Stan Lee New Restraining Order Filed Against Keya Morgan

5:24 PM PT -- Morgan tells us, "For over 10 years I have shown nothing but love, respect & kindness to Stan Lee, & his wife, a fact he has repeated countless times."

He continues, "This is a witchhunt by his daughter and her lawyer against me because she cannot stand the fact Stan likes me so much. I will 100% prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the allegations against me are false. The truth will come out."

Stan Lee's legal battle with business partner Keya Morgan has intensified ... with ANOTHER restraining order.

Stan's legal team was in court Friday and requested the restraining order granted last month against Morgan to be dismissed. Stan's lawyers argued the first order -- submitted by attorney Tom Lallas on Stan's behalf -- should be voided as Lallas hadn't repped Stan for months.

The judge agreed -- tossed the order -- and Lee's legal team filed a new restraining order against Morgan.

In the new docs -- obtained by TMZ -- Stan's attorneys claim Morgan's mishandled more than $5 million of Stan's money and he's suffered severe physical and emotional injuries because of Morgan. The docs also claim Keya's tried to isolate Stan from his family and moved him to an undisclosed location last month.

Kirk Schenck, a legal rep for Lee tells us, “The Lee Family is conducting its own investigation, and working with the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office and the LAPD, in various investigations into Keya Morgan’s and others’ who may have taken advantage of the Lee Family. We will not comment further on the ongoing investigations for witness and evidentiary protection.”

We reached out to Morgan for comment ... so far, no word back.

'It' Star Jack Dylan Grazer New Role in 'Shazam!' Could Make Him Millions!!!

Jack Dylan Grazer -- otherwise known as Eddie of the Losers' Club in the "It" movie -- has a good shot at making some scary money ... in an upcoming superhero franchise.

According to Jack's contract -- obtained by TMZ -- he's going to bank at least $150k for his role as Freddy Freeman in the 2019 DC Comics film "Shazam!" ... starring Zachary Levi.

It gets better -- he can make up to $200k more in box office bonuses ... and gets a cut of the movie's merchandise cash.

But get this -- if there's a "Shazam!" sequel, Grazer's pay more than doubles to $400,000 with up to $300k in bonuses ... and his salary will DOUBLE for every additional installment of the film franchise after that.

Jack's only 14, so there's a good chance he could be swimming in millions by the time he's old enough to vote ... as long as "Shazam!" is a bit more successful than "Kazaam."

Gal Gadot & Chris Pine Get New 'Wonder Woman' Costar ... Sweet Fanny Pack, Bro!!!

Chris Pine is back from the dead, or part of a ridiculous dream sequence, in the next 'Wonder Woman' flick ... based on pics from the set. Ummm ... spoiler alert?

Chris was spotted Wednesday in Virginia with costar Gal Gadot. We knew Chris was returning to his role of Steve Trevor, but since he died in the first one ... we don't how HOW he's coming back. There's a big clue, we think, in this pic. Two words: FANNY. PACK.

The sequel is set in 1984, so the stylish wardrobe piece makes sense.

Since the sequel fast forwards about 66 years, we're guessing science or time travel has to be involved for Steve to still be alive -- but it can't be a dream sequence. NO ONE would include a fanny pack in a dream!

We do know, Gal and Chris will battle Kristen Wiig, who's playing supervillain ... Cheetah.

Jason Momoa I'm Aquaman, For Reals!!! Watch Me Save My Phone

Jason Momoa purposely hurled his phone into the open ocean to prove a point -- he's not just an actor, man ... he's a real-life Aquaman.

Momoa lived up to his superhero alter ego in the water off Honolulu. Looks like he was playing a game of chicken with his phone -- tossing it and then flaunting his skills by diving in to retrieve it.

No proof from the pics that he pulled off the rescue, but we'd bet on Jason.

He had been filming reshoots for "Aquaman," which comes out later this year, but looks like this stunt was pulled during his off time.

