Las ex parejas de Amy Robach y T.J. Holmes habrían salido juntos

Amy Robach y T.J. Holmes son fuertes, y al parecer sus respectivos ex también lo son... ya que nos enteramos que están saliendo.

Page Six cita fuentes que afirman que Marilee Fiebig y Andrew Shue están saliendo románticamente y lo han estado haciendo durante unos 6 meses. El medio dice que la pareja se unió sobre sus divorcios de los 2 ex co-presentadores de 'GMA3', que siguen juntos.

Según el informe, al principio tenían los divorcios y el escándalo como denominador común, pero ahora su relación ha trascendido todo ese lío y ambos han pasado página de sus ex.

El informe presenta detalles acerca de si veían todo como un engaño.

Marilee y Andrew también se enteraron de la relación romántica de Amy y T.J. en el verano de 2022, aunque el público no se enteró hasta noviembre de ese año.

Por supuesto, cuando ABC se enteró, acabó costándoles el puesto. Tanto T.J. como Amy han negado que fuera una "aventura", insistiendo en que sus matrimonios habían terminado antes de que se involucraran. Sin embargo, por el sonido de esta nueva historia, sus ex parecen pensar que es mentira.

T.J. y Amy iniciaron los trámites de divorcio por separado el pasado mes de diciembre, cuando su relación comenzó a hacerse pública.

¡feliz navidad!

Amy al parecer finalizó su divorcio en marzo y T.J. parece que todavía está trabajando en el suyo.

Amy Robach & T.J. Holmes Their Exes Are Dating Each Other ... According to Report

Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes are going strong -- and, apparently, their respective exes are too ... as they're now reportedly dating.

Page Six cites sources claiming Marilee Fiebig and Andrew Shue are seeing each other romantically, and have been for about 6 months now. The outlet says the pair bonded over their divorces from the 2 former 'GMA3' co-anchors, who are still together.

According to the report, they initially had the divorces and the scandal as the common denominator, but now their relationship has transcended all that messiness and both have moved on from their broadcasting exes.

It's interesting ... the report goes on to dish more alleged deets about how and whether they viewed it all as cheating.

Marilee and Andrew also reportedly found out about Amy and T.J.'s romantic relationship in the summer of 2022 -- although, the public didn't learn about it until November of that year.


Of course, when ABC caught wind of it, it eventually cost them their jobs. Both T.J. and Amy have denied it was an "affair," insisting their marriages were over before they got involved. From the sound of this new story, though, their exes seem to think that's BS.

T.J. and Amy started separate divorce proceedings last December, as their relationship started to go public.


Amy reportedly finalized her divorce in March ... T.J. appears to still be working out his own.

Lupita Nyong'o se deja ver con Joshua Jackson tras anunciar su ruptura

Joshua Jackson y Lupita Nyong'o claramente no quieren que nadie sepa que están pasando mucho tiempo juntos y haciendo todo lo posible para evitar ser fotografiados durante una salida por comestibles.

La ganadora del Oscar hizo un valiente intento (aunque sin éxito) para eludir la vista al llegar con la estrella de "Dawson's Creek" a Erewhon en Los Ángeles el lunes. Lupita se agachó en el asiento del pasajero, pero aun así no se pudo ocultar.

A pesar de su plan frustrado, Joshua siguió manteniendo la ilusión de una salida en solitario cuando se dirigió a la tienda con Lupita siguiendo su ejemplo minutos más tarde.

¡feliz navidad!

Mientras que la pareja aún no ha confirmado su relación, sus travesuras sugieren que su relación va más allá de la amistad.

Joshua y Lupita se conocen desde hace años, con su conexión aparentemente fortaleciéndose en octubre en el concierto de Janelle Monáe.

Aunque no hubo demostraciones de afecto en el show, la salida levantó sospechas, especialmente teniendo en cuenta que Lupita terminó con su novio, Selema Masekela, el mismo día y rápidamente borró todo rastro de él de su Insta.

