Kim & Kanye Seemingly Amicable Reunion at Nobu ... North, Pals in 'Vultures' T's

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West seem to be putting their rocky past aside for the sake of the kids ... doing dinner with North and her friends, who wore merch promoting Ye's new album.

The famous exes pulled up separately Tuesday night at Nobu in Malibu, keeping their outfits in line with their recent style trends ... Kim wore a barely-there crop top and long black coat and Kanye covered his face in one of his patented black masks -- no surprises there.

Out With The Fam

We should note ... Kim arrived with North and a bunch of her friends in tow -- and it appears Kanye showed up separately later, heading in to join them, sans his new wifey Bianca Censori.

We're told they all hung out inside the restaurant for about an hour and a half together before Ye headed to his car flanked by security ... and minutes later, Kim left with North and her pals -- with all of the kids wearing matching "Vultures" merch.

North's clearly the most excited ... pulling the shirt up to give photogs a good look at the logo on the front and the album's title written in script at the top. We gotta say ... she's the spitting image of her father. Also -- no word on whether the group went in with these shirts.

This is eye-popping for a couple reasons. One, it's surprising to see Kim and Kanye get together like this, we don't see them breaking bread together ... even for their children.

More importantly ... interesting to see Kim let North wear the 'Vultures' stuff, y'know -- considering there's some antisemitic content on the album, from what we've heard so far.

Remember ... "Vultures" is Kanye's upcoming collaborative album with Ty Dolla $ign, and the title track's caught quite a bit of heat for controversial lyrics like, "How I'm antisemitic? I just f***ed a Jewish bitch."

Needless to say, the song's not sitting well with Jewish orgs, which have blasted the song.

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Like we said, it's unclear how the t-shirt promo parade came together -- it's possible Kim was blindsided by it at the last minute.


As we reported ... North rapped a verse that might appear on her dad's new album during a listening party last month -- so, it makes sense she and her friends would be jazzed about the album's release and want to wear shirts bumping it.

Notably, and unsurprisingly, Kim did not wear one of the shirts. We've spotted her and Kanye at multiple basketball games for Saint over the last month and they've had some pretty frosty interactions -- if you can even call them that.

TMZ Studios

Even more reason why this get-together makes us wonder what spurred it all -- but for one night, at least, it was kumbaya for Kimye and the fam.

Kim Zolciak On Body Cam Video ... Accusing Kroy of Stealing Jewelry

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2:42 PM PT -- Kroy Biermann's attorney, Marlys A. Bergstrom, tells TMZ ... her client denies the claims Kim Zolciak made to police earlier this month, adding "it's not true."

Kim Zolciak went running to cops earlier this month to accuse her estranged husband, Kroy Biermann, of looting her expensive crap and trying to sell it ... and it's all on video.

TMZ has obtained police body cam footage that was recorded a little over 2 weeks ago -- when KZ went to the police station to file a report claiming Kroy had taken a ton of her stuff hostage over the past year or so and then tried to sell some of it.

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It's a little convoluted, and you can tell 'cause even the cop Kim's talking to doesn't seem to understand what it is she's reporting -- but eventually, she spells it out ... claiming Kroy confiscated some items of hers (jewelry and purses, it seems), stashed them away in a safe and eventually sold at least one of those things for cash -- that's what she's alleging anyway.

In Kim's mind, this constitutes theft .. which is why she was here at the Alpharetta Police Dept. to lodge her complaint. She tells the officer that the many things Kroy allegedly took from her are worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The officer ends up asking for an itemized list of the property she claims he stole -- but in the end, the officer basically tells her this isn't something the cops can do much about.

He tells Kim that the property she's describing sounds like they may be shared marital assets -- and since their divorce is still ongoing ... he makes it seem like there isn't much cops can do. Translation: deal with it in divorce court.

Another interesting tidbit here ... Kim claims she's attempted to retrieve some other personal belongings of hers from their bedroom at their mansion -- but alleges that Kroy's bolted the door shut, and that she can't get in there.


The officer explains steps she can take to address that situation ... and then sends her on her way.

TMZ Studios

Basically ... these two are still fighting, and from the sounds of it -- they ain't sleeping together right now, which we know has flip-flopped over the course of this nasty divorce.

This is just the latest salvo in this saga ... more to come later, we're sure. BTW, we've reached out to Kroy's team for comment ... so far no word back.

Originally Published -- 12:37 PM PT

Kim Zolciak Acusa a Kroy de robarle sus joyas En registro de video...