After all, Aquaman ain't rocking board shorts -- although, as long as Momoa has got the role, no one would complain.

Stan Lee Missing $300k Cops Investigating Forged Check

Stan Lee's checking account is $300k light, and cops are on the hunt for the perp who swiped the cash ... TMZ has learned.

We're told the Marvel Comics legend filed a report with Beverly Hills PD Tuesday after one of Stan's business partners discovered the money had been withdrawn without his knowledge. After some digging, it was discovered a $300k check was written to a merchandising company, Hands of Respect, for a "loan."

Sources tell us neither Stan or his money managers wrote or authorized the transaction, and Bev Hills PD is investigating the case as a check forgery.

We're told Stan's people believe this might be an inside job -- someone within the foundation wrote the check in an attempt to keep the cash themselves.

Either way, it's not a very nice bday gift for the comic book icon ... who just turned 95 on Thursday.

Kanye West Movie Night With Kid Cudi

Kanye West and Kid Cudi got their fill of caped crusaders, and at the same time fueled rumors they're working on new music together.

The dynamic duo took in "Justice League" Monday in L.A. -- and the looks on their faces indicate they at least liked it more than critics (not saying much, we know). 'Ye and Cudi have been reconnecting recently ... Kanye hopped onstage with him a few weeks ago in Chicago.

There's a rumor out that 'Ye will be producing Cudi's new album, something that hasn't happened since Cudder's 2008 debut. Cudi eventually parted ways with G.O.O.D Music in 2013.

We don't know if this was a break from the studio or just two pals catching up, but all signs point to justice prevailing ... for music fans.

Meagan Good Gal Gadot's 'Wonder Woman' Ultimatum It's About Being A Bigger Person


Meagan Good doesn't see anything wrong with someone's conscience making them walk away from a great opportunity or potential millions in Hollywood.

We got Meagan leaving Mastro's Steakhouse in Bev Hills Sunday night and asked her about Gal Gadot saying she'd bail on a "Wonder Woman" sequel if Brett Ratner didn't drop out as an executive producer amid all his sexual harassment allegations. The first "Wonder Woman" film grossed over $800 million worldwide, and Gal was negotiating a huge pay raise for the second film.

While the "White Famous" star says she's not familiar with Gal's situation, it's clear whose side she's on.

Jason Momoa And Amber Heard I Protect My Fish Wife from Rough Seas ... In 'Aquaman'

There's no doubt Jason Momoa was born to play 'Aquaman' ... he was like a rock in the surf, making sure his fish wife played by Amber Heard didn't get swept away in between takes.

Jason and Amber filmed scenes for the upcoming blockbuster on the Gold Coast in Australia.

They've been down in Oz for months but this is the first look of them together in Aquaman's natural habitat. Jason held his ground even with out Aquaman's trident.

Aquaman vs Ocean ... 1-0.

Margot Robbie NERDGASM!!! On 'Suicide Squad' Set

Margot Robbie became Harley Quinn Saturday ... and both the real and fictional are really hot.

A photog got this pic of Margot Saturday on the set of "Suicide Squad" in Toronto.

The "Wolf of Wall Street" star is there with co-stars Jared Leto, who plays The Joker, Scott Eastwood, Will Smith, Cara Delevingne, and Ben Affleck.

The movie sounds awesome. And she's SOOOO hot.

'Batman' Star Burt Ward Hey DC Comics ... DON'T KILL ROBIN!!!

DC Comics is making a huge mistake by killing off Batman's iconic sidekick Robin in the newest issue ... so says the most famous Robin ever, who tells TMZ, the future of the Batman franchise DEPENDS on the Boy Wonder.

DC is slated to kill off Robin in the next issue of the "Batman Incorporated" series -- but Burt Ward (who played Robin in the 60s TV show) has one thing to say ... "Holy self-inflicted wound! Not good for corporate profits!”

Ward tells us, "It’s a terrible choice to kill off Robin. Why bite the hand that feeds you? ... Robin should only die in people's imaginations! Or in a state of primal ecstasy!"

