Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann se someten a mediación para resolver su divorcio

Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann tienen un montón de problemas, y ahora el juez en su caso de divorcio está tomando medidas enérgicas, ordenando a la mediación en un intento de llegar a un acuerdo.

De acuerdo con los nuevos documentos legales, obtenidos por TMZ, a Kim y Kroy se les ordena completar una sesión de mediación antes de la fecha límite del 31 de enero.

El juez dice que Kim y Kroy tienen "numerosos problemas sin resolver" y cree que podrían beneficiarse de la mediación a través del programa de resolución alternativa de disputas del condado.

Obviamente, la mediación no siempre funciona ni garantiza que Kim y Kroy resuelvan sus problemas, pero el tribunal al menos los está obligando a intentarlo.

es suficiente

Como te hemos dicho, Kim y Kroy se están divorciando en medio de toneladas de problemas financieros y ha habido varias visitas de la policía a su casa de Georgia por peleas explosivas.

Kim y Kroy también tienen cuatro niños pequeños, por lo que resolver los problemas de custodia a través de la mediación puede no ser pan comido.

Estén atentos ...

Kim and Kroy Divorce Judge Orders Them to Mediation ... Work Out Your Issues!!!

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann have plenty of issues, and now the judge in their divorce case is cracking down ... ordering them to mediation in an attempt to hammer out a settlement.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Kim and Kroy are being directed to complete a mediation session by a Jan. 31 deadline.

The judge says Kim and Kroy have "numerous unresolved issues" and thinks they could benefit from mediation through the county's alternative dispute resolution program.

Obviously, mediation does not always work or guarantee Kim and Kroy will resolve their issues ... but the court is at least forcing them to give it the old college try.


As we've told you ... Kim and Kroy are divorcing amid tons of financial woes, and there's been several police visits to their Georgia home over explosive fights.

Kim and Kroy also have 4 young children so working out custody issues through mediation may be no cakewalk.

Stay tuned ...

Britney Spears se siente extraña estando soltera tras su fallido matrimonio con Sam Asghari

Britney Spears está recordando su fallido matrimonio con Sam Asghari, diciendo que hubo muchos altibajos y confiesa que se siente extraña estando soltera.

En un largo mensaje publicado en Instagram el domingo, Brit se sumergió de lleno en su relación de 7 años con Sam que terminó con él solicitando el divorcio en agosto de 2023 después de 14 meses de matrimonio.

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Ella escribió: "Es tan raro estar soltera.  He tenido mucho tiempo para mirar realmente hacia atrás con todo lo bueno y lo malo. Me he dado cuenta de que no hablo conmigo misma tan bien en absoluto. Soy fácilmente manipulable y llevo mi corazón en la manga".

Brit prometió hacer cambios en su vida al detenerse a "reevaluar" las situaciones a medida que surgen y preguntarse: "¿Esto es bueno para mí?"

También reveló que le gusta tener una rutina, pero que la suya es "tonta a veces", aunque admite que se aburre y le asustan muchas cosas.

Luego tocó el tema de las personas que interfirieron en su vida, de las cuales ha recuperado el control, sabiendo ahora que está bien ser egoísta y disfrutar.

Después de eso, Brit se desvió un poco, terminando con una historia sobre su madre, Lynne, visitando a las hermanas en la escuela católica a la que la estrella del pop asistió cuando era más joven.

Lynne podría haber estado en la mente de Brit dada su reciente reconciliación después de años de estar distanciados. El jueves pasado, TMZ informó por primera vez que Lynne hizo su segundo viaje en dos semanas para ver a Brit en Los Ángeles y parece que todo salió según lo planeado.

Lynne incluso nos dijo que hay una posibilidad de que madre e hija podrían pasar la Navidad juntas de vuelta a casa en Louisiana. En cuanto a Sam, Lynne dice que no lo echa de menos.

Lo siento Sam.

Britney Spears Reflects On Marriage To Sam Asghari ... There Was 'Good and Bad'

Britney Spears is reminiscing about her failed marriage to Sam Asghari, saying there were many ups and downs while confessing she feels strange being single.

In a lengthy message posted on Instagram Sunday, Brit dove right into her 7-year relationship with Sam that ended with him filing for divorce in August 2023 after 14 months of marriage.

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She wrote, "It’s so weird being single.  I’ve had a lot of time to really look back with all the good and bad. I’ve realized I don’t talk to myself that nicely at all. I’m easily manipulated and I wear my heart on my sleeve."

Brit vowed to make changes in her life by stopping to "re-evaluate" situations as they come up and ask herself, "Is this good for me?"