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Él tomó todas las joyas

Kim Zolciak fue corriendo a la policía a principios de este mes para acusar a su marido Kroy Biermann de saquear sus cosas y tratar de venderlas, y todo está en video.

TMZ obtuvo imágenes de la cámara policial de hace poco más de 2 semanas, cuando Kim Zolciak fue a la policía para alegar que Kroy había tomado un montón de sus cosas en el último año, y luego trató de vender parte de ellas.

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Documentando el robo

Es un poco enrevesado, y se nota, porque incluso el policía con el que habla Kim no parece entender lo que está denunciando. Al final, ella le explica y alega que Kroy confiscó algunos de sus artículos (joyas y bolsos, al parecer), los guardó en una caja fuerte y los vendió, al menos una parte de ellas, por dinero en efectivo, o eso es lo que ella alega.

En la mente de Kim, esto constituye un robo... que es la razón por la que estaba en el Departamento de Policía de Alpharetta para presentar su denuncia. Ella le dice al oficial que las cosas que Kroy supuestamente tomó valían cientos de miles de dólares.

El oficial termina pidiéndole una lista detallada de los bienes usurpados, pero al final, este le dice que no es mucho lo que puede hacer al respecto.

Le dice a Kim que la propiedad que está describiendo podrían ser bienes conyugales compartidos, y ya que su divorcio aún está en curso, no es mucho lo que la policía puede hacer. En palabras simples: arréglate con él en el tribunal de divorcio.

Otra información interesante es que Kim asegura que ha tratado de recuperar otras pertenencias personales de su dormitorio, pero alega que Kroy tiene la puerta cerrada y atornillada y que ella no puede entrar allí.

El oficial le explica los pasos que puede seguir para hacer frente a la situación y luego la manda a casa.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

Básicamente, estos dos siguen peleando, y por lo que parece, no están durmiendo juntos en este momento, lo que sabemos ha cambiado en el transcurso de su desagradable divorcio.

Este es solo el último episodio de esta saga. De seguro, hay más por venir. Por cierto, nos pusimos en contacto con el equipo de Kroy para que hicieran comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hemos recibido respuesta.

Kim y Kanye Tienen otro frío encuentro en un partido de Saint

Kim Kardashian y Kanye West tuvieron otro frío encuentro en un partido de baloncesto de su hijo el viernes por la noche, y las cámaras captaron todo.

La ex pareja llegó por separado al evento deportivo de Saint, de 8 años, en Los Ángeles, tratando de mantener la distancia el uno del otro, al mismo tiempo que tenían una incómoda interacción.

Echa un vistazo a estas fotos de los paparazzi obtenidas por TMZ. Kim no parece muy feliz mientras parece escuchar algo que le dice el rapero.

Otra imagen muestra a la magnate de SKIMS sentada en la banca con otras personas a su lado, mientras Kanye charlaba con Nick Cannon lejos de ella.

En una tercera imagen, se ve a Kim sentada sola con la mirada seria.

Después del partido de baloncesto, Kim se fue con Saint a cenar algo. Kanye, por supuesto, no fue invitado, y salió del partido solo. Su novia, Bianca Censori, no estaba a la vista.

Recordemos que Kim y Ye hicieron lo mismo la semana pasada en otro partido de Saint.

Como ya informamos, Kim y Kanye han tenido una relación especialmente difícil desde su divorcio en 2022, tras 7 años de matrimonio y cuatro hijos, incluido Saint.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

Nos cuentan que ha habido problemas entre ellos por varios asuntos relacionados con la crianza de sus hijos. Kim y Kanye no están de acuerdo en cómo criar a sus niños. Nuestras fuentes también nos dicen que Kim está muy enojada por el torrente de comentarios antisemitas de Kanye, en los que ha alabado a Hitler y a los nazis.

Kim And Kanye Another Icy Encounter at Son's BB Game

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West showed up for another one of their icy encounters at their son's Friday night basketball game -- as the cameras caught almost every chilly moment.

The former couple arrived separately at 8-year-old Saint's sporting event in Los Angeles, trying to keep their distance from one another while also having an awkward interaction.

Check out these paparazzi photos, obtained by TMZ ... Kim does not appear happy while appearing to listen to something the rapper is saying.

Another picture shows the SKIMS mogul sitting on the sidelines mingling with other people next to her ... while Kanye chatted it up with Nick Cannon away from her.

In a third image, Kim is seen sitting all alone in her chair with a serious look on her face.

After the basketball game, Kim left with Saint to go grab some dinner. Kanye, of course, was not invited, and exited the game alone. His boo, Bianca Censori, was nowhere in sight.