En cuanto a Joshua, TMZ ya había dado la noticia una semana antes de la noche con Lupita que la actriz y modelo Jodie Turner-Smith había puesto fin a su matrimonio después de 4 años.

LUPITA NYONG'O Grocery Run with Joshua Jackson Weeks After Split with BF

Joshua Jackson and Lupita Nyong'o clearly don't want anyone to know they're spending a whole lotta time together -- going to great lengths to avoid being snapped together during a joint grocery run.

The Oscar winner made a valiant attempt -- albeit unsuccessfully -- to duck out of view when arriving with the "Dawson's Creek" star to Erewhon in L.A. Monday. Lupita ducked in the passenger's seat, but was still spotted.

Despite their foiled plan, Joshua continued to maintain the illusion of a solo outing as he headed into the store first ... with Lupita following suit minutes later.


While the pair have yet to confirm their relationship, their shenanigans suggest their relationship is beyond friendship.

Joshua and Lupita have known each other for years ... with their connection seemingly heating up in October at Janelle Monáe's concert.

While there was no PDA at the show, the outing raised eyebrows ... especially considering Lupita called it quits with her BF, Sal Masekela, the same day ... and swiftly deleted all traces of him from her IG.

As for Joshua, TMZ had already broke the news a week prior to the night out with Lupita that actress/model Jodie Turner-Smith pulled the plug on their marriage after 4 years.

Jeezy Jeannie Mai Knew Divorce Was Coming Ask Marriage Counselors!!!

Jeannie Mai claims she found out about her divorce from Jeezy like the rest of the world ... which couldn't be any further from the truth -- at least from her estranged husband's POV.

Sources close to the couple tell TMZ Hip Hop that Jeannie Mai being blindsided by the divorce filing is absolutely false ... 'cause the clear signs of their uncoupling were long established and manifesting right before their eyes.

We're told the couple serially engaged in marriage counseling -- with multiple therapists -- before Jeezy came to the realization that the relationship was "irretrievably broken.”

No matter who the professional was, it seems like Jeezy walked away with the same answer. Clearly, it would appear he feels the writing was on the wall here ... and that Jeannie's suggestion this came out of nowhere is disingenuous.


Jeezy hasn't highlighted an exact reason for the split, but has maintained he felt it in his gut that it was best to walk away since filing for divorce back in September.


Jeannie spoke of strength and putting up a hardened exterior to Jennifer Hudson on Monday ... the same interview where she also spoke on allegedly being ambushed by Jeezy's court filing, which she says gutted her.

Remember, Jeannie has now suggested Jeezy might've cheated in their marriage in some form or fashion, which he also denies like the blindside. Just call him Michael Oher!!!

Jeannie Mai Says Jeezy Divorce Gutted Her ... Heard News Through the Press

Jeannie Mai says she was blindsided by Jeezy's divorce filing -- and claims she heard about their split through the media ... this, of course, after she recently suggested he may have been unfaithful.

The actress appeared on the 'Jennifer Hudson Show' Monday, and right off the bat ... she was asked how things were going in her personal life. Naturally, Jen was referring to her divorce with Jeezy -- which has been making headlines lately.

Check out her response for yourself ... JM says that she's doing better now, but notes she was "gutted" when she first heard Jeezy wanted to end their marriage -- something she claims she first caught wind of through press reports.

With that said ... Jeannie says her focus now is on being there for her young daughter, Monaco, whom she shares with Jeezy ... and who they welcomed into the world last year. She's going to make sure their daughter gets time with her dad for the holidays to experience both sides of her family.

Jeannie also says that although she's been the most broken this year she ever has been ... she says that, in the same breath, she's found herself to be incredibly strong as well.

No word on what she insinuated in her court docs last week -- namely, that Jeezy had might have possibly broken their prenup by allegedly cheating on her ... something Jeezy has since denied through his reps.

