Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie Divorce May Be Wrapping Up ... Major Step Takes Place

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's contentious divorce could be close to coming to an end ... with each star taking one of the last key final steps on the path to a divorce settlement.

According to court documents, obtained by TMZ, both Pitt and Jolie are serving their final financial disclosures on the other party ... which is noteworthy considering there hasn't been much movement on their divorce case for at least a couple years now.

The final terms of any overall settlement of the divorce haven't been filed yet ... but Thursday's filings indicate that one of the most legendary marriages and acrimonious divorces in recent Hollywood history is finally coming to an end.

Whenever dueling parties in a divorce submit financial docs ... it means the end is near.

Remember ... Brad and Angelina first met on the set of "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" back in 2004 while BP was still married to Jennifer Aniston. The onscreen couple remained just friends through shooting though Brad separated from Jennifer about a year later.

Brad and Angelina quickly shacked up together after his separation was announced, and they built a big family over the next few years -- with six children in their brood.

Brangelina got engaged in 2012 and married in 2014 ... but Angelina filed for divorce just two years later in 2016, citing irreconcilable differences.

In the same year, Pitt was accused of physically abusing at least one of his children -- even though he was cleared by authorities after an investigation ... and he denied the claims too.

The divorce proceedings continued to stretch out well after that ... and a judge eventually ruled Brad and Angelina were legally single back in 2019. Other elements of the divorce have been playing out behind the scenes since then ... and now, in '24, the finish line approaches.

Matters have gotten more complicated between Brand and Angie -- remember, in 2021, Angelina sold her portion of a winery she owned with Pitt ... a move that eventually led to Pitt suing her for allegedly not getting his signoff before selling to a Russian oligarch's company. That lawsuit is still ongoing ... and separate from their divorce case.

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While other legal battles may still be lingering ... it seems like the divorce is nearly a done deal -- and now, it's just a matter of time before it becomes official.

Stay tuned ...

Bobbi Althoff Drake Not Responsible for Divorce ... Rising Fame to Blame

Bobbi Althoff getting divorced is now being picked apart by fans who think Drake might've had something to do with it -- but we got the real story ... and it's far from that at all.

Here's the deal ... Bobbi's now-estranged husband, Cory, cited July 4, '23 as the day he and BA separated -- and the reason folks are hyper-focusing on this is because it just so happens to be around the time she aired her viral interview with Drake, where they're both in bed.

Of course, the speculation has been peaking -- with many suggesting Bobbi and Drake were, perhaps, closer than we saw ... and that they maybe had something going on BTS.

Welp, sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... Drake was actually NOT a big fan of Bobbi toward the end of summer last year -- and that they had a major falling out post-interview, although they were friendly in the immediate aftermath.

Long story short ... we're told Drake and Bobbi continued texting after they had their famous lay-down chat -- and our sources say Drizzy even invited Bobbi to his L.A. concert on Aug. 12 ... which she attended. Unfortunately for her, only general admission was offered.

Our sources tell us Bobbi was genuinely angry about this -- apparently feeling she deserved to be in the VIP area with Drake's other celeb friends -- and she made her indignation known in a since-deleted video where she's standing around on the arena floor pouting about.

Not long after that went up ... Bobbi took the clip down, and within the same weekend -- she also took down the original nearly hour-long interview ... no explanation for either.

At the time, people were trying to figure out if they'd had a falling out -- and as it turns out, they absolutely did. Our sources tell us that when Bobbi was at the show ... her little video was reflecting how she actually felt -- namely, furious she'd ended up in GA.

We're told Bobbi blew Drake up about it that same night -- while he was onstage -- and that she even tried going backstage at one point ... but got rebuffed by security.

Not long after this ... we're told Drake's camp hit her team to demand she take down both the clip and the interview ... which she then did. At that point, we're told their friendship fizzled.

Now, in terms of whether they've patched things up since -- something Bobbi herself recently implied on Keke Palmer's podcast ... we're told they haven't. Bobbi told Keke they'd spoken in recent weeks ... but our sources tell us they have not. We're told they don't talk anymore.

