Britney Spears Fans Dance on Jamie Lynn's 'DWTS' Grave ... 'Karma Is a B****!'

Fans of Britney Spears are doing a lot of celebratin' now that her sister, Jamie Lynn, is off "Dancing with the Stars" ... with some even claiming her removal means they'll finally start watching.

As we reported, Jamie Lynn got the boot Tuesday night, in just week 2 of the competition -- something that came as a shock to the judges, as well as JLS and her dance partner, Alan Bersten.

Well, fans of Britney are over the moon with Jamie Lynn's early removal -- one person online said, "She thought people were gonna vote for her? Babe... everyone literally hates you." Another said Jamie Lynn lacks "half the talent your sister ever had."


It's gettin' pretty brutal on X, where comments include ... she was "destined to lose" and "karma is a bitch."

When Alan reacted to getting kicked off the show by simply tweeting, "Damn" ... Britney fans flocked to his post, too ... but some showed support, with a side diss on Jamie Lynn, of course -- "Justice for Alan! You deserve an amazing partner next season!"

In case ya forgot, social media had much of the same noise last week when 'DWTS' debuted, and Alan was catching heat just for being paired with her.

BTW, eliminations on 'DWTS' are partially decided by viewer votes ... so it certainly appears pro-Britney fans organized and did their thing to nix Jamie Lynn.

Jamie Lynn Spears Booted Off 'DWTS'


Jamie Lynn Spears is going home after "Dancing with the Stars" judges and fans showed her the door in just the second round of this season's competition.

The former "Zoey 101" star came up short -- relative to her fellow dancers -- on Tuesday night's show, she and her partner, Alan Bersten, were eliminated after falling into the bottom 2 of the night, along with ex-football star Adrian Peterson.

Jamie Lynn's nixing certainly came as a shock to the judges, who gave her a 16 out of 30 for their cha-cha routine. Derek Hough even called the elimination "a shocker." He also said earlier in the night that their moves were "a big improvement from last week."

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As we reported, Jamie Lynn performed the tango last week, getting 15/30 in her 'DWTS' debut. Her mom, Lynne, was cheering for her on the sidelines ... while her sister, Britney, was absent -- as expected -- and completely unmentioned on the show.

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We learned Britney was given a heads-up that her little sis was going to be on season 32 of the competition series, and she actually took the news pretty well. Brit's ex-husband Kevin Federline said he was rooting for Jamie Lynn all the way from Hawaii! No word if he actually cast a vote for her.

Sources close to production told us Jamie Lynn was able to rehearse at a studio near her home in Tennessee before the show began last week ... making it easy for her to balance her dancing with being a mother of 2.

Silver lining, she's able to return to full-time mommy mode now that 'DWTS' is behind her.

Jamie Lynn Spears Es eliminada de Dancing with the Stars

Rápida partida de 'DWTS'

Jamie Lynn Spears se va a casa después de que los jueces y los fans de "Dancing with the Stars" le golpearan en la cara en la segunda ronda de esta temporada.

La ex estrella de "Zoey 101" se quedó atrás respecto de sus compañeros en el show del martes por la noche, por lo que ella y su pareja, Alan Bersten, fueron eliminados después de caer en la parte inferior de la tabla, junto con la ex estrella de fútbol Adrian Peterson.

La expulsión de Jamie Lynn ciertamente fue un shock para los jueces, que le dieron un 16 de 30 por su rutina de cha-cha. Derek Hough incluso dijo que fue "un shock". Poco antes le había comentado que sus movimientos había mejorado mucho desde la semana pasada.

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La noche del debut

Como informamos, Jamie Lynn interpretó un tango la semana pasada, por el que obtuvi 15 puntos de 30 en su debut en 'DWTS'. Su madre Lynne estuvo animándola entre la audiencia, mientras que su hermana Britney no estuvo presente, como era de esperar, ni tampoco fue mencionada en el programa.

