Ariana Grande's Ex Dalton Gomez Smooching Maika Monroe ... After Finalizing Divorce

Ariana Grande's ex-husband, Dalton Gomez, is certainly enjoying the single life ... he was locking lips with actress Maika Monroe right on the heels of officially ending his marriage.

According to DeuxMoi, Dalton and the "It Follows" star were packin' on the PDA this past weekend -- the person who snapped the photo claims they were friendly with others at Jumbo's Clown Room ... a "bikini bar" in Los Angeles.

Maika and Dalton were apparently making out quite a bit, and barely trying to hide it -- the witness says the apparent couple would look around to see if anyone was watching before goin' back at it.

Dalton's clearly moved on from Ariana -- TMZ broke the story, the former husband and wife finalized their divorce on Friday, just weeks after they simultaneously filed for divorce.

As we reported, Ariana handed Dalton $1,250,000 as part of the settlement instead of spousal support. He's also getting half of the proceeds from the sale of their L.A. pad, and Ariana will have to cough up another $25k for his attorney's fees.

We were told there's a "strong mutual love and respect" between them ... and as you know, Ariana's already moved on from Dalton to her "Wicked" costar, Ethan Slater.

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No, we haven't seen them suckin' faces at a strip club, but they did venture to Disney World last month. Not exactly the same vibe.

Did Ariana Grande and Dalton Gomez move on too soon after their separation? Vote below.

EL EX DE ARIANA GRANDE BESA A MAIKA MONROE Después de Finalizar el Divorcio

El ex marido de Ariana Grande, Dalton Gomez, sin duda está disfrutando de la vida de soltero. Lo vimos besando a la actriz Maika Monroe justo después de terminar oficialmente su matrimonio.

Dalton y la estrella de "It Follows" tuvieron una cita el pasado fin de semana. La persona que tomó la foto afirma que fueron muy "amistosos" el uno con el otro en Jumbo's Clown Room, un "bar de bikini" en Los Ángeles.

Maika y Dalton aparentemente se besaron sin ocultar nada. El testigo dice que la pareja miraba a su alrededor para ver si alguien estaba observando antes de volver a hacerlo.

Está claro que Dalton ha superado a Ariana. TMZ publicó la noticia, los ex marido y mujer finalizaron su divorcio el viernes solo unas semanas después de que solicitaran el divorcio simultáneamente.

Como informamos, Ariana le entregó Dalton $1,250,000 como parte del acuerdo en lugar de manutención conyugal. También recibe la mitad de los ingresos de la venta de su propiedad en L.A. y Ariana tendrá que soltar otros $25k para los honorarios de su abogado.

Nos dijeron que hay un "fuerte amor y respeto mutuo" entre ellos, y como usted sabe, Ariana ya ha olvidado a Dalton con su coprotagonista, Ethan Slater.

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cita en disney

No, no los hemos visto lamiendo caras en un club de striptease, pero se aventuraron a Disney World el mes pasado. No es exactamente el mismo ambiente, ¿cierto?

Kim Zolciak Flirtin' With Chet Hanks Amid Divorce ... While Filming MTV's 'The Surreal Life'

Kim Zolciak was certainly havin' fun filming her reality show amid her divorce from Kroy Biermann ... hitting it off with Chet Hanks during production in Colombia.

Multiple sources connected to the show tell TMZ ... Kim and Tom Hanks' son were acting flirty toward each other while cameras were rolling in Medellín for MTV's "The Surreal Life."

We're told they really hit things off, with others in the house thinking they might've caught feelings for each other during the 2 weeks of production ... at least, that was the vibe while under the same roof.

It's unclear, however, if Kim and Chet ever exchanged digits before the show came to an end ... and it's unknown if they're staying in touch today, but one thing's for sure -- sparks were flying.

TMZ broke the story, sources told us Kim signed a deal to appear on the 8th season of the reality series ... joining folks like Chet, Johnny Weir, Josie Canseco, Ally Brooke and many more.