On the issue of why Cory actually filed to divorce Bobbi -- it's a very simple explanation ... our sources tell us her skyrocketing fame and his desire to remain a normie was the main catalyst, and that it had nothing to do with allegations of cheating. Although, we're sure he probably didn't appreciate how cozy she was acting with Champagne Papi on tape.

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In any case, now you got the real tea ... sip with caution, 'cause this is pipin' hot!

Drake no es responsable del divorcio de Bobbi Althoff Pese a las especulaciones

El divorcio de Bobbi Althoff está siendo observado bien de cerca por los fans que piensan que Drake podría haber tenido algo que ver con eso, pero tenemos la verdadera historia y está lejos de ser así.

Así es la cosa, Bobbi, el ex marido de Cory, citó el 4 de julio del 2023 como el día en que él y Bobbi se separaron, y la razón por la gente está conmocionada, es porque da la casualidad de que es muy cerca del momento en que salió al aire su entrevista viral con Drake, donde ambos están en la cama.

Por supuesto, la especulación ha llegado a su punto máximo, con muchos sugiriendo que Bobbi y Drake eran, tal vez, más cercanos de lo que pudimos ver, y que tal vez tenían algo pasando a escondidas.

Sin embargo, fuentes directas nos informan que Drake no era un gran fan de Bobbi hacia el final del verano del año pasado y tuvieron una caída importante después de la entrevista, a pesar de que se hicieron amigos inmediatamente después.

Nos dicen que Drake y Bobbi continuaron enviando mensajes de texto después de que tuvieron su famosa charla y nuestras fuentes dicen que Drake incluso invitó a Bobbi a su concierto de Los Ángeles el 12 de agosto... al que asistió. Por desgracia para ella, solo obtuvo la entrada general.

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que Bobbi estaba realmente enfadada por esto, aparentemente sintiendo que merecía estar en la zona VIP con otros amigos famosos de Drake, y ella hizo saber su indignación en un video ya borrado donde ella está de pie en el suelo de la arena haciendo pucheros.

No mucho después de que lo subió, Bobbi quitó el clip, y en el mismo fin de semana también quitó la entrevista original de casi una hora de duración sin explicación aparente.

En ese momento, la gente estaba tratando de averiguar si habían tenido una pelea y resulta que así fue. Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que cuando Bobbi estaba en el show, su pequeño video estaba reflejando cómo se sentía en realidad, es decir, furiosa de terminar en la galería.

Nos dicen Bobbi no se comportó de la mejor manera esa noche, incluso trató de ir detrás del escenario en un momento, pero la seguridad la detuvo.

No mucho después de esto, nos dicen que el campamento de Drake golpeó a su equipo para exigir que retire tanto el clip y como la entrevista, y así fue como pasó. En ese momento su amistad se esfumó.

Ahora, respecto a si han arreglado las cosas desde entonces, algo que Bobbi dio a entender recientemente en el pódcast de Keke Palmer... nos informan que no lo han hecho. Bobbi le dijo a Keke que habían hablado las últimas semanas, pero nuestras fuentes nos dicen que no lo han hecho. Nos dicen que no hablan más

Sobre la cuestión de por qué Cory realmente le pidió el divorcio a Bobbi, muy simple, nuestras fuentes nos dicen que su fama y su deseo de seguir siendo un normie fue el principal catalizador y que no tenía nada que ver con las acusaciones de engaño. Aunque estamos seguros de que probablemente no apreciaba cómo acogedor que estaba actuando con Champagne Papi en la cinta.

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En cualquier caso, ahora sabes bien que es lo que está pasando, ¡bebe con precaución, porque esto está que arde!

Bobbi Althoff Sonriente mientras habla por teléfono en Los Ángeles... Tras solicitud de divorcio

Bobbi Althoff estaba completamente absorta en su conversación mientras caminaba por Los Ángeles, apenas un día después de que se supiera sobre la separación de su marido Cory.

La famosa TikToker se veía muy casual en un suéter rosa y pantalones negros de Nike mientras disfrutaba de una hermosa mañana de Los Ángeles. Incluso la vimos con una pequeña sonrisa mientras charlaba con alguien por teléfono.

