El perro de Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann ¡casi ataca a un niño!

Los problemas de Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann parecen no terminar nunca. La policía recibió un llamado por un supuesto casi accidente entre el perro de la pareja y un niño.

De acuerdo con un informe, obtenido por TMZ, la policía recibió una llamada la semana pasada de una mujer que dijo que el perro de Kim y Kroy estaba fuera sin su correa, y la mujer afirmó que este no era el primer encuentro con el perro.

La persona que llamó dijo que el perro "casi atacó a sus hijos" el mes pasado, y le dijo a los oficiales que el perro los persiguió, pero afortunadamente, nadie resultó herido.

Teniendo en cuenta lo que supuestamente pasó, la persona que llamó dijo que ver al perro vagando sin correa era preocupante, ya que el perro es "super agresivo y poco confiable".

Los perros de Kim y Kroy  —Stone y Sinn— fueron el tema de discusión en un grupo de Facebook. Un padre preocupado dijo que un perro había tratado de "atacar" a su hijo mientras montaba un scooter.

La gente se unió y dijo: "Por lo general, el perro de la pareja está detrás de la puerta en el patio delantero, pero a veces su puerta de entrada está abierta".

A propósito, Sinn mordió a su hijo, Kash, allá por 2017 y casi lo deja ciego.

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kim fuera

  1. Los perros no son los únicos problemas de Kim y Kroy, como informamos, los policías locales han sido llamados un par de veces por la pareja, y las imágenes capturadas en agosto mostraron cuán desagradables se han puesto las cosas en su casa recientemente.

Kim & Kroy Cops Called Over Their Dog ... Allegedly Tried To Tackle Neighbor Kid


9:39 AM PT -- A source close to Kim Zolciak says the police never spoke to Kim and Kroy Biermann after the report was made, and the reporting person allegedly doesn't even live in the neighborhood.

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann are in the doghouse with law enforcement yet again ... after some pissed-off neighbors called the cops after one of the estranged couple's dogs nearly attacked a kid.

Alpharetta, GA cops got a call last week about the Biermann dog from a woman who said it was off its leash ... the woman claimed this wasn't the first problem with the dog.

The caller told dispatch the dog "almost attacked her kids" last month, telling officers the pooch chased them -- but thankfully, no one was injured.

Given what allegedly went down, the caller said seeing the dog roaming without a leash was concerning, telling dispatch the dog is "super aggressive and never confined."

Kim and Kroy's dogs -- Stone and Sinn -- were apparently the topic of discussion in a Facebook group as well -- with a conversation posted on IG account @Thegoodthebadandthefake6 concerned parent saying a dog had tried to "tackle and attack" their kid, who was riding a scooter.


Folks chimed in, pointing the finger at the estranged couple and saying -- "It may be [Kim and Kroy's] dog. He is usually behind the gate in the front yard, but sometimes their driveway gate is open."

BTW, Sinn bit their son, Kash, back in 2017 ... nearly blinding him.

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But the dogs are obviously not Kim and Kroy's only problems ... as we reported, local cops have been called a couple of times to their home, and body cam footage from August showed how unpleasant things have gotten in their house recently.

Originally Published -- 12:50 AM PT

Kroy Biermann Must Surrender Rolls-Royce ... In BMW Repo Case

Kroy Biermann's failure to respond to a repo case filed against him has finally reached its breaking point -- 'cause a judge just ruled he's gotta fork over his Rolls-Royce.

According to new court docs, obtained by TMZ, the former NFLer had a default judgment entered against him over the luxury car ... which he'd been leasing since 2020. BMW alleged he'd recently ghosted them on payments ... and filed a lawsuit so it could repossess the sweet ride.

Now, after months of no reply from Kroy ... a judge has signed off in favor of BMW, ordering Kroy to surrender possession of the Rolls stat.

In the judge's order, KB is instructed to hand over the vehicle to law enforcement in Fulton County where he lives so BMW can reclaim it.

It's unclear what Kroy's gonna do ... considering he hasn't uttered a peep in his defense in this case -- something tells us a tow truck might be pulling up to his crib in the near future ... and haul the car away.

Remember, BMW claimed Kroy had agreed to a 3-year lease with them -- from 2020 to 2023 -- and would pay $5,297.64/month ... for a total of $190k. However, the company alleged he'd stopped paying altogether -- with them saying the last sign of dough arrived in Sept. 2022.

Kroy's attorney spoke to us when this suit was first filed ... and the response was very much, it is what it is. Kroy acknowledges he's in dire financial straits right now amid his ongoing divorce with Kim Zolciak -- and it sounds like he's got bigger fish to fry besides a Rolls.

