Damian Lillard Files For Divorce From Wife, Kay'La

Damian Lillard's new team isn't the only major change in his life -- the Milwaukee Bucks superstar just filed for divorce from his longtime partner, Kay'La.

TMZ Sports has confirmed ... the 7-time All-Star officially filed docs in Oregon earlier this week.

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Dame and Kay'La go way back -- they first started dating as students at Weber State and were together ever since. They officially got married back in September 2021 and have three children.

According to Willamette Week, Dame's filing cited irreconcilable differences that "caused the irremediable breakdown of their marriage."

The report also points out the two appear to have been living separately for the past 10 months ... with Kay'La moving into a $2.7 million home in West Linn, while Dame remained at their $7.7 million pad in the same city.

There has been speculation for weeks ... with some internet sleuths noticing Kay'La had been absent from Damian's social media posts.

Dame did, however, give a special shoutout to Kay'La on Mother's Day earlier this year ... saying, "Takes a special person to wear all the hats that a mother does. I love you and I'm thankful to share what I’m most proud of with you!"

'Love & Hip Hop's' Vonshae Gunplay Caused Our Daughter's Heart Defect With His Undercover Drug Use!!! 🤧

"Love & Hip Hop" star Vonshae Taylor-Morales is further distancing herself from her ruptured marriage with Gunplay ... blaming him for causing their infant daughter's medical condition as of result of his alleged drug use.

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The baby girl, Osanna Ohana, was born in March with a heart defect and on Wednesday, Vonshae accused her estranged husband of abusing cocaine and ketamine behind her back during a vicious dragging on IG Live.

Before the baby was born, Vonshae says she told Gunplay he needed to be drug-free, but she says he began using, and covering up his "sniffing" by saying he had allergies.

Vonshae says she was dumb to believe the rapper, and their fights got bad when she confronted him. Eventually, Gunplay was arrested in August for allegedly pulling out a gun on Vonshae and their daughter, who was put into harm's way during the altercation.

As we reported at the time, Gunplay was slapped with several charges ... aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, false imprisonment, and child abuse. Vonshae also claims he relapsed in her presence.

Fans are currently calling Vonshae crazy for getting herself entangled with Gunplay to begin with -- to which she is telling them, "you live and you learn!!!"


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Por si no había quedado claro, aquí hay más pruebas de que Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann se odian. Al parecer Kroy la dejó fuera de su dormitorio y ella llamó a la policía.

Hemos obtenido las imágenes de la cámara y la llamada al 911 de un incidente a finales de agosto, en el que Kim afirmó que era incapaz de entrar a su dormitorio para recuperar sus pertenencias personales y su medicación.

audio al 911

La respuesta de la policía muestra lo desagradables que son las cosas entre Kim y Kroy. Él se niega a mostrar su cara y habla con los oficiales a través de una puerta cerrada.

A lo largo de la visita de la policía, Kim golpea a Kroy, diciéndole a los oficiales que Kroy no tiene trabajo y que ella es la razón por la que todavía tienen la casa. En la llamada al 911 declaró que Kroy la había amenazado y que se había puesto agresivo antes.

Hay que darle crédito a los oficiales por manejar de buena manera una situación tan infantil, trabajando para mantener a Kim y Kroy en calma para evitar que las cosas empeoren.

Finalmente, los agentes convencen a Kroy de que les entregue el edredón de Kim, el cargador del teléfono, los medicamentos y (según ella)- una crema de belleza de 1000 dólares.

TMZ publicó la historia, Kroy recientemente solicitó el divorcio de Kim una vez más luego de que la pareja presentara anteriormente y retirara su solicitud de divorcio. Kim se resiste, diciendo que ella y Kroy todavía tienen una vida sexual sana y que todo está bien. Sin embargo, parece que Kroy no está dando marcha atrás esta vez y el divorcio sigue más firme que nunca.

Kim & Kroy Tempers Flare As Police Intervene Kroy Barricades Himself in Bedroom During Fight

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If it wasn't already clear, here's more proof Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann absolutely hate each other ... after he allegedly locked her out of their main bedroom, and she called the cops.

We've obtained the body cam footage as well as the 911 call from an incident in late August when Kim claimed she was unable to get into her bedroom to retrieve her personal belongings and her medication.


The police response shows just how nasty things are between Kim and Kroy -- as he refuses to show his face -- only talking to the officers through a closed door.

