso, Kim K y Bianca juntas se está convirtiendo en algo regular y con la aventura de North en la música, esta será probablemente su realidad en el futuro previsible.

¡Jueguen limpio, todo el mundo!

Kim Kardashian Back in Bianca's Orbit at RL ... Supporting North's Dreams

Kim Kardashian and Bianca Censori were once again in the same space -- as they both descended upon Kanye West's Rolling Loud set ... where young North was in the mix.

The Kardashian-West family was looking very blended and kumbaya Thursday evening, where Ye and co. were scheduled to perform at the L.A. music festival ... and where North was also set to do her thing for the 'Vultures' song she's on with her dad, called "Talking."

Just like a few days ago in San Francisco -- Kim was there for North ... rolling into the event in an SUV, where she was riding passenger ... similar to how Bianca arrived in her own car.

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Instagram / @djpharris

There's no visual evidence thus far that Kim was standing next to BC the way she was on Tuesday for the SF listening event -- where they were shoulder-to-shoulder -- but there's no doubt they were within reach of one another ... as they obviously had backstage access.

Speaking of North, she was getting the A-list treatment the whole night -- shaking hands with fans of hers (yes, including adults) with her entourage of friends behind her.


There's another video that shows North seemingly doing an interview with someone behind the scenes -- and as she's answering questions ... you can see Kim looking on not too far away. So yes, Mama Bear is keeping a watchful eye over her and Kanye's daughter.

Miss Miss Westie

Obviously, Ye himself is deeply invested in North right now -- she recently announced she has her own album coming out ("Elementary School Dropout") ... and we've heard she's hard at work in the studio with Kanye guiding her. Sounds like they're all taking it seriously.

It's interesting that Kim continues to show up for her daughter -- ya gotta figure she might feel somewhat conflicted over all this ... on account of Kanye's many controversies.

Despite that, however, she's out here backing up North -- and in doing so, she's rubbing shoulders with Bianca -- who's now the stepmother of all her children with Ye. There's no indication there's any bad blood between Kim and Bianca ... on its face, they're civil.

One thing we know for certain, though ... Kim definitely isn't as bold a dresser as Bianca -- and we're sure she wants to keep it that way. BC's been in some pretty wild outfits lately.

In any case ... KK and Bianca showing up near each other is becoming a regular thing -- and with North diving into music ... that's probably their reality for the foreseeable future.

Play nice, everybody!


Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann tienen que desembolsar aún más dinero en efectivo en medio de su divorcio, y esta vez, tienen que pagar para que vaya alguien a evaluar sus aptitudes como padres... TMZ ha indagado.

De acuerdo con nuevos documentos judiciales -obtenidos por TMZ- se le asignó una persona que los va a evaluar como padres, supervisándolos mientras comparten con sus 4 hijos menores de edad, Kroy Jr., Kash, y los gemelos Kaia y Kane.

013024_kim_zolciak_stolen_kal JANUARY 2024

Los servicios del evaluador consisten en entrevistar a Kim, Kroy y a sus hijos. Hacer visitas domiciliarias, observar al dúo y a sus pequeños y ver como transcurren las cosas en la escuela.

Además, el evaluador tiene el derecho -y la autoridad- para investigar todos los aspectos del caso. Esto significa que el profesional designado puede inspeccionar todos los registros, ya sea desde el Departamento de Familia y Servicios para Niños, la escuela de los niños, un hospital, los proveedores médicos, la policía, y más... básicamente cualquier cosa relacionada a Kim y Kroy.

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momentos de intensidad

El evaluador puede incluso hacer copias de los registros accedidos y no necesitan el permiso de Kroy o Kim para hacerlo... ninguna piedra se quedará sin remover aquí.

Como informamos, Kim y los niños de Kroy fueron arrastrados a su polémica ruptura cuando uno de ellos llamó a la policía en noviembre para ponerle fin a una acalorada discusión entre los padres. Esta fue la tercera vez que los oficiales fueron llamados a su casa de Georgia, la cual se enfrenta a la ejecución hipotecaria.

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no deja que me vaya

Este servicio no será barato para las estrellas de Bravo... cada uno tiene que pagar una sola vez $2.500 para el evaluador, por lo que son $5.000 en total. Recordemos que Kim y Kroy han tenido algunos problemas financieros notables los últimos tiempos y se han enfrentado a demandas por deudas de tarjetas de crédito sin pagar, etc.