Their fancy house, for example, comes to mind ... with the bank moving towards foreclosure and Kim/Kroy trying to sell it off first in hopes of recouping some cash to handle the rest of their affairs.

With everything else going on in Kroy's life at the moment, he can afford to lose the Rolls.


KROY BIERMANN DEBE ENTREGAR SU ROLLS-ROYCE En medio de problemas fiunancieros

El fracaso de Kroy Biermann en el caso de repo presentado en su contra finalmente ha llegado a su punto límite, porque un juez acaba de dictaminar que tiene que entregar su Rolls-Royce.

De acuerdo con nuevos documentos judiciales obtenidos por TMZ, el ex NFL tenía una sentencia en rebeldía contra él sobre el carro de lujo que había estado alquilando desde 2020. BMW alegó que había problemas con los pagos y presentó una demanda para que pudiera recuperar el lujoso carro.

Ahora, luego de meses sin respuesta de Kroy, un juez ha firmado a favor de BMW, ordenando Kroy a entregar la posesión del Rolls.

En la orden del juez, Kroy tiene instrucciones de entregar el vehículo a las fuerzas del orden en el condado de Fulton, donde vive para que BMW pueda reclamarlo.

No está claro lo que va a hacer Kroy, teniendo en cuenta que no ha pronunciado ni pío en su defensa en este caso. Algo nos dice una grúa podría aparecer en un futuro próximo llevándose el preciado carro lejos de él.

Recuerde, BMW afirmó que Kroy había acordado un contrato de arrendamiento de tres años con ellos  —de 2020 a 2023— y pagaría 5.297.64 de dólares al mes, por un total de 190k. Sin embargo, la compañía alegó que había dejado de pagar por completo - con ellos diciendo que el último signo de la masa llegó en septiembre de 2022.

El abogado de Kroy habló con nosotros cuando esta demanda fue presentada por primera vez y la respuesta fue más bien en la onda "es lo que es". Kroy reconoce que está en graves apuros financieros en medio de su divorcio en curso con Kim Zolciak y suena como que tiene aún más cosas que proteger.

Su casa de lujo es un buen ejemplo... el banco se mueve hacia la ejecución hipotecaria, mientras Kim y Kroy se mueven para venderlo primero con la esperanza de recuperar algo de dinero y así resolver sus problemas financieros.

Con todo lo demás que está pasando en la vida de Kroy en este momento, puede permitirse el lujo de perder un Rolls.


Kyle Richards Breaks Down in Tears at BravoCon ... Talking Mauricio Split

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Kyle Richards' separation from her estranged husband, Mauricio Umansky, is clearly weighing on her -- 'cause she was reduced to tears talking about it at BravoCon.

The "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" star was onstage Sunday in Vegas, where she was doing a Q&A ... and where she was eventually asked point blank, where do things stand between her and Mauricio right now?

The question got her quite emotional. As reported by our sister site, TooFab, Kyle first said she and Mauricio were trying to navigate this as best they could -- explaining ... "We love each other very much and we are family no matter what happens. My three girls still live at home, only Farrah has her own place. [Mauricio] was busy doing 'Dancing with the Stars,' so he wasn't around as much. We’re trying to figure it out. We know we love each other."

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KR then started to choke up, saying she hears everyone telling her to just "fix" the problem -- but as she clearly states here, it's not nearly as simple as it sounds.

Of course, this comes on the heels of Kyle's other interview last night at BravoCon -- where she referred to their separation as an outright divorce ... a slip of the tongue, it seems.

From what we can gather ... things are rocky between the couple at the moment, and while it sounds like she and Mauricio might want to reconcile -- there are obstacles that stand in their way ... even as they continue to live under the same roof and film for 'RHOBH.'


That's something Kyle addressed Sunday too ... saying she didn't want her fights with Mauricio caught on camera, and that Bravo producers noticed something was off.

Adding an extra layer of complexity is the fact that Mauricio continues to get cozy with his 'DWTS' partner, Emma Slater, with whom he was again spotted at dinner this weekend.

Remember, this follows a pretty public outing the two of them shared a couple weeks ago -- where they were seen holding hands -- but people in his world tried explaining it away as merely platonic ... even though Kyle isn't buying it, and found the whole thing disrespectful.

Bottom line ... it's complicated, and Kyle's doing the best she can in uncharted waters.

KYLE RICHARDS ¿"DIVORCIO"? Se refiere a la ruptura con Mauricio como el fin del matrimonio

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Kyle Richards elige sus palabras con cuidado, por lo que es especialmente chocante que utilizara la palabra "divorcio" para describir lo que ella y Mauricio Umansky están pasando.