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She flew back to ATL last week after production wrapped ... and called 911 on Kroy a day later for allegedly snatching her cell phones.

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Don't forget, we got body cam footage from before Kim left for 'TSL,' with Kim claiming Kroy locked her out of their bedroom ... where she said she was trying to get her meds and personal belongings.

Kim Zolciak Coquetea con Chet Hanks en medio del divorcio ... Mientras grababa "The Surreal Life" de MTV

Kim Zolciak ciertamente lo pasó muy bien mientras filmaba su reality show en medio del divorcio con Kroy Biermann, pues sabemos que estuvo coqueteando con Chet Hanks durante la producción del show en Colombia.

Múltiples fuentes relacionadas con el espectáculo dicen a TMZ que Kim y el hijo de Tom Hanks estuvieron coqueteando mientras rodaban "The Surreal Life" de MTV en Medellín.

Nos dicen que ambos se cayeron muy bien, y que otros en la casa también pensaron que podrían haberse encariñado durante las dos semanas de producción, o al menos, esa era la vibración mientras compartían el mismo techo.

No está claro, sin embargo, si Kim y Chet llegaron a intercambiar números antes de que terminara la producción y no se sabe tampoco si se mantienen en contacto ahora. Pero una cosa es segura... hubo algunas chispas entre los dos.

TMZ dio la noticia, las fuentes nos dijeron que Kim firmó un acuerdo para estar en la 8ª temporada del reality show, en el que también participan celebridades como Chet, Johnny Weir, Josie Canseco, Ally Brooke y muchos más.

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Audio del 911

Ella voló de regreso a Atlanta la semana pasada después de terminar las grabaciones y llamó al 911 un día después, luego de que Kroy presuntamente robara sus celulares.

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Me echó de la pieza...

No se olviden, tenemos imágenes de Kim, de antes de que se fuera a "The Surreal Life", donde la vemos alegarle a Kroy por haberla dejado fuera de su dormitorio. En él dice que estaba tratando de conseguir sus medicamentos y objetos personales.

MIA THORNTON Su marido se lanza en contra de ella Se casó por dinero...

El que pronto será el exmarido de Mia Thornton, Gordon, está criticando a la estrella de 'Real Housewife of Potomac' por abandonarlo ahora que tiene problemas financieros, una señal segura de que estaba buscando oro cuando le dio el "sí, quiero".

Gordon Thornton dice a TMZ que Mia solo se comprometió con él porque vio el futuro que podría proporcionarle sus recursos, pero ahora que sus fondos son inaccesibles, ella lo está dejando en busca de una "mejor opción".

Se acabó...

Y escuchen esto, Gordon nos dice que le dio a la estrella del reality show un pase libre para tener sexo, porque sabía que no sería capaz de satisfacerla debido a su edad. Él tiene 71 años y recientemente tuvo una cirugía de cáncer de próstata.

Gordon dice que pensó que el pase vendría con un entendimiento abierto y honesto sobre ver a alguien más, pero afirma que todo ha ocurrido a escondidas.

Lo que es más, Gordon dice que ella está mintiendo sobre las razones de por qué lo está dejando y que está cambiando constantemente su historia, lo que agrava aún más la situación.

TMZ dio la noticia, Gordon fue sorprendido cuando Mia presentó la separación legal. Lo que más le molestó fue que Mia hizo parecer que su relación era perfecta en las redes sociales cuando detrás de cámaras estaba preparando los papeles del divorcio.

Gordon nos dice que el comportamiento de Mia está empezando a afectar a sus hijos, y es por eso que ha empezado a hablar en contra de ella.

Dice que no quiere estar asociado a Mia nunca más, a excepción de su situación de co-paternidad, porque no puede confiar en ella. No cree lo que dice ni que lo ame.

'RHOP' STAR MIA THORNTON Estranged Husband Gordon Rips Her ... Married Me For My Money!!!

Mia Thornton's soon-to-be ex-husband, Gordon, is blasting the 'Real Housewife' for ditching him now that he's in financial trouble -- a sure sign, he says, she was gold digging when she said "I do."

