Lukas Gage Raya Dig Wasn't Shot at My Ex ... All Good With Chris!!!


Lukas Gage is clarifying some comments he made about a dating app ... telling us they shouldn't be perceived as a swipe at his estranged husband, Chris Appleton.

We got the "White Lotus" star Tuesday near DOGPOUND Gym in West Hollywood and our photog asked him if he was dissing Chris with his dig at Raya ... a private, membership-based social networking app.

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Remember ... when we got Lukas last week -- after his Hinge profile had just popped up -- he told us he went with Hinge over Raya because he was looking for "real ones" and not "influencer" types.

Some took Lukas' words as a shot at his estranged husband ... seeing as Chris is a celeb hairstylist.


But, Lukas is pumping the brakes on that front ... telling us he wasn't throwing shade at Chris and everything is all good with his ex.

Seems Lukas is well aware of the scuttlebutt ... and he's setting the record straight.

Erik Spoelstra Ex-Wife Fires Back At Trolls ... After Historic Contract

Erik Spoelstra's ex-wife, Nikki, is clapping back at the haters for saying she "fumbled the bag" after the Miami Heat head coach signed a record-breaking eight-year, $120 million extension ... calling the commentary as shallow as a kiddie pool.

As we previously reported, Erik and the former Heat dancer announced their divorce in November 2023 after 7 years of marriage.

Now that Erik is putting pen to a much different set of papers, some trolls decided to put their focus on Nikki for missing out on her ex's big payday.

Nikki was clearly fed up with the narrative on Wednesday ... going to Instagram to fire off a response.

"Lol. I'm going to address this comment NOT as it pertains to my personal life choices but as it relates to a general thought process that I believe a lot of people have and that a lot of people have harassed me with over the years," the 36-year-old said.

"According to crass, ignorant, uninformed society at large, women can't win."

Nikki went on to point out how she believes women's love is seen as superficial -- that they can’t genuinely be in love with a successful person unless they want their money ... if a lady chooses a relationship with an average person, she’s an "idiot."

She also explained she won’t ignore the chatter because it’s been messing with her mental health for years ... and called on people to be nicer with their words.

To finish her point, the mother of three let her followers know she is not the one to be tried with their "bulls***."

As for the contract, Spo is one of the most successful and respected coaches in the game today ... and even guys like LeBron James said the deal is worth every penny.

Teyana Taylor Iman's A Bad Dad ... He's High While Caring For Our Kids!!!

Teyana Taylor says Iman Shumpert ignores the safety of their children when they're in his care ... accusing him of smoking weed and being under the influence when he's with them.

The singer takes some shots at the former NBA player's parenting skills in new legal docs from their nasty divorce ... and Teyana's not pulling any punches.

According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, Teyana claims Iman consistently fails to properly care for their two kiddos ... accusing him of failing to feed them despite being in the family home.

What's more, Teyana says Iman smokes marijuana around the kids and is sometimes under the influence when caring for them.


In one instance, Teyana claims Iman put the kids in a rideshare in Chicago and had them dropped off at the United Center alone while he had a private driver take him to the arena.

Add it all up and Teyana claims Iman "consistently demonstrates a clear disregard for the safety of the minor children."

As we first told you, Iman's denied Teyana's claim that he made her feel endangered when she was with him ... and now she's saying he's putting their kids in danger.

Teyana Taylor afirma que Iman Shumpert cuida a sus hijos drogado

Teyana Taylor dice que Iman Shumpert ignora la seguridad de sus hijos cuando están a su cuidado, acusándolo de fumar hierba cuando está con ellos.

La cantante pone en duda las habilidades de crianza del ex jugador de la NBA en los nuevos documentos legales de su problemático divorcio.

De acuerdo con los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, Teyana afirma que Iman no cuida adecuadamente a sus dos pequeños, acusándolo de no darles de comer a pesar de estar en la casa de la familia.

Es más, Teyana dice que Iman fuma marihuana cerca de los niños y a veces está bajo la influencia cuando cuida de ellos.

¿qué está pasando?

En una ocasión, Teyana afirma que Iman puso a los niños en un viaje compartido a Chicago y los dejó solos en el United Center, mientras que su conductor privado lo llevaba a la arena.

Teyana afirma que Iman "demuestra constantemente un claro desprecio por la seguridad de los menores de edad".

Como le dijimos por primera vez, Iman ha negado la afirmación de Teyana de que él la hizo sentir en peligro cuando estaban juntos y ahora ella está diciendo que él está poniendo a sus hijos en peligro.

