Lil Tay Explains Years-Long Absence ... Slams Dad, Defends Mom

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Lil Tay spoke out for the first time this weekend since her alleged death went viral ... and she's pointing the finger at her dad for her years-long absence, accusing him of a lot.

The former child internet sensation -- who's now a teenager -- went live on IG Saturday, but not before she dropped a new song and video treatment minutes earlier. It's called "Sucker 4 Green," and it seems to be the official mark of her comeback into music.

The video features Tay singing/dancing in scantily-clad outfits and posing in front of a bunch of luxury cars while at a super nice house. She's going on about her love for money, etc.

As for the live chat itself ... it started out as mostly a performance, with Lil Tay hopping on different instruments and covering famous songs -- showing off her musical prowess. Eventually, she talked on camera ... and she was doing her typical foul-mouthed shtick.


Once she got past that ... Tay got serious and addressed the elephant in the room -- namely, where the heck she's been and why she's been making these accusations against her dad.

Long story short, LT claims her dad got involved in her life while she was getting famous several years ago -- and says he successfully gained custody of her for a good while ... a chapter in her life during which Tay alleges she was abused and mistreated by her father, Chris Hope, and his now wife. She alleges physical and mental abuse, among other things.

After airing a lot of allegations, Tay explained the death hoax ... which she claims was her father's doing -- not to mention a person she says has gone around claiming to be her ex-manager. Tay claims this person has been lying ... alleging they're in cahoots with her dad. She claims they wanted to fake her death as part of some sort of crypto scheme -- although the exact details of that aren't clear. Frankly, her diatribe was sorta all over the place.

The bottom line ... Tay says her mom has regained custody and that she's ready to move on and restart her career. LT fiercely defends her mother as her biggest supporter -- and, clearly, Tay herself is onboard with the game plan here ... namely, getting into showbiz.

Now, as far as where Tay's dad lands on all this ... he told us last week that her abuse claims were BS -- and strongly suggested legal action was coming toward whoever was putting his kid up to this. Sounds like there's some unsettled business between her parents.

In any case, Lil Tay's ready for the spotlight again ... going the way of Danielle Bregoli, it seems. BTW, it's unclear how old Tay even is -- some have her pegged between 14-16.

Lil Tay Explica su larga ausencia Critica a su padre y defiende a su madre

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Aclarando las cosas

Lil Tay habló por primera vez este fin de semana desde que su supuesta muerte se hizo viral, y está responsabilizando a su padre por su ausencia de años, acusándolo de mucho.

La sensación en Internet, que ahora es un adolescente, realizó un vivo video en directo por Instagram el sábado. Minutos antes dio a conocer una nueva canción y un video, la que se llama "Sucker 4 Green" y parece ser la  señal oficial de su regreso a la música.

En el video aparece Tay cantando y bailando con poca ropa y posando delante de un montón de carros de lujo en una casa muy bonita. Allí habla de su amor por el dinero, etc.

En cuanto al chat en directo, este comenzó como una actuación, con Lil Tay tocando diferentes instrumentos y versionando canciones famosas que demuestran su destreza musical. En cierto momento, habló hacia la cámara, con su estilo malhablado que la caracteriza.

Intro del Instagram Live

Luego de eso, se puso seria y abordó el elefante en la habitación, es decir, la pregunta sobre dónde diablos ha estado todo este tiempo y por qué ha estado haciendo acusaciones en contra su padre.

En pocas palabras, Lil Tay afirma que su padre se involucró en su vida mientras se estaba haciendo famosa hace varios años, un capítulo de su vida durante el cual alega que fue abusada y maltratada por su padre, Chris Hope, y su actual esposa. Lil alega abuso físico y mental, entre otras cosas. Su padre había obtenido la custodia para cuidarla durante un buen tiempo.

Después de airear un montón de acusaciones, Tay se refirió al engaño sobre su muerte, que según ella fue cosa de su padre, por no hablar de una persona que según ella ha ido por ahí diciendo ser su ex-manager. Tay afirma que esta persona ha estado mintiendo, alegando que están confabulados con su padre. Afirma que querían fingir su muerte como parte de una especie de esquema criptográfico, aunque los detalles exactos no están claros. Francamente, su diatriba fue un poco por todas partes.