She also revealed she enjoys having a routine, but hers is "silly sometimes," yet she admits she's bored and frightened of many things.

She then touched upon the people who interfered in her life, of which she has gained back control, knowing now that it's fine to be selfish and enjoy it.

After that, Brit veered off a bit, ending with a story about her mom, Lynne, visiting the sisters at the Catholic school the pop star attended when she was younger.


Lynne might have been on Brit's mind given their recent reconciliation after years of being estranged. Last Thursday, TMZ first reported Lynne made her second trip in 2 weeks to see Brit in L.A. -- and it appears it all went according to plan.

Lynne even told us there's a possibility mother and daughter could spend Christmas with each other back home in Louisiana. As for Sam, Lynne says she doesn't miss him.

Sorry Sam.

Joe Manganiello Hits NYC Gala w/ Caitlin O'Connor ... Go Public Post-Sofia Divorce

Sofia Vergara has moved on to a new partner amid her divorce with Joe Manganiello, and now ... he's done the same, linking up with Caitlin O'Connor and going public as a couple.

The actor showed up Saturday night to the Children of Armenia Fund Gala in NYC, and he had Caitlin hanging off his arm as his date. There've been sightings and rumblings of them having already been together of late ... so, it seems they were ready to reveal their romance.

Joe was looking sharp with a traditional suit ... COC was draped in a beautiful green gown. They held on to each other as people fired off photos, and smiled happily for the cameras.

If you're wondering why they were even there in the first place ... it's cause JM was honored with the COAF Humanitarian Award. Sounds like he's been involved with them for a while.

Now, as far as who Caitlin is ... well, she's an actress too -- and like we told you, she met Joe at a 'Winning Time' after-party earlier this year, and they hit it off. She was only in 2 episodes of the hit HBO series, but she's been in a bunch of other stuff as well.

Like we said ... this would be Joe's first relationship post-Sofia ... to whom he was married for 7 years before filing to end their marriage in court earlier this summer. That divorce case is still pending at the moment, but it looks like it might be finalized in due time.

Sofia, meanwhile, is already dating a new fella too ... a respected orthopedic surgeon named Justin Saliman, who's been seen hitting the town with her a lot over the past few months.

Her and Joe's split came out of nowhere this year, but we've heard they'd grown apart ... and that another big reason for their divorce was over kids. He wants 'em, she doesn't.

Everybody's moving on, it seems.

Joe Manganiello y Caitlin O'Connor se muestran como pareja en una gala en Nueva York

Sofia Vergara ha cambiado de pareja en medio de su divorcio con Joe Manganiello, y ahora, él ha hecho lo mismo, uniéndose a Caitlin O'Connor y haciéndolo público.

El actor se presentó el sábado por la noche en la Gala del Fondo para los Niños de Armenia en Nueva York, y llevaba a Caitlin colgada del brazo como su cita. Ha habido avistamientos y rumores de que ya han estado juntos últimamente, así que parece que estaban listos para revelar su romance.

Joe se veía elegante con un traje tradicional, Caitlin estaba envuelta en un hermoso vestido verde. Se agarraron el uno al otro mientras la gente tomaba fotos y sonreían felices para las cámaras.

Si te estás preguntando por qué estaban allí en primer lugar, es porque Joe fue galardonado con el Premio Humanitario del COAF. Suena como que ha estado involucrado con ellos por un tiempo.

Ahora, en cuanto a quién es Caitlin, bueno, ella es una actriz también y como te dijimos, conoció a Joe en un after party de la serie "Winning a principios de este año y se cayeron bien. Ella solo estuvo en dos episodios de la exitosa serie de HBO, pero ha estado en un montón de otras cosas.

Como hemos dicho, esta sería la primera relación de Joe después de Sofía, con la que estuvo casado durante siete años antes de solicitar el divorcio en los tribunales a principios de este verano. Ese caso de divorcio sigue pendiente en este momento pero parece que podría ser finalizado a su debido tiempo.

Sofía, mientras tanto, ya está saliendo con un nuevo chico también, un cirujano ortopédico respetado llamado Justin Saliman, que ha sido visto con ella en la ciudad los últimos meses.

La separación de Joe y Sofía surgió de la nada este año, pero sabíamos que se habían distanciado un poco, además, otro motivo importante de su divorcio fueron los hijos. Él los quiere, ella no.

Al parecer, todo el mundo sigue adelante.

LYNNE SPEARS Britney Returning Home for the Holidays ... 'Things Are Always Possible'

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Lynne Spears made her second trip to L.A. in 2 weeks to see Britney -- though there's a chance the next reunion could happen back in Louisiana for Christmas.

