Amber Heard 11 Lines & Only 20 Min. of Screen Time ... In 'Aquaman 2'

Amber Heard was indeed sidelined in the new 'Aquaman' movie -- just as an ex-WB honcho confirmed under oath last year -- and the word is ... she's barely even a side character.

"Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom" -- the sequel to the 2018 superhero hit starring Jason Momoa -- just got released in theaters this weekend ... and there's a lot of bad news in terms of box office and reviews, but perhaps the most interesting is Heard's screen time.

According to Business Insider, AH only appears on camera for about 20 minutes or so ... and while she does talk in the film, it ain't very much -- just a measly 11 lines apparently.

BI says Amber shows up for a few action sequences toward the beginning and the end, but she's largely removed from the main story ... even though her and JM's movie baby serves as a central plot point. Some of the lines she reportedly delivers are also pretty laughable.

Here's some of her dialogue ... "There haven't been outbreaks like this in ages. Why now?" ... "They raided the storage vault, we can't let them get away" ... "Where's Jr.?" ... "No!" ... "I sense something in the water" ... "Thank you." There are other lines, but they're also minimal.

Instead of Amber taking center stage, Momoa and Patrick Wilson end up teaming up and leading most of the film. Yahya Abdul-Mateen and Nicole Kidman are also in the mix.

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Not surprising that AH was downplayed -- that was being telegraphed dating back to 2022, when she was on trial after Johnny Depp sued her. Walter Hamada -- the ex-Warner Bros. boss -- got grilled in a deposition, and explained the studio decided to sideline her based on a lack of perceived chemistry between her and Momoa, and wanting a different story.

Of course, Amber's team suspected this was because of everything that was going on with Depp at the time -- but the studio denied that. In any case, she's an afterthought in the film.

Once JD scored his W in the trial, many vowed to boycott the film if she wasn't dropped from it -- but at this point, it's hard to tell if the Amber factor really played into the box office numbers thus far ... which aren't all that great, despite the flick being #1 right now.

'Aquaman 2' is on pace to make about $40 mil through Monday ... crappy by superhero movie standards. With that said, it'll lead the holiday weekend pack -- so ... congrats?

BTW, no sign of Amber for the press run on this film ... which was about as low-key as you can imagine, and didn't even have an official premiere. WB/DC's ready to turn the page.

Teenage 'Dexter' 'Memba Him?!

American actor Devon Graye was 19 years old when he first started playing the teenage version of Dexter Morgan -- the serial killer who enjoys shooting and hunting with his rifle -- on Showtime's "Dexter" back in 2006

Michael C. Hall who is living a double life as a serial killer and a blood spatter analysis for for the Miami Metro Police Department, Dexter, Jennifer Carpenter as Dexter's competitive sister and police officer, Debra, and David Zayas as Dexter's friend and PD Sergeant, Angel.

Graye is also known for his portrayal of the second trickster in the superhero TV series "The Flash."

Guess what he looks like now!

What's The Big Frigin' Difference?!

Try not to get "Lost" in THIS "Kingdom" of "Aquaman" hunk Jason Momoa ... who always brings his own flare to the fashion table. Decked out in holes, boots and scarves, it seems the only item he left at home were his stripes!

The actor has been in New York City, gearing up to host this weekend's "Saturday Night Live" and was snapped signaling to the paparazzi in front of a Benz earlier this week in NYC.

Can you capture the changes made to the images? This is your kingdom now!

**HINT: There are THREE differences in the above Jason Momoa photos!**

David Corenswet Poniéndose en forma para "Superman: Legacy"

El chico que ha sido elegido para interpretar a Superman en una nueva entrega ha parecido un poco desgarbado y torpe para algunos desde que se anunció su casting ... Pero ya no.

David Corenswet, quien va a interpretar al Hombre de Acero en la próxima película de James Gunn "Superman: Legacy" fue fotografiado en un gimnasio por el entrenador Paolo Mascitti, quien ha estado trabajando con David para que se vea más guapo y más guapo en el papel.