En conclusión, Tay dice que su madre ha recuperado la custodia y que está lista para seguir adelante y reiniciar su carrera. Defiende ferozmente a su madre como su mayor apoyo, y claramente, la propia Tay está muy bordo con el plan de entrar en el mundo del espectáculo.

Ahora, en cuanto al rol del padre de Tay en todo esto, él nos dijo la semana pasada que las denuncias de abuso eran mentira y sugirió fuertes acciones legales a quienquiera que esté poniendo a su hija en esta situación. Parece que hay algunos asuntos pendientes entre sus padres.

En cualquier caso, Lil Tay está lista para ser el centro de atención nuevamente. Al parecer va por el camino de Danielle Bregoli. Por cierto, no está claro qué edad tiene Tay, algunos la sitúan entre los 14 y los 16 años.

Joe Jonas Sophie quiere que el caso de divorcio se traslade al Reino Unido Yo no estoy de acuerdo...

El caso de divorcio de Joe Jonas y Sophie Turner estuvo en el centro en un tribunal de Miami este miércoles, y el abogado de Joe dejó claro que habrá una pelea de perros sobre quién llevará el caso, si un juez estadounidense o un juez del Reino Unido.

Lo que está en juego es extremadamente importante. Si un juez estadounidense lleva el caso, Joe puede tener la gran ventaja de jugar de local. Si un juez del Reino Unido finalmente lo obtiene, sería todo lo contrario.

El abogado de Joe, Thomas Sasser, lo dejó claro. De acuerdo a los intercambios que ha tenido con el abogado de Sophie, ella dice que ahora su familia es una familia del Reino Unido, por lo que el divorcio debería ser manejado allí.

El abogado de Sophie no respondió directamente, pero nuestras fuentes dicen que eso es exactamente lo que está sucediendo.

Si un juez del Reino Unido maneja el divorcio es probable que la residencia principal de los 2 niños esté allá y Joe no está de acuerdo con eso.

¿Estados Unidos o Reino Unido?

Como informamos, Sophie acudió a un tribunal federal la semana pasada, alegando que Joe violó una ley internacional de secuestro infantil al negarse a entregarle los pasaportes de sus hijas para que ella pudiera llevarlas de vuelta a Inglaterra. El juez dictaminó que, por el momento, las niñas deben permanecer en el área de Nueva York.

El juez de Miami dijo en la corte el miércoles que acatará la decisión del juez federal. Él se hará cargo del caso si el juez federal define que Estados Unidos es el lugar apropiado, y si decide lo contrario, un juez del Reino Unido tomará las riendas.

Permanezcan muy atentos.

Joe Jonas Sophie Wants Divorce Case Moved to UK ... I'm Not Down with That!

Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner's divorce case was front and center in a Miami courtroom Wednesday, and Joe's lawyer made it clear ... there's gonna be a dogfight over who hears the case -- an American judge or a UK judge.

The stakes are extremely high ... if an American judge hears the case it gives Joe a huge home-court advantage, and the reverse is true if the UK judge gets the case.

Joe's lawyer, Thomas Sasser, made it clear ... based on his exchanges with Sophie's counsel, she says their family had become UK-based so the divorce should be handled there.

Sophie's lawyer did not directly respond, but our sources say that is exactly what's happening in the case.

If a UK judge handles the divorce, it's likely the primary residence of the 2 kids will be there, and Joe is not down with that.


As we reported, Sophie went to federal court last week, claiming Joe violated an international child abduction law by refusing to hand over the passports of their kids so she could take them back to England. That judge ruled, for the time being, the kids must stay in the New York area.

The Miami judge said in court Wednesday, he will abide by the federal judge's ruling. He will get the case if the federal judge says the U.S. is the appropriate venue, and if the judge decides otherwise a UK judge will take the reins.

Stay tuned.

C.T Tamburello Sigue estrictas normas con su esposa separada ... No acosen a nuestro hijo con preguntas en cámara

La estrella de "The Challenge", C.T. Tamburello y su ex esposa, han acordado algunas estrictas reglas sobre el tiempo de crianza compartida de su hijo en medio de su divorcio. Esto ocurre un año después de que presentaran los papeles de divorcio.