Lynne jetted into LAX Thursday, acknowledging "all things are always possible" when asked if there was a chance for her and Britney to continue their reconciliation back in their home state for the holidays.

She also tells us familial relationships on the whole are "going well" -- and is a fan of Britney's longtime manager, Cade Hudson ... who's been spending a lot of time with Brit.

As for Britney's ex-husband Sam Asghari ... she seems pretty glad he's outta the picture!!

However, when it came to all other personal matters, she played coy ... dodging questions about her ex-husband Jamie Spears' health following his leg amputation ... news TMZ broke earlier this week.

In light of his medical woes, our sources revealed Britney has softened toward her dad ... and she's already full steam ahead making amends with mamma Lynne.

Lynne bagged an invite to Brit's 42nd birthday bash at the start of the month ... and they've been making up for lost time during loads of phone calls recently.

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Her desire to get back on track with her family comes after giving the boot to Sam ... who dodged questions from TMZ Wednesday about his ex-wife's possible reconciliation with dad Jamie -- the man he once called a "total dick."


Lynne Spears Britney de vuelta a casa para las vacaciones... 'Siempre es posible'

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¿A casa para las fiestas?

Lynne Spears hizo su segundo viaje a Los Ángeles en 2 semanas para ver a Britney, aunque hay una posibilidad de que la próxima reunión sea en Louisiana para la Navidad.

Lynne llegó al aeropuerto de Los Ángeles el jueves, reconociendo que "todas las cosas son siempre posibles" cuando se le preguntó si había una posibilidad de que ella y Britney continuaran su reconciliación en su estado natal para las fiestas.

También nos dijo que las relaciones familiares "va bien" en general y que es una fan desde hace mucho tiempo de su manager, Cade Hudson, quien ha estado pasando mucho tiempo con Brit.

En cuanto a su exmarido Sam Asghari, ¡parece muy contenta de que esté fuera del cuadro!

Sin embargo, cuando se trata de todos los otros asuntos personales, fue más cautelosa y esquivó las preguntas sobre la salud de su exmarido Jamie Spears después de que le amputaran una pierna a principios de esta semana, como informó primero TMZ.

A la luz de sus problemas médicos, nuestras fuentes revelaron que Britney se ha suavizado con su padre y ya está viento en popa para hacer las paces con su madre Lynne.

Lynne fue invitada a la fiesta de cumpleaños 42 de Brit a principios de mes y han estado recuperando el tiempo perdido con un montón de llamadas telefónicas recientemente.

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Esquivando las preguntas de Britney

Su deseo de volver a conectar con su familia viene después de terminar con Sam, quien también esquivó las preguntas de TMZ el miércoles sobre una posible reconciliación de su exesposa con su padre Jamie, el hombre que una vez llamó un "idiota total".


Sophie Turner Kissing Single Life Goodbye!!! Makin' Out with New BF, An Aristocrat No Less

Sophie Turner has rebounded from her split with Joe Jonas, 'cause she's got a new guy!

Sophie was in full make-out mode in London Friday with her new boyfriend, British aristocrat Peregrine Pearson -- no worries on pronunciation ... he goes by Perry.

S&P strolled down the streets of London, hand in hand, as they made it clear to one and all -- they're a couple.

We actually saw the 2 back in October kissing each other in Paris ... but it was unclear if they were in a relationship. Now it's crystal clear.

As for his lineage ... Perry is the eldest son of Michael Pearson, the 4th Viscount Cowdray -- also a major stakeholder in the Pearson family media empire.

Sophie's loaded -- $10 mil -- but it pales in comparison to Perry, whose bank is north of $270 mil.

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As TMZ reported, Joe Jonas filed for divorce back in early September, and it was acrimonious from the jump, although things seemed to have calmed down.

As for Perry, he's coming off a relationship with King Charles' goddaughter, Princess Maria-Olympia of Greece and Denmark.

Joe and Sophie have reached a temporary child custody agreement, where their 2 kids will travel back and forth from the U.S. to the U.K., although no permanent arrangement has been struck.

Life goes on.

Kevin Costner, Jewel Love Match During Tennis Tourney Photos Tell the Story!!!

Kevin Costner is apparently rebounding after his split from Christine Baumgartner because he and Jewel are now a thing ... sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ.

These pics were shot on Richard Branson's Necker Island in the British Virgin Islands ... where the 2 of them were part of a tennis fundraiser for the Inspiring Children Foundation. Jewel is the founder of the org, and Kevin was a guest.