Remember, Kim and Ye were doing much of the same at Saint's game last week, too.

As we reported, Kim and Kanye have had an especially rocky relationship since their 2022 divorce after 7 years of marriage and four children together, including Saint.

TMZ Studios

We're told there have been problems between the two with various child-rearing issues. Kim and Kanye are just not seeing eye to eye on how to raise the kids. Our sources also tell us ... Kim is super pissed about Kanye's torrent of antisemitic rants, praising Hitler and the Nazis.

Tyreek Hill I Fired The 'F***ing Bonehead' Who Filed Divorce Docs

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Twitch / cheetah

Tyreek Hill's circle is a lot smaller now -- 'cause the Miami Dolphins superstar said he had to fire a bunch of people off his team this week ... including the "f***ing bonehead" who filed divorce documents without his approval.

Hill and Keeta Vaccaro's union appeared to be coming to an end after just a few months ... when Broward County records in Florida showed the Super Bowl champ submitted the petition for the dissolution of his marriage -- which he later refuted.

The 29-year-old receiver cleared the air on a Twitch stream Thursday night ... saying he never gave his people the green light to file the papers.

"I just gotta say that it sucks that A, yeah, a lot of our stuff is public record," Hill said. "But behind closed doors, a lot of people got fired, too, for just doing things without a 'yes.'"

"It sucks that me and my wife gotta go through that. Like yeah, public records says it and right now we're in a spot of fixing it -- I fired the f***ing bonehead that did that mistake. Now it sucks."

TMZ Studios

Hill explained he had to confront his wife over the mishap ... saying they have another vacation planned too, so he wanted to make sure everything was good between them.

The two later shut down any speculation of a split ... posing together hours after the reports went public.

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TMZ Sports broke the story -- Tyreek and Keeta secretly tied the knot back in November after years of dating ... and he later told reporters it was simply time to make things official.

la hija de Kim Zolciak dice que su madre se mantiene fuerte Tras el divorcio

todos son geniales

La hija de Kim Zolciak, Ariana Biermann, mantiene la fe, diciendo que el divorcio de sus padres se resolverá y que su mamá se mantiene fuerte a través de un momento muy duro.

Ariana estaba abordando un vuelo el jueves en LAX cuando un fotógrafo le preguntó cómo es que Kim y Kroy Biermann están llevando en casa. Se podría decir que ella realmente no quería hablar de esto, pero se abrió un poco de todos modos.

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momentos de tensión

La ruptura parece bastante dramática desde el exterior, pero Ariana dice que toda la familia está muy bien estos días, aunque suena como que no quiere añadirle tensión al asunto. La verdad es que todos sabemos que lo contrario es la verdad.

De todos modos, Ariana está dejando las cosas en manos de Dios y ni siquiera quiere opinar sobre si Kim y Kroy deben ser más civilizados entre sí en el futuro, y con razón, señalando que son adultos... y lo más importante, ella no está en la relación.

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enviando buenas vibras

Recordemos que NeNe Leakes, se refirió a la separación este mes y nos dijo que Kim estaba pasando un momento muy duro al separarse de Kroy.

Pero Ariana dice que Kim es una mujer fuerte y que su padrastro lo está haciendo "genial". Si somos francos, definitivamente está poniendo una cara valiente para sus padres, porque el Señor sabe que su situación en estos días es cualquier cosa menos tranquila.

Como te hemos dicho, Kim y Kroy siguen bajándole el precio a su mansión en Georgia para tratar de venderla y poder salir de una montaña de deudas y evitar una posible ejecución hipotecaria.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

Sin embargo, Ariana no parece muy preocupada por los acontecimientos inmobiliarios de sus padres ... ¡no es su casa y no es su problema!

Kim Zolciak's Daughter Ariana Mom Staying Strong Through Divorce ... It's All Gonna Work Out!!!

Everyone's Great

Kim Zolciak's daughter, Ariana Biermann, is keeping the faith ... saying her parents' nasty divorce will work itself out, and that her ma's staying strong through a really tough time.

Ariana was boarding a flight Thursday at LAX when a photog asked her how Kim and Kroy Biermann are holding up at home. You could tell she didn't really wanna chat about this -- but she opened up a bit nonetheless.

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The split looks pretty dramatic from the outside, but Ariana's saying the whole family's actually doing great these days ... though it sounds like she doesn't want to add to the tension or say anything bad about her parents. Truth is ... we all know the opposite is true.