Throughout the police visit, Kim bashes Kroy, telling officers Kroy is jobless, and she's the reason they even still have the house. She echoed some of the same sentiments on her 911 call as well ... even stating Kroy's threatened her and gotten physical before.


You gotta give credit to the officers here for handling such a childish situation, working to keep both Kim and Kroy calm to prevent things from getting more nasty.

Eventually, the officers convince Kroy to hand over Kim's comforter, phone charger, medications and -- according to Kim -- a $1000 beauty cream.

TMZ broke the story ... Kroy recently filed to divorce Kim once again -- after the couple previously filed and pulled their divorce filing. Kim's fighting the divorce, saying she and Kroy still have a healthy sex life, and all is good. However, it doesn't appear Kroy is backing down this time ... and the divorce is full steam ahead.

Joanna Krupa Divorce from Douglas Nunes Finalized

Joanna Krupa is a single woman again in the eyes of the law, 'cause her divorce has been finalized ... and it sounds like a net zero for both her and her now ex-husband.

The former 'Real Housewives' star settled up with Douglas Nunes -- who initially filed for divorce earlier this year ... following 5 years of marriage. Now, thanks to a California court, they're both free to go on their merry ways.

According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ, the terms of their split are pretty equitable -- at least based on what's public ... including child support, spousal support, etc.

They will share joint legal custody ... the breakdown of physical custody was not disclosed in the docs. Neither will receive child support. They both waived spousal support.

The division of assets is not laid out in the docs.

Joanna has officially 86'd her married name ... her OG surname has been restored -- Krupa.

This is Joanna's second marriage/divorce -- she was previously hitched to Romain Zago.

KIM ZOLCIAK & KROY BIERMANN Publican falso aviso de venta de su mansión...

Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann sin duda tienen algunos problemas de dinero, pero no están poniendo en venta su casa, como señala un aparente anuncio de bienes raíces que se publicó la semana pasada.

La gente se dio cuenta de que la finca de Georgia, que ha estado en el centro del divorcio entre Kim y Kroy, apareció en sitios como Zillow y Trulia el miércoles por la suma de $3.2 millones, solo un poco por encima de su valor estimado de alrededor de $2.9 millones

La cosa es que nuestras fuentes dicen que Kim y Kroy nunca pusieron un anuncio para vender su casa, así que quien lo hizo creó una página falsa para molestar a la pareja.

Dejando de lado el aviso, Kim y Kroy aún enfrentan a graves problemas económicos. Kroy ha estado rogando a un juez que le permita dejar de pagar la propiedad hasta que sea comprada, para hacerse cargo de sus deudas. También ha dicho en repetidas oportunidades que todavía hay equidad en el hogar y que la venta resolvería gran parte de sus problemas de dinero. Además, les permitiría encontrar nuevos lugares para vivir.

Sin embargo, el juez aún no ha tomado una decisión sobre si debe o no permitir la venta, más pruebas de que el aviso actual no es real.

Kim ha sido ambivalente respecto a la venta de la casa, a veces sugiere que ambos están en la misma página, pero otras parece que quiere retrasar el proceso en tribunales.

En cuanto a la casa en sí, esta posee 7 dormitorios y 9 baños, por no hablar de los 9.500 pies cuadrados.


Por supuesto, también cuenta con todos los lujos del sur. Tiene su propia bodega, una piscina, un ascensor interior para dos personas, un garaje para seis carros, además de la tranquilidad de estar dentro de una comunidad de lujo cerca de un campo de golf y un lago.

Sin duda, un bien deseado cuando salga al mercado, pero ese momento aún no ha llegado.

Kim Zolciak & Kroy Biermann Mansion Falls Victim to Fake Real Estate Listing Amid Ongoing $$$ Woes

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann certainly have some serious money issues, but they're not listing their home for sale ... despite an apparent real estate listing that went live last week.

Folks noticed the Georgia estate -- which has been at the center of Kim and Kroy's ongoing divorce -- appeared on sites like Zillow and Trulia Wednesday for $3.2 million ... just a smidge above its estimated online value of about $2.9 mil.

Thing is ...  our sources say Kim and Kroy never listed the home, so whoever posted the sale created a fake page to seemingly mess with the estranged couple.