No ha sido la semana más fácil para Bobbi, con la noticia de su divorcio ayer. Sin embargo, parece que ella está poniendo su mejor cara para el resto del mundo.

Como informamos, Bobbi está a punto de convertirse en una mujer soltera después de que su marido de cuatro años, Cory, solicitara el divorcio citando "diferencias irreconciliables."

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La noticia sobre su matrimonio no parece ser exactamente un shock para Bobbi. Cory aludió como fecha de separación entre ellos el 4 de julio de 2023, y ella escribió sobre su ruptura en un elocuente post de Instagram ayer mismo.

Ella señaló que está pasando por un momento muy difícil, por lo que es agradable verla con una sonrisa en el rostro, incluso si solo es momentánea.

Por cierto, Cory está pidiendo la custodia física y legal conjunta de sus dos hijas, Isla, de 1 año, y Luca, de 3 años, aunque también marcó la casilla para bloquear la capacidad del tribunal de conceder la manutención del cónyuge a cualquiera de las partes.

Por supuesto, Bobbi ha dominado TikTok en el último año con su humor de estilo inexpresivo y entrevistas con grandes celebridades. Cory, en tanto, tampoco se queda atrás profesionalmente, con una posición ejecutiva en una importante empresa de tecnología.

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Cubrimos la separación de Cory y Bobbi en un reciente episodio de The TMZ Podcast, disponible en todas las plataformas de podcast.

Bobbi Althoff Smiling On Phone Call in L.A. ... After Divorce From Husband

Bobbi Althoff appeared deep in conversation while walking around L.A. ... engrossed in a phone call less than a day after news of her split from her husband Cory broke.

The famed TikToker looked casual in a pink sweater and black Nike sweats while enjoying a beautiful Los Angeles morning ... and even cracking a small smile while chatting up someone on the phone.

It hasn't been the easiest week for Bobbi -- with news of her divorce breaking yesterday -- but it seems she's putting her bravest face on for the rest of the world.

As we previously reported ... Bobbi's about to become a single woman after her husband of four years Cory filed for divorce citing "irreconcilable differences."

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Their marriage ending doesn't exactly seem like a shock to BA ... since Cory listed the date of separation as July 4, 2023 -- and she wrote about her marriage's end in an eloquent caption she posted to IG yesterday.

She noted she's going through quite a difficult time in the post ... so it's nice to see Bobbi with a smile on her face, even if it's only in the moment here.

BTW ... Cory's asking for joint physical and legal custody of their two daughters, 1-year-old Isla and 3-year-old Luca while also checking the box to block the court's ability to award spousal support to either party.

Of course, Bobbi's dominated TikTok over the past year with her deadpan-style humor and interviews with major celebs ... and Cory's no slouch professionally as well with an executive position for a major tech company.

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We covered Cory and Bobbi's split on a recent episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Jason Isbell Files to Divorce Amanda Shires ... Ironclad Prenup in Place

Jason Isbell is divorcing his wife, Amanda Shires -- and there's an ironclad prenup that he wants the court to enforce.

The famous country music couple -- who've been together for over a decade now -- are ending their marriage of 11 years ... this after Jason ran to court in Tennessee this week and filed for divorce, citing irreconcilable differences.

According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, Jason says their date of separation was Dec. 3 of 2023 ... and he goes on request joint custody of their 8-year-old daughter, Mercy.

JI also says he and Amanda will enter into a Parenting Plan ... and even submitted a certificate highlighting the fact that he's recently obtained a parenting skills certificate that helps people navigate their children through divorce. So, he's ready for the challenge.

No mention of spousal support here, but presumably ... all of that is hashed out in their prenuptial agreement, which he says was executed 2 days before their wedding in 2013.

One other thing ... there's a restraining order that was submitted in his filing -- but it's a standard thing there in TN, and has nothing to do with claims of misconduct. It's simply there to tell both parties not to move any assets until a judge can go through and divvy things up.

Jason says that while a prenup is in place, he notes there's separate property between him and Amanda that needs to be allocated and divided -- which will be handled later.