Anyway -- Ariana's leaving it all up to God in terms of the fallout ... and she won't even weigh in on whether Kim and Kroy should be more civil with each other moving forward, rightly pointing out that they're adults ... and more importantly, she's not in the relationship!

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Remember ... Kim's former 'RHOA' costar NeNe Leakes ran into Kim earlier this month and told us Kim was having a hard time uncoupling from Kroy.

But Ariana says Kim's a strong woman and her stepdad's doing "awesome." If we're being frank ... this is definitely her putting a brave face on for her parents -- 'cause lord knows their situation these days is anything but.

As we've told you ... Kim and Kroy keep lowering the price of their Georgia mansion to try and sell it so they can climb out from a mountain of debt and avoid a potential foreclosure.

TMZ Studios

Nonetheless, Ariana doesn't sound too concerned with her parent's real estate happenings either ... not her casa, not her problem!!!

Kim and Kanye Icy Interaction ... During Saint's B-ball Game

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West showed up for their son Saint's basketball game Friday night – and the former couple came together and did their best to hide the multitude of issues between them.

Kanye arrived separately from Kim and their daughter, Chicago, at the sporting event in LA Friday night. While rooting on Saint during the match-up, Kim and Kanye had an interaction, which was photographed by paparazzi.

Check out the images, obtained by TMZ ... Kim is standing beside Kanye with Chicago between them, talking to the rapper about something. What they discussed is anyone's guess.

Saint's Supporters

Other pictures captured the exes sitting in the same row but several chairs apart with Kanye texting on his phone and Kim chatting with Saint. Their other kids -- North and Psalm — did not attend the game.

As we reported, Kim and Kanye finalized their divorce in 2022 after 7 years of marriage and have been co-parenting ever since. The pair have reunited before at various gatherings, but only in support of their children.


Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... behind the scenes there have been problems with various child-rearing issues ... where Kim and Kanye don't see eye to eye. And, we're told, Kim is super upset over Kanye's latest torrent of antisemitic rants, praising Hitler and the Nazis.

TMZ Studios

They're doing their best ... but it's clearly a challenge.

Kim y Kanye Tienen una fría interacción... Durante un partido de Saint

Kim Kardashian y Kanye West se presentaron para el partido de básquetbol de su hijo Saint el viernes por la noche e hicieron todo lo posible por ocultar la gran cantidad de problemas que hay entre ellos.

Kanye llegó por separado de Kim y su hija, Chicago, al evento deportivo de Los Ángeles. Mientras animaban a Saint durante el partido, ambos tuvieron una interacción, que fue fotografiada por los paparazzi.

Echa un vistazo a las imágenes obtenidas por TMZ. Kim está de pie junto a Kanye con Chicago entre ellos, hablando con el rapero sobre algo. Lo que discutieron es una incógnita.

Apoyando a Saint

Otras imágenes capturaron a los ex sentados en la misma fila, aunque había varias sillas de distancia entre ellos. Kanye estaba enviando mensajes de texto en su teléfono y Kim estaba charlando con Saint. Sus otros hijos, North y Psalm, no asistieron al partido.

Como informamos, Kim y Kanye pusieron fin a su divorcio en 2022 después de 7 años de matrimonio y desde entonces han criado a sus hijos juntos. La pareja se ha encontrado antes para otras reuniones, pero solo para apoyar a sus hijos.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que detrás de cámaras ha habido varios problemas respecto a la crianza de sus hijos, en los que Kim y Kanye no se ven cara a cara. Y nos dicen que Kim está súper molesta por la última diatriba antisemita de Kanye, alabando a Hitler y los nazis.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

Están haciendo todo lo posible, pero es claramente un desafío.

David Tutera 'My Fair Wedding,' Now My Divorce Hubby Files to End It

David Tutera is famous for having planned celebrities' weddings over the years -- but now, he's gonna have to plan his divorce ... 'cause his husband's throwing in the towel.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Joey Toth just signaled in court that he wants a dissolution of his marriage -- citing irreconcilable differences ... and also listing the date of their separation as the same day he filed for divorce -- and that would be today.

There are a few things Joey wants right off the bat in his petition -- for starters, he wants David to be ordered to pay spousal support to him ... and for a judge to make it so David himself can't receive any alimony from Joey.

As far as their kids -- the couple shares two young children, aged 4 and 10 -- Joey has some thoughts on that too ... but on that front, he's more open to sharing. Joey is asking for joint legal and physical custody.