Fake listing aside -- Kim and Kroy are still facing serious money problems -- and Kroy's been begging a judge to let him unload this property so that they can take care of mounting debts. He's repeatedly said there's still equity in the home, and that selling it would take care of a lot of their money problems -- and it'd also let them get their own spots.

However, a judge has not yet made a decision on whether or not to allow the sale ... more evidence the current listing isn't real.

Kim has appeared ambivalent about the sale of the home ... at times suggesting they were on the same page in selling it but also seemingly holding up the process in court.

As for the home itself -- its 7 bedrooms and 9 baths, not to mention the 9,500 sq. feet.


Of course, it also features all the bells and whistles of Southern luxury -- the home has its own wine cellar, a pool, an indoor 2-person elevator, a 6-car garage ... plus, all the peace and comfort of being inside a ritzy gated community near a golf course and a lake.

Certainly a hot ticket item if and when it hits the market ... but that time just hasn't come yet.

Jodie Turner-Smith Files for Divorce from Joshua Jackson

Jodie Turner-Smith is pulling the plug on her marriage to Joshua Jackson ... TMZ has learned she just filed for divorce.

The British actress/model cites the boilerplate "irreconcilable differences" as the reason for the divorce. According to the docs, filed by disso queen Laura Wasser, Jodie is asking for joint custody of their 3-year-old daughter, Juno.

Jodie wants to take spousal support off the table for both her and Joshua.

There's no prenup in place.

The date of separation is September 13.

Jodie and Joshua met during his 2018 birthday bash and their relationship was immediately fast-tracked ... they got engaged just months later.

The 2 went to the Beverly Hills Courthouse to snag a wedding license, before most people knew they were even dating.

They went Instagram official 10 days later with a pic of them gazing into each other's eyes during a dinner date.

There were breakup rumors in September 2022 after they unfollowed each other on Instagram, but they attended the Oscars back in March and looked very much like a couple.

The "Dawson's Creek" star has not responded.


Jodie Turner-Smith está poniéndole fin a su matrimonio con Joshua Jackson. TMZ ha descubierto que ella acaba de solicitar el divorcio.

La actriz y modelo británica cita las ya clásicas: "diferencias irreconciliables" como la razón para el divorcio. Según los documentos, presentados por Laura Wasser, Jodie pide la custodia compartida de su hija de 3 años, Juno.

Jodie quiere eliminar la manutención conyugal tanto para ella como para Joshua.

Hay un acuerdo prenupcial, por lo que, suponiendo que no se cuestiona, la división de los activos no debería ser un problema.

La fecha de separación es el 13 de septiembre.

Jodie y Joshua se conocieron durante la fiesta de cumpleaños de él en 2018 y su relación se aceleró de inmediato, se comprometieron solo unos meses después.

El 2 fue a la Corte de Beverly Hills para enganchar una licencia de matrimonio, antes de que la mayoría de la gente sabía que estaban saliendo.

10 días más tarde se hicieron oficiales en Instagram con una foto en la que se miraban a los ojos durante una cena.

Hubo rumores de ruptura en septiembre de 2022 después de que se dejaran de seguir en Instagram, pero asistieron a los Oscar en marzo y parecían una pareja.

La estrella de "Dawson's Creek" no ha respondido.


El marido de Mia Thornton, Gordon, no vio venir su separación. El hombre pensó que todo estaba bien hasta que recibió las malas noticias. TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes cercanas al esposo de la estrella de 'RHOP' nos dicen que a Gordon le entregaron documentos judiciales a nombre de Mia a mediados de agosto, los cuales señalaban el deseo de ella de separarse. Nos dicen que el movimiento lo sorprendió por completo y que no tenía ni idea de lo que se avecinaba.

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que Gordon también está molesto en este momento sobre el manejo público de Mia de la situación. Nos informan que siente que ella ha estado engañando a todo el mundo.

El hecho es que hasta el viernes (cuando Mia anunció que se estaban separando) ella había hecho parecer que estaban perfectamente bien en redes sociales, sin dejar de publicar fotos de los dos juntos e incluso gritándole un puñado de veces ... llamándolo una influencia positiva en sus hijos.

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Nuestras fuentes dicen que Gordon está irritado por esto ... y no sólo eso, sino que nos dicen que ni siquiera ha firmado los papeles todavía. Que ella lo haga público puede verse como una presión para que él lo haga.