There's been speculation Jeannie herself may have cheated too -- but we're told she's completely denying that. Funny enough, Jeezy himself has recently addressed the topic of infidelity ... telling Nia Long that real dudes don't cheat on their girl.


Based on what Jeannie's floated ... she seems to think he was full of it when he said that.

abogada de divorcio de Kim Kardashian inspira personaje de televisión

Kim Kardashian va a interpretar a una famosa abogada de divorcio para un nuevo programa de televisión, y sí, va a estar basada en hechos reales muy cercanos a la Kardashian, TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que el papel de Kim acaba de ser anunciado para este show dirigido por Ryan Murphy —que se va a emitir en Hulu— se inspira en la famosa Laura Wasser, que es bien conocida en Los Ángeles por ser la abogada de divorcio de celebridades para todos los peces gordos.

De hecho, Laura se encargó del divorcio de Kim y Kanye, pero su lista de clientes famosos es larga y extensa y va mucho más allá de las Kardashians. Algunas de las estrellas más grandes que la han contratado a lo largo de los años incluyen a Kris Jenner, Ariana Grande, Ryan Reynolds, Angelina Jolie, Kevin Costner, Britney Spears, Heidi Klum y Christina Aguilera, solo por nombrar unos pocos.

En cuanto a la serie... bueno, Deadline va a ser un "producto adulto y sexy" que cubre su carrera como abogada de moda que trabaja en Los Ángeles. La salida informa de que hay un gran compromiso con la serie, aunque no está claro cuántos episodios serán.

Kim estará al mando de un falso bufete de mujeres en el show y está siendo escrito por Jon Robin Baitz y Joe Baken. Por supuesto, Murphy es EP'ing. Deadline informa que el trío lanzó a Kim y Kris al show.


El hecho de que Hulu esté involucrado tampoco es una sorpresa teniendo en cuenta que ya emiten "The Kardashians". Se dice que firmaron en la sala de lanzamiento y se comprometieron a un juego directo a la serie. Por supuesto, esto viene después de la reciente película de Kim en Netflix, que también protagonizará y producirá. Parece que Hulu quería marcar un poco su territorio.

Kim ya tiene algo de experiencia con Murphy, acaba de actuar en su última temporada de "AHS" (American Horror Story) y lo hizo bastante bien. !Su carrera como actriz va por buen camino!

Kim K TV Divorce Lawyer Role ... Based on Disso Queen Laura Wasser!!!

Kim Kardashian's going to be playing a famous divorce attorney for a new TV show -- and yes, it is indeed based on the Disso Queen herself ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us that Kim's just-announced role for this Ryan Murphy-led show -- which is going to air on Hulu -- is inspired by the famed Laura Wasser ... who's well-known in L.A. as being the go-to celebrity divorce lawyer for all the big shots.

In fact, Laura actually handled Kim's divorce from Kanye ... but her list of celeb clients is long and extensive, going well beyond the Kardashians. Some of the biggest stars who've retained her over the years include Kris Jenner, Ariana Grande, Ryan Reynolds, Angelina Jolie, Kevin Costner, Britney Spears, Heidi Klum and Christina Aguilera ... just to name a few.


As far as what the show will be about ... well, Deadline says it's gonna be a "sexy adult procedural" that covers her career as a hot-shot lawyer working in Los Angeles. The outlet reports that there's a big series commitment from the streamer ... although it's unclear how many episodes it'll be.

Kim will be heading a fake all-female law firm in the show, and it's being written by Jon Robin Baitz and Joe Baken. Of course, Murphy is EP'ing. Deadline reports the trio pitched Kim and Kris on this show ... and they both were apparently all in on it right away.


The fact Hulu picked this up is also no surprise considering they already air "The Kardashians." Word is, they signed on right in the pitch room and committed to a straight-to-series play. Of course, this comes on the heels of Kim's recent Netflix movie ... for which she'll also star and produce. Seems like Hulu wanted to mark their territory a bit!

