Christina Ricci Claims Husband Abused Her in Lockdown ... Gets Restraining Order

Christina Ricci says quarantine's been a dangerous time in her household, because her husband's allegedly beaten her multiple times, and now she fears for her life and their son's.

The actress filed Wednesday to get a restraining order against James Heerdegen, who she claims started abusing her in December 2019. In her court filing, Christina claims he beat her, spit at her and made pig noises in her face. She says that incident, during which she suffered multiple bruises, convinced her she needed to leave him.

Christina says she told James she wanted a divorce, but that was derailed when the COVID-19 quarantine began in March, and she "found herself trapped in a house with a violent abuser."

In docs, she claims Heerdegen attacked her twice in June, while still in lockdown ... chasing her around the house, trying to prevent her from calling 911 after an argument. He allegedly dragged her by her wrists into their yard and threw her into a fire pit ... leaving her cut and bruised.

During the second attack, she claims he spit on her and threw coffee and a chair at her -- all while their 6-year-old son was watching.

Christina filed several photos with the court, showing injuries she claims to have suffered at Heerdegen's hands.

Christina filed to divorce him after those alleged incidents, and her attorney, Samantha Spector, was in court Wednesday to file the restraining order.

According to those docs, obtained by TMZ, Christina also fears Heerdegen's abuse could turn deadly. During a car ride in late 2019, she claims James "said something that made me think that [he] could kill me. He said the only way he could feel sorry for me is if I were dismembered into small pieces."

Christina says she immediately hid all the knives in the cabin where they were vacationing.

Late Wednesday, the judge granted a domestic violence restraining order ... which requires Heerdegen to stay 100 yards away from Christina and their son, and have no contact with them.

Christina claims Heerdegen leaves the dog leashed to his living room coffee table when he has visitation with their son -- and under the terms of the restraining order he has to stay away from the dog too.

Although he's already moved out, Christina wants a formal court order blocking James from returning.

And, there's this ... Christina is afraid her estranged husband -- who she married in 2013 -- will release private audio and video of her to "humiliate and embarrass" her, or use it to extort her. She wants the court to block him from releasing it, and force him to turn it over.

Heerdegen's attorney, Larry Bakman, tells TMZ they will file for their own restraining order against Christina "detailing her abusive conduct fueled by alcohol and substance abuse. His papers will also include documentation that Ms. Ricci advised law enforcement in December 2019 that there had been no prior incidents of domestic violence between the couple, thereby calling into question her credibility."

He also says his client "unequivocally denies all allegations of abuse made by Ms. Ricci as having occurred in 2020."

Earl Thomas Wife Claims He Terrorized Her In Drunk Xmas Attack ... NFL Star Denies Allegations

Earl Thomas' wife claims the NFL star went ballistic the day after Christmas ... attacking her and her family and punching through a window in a drunken rage -- and she says it isn't the 1st time he's completely lost it.

But, Earl is denying all of the allegations ... we spoke with a member of his camp who says the claims are false and that the couple is on good terms.

Nina Thomas spelled it all out in court documents, obtained by TMZ Sports, saying she's "scared" of the 31-year-old former Baltimore Ravens player following what sounds like a terrifying Dec. 26 incident.

In the docs, Nina -- who filed for divorce from Earl in November -- says she agreed to spend Christmas with Earl at her parents' house in Orange, Texas so he could be with their children.

Nina, though, says Earl "chose to stay out all night drinking" on the holiday ... and came back the next morning and flew off the handle.

Nina says after sending "harassing text messages" to her phone, Earl showed up to the house "visibly intoxicated."

Nina says he told her to "suck my d***" in front of their daughter at the residence ... and then followed Nina outside after she went to get some things for her children in the car.

Nina says Earl screamed at her in the front yard ... so she says she locked him out of the house -- and that's when she claims he snapped.

Nina says Earl "was irate and beating on the windows of the house." She claims she then called Earl's mother to try to get him to calm down, but when she arrived, Earl was "still in front of the house screaming obscenities and clearly enraged."