Kroy Biermann no sabe lo que hizo Kim Zolciak con el dinero de las ventas

Kroy Biermann y Kim Zolciak están discutiendo sobre las finanzas de nuevo y esta vez es sobre el dinero que él piensa que ella está haciendo de la venta de su ropa de diseño.

De acuerdo con los nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Kroy dice que su esposa separada ha estado vendiendo su amplia colección de bolsos de diseño, zapatos y ropa, pero él dice que no está claro lo que está haciendo con los beneficios y si alguna de las cosas que se venden es propiedad conyugal a diferencia de sus cosas por separado.

Kroy está seguro de una cosa, afirma que nada del dinero va a apoyar a su patrimonio conyugal y que dice que está "agobiado por la deuda significativa".

En los documentos, Kroy estima que la colección de diseñadores de Kim vale cientos de miles de dólares y él cree que ella adquirió la mayor parte de mientras estaban casados.

Kroy dice que él y Kim están en una "grave situación financiera", que consta de una deuda de $1.1 millones que le deben al IRS y quiere que el tribunal para identificar y dividir equitativamente sus bienes conyugales, incluyendo su mansión de Georgia y bienes personales.

Sin embargo, fuentes cercanas a Kim le dicen a TMZ que está vendiendo ropa de diseño que adquirió antes de casarse y utilizó parte del dinero para comprarle a sus hijos regalos de Navidad.

Nuestras fuentes también dicen que Kim ha pagado durante años los gastos de la casa y las facturas en solitario.

Recordemos que Kim y Kroy tienen mucho que hacer a medida que navegan su divorcio, sus deudas siguen aumentando y también están tratando de vender su enorme mansión.

Un montón de dinero para hacerle un seguimiento... y eso es exactamente lo que Kroy quiere hacer aquí en la corte.

Kroy Biermann To Kim Zolciak Where's The $$$ From Designer Sales?!?

Kroy Biermann and Kim Zolciak are bickering over finances again ... and this time it's all about the money he thinks she's making from selling her designer gear.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Kroy says his estranged wife's been selling off her expansive collection of designer purses, shoes and clothes ... but he says it's unclear what she's doing with the profits and whether any of the stuff being sold is marital property, as opposed to her separate stuff.

Kroy is confident in one thing ... he claims none of the money is going to support their marital estate, which he says is "weighed down by significant debt."

In the docs, Kroy estimates Kim's designer collection is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars ... and he believes she acquired most of it while they were married.


Kroy says he and Kim are in a "dire financial situation" -- including the $1.1 million debt they owe to the IRS -- and he wants the court to identify and equitably divide their marital assets, including their Georgia mansion and personal property.

However, sources close to Kim tell TMZ ... she's selling designer gear she acquired before they were married and used some of the money to buy their kids Christmas presents.

Our sources also say Kim has for years paid house expenses and bills solo.

Remember, Kim and Kroy got a lot going on right now -- as they navigate their divorce, their debts continue to mount ... and they're also trying to unload their massive GA mansion.

Lots of money to keep track of ... and that's exactly what Kroy wants to do here in court.

MILLI VANILLI Fab Morvan's WIFE FILES FOR DIVORCE ... Not That We Knew He Was Married

Surprise, Milli Vanilli's Fab Morvan is married! Double surprise, he's headed for divorce -- according to online court records obtained by TMZ, Kim Marlowe's filed paperwork to end their marriage.

There's limited information at this point -- but what we know is Kim, who was an executive producer on his 2023 documentary film "Milli Vanilli" -- filed the divorce docs in L.A. County Superior Court.

Kim is also listed as Fab's manager on IMDB, a 1997 L.A. Times article refers to her as his best friend.

Here's another plot twist -- less than 3 months ago, Fab told People magazine said he's been living in Amsterdam with his partner Tessa van der Steen and their 4 kids -- ranging from ages 2 to 10.

That news wasn't all that shocking, at the time, because no one knew he'd been married.

So, it's possible Fab and Kim separated ages ago, and she's just now getting around to filing divorce paperwork.

Nonetheless, Fab may still be on decent terms with Kim ... they posed together last June in NYC during the Tribeca Film Festival -- where he also posed for pics with Tessa.

Busy guy!

TMZ's reached out to Fab's camp for comment ... so far, no word back.


Ryan Garcia afirma que su matrimonio con Drea Celina se encontraba más allá de la reparación: la estrella del boxeo presentó la solicitud de divorcio debido a “diferencias irreconciliables”… de acuerdo a documentos judiciales obtenidos por TMZ Sports.