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Sigue trabajando duro

Nos enteramos de que Britney fue avisada de que su hermanita iba a estar en la temporada 32 de la competencia de baile y en realidad se tomó la noticia bastante bien. El exmarido de Brit, Kevin Federline, dijo que estaba apoyando a Jamie Lynn desde Hawái. No se sabe si realmente emitió un voto por ella o no.

Fuentes cercanas a la producción nos dijeron que Jamie Lynn fue capaz de ensayar en un estudio cerca de su casa en Tennessee antes de que empezara el show. Todo para que fuera más sencillo para ella equilibrar los ensayos con su rol de madre.

Lo bueno de todo esto es que al menos podrá volver a ser madre a tiempo completo ahora que ha dejado atrás Dancing with the Stars.


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¡vas muy bien!

Britney Spears tiene una relación tormentosa con su hermana, Jamie Lynn, pero el exmarido de Britney está totalmente del lado de Jamie mientras compite en "Dancing With the Stars".

Kevin Federline dice que su familia, incluyendo a sus dos hijos con Britney, han estado viendo a Jamie Lynn en el programa de concurso de baile de ABC y ella tiene su voto.

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un buen comienzo

K-Fed, Jayden James y Sean Preston se mudaron recientemente a Hawai junto con la esposa de Kevin, Victoria, por lo que la diferencia horaria hace que sea difícil ver a Jamie Lynn en vivo en "Dancing With the Stars", pero le dijo a un fotógrafo en Oahu que la familia vio a Jamie Lynn después en una repetición.

Britney y Jamie Lynn han tenido sus idas y vueltas los últimos años, pero como informamos  la primera vez, cuando Britney supo que su hermana iba a participar en el programa la apoyó tal como K-Fed y los chicos lo hacen ahora.

Han pasado cerca de dos meses desde que Kevin trasladó a los chicos a Hawai, donde están viviendo en una nueva casa de alquiler, y K-Fed dice que no tiene ninguna queja acerca de su nuevo entorno.

Kevin y Victoria estaban en su camino a The Lei Stand, un salón de cócteles en Honolulu, con otra pareja el lunes por la noche cuando habló con un fotógrafo ... y ya está dando vibraciones de la isla.

Mientras que Kevin está feliz de hablar de Jamie Lynn ... tienes que ver su reacción a una pregunta directa sobre Britney.

Kevin Federline My Fam's Rooting For Jamie Lynn ... Hope She Wins 'DWTS'

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Britney Spears has a rollercoaster relationship with her sister, Jamie Lynn ... but Britney's ex-husband is fully on Team Jamie Lynn as she competes on "Dancing With the Stars."

Kevin Federline says his family -- including his two sons with Britney -- have been watching Jamie Lynn on the ABC dancing competition show and she's got their vote.

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K-Fed, Jayden James and Sean Preston recently moved to Hawaii ... along with Kevin's wife, Victoria ... so the time difference makes it hard to watch Jamie Lynn live on 'DWTS' ... but he told a photog on Oahu the fam watched Jamie Lynn after the fact.

Britney and Jamie Lynn have had their share of beef over the years ... but as we first reported, Britney got a heads up her little sister was going to be on 'DWTS' and Britney was fully supportive and, apparently, even excited for JLS ... and now we know K-Fed and the boys feel the same way.

It's been about two months since Kevin moved the boys to Hawaii, where they're living in a new rental home, and K-Fed says he's got no complaints about their new surroundings.

Kevin and Victoria were on their way to The Lei Stand, a cocktail lounge in Honolulu, with another couple Monday night when he talked to a photog ... and he's already giving off island vibes.

While Kevin's happy to talk about Jamie Lynn ... ya gotta see his reaction to a direct question about Britney.

Mauricio Umansky Kyle and Morgan Aren't Having Sex Not Romantic Relationship

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Mauricio Umansky says he's positive ... Kyle Richards has not cheated on him and she and Morgan Wade are not having sex. In fact, he says their relationship is all friendship and business, and that's it.