Según documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, C.T. y Lilianet "Lili" Solares han dado luz verde a múltiples reglas y regulaciones respecto a la custodia de su hijo, Christopher Jr., que nació en 2016, una de las cuales es que ninguno de los dos puede grabarlo con el propósito de interrogarlo.

Es más, C.T. y Lili no tienen permitido preguntarle a Christopher Jr. sobre el otro mientras pasan el tiempo acordado para cada uno. Los días en que está con uno de los progenitores, el otro tiene derecho a dos llamadas telefónicas con él a lo largo del día, aunque la orden le permite al niño acercarse al otro progenitor todo lo que quiera.

En cuanto a la manutención, el acuerdo temporal es que C.T. le pagará a Lili 332 dólares semanales cuando Christopher Jr. pase todo el tiempo con ella, y 175 dólares semanales cuando CT ejerza realmente su tiempo compartido con el niño.

TMZ dio la noticia, C.T. solicitó el divorcio el año pasado en Florida, luego de varias idas y venidas. En 2020, la estrella reveló que se habían separado el año anterior, pero terminaron volviendo.

Desde la solicitud de divorcio, la pareja acordó que C.T. se quede con su casa de Florida. Los documentos muestran que ella se mudaría a una propiedad alquilada. Aunque C.T. tuvo que darle una suma de $7.200.

'The Challenge' C.T. Tamburello Sticking To Strict Rules With Estranged Wife ... No Grilling Our Kid With Questions On Camera

"The Challenge" star C.T. Tamburello and his estranged wife have agreed on some strict rules regarding shared parenting time with their kid amid their ongoing divorce ... this coming a year after he originally filed.

According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ, C.T. and Lilianet "Lili" Solares have given the green light to multiple rules and regulations regarding the custody arrangement with their son, Christopher Jr., who was born in 2016 ... one of which is the parties agreeing not to record their son with the purpose of interrogating him.

What's more, C.T. and Lili aren't allowed to ask Christopher Jr. about the other parent while spending their designated time with him. On the days when he's with one of the parents, the other is entitled to 2 phone calls to him throughout the day, although the order does allow the kid to reach out to the other parent as much as he wants.

As for child support, the temporary arrangement is that C.T. will pay Lili $332 a week when Christopher Jr. spends all his time with his mom, and $175 a week when C.T. actually exercises his time with the kid.

TMZ broke the story, C.T. filed for divorce last year in Florida ... coming after a very on-again, off-again relationship. He revealed in 2020 that they separated the year before, but ended up back together.

Since filing, Lili's agreed that C.T. gets their Florida home, with docs showing she would be moving into a rental property quickly ... but C.T. had to fork over her $7,200 deposit.

Joe y Sophie Almorzaron juntos con sus hijas Días antes de presentar demandas por su custodia

Joe Jonas y Sophie Turner estaban aparentemente en las buenas unos pocos días antes de que ella lo demandara por la custodia de sus hijas. Incluso habían almorzado juntos como una familia feliz.

En las fotos tomadas el lunes y obtenidas por TMZ, se ve a Joe, Sophie y sus dos hijas sentados juntos en Momofuku Noodle Bar Uptown en la ciudad de Nueva York. Un testigo nos dice que no había ningún signo de drama entre los dos y todo parecía amistoso.

Lo que el testigo no captó, sin embargo, fue si los cuatro llegaron juntos o por separado, y quién vino con los niños si no estaban juntos.

Por supuesto, ese es un punto súper importante dado lo que ha pasado en las últimas 48 horas.

Como informamos, Sophie demandó a Joe en un tribunal federal el jueves alegando que él no le permitía llevarse a sus hijas a vivir a Europa, un plan que ella dice, estaba en marcha desde hace mucho tiempo. Más aún, Sophie afirmó que Joe le había escondido los pasaportes de las niñas, haciendo todo más difícil.

Fuentes cercanas a Joe nos dicen que fue totalmente sorprendido por la demanda de Sophie.

En un comunicado de su equipo, dijeron que simplemente estaban siguiendo lo que ordenó un juez de Florida y es que los niños no pueden ser trasladados durante el proceso de divorcio. Joe dice que cuando las cosas se asienten y ellos pongan en marcha un plan, él va a hacer todo lo que sea necesario para resolver un plan para la custodia, incluso si las niñas viven en un país diferente.