Gordon Thornton tells TMZ ... Mia only tied the knot with him because she saw the future his resources could provide her, but now that his funds are inaccessible, she's leaving him in search of an "upgrade."


And, get this ... Gordon tells us he gave the "Real Housewives of the Potomac" star a hall pass for sex, because he knew he wouldn't be able to satisfy her sexually due to his age -- he's 71, and recently had prostate cancer surgery.

Gordon says he thought the hall pass came with an understanding she would be open and honest with him about seeing someone else ... but he claims she's been sneaking around.

What's more, Gordon says she's lying about why she's leaving him, and is constantly changing her story ... so he's aggravated and wishes she would just be honest.

TMZ broke the story ... Gordon was blindsided when Mia filed for legal separation, and he was peeved she made it seem like their relationship was perfect on social media when behind the scenes she was gearing up to serve him court docs.

Gordon tells us Mia's behavior is now starting to affect their children, which is why he's speaking out against her.

He says he never wants to be associated with Mia again -- save for their co-parenting situation -- in part because he can't trust her, doesn't believe what she says and doesn't believe she loves him.

Ariana Grande, Dalton Gomez Divorce Settled Prenup and Payout

Ariana Grande and Dalton Gomez have made quick work out of their divorce, settling up just weeks after they filed to end their marriage.

There weren't a whole lot of contentious issues ... there was a prenup, and, as we reported when we broke the story, Ariana cut Dalton a check ... and according to the settlement Dalton will receive $1,250,000, tax-free. Dalton is getting the money upfront, so there will be no spousal support.

Dalton will also receive 1/2 of the net proceeds from the sale of their L.A. home. And, Ariana will pay up to $25,000 of Dalton's attorney's fees.

A source close to the situation tells us, "There is still a strong mutual love and respect between Ariana and Dalton and they wanted to make sure everything was done right in lockstep with one another."

The settlement is standard operating procedure for Ariana's lawyer, disso queen Laura Wasser, who tries -- usually successfully -- to quickly settle even the most contentious divorces. You'll recall, she recently settled the bitter divorce between Kevin Costner and Christine Baumgartner.

The settlement has been filed with the court, and all that's left is for the judge to sign and they will be single again.

Ariana is in deep with her newest boo, "Wicked" co-star Ethan Slater, and we're told Dalton is dating as well.

The date of separation on the divorce docs is February 20, but they didn't file for divorce until last month.

We're told the 2 are parting company with no hard feelings, so it's as clean as it can be.

Ariana Grande, Dalton Gomez Divorcio resuelto Acuerdo prenupcial y pago

Ariana Grande y Dalton Gomez han resuelto rápidamente su divorcio, llegando a un acuerdo apenas unas semanas después de que presentaran la demanda para poner fin a su matrimonio.

En este caso, no había un montón de cuestiones polémicas, sino un acuerdo prenupcial, tal como informamos cuando dimos la noticia. Ariana firmará un cheque, que según el acuerdo, correspondería a $1,250,000, libres de impuestos. Dalton está recibiendo el dinero por adelantado, por lo que no habría manutención conyugal.

También recibirá la mitad de los ingresos netos de la venta de su casa de Los Ángeles. Y Ariana pagará hasta $25.000 de los honorarios del abogado de Dalton.

Una fuente cercana a la situación nos dice: "Todavía hay un fuerte amor mutuo y respeto entre Ariana y Dalton y querían asegurarse de que todo se hiciera bien".

El acuerdo es el procedimiento operativo estándar para la abogada de Ariana, la experta Laura Wasser, que utiliza para resolver rápidamente incluso los divorcios más polémicos, por lo general con éxito. Como recordarán, recientemente resolvió el amargo divorcio de Kevin Costner y Christine Baumgartner.

El acuerdo ha sido presentado en el juzgado y solo falta que el juez lo firme para que vuelvan a estar solteros.

Ariana está muy enganchada con su nuevo amante, el coprotagonista de "Wicked", Ethan Slater, y nos dicen que Dalton también está saliendo con alguien.