We got Mauricio on his way into "Dancing with the Stars" rehearsal Friday and our photog asked him about the rumored relationship between Kyle and Morgan.

As you know, Kyle and Morgan have been hanging out a ton during Kyle's separation from Mauricio ... with the women filming lots of things together, like documentaries, reality TV segments and music videos.

But, Mauricio says that's where Kyle and Morgan's relationship ends.


Sounds like Mauricio would know, because he's still communicating with Kyle during their time apart. He says she actually texted him Friday so he could clear up some recent comments he made about their relationship timeline.

Mauricio raised eyebrows this week in his appearance on The Agency's 'Red Mic' podcast when he said, "We were dealing with our own things, kind of, super quietly and internally, just our own issues, I mean, certainly, we're not separated. We're not divorced at this point. We are not any of that stuff."

Kyle and Mauricio have been separated for months now ... but he says the answer was in response to a question about whether he and Kyle planted the initial story of their separation back in July to boost TV ratings, which he denies.

Mauricio tells us People, which was first to report their separation, actually got the story wrong, at least technically ... insisting he was NOT separated from Kyle at the time the story broke. Of course, they separated shortly after.

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Mauricio is super pissed at whoever was the source behind the People story ... he says he tried to get the outlet to give him a name, telling us if he finds out the source is someone who works for him they're getting fired ... and if it's a member of their inner circle, the person is getting booted.

Obviously, there's a lot of drama around Mauricio and Kyle right now ... and it's been a rough year for them both, which he says is a factor in their separation ... but he says 'DWTS' has been a great outlet to relieve stress.

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Kyle would seem to agree ... showing up to support Mauricio in his big 'DWTS' debut.

Mauricio has a lot to say here ... and he tells us why he's not ready to give up on his marriage.

Mauricio Umansky Kyle y Morgan no tienen sexo Ni una relación romántica

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Dejando las cosas claras

Mauricio Umansky dice que está seguro de que Kyle Richards no lo ha engañado y, que ella y Morgan Wade no tienen relaciones sexuales. De hecho, dice que su relación es solo amistad y negocios. Eso es todo.

Encontramos a Mauricio de camino a su ensayo en "Dancing with the Stars" este viernes y nuestro fotógrafo le preguntó acerca de la rumoreada relación entre Kyle y Morgan.

Como ustedes saben, Kyle y Morgan han estado saliendo un montón durante la separación de Kyle y Mauricio. Han estado filmando diferentes cosas juntas, como documentales, segmentos de reality shows y videos musicales.

Pero Mauricio dice que ahí es donde termina la relación entre ambas.

La estrella del show

Suena como si Mauricio supiera, ya qué aún se comunica mucho con Kyle durante su tiempo separados. Él dice que en realidad le envió un mensaje de texto el viernes para que pudiera aclarar algunos comentarios recientes que hizo sobre la línea de tiempo de la relación.

Mauricio levantó cejas esta semana en el podcast 'Red Mic' de The Agency cuando dijo: "Estábamos lidiando con nuestras propias cosas, un poco en silencio e internamente, solo nuestros propios problemas, quiero decir, ciertamente, no estamos separados. No estamos divorciados en este momento. No somos ninguna de esas cosas".

Kyle y Mauricio han estado separados desde hace meses, pero dice que su respuesta fue en réplica a una pregunta acerca de si él y Kyle situaban la historia inicial de su separación en julio para aumentar los ratings de televisión, algo que él niega.

People fue el primero en informar sobre su separación, aunque en realidad se equivocó en la historia, al menos técnicamente, e insistió en que no estaba separado de Kyle en el momento en que esta salió a la luz. Por supuesto, se separaron poco después.

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¿Se percibe el amor?