Como informamos anteriormente, el viernes por la noche el púgil de 25 años anunció la separación de su esposa de casi 3 años a través de su cuenta de Instagram, minutos después de revelar que habían dado la bienvenida a su segundo hijo juntos.

En los documentos presentados la semana pasada, Garcia menciona que él y Celina, quienes se casaron el 14 de enero de 2021, estaban oficialmente separados el día de Navidad de 2023.

El boxeador con un récord de 24-1 afirma estar dispuesto a apoyar financieramente a sus dos hijos, Bela, de 3 años, y Henry, nacido el mes pasado, de acuerdo con las “necesidades razonables” de los niños.

En cuanto a Drea, los documentos indican que Garcia está dispuesto a pagar la manutención conyugal durante los próximos 17 1/2 meses, la mitad del tiempo que estuvieron casados.

En el anuncio del divorcio, Garcia mencionó que la crianza compartida es la “prioridad principal” de la expareja… y continuará centrándose en la salud y el bienestar de Bela y Henry.

“Creo que nuestra devoción mutua hacia nuestros hijos es sólida como una roca, y confío en que juntos seguiremos brindándoles el amor, el apoyo y estabilidad que merecen”, dijo en el comunicado.

Drea, por otro lado, compartió mensajes crípticos en su cuenta… dando a entender que puede haber más en la historia.

Ryan Garcia, Drea Celina Split Due To 'Irreconcilable Differences' ... Divorce Docs Show

Ryan Garcia says his marriage to Drea Celina was beyond repair -- the boxing star filed for divorce due to "irreconcilable differences" ... this according to court docs obtained by TMZ Sports.

As we previously reported, the 25-year-old pugilist announced his split from his wife of nearly 3 years via his Instagram account Friday night ... just minutes after revealing they welcomed their second child together.

In the docs filed last week, Garcia says he and Celina -- who got married on Jan. 14, 2021 -- were officially separated on Christmas Day 2023.

The 24-1 fighter says he is willing to financially support their two children -- 3-year-old Bela and Henry, who was born last month -- based on the minor children's "reasonable needs."

As for Drea, the docs state Garcia is open to paying spousal support to her for the next 17 1/2 months -- half the time they were married.

In the divorce announcement, Garcia said co-parenting is the former couple's "top priority" ... and he will continue to focus on Bela and Henry's health and well-being.

"I believe our mutual devotion to our children is rock solid, and I trust that together, we will continue to provide them with the love, support and stability they deserve," he said in the statement.

Drea, on the other hand, shared cryptic messages on her account ... seemingly indicating that there may be more to the story.

LISA BONET SOLICITA EL DIVORCIO DE JASON MOMOA … 2 años después de su noticia de separación

Lisa Bonet está lista para oficialmente poner fin a su relación con Jason Momoa, ya que acaba de presentar la solicitud de divorcio.

De acuerdo con los nuevos documentos judiciales, obtenidos por TMZ, Lisa está pidiendo a un juez la disolución del matrimonio, casi 2 años después de que anunciaran su separación y encaminándose hacia el divorcio.

En sus documentos, LB lista la fecha de separación como el 7 de octubre de 2020, lo que significa que han estado separados desde hace un tiempo. Recuerda, se casaron en 2017, así que, en total, parece que disfrutaron de alrededor de 3 años de un matrimonio feliz.

Con respecto a sus dos hijos menores, Lola y Nakoa-Wolf, Lisa quiere la custodia física y legal conjunta. En el aspecto financiero, Lisa no está solicitando manutención conyugal y sugiere que Jason tampoco la pedirá.

La implicación aquí parece ser que tienen un acuerdo prenupcial, ya que sus propiedades y activos por separado están “acordados entre las partes”. Este es el 2.º matrimonio de Lisa, quien estuvo casada famosamente con Lenny Kravitz y tuvo una hija con él, la actriz Zoe Kravitz.

Para Jason, este marca su primer y único matrimonio. Aunque se casaron hace solo 8 años, salieron durante mucho tiempo antes, siendo vinculados por primera vez en el lejano 2005.

Como indicaron por primera vez en su declaración cuando anunciaron su separación, se están “liberando mutuamente para ser quienes están aprendiendo a ser”. JM y LB están comprometidos con la crianza compartida.

Lisa Bonet Files to Divorce Jason Momoa ... 2 Years After Split News

Lisa Bonet is ready to finally end her relationship with Jason Momoa officially -- 'cause she just filed for divorce.