Here's what we know. The 2 flew to the Caribbean together and hung out a lot for more than a week. As one source put it, "There was definitely something going on. They were flirty, and when they were together, it was like they both just lit up."

One source added, "You could tell they were trying to be discreet, but anybody who saw them could tell something was going on."

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Jewel had mentioned Kevin on social media, talking about the event, writing ... "it's an incredible time, and one I use to relax, rest and play w my son! @kevincostnermodernwest was kind enough to mentor our kids this year."

They played doubles with Sir Richard, who, as she says, "plays a mean game!"


We're told the 2 also flew back together.

As we reported, Kevin, 68, recently settled his bitter divorce from Christine after 18 years of marriage. Jewel, 49, split from her husband Ty Murray, back in 2014. One source told us Jewel is "picky," adding, "She wants a good man, and Kevin fits the bill."

Our sources say the relationship is "rather new," but everything we're hearing is that they are definitely a thing.


Sophie Turner Diciéndole adiós a la soltería Es vista con un nuevo novio y de la aristocracia

Sophie Turner se ha recuperado de su ruptura con Joe Jonas, ¡porque tiene un nuevo chico!

Sophie fue vista besando a su nuevo novio en Londres, el aristócrata británico Peregrine Pearson y no se preocupen por la pronunciación, le dicen Perry.

S&P estuvieron paseando por las calles de Londres, de la mano, mientras le dejaban claro a todo el mundo que son pareja.

De hecho, vimos a los dos en octubre besándose en París, pero no estaba claro si estaban en una relación. Ahora está claro como el agua.

En cuanto a su linaje, Perry es el hijo mayor de Michael Pearson, el cuarto vizconde Cowdray y también es un importante accionista del imperio de medios de la familia Pearson.

Sophie está forrada –$10 millones– aunque palidece si la comparamos con Perry, cuyo banco se acerca a los $ 270 millones.

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Enamorados en Londres

Como les contamos, Joe Jonas le pidió el divorcio a Sophie a principios de septiembre y fue agrio en un comienzo, aunque las cosas parecen haberse calmado.

En cuanto a Perry, viene de una relación con la ahijada del Rey Carlos, la Princesa Maria-Olympia de Grecia y Dinamarca.

Joe y Sophie han llegado a un acuerdo temporal por la custodia de sus hijas. Ellas viajarán ida y vuelta de los Estados Unidos al Reino Unido, aunque no han llegado a un acuerdo permanente.

La vida sigue.

Iman Shumpert I Never Made Teyana Feel Endangered

The divorce drama between Iman Shumpert and Teyana Taylor is heating up ... he's now calling BS on her claim he made her feel endangered when she was with him.

According to court documents, obtained by TMZ, Shumpert says Teyana never proved he made her feel endangered, despite making the claim in recently filed divorce papers. Iman wants the court to take action, and to remove Teyana's accusations from the documents.

To get specific, Teyana put something called "cruel treatment" as grounds for the couple's divorce, which is defined as "willful infliction of pain bodily or mental ... [that] reasonably justifies apprehension of danger to life, limb, or health."

Iman says that's nonsense, and the only grounds should be "irretrievable broken bond." He wants the "cruel treatment" grounds thrown out.

What's more, Iman says despite Teyana's claims, he's never been irresponsible when it comes to the care of their two daughters, seven-year-old “Junie” Tayla, and three-year-old Rue Rose.

The new filing from Iman is just another chapter in what's already become a nasty custody battle. As we reported, Teyana first filed the divorce docs using only the couple's initials in an attempt to keep everything private from the public.

However, Iman blew the lid off the secret when he filed a motion asking the court to attach their full names to the documents ... and allowing the public to know what was going on.

TMZ broke the story, the two have been living separately since the filing, and communication has been minimal ... only happening when it comes to the care of their daughters.


Turns out the new coupling of T.J. Holmes and Amy Robach's exes isn't as random as you might think ... as they actually posted a selfie together 7 years before going official.

In Dec. 2016, T.J.'s ex-wife Marilee Fiebig shared an IG snap with Amy's ex-husband Andrew Shue ... acknowledging in the caption it was great to catch up with Amy and her man, as both couples didn't hang out as much as they'd like.

Funny enough, Amy even commented on the pic back in the day, writing, "❤️ this!"

Of course, we all now know that Amy would go on to find ❤️ with Marilee's husband T.J. ... with their romance coming to light in Nov 2022 -- sensationally costing them their TV jobs.

However, both their exes called BS ... saying they had found out about their romance in the summer of 2022.


Nevertheless, Marilee and Andrew are clearly focusing on the future ... with news emerging earlier this week, they've been dating for 6 months after bonding over their divorces from the hosts.