Si nos basamos en lo que vemos aquí, su régimen parece estar funcionando porque Dave se ve espectacular.

En estas fotos no se ve su cara, pero definitivamente nos podemos hacer una idea de cómo se está formando su cuerpo, y ciertamente se ve un poco más como Superman que antes.

Por cierto, no había nada malo con cómo estaba antes, especialmente debajo del ombligo, pero digamos que no estaba ni de lejos lo musculoso que está ahora.

Ahora que Dave parece tener el físico de Clark Kent... parece que está marcando todas las casillas que los fans de la franquicia quieren ver en su Superman. Definitivamente tiene la cara y el pelo en su sitio, por no hablar de la altura, y ahora también está musculoso.

El tiempo dirá qué aspecto tendrá finalmente con el traje azul y rojo, pero esta es una señal de que las cosas van por buen camino. Está previsto que el rodaje de "Superman: Legacy" comience en la primavera de 2024 y la película se estrenará en el verano de 2025.

Henry Cavill, ¡come tu corazón!

David Corenswet Getting Jacked for 'Superman: Legacy' Gym'n It Up for the Tights!!!

The guy who's been tapped to play Superman in the new installment has looked a bit gangly and awkward to some since his casting was announced ... but not anymore.

David Corenswet -- who's playing the Man of Steel in James Gunn's forthcoming 'Superman: Legacy' -- got snapped in a gym pic by fitness trainer Paolo Mascitti ... who's apparently working with DC to get him nice and hunky for the titular role.

Based on what we can see here ... their regimen is working, 'cause Dave's looking swoll!

You don't see the guy's face here -- but you can definitely get a sense of how his body's shaping up ... and he certainly looks a bit more Superman-ly now. It's a bit of a 180 from what we saw earlier this summer, when Dave hit the beach and bared his hot dad bod.

There was certainly nothing wrong with what he was working with then -- especially below the equator -- but let's just say ... he wasn't nearly as muscled out as he is right now.

Now that Dave seems to have the Clark Kent physique down ... it would appear he's checking all the boxes fans of the franchise want to see in their Superman. He definitely has the face and hair department on lock -- not to mention height -- and now ... he's ripped too.

Time will tell what he ultimately looks like in the blue and red suit ... but this is a sign things are headed in the right direction. Filming for 'Superman: Legacy' is set to get underway in Spring 2024 ... and the flick's being released in Summer 2025.

Henry Cavill ... eat your heart out!


Las recientes publicaciones de Matthew Perry en "Matman" antes de su muerte no eran una señal de que estuviera pidiendo ayuda, esto según la mujer con la que cenó el día antes de su fallecimiento.

Athenna Crosby, la morena misteriosa vista cenando con Matthew antes de morir, le dice a TMZ que la estrella de "Friends" estaba realmente en Batman - incluso llamándose a sí mismo "Matman" y su paseo en el Batmobile.

Era muy feliz

Ella dice que era un tipo juguetón durante los meses que lo conoció y los que piensan que sus comentarios de superhéroes en línea eran mensajes subliminales acerca de su seguridad están muy equivocados.

Athenna califica sus mensajes como los de un nerd y un fan apasionado de los superéroes.

de buen ánimo

Como informamos, la modelo de 25 años de edad y reportera de entretenimiento se juntó a cenar con Matthew el pasado viernes en el Hotel Bel-Air y dijo que estaba devastada al enterarse de su muerte solo un día después de verlo.

Athenna reafirma en lo que ya nos han dicho. Básicamente que el actor estaba muy optimista y de buen humor antes de su muerte e incluso tenía proyectos.

De hecho, Athenna nos dice que ha habido un montón de especulaciones en torno a la muerte de Matthew los días que falleció. Ella solo puede hablar de su experiencia y está segura de su muerte prematura fue un trágico accidente.

Para más información, consulta el último episodio de The TMZ Podcast, disponible en todas las plataformas de podcast.