Desde el almuerzo con Joe, Sophie ha estado por la ciudad con su aparentemente nueva amiga, Taylor Swift, con quien salió el martes y el jueves por la noche en la Gran Manzana.

Joe & Sophie Grabbed Lunch with Daughters Days Before Custody Lawsuit

Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner were seemingly in each other's good graces just days before she sued him over custody of their daughters ... grabbing lunch as one big happy family.

In photos taken Monday and obtained by TMZ, you see Joe, Sophie and their two girls all sitting together at Momofuku Noodle Bar Uptown in New York City. A witness tells us there were zero signs of drama between the two and everything seemed amicable.

What the witness didn't catch, however, was if the four all arrived together or separately ... and who came with the kids if they weren't together.

Of course, that's a super important point given what's unfolded with the couple in the last 48 hours.

As we reported, Sophie sued Joe in federal court Thursday claiming he wasn't allowing Sophie to take their daughters to live in Europe, a plan she says was in place for a long time. What's more, Sophie claimed Joe had hidden the kid's passports, making it more difficult.

Sources close to Joe tell us he was totally blindsided by Sophie's filing.

In a statement from Joe's team, we were told he was simply following what was ordered by a judge in Florida ... the kids can't be relocated during the divorce proceedings. Joe says when things do settle down and they put a plan in place he'll do whatever it takes to figure out a custody plan -- even if the kids live in a different country.

Since lunch with Joe, Sophie's been hitting the town with her seemingly newfound bestie, Taylor Swift ... hanging out both Tuesday and Thursday night in The Big Apple.

Jaime King & Kyle Newman Settle Acrimonious Divorce

Jaime King and Kyle Newman have finally settled their long and bitter divorce, TMZ has learned.

According to court docs, obtained by TMZ, the former couple signed off on the settlement Tuesday in L.A. Superior Court. Details have not been made public.

This is good news for Jaime and Kyle ... the two have been battling over child custody and spousal support since Jaime filed for divorce in May 2020.

Their legal fight got so ugly Kyle accused Jaime of being an alcoholic and opioid addict ... allegations she denied. Jamie, on the other hand, requested a restraining order to keep Kyle away from her and their kids. But, the judge ultimately ruled their 2 sons could continue to see their father.

Kyle has also accused the actress of failing to pay the base amount of child and spousal support. As we reported, Jaime became the breadwinner after Kyle put his writing and filmmaking career on hold to take care of the children during their 12-year marriage.

But, all that seems to be in the past, and both parties are now moving on.


Jaime King y Kyle Newman finalmente han resuelto su largo y amargo divorcio, TMZ ha indagado.

Según documentos judiciales obtenidos por TMZ, la ex pareja firmó el acuerdo el martes en el Tribunal Superior de Los Ángeles. Los detalles no se han hecho públicos.

Esta es una buena noticia para Jaime y Kyle, ambos han luchado por la custodia de los hijos y la manutención desde que Jaime solicitó el divorcio en mayo de 2020.

Su pelea legal se puso tan fea que Kyle acusó a Jaime de ser alcohólica y adicta a los opioides, acusaciones que ella negó. Jamie por su parte, solicitó una orden de alejamiento para mantener a Kyle alejado de ella y de sus hijos. Pero el juez finalmente dictaminó que sus 2 hijos podían seguir viendo a su padre.

Kyle también ha acusado a la actriz de no pagar la cantidad base de manutención de los hijos y el cónyuge. Como informamos, Jaime se convirtió en el sostén de la familia después de que Kyle pusiera en pausa su carrera como escritor y director de cine para cuidar de los niños durante su matrimonio de 12 años.

Todo eso parece haber quedado en el pasado y ambas partes siguen adelante.


Bam Margera's got an avenue to maintain a relationship with his son ... but it looks like the former "Jackass" star will have to settle for FaceTime calls with Phoenix, at least for now.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Bam's estranged wife Nikki is getting sole legal and physical custody of their 5-year-old boy for the time being, while Bam's being limited to FaceTime visits.

The judge's ruling came down Tuesday ... Nikki was physically in court and Bam appeared via video conference, a foreshadowing of his upcoming interactions with Phoenix.

Remember ... Bam was requesting joint legal and physical custody of Phoenix, asking for overnight stays with his son every other weekend and accusing Nikki of doing everything she can to keep the boy away from him.