Amy & T.J. Podcast

Amy and T.J. are also still going strong ... recently joining forces for a tell-all new podcast ... detailing their relationship's rocky road beginnings during episode 1.

Los ex de Amy Robach y T.J. Holmes publicaron una selfie juntos del 2016

Resulta que el nuevo amorío de los ex de T.J. Holmes y Amy Robach no es tan aleatorio como se podría pensar, ya que en realidad publicaron un selfie juntos 7 años antes de hacers oficial la relación.

En diciembre de 2016, la ex esposa de T.J., Marilee Fiebig, compartió una foto en Insta con el ex marido de Amy, Andrew Shue, reconociendo en el pie de foto que era genial ponerse al día con Amy y su hombre ya que ambas parejas no salían tanto como les gustaría.

Curiosamente, Amy comentó la foto en su momento, escribiendo: "❤️ this!".

Por supuesto, ahora todos sabemos que Amy iría a encontrar ❤️ con el marido de Marilee T.J. Su romance salió a la luz en noviembre de 2022 y les costó sus puestos de trabajo en televisión.

Sin embargo, tanto sus ex dijeron que habían descubierto su romance en el verano de 2022.

Sin embargo, Marilee y Andrew se están centrando claramente en el futuro, con noticias que surgieron a principios de esta semana, que han estado saliendo durante 6 meses después de la vinculación de sus divorcios de los anfitriones.

un día aterrador
Amy & T.J. Podcast

Amy y T.J. son muy unidos recientemente, uniendo fuerzas para un nuevo podcast ... detallando los inicios de su relación en el camino rocoso durante el episodio 1.

Amy Robach y T.J. Holmes celebran un nuevo capítulo con un paseo marítimo

Amy Robach y T.J. Holmes están escribiendo un nuevo capítulo en sus vidas, pasando algún tiempo de la mano luego del lanzamiento de su podcast y la impactante noticia de que sus ex están saliendo.

Hemos conseguido estas fotos de los ex presentadores de "GMA" paseando por Santa Mónica y dirigiéndose hacia el famoso muelle el viernes. La pareja se tomó de la mano todo el tiempo. Esto ocurre justo unos días antes del muy revelador primer episodio de su podcast.

Como informamos, Amy detalló que el día en que temió que T.J. se había suicidado, ya que estaban recibiendo el despido de sus puestos de trabajo en ABC debido a su romance secreto.

una tarde terrorífica
Amy & T.J. Podcast

Ella recordó correr hacia su apartamento luego de que él le envió textos alarmantes —todos escritos en tiempo pasado— y luego lo encontró inconsciente luego de haber tomado vodka y comestibles de hierba.

Claramente decidieron dejar todo ese drama en el pasado para disfrutaban de un día soleado.

¿Sabían o no que sus respectivos ex se estaban viendo?

Al parecer, Marilee Fiebig y Andrew Shue están saliendo, y lo llevan haciendo desde hace unos 6 meses. Al parecer, buscaron consuelo el uno en el otro por sus divorcios de los presentadores de televisión.

Así que, ¿final feliz para todos? Ciertamente parece que de esa manera para T.J. y Amy, que también estaban uno encima del otro el pasado fin de semana, ya que asistieron a un evento Jingle Ball.

Todo el mundo sigue adelante.

AMY ROBACH & T.J. HOLMES Romantic Seaside Stroll ... Here's to Our New Gig!!!

Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes are making the most of a new chapter in their lives ... spending some downtime hand-in-hand ahead of their podcast launch, and the shocking news their exes are dating.

We got these shots of the former 'GMA' anchors strollin' around Santa Monica and heading toward the famous pier on Friday. The couple held hands the whole time during their casual excursion ... which came a few days before the very revealing first episode of their podcast.

As we reported, Amy detailed the day she feared T.J. had killed himself as they were getting the boot from their ABC jobs over their secret romance.

Amy & T.J. Podcast

She recalled racing over to his pad after he began sending her alarming texts -- all written in the past tense -- and finding him in an unconscious state ... after he'd pounded vodka and weed edibles.

They were clearly putting all that drama in their rearview as they enjoyed a sunny SoCal day.

What's interesting, though, is whether or not they knew, at that point, their respective exes were hooking up.

Marilee Fiebig and Andrew Shue are reportedly dating, and have been for about 6 months. They reportedly sought solace in each other over their divorces from the TV hosts.

Sooo ... happy endings all around? It certainly seems that way for T.J. and Amy, who were also all over each other last weekend as they attended a Jingle Ball event.


Everybody moves on.