Mauricio está supercabreado con quienquiera que fuera la fuente detrás de la historia de People. Dice que trató de conseguir la historia para hacerse un nombre, y nos dice que si se entera de que la fuente es alguien que trabaja para él, será despedido. Y si se trata de un miembro de su círculo íntimo, la persona será expulsada.

Obviamente, hay un montón de drama en torno a Mauricio y Kyle en este momento y ha sido un año difícil para los dos, lo cual se dice es un factor en su separación. Pero 'DWTS' ha sido una gran oportunidad para aliviar el estrés.

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Una fan en el público

Kyle parece estar de acuerdo, ya que estuvo presente para apoyar a Mauricio en su gran debut en 'DWTS'

Mauricio tiene mucho que decir aquí y nos dice por qué no está listo para renunciar a su matrimonio.

Britney Spears Fans Drag Jamie Lynn's 'DWTS' Debut ... Partner Catching Flak Too

Britney Spears' feud with her sister Jamie Lynn is spilling into the "Dancing With the Stars" ballroom because Brit's fans are campaigning hard to take down JL ... and her dance partner is caught in the crossfire.

It's a total war zone on social media for Jamie Lynn and her pro dance partner, Alan Bersten, whose only offense is getting paired with the "Zoey 101" star.

Jamie Lynn made her first appearance on 'DWTS' Tuesday, and she's getting horrible reviews ... at least from Britney's legion of fans.

Folks are calling for Jamie Lynn to be voted out ASAP, ripping her for having "no class" and accusing her of abusing Britney and throwing her sister under the bus.

One user even says JL "looks like Ted Cruz with blonde hair." Ouch.

As for Alan ... Britney's fans say he has no shot at winning because he's chained to Jamie Lynn, and some are hoping he purposely drops her mid-dance. Oof!

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Britney supporters are also wondering why 'DWTS' would even cast Jamie Lynn in the first place ... naturally, they would rather see Britney showing off her dance moves.

Of course, 'DWTS' producers would love to see Britney show up to support her sis, but, as it stands, there's a better chance of a snowball fight breaking out in hell.

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Instagram / @britneyspears

Plus ... after dancing with knives, Britney has much bigger issues to deal with right now.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Britney Spears Sus fans destrozan el debut de Jamie Lynn en 'DWTS' ... Y a su compañero de baile

La disputa de Britney Spears con su hermana Jamie Lynn se está extendiendo a la sala de baile de "Dancing With the Stars" porque los fans de Brit están haciendo una dura campaña para derribar a JL... y su pareja de baile está en medio del fuego cruzado.

Es una zona de guerra total en las redes sociales para Jamie Lynn y su pareja de baile Alan Bersten, cuyo único delito es estar emparejado con la estrella de "Zoey 101".

Jamie Lynn hizo su primera aparición en 'DWTS' el martes y ya está recibiendo críticas horribles, al menos de la legión de fans de Britney.

La gente está pidiendo que Jamie Lynn sea expulsada lo antes posible, criticándola por no tener "clase" y acusándola de abusar de Britney y criticarla mientras está tan vulnerable.

Un usuario incluso dice que JL "parece Ted Cruz con el pelo rubio". Ouch.

En cuanto a Alan, los fans de Britney dicen que no tiene ninguna posibilidad de ganar porque está encadenado a Jamie Lynn y algunos están esperando que la deje caer a propósito en la mitad del baile. ¡Uf!

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Comenzando con una nota alta

Los seguidores de Britney también se preguntan por qué 'DWTS' elegiría a Jamie Lynn en primer lugar, naturalmente, prefieren ver a Britney mostrando sus movimientos de baile.

Por supuesto, a los productores de 'DWTS' les encantaría que Britney se apareciera para apoyar a su hermana, pero tal y como están las cosas, hay más posibilidades de que se desate una pelea como una bola de nieve hasta el infierno.

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Extraño baile con cuchillos
Instagram / @britneyspears

Además, después de bailar con cuchillos, Britney tiene asuntos mucho más importantes con los que lidiar en este momento.

