'Real Housewife' Eva Marcille Baby Daddy Says ... Gimme More Time w/ Our Daughter!!!

'Real Housewives of Atlanta' star Eva Marcille's got some baby daddy drama on her hands ... he claims she's blocking his QT with their daughter, so he wants a judge's help.

Kevin McCall Jr.'s attorney -- Adamma Mckinnon -- filed legal docs, obtained by TMZ, claiming Eva's tried to alienate their daughter from him ever since she moved from Los Angeles to Georgia in October 2015.

According to docs, Kevin's requesting a change to their previous custody order, so they can share joint physical and legal custody of 5-year-old Marley Rae.

Kevin says it's in Marley's best interest for them to spend more time together and "foster a parental bond." Kevin also wants Marley to take his last name. Right now she's Marley Sterling -- the last name of Eva's current husband, Michael Sterling.

Nipsey Hussle Baby Mama Says ... I'm Not an Unfit Mother

Nipsey Hussle's baby mama is fighting his family that wants to keep custody of their daughter away from her, saying they're denying her a basic right -- contact with her flesh and blood.

Tanisha Foster says in legal docs, obtained by TMZ, she and Nipsey shared responsibility for parenting 10-year-old Emani.

She seems to be rebutting the family's contention she's not capable of caring for the child, saying they are ignoring the fact Nipsey provided for her ... setting her up in an apartment and providing for her livelihood. She's insinuating she's been cut off and that's not what Nipsey would want.

She also says, she's not the only person involved in the case with a "problem past," but she says she's choosing not to "sling mud." 

She says she can't pay rent, she's been cut off financially and is in desperate shape. Foster notes the lifestyle she and Emani were used to before Nipsey's death won't be the same ... but she is willing to make it work to the best of her ability. She's asking the judge to at least give her visitation rights.

Foster says, "If everyone was truly interested in doing what is best for Emani, they would treat me as her mother and not in the manner that they have.

Nipsey's family was awarded temporary custody of Emani, claiming Tanisha is an unfit mother.

Audrina Patridge My Ex Screwed Up Custody Deal ... Cops Have to Step in

Audrina Patridge is pissed her ex-husband, Corey Bohan, made a big blunder in their custody arrangement ... one that turned her holiday into a stress-filled day of panic about their daughter. 

As you might know by now, Audrina meets Corey at the Costa Mesa Police Department every time they exchange custody of their little girl, Kirra, but sources close to the ex-couple tell TMZ ... Corey totally blew off their planned exchange last week on the 4th of July. 

We're told Corey was supposed to hand over Kirra at 10 AM, but he never showed at the police station, and refused to answer Audrina's frantic calls and texts. 

Making matters worse for Audrina ... while she's wondering where her child is, an earthquake struck sending everyone into a panic. We're told Audrina was freaking out even more due to the added fear of not knowing where Corey was with Kirra. 

Law enforcement sources tell us ... police conducted a welfare check at Corey's house around 10:45 AM, and he was home with Kirra. We're told his interaction with cops was calm, but he told officers it was HIS day, not Audrina's to have their daughter.

They eventually ended up meeting at 7 PM for the custody exchange. Kirra was fine, but according to their custody agreement ... Corey screwed the pooch. He's supposed to return Kirra to Audrina every Thursday at 10 AM, and they alternate Independence Days. Audrina gets her on odd years ... like 2019.

Our sources say Audrina wants to file a contempt of court order against Corey. We reached out to her attorneys, but so far nothing's been filed.

Audrina and Corey have been divorced since 2017, and they've had many, many custody issues since then. 

Jenelle Evans' Ex Nathan Griffith She Won't Let Me See My Son ... So I'll Fight her in Court

Nathan Griffith

Jenelle Evans may have won the battle but her ex, Nathan Griffith, vows to win the war ... cause he's taking her to court again to regain primary custody of their 5-year-old son, Kaiser.

Nathan hopped on "TMZ Live" Tuesday and laid out his case on why Jenelle's an unfit parent and why Kaiser belongs with him. He's not happy Jenelle regained custody of their 5-year-old son, and to add insult to injury, he says she's being vindictive.

Nathan says Jenelle is trying to ruin his relationship with Kaiser by blocking his number ... meaning he can't communicate with his son by FaceTime or phone.

He says he wants way more than a phone call ... he wants primary custody, because of his special relationship with his kid.

As we reported ... Jenelle regained custody of Kaiser and her and David Eason's 2-year-old daughter, Ensley, after weeks of testimony in their custody trial. 

Jenelle Evans Reunites with Kids for Kaiser's bday ... Brings David Along Too

Jenelle Evans and her two of her baby daddies put their differences aside this weekend for the sake of their kids -- reuniting the whole gang for young Kaiser's birthday.

The ex-'Teen Mom' star and her hubby, David Eason, joined Nathan Griffin at his mother's house, where they threw Kaiser a 5th birthday party. Jenelle's mom, Barbara, brought 2-year-old Ensley (Jenelle and David's daughter) as well as 9-year-old Jace (Jenelle's other son from a previous relationship) to the shindig for a pool-themed bash.

According to reports, the party was an unsupervised visit on the part of Jenelle and David -- who temporarily lost custody of all their kids after David killed the family dog

It's unclear if getting together like this without a third party monitoring breaks the court ordered parameters of the troubled parents' time with their kids ... but it seems things went off without much drama, which is good considering David and Nate's rocky past.

Jenelle posted a bunch of photos of the party, and captioned it by writing ... "Can’t believe you are 5 already! You might be getting older but you’re still my baby." 


Jenelle and David were back in court last week, presumably to petition the judge to let them have the kids back in their custody ... but it also likely served as a chance to see them face-to-face. The couple has agreed to a number of conditions to get the children back.

Looks like they've chosen to override the court when it suits everyone involved. Congrats?

Kimora Lee Simmons Not Keeping Our Kid from Djimon ... He's Just Absent!!!

Kimora Lee Simmons isn't keeping her son with Djimon Hounsou away from him, and definitely didn't ruin his Father's Day either -- it's all his own doing ... at least that's what people close to her are claiming.

Sources closely tied to Kimora say Djimon's recent griping that he wasn't able to see his son, Kenzo, for the holiday -- and suggesting it was Kimora's fault -- is completely backward ... 'cause he had every opportunity to make plans, but simply didn't.

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You'll recall ... Djimon told a pap this week that he'd gotten screwed out of seeing -- let alone being able to talk to -- his son, and seemed to be pointing the finger at his baby mama.

We're told Sunday's missed opportunity to get together with the kid is just the latest in what we're told has become common in their relationship ... that Djimon allegedly doesn't go out of his way to make plans.

Our sources -- who are directly knowledgeable about this -- tell us Kimora has an open door policy when it comes to visitation. We're told she encourages the whole fam coming together as often as possible -- holidays, birthdays, etc. -- but Djimon hardly ever takes her up on it.

We've also been pointed to a lack of fresh Kenzo pics on Djimon's social media accounts, which seems to back up his Father's Day post. He put up a pic of him and Kenzo, but it appeared to be a throwback shot of the two of them together.

We're told the reason for that is simple ... Djimon doesn't hang out with him enough to post newer pics, which he has no one else to blame for but himself