For now, Bam's only being allowed to see Phoenix over FaceTime via 20-minute calls on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays, plus 30-minute calls on Sundays. Nikki's not allowed to monitor the calls.

Bam and Nikki are due back in court in a few months, so it seems this will be the status quo until then. As we reported, Bam was taken into custody Wednesday morning in a suburb just outside of Philly, being cited for public intoxication.

Sources told us officers saw him arguing loudly with a woman outside a hotel, and claimed he smelled like booze and was slurring his speech.

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Nikki's attorney, David Glass, tells us the court refused to institute drug and alcohol testing as a requirement for Bam's FaceTime visitations ... but he thinks Tuesday's incident backs up their "continuing claims that Mr. Margera's behavior is inconsistent, erratic, and his contact with the minor child needs to be monitored."

Bam Margera My Wife Won't Let Me See My Kid ... Sticking with Sober People to Keep Clean

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Bam Margera says his estranged wife Nikki is still blocking him from seeing their son, face-to-face -- even though he says he's committed to lifestyle changes to remain sober.

We got Bam Tuesday outside court in downtown L.A., where he said it's a terrible feeling to know his son Phoenix is a short drive away, yet he still can't see him ... and he insists he's far from being the violent guy Nikki's making him out to be.

The former "Jackass" star says his only goal right now is to see Phoenix again, but he says Nikki's only allowed him a couple of FaceTime calls.

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As for Bam's sobriety, he tells us Lamar Odom wanted to work on his addiction a bit differently from how rehab centers have handled Bam in the past, which is why he's out.

Instead, he says he's surrounding himself with sober people -- some of them coaches, and some just friends -- to keep him straight.

FYI, Bam and Nikki were in court to establish whether their marriage was even valid and to determine if CA is the right court to deal with the case.

Bam testified he was informed their 2013 wedding in Iceland wasn't legit because they weren't residents of that country. The judge hasn't ruled yet.


We also got Nikki after the hearing, and she was shocked where things have gone with Bam after more than a decade together. She added ... Bam's behavior's been "extremely scary," and she needs to see consistent change before changing her mind about visits with Phoenix.

NeNe Leakes I Reached Out To Kim Zolciak ... Divorce Ain't Easy!!!

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NeNe Leakes and Kim Zolciak were once sworn enemies, but the two have changed their tune ... now acting as a support system for each other during really tough times.

NeNe was out shopping on Rodeo Drive in Bev Hills and told us she'd recently reached out to her fellow "Real Housewives of Atlanta" star in the midst of her messy divorce with Kroy Biermann.

NeNe tells us while the two chatted, it's still hard to tell exactly how Kim's doing behind the scenes -- every divorce is hard, especially with kids involved.

Fans of the show know NeNe and Kim haven't always seen eye to eye, but NeNe tells us Kim reached out to her during one of her low points when her husband Gregg died in 2021, so it felt right to reciprocate the love.

We've broken a bunch of stories about the huge mess between Kim and Kroy ever since she filed for divorce in May. Since then, there's been a big fight over custody of their kids, with both sides waging war ... Kroy's asking for sole legal and physical.

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Kim called the police last month, -- claiming Kroy threatened to file a kidnapping report on a family friend who took their kid to a rodeo. Clearly, there's no sign of things easing up.

BTW, we didn't just talk Kim with NeNe ... asking if she'd ever consider a return to 'RHOA.' She, naturally, threw a little shade at the show's ratings before revealing one thing that MIGHT make her consider a return ... check out the clip to find out!

Kevin Costner My Estranged Wife's Using Plastic Surgery Expenses ... To Justify $248,000 in Child Support

Kevin Costner says his estranged wife is living in outer space thinking she's entitled to $248,000 a month in child support, because some of her alleged "expenses" include her own plastic surgery ... according to court docs filed by Kevin.

Kevin's forensic accountant says in the new divorce docs, the expenses Christine Baumgartner uses to justify a quarter-mil a month are outrageous. One of the expenses Christine lists includes more than $100,000 in cosmetic surgery -- her own. There's also thousands of dollars in boutique shopping, huge ATM withdrawals and other expenses Kevin's people say have nothing to do with child support.

A lot of what Christine lists as expenses are on credit card bills ... including her own attorney's fees.