According to new court docs, obtained by TMZ, Lisa is asking a judge for a dissolution of marriage -- this nearly 2 years after they announced they were splitting up and heading down the road of divorce.

In her paperwork, LB lists their date of separation as Oct. 7, 2020 -- which means they've been split up for a little while now. Remember, they got hitched back in 2017 ... so all in all, it sounds like they enjoyed about 3 years of a happy married life.

Now, when it comes to their two minor children, Lola and Nakoa-Wolf, Lisa says she wants joint physical and legal custody. On the money front, Lisa isn't asking for spousal support ... and she indicates Jason won't be asking for dough either.

The implication here seems to be that they have a prenup in place -- as their separate property and assets are "agreed between the parties." This marks Lisa's 2nd marriage ... she was famously married to Lenny Kravitz and had a girl with him, actress Zoe Kravitz.


For Jason, this marks his first and only marriage. While they tied the knot just 8 years ago, they'd been dating for a very long time before that ... first being linked way back in '05.

As they first indicated in their statement when they announced their split, they're "freeing each other to be who we are learning to become." JM and LB are committed to co-parenting.

Lukas Gage I'm Loving The New 'White Lotus' Cast ... Throws Shade At Ex???

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Lukas Gage is digging the new cast from his HBO series ... and seemingly taking a dig at his estranged husband, Chris Appleton, too.

We got the "White Lotus" star Friday afternoon at the DOGPOUND in West Hollywood and our photog asked him about the hit franchise's new faces.

Lukas says he's especially stoked about Leslie Bibb and Parker Posey, who he says is about as close to a Jennifer Coolidge type as possible.

Of course, there's no replacing Jennifer -- she was the fan favorite for the first two seasons but her character won't be back for a third -- but Lukas says Parker is a great addition nonetheless and he tells us why the show doesn't need Harry Styles' star power.

Other 'Lotus' castings include Jason Isaacs, Michelle Monaghan, Dom Hetrakul and Tayme Thapthimthong.

Lukas looks pretty fit ... a classic case of post-breakup hotness.

TMZ broke the story ... Lukas is going through a divorce with his estranged husband, celeb hairstylist Chris Appleton, after a whirlwind marriage.

Lukas is already jumping back in the dating pool ... with a new Hinge profile.

We asked him why he went with Hinge over Raya, and he tells us he's looking for the "real ones" as opposed to influencers or celebs.

It seems like a shot at Chris ... because Lukas adds, "We've done that already."

Lukas Gage elogia al nuevo reparto de "White Lotus" y le lanza indirectas a su ex marido

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Lukas Gage está encantado con el nuevo elenco de su serie de HBO y parece que también se burla de su marido, Chris Appleton.

Nos encontramos con la estrella de "White Lotus" el viernes por la tarde en el DOGPOUND en West Hollywood y nuestro fotógrafo le preguntó acerca de las nuevas caras de la exitosa franquicia.

Lukas dice que está especialmente entusiasmado con Leslie Bibb y Parker Posey, que según él, es lo más parecido a Jennifer Coolidge.

Por supuesto, no se puede reemplazar a Jennifer -ella era la favorita de los fans para las dos primeras temporadas, pero su personaje no volverá para una tercera- pero Lukas dice que Parker es una gran adición y nos dice por qué la serie no necesita el poder de la estrella de Harry Styles.

Otros castings de "Lotus" incluyen a Jason Isaacs, Michelle Monaghan, Dom Hetrakul y Tayme Thapthimthong.

Lukas se ve en forma... un caso clásico de post-ruptura.

TMZ publicó la historia, Lukas está pasando por un divorcio con su marido, el peluquero Chris Appleton, después de un matrimonio relámpago.

Lukas ya está saltando de nuevo a la piscina de citas, actualizando su perfil de Hinge.

Le preguntamos por qué prefirió Hinge por sobre Raya, y nos dice que está buscando a gente "real" en lugar de influencers o celebridades.

Parece una indirecta para Chris... porque Lukas añade: "Eso ya lo hice antes".

Kelly Clarkson Kiddos Banned From Social Media ... My Roof, My Rules!!!

Kelly Clarkson's using the oldest parent cliché in the book ... telling her kids they can't use social media as long as they live under her roof -- 'cause what she says goes, period.

The singer/mama-of-two dished out her somewhat strict parenting rules in a new interview with People -- explaining why it's her way or the highway when it comes to social media and her children. Namely, they ain't allowed to get on the 'Gram ... or anything else.