La fecha de separación en los documentos es el 20 de febrero, pero no solicitaron el divorcio hasta el mes pasado.

Nos dicen que los dos se separan sin resentimientos, por lo que esta disolución es tan limpia como un divorcio puede ser.

Jay Cutler Instagram Offish With New GF ... 3 Yrs After Cavallari Split

Jay Cutler has apparently found love again three years after his split with Kristin Cavallari ... 'cause the ex-NFL star just went Instagram official with his new girlfriend!!

The former quarterback's new flame is Samantha Robertson ... and the two have grown so smitten with each other, she's now thrown him up on IG twice in the last couple weeks.

The first came on Sept. 20 ... when she shared some snaps of her and Cutler on the social media platform at a friend's wedding in France.

In total, there were three pics of the duo, including one where she was tucked into his chest with a glass of wine on a gravel road.

"Vive la France," she captioned the post.

When one of Robertson's friends commented, "I love, love" -- Cutler replied, "don't we all♥️"

Just days later, Robertson posted another pic of the two enjoying a Montana sunset. Cutler also commented on that post, writing, "When are we going back?"

"I was ready the second we left," she wrote back.

Robertson was previously married to Trace Ayala -- an actor and Justin Timberlake's good pal. Cutler, of course, had been with Cavallari for nearly a decade before they called things off back in 2020.

Jay had said in 2021 that dating post-Kristin was "hard as hell," explaining on his "Uncut with Jay Cutler" podcast that "meeting people is hard."

Seems that's all recently changed ... so, congrats, lovebirds!!!

Jodie Turner-Smith Shows Off Bod Amid Divorce from Joshua ... Posts 'Separation' Theory

Jodie Turner-Smith is already in post-breakup hotness mode days after filing to divorce Joshua Jackson ... but she's also deep in thought about the "illusion of separation."

The actress and model was glowing at the Balmain fashion show Thursday in Paris, rocking a black bodysuit that showed off her toned legs.

She also shared some photos earlier this week from her time at the Gucci show, looking drop-dead gorgeous -- and folks in the comments certainly agreed.

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Hot shots weren't the only things she posted, however ... because a string of text on Jodie's IG story Thursday seemed to point directly to her recent divorce filing.

She reposted a quote about quantum physics, which talks about "a particle vibrating due to your sound when you speak," saying it can affect a molecule inside a star "at the edge of the Universe instantly."

It says the phenomenon is known as "quantum entanglement" ... and added, "The greatest illusion of this Universe is the illusion of separation."

The timing here is telling ... TMZ broke the story, Jodie pulled the plug on her marriage with the "Dawson's Creek" star earlier this week, citing the usual "irreconcilable differences" in the divorce docs.

She's asking for joint custody of their 3-year-old, Juno, and wants to ditch the idea of spousal support for both sides -- there's also no prenup in place.

BTW, while Jodie was sharing photos of herself having a blast overseas, Joshua was spotted loading his car at a Whole Foods in Los Angeles. While he has yet to speak out, it appears they're living very different lives amid their split.

Kim Zolciak Calls 911, 'I Don't Feel Safe' ... After Fight with Kroy

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann continue to live under the same roof -- which is starting to sound like hell on Earth -- especially given Kim's latest claim and call to 911.

Zolciak called cops in Georgia last Thursday around 11 PM to report Kroy had taken her 2 cellphones. In the 911 call, obtained by TMZ, Kim says she's on the home phone because Kroy's been holding her cells hostage for the last several hours.

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You can't hear Kroy at all in the background, but Kim states she doesn't feel safe and needs to leave the home. She says Kroy locked himself in the master bedroom.

Per usual, the couple's 4 kids, who have continued to seemingly suffer through Kim and Kroy's back and forth, are home at the time of the incident -- but Kim says they're all asleep.

According to the police report, obtained by TMZ, officers came to the home and sorted things out ... eventually getting Kim's phones back. The former "RHOA" star agreed to sleep in a separate bedroom with the door locked in order to keep the peace.