Matthew Perry 'Mattman' Posts Weren't Sign Of Struggle Despite Conspiracy Theory

There's a wild conspiracy theory floating around that Matthew Perry's recent "Mattman" posts before his death were a cry for help ... but the woman he dined with the day before he passed says that theory couldn't be further from the truth.

Athenna Crosby, the mystery brunette spotted grabbing a meal with Matthew before he died, tells TMZ ... the "Friends" star was really into Batman -- even calling himself "Mattman" and his ride the Batmobile.


She says he was a playful guy in the months that she knew him ... and the conspiracy theory he was pushing subliminal messages about his safety by using the superhero reference is way off.

Athenna playfully chalks the "Mattman" posts up to Perry being a nerd and says fans jumping on the conspiracy train are definitely getting carried away.


As we reported, the 25-year-old model and entertainment reporter grabbed a bite to eat with Matthew last Friday at the Hotel Bel-Air ... and said she was devastated to learn of his death just a day after seeing him.

Athenna doubles down on what we've been told already -- the actor was extremely optimistic and in great spirits leading up to his death ... and he even had projects lined up.

In fact, Athenna tells us there's been a lot of speculation surrounding Matthew's death in the days since he passed away ... and while she can only speak from her experience, she's certain his untimely death was a tragic accident.

For more check out the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Celebrity Scramble Guess Who!

Underneath this freshly cut jack-o-lantern is an actress and singer who takes spooky to a whole 'nother level! She's so hooked on Halloween ... she's explored witchcraft, spirits and even ghost hunting. 'Put your sneakers on' and see if you've got what it takes to smash this scrambled star!

All month long, this pumpkin head has been sharing festive content, leaving her 50+ million Instagram followers with anticipation for this year's costumes ... 'Cat Woman,' "Ghostbusters" and "Alice in Wonderland" are just a few (of the many) iconic looks this Disney star has slayed over the years.

Can you guess this Halloween aficionado?

Michael Caine I'm Retiring ... Go Out On a High Note

Michael Caine is hanging it up in showbiz -- this after an illustrious career.

The British actor made the announcement Saturday on BBC Radio 4’s Today, where he said it was official ... saying he felt it was truly time to retire, seeing how he's in a later stage of life and doesn't feel like he has much to offer any more in terms of characters.

Here's how he put it ... "I kept saying I’m gonna retire. Well, I am now because I figured, I’ve had a picture where I’ve played the lead, and it’s got incredible reviews." MC is referring to "The Great Escaper," which came out earlier this year and was fairly well-received.

Mike continues ... "The only parts I’m likely to get now are old men, 90-year-old men -- well, maybe 85, you know? And I thought, 'Well, I might as well leave with all this. I’ve got wonderful reviews. What am I gonna do to beat this?'"

Caine had previously revealed that working on 'TGE' was somewhat difficult for him physically -- which makes sense considering the guy is 10 years shy of 100 years old at the moment.

While he might be stepping away from performing in front of the camera, he's still gonna be getting his creativity on with continued writing -- including a novel he's working on now ... which will be released in December.

Still, it's sad news for fans of his ... and there are many. Michael has had some legendary roles over the years -- including his many collaborations with director Christopher Nolan, notably in the 'Batman' films as Alfred the butler. Of course, there are countless others.

Here's to a good, long ride full of great memories -- cheers, Mikey!

Amber Heard Claimed Momoa Dressed Like Depp To Mess with Her On 'Aquaman 2' Set

Amber Heard told her therapist Jason Momoa was purposely dressing like her ex Johnny Depp while filming the 'Aquaman' sequel ... one of many claims just now coming to light.

The news comes courtesy of new legal docs from Amber's defamation trial last year, which were recently made public ... and detail some startling allegations she made in therapy sessions back in 2021, when she and Jason were working on 'A2.'

During one particular session in December of that year, she said she felt Jason was seemingly trying to play mind games with her by intentionally copying JD's fashion sense, right down to his multi-fingered rings ... according to Variety.