Nina says Earl then put his fist through one of the house's windows ... causing blood to spill all over the front porch.

Cops were called to the scene in reference to a disturbance, according to police docs obtained by TMZ Sports, and officers say they were able to question Earl a short time later at the hospital over it all.

Officers say Earl told them he admitted to putting his hand through the window ... though they say Earl "reported no crime was committed to cause his injuries." The police docs list the case as "inactive."

But, in the court documents, Nina says Earl's aggression toward her and her family didn't stop there ... she says Earl "threatened to come back to my parents' house, to burn all of my things if I came back to our house in Austin, and to kick my 'ass.'"

Nina says Earl "then sent an intimate video of him and me in a group text to my parents and to our nanny." She added, "To further torment me, Earl sent an intimate video of himself and another woman to my phone."

In the docs, Nina says the whole incident was just one of several times in the past few months where Earl had terrorized her.

The 31-year-old says in June 2020, she and Earl were at the Golden Nugget in Lake Charles, Louisiana when Earl began "acting belligerent" at the casino.

Nina says she was able to convince him to come upstairs with her to avoid any conflict with security ... but she claims once they got back to the room, Earl "decided to direct his anger towards me and started mumbling insults and calling me names."

Nina says it all escalated very quickly ... claiming, "At one point Earl threw me into the bath tub and turned the hot water on me." She says she suffered "bruising to my torso and back that required medical attention to ease the pain caused to my back."

On Oct. 9, 2020, Nina says she and Earl were celebrating her birthday when he "flew into a fit of anger and called me a 'bitch'" after she had left him to go to brunch with some of her girlfriends.

In the docs, Nina says Earl grabbed her by the back of her neck and threw food and drinks at her "while hurling insults and telling me that I am worthless." Nina says all of it caused her to have bruising on her body, which she claims to have photographed.

What's interesting is Earl had penned a love note to Nina and posted it on social media that same day.

On Oct. 22, Nina says she and Earl were at a hotel in Dallas when Earl "started mumbling rude and obscene things to me" after a night of drinking.

Nina says she went to get up to pack her things and leave, fearing escalation ... and that's when she says Earl "grabbed me by the pony tail, threw me onto the bed, and he pinned my body down."

Nina says she was eventually able to escape ... and filed for divorce just days later.

In her court docs, Nina wrote of it all, "I am scared of Earl and believe that there is a clear and present danger." She requested a restraining order, writing in the docs that she feared "both me and the children will be harmed."

According to court records, a judge granted Nina's request last week ... and ordered Earl to stay at least 400 feet away from Nina's Austin, Texas home and the children's schools.

Earl has been ordered to appear before the judge via videoconference later this month for a hearing on the matter.

Earl, meanwhile, is still in the process of trying to find an NFL home after the Ravens cut him in August after he reportedly punched a teammate on the practice field.

Dr. Dre to Estranged Wife Here's $2 Mil in Temporary Support ... But You Have to Pay Your Lawyers


1:22 PM PT -- According to docs, obtained by TMZ, Dre has also just agreed to pay Nicole $500k for her attorney fees.

As if Dr. Dre's week wasn't rough enough ... he's agreed to pay his estranged wife $2 million in temporary spousal support -- but he's not coughing up the $5 mil she wants for her divorce attorneys.

The music mogul and Nicole Young struck the deal that calls for Dre to write a one-time check for the $2 mil. That's all he'll pay ... at least until the next divorce hearing in April. Now it will be up to Nicole to decide how much of that amount she forks over to her lawyers.

As we reported, Nicole was demanding $2 mil per month, PLUS another $5 million in attorney's fees.

Our sources say Dre will continue to cover Nicole's living expenses at her Malibu pad, as well as her mother's Pacific Palisades home for the next several months. However, Dre will NOT cover Nicole's security costs ... she'll have to pay that from the $2 mil.

Dre and Young's lawyers struck the deal in court, but we're told Dre had to sign the agreement from his bed at Cedars Sinai Hospital.