No es demasiado dinero en todo caso, pero en la posición actual en la que están, cada centavo cuenta. En cuanto a este evaluador, el tribunal considera que esto es lo mejor para los niños.

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann Parental Fitness to be Evaluated ... And They Gotta Pay for It!!!

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann have to shell out even more cash amid their divorce -- this time, paying for someone to come by and see if they're good parents ... TMZ has learned.

According to new court documents, obtained by TMZ, the embattled exes were recently appointed a parent fitness evaluator who will monitor the on-and-off couple and their 4 minor children ... Kroy Jr., Kash, and twins Kaia and Kane.

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The evaluator's services include interviewing Kim, Kroy and their kids, home visits, observing the duo and their youngsters, potential school observation, and consulting with professionals who have worked with the family.

Plus, the evaluator has the right -- and the authority -- to investigate all aspects of the case. This means the appointed pro can inspect all records ... whether it be from the Department of Family and Children Services, the kids' school, a hospital, medical providers, the cops, and more -- any and everything related to Kim and Kroy's brood, basically.

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The evaluator can even make copies of the records accessed -- and they don't need Kroy or Kim's permission for any of it. Translation ... no stone will be left unturned here.

As we reported ... Kim and Kroy's kids were dragged into their contentious split when one of them called the police in November to break up a heated argument between the parents. This was the third time officers were called to their Georgia home -- which is facing foreclosure.

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This service will not come cheaply for the Bravo stars, BTW ... they each have to pay a one-time $2,500 for the evaluator -- so $5,000 total. Remember, Kim and Kroy have had some notable financial trouble of late -- and have faced lawsuits over unpaid credit card debt, etc.

Not too much cash when it's all said and done -- but during these hard times for them, every penny counts. As for this evaluator, the court clearly feels this is what's best for the kids.

AEW Stars CJ Perry & Miro Relationship Over ... After 7+ Years Of Marriage

CJ Perry and Miro have called it quits on their marriage 7+ years after tying the knot ... and unfortunately for the two wrestling stars, this isn't part of an AEW storyline.

TMZ Sports has learned the famous, now-former couple -- who also play a married couple in the ring -- broke up once and for all in winter 2023 ... after years of an on-again, off-again relationship.

The couple said their "I dos" in July 2016 ... a couple of years after they began dating.

We reached out to Perry, formerly known as Lana in WWE, who confirmed the split.

"Miro and I have made the difficult decision to separate after many wonderful years together,  and have decided to move on as friends, and hopefully onscreen characters somewhere down the road," CJ told us.

As for what went wrong, our sources say there wasn't an explosive fight or cheating ... they simply grew apart over the years.

In fact, we're told Perry and Miro, known as Rusev in World Wrestling Entertainment, remain friends and still plan to work together in the future.

It's likely music to the ears of the executives at All Elite Wrestling -- where both are employed -- as the wrestling stars have portrayed themselves as a married couple going back a decade to WWE, through present-day AEW.

CJ and Miro, a former AEW TNT and 3x WWE United States champion, were last photographed out together in public in late 2022... and it's been a couple of months since they've wrestled together on TV.

Neither Perry nor Miro have yet filed for divorce.

Miro moved back to Bulgaria shortly after the couple called it quits.

ARIANA GRANDE "¡DEJEN EN PAZ A DALTON!" Atacan a su ex por la letra de "Eternal Sunshine"

Ariana Grande dice que algunos de sus fans la están defraudando al atacar a su ex marido, Dalton Gomez, ya que creen que la engañó debido a la letra de su nueva canción, "Eternal Sunshine".

Ari publicó una demanda muy clara el sábado, diciendole a sus fans: "Solo quería decir que cualquier persona que le esté enviando mensajes de odio a la gente de mi vida sobre la base de su propia interpretación de este álbum, no me está apoyando y está haciendo absolutamente lo opuesto (y también está totalmente malinterpretando la intención detrás de mi música). Les pido que por favor no lo hagan".

La indignación de los fans comenzó a aumentar el viernes por la mañana cuando se estrenó la canción que da título a su nuevo álbum, "Eternal Sunshine".

La canción incluye un verso que dice: "Nunca he visto a alguien mentir como tú lo haces. Tanto, que incluso tú empiezas a pensar que es verdad. Así que ahora jugamos por separado. Ahora, ahora ella está en mi cama, mm-mm, acostada en tu pecho. Ahora estoy en mi cabeza, preguntándome cómo termina".