There are more allegations she made about Jason to her therapist at the time -- including a claim he was intoxicated on set, and that he was working to get her fired.

A rep for DC denied these characterizations, saying ... "Jason Momoa conducted himself in a professional manner at all times on the set of ‘Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom." A separate source told Variety, Jason's fashion sensibility naturally reflects a bohemian style ... pushing back on Amber feeling he was trying to torment her.

There are a lot more juicy nuggets in the docs ... including the allegation Warner/DC tried canning Amber ahead of filming of 'Aquaman 2' -- but not because of her Johnny drama, but more so over a perceived lack of chemistry with Jason.

Amber's then-boyfriend, Elon Musk, fired off a letter to the studio on the heels of that ... threatening to "burn the house down" at WB, according to Variety.

If true, you'd have to say it worked ... they did keep Amber, although a handful of her scenes were cut down in the final edit of 'Aquaman 2; -- including a love scene with JM.

It's a peek behind the curtain amid a lot of speculation at the time over how much the Amber-Johnny saga had affected their respective work prospects -- especially for Amber, who came under intense criticism in the wake of Johnny's victory. Remember, fans wanted her character, Mera, completely recast, and a viral petition got started over it ... to no avail.

Now, 'A2' is set to hit theaters in December ... and time will tell what the box office will be. The first one was a massive success, but insiders say this new one hasn't landed so well with audiences in test screenings, which has spurred a number of reshoots/new cuts.

In any case, we've reached out to both Amber and Jason's teams ... so far, no word back.


Amber Heard le dijo a su terapeuta que Jason Momoa se vestía a propósito como su ex, Johnny Depp, durante el rodaje de la secuela de "Aquaman". Una de las muchas afirmaciones que acaban de salir a la luz.

La noticia viene por cortesía de los nuevos documentos legales del juicio por difamación de Amber del año pasado, que recientemente se hicieron públicos y detallan algunas alegaciones sorprendentes que hizo en las sesiones de terapia en 2021, cuando ella y Jason estaban trabajando en "Aquaman 2".

Durante una sesión en particular en diciembre de ese año, dijo que sentía que Jason estaba tratando de jugar con su mente, copiando intencionalmente el sentido de la moda de Depp, hasta sus múltiples anillos... según Variety.

Hay más acusaciones para Jason, incluyendo una afirmación de que estaba intoxicado en el set y que parecía estar buscando su despido.

Un representante de DC negó estas declaraciones diciendo: "Jason Momoa se comportó de manera profesional en todo momento en el set de "Aquaman y el Reino Perdido". Otra fuente le dijo a Variety que la moda de Jason refleja naturalmente un estilo bohemio y que esto no tenía que ver con la actriz.

Hay muchas más pepitas jugosas en los documentos, incluyendo la alegación de Warner/DC al intentar despedir a Amber antes del rodaje de "Aquaman 2", pero no a causa de su drama de Johnny, sino más bien por la falta de química con Jason.

El entonces novio de Amber, Elon Musk, le envió una carta al estudio antes de amenazar con "quemar la casa" en WB, según Variety.

De ser cierto, habría que decir que funcionó, ya que mantuvieron a Amber, aunque un puñado de sus escenas fueron recortadas en la edición final de "Aquaman 2", incluyendo una escena de amor con Jason.

Se trata de una mirada tras el telón en medio de muchas especulaciones sobre hasta qué punto la saga Amber/Johnny había afectado a sus respectivas perspectivas laborales, especialmente en el caso de Amber, que fue objeto de intensas críticas tras la victoria de Johnny. Recordemos que los fans querían a su personaje, Mera, completamente replanteado, y una petición viral se inició al respecto... aunque todo fue vano.

Ahora, "A2" está lista para llegar a los cines en diciembre y el tiempo mostrará los resultados. La primera fue un éxito masivo, pero los conocedores dicen que la nueva entrega no ha funcionado bien en las proyecciones de prueba, lo que ha estimulado una serie de reshoots y nuevos cortes.