Kyle estaba en BravoCon el sábado cuando habló con TooFab y otros reporteros sobre su duro 2023: "He pasado por muchas cosas este último año que sí te cambian. Perder a mi mejor amigo por suicidio me cambió. Pasar por mi divorcio... todo eso me ha hecho más fuerte, pero definitivamente te cambia como persona. Me siento bien".

Kyle y Mauricio siempre han llamado a su ruptura una separación, y esta es la primera vez que se refiere al tema con la palabra "divorcio". Recordemos que la pareja lleva 27 años de matrimonio.

tomando la iniciativa

Incluso se le preguntó acerca de la reconciliación, y ella eludió la pregunta diciendo: "Lo estoy viviendo un día a la vez. Todavía estamos viviendo juntos bajo el mismo techo y estoy orgulloso de la forma en que estamos navegando a través de esto".

Como hemos informando, Mauricio ha estado muy unido a su pareja de baile de "DWTS", Emma Slater, e incluso fueron vistos juntos el sábado por la noche luego de ser expulsado del programa, entrando en un club nocturno de Los Ángeles del brazo.

En cuanto a Kyle, lleva meses muy cercana a la estrella del country Morgan Wade, aunque no han definido públicamente su relación más allá de decir que son amigos íntimos y colaboradores en un documental.

Kyle Richards Oops, Did I say 'Divorce?' Refers to Split with Mauricio as Ending Marriage

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Kyle Richards is one to choose her words carefully, so it's especially shocking she used the word "divorce" to describe what she and Mauricio Umansky are going through.

Kyle was at BravoCon Saturday when she talked to TooFab and other reporters, about her tough 2023 ... "I've gone through a lot this last year that does change you. Losing my best friend to suicide changed me. Going through my divorce, all that has made me stronger but it definitely changes you as a person. I feel good."

Kyle and Mauricio have always called their split a separation, and this is the first time her reference was about ending their 27-year marriage.


She was even asked about reconciliation, and she skirted the question ... saying "I just take it a day at a time ... We're still living together under the same roof and I'm proud of the way that we are navigating through this."

As we've been reporting, Mauricio's been super tight with his "DWTS" dance partner, Emma Slater, and even after getting booted from the show, they were seen out together Saturday night, walking into an L.A. nightclub arm in arm.

As for Kyle, she's been super close with country star Morgan Wade for months, although they have not publicly defined their relationship other than to say they're close friends and collaborators on a documentary.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Zac Brown Ties Knot With Model Kelly Yazdi

Zac Brown is giving marriage another shot -- he got hitched for a second time ... TMZ has learned.

The Zac Brown Band lead singer tied the knot with Kelly Yazdi, a model and actress, back on Aug. 31 in Coweta County, Georgia ... according to the couple's marriage certificate.

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The marriage comes a little over a year after Kelly was spotted with a giant engagement ring on her finger.

Zac reportedly popped the question when they were in Hawaii, but it looks like they didn't opt for a destination wedding ... the docs say the event went down in his home state.

ZB and KY have been pretty private about their relationship -- they haven't made a big fuss about the wedding, at least not publicly. There was speculation they got hitched after she added "Brown" to her social media handle, and now we know that's the case.

It's the second marriage for Zac, who has 5 kids with his ex-wife, Shelly, from a 12-year marriage that ended in 2018.

As for Zac's new wife, she describes herself as "a born adventurer, events producer, SAG-AFTRA actress, stuntwoman, and professional model." Her TV credits include "Hawaii Five-O" and "Steve Austin's Broken Skull Challenge."

Mazel Tov!!!


Zac Brown le está dando otra oportunidad al matrimonio, ya que se ha enganchado por segunda vez, según ha indagado TMZ.

El cantante Zac Brown Band ató el nudo con Kelly Yazdi, una modelo y actriz, el 31 de agosto en el condado de Coweta, Georgia, de acuerdo con el certificado de matrimonio de la pareja.

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Luciendo el anillo

El matrimonio ocurre poco más de un año después de que Kelly fuera vista con un anillo de compromiso gigante en su dedo.

Zac supuestamente le propuso matrimonio a Kelly cuando estaban en Hawai, pero parece que no optaron por una boda fuera de casa. Los documentos dicen que el evento se llevó a cabo en su estado natal.

Zac y Kelly han sido bastante privados acerca de su relación. Al menos públicamente, no han hecho un gran alboroto sobre su boda. Se especulaba que se habían casado después de que ella añadiera "Brown" a su nombre en las redes sociales, y ahora sabemos que es así.