En otra línea, dice que "jugaron conmigo como un Atari", y que ha encontrado un "buen chico y está de mi lado"... una aparente referencia a su nuevo novio Ethan Slater.

Todo esto llevó a su legión de fans a atacar a Dalton en redes sociales, e incluso amenazarlo con comentarios como: "Dalton Gomez no volverás a tener un sueño tranquilo en esta vida, te lo prometo".

Otras reacciones intensas fueron: "DALTON GOMEZ TE QUEMARÁS EN EL INFIERNO", "meterte con ariana después de los peores años de su vida y hacerla sentir que por fin que había encontrado el amor verdadero y se estaba curando solo para engañarla y ser un marido horrible... dalton gomez te odio tanto".

Sí, muchos sentimientos. Demasiados, según la propia Ariana.

En su intento de calmar las cosas de una vez por todas, agregó: "No me están apoyando. Todo lo contrario. Aunque este álbum recoge un montón de momentos dolorosos, también está entretejido con una línea de amor profundo y sincero. Si no pueden oírlo, por favor, escuchen con más atención. Gracias".

Curiosamente, ella no dijo exactamente que la canción no es sobre Dalton, en cambio, su punto parece ser que eso fue lo que pasó y ahora están bien. Y tú también deberías estarlo.

TMZ publicó la historia, Ari y Dalton finalizaron su divorcio el año pasado, luego dos años de matrimonio. Se habían reunido durante la pandemia de COVID y nuestras fuentes dijeron que las cosas se vinieron abajo una vez que regresaron a sus horarios regulares.

También nos dijeron que la ruptura fue lo más amistosa posible, aunque "Eternal Sunshine" sugiere claramente que Ariana, que ahora sale con Ethan, tenía resentimientos.

La música puede ser catártica.

Ariana Grande Tells Fans, Leave Dalton Alone!!! Ex Attacked Over 'Eternal Sunshine' Lyrics

Ariana Grande says some of her fans are letting her down by attacking her ex-husband, Dalton Gomez ... who they think cheated on her due to the lyrics of her new song, "Eternal Sunshine."

Ari posted a very clear demand Saturday, telling fans ... "I just wanted to say anyone that is sending hateful messages to the people in my life based on your interpretation of this album is not supporting me and is absolutely doing the polar opposite of what I would ever encourage (and is also entirely misinterpreting the intention behind the music) ... I ask that you please do not."

The fan outrage started mounting early Friday morning when the title track of her new album, "Eternal Sunshine" dropped.

The song includes a verse that goes ... "I've never seen someone lie like you do // So much, even you start to think it's true // So now we play our separate scenes // Now, now she's in my bed, mm-mm, layin' on your chest // Now I'm in my head, wonderin' how it ends."

In another line she says she got "played like Atari," and she's found a "good boy and he's on my side" -- an apparent reference to new BF Ethan Slater.

All of this prompted her legion of fans to torch Dalton on social media, and even threaten him with comments like ... "i don’t wanna see her like this literally ever again dalton gomez you will never have another peaceful sleep in this lifetime i promise you that."

Other intense reactions went like this ... "DALTON GOMEZ U WILL BURN IN HELL," and "getting with ariana after the worst years of her life and making her finally feel like she found true love and was healing only to cheat on her and be a horrible husband… dalton gomez i hate you so much."

Yeah, lots of feels. Way too much, according to Ariana herself.

In her attempt to call off the dogs, once and for all, she added ... "It is not how to support me. It is the opposite. Although this album captures a lot of painful moments, it also is woven together with a through line of deep, sincere love. If you cannot hear that, please listen more closely. Thank you."

Interestingly, she didn't exactly say the song isn't about Dalton -- instead, her point seems to be ... whatever happened, I'm cool with it now. And you should be too.

TMZ broke the story ... Ari and Dalton finalized their divorce last year, wrapping up their 2 years of marriage. They'd gotten together during the COVID pandemic, and our sources said things fell apart once they returned to their regular schedules.

We were also told the split was as amicable as could be -- although, "Eternal Sunshine" strongly suggests Ariana -- who's now dating Ethan -- had some hard feelings.

Music can be cathartic.

John Mulaney Not Mentioned in Ex-Wife's Book ... Despite Fan Speculation

John Mulaney's ex-wife is dropping a new memoir in the near future -- and while some think she's gonna torch John over their uncoupling ... those folks are s*** outta luck.