Like we said, Jason and Amanda have been together for a long time -- and the fact they often perform together is hitting their fans even harder now that they're splitting up.

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Neither Jason nor Amanda has addressed the divorce yet.

Jason Isbell se divorcia de Amanda Shires Con acuerdo prenupcial vigente

Jason Isbell se está divorciando de su esposa -Amanda Shires- y hay un acuerdo prenupcial blindado que quiere que el tribunal haga cumplir.

La famosa pareja de música country -han estado juntos durante más de una década- están terminando su matrimonio de 11 años, esto después de que Jason corriera a los tribunales en Tennessee esta semana y solicitara el divorcio, alegando diferencias irreconciliables.

De acuerdo con los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, Jason dice que su fecha de separación fue el 3 de diciembre de 2023 y él va a solicitar la custodia compartida de su hija de 8 años de edad, Mercy.

Jason dice que él y Amanda entrarán en un plan de crianza e incluso presentó un certificado destacando el hecho de que ha obtenido recientemente un certificado de habilidades parentales que ayuda a los hijos a lidiar con el divorcio. Por lo tanto, él está listo para el desafío.

No se menciona la manutención del cónyuge aquí, pero presumiblemente todo eso está resuelto en su acuerdo prenupcial, que él dice que se ejecutó dos días antes de su boda en 2013.

Otra cosa... hay una orden de restricción que se presentó en su presentación, pero es algo estándar allí en Tennessee y no tiene nada que ver con las reclamaciones de mala conducta. Es simplemente allí para decirle a ambas partes no mover los activos hasta que un juez puede ir a través y dividir las cosas.

Jason dice que si bien un acuerdo prenupcial está vigente, señala que hay propiedades separadas entre él y Amanda que necesitan ser divididas, lo cual será manejado más adelante.

Como hemos dicho, Jason y Amanda han estado juntos durante mucho tiempo y el hecho de que a menudo actúan juntos es un golpe aún más difícil para sus fans ahora que se están separando.

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Ni Jason ni Amanda han abordado el divorcio todavía.

Chuck Lorre le pagará 5 millones de dólares a su ex Por el divorcio

El divorcio de Chuck Lorre finalmente ha llegado a su fin, y para alguien con un acuerdo prenupcial, seguro que se siente como que está pagando demasiado por un matrimonio que solo duró tres años y medio, pero todavía se queda con su mejor amigo de 4 patas.

El creador de "Two And a Half Men" recientemente finalizó su divorcio de Arielle Lorre después de la presentación para poner fin al matrimonio en 2022. De acuerdo con nuevos documentos judiciales obtenidos por TMZ, sabemos que Chuck va a terminar desembolsando una pequeña fortuna.

Chuck accedió a pagar hasta $5 millones en el acuerdo. Tuvo que pagar 1.000 dólares tan pronto la sentencia fue presentada (la semana pasada) y acordó pagar un extra de $4 mil en 30 días después de Arielle se mueve fuera de la cuna ... que ella dice que tenía la intención de hacer el 1 de febrero.

El lado positivo es que Chuck se aferra a su perro, Harvey, así que al menos tiene eso. Sin embargo, Arielle tiene "visitas" con el perro por lo que tiene que compartir.

Lo que es interesante es el hecho de que Chuck está teniendo que pagarle tanto a su ahora ex-esposa -la tercera en su vida hasta ahora- a pesar de que habían firmado un acuerdo prenupcial. De hecho, sabemos que tuvo que desembolsar dinero extra: fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que los 5 millones de dólares que Chuck está pagando son en realidad más de lo que exigía el acuerdo prenupcial original.

Última nota interesante... hay una cláusula de no-disparagement en este acuerdo que se aplica a ambas partes.

Una vez más, estos dos estuvieron casados solo unos pocos años y, sin embargo, Chuck está desembolsando una gran cantidad. Ahora bien, aunque lo que ha aceptado pagar puede parecer mucho para el común de los mortales, el tipo está considerado el rey de las comedias de situación, con un montón de créditos en su haber.