Kyle Richards Acompaña a Mauricio en "DWTS" ... En medio de separación

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Mostrando todo su apoyo

La separación de Kyle Richards y Mauricio Umansky es la más amable en la historia de Hollywood, pues ella incluso se presentó en persona para verlo bailar en televisión.

La estrella de "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" llegó para la grabación del martes de "Dancing With the Stars", cuya última temporada debutó en ABC, mostrando a todos los concursantes y sus pasos en la primera ronda, incluyendo el número de Mauricio y su pareja de baile Emma Slater.

Su primera presentación no fue tan buena en cuanto a números. Obtuvo solo un 15/30 de parte de los jueces, pero de todos modos Kyle estaba allí para verlo hacer lo suyo, sentada al frente y en el centro y animándolo a muy viva voz. También llevó a sus dos hijas para que Mauricio recibiera aún más apoyo.

Obviamente, esto es interesante, teniendo en cuenta que actualmente están "separados", a pesar de que claramente están en buenos términos y siguen viviendo en la misma casa.

En el video pre-grabado de introducción, Mauricio se refirió a su relación con Kyle. Dijo que había sido un año difícil y que esperaba que 'DWTS' sirviera como una buena distracción.

Recuerden, la gente de 'DWTS' en un principio no solo quería a Mauricio para esta temporada, sino que hizo una jugada para conseguir que Kyle y su buena amiga Morgan Wade estuvieran también. Pero la idea no se materializó.

La estrecha relación de Kyle y Morgan ha llevado a algunos a sospechar que podrían ser algo más que amigas, pero nos han dicho en repetidas ocasiones que solo son amigas y socias de negocios. Kyle está trabajando en un documental sobre la vida/carrera de Morgan.

En cuanto a Mauricio, él ya nos ha dicho que está bien con Morgan y claramente sigue llevándose muy bien con Kyle, pues siguen pasando las vacaciones todos en familia.

Ciertamente no es el tipo de separación que estamos acostumbrados a ver en el mundo del espectáculo. Así y todo, la ex pareja se está mostrando frente a toda América como un equipo unido. Bien por ellos, suponemos.

Kyle Richards Shows Out for Mauricio on 'DWTS' ... Amid 'Separation'

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Kyle Richards and Mauricio Umansky's separation is the nicest one in Hollywood history -- 'cause the guy's estranged wife showed up in person to watch him dance on live TV.

The 'RHOBH' star arrived for Tuesday's taping of "Dancing With the Stars" -- which debuted its latest season on ABC ... showing off all the contestants and their round-1 moves, including Mauricio and his dance partner Emma Slater's jive number.

His first outing wasn't all that great numbers-wise -- he scored just a 15/30 from the judges -- but either way ... Kyle was out there to see him do his thing, sitting front and center and loudly cheering MU on. She also brought out their two daughters for extra support.

Obviously, this is interesting ... y'know, considering they're currently "separated" and all -- even though they're clearly on good terms and continue to live in the same home all kumbaya.

Mauricio's little pre-taped introduction video actually touched on his relationship with Kyle ... he said it'd been a rough year and that he was hoping 'DWTS' could serve as a good distraction.

Remember ... the 'DWTS' folks actually wanted not just Mauricio on this season, but they actually made a play to get Kyle and her good female pal Morgan Wade as well -- but that didn't materialize in the end.

Kyle and Morgan's close relationship has led some to suspect they might be more than friends -- but we've been repeatedly told they're just friends and business associates. Kyle is working on a documentary about Morgan's life/career.

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As for Mauricio ... he's already told us he's cool with Morgan -- and he clearly remains cool with Kyle too, as they continue to spend holidays together with the whole family.

It's certainly not the traditional uncoupling we're used to seeing in showbiz ... and yet, they're proceeding with a united front in front of all of America. Good for them, we suppose.