Remember ... he's been dishing out $293,306 a month in temporary support. Now, he can focus on his recovery.

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TMZ broke the story ... Dre suffered a brain aneurysm earlier this week and he was rushed by ambulance to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in L.A. He was taken directly to ICU. Dre later thanked his fans for their support and said he's doing great and getting excellent care.

Originally Published -- 1/7 7:55 AM PT

Kim and Kanye Marriage on the Rocks ... But Christmas Sure Wasn't!!!

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are in marriage counseling with their relationship on the rocks, but it didn't stop them from lavishing each other with over-the-top Christmas gifts.

Sources close to the couple tell TMZ, the 2 spent Christmas together at home with their 4 kids. Kanye gave Kim 5 ... count 'em 5, of the new 2021 Maybachs!!!

It's a pretty expensive gesture from Ye ... the starting price for the Maybach SUVs are just under $200,000 a pop, so figure about $1 million.

Kim returned the favor too ... our sources say she gave Yeezy several James Turrell pieces worth north of $1 million.

Kanye's a huge Turrell fan ... we're told the artist's work has been a leading inspiration behind the visuals Ye uses in his Sunday Service projects, including blue and red lighting and the fisheye camera lens used during the Easter service at Coachella.

Kanye also shot his "Jesus is King" film at Turrell's Roden Crater project in northern Arizona.

Absurdly expensive gifts aside ... the fact they spent the holiday together makes sense. As we told you ... Kim and Kanye remain in lockstep when it comes to their family and parenting, and doing Christmas BIG is a sign of that.

But, of course, while they're in marriage counseling, we're also told divorce is on the table.

Our sources say the Kim and Ye are still on speaking terms as they try to work through their issues and figure out the next steps, which could possibly include divorce papers.

With the lavish Christmas gifts in mind, ya gotta wonder what's in store for Valentine's Day should they make it that far.

Kim and Kanye In Marriage Counseling ... Divorce on the Table

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have been in marriage counseling, and we've learned the subject of divorce was looming for much of 2020, but they haven't given up.

Multiple sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ, the marriage was in deep trouble for the last half of 2020. In fact, we're told Kim was ready to pull the plug on the marriage at one point but it was when Kanye was going through a serious bipolar episode and she felt it was cruel to do it when he wasn't well.

They have been living separately for a few months ... with Kanye spending the majority of his time in Wyoming while she has been in Calabasas with the kids. They were absorbed in personal business projects and didn't focus on making any final decisions.

Kanye West Aug 7, 2020

Kim has gone back and forth, we're told ... at times thinking divorce was the only option but other times believing there was a chance to save the marriage. That's why they took a family vacation late last year ... to see if they could repair things.

Everything got put on hold for the Christmas holidays, but now the issue is front and center. Kim's had disso queen Laura Wasser on retainer for years for various reasons, and the subject of divorce was discussed months ago, but Kim never gave the green light to file.

Her ambivalence is understandable, what with 4 small kids. They married in May, 2014.

We're told no final decision has been made, and it's telling they've been in counseling for a while.

We're told their issues have been neither contentious nor ugly, but they do have lots of differences ... from lifestyle to politics. They are, however, fully aligned on parenting.

One thing our sources wanted to make clear ... there is no third party.

As for the likelihood of divorce ... we're told don't bet against it.

Dr. Dre's Estranged Wife He's Loaded with Cash & Apple Stock ... Plenty to Pay Me!!!

Dr. Dre's full of it if he says he doesn't have the cash to keep supporting his estranged wife's lifestyle ... at least that's what her accountant says in new legal docs.

Nicole Young filed docs detailing how much she claims the couple spent over a 3-year period and how much dough Dre has on hand right now ... and it's impressive.

According to the docs ... Young's CPA says Dre has a whopping $262 MILLION available right now in cash and Apple stock. The accountant says selling Apple stock was the primary source of funding their lifestyle from 2017-19, and believes that will continue to be the case.