Here's the deal ... Anna Marie Tendler -- who was married to the comedian for 7 years before things fell apart and they divorced in 2021 -- announced this week that she's got a book coming out later this summer, and it's called 'Men Have Called Her Crazy.'

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The title in and of itself seems to suggest she'll go to town on some dudes in her life -- and her caption seemed to further fuel that notion. She wrote, "I have been writing this book for two years. More accurately though I have been writing it for close to four decades."

AMT adds, "I have never been more proud of any work. It is a story about mental health; about being a woman; about family. And finally, about the endless source of my heartbreak and rage -- men."

Of course, people in her comments think she's bull-horning her intentions ... namely, taking John to task over what some characterize as a messy divorce, which Anna has said left her heartbroken. John started dating Olivia Munn shortly thereafter, and had a kid with her too.

John caught some flak over all this at the time -- and now, Anna seems primed to speak about it all. Here's the thing though ... we know for a fact she absolutely won't.

Sources with direct knowledge -- who've already read Anna's memoir -- tell TMZ that John is never mentioned in her forthcoming offering ... either directly or indirectly.

Not only are we told that he isn't named in the book, but there's no alluding to him or their marriage -- in other words, John makes no cameos in this whatsoever ... literally nothing.

In terms of what is in the book ... our sources tell us Anna mostly focuses on her mental health journey -- and she does, in fact, touch on men in her life, both explicitly and implicitly -- but we've been assured ... none of those fellas are John.

That might come as a bit of a shock to some ... and perhaps a letdown for others. We're sure Anna's book is good reading regardless -- but if you're looking for tea in this, you won't find it in her memoir.

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Anna's memoir is due out in August ... so you can read all about it then, FWIW.

Ariana Grande Sugiere que Dalton la engañó... En una nueva canción

Ariana Grande puede haber arrojado nueva luz sobre su divorcio con Dalton Gómez, insinuando fuertemente que podría haberle sido infiel en una nueva canción, al menos, si las letras son una indicación de algo.

La estrella del pop lanzó su último álbum "Eternal Sunshine" el viernes y en la canción titular, ella se refiere a un hombre que jugó con ella, y la forma en que dice que sucedió fue a través de la mentira y aparentemente también el engaño.

Así es como dice uno de los versos: "Nunca he visto a alguien mentir como tú // Tanto, que incluso tú empiezas a creer que es verdad // Así que ahora jugamos nuestras escenas separadas // Ahora, ahora ella está en mi cama, mm-mm, acostada en tu pecho // Ahora estoy en mi cabeza, preguntándome cómo termina".

Ariana continúa cantando: "Showed you all my demons, all my lies // Yet you played me like Atari // Now it's like I'm lookingin' in the mirror // Hope you feel alright when you're in her. Encontré a un buen chico y está de mi lado".

A primera vista, Ari parece estar acusando directamente a Dalton, el hombre con el que estaba casada y cuya relación antecede inmediatamente a este gran álbum.

Del mismo modo, ella también parece estar refiriéndose a su actual novio Ethan Slater, como el "chico bueno".

Si se refiere a un supuesto engaño por parte de Dalton en esta canción, entonces se podría argumentar que Ariana está tratando de ajustar la narrativa sobre cómo terminaron las cosas con su ex marido y cómo comenzó su romance con Ethan. Recuerden, ella fue infamemente etiquetada como una "rompehogares" por parte de los fans e incluso la ex esposa de Ethan, Lilly Jay, insinuó que Ari se había abalanzado sobre su esposo.

No mucho después de que se supo la noticia, Ethan puso fin oficialmente a su matrimonio. Desde que se hizo pública su relación con Ari, los dos han sido prácticamente inseparables.

En octubre, Ariana y Dalton resolvieron oficialmente su divorcio. Dalton no ha sido nombrado en todo el asunto y ha seguido adelante con otras damas después de Ari.

Es interesante que ahora Ariana esté aparentemente acusando a Dalton de estar con otra persona mientras estaban juntos. Habíamos oído de fuentes con conocimiento en la materia de que su matrimonio se vino abajo después del COVID debido a problemas de programación, con Ari volviendo a reanudar su agenda de A-lister.

Ahora, sin embargo, parece que hay un nuevo elemento en la mezcla, al menos desde el punto de vista de Ari.

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