FYI -- It's not the first time Robin's been killed off in the comics ... DC previously did him in back in 1988 when fans voted to off the character.

Nevertheless, Burt adds, "Every youngster realizes that he or she is too young to drive and they are not big like Batman. So, they all yearn to be Robin who gets to RIDE WITH BATMAN AND FIGHT WITH BATMAN!"

He's got a point.

Delayed Batman Comic Teacher Pulls Gun On Students

A teacher pulls a gun on a classroom filled with students in the latest Batman comic book -- and that's why DC Comics chose to postpone its release.

As we reported, DC Comics forbade the release of its new issue of "Batman Inc." because it "contains content that may be perceived as insensitive" in the wake of the "Dark Knight" shooting in Colorado. Now, we know exactly what that "insensitive" content is.

In addition to the teacher pointing a gun at her classroom, the issue contains several other references to gun violence -- including one moment when a character says, "Eyewitness spoke of a grisly bullet-ridden cadaver."

The issue has been blocked from release until August 22.

The Green Lantern He's Back ... AND HE'S FABULOUS!!!

The Green Lantern has been rebooted -- he's young again, and he's gay.

DC Comics just announced which character is coming out of the closet, and it's Alan Scott, aka the Green Lantern.

In his prior life, Green Lantern -- on Earth 2 (in an alternate universe) -- was married with 2 superhero kids. But now he's come back as an unmarried, media mogul who we're sure throws amazing Hollywood parties. He's also a Type-A. Sound like anyone you've heard of???

But here's the thing ... we smell tokenism. Fictional fact is there are more than 7,200 Green Lanterns in DC's comic book world -- so adding ONE gay lantern, in an alternate universe no less, suddenly seems less impressive.

Fun fact: The Green Lantern's Achilles' Heel is wood.

When news broke that a comic book hero would be re-introduced as gay, the organization One Million Moms released a statement saying, "Why do adult gay men need comic superheroes as role models? They don’t but do want to indoctrinate impressionable young minds by placing these gay characters on pedestals in a positive light."

In response to that, GLAAD tells TMZ, "The idea that a comic book character will make young people gay is as outlandish as saying it will give them a green power ring and the ability to fly. Even more outlandish is the idea that there are 'one million moms' who believe this hate group's anti-gay nonsense. From Christian churches to sports fields, to now even fictional comic book worlds, our culture overwhelmingly supports gay and lesbian Americans and that's what anti-gay groups like this are working against."

'Lois Lane' RIPS Superman: Dogs Are Better than Men!

The actress who played Lois Lane in the original "Superman" movies isn't fazed that her comic book counterpart is no longer dating the Man of Steel -- telling TMZ, "Maybe Lois should get a dog!"

62-year-old Margot Kidder tells us, a furry, four-legged companion would be less work for the Daily Planet reporter ... explaining, "They are much easier than men."

TMZ broke the story ... DC Comics is rebooting the Superman comic book storyline in September -- and Lois will NOT be dating Superman.

Considering the amount of trouble Lois seems to get into ... let's hope her dog is Lassie.

Superman & Lois Lane DUNZO!!!!

Maria and Arnold ... J.Lo and Marc Anthony ... and now Superman and Lois Lane are officially KAPUT ... TMZ has learned. Seriously.

Sources at DC Comics tell us ... the company is rebooting the Superman comic book series in September -- with a brand new Superman #1 -- in the hopes of creating a new starting point for fans with more modern, relevant story lines.

And there are some HUGE developments ... including the fact that Lois and Clark are NOT together. In fact, we're told Lois has a new boyfriend.

But perhaps even more shocking -- NO MORE RED UNDERWEAR!!!! Instead, new Superman (see above photo) will sport an all blue bodysuit with his trademark red cape.

Still, we gotta ask ... Is that Kryptonite in his pocket ... or is he just happy to see us?

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