So, just how much were they spending during that time? The CPA claims their marital living expenses were $2.3 mil PER MONTH -- and despite spending about $245 mil over that 3-year period ... their available cash still increased by $26 million. Hey, Apple's been a good investment.

Based on these figures, Nicole's accountant insists Dre's got plenty of funds to contribute to Nicole's attorney fees, and "maintain the status quo" of their lifestyle.

Of course, that's a big part of the spousal support battle in their divorce. We broke the story ... Dre has warned Nicole she needs to learn to start spending less and claims he's giving her more than enough to live on for now.

As we reported ... he says he's been dishing out $293,306 a month to her while their divorce plays out, but she's filed docs seeking $2 million a month in temporary spousal support.

Nicole also says it appears Dre may have underreported his income by running it through various companies. She also claims Dre is funding the lifestyles of multiple girlfriends.

Tyrese to Samantha I Didn't Lock You Out of House ... Ease Up On Child Support!!!

Tyrese's estranged wife filed for divorce more than 3 months before he announced their split, and she claims he changed the locks at their home ... something Tyrese denies.

Samantha Lee Gibson filed divorce docs back in September, and in the petition she alleges Tyrese had, just a few weeks earlier, cut her off financially, and locked her and their 2-year-old daughter, Soraya, out of the family's Georgia home.

Tyrese is calling BS, though ... in docs he filed, he denies leaving them out in the cold. On the other hand, he admits having major issues with Samantha's demand for $20,000 per month in child support. He calls that number "unreasonably high."

As for what led up to their split -- Tyrese says when he flew home from a movie set in late August, Samantha confronted him ... kicking off a tense, 3-hour conversation where she threatened to call cops.

Tyrese says he left the house in an Uber because he wanted no part of a police interaction due to "multiple public incidents involving police brutality and racially motivated killings of unarmed African American people."


You'll recall, when Tyrese announced their divorce last week he made a broader statement about Black families being under attack, and said his divorce was an example of a vicious cycle in the community.

Zoe Kravitz Files for Divorce ... 18 Months After Tying the Knot

Zoë Kravitz has filed for divorce ... just 18 months after she married Karl Glusman.

Zoë filed for divorce 2 days before Christmas ... this according to PEOPLE.

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It's a stunning turn ... just this past summer they celebrated their 1-year wedding anniversary, posting a pic from their wedding day.

The 2 started dating in late 2016, and it became quite the thing. When they married in June 2019 at her father, Lenny Kravitz's Paris home, it became a coveted invite, for the likes of Reese Witherspoon, Denzel Washington, Laura Dern, Shailene Woodley, Chris Pine, Cara Delevigne and Marisa Tomei.

As you know both are actors ... Zoë, stars in "Big Little Lies," and Karl's in "Nocturnal Animals."

They have no kids, and with a short marriage, the divorce shouldn't be too contentious or difficult.

Tyrese My Divorce Serves as an Example ... Black Families are Under Attack

Tyrese has more to say about the divorce he announced Tuesday night ... he says Black families and marriages are under attack, and it all has to do with kids watching and ultimately mimicking their parents.

Tyrese announced he and wife Samantha are divorcing after almost 4 years of marriage. He says it's super friendly, but is now explaining why he thinks the marriage fell apart.

Tyrese says ... "I've wrestled with this question ... How can we naturally know how to BE something we were never raised by? Most of us were raised in broken homes with NO examples of what being a husband, wife or FATHER is."


Tyrese posted this video of happier times, when their daughter was learning how to walk.

Tyrese seems to feel remorse nonetheless, saying, "... I hope you know that I did the very best I could ... I truly did."

And, he still holds out hope he and Samantha can repair what's broken ... "I pray we leave the door open because the God we serve is a mountains mover and can make a way out of no way."

In announcing the divorce, Tyrese said, "Our intention is to remain the best of friends & strong coparents."

Tyrese Announces He and Wife Headed for Divorce

Tyrese and his wife, Samantha Lee Gibson, have made the difficult decision to get a divorce.