One last thing ... he's asking for is David being ordered to pay his attorney fees. The other interesting thing worth noting is the fact Joey actually filed for divorce from David in 2020 -- this after they got hitched in 2017 -- but he withdrew that at the time, per court records.

Sounds like things have gotten rocky again, 'cause he's pulling the plug officially.

Tough break for a guy whose whole life has been organizing people's happiest days. Better luck next time, we suppose ...

Ryan Garcia Puts Shredded Abs On Display ... Amid Divorce

Ryan Garcia clearly isn't skipping any workouts as he deals with his divorce ... 'cause the star boxer just showed off his shredded abs with some steamy pics following his split from his wife.

The 24-1 junior welterweight fighter shared the shirtless photos on Friday ... which feature the 25-year-old soaking up the sun on a balcony while only sporting a blue cap and black joggers.

Garcia used the attention-grabbing snaps to also share some non-relationship news ... saying, "Fight announcement coming real soon… 🥊."

An upcoming bout could explain why Garcia looks bulkier than usual (he's moved up from 135 to 140 lbs.) ... but fight aside, it comes at an interesting time, as Ryan's now single and ready to mingle.

As we previously reported, Garcia notified his fans that he and his wife, Andrea Celina, were ending their nuptials ... shortly after revealing the birth of their son, Henry Leo.

According to court docs, Garcia and Celina -- a fitness expert and social media influencer -- got married in January 2021 and separated last Christmas. Garcia's reason for their split was listed as "irreconcilable differences" in the docs.

Garcia also stated he is willing to pay spousal support for 17 1/2 months, which is equivalent to half the time they were married.

Garcia explained in his statement that the most important thing, however, is co-parenting.

"I believe our mutual devotion to our children is rock solid," Garcia said, "and I trust that together, we will continue to provide them with the love, support, and stability they deserve."

NeNe Leakes dice que Kim Zolciak lucha contra el divorcio Y le desea felicidad

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A pesar de sus diferencias a lo largo de los años, NeNe Leakes está dejando que su ex compañera de 'RHOA' Kim Zolciak sepa que tiene una amiga, especialmente durante su divorcio.

Encontramos a NeNe en LAX esta semana y ella nos reveló que ella y Kim se encontraron no hace mucho tiempo, señalando que Kim mencionó brevemente que estaba teniendo un momento difícil en lo que respecta a su separación con Kroy Biermann.

Échale un vistazo... NeNe dice que las cosas entre ellas dos están bien. Es bueno saberlo, teniendo en cuenta lo mucho que discutieron en el pasado.

NeNe dice que le desea felicidad a Kim porque nadie quiere ver una ruptura familiar, especialmente cuando hay niños de por medio.

Ya sea que elijan estar juntos o separados, Nene dice que espera que Kim y Kroy puedan llegar a un acuerdo amistoso, porque su felicidad y la paz son lo más importante.

Aparte de eso, NeNe se deshace en elogios sobre la figura de Kim, diciéndonos que se veía muy bien. El poder femenino es bienvenido después de años de animosidad entre ellas.

En todo caso, Kim probablemente está más orientada al distanciamiento de su marido en lugar de reconstruir su amistad con NeNe por ahora.

Kim y Kroy han estado en la boca del otro durante meses y nosotros publicamos la historia... la policía tuvo que ir su casa en Noviembre después de una pelea desagradable entre ellos y las imágenes capturadas por la cámara muestran a Kroy culpando a Kim por sus problemas financieros, mientras que también la acusa de acostarse con otros hombres".

Siguen viviendo bajo el mismo techo en su mansión de Georgia, la cual están tratando desesperadamente de vender, aunque han tenido que rebajar el precio un par de veces porque no ha habido interesados serios.

Mientras tanto, están tratando de llegar a fin de mes mediante la venta de sus bolsos de diseño y zapatos. En cuanto a NeNe... simplemente les envía sus mejores deseos a los dos.


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Despite their differences over the years, NeNe Leakes is letting her former 'RHOA' costar Kim Zolciak know she's got a friend in her -- especially during her divorce.

We got NeNe at LAX this week ... and she revealed to us that she and Kim ran into each other not that long ago -- noting KZ briefly mentioned she was having a hard time lately as it pertains to uncoupling with Kroy Biermann.

Check it out ... NNL says didn't elaborate on the statement .... and they kept the rest of their catch-up positive. Good to hear, considering how much they've beefed in the past.

NeNe says she wishes Kim nothing but happiness cause nobody ever wants to see a family break up ... especially when kids are involved.