Mia dio la noticia a People, diciendo ... "Como todos los matrimonios, el nuestro ha tenido sus altibajos. En este momento, Gordon y yo estamos separados, pero mi familia es mi prioridad número uno, y estoy comprometida a hacer lo que sea necesario para asegurarme de que estamos bien. Les pedimos que respeten nuestra privacidad y nos den el tiempo y el espacio para resolver las cosas."

Por supuesto, el telón de fondo de todo esto es el hecho de que "Real Housewives of Potomac" tiene una nueva temporada en el horizonte ... se estrenará en noviembre, y esto seguramente será cubierto.

¡Manténgase en sintonía!

'RHOP' Star Mia Thornton Husband Blindsided by Separation ... Thought Everything Was OK

Mia Thornton's estranged husband, Gordon, did not see their separation coming -- 'cause the guy thought everything was fine and dandy until he got served ... TMZ has learned.

Sources close to the hubby of the 'RHOP' star tell us Gordon was handed court docs on Mia's behalf back in mid-August ... which signaled her desire for legal separation. We're told the move completely blindsided him -- and that he had no clue it was coming.

Our sources tell us that Gordon is also peeved right now over Mia's public handling of the situation -- namely because we're told he feels like she's been BSing everyone.

Fact is ... until Friday -- when MT announced they were separating -- she'd made it seem like they were A-OK on social media, continuing to post photos of the two of them together and even shouting him out a handful of times ... calling him a positive influence on their kids.

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Our sources say Gordon is irritated by this ... and not just that, but we're told he hasn't even signed the papers yet. Her going public can be viewed as pressure on him to do so.

Mia broke the news to People, saying ... "Like all marriages, ours has had its ups and downs. At this time, Gordon and I are separated, but my family is my number one priority, and I am committed to doing whatever it takes to make sure we are okay. We ask that you respect our privacy and give us the time and space to figure things out."

Of course, the backdrop of all this is the fact that "Real Housewives of Potomac" has a new season on the horizon ... it's set to premiere in November, and this is sure to be covered.

Stay tuned ...

'MARRIED TO MEDICINE' LIA DIAS Settles Divorce With Colin ... Long Road To See Kids Again

"Married to Medicine: Los Angeles" star Lia Dias reached a settlement in her nasty divorce ... but she's got work to do if she wants to have some quality time with her children.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, a judge recently signed off on a settlement in the Lia and Colin Dias divorce ... which gives Colin sole legal and physical custody of their kiddos, Kaylin and Colin Jr.

Lia used to have monitored visitation with the children three days a week, but that order has been suspended ... instead, Lia can only see the kids for weekly sessions, with a therapist.

The settlement also calls for Lia to have phone calls and video calls with both kids ... but only for 15 minutes per kid and only during a single weekday.

There's a path for Lia to spend more time with her kids ... but it's complicated by the restraining order Colin got against her in November 2021, when he claimed she threatened to kill him before attacking him a few days later while he was shopping at a PetSmart with their kids.

In order to be able to spend time with her kids again, Lia has to comply with the restraining order ... and if she keeps her nose clean for a year, time with the kids will be back on the table.

Meanwhile, the settlement leaves Colin with the former couple's home in Beverly Hills and a few other properties ...while Lia walks away with a residential property in Las Vegas, an Inglewood, CA watering hole, and a couple other properties.

The docs say Colin's also leaving the marriage with a 2019 Chevy Tahoe, plus a 1967 Ford Mustang and a 2018 Mercedes-Benz Maybach ... with Lia getting a 2021 Mercedes-Benz A 220.

Lia Dias de "Married to Medicine" Se divorcia de Colin... Largo camino para ver a sus hijos de nuevo

La estrella de "Married to Medicine: Los Angeles", Lia Dias llegó a un acuerdo en su desagradable divorcio, pero aún tiene trabajo por hacer si quiere tener algún tiempo de calidad con sus hijos.

Según nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, un juez firmó recientemente un acuerdo de divorcio entre Lia y Colin Dias, que le da a Colin la custodia legal y física de sus hijos, Kaylin y Colin Jr.

Lia solía tener visitas supervisadas con los niños tres días a la semana, pero esa orden ha sido suspendida. Ahora, en cambio, Lia solo podrá ver a los niños para las sesiones semanales con un terapeuta.

El acuerdo también prevé que tenga llamadas telefónicas y videollamadas con ambos niños, pero solo de 15 minutos con cada uno y durante un único día de la semana.