Este es el segundo matrimonio de Zac, quien tiene 5 hijos con su exesposa, Shelly, de un matrimonio de 12 años que terminó en 2018.

En cuanto a la nueva esposa de Zac, se describe a sí misma como "una aventurera nata, productora de eventos, actriz de SAG-AFTRA, doble de acción y modelo profesional." Sus créditos televisivos incluyen "Hawaii Five-O" y "Steve Austin's Broken Skull Challenge".

¡¡¡Mazel Tov!!!

JIMMIE ALLEN Finally Sells Nashville Home ... For $1.75M

Jimmie Allen has officially sold his Nashville home ... five months after putting it on the market amid his marital dramas and bombshell rape allegation made against him.

According to property records, the country star sold his home in Brentwood -- a Nashville suburb -- for $1.75M. The sprawling 5-bed, 5-bath home was initially put on the market for $3M before quickly being slashed to $2.5M a week later.

While the recent selling price isn't a loss for the country crooner, he bought the home in 2020 for $1.5M, for the new owner ... it's a bargain. The modern farmhouse-inspired home sits on 1.5 acres of land with tons of great features, including expansive oversized windows.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Nonetheless, this looks like a fresh start for Jimmie, as it's been a challenging year for him. Earlier this year, we reported that he's countersuing a woman who is accusing him of sexually assaulting her and secretly filming the alleged encounter.

Jimmie is also countersuing his former manager, who is accusing him of sexual abuse. He previously told us there's "no truth" to the allegation.

Meanwhile, there is some light at the end of the tunnel for Jimmie, as he and his wife Alexis are reportedly back together after briefly separating when he confessed to cheating on her. He's publicly apologized to his estranged wife for the affair and for being a poor example for their children.

Kim Zolciak & Kroy Biermann Ordered to Pay $230,000 In Bank Lawsuit

The debts keep piling on for Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann ... they've been ordered to pay approximately $230,000 to a bank that sued them.

According to court docs, obtained by TMZ, a court in Georgia just ordered Simmons Bank judgment against the estranged couple for $226,836.22 ... as well as $178.51 in interest, $2,071.57 in foreclosure fees and $1,945.31 in attorneys' fees.

That's $231,031.61 in total ... yikes!!!

The lawsuit, filed back in July had to do with a home equity line of credit the couple defaulted on.

This isn't the only lawsuit they're dealing with ... TMZ broke the story, the couple was sued back in August by SAKS/CAPITAL ONE the company claimed Kim's credit card had a $115,000 limit -- and she'd fallen behind on making payments -- the suit stated Kim owed $156,080.64 in total on the card.

We were also the first to report the couple recently listed their Georgia family home for $6 million, asking the court to halt a scheduled foreclosure auction on the property and allow them to sell it on their own.

Kim and Kroy are still living under the same roof at the home, but they've been ordered to keep their distance ... Kim's in the basement/nanny suite and Kroy gets the primary bedroom.

You gotta imagine the court allows them to sell their home without it going to foreclosure auction to help them settle some of these debts ... cuz the hole keeps getting deeper.

Ethan Slater Zipped Lips on Ariana Grande ... Leaving Divorce Hearing


Ethan Slater is keepin' it quiet on his love life with Ariana Grande ... refusing to spill any relationship tea while stepping out of court after a divorce hearing.

The actor/singer was leaving a New York courtroom Friday following an appointment to handle the ongoing divorce and custody proceedings with his estranged wife, Lilly Jay.

Ethan didn't wanna chat, even when asked about Ariana. We also touched on his plans for co-parenting once his divorce is finalized, but all he gave was a smirk.

TMZ broke the story, Ethan and Ariana were spotted together last week on a date night in NYC, grabbing a a private table in the heart of Manhattan. Witnesses told us they were definitely flirty and touchy-feely during the night out.

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They also took to Disney World last month, getting a VIP tour ... so their relationship certainly hasn't turned sour.

Remember, Ethan filed for divorce from Lilly in July, and sources told us Ethan "desperately" wants to co-parent their infant son.

As for Ariana and her ex, Dalton Gomez, the two simultaneously filed for divorce in September -- and reached a settlement a month later where she agreed to pay him $1,250,000.

SAM ASGHARI Que Britney me llamara regalo de Dios me hizo sonreír Estoy muy orgulloso de ella

"Estoy orgulloso de ella"

Sam Asghari sigue mostrando apoyo a su ex, Britney Spears. Esta vez, diciendo que sus amables palabras sobre él en su nuevo libro lo pusieron muy contento.