No sólo tiene "TAAHM" en su haber... sino que ha creado otras series enormes como "The Big Bang Theory", "Dharma & Greg", "Young Sheldon" y muchas otras. En total, él vale cientos de millones de dólares ... así que para él esto es probablemente calderilla.

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De todas formas, sabemos que el hombre tiene sus recursos y sus cartas bajo la manga, ¿no es así?

'Two And a Half Men' Creator Chuck Lorre Finalizes Divorce Paying Ex $5 Mil, Keeps Dog

Chuck Lorre's divorce has finally come to an end -- and for someone with a prenup, it sure feels like he's paying out the nose for a marriage that only lasted three and a half years ... but he still gets to keep his best 4-legged friend.

The "Two And a Half Men" creator recently finalized his divorce from Arielle Lorre after filing to end the marriage in 2022. According to new court docs, obtained by TMZ, we know know Chuck will end up shelling out a small fortune ... to the tune of 7 digits.

Per the paperwork, CL agreed to cough up $5 million in the settlement -- $1 mil was paid as soon as the judgment was entered (last week) and he agreed to pay an extra $4 mil 30 days after Arielle moves out of the crib ... which she says she intended to do on Feb. 1.

The upside ... Chuck gets to hold onto to pooch, Harvey, so at least he's got that. Arielle does get "liberal visitation" with the dog though -- so he's gotta share.

What's interesting is the fact that Chuck is having to shell out so much to his now-ex-wife -- the third in his life thus far -- even though things were all spelled out in an ironclad prenup. In fact, we know he coughed up extra dough -- sources with direct knowledge tell us the $5 mil Chuck's paying is actually more than the OG prenup required.

Last interesting note ... there's a non-disparagement clause in this settlement that applies to both parties -- so no trashing the other in books or other media once the dust settles.

Again, these 2 were only married a few years -- and yet, Chuck's biting the bullet, or so it seems. Now, while what he's agreed to pay might sound like a lot to your average Joe -- the dude's considered the King of Sitcoms, with a crap ton of show credits to his name.

Not only does he have 'TAAHM' under his belt ... but other huge shows he's created include "The Big Bang Theory," "Dharma & Greg" "Young Sheldon" and lots of others. All told he's worth hundreds of millions of dollars ... so to him, this is probably chump change.

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Just hum that familiar jingle, and he probably collects a royalty check. Dude's doing just fine!

Bobbi Althoff Marido de la podcaster solicita el divorcio

Bobbi Althoff está aparentemente a punto de convertirse en una mujer soltera, pues su marido parece estar poniendo fin a su matrimonio ... TMZ ha averiguado.

Según los nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Cory Althoff está solicitando el divorcio de su esposa, con quien llevaba 4 años casado, citando diferencias irreconciliables. La fecha de separación es el 4 de julio de 2023.

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Cory está pidiendo la custodia física y legal compartida de sus dos hijas Isla, de un año, y Luca, de tres. También marcó la casilla que tiene por objetivo bloquear la capacidad del tribunal para conceder manutención conyugal a cualquiera de las partes.

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Bobbi comenzó su carrera en TikTok con su humor seco y de estilo inexpresivo. Luego pasó a desarrollar "The Really Good Podcast", donde hizo entrevistas torpemente entretenidas con gente como Drake, Mark Cuban y otras más que se han vuelto virales.

Cory, por su parte, es un jugador importante en el mundo de la tecnología como vicepresidente senior de programas de desarrollo de software en CompTIA.

También ha escrito algunos libros y ha dado charlas públicas de vez en cuando.

Bobbi dijo en una entrevista para Cosmopolitan en 2023 que prefería mantener su matrimonio con Cory en privado, aunque ella lo ha presentado en las redes sociales antes.



6:32 PM PT -- Bobbi Althoff addressed her divorce with Cory Althoff on social media, writing ... "As sad as I am right now, I am so thankful for the time I got to be his wife. Our girls are so lucky to have him as a father & I am so lucky to be able to coparent with such an incredible father and person.

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She adds, "While our relationship did not work out as husband and wife, we will always be friends and I will always love him."