Hay un largo camino para que Lia pueda pasar más tiempo con sus hijos, ya que es complicado por la orden de restricción que Colin obtuvo en su contra en noviembre de 2021, cuando afirmó que Lia amenazó con matarlo antes de atacarlo unos días después mientras compraba en un PetSmart con sus hijos.

Para poder pasar más tiempo con ellos, Lia tiene que cumplir con la orden de restricción y mantenerse limpia durante un año, si lo hace, el tiempo con los niños será una posibilidad.

Mientras tanto, el acuerdo deja a Colin con la casa de la ex pareja en Beverly Hills y algunas otras propiedades, mientras que Lia se queda con una propiedad residencial en Las Vegas, otra en Inglewood, California, y un par más.

Los documentos dicen que Colin también está dejando el matrimonio con un Chevy Tahoe de 2019, además de un Ford Mustang de 1967 y un Mercedes-Benz Maybach de 2018, mientras que Lia se quedará con un Mercedes-Benz A 220 del 2021.

Joe Jonas & Sophie Turner Wanted to Move Family to the UK ... But It Never Happened!!!

Joe Jonas expressed his desire to make a UK estate his family's "forever home," but that's unlikely to sway the judge in deciding to move his divorce from Sophie Turner overseas ... because that's just not how the law works.

Sophie says Joe expressed his desire to move his entire family on multiple occasions, and even wrote a letter to a homeowner in the UK expressing interest in buying their estate.

Sophie submitted the letter in court docs, obtained by Page Six, in which Joe says, "We could tell that your family have truly loved living here and we can envision our children growing up here and making this our forever home."

While the letter may prove Joe wanted to live in the UK, his family never established residency there. They have lived as a family in the U.S. ... therefore, it's pretty certain a U.S. judge -- not a UK judge -- will handle their divorce.

What's more ... our sources say that while he, Sophie and the homeowners in the UK did reach an agreement to buy the home for $7.5 million, the sale never closed and is still in escrow. So again, no residency in jolly ol' England.

We're told Joe, Sophie, Willa and Delphine have never lived anywhere longer than 6 months other than when they were in Florida ... which is where Joe filed for divorce.

And, there's an even bigger point. Even though Joe and Sophie agreed they would make England their home in the future, once the divorce is filed, all bets are off. The North Star for the judge is determining what is in the best interests of their 2 kids, when the parents live on 2 separate continents.

Ne-Yo You Are The Father! Declared Legal Dad To His Youngest Kids

Ne-Yo has been declared the legal father of his 2 youngest kids he's got with his new girlfriend ... this coming months after asking the court to establish him as their pops.

According to new docs, obtained by TMZ, a judge has found it in the best interest of the kids that Ne-Yo be declared the natural and biological daddy of Braiden, born in 2021, and Brixton, born last February ... giving them all rights and privileges under the law.

The docs also provide the 2 will also have their last name changed from Bagnerise to Smith -- Ne-Yo's legal last name.

TMZ broke the story, the singer asked for the court to establish parentage for Braiden and Braxton back in May. He was also looking to have them be able to inherit from him as if they were born in wedlock.

Don't forget, Ne-Yo's wife Crystal filed for divorce last year in Georgia, citing he had a kid with Sade while they were still married. In Crystal's case, she was looking to get child support for the 3 kids they share together -- Roman, Isabella, and Shaffer.

Jeezy Still Livin' With Jeannie Mai During Divorce ... Uncomfortable Situation for Sure

Jeezy and his estranged wife, Jeannie Mai, are still living under the same roof as their divorce grinds through the legal system ... but it's as awkward as it could be.

Sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ ... Jeezy and Jeannie are still living together in Georgia, but there's very little interaction going down between them -- they cross paths as they come and go from the house, but that's about it.

We're told the priority for both is their 1-year-old daughter, Monaco.

The divorce came as a total shock to Jeannie ... so there's a lot of anxiety and tension in the home.

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As we reported, Jeezy filed for divorce in Georgia this month, claiming there was no hope for reconciliation. We're told they have a prenup, and it's likely it does not favor Jeannie ... which just amps up the tension.

Jeannie was also at the center of cheating rumors, with some folks thinking she had a thing with "Access Hollywood" cohost, Mario Lopez ... but a source close to Jeannie told us that was absolutely not true.

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We reached out to Jeannie and Jeezy's rep ... so far, no word back.