Jamie Lynn Spears Mommy Lynne Cheers Her On ... During 'DWTS' Debut

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Jamie Lynn Spears had her mom, Lynne, front and center for her debut on "Dancing With the Stars" -- but one person went unaddressed during her time on screen ... Britney.

The former Nickelodeon child star -- and BS's famous little sister -- did her one, two-step Tuesday for Season 32's premiere of 'DWTS' ... performing a tango with her dance partner Alan Bersten, which ended up receiving a somewhat average score of just 15/30.

Of course, the real focus seemed to be what was happening offstage -- namely, with who showed up in person to support JLS ... including her mama and other family members.

Lynne was out there cheering her head off for her daughter -- which is awesome ... but the sweet moment was unfortunately somewhat overshadowed by looming concern for Britney, who's been posting disturbing videos over the past 48 hours.

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Instagram / @britneyspears

Of course, we're referring to Britney's knife dance clips that have gone up on her social media ... including one just yesterday that appeared to show her injured, with a bandaged arm, a nicked though, and some sort of red mark on her hip.


Some have speculated they could be from the knives she's been wielding during these at-home dance routines ... and it's spurred a lot of commentary about her well-being.

Like we said ... Jamie Lynn didn't talk Britney at all during Episode 1, nor did she even allude to her. We know JLS and Britney have had a rocky relationship over the past year and change, but despite this ... our sources say BS knew her sis would be on TV here.

Whether Brit actually watched or not ... it's anyone's guess. She hasn't publicly acknowledged Jamie Lynn's casting whatsoever.

JAMIE LYNN SPEARS durante su debut en "dancing with the stars"

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un buen comienzo

Jamie Lynn Spears tuvo a su mamá (Lynne) en primera fila viendo su debut en "Dancing With the Stars", pero una persona no fue abordada durante su tiempo en pantalla ... Britney.

La ex estrella infantil de Nickelodeon —y la famosa hermana pequeña de Britney— hizo su paso el martes para el estreno de la temporada 32 de "Dancing With The Stars". Bailaron un tango con su pareja Alan Bersten y recibieron una puntuación media de sólo 15/30.

La atención estuvo principalmente fuera del escenario, sobre todo hacia los seres queridos que fueron a ver a la famosa concursante incluyendo a su mamá y otros miembros de la familia.

Lynne estaba allí animando a su hija, lo cual es genial, pero el momento dulce fue por desgracia un poco eclipsado por la preocupación por Britney, quien ha estado publicando videos inquietantes durante las últimas 48 horas.

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un baile peligroso
Instagram / @britneyspears

Por supuesto, nos referimos a los clips de Britney bailando con cuchillos que ha subido a sus redes sociales, incluyendo uno ayer que parecía mostrarla herida, con un brazo vendado, un golpe y una especie de marca roja en la cadera.

preocupación general por britney

Algunos han especulado que las lesiones podrían ser causadas por los cuchillos que ha estado utilizando durante estas rutinas de baile en casa y que han generado una gran cantidad de comentarios acerca de su bienestar.

Como dijimos, Jamie Lynn no habló de Britney en absoluto durante el primer episodio, ni siquiera hizo alusión a ella. Sabemos que Jamie Lynn y Britney han tenido una relación difícil el último año, pero a pesar de esto nuestras fuentes dicen que Britney sabía que su hermana estaría en televisión.

Si Brit realmente miró o no el programa, es una incógnita. Ella no ha reconocido públicamente el casting de Jamie Lynn en absoluto.

Britney Spears Le avisaron que Jamie Lynn estaría en 'DWTS' La noticia fue bien recibida

Britney Spears no fue sorprendida por la noticia de que su hermana pequeña, Jamie Lynn Spears, se uniría a "Dancing With the Stars". De hecho, ella era plenamente consciente y lo aprobaba, según ha indagado TMZ.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que a Britney le avisaron de que Jamie Lynn aparecería en el programa de competencia antes de que la noticia saliera a la luz, y nos dicen que Britney se lo tomó muy bien.