And, Costner's accountant says there are one-time expenses that have nothing to do with child support, such as construction loans.

According to the docs, Kevin has been paying all the expenses for the kids, and will continue to do so. He says the reasonable amount -- the amount he is currently paying ... $51,940 a month.

As we reported, Christine has now agreed to leave the family house and get a place of her own by the end of August. His lawyer, Laura Wasser, will appear in court on July 5 to make sure Christine is ordered out by the end of August, if not before. At that hearing, we're told Christine will contest the validity of the prenup, and Wasser will argue it's rock solid.

We covered the messy divorce on a recent episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Kim Zolciak Family Friend Defends Her ... Blasts Kroy After Accusing Her Of Kidnapping Son

Kim Zolciak's family friend, who was accused by Kroy Biermann of kidnapping their son, is speaking out ... claiming Kroy's getting desperate in his attempt to keep custody of his kids.

Elise, who says she's the one who took 12-year-old KJ to the rodeo earlier this month, spoke out on Instagram Wednesday, denying the kidnapping claims from Kroy -- backing up the story Kim initially told the Alpharetta Police dispatcher.

Elise blasts Kroy, saying he's "desperately trying to control every move to ensure he gets full custody and child support so he falsely accused me of kidnapping KJ so he can appear as the only parent who takes the kids out."

She ends her post by asking for people to pray for Kim and her kids -- adding they'll need it to "navigate Kroy's narcissistic, controlling behavior."

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As we reported, in the 911 call audio, obtained by TMZ, Kim told the dispatcher she gave  KJ permission to go to the rodeo with his friend, with Elise chaperoning the outing. Sources told us Kroy doesn't trust Elise and had no idea Kim let their kid go with her.

What's more, sources said Kroy asked Elise over the phone to bring KJ back, but she allegedly hung up on him. Kim then told cops Kroy threatened to file kidnapping charges against her friend ... although our sources say he never filed.

We covered the drama on a recent episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Kroy Biermann Hit With Lawsuit For Unpaid Rolls-Royce Bills ... Amid Ugly Divorce With Kim Zolciak


8:05 AM PT -- Kroy's attorney, Marlys Bergstrom, tells TMZ, "Mr. Biermann never imagined that he would find himself in this position, having a car repossessed. But this is the fallout when folks find themselves spending way beyond their means. Kroy retired and no longer receives that NFL salary… I don’t think anyone told Kim."


Bergstrom continues, "When it comes to finances, Kim is detached from reality; every month Kroy has to scratch enough money together to pay the mortgage to save the home from going into foreclosure; they are getting collection notices and now, lawsuits on behalf of creditors. Kim continues to spend money on online gambling, wine, and things that are NOT necessities, but luxuries. Well, now they have one less luxury item."

Things just went from bad to worse for Kroy Biermann … not only is he embroiled in an acrimonious divorce with Kim Zolciak, but he’s now being sued for allegedly missing lease payments on a Rolls-Royce.

According to new court docs, obtained by TMZ, the ex-NFL linebacker hasn’t paid a dime in months to BMW Financial Services to lease the company's 2020 Rolls-Royce Cullinan.

The docs say BMW execs demanded Kroy return their $400,100 luxury SUV, but he thumbed his nose at them and kept it.

The suit also includes the purported lease agreement signed by both parties and goes into detail about Kroy's failures to make his monthly payments.

From July 2020 to July 2023 ... BMW claims Kroy was supposed to turn over $5,297.64 each month for 36 months, totaling $190,715.04.

But Kroy often came up short, the docs say ... and, more recently, he just didn't pay at all. BMW also points out Kroy's last payment was made all the way back in September 2022.

As a result, BMW is asking for a "writ of possession" in the suit ... translation: give us back our damn vehicle, Kroy!! They also want the money they've lost out on.

Meanwhile, Kroy has been battling his estranged wife, Kim Zolciak, in divorce court over their finances and custody of their 4 young kids. In legal docs, the 'Real Housewives of Atlanta' alum has accused Kroy of smoking too much weed ... and Kroy has called out Kim for her alleged gambling addiction.

We've reached out to Kroy's attorneys for comment about the lawsuit ... so far, no word back yet.

Originally Published -- 6:26 AM PT

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