Bobbi Althoff is apparently about to become single -- 'cause her husband just pulled the plug on their marriage ... TMZ has learned.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Cory Althoff is filing to divorce his wife of 4 years ... citing irreconcilable differences. He has their date of separation listed as July 4, 2023.

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Cory is asking for joint physical and legal custody of their two daughters, 1-year-old Isla and 3-year-old Luca. He also checked the box to block the court's ability to award spousal support to either party.

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Bobbi kickstarted her career on TikTok with her dry, deadpan-style humor  ... going on to develop the "The Really Good Podcast," ... where her awkwardly entertaining interviews with the likes of Drake, Mark Cuban, and more have gone viral.

For his part, Cory is a major player in the tech world ... serving as the senior vice president of software development programs at CompTIA.

He's also written some books and seems to do some public speaking every now and then as well.

Bobbi said in a 2023 Cosmopolitan interview that she preferred to keep her marriage to Cory private ... although, she has featured him on social media before.

Originally Published -- 1:41 PM PT

Kim Zolciak Kroy's Leaking to Press ... Put Our Case Behind The Curtain!!!

Kim Zolciak is apparently sick of reading about herself in the press -- something she believes Kroy Biermann may be behind ... and now she wants a judge to step in and rectify.

The reality TV star just filed new court docs, obtained by TMZ, in which she's asking the court to issue a protective order in their ongoing divorce case ... so she can redact sensitive info like certain names and financial records in the docs she's handing over as she and Kroy continue to hash out their issues.

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Long story short ... Kim says there's a lot of interest in this case -- and sure, there is -- and notes that there's been press coverage at every juncture as their divorce continues to play out.

Along the way, however, Kim says some embarrassing info about herself and Kroy has surfaced amid these proceedings ... stuff that she claims she most definitely doesn't want out for the masses to read, but which she says is getting out anyway.

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Thing is ... Kim here in her new docs claims she's attempted try and get on the same page with Kroy over a confidentiality order that she says she's attempted to get Kroy to agree to.

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According to her ... KB flatly rejected her proposed confidentiality order ... and she says that led her to believe Kroy is actually the one leaking things to the media.

As a result, she's now begging a judge to step in with some court-ordered discretion that would help ensure sensitive info doesn't make its way into the public record.


A judge has yet to rule.

Teresa And Joe Giudice Daughter Melania Turns 18 ... She's 'My Mini Me'!!!

Teresa Giudice's daughter Milania is growing up fast right before our eyes ... 'cause she just turned 18!

"The Real Housewives of New Jersey" star celebrated Milania's big day Friday by posting a series of photos on Instagram showing her daughter's progression over the years on the reality show and behind the scenes.

The images begin with present-day Milania, appearing elegant and mature alongside her famous mom, both of whom are dressed to the nines. More snaps feature Melania as a cute little baby followed by a video and a pic of her dressed as a badass in scenes from 'RHONJ.'

Of course, Teresa wrote a lovely caption, wishing Milania a happy 18th birthday and showering her with compliments.

Teresa called Milania "my mini me" who has "blossomed into an incredible young woman with a heart of gold."

She also described Melania as loving, caring, and kind as well as someone who radiates beauty, takes pride, and works hard in everything she does.

Teresa ended by saying Milania is the life of the party who brings joy and laughter to all.

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Now that's a doting mother. And even her father, Joe Giudice, sent his love to Milania from his home in the Bahamas.

In his IG Story, Joe posted a photo of father-daughter and a video montage of them with a gushing message on a baby pic of Milania that read, "Happy birthday Milana ❤️ Daddy loves you so much!!"

As you know, Joe was married to Teresa for two decades before they divorced in 2020 after a slew of legal issues involving wire fraud and tax fraud. The ex-couple served time in federal prison and Joe got deported from the U.S.

BRITNEY SPEARS & SAM ASGHARI Divorce Nearing Finish Line ... Key Step Just Took Place

Britney Spears and Sam Asghari could be on the verge of settling their divorce, 'cause Sam just filed some information that usually signals ... the end is near.

According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Sam's legal team turned over his financials to Britney's attorneys, including the declaration of income and expenses among the required paperwork, as well as a list of assets and separate and community properties.