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No se sabe exactamente quién se lo comunicó a Britney, pero nuestras fuentes dicen que apoyó totalmente a Jamie Lynn y que, al parecer, estaba incluso emocionada por ella.

Ahora, una vez más, no sabemos quién se lo hizo contó a Britney, pero quien lo hizo claramente debe haber tenido en cuenta la famosa ruptura entre ellas, ya que han tenido una historia difícil. A veces Britney ha estado cerca de su hermana, pero también la ha destrozado, y mucho se deriva del libro que Jamie Lynn publicó el año pasado.

El estado de su relación se ha sentido un poco dudoso a veces, sobre todo porque Brit ha seguido ventilando quejas sobre su familia, por lo general en las redes sociales, pero después de escuchar esto pareciera que las hermanas Spears están en buenos términos en este momento.

Jamie Lynn se está preparando seriamente para su participación en 'DWTS', que comienza el 10 de octubre. Se le ha permitido ensayar cerca de su casa en Tennessee, debido al hecho de que tiene dos hijos.

Esta, por supuesto, no es la primera vez que Jamie participa en un reality, recientemente estuvo en "Special Forces: La prueba más dura del mundo", de FOX.

Britney Spears Got Heads Up on Jamie Lynn Joining 'DWTS' ... News Well-Received

Britney Spears wasn't blindsided by her little sister, Jamie Lynn Spears, joining "Dancing With the Stars" -- in fact, she was fully aware and approved ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us, Britney got a heads up about JL appearing on the competition show before the news came out -- and we're told Britney actually took it well.

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No word on who exactly delivered the update to BS, but our sources say she was fully supportive of Jamie Lynn ... and, apparently, even excited for her sibling.

Now, again, we don't know who looped Britney in -- but whoever did clearly did so with their famous rift in mind, as they've had a rocky history. At times, Britney embraced her sister ... but, she's also trashed her. A lot stems from JLS's book last year.

The status of their relationship has felt a little iffy at times -- especially as Brit has continued airing grievances about her family at large on social media -- but after hearing this ... it would appear the Spears sisters are on somewhat good terms right now.

Jamie Lynn is getting seriously accommodated ahead of her time on 'DWTS,' which kicks off Oct. 10. She's been allowed to rehearse near her home in Tennessee, on account of the fact she's a hands-on mom of 2.

This, of course, isn't Jamie's first stint in reality TV either ... she was recently on FOX's "Special Forces: World's Toughest Test."

Jamie Lynn Spears Training For 'DWTS' Near Tenn. Home

"Dancing with the Stars" is pulling out all the stops for Jamie Lynn Spears ... giving the actress and mom some special treatment in order to get her on the show's upcoming season.

Sources close to production tell TMZ ... the team has gone above and beyond for Jamie Lynn to make rehearsing a breeze -- she's currently practicing at a studio near her home in Tennessee to accommodate the fact she's the mother of 2.

As you know, Britney Spears' kid sis has 5-year-old Ivey and 15-year-old Maddie, and we're told she's a very hands-on mom -- so the local practices are a huge help for her.

For reference, almost all the other contestants appear to be practicing at a studio in Los Angeles -- so, the fact they're making an exception for Jamie Lynn seems to be a sign of how badly 'DWTS' wanted her.

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We're told her dance partner, Alan Bersten, has been at the Tennessee studio, flying back and forth for practices.

'Real Housewives' star Teresa Giudice got the same deal last season when she was able to train in New Jersey to stay close to her daughters and new husband, Luis Ruelas.

We were told Teresa had to fly to L.A. a day or 2 before each performance ... so we're assuming Jamie Lynn will be on a similar travel schedule.

Do you think Jamie Lynn Spears is a better dancer than her sister Britney? Vote below.