Sam habló sobre las memorias de Britney, "The Woman in Me", el miércoles en Los Ángeles. Como ustedes bien saben, la cantante elogió a Sam en su libro, a pesar de haber tenido la oportunidad de cambiar de opinión después de que terminaran las cosas.

Britney lo llamó un "regalo de Dios", entre otros grandes elogios y Sam claramente valoró mucho sus cariñosas palabras, disparando algunos elogios de vuelta.

Dijo que está "tremendamente orgulloso" de Britney por haber puesto su libro en los primeros lugares de lectoría, añadiendo: "Espero que ella se apodere del mundo."

Como informamos, Sam parecía ser el único de los ex de Brit que no estaba bajo fuego en el libro de memorias. La cantante dejó fuera los detalles de su intensa ruptura, una señal de que pueden haber llegado a un acuerdo en su divorcio.

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Primero en la fila

No se olviden, hablamos con Sam antes de que el libro saliera a la luz y nos dijo que lo había leído y que le había ENCANTADO.

Sam Asghari Britney Calling Me 'Gift From God' Made Me Smile, I'm So Freakin' Proud Of Her!


Sam Asghari continues to show support for his ex, Britney Spears ... saying her kind words about him in her new book put a big smile on his mug.

Sam chatted about Britney's memoir, "The Woman in Me," Wednesday in Los Angeles ... as you know, she left him a glowing review, despite having the ability to change her opinion about him in the book after they broke things off.

She called him a "gift from God," amongst other big compliments -- and Sam clearly appreciated the kind words ... firing some right back at her.

He says he's "freaking proud" of Britney for putting herself out there in her chart-topping book ... adding, "I hope she takes over the world."

As we reported, Sam seemed to be the only one of Brit's exes that wasn't under fire in the memoir, leaving out the details of their intense split -- a sign they may have struck a settlement deal in their divorce.

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Don't forget, we talked with Sam before the book even came out ... and he told us he read it and LOVED it.


Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann saben que están en serios problemas y le están pidiendo a la corte que detenga la subasta de su casa y que, en lugar de eso, la puedan vender ellos y así tratar de salvar el pellejo.

De acuerdo con documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Kim y Kroy dicen que si la subasta prevista por el banco se lleva a cabo, van a sufrir "un daño irreparable del patrimonio conyugal agotándolo en su totalidad".

La mansión de Kim y Kroy ubicada en Georgia está a la venta por 6 millones de dólares a través de un agente de bienes raíces, mientras que su separación sigue su curso.

La venta de la casa es la primera cosa en la que hemos visto a Kim y Kroy de acuerdo en un tiempo. Ambos viven juntos en la residencia, pero el tribunal le ordenó a Kim a vivir en el sótano y la suite de la niñera, mientras que Kroy tiene acceso exclusivo a la habitación principal.

Como hemos informado, su divorcio ha estado lleno de drama y acusaciones desagradables. Kroy ha acusado a Kim de ser una adicta al juego y la culpa de sus problemas de dinero y Kim ha dicho que no le gustaba que Kroy estuviera alrededor de sus hijos bajo la influencia de la marihuana. 

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Kim declaró recientemente que la pareja seguía teniendo relaciones sexuales y creía que iban a resolver sus diferencias y desechar el divorcio. Sin embargo, las múltiples visitas de la policía para resolver los problemas entre los dos parecen decir lo contrario.

Kim & Kroy Hey Judge, Please Stop Foreclosure on Our House!!!

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann know they're in a serious hole, and they're asking the court to prevent that hole from getting any deeper ... by stopping the bank's foreclosure auction on their home, to allow them to sell it on their own.

According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Kim and Kroy say if the bank's planned auction on November 7 is allowed to happen they will suffer "irreparable injury to the marital estate depleting it in its entirety."

Kim and Kroy listed their Georgia mansion for $6 million through a realtor while they hammer out the rest of their divorce ... but the foreclosure auction was scheduled before the estranged couple listed it.

The sale of the home is the first thing we've seen Kim and Kroy agree on in a while. They're both currently still living inside the residence, but the court has ordered Kim to live in the basement and nanny suite, while Kroy has exclusive access to the primary bedroom.

As we've reported, their divorce has been full of drama and nasty accusations ... Kroy's accused Kim of being a gambling addict to blame for their money problems and Kim's said she didn't trust Kroy around their kids when he smokes weed.

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What's more ... Kim recently stated the pair was still having sex, and believed they'd resolve their differences and pull the divorce. However, multiple visits from the police to solve issues between the two seem to say otherwise.