It looks like he's just ready to say goodbye to this chapter once and for all -- 6 months after filing for divorce from the singer in August. Filing financial disclosures is often the last step taken in a divorce that suggests all parties are coming to an agreement.

As we reported, Sam cited "irreconcilable differences" for their split -- 14 months after tying the knot at her Thousand Oaks home. They'd been together as a couple for much longer than that, of course.

On her end, Brit reflected on the failed marriage on IG in December ... saying they'd endured many ups and downs and that it was strange being single again.

But, it doesn't seem like Sam's on Brit's mind too much recently ... she's been having a bit of a back-and-forth spat with her ex, Justin Timberlake. She hasn't uttered Sam's name in a while.

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Anyway, this thing should be tied up pretty soon here. We already know they have an ironclad prenup -- which leaves Sam with nothing. Unclear why the divorce has dragged on as long as it has with this in mind -- but it appears they're buttoning it up once and for all.

Britney Spears y Sam Asghari Su divorcio está muy cerca de terminar...

Britney Spears y Sam Asghari podrían estar a punto de resolver su divorcio, pues Sam acaba de presentar una información que suele indicar que el final está cerca.

Según los documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, el equipo legal de Sam entregó sus finanzas a los abogados de Britney, incluyendo la declaración de ingresos y los gastos, así como una lista de activos y propiedades separadas y comunitarias.

Parece que está listo para despedirse de este capítulo de una vez por todas, a seis meses de solicitar el divorcio de la cantante, en agosto del año pasado. La presentación de las declaraciones financieras es a menudo el último paso en un proceso de divorcio y sugiere que ambas partes están llegando a un acuerdo.

Como ya informamos, Sam alegó "diferencias irreconciliables" como motivo de su separación, 14 meses después de casarse en su casa de Thousand Oaks. Habían estado juntos como pareja durante mucho más tiempo que eso, por supuesto.

Por su parte, Brit reflexionó sobre su fallido matrimonio en Instagram en diciembre, diciendo que habían soportado muchos altibajos y que era extraño estar soltera de nuevo.

Pero no parece que Sam esté en la mente de Brit últimamente. Ella ha estado en medio de unos dimes y diretes con su ex Justin Timberlake y no se ha pronunciado sobre Sam en un tiempo.

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De todos modos, este asunto debería estar listo muy pronto. Ya sabemos que tienen un acuerdo prenupcial blindado y que deja a Sam sin nada. No está claro por qué el divorcio se ha alargado tanto, teniendo esto en cuenta, pero parece que están por cerrar el acuerdo.

Lenny Kravitz I'LL NEVER STOP LOVING LISA BONET ... As Friends, Though!!

Lisa Bonet will always have Lenny Kravitz's heart, and although they've been apart for 3 decades ... he says his ex-wife still has a heavy influence on him.

The 59-year-old singer says Lisa is a massive part of his life -- telling People they never lost their connection because he is who he is today "'cause of our experience, because of everything that I was, everything that she was, and everything that came together."

Lenny got all philosophical about love and stuff ... as he believes romance can end, but love for one another never truly leaves, it just finds a new way to funnel into your life -- something he says he and LB both made a conscious effort to do.

He added she'll "never leave his heart, soul or my spirit." Heavy.

Lenny's early years with Lisa -- after meeting in 1985, backstage at a New Edition concert -- inspired his iconic bohemian look.

He explains when they were moving in together, he brought his instruments and other things with him but somehow forgot his comb -- basically, he never planned on having dreadlocks, but Lisa was digging his matted hair after a few months.

The duo married in 1987, when Lisa was starring on "The Cosby Show" and "A Different World" ... but he didn't mind being labeled Mr. Bonet by the press 'cause he was paying attention to his music, not the fact he was married to the most "beautiful woman on the planet."

Daughter Zoë came along in 1988, a time he recalls as beautiful and all about peace, love and spirit.

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Despite his marriage with Lisa ending in 1993, the era obviously left a lasting impact on him ... inspiring his upcoming album "Blue Electric Light" -- which is all about "positive energy, God, spirit, light."

Deep, bro.