Kim's already got some experience with Murphy ... she just acted in his latest season of 'AHS' and did pretty well. Her acting career is well on its way now -- what a time.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Kim Zolciak Sus amigos se avergüenzan por su comportamiento con Kroy Lo sienten por los niños...

Los amigos de Kim Zolciak, al menos algunos de ellos, no quieren tener nada que ver con ella y están diciendo que se avergüenzan por el comportamiento que ha tenido en su público divorcio con Kroy Biermann.

Fuentes familiarizadas con la situación le dicen a TMZ que la saga de la pareja ha sido una situación triste para sus cuatro hijos, todos menores de edad, y están preocupados de que tengan que presenciar el drama en casa y revivirlo públicamente a través de los medios.

Como resultado, algunos de los amigos de Kim se han distanciado en los últimos meses.

También nos dicen que sienten que esto se está convirtiendo en un juego de peleas para ellos, aunque Kim parece estar disfrutando más del drama que Kroy.

A pesar de las especulaciones de que la pareja está ampliando su rivalidad para un reality show, nuestras fuentes nos dicen que, hasta el momento, no hay ningún acuerdo de televisión sobre la mesa para ellos.

Para ser sinceros, las cámaras no necesitan filmar para entender lo caóticas que son las cosas entre K&K después de su solicitud de divorcio en mayo.

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Preparando el almuerzo
Snapchat / @kimzbiermann

Hace poco más de una semana, uno de sus hijos llamó a los policías después de presenciar una explosiva pelea. Todo, para que a principios de esta semana el dúo apareciera acurrucado en una cita para almorzar.

Su relación se produce en medio de un montón de problemas de dinero, con Kim incluso utilizando su Instagram como plataforma para vender sus zapatos de diseño y pagar las deudas de sus tarjetas de crédito, hoy por las nubes.

TMZ se ha puesto en contacto con los representantes de Kim y Kroy, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.


Kim Zolciak's friends -- at least some of them -- don't want anything to do with her ... saying they're embarrassed by her behavior over her public divorce from Kroy Biermann.

Sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ ... the couple's relationship saga is a sad situation for their four minor children ... expressing concern they're forced to witness the drama play out at home and also relive it publicly through media coverage.

As a result, some of Kim's pals have distanced themselves from her over the last couple months.

We're also told the estranged pair feel it's becoming a fighting game for them -- though Kim seems to be enjoying the drama more than Kroy.

Despite speculation the couple is amplifying their contentiousness to score a reality show, our sources tell us that, as of yet, there's no TV deal on the table.

TBH ... cameras don't need to roll to understand how chaotic things are between K&K following their divorce filing in May.

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Snapchat / @kimzbiermann

Just over a week ago, one of their kids called cops to their home following an explosive fight ... only for the duo to cozy up for a Hibachi lunch date earlier this week.

Their on/off relationship comes amid a swirling mountain of money woes ... with Kim even using her IG as a marketplace to sell his designer shoes to pay off sky-high credit card debts.

TMZ has reached out to reps for Kim and Kroy ... but we haven't heard back.

David Lynch Su esposa solicita el divorcio

David Lynch, el hombre detrás de "Twin Peaks", "Mulholland Drive" y "Blue Velvet", acaba de recibir una petición de divorcio.

La esposa de David, Emily, ha presentado una demanda para poner fin a sus 14 años de matrimonio y no parece ser muy amistosa.

La esposa de la leyenda del cine, de 77 años, está pidiendo la custodia exclusiva, legal y física de su hija de 11 años. Emily quiere que David tenga derechos de visita, pero solo eso.

También está pidiendo la manutención del cónyuge y el pago de honorarios del abogado.

No hay evidencia sobre un acuerdo prenupcial, pero David ha sido una fuerza creativa importante en Hollywood durante décadas. También ha dirigido "El hombre elefante", "Corazón salvaje", "Carretera perdida" e "Inland Empire".

Este es su cuarto matrimonio.