En cualquier caso, nos hemos puesto en contacto con los equipos de Amber y Jason... de momento, sin noticias.

Young Batman In 'Batman Begins' 'Memba Him?!

American actor Gus Lewis was just 12 years old when he played the kid version of Batman -- who had a fear of bats after falling into a cave and encountering the animal -- in "Batman Begins" back in 2005.

Lewis shared the big screen with Hollywood legends like Christian Bale -- playing the adult version of Batman, Cillian Murphy as the vicious psychopath who is afraid of Batman, Scarecrow and Katie Holmes as the town of Gotham's district attorney and Batman's love interest, Rachel Dawes.

From a young age, Lewis found interest behind the camera and in more recent years, he has stepped into writing and directing roles.

Guess what he looks like now!

El joven Batman en 'Batman Begins' ¿Se acuerdan de él?

El actor estadounidense Gus Lewis tenía solo 12 años cuando interpretó la versión infantil de Batman -ese que tenía miedo a los murciélagos luego de haber caído en una cueva y tropezarse con ellos- en "Batman Begins", allá por 2005.

Lewis compartió la gran pantalla con leyendas de Hollywood como Christian Bale -en el papel de la versión adulta de Batman-, Cillian Murphy como el Espantapájaros, el despiadado psicópata que teme a Batman, Katie Holmes como la fiscal del distrito de la ciudad de Gotham y Rachel Dawes, a quien pretende Batman.

Desde muy joven, Lewis se interesó por la cámara y en los últimos años se ha dedicado a escribir y dirigir.

Adivina qué aspecto tiene ahora.

'Aquaman 2' WB Drops Teaser Trailer ... Amid Marketing Rumors


5:25 PM PT -- And just like clockwork, Warner Bros. has dropped the teaser trailer for 'Aquaman 2' -- this amid a ton of clamoring from fans who feared the studio was leaving this flick by the wayside.


WB must've been paying attention to all the Twitter chirping, 'cause they literally uploaded a 30-second promo -- with a promise of the full trailer dropping Thursday. In the teaser, it gives you a sense of the action and the plot ... but there's one notable absence.


Not much footage of Amber Heard that we can see here. Time will tell if she's in the full trailer.

DC fans think Jason Momoa and Amber Heard are getting sidelined in the lead-up to "Aquaman 2" -- and the rumored reason ... the studio's reportedly preparing for a bomb.

The comic book crowd is in a frenzy this weekend amid some gossip about "Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom" -- which is coming out in December ... but which has yet to show off any official marketing material, including first-looks, teaser trailers or much of anything else.

The lack of promotion is starting to concern some of the most fervent DC heads, and many have wondered why Warner Bros. is taking their time. Welp, one purported comic book scooper -- who's often credited with insider knowledge -- says he has the answer.

KC Walsh of The GWW wrote in response to one fan, "Because they know it’s bad, they know it’ll lose money, and they aren’t putting a marketing budget behind it at all."

It's unclear if KC is actually citing sources within the industry, or if he's just floating his own theory on why the trailers have been slow to roll out -- so take his words here with a grain of salt. Still, though ... his "report" is being taken seriously by a lot of comic-centric outlets.

More importantly, the logic seems to make sense to many -- and this all has to do with how DC's latest big superhero movies recently did at the box office. Of course, there's "Blue Beetle," which didn't make much money at all ... but the big mistake lies in "The Flash."

The Ezra Miller-led film reportedly cost hundreds of millions of dollars to both shoot and market -- and, as we all now know, the movie performed abysmally ... leaving WB in the red.

Lop on the alleged fact that this new movie supposedly stinks, and it's no wonder Warner would be wary to pour even more money into 'Aquaman 2' -- the budget of which is said to have ballooned north of $200 million through a ton of different reshoots amid the pandemic.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Plus, there's the strike that's still ongoing ... not to mention lingering Amber hate, as well as James Gunn's overarching reboot of the DCU. With all these factors combined, it's easy to see why WB possibly scaling back the "Aquaman 2" rollout actually checks out.