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Cops have frequented the estranged couple's home as of late ... we were first to publish body cam footage of an incident from back in August when Kim claimed Kroy locked her out of their bedroom with her belongings inside.

Finally, after prying from cops, Kroy agreed to give up Kim's items during that incident as well.

Kim Zolciak Llama al 911: "No me siento segura" Tras pelea con Kroy

Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann siguen viviendo bajo el mismo techo, lo que se está convirtiendo en un infierno, especialmente luego del último llamado de Kim al 911.

Zolciak llamó a la policía de Georgia el pasado jueves alrededor de las 11 PM para informar que Kroy había tomado sus dos teléfonos celulares. En la llamada obtenida por TMZ, Kim dice que está llamando desde el teléfono de su casa porque Kroy había tomado sus celulares "como rehenes" en las últimas horas.

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Audio del 911

En la llamada no se oye a Kroy en absoluto, pero Kim reitera que no se siente segura y que necesita salir de la casa. Dice que Kroy se encerró en el dormitorio principal.

Como de costumbre, los 4 hijos de la pareja, que han sufrido las idas y venidas de Kim y Kroy a lo largo del tiempo, estaban en casa en el momento del incidente, pero ella dice que todos estaban dormidos en ese momento.

De acuerdo con el informe policial obtenido por TMZ, los oficiales llegaron a la casa y arreglaron las cosas. Finalmente, lograron pasarle los celulares a Kim y la ex estrella de "Real Housewives Of Atlanta" accedió a dormir en un dormitorio separado con la puerta cerrada para mantener la paz.

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Me echaron del dormitorio...

Los policías han frecuentado la casa de la pareja, quienes están distanciados desde hace algún tiempo. Fuimos los primeros en publicar imágenes de un incidente el pasado agosto, cuando Kim afirmó que Kroy la echó de su dormitorio con sus pertenencias en el interior.

Durante ese incidente y después de curiosear con los policías, Kroy finalmente accedió a entregarle los objetos a Kim.

Joe Jonas, Sophie Turner Deep in Mediation to Settle Divorce

Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner have been embroiled in a bitter, child custody dispute, but they have been spending hours together over the last 2 days trying to hammer out a divorce settlement ... multiple sources tell TMZ.

As TMZ reported, Joe and Sophie have a prenup, and one of the provisions is that they go to mediation to settle all outstanding issues related to their divorce ... this according to multiple Joe/Sophie sources.

Joe and Sophie spent a full day Wednesday hashing out divorce issues, and we're told they are dealing with a property settlement guided by the prenup, as well as child custody.

As you know, there's a jurisdictional dogfight going on over which judge will handle the case -- a Miami judge, which is what Joe wants, or a UK judge, which is Sophie's choice.

Sophie has filed legal docs in federal court trying to get the case removed to the UK. Although there's an active legal dispute over jurisdiction, our sources say they are trying to reach an agreement on both which judge handles the case and what the custody arrangement should look like.

It appears Sophie wants to live in the UK with the kids and Joe wants them to stay put in the U.S., but they are trying to reach some sort of custody agreement that would make jurisdiction essentially irrelevant.

We're told they're both down with joint custody, and if they can agree on a structure -- for example, the kids stay with one parent during the school year and the other parent during the summer with both parents getting visitation -- they would probably just ask the Florida judge to ratify it.

The good news ... since they're in mediation, which continues on Thursday, it appears neither Joe nor Sophie are challenging the prenup.

It's possible they could pull a Kevin Costner and settle the latest, contentious divorce.

Joe Jonas, Sophie Turner A fondo en una mediación para resolver su divorcio

Joe Jonas y Sophie Turner han estado envueltos en una amarga disputa por la custodia de sus hijas, pero han estado pasando horas juntos en los últimos dos días para tratar de llegar a un acuerdo de divorcio, según cuentan múltiples fuentes a TMZ.