David Lynch 'Twin Peaks' Wife Files for Divorce

David Lynch, the man behind "Twin Peaks," "Mulholland Drive" and "Blue Velvet," is on the receiving end of a divorce petition.

David's wife, Emily, has filed to end their 14-year marriage, and it doesn't seem all that amicable.

The 77-year-old directing legend's wife is asking for sole legal and physical custody of their 11-year-old daughter. Emily wants David to have visitation rights, but that's it.

Emily is also asking for spousal support and attorney's fees.

There's no evidence of a prenup, but David has been a major force in Hollywood for decades. He's also directed "The Elephant Man," "Wild at Heart," "Lost Highway," and "Inland Empire."

This is David's fourth marriage.

Kim Zolciak Vende zapatos de marca de Kroy ... Haciendo $$$ en medio de sus problemas financieros

Kim Zolciak le está diciendo adiós a la impresionante colección de zapatos de Kroy Biermann con la esperanza de obtener algún ingreso en medio de sus problemas financieros y las crecientes demandas por facturas impagas.

Kim acudió a Instagram el viernes y puso en venta 13 zapatos de diseño, cobrando $350 por el más barato, un par Buscemi, y $650 por unos deportivos Christian Louboutin.

Mientras tanto, las zapatillas Givenchy de Kroy le costarán unos 400 dólares a sus nuevos propietarios y sus Rockstud Untitled Valentinos de piel de becerro blanca se están vendiendo por 450 dólares, básicamente, ¡tienes que soltar el dinero para lucir lo mejor en tus pies!

Sin embargo, con la acumulación de demandas por impago de facturas de tarjetas de crédito, no solo están siendo sacrificados los grandes bienes de Kroy. Kim también puso sus tacones Gucci de $1250 a la venta, así como sus botas Jimmy Choo a $500.

Kim claramente espera que esta venta de garaje la ayude con sus problemas financieros y está ofreciendo algunos de sus bolsos de diseño también, con la esperanza de recaudar miles de dólares con sus artículos Chanel, Givenchy y Prada.

La pareja está claramente en graves apuros financieros. Las recientes discusiones relacionadas con ello terminaron con la policía en la puerta de su casa después de que tuvieran una explosiva pelea.

Como informamos por primera vez, Kim fue demandada por Bank of America por más de $50K en deudas de tarjetas de crédito el mes pasado. En agosto, había sido demandada por SAKS / CAPITAL ONE por no pagar una factura de tarjeta de crédito de $156K.

Por su parte, Kroy ha sido demandado por Chase por más de $13,000.


Kim Zolciak is giving the boot to Kroy Biermann's impressive shoe collection ... hoping to make a profit amid the couple's mounting lawsuits and financial troubles.

KZ hopped on Instagram Friday and listed her husband's size 13 designer shoes .. charging $350 for the cheapest Buscemi pair and a whopping $650 for Christian Louboutin sneakers.

Meanwhile, Kroy's Givenchy sneakers will set its new owners back $400 .... while his White Calfskin Rockstud Untitled Valentinos are going for $450 -- basically, you gotta cough up the cash to put your best foot forward!

However, with the piling lawsuits racking up over unpaid credit card bills, it's not just Kroy's big-name goods getting culled ... Kim also put her $1250 Gucci heels and $500 Jimmy Choo boots up for sale.

Kim is clearly banking on her ongoing high-stakes garage sale helping her with her financial woes ... and is covering her tracks by throwing some of her designer bags into the mix -- hoping to rake in thousands with her Chanel, Givenchy, and Prada items.

The on/off couple is clearly in dire financial straits ... with their money-related bickering recently ending with cops being called to their home following an explosive fight.

As we first reported... Kim was sued by Bank of America for over $50K in credit card debt last month ... after being sued in August by SAKS/CAPITAL ONE for failing to pay a $156K credit card bill.

For his part, Kroy has been sued by Chase for over $13,000.

Jeannie Mai Fires Back at Jeezy's Divorce Claims ... Insinuates He's a Cheater and Prenup Says It'll Cost Him!!!