Warner might have experienced a windfall in "Barbie," but appear to have issues elsewhere.

Originally Published -- 1:23 PM PT

Warner Bros lanza teaser de "Aquaman 2" A pesar de los rumores de marketing


A las 5:25 PM Warner Bros. ha lanzado el teaser trailer de "Aquaman 2". Esto en medio de un montón de quejas de los fans que temían que el estudio dejara la película a un lado.

Warner debe haber puesto atención a todo el ruido de Tuiter, porque han subido una promoción de 30 segundos con la promesa de que el tráiler completo saldrá el jueves. El teaser te da una idea de la acción y la trama pero hay una ausencia notable.

No hay mucho metraje de Amber Heard que podamos ver. El tiempo dirá si aparece en el tráiler completo.

Los fans de DC creen que Jason Momoa y Amber Heard están siendo dejados de lado en los preparativos de "Aquaman 2", y el rumor dice que el estudio se está preparando para una bomba.

El público de los cómics está en un frenesí este fin de semana en medio de algunos chismes sobre "Aquaman y el Reino Perdido" —la cual se estrena en diciembre— pero que aún no ha mostrado ningún adelanto.

No está claro si KC está citando realmente fuentes de la industria o si sólo está lanzando su propia teoría sobre por qué los tráilers han tardado tanto en salir, así que hay que tomar sus palabras con cautela. Sin embargo, su "informe" está siendo tomado en serio por muchos medios centrados en los cómics.

Y lo que es más importante, la lógica parece tener sentido para muchos y todo esto tiene que ver con cómo les ha ido recientemente en taquilla a las últimas grandes películas de superhéroes de DC. Por supuesto está "Blue Beetle", que no hizo mucho dinero en absoluto, pero el gran error está en "The Flash".

La película dirigida por Ezra Miller supuestamente costó cientos de millones de dólares tanto para rodar como para comercializar y, como todos sabemos, la película no funcionó y dejó a Warner en números rojos.

Si a esto le sumamos el hecho de que esta nueva película supuestamente apesta, no es de extrañar que Warner sea reticente a invertir aún más dinero en "Aquaman 2", cuyo presupuesto se dice que se ha disparado por encima de los 200 millones de dólares a lo largo de un montón de diferentes sesiones de rodaje en medio de la pandemia.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Además la huelga está en curso, por no mencionar el persistente odio a Amber, así como el reinicio general del DCU de James Gunn. Con todos estos factores combinados, es fácil ver por qué Warner podría dar paso atrás con "Aquaman 2".

Warner experimentó una ganancia inesperada con "Barbie", pero parecen tener problemas con otras producciones.

Publicado originalmente -- 1:23 PM PT

DC Comics Harley Quinn Voice Actress Arleen Sorkin Dead at 67

Arleen Sorkin, a veteran actor who was the OG voice of DC Comics' Harley Quinn, has died.

The 67-year-old reported had been suffering from various health issues that benched her from acting over the last few years.

Arleen played the Harley role in 1992 for "Batman the Animated Series," and she was only supposed to be in one show, but her run got extended multiple times.  She also played Harley Quinn in various video games and animated movies.

In addition to her work as Harley Quinn, she played Calliope Jones on NBC's "Days of Our Lives."

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

DC honcho James Gunn praised Arleen ... “Rest in Peace, Arleen Sorkin, the incredibly talented original voice of Harley Quinn, who helped to create the character so many of us love. Love to her family and friends.”

Mark Hamill who worked with Arleen on the DC franchise and played the Joker, also had high praise for the actress ... "Devastated to learn we’ve lost the brilliant Arleen Sorkin. Not just a wonderful talent, but a truly wonderful person. I’m grateful not only to have worked with her, but to have been her friend. 🙏 Sending my heartfelt condolences to her family & loved ones"

Arleen was 67. RIP

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