The 'Fast & Furious' actor made the announcement Tuesday, saying, "Our intention is to remain the best of friends & strong coparents. We feel incredibly blessed to have found each other and deeply grateful for the 4 years we have been married to each other."

The two married in February of 2017 and had a daughter, Soraya, in 2018.

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Tyrese continued, "As if 2020 hasn’t already been extremely grueling and challenging to us all we wanted to mutually speak on this now to keep this energy in 2020 and not take this energy into 2021."

Samantha was Tyrese's second marriage, he was previously married to Norma Gibson from 2007 to 2009 ... the two had a daughter together named Shayla.

It's currently unclear what led to the split, but it appears Tyrese hopes the couple can one day reconcile, writing, "I pray we leave the door open because the God that we serve is a mountains mover and can make a way out of no way ....."

Dr. Dre Nicole's Gotta Learn to Spend Less ... 'Cause The Money Tree is Going Away

Dr. Dre is warning his estranged wife ... the party's over when it comes to money, because he claims he's giving her way more now than she'll get when the divorce is final.

As we reported, Dre says he's been footing the bill for all Nicole Young's expenses, to the tune of $293,306 a month while the divorce winds its way through the courts.

TMZ broke the story ... Dre is hanging his hat on a prenup that says all of their property is separate, although she's entitled to spousal support if they divorce. Nicole claims Dre tore up the prenup shortly after their 1996 marriage, but he denies that.

Nicole has filed legal docs asking for $2 million a month in temporary spousal support.

Sources connected to Dre tell TMZ, the court-approved schedule establishing the factors in computing spousal support entitles Nicole to somewhere between $138,622 and $81,002 a month. As one source told TMZ, "Once this case is resolved and Dre discontinues his current practice of paying for all of her expenses, Nicole is going to have to learn to tighten that belt."

We've learned Dre has now filed a police report, claiming Nicole embezzled a total of $385,029 from one of Dre's companies. They further claim when Nicole was asked about it during her deposition, she took the 5th. Her lawyers have previously said she was entitled to the money.

We reached out to Nicole's camp ... so far, no word back.

Dr. Dre Here's the Prenup Nicole Signed Our Property is Separate, But She Gets Spousal Support

Dr. Dre has just laid out the prenup his wife does not acknowledge ... a prenup that literally put up a financial wall between them at the beginning of their marriage.

According to the prenup, which was filed with the court and obtained by TMZ, all property they acquired from the beginning of the 1996 marriage is separate -- what he acquires is his, and what Nicole Young acquires is hers.

The prenup also says Nicole does not waive her right to spousal support. That means even if the prenup holds up in court, Nicole can get a hefty monthly sum.

As for that monthly sum, Nicole is asking the court for $2 million a month in spousal support. But, in these new legal docs, Dre's lawyer, disso queen Laura Wasser, says Dre has voluntarily paid all of Nicole's expenses since they split. The docs say he pays for the Malibu estate where she's staying, security and when she wants cash, a messenger delivers it. Dre says $2 mil a month is ridiculous. His CPA filed a declaration saying her actual monthly expenses total $293,306.

As for Nicole's lawyers asking for $5 million in attorney's fees, Dre is calling BS, saying he's already voluntarily paid nearly a million dollars in Nicole's lawyer's fees, and he adds the divorce wasn't even filed until June. Nicole's lawyers also have sent Dre's lawyer a letter saying they're owed another $1.5 mil to date ... something Dre says is ridiculous. According to the docs, Dre has paid Nicole's lawyers more than his own lawyers.

As for Nicole's claims of emotional and physical abuse, Dre squarely denies all of them.

As for the prenup, Nicole claims Dre tore it up shortly after they were married ... something he denies. According to the prenup, the only way it can be altered or terminated is in writing, and he says there has never been such a document nor has Nicole produced one.

'DWTS' Gleb Savchenko WIfe Elena Files for Divorce

It appears there's finally a light at the end of the tunnel for the nasty back and forth between "Dancing With The Stars" pro Gleb Savchenko and his wife, Elena Samodanova ... she's filed for divorce.