Jeannie Mai has responded to Jeezy's divorce petition, and she is more than insinuating he cheated on her and claims that will have a HUGE effect on their prenup and division of assets.

According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Jeannie more than insinuates her estranged husband is guilty of infidelity. Her lawyer writes, "Wife reserves the right to amend this counterclaim to add other grounds for divorce, but which Wife does not wish to specify herein at this time in the hope this matter can be resolved without having to disclose such conduct publicly."

But, it gets even more pointed ... "Wife further shows that the Court should enforce Paragraph 8 of the Prenuptial Agreement regarding infidelity which provides, in pertinent part, that in the event that either party engages in sexual relations, an emotional relationship, or is emotionally or sexually suggestive in communication with a third party via all forms of electronic communications, including but not limited to texting, sexting, Facetiming, social media and/or Direct Messages, shall result in a significant financial penalty upon the adulterous party ..."


In other words, she's accusing Jeezy of being unfaithful and claiming he's gotta cough up a bunch of dough as a result. The docs do not say who exactly Jeezy was allegedly banging, talking to, or seeing.

Jeannie coming out with cheating allegations is super interesting ... as we first told you, Jeannie was being accused of cheating on Jeezy with "Access Hollywood" host Mario Lopez, but a source close to her told us it was BS.

Jeezy, who filed for divorce in August down in Georgia, also released a 29-track double album, "I Might Forgive ... But I Don't Forget," in the wake of the split ... and it's highlighted by the song "Don't Cheat."

Cheating was also a theme Jeezy kept referencing during his recent interview with Nia Long.

Now, Jeannie is turning the tables ... and calling out Jeezy for allegedly being unfaithful.

Jeannie Mai Responde a la petición de divorcio de Jeezy... ¡¡Es un infiel y le va a costar!!

Jeannie Mai respondió a la petición de divorcio de Jeezy, y está más que insinuando que este la engañó, lo que según afirma, tendrá un efecto enorme en su acuerdo prenupcial y la división de los activos.

Según los documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Jeannie más que sugiere que su marido es culpable de infidelidad. Su abogado escribe: "La esposa se reserva el derecho de modificar esta demanda reconvencional para añadir otros motivos de divorcio, los cuales la esposa no desea especificar en este momento con la esperanza de que este asunto pueda resolverse sin tener que revelarse públicamente tal conducta".

Pero se pone aún más puntiagudo: "La esposa muestra además que el Tribunal debe hacer cumplir el párrafo 8 del Acuerdo Prenupcial con respecto a la infidelidad que establece, en la parte pertinente, que en el caso de que cualquiera de las partes participe en relaciones sexuales, una relación emocional, o emocional o sexualmente sugerente en la comunicación con un tercero a través de todas las formas de comunicación electrónica, incluyendo, pero no limitado a los mensajes de texto, sexting, Facetiming, medios de comunicación social y/o mensajes directos, dará lugar a una sanción económica significativa sobre la parte adúltera".

En otras palabras, ella está acusando a Jeezy de serle infiel y está reclamando que tiene que soltar un montón de dinero como consecuencia de ello. Los documentos no dicen qué fue lo que Jeezy supuestamente hizo, vio o con quién habló.

Que Jeannie salga con acusaciones de engaño es súper interesante, como les contamos por primera vez, Jeannie estaba siendo acusada de engañar a Jeezy con el anfitrión de "Access Hollywood", Mario López, pero una fuente cercana a ella nos dijo que era mentira.

Jeezy, que pidió el divorcio en agosto en Georgia, también lanzó un álbum doble de 29 canciones, "I Might Forgive ... But I Don't Forget," a raíz de la separación y se destaca por la canción "Don't Cheat".

El engaño también fue un tema al que Jeezy siguió haciendo referencia durante su reciente entrevista con Nia Long.

Ahora, Jeannie está dando vuelta a la tortilla y llamando a Jeezy infiel, supuestamente.