Whether they choose to be together or apart, Nene says she hopes K&K can come to an amicable agreement ... cause their happiness and peace are most important.

Other than that, Nene gushes over Kim's tiny figure ... telling us she looked great -- the girl power much-welcomed after years of animosity between them.

But Kim's focus is probably geared toward her estrangement from her husband, Kroy ... rather than rebuilding her friendship with NeNe for now.

KZ & KB have been at each other's throats for months -- we broke the story ... police were called to their home in Nov following a nasty fight between them and body cam footage shows Kroy blaming Kim for their financial struggles while also accusing her of "f***ing other men."

They're still living under the same roof at their Georgia mansion ... which they're desperately trying to sell ... though they've had to slash the price a few times cause there's been no serious takers.

In the meantime, they're trying to make ends meet by selling off their designer handbags and shoes. As far as NeNe goes though ... she's sending her best to the both of them.

Kim y Kroy Reducen el precio de su casa de nuevo en 1 millón... Por favor cómprenla!!!

Otro año, otra gran caída en el precio de la mansión de Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann en Georgia y todavía no hay compradores serios.

La pareja de estrellas de televisión, que está separada, ha reducido el valor de su propiedad, una vez más, bajando de $5,5 millones a $4,5 millones. Esto sucede alrededor de un mes después de que redujeran en $500k el valor de los $6 millones iniciales.

La cueva de Kim & Kroy
Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

Ya están familiarizados con la historia, la pareja tiene problemas de dinero y múltiples demandas financieras pendientes y el IRS está yendo duramente tras Kim y Kroy. La venta de la casa podría ser una salvación para la pareja. Sin embargo, parece que están teniendo problemas para deshacerse de ella.

Hay que tener en cuenta que las casas en la zona se venden por mucho menos dinero del precio que ellos ofrecieron inicialmente en diciembre, y solo se puede esperar que esta nueva caída de precios atraiga a un posible comprador.

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Los ánimos se calientan

Estas luchas financieras están causando una gran tensión en su relación personal también. Fuimos los primeros en contarles que las imágenes grabadas en cámara en noviembre mostraban una desagradable pelea entre la pareja. Kroy estaba culpando a Kim por sus luchas financieras, mientras que también la acusaba de acostarse con otros hombres".

Desde entonces se han calmado lo suficiente como para seguir viviendo en su espacio compartido (no está claro si todavía están enganchados como lo estaban justo después de que Kroy pidiera el divorcio por segunda vez) y Kim incluso se aseguró de que sus hijos recibieran regalos de Navidad a pesar de sus problemas financieros.

Kim y Kroy compraron su mansión en 2012 por un precio baratísimo de $880k, por lo que incluso $4,5 millones sería una impresionante ganancia para ellos. Pero realmente tienen que vender rápido porque Truist Bank dice que incumplieron su hipoteca y ha añadido que el banco está en su derecho de ejecutar la hipoteca en cualquier momento.

Esperemos que el nuevo precio despierte cierto interés... solo pueden vivir de bolsos y zapatos de diseño durante un tiempo.

Kim & Kroy Slash Price Again By A Million ... Please Buy Our Home!!!

Another year, another huge price dip on Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann's Georgia mansion ... and still no serious takers as of now.

The estranged reality star couple have reduced the listing for their estate once again ... coming down from $5.5 million to $4.5 million -- about a month after they brought it down $500k from $6 million.

Kim & Kroy's Cove
Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

You know the drill by now ... the pair's got money issues -- with multiple financial lawsuits pending, and the IRS is coming after KZ and KB hard. Selling the house could be a saving grace for the couple ... however, they seem to be having trouble unloading it.

Keep in mind ... houses in the area were going for way less money than what they listed it for when they made the first price cut in December, and they can only hope this new price drop will entice a buyer to take it off their hands.

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These financial struggles are causing a massive strain on their personal relationship too ... we broke the story, body cam footage from November showed a nasty fight between the couple in which Kroy blamed Kim for their financial struggles while also accusing her of "f***ing other men."

They've since calmed down enough to continue living in their shared space (unclear if they're still hooking up like they were right after Kroy filed for divorce for the second time) ... and KZ even made sure their kids got Christmas gifts despite their financial woes.

Kim & Kroy bought their mansion back in 2012 for the bargain price of $880k, so even $4.5 mil would be an impressive ROI for them ... but they really gotta sell quick because Truist Bank says they defaulted on their mortgage -- adding the bank is well within its rights to foreclose at any time.


Hopefully, the new price drums up some interest ... they can only live off designer handbags and shoes for so long.