Elena submitted divorce docs Tuesday in L.A. ... the two got married back in 2006 and have two children together.

Elena's filing caps a long year of a very nasty and public split between the two. At one point, fans speculated that Gleb and "Selling Sunset" star Chrishell Stause were seeing each other ... the two were partners on 'DWTS' before Chrishell was eliminated.

While it was never confirmed that Gleb and Chrishell were anything beyond friends, they've definitely stayed in touch, and recently vacationed to Mexico in a group that included Gleb's girlfriend Cassie Screbo and Chrishell's new boyfriend, Keo Motsepe, who is also a 'DWTS' pro.

Story developing ...

Tisha Campbell Divorce Finalized

Tisha Campbell's nasty divorce from Duane Martin is finally a done deal ... she's not getting any support payments but she gets to keep a home and a car.

Tisha and Duane got the judge's final stamp on their divorce Wednesday, and the judgment reveals neither party is getting any child or spousal support from the other.

According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, Tisha's keeping a leased property and a leased 2020 BMW. Duane's also walking away with a leased place and some cars, including a 2014 Bentley, BMW scooter, and a Kawasaki motorcycle.

The financial details are interesting ... remember, in an interview earlier this year, Tisha claimed she had $7 to her name after their split.

The exes also hammered out a visitation schedule for their minor son ... they're getting joint legal custody and sharing physical custody, with each parent getting the kid on alternating weeks.

As we've told you ... the divorce was ugly from the jump, so it's not too surprising to see the judgment also requires them to "treat each other with respect and civility" while in the presence of their young son.

'RHOBH' Star Erika Jayne Estranged Husband's Assets Frozen ... Possible Criminal Investigation

'RHOBH' star Erika Jayne's estranged husband has had his assets frozen and a judge now wants prosecutors to have a look at what he allegedly did.

A federal judge said Tom Girardi conducted himself in an "unconscionable" manner ... finding that he misappropriated at least $2 million in client money. Even more ominous ... the judge is referring the matter to the U.S. Attorney's Office for possible criminal investigation.

The money was intended to compensate the families of victims of the Boing 737 Max, Lion Air crash. Lawyers for Girardi said their client didn't currently have the $2 mil he owes his clients ... shockingly announcing Girardi's firm has a measly $15k in the bank.

And, get this ... Girardi's lawyers said they had concerns about his mental competency, adding they were unsure if he understood the seriousness of the case. One of his lawyers told the judge she wanted Girardi to undergo a mental evaluation ... this according to the L.A. Times, which first reported the news.

As if the legal fallout couldn't get any worse ... Girardi's facing TWO more lawsuits -- one from Robert Keese, the other named partner in Girardi's firm, who claims Girardi owes him $506k for using his name per a deal they struck. Keese says Girardi made some payments but then stopped.

In the second lawsuit ... Girardi's partners in a venture called 1126 Wilshire filed legal docs to dissolve the partnership ... claiming Girardi fraudulently encumbered property the partnership owns worth around $7.5 million.

As we reported ... Girardi and his estranged wife, Erika, are being sued for allegedly hiding money ... claiming the break up of their marriage is actually just a sham divorce to hide assets.

Ex-'Smallville' Star Allison Mack Files for Divorce

Ex-'Smallville' Star Allison Mack -- who made international headlines for her role in a sex cult -- has filed for divorce ... TMZ has learned.

Mack, who starred as Chloe Sullivan on "Smallville," filed docs in Orange County Friday to divorce her wife Nicki Clyne. The now-estranged couple got married back in 2017, and they don't have any kids together.

Mack, of course, pled guilty to 2 counts of racketeering conspiracy and racketeering back in April 2019 after prosecutors said she was the pimp for the NXIVM sex cult. She could face up to 40 years behind bars.

You'll recall Mack had initially pled not guilty when she was indicted on sex trafficking charges for her role in the cult led by Keith Raniere. According to prosecutors ... she recruited and directed women, including other actresses, to have sex with Raniere.