Como TMZ informó, Joe y Sophie tienen un acuerdo prenupcial y una de las disposiciones es que deben ir a mediación para resolver todos los asuntos pendientes relacionados con su divorcio, esto de acuerdo a múltiples fuentes de Joe y Sophie.

Joe y Sophie estuvieron todo el día miércoles resolviendo cuestiones de divorcio y nos dicen que están lidiando con un acuerdo de propiedad, guiada por el acuerdo prenupcial, así como con la custodia de sus hijas.

Como ustedes saben, hay una pelea de perros sobre qué juez debiese encargarse del caso, si uno de Miami, como quiere Joe, o uno del Reino Unido, como quiere Sophie.

Sophie presentó documentos legales en el tribunal federal par tratar de conseguir que el caso sea trasladado al Reino Unido. Aunque hay una disputa legal activa sobre la jurisdicción, nuestras fuentes dicen que están tratando de llegar a un acuerdo al respecto así cómo debiese ser la resolución de la custodia.

Al parecer, Sophie quiere vivir en el Reino Unido con las niñas y Joe quiere que se queden en Estados Unidos, pero están tratando de llegar a algún tipo de acuerdo de custodia que haría esencialmente irrelevante dónde sea la jurisdicción.

Nos dicen que ambos quieren la custodia compartida y si pueden ponerse de acuerdo sobre una estructura, por ejemplo, que las niñas se queden con uno de los padres durante el año escolar y el otro padre durante el verano, con ambos padres teniendo la posibilidad de visitarlas, probablemente solo le pedirían al juez de Florida que ratifique el acuerdo.

La buena noticia es que como ya están en mediación, la que continúa el jueves, parece que ni Joe ni Sophie están desafiando el acuerdo prenupcial.

Es posible que hagan lo mismo que Kevin Costner y logren resolverlo todo.

Damian Lillard Files For Divorce From Wife, Kay'La

Damian Lillard's new team isn't the only major change in his life -- the Milwaukee Bucks superstar just filed for divorce from his longtime partner, Kay'La.

TMZ Sports has confirmed ... the 7-time All-Star officially filed docs in Oregon earlier this week.

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Dame and Kay'La go way back -- they first started dating as students at Weber State and were together ever since. They officially got married back in September 2021 and have three children.

According to Willamette Week, Dame's filing cited irreconcilable differences that "caused the irremediable breakdown of their marriage."

The report also points out the two appear to have been living separately for the past 10 months ... with Kay'La moving into a $2.7 million home in West Linn, while Dame remained at their $7.7 million pad in the same city.

There has been speculation for weeks ... with some internet sleuths noticing Kay'La had been absent from Damian's social media posts.

Dame did, however, give a special shoutout to Kay'La on Mother's Day earlier this year ... saying, "Takes a special person to wear all the hats that a mother does. I love you and I'm thankful to share what I’m most proud of with you!"

'Love & Hip Hop's' Vonshae Gunplay Caused Our Daughter's Heart Defect With His Undercover Drug Use!!! 🤧

"Love & Hip Hop" star Vonshae Taylor-Morales is further distancing herself from her ruptured marriage with Gunplay ... blaming him for causing their infant daughter's medical condition as of result of his alleged drug use.

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The baby girl, Osanna Ohana, was born in March with a heart defect and on Wednesday, Vonshae accused her estranged husband of abusing cocaine and ketamine behind her back during a vicious dragging on IG Live.

Before the baby was born, Vonshae says she told Gunplay he needed to be drug-free, but she says he began using, and covering up his "sniffing" by saying he had allergies.

Vonshae says she was dumb to believe the rapper, and their fights got bad when she confronted him. Eventually, Gunplay was arrested in August for allegedly pulling out a gun on Vonshae and their daughter, who was put into harm's way during the altercation.

As we reported at the time, Gunplay was slapped with several charges ... aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, false imprisonment, and child abuse. Vonshae also claims he relapsed in her presence.

Fans are currently calling Vonshae crazy for getting herself entangled with Gunplay to begin with -- to which she is telling them, "you live and you learn!!!"