She says, "[Social media] can be really hard on kids in general but especially kids with parents in the public eye. So I have informed them they’re not allowed to, under my roof, ever have [it]." Kelly adds things may change down the line, but for now ... hell no.

One interesting part of the interview ... Clarkson talked co-parenting with her ex-husband and seemingly took a shot at him in the process -- which jibes with their contentious uncoupling.

KC says ... "My daughter was like, ‘Well, what if Dad lets me?’ I’m like, ‘Well, you’re there four days a month. Enjoy that.’ And right now he’s not letting them do it either."

Whether it's an intentional shot or not, she seems to be saying her daughter River and son Remington aren't seeing much of their dad these days ... at least that's what we can glean.

As we reported ... Kelly filed for divorce from Blackstock back in 2020, and it was finalized nearly two years later. She also took him to court over how he managed her finances -- and there, too, some interesting nuggets emerged about their professional relationship.

Don't worry Clarkson kids ... only about a decade until you're out of social media jail!

Lauren Boebert Allegedly Punches Ex-Hubby in the Nose ... Twice! Police Investigating


10:55 AM PT -- Boebert tells TMZ ... "This is a sad situation for all that keeps escalating and another reason I’m moving. I didn’t punch Jayson in the face and no one was arrested. I will be consulting with my lawyer about the false claims he made against me and evaluate all of my legal options."

9:53 AM PT -- Congresswoman Boebert’s office tells TMZ they are looking into the matter.

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert may have run afoul of the law ... for allegedly beating on her ex-husband.

Silt Police Lt. Matt Gronbeck tells TMZ ... cops were called Saturday night to Miner's Claim, a restaurant in Silt, Colorado.

Officers say the initial 911 call was a hangup, but wouldn't reveal any other info on their investigation ... including what charges Lauren or Jayson Boebert might face.

However, eyewitnesses at the scene tell TMZ ... Lauren was sitting in the restaurant when Jayson walked in, and the pair got into an argument before the congresswoman punched him in the nose twice.

Lauren, not Jayson, then called the police .... and Jayson was ordered to leave.

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Jayson seems contrite telling TMZ ... "I made a mistake. We both overreacted. I only want what's best for boys and I still love her very much. I only want the best for her."

He continued, "I really don't know what to say it's sad what has happened to us. I forgive her. I know she has a lot of hurt and pain. We both do.”

Their relationship clearly isn't as amicable as they wanted people to believe. As we previously reported ... Jayson tried to take the fall for Lauren's theater hookup in the aftermath of the 'Beetlejuice' scandal.

Jayson said the marriage ended when he cheated and asked people to show the controversial conservative "grace and mercy."

It'll be interesting to see how much grace Jayson shows her after this explosive incident

Originally Published -- 9:49 AM PT

Ariana Grande anuncia su primer single en casi 3 años

Ariana Grande ha estado fuera de la escena musical por un buen tiempo, pero todo eso va a terminar a finales de esta semana, al menos eso dice la Princesa del Pop.

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La cantante anunció el domingo que lanzará un nuevo single en solitario -el primero en casi 3 años- el próximo viernes y ha vuelto a usar comas en los títulos de sus canciones. El tema se llama "Yes, And?"

Ari está publicando una tonelada de anuncios en sus historias de Insta, incluyendo un montón de enlaces para que los fans ordenen el single por anticipado. También parece estar usando su cuenta oficial de "Sweetener" para promocionarlo.

Por supuesto, su base leal está más que entusiasmada con la noticia, ya que muchos sienten que ella estuvo seriamente fuera del radar por demasiado tiempo desde que nos entregó el álbum "Positions" allá por el otoño de 2020. Después de eso, ella ha sido bastante discreta tanto en la música como en la vida pública.

Todo eso cambió el año pasado cuando se divorció de su ahora ex marido Dalton Gómez y comenzó a salir con su coprotagonista en "Wicked" Ethan Slater (el chico de "Bob Esponja"). El cambio en su vida amorosa causó muchos titulares al igual que su separación profesional del mega manager Scooter Braun.

Mientras que mucha gente siente que Ariana ha decaído últimamente, la verdad del asunto es que ella ha estado ocupada rodando este musical en el Reino Unido y obviamente haciéndole frente a muchas cosas en su círculo íntimo.

Sí, ella no ha sacado música original hace un tiempo, pero ha vuelto a los escenarios durante las vacaciones y fue un gran éxito.

Veremos qué tiene que decir sobre todo lo que ha pasado en su vida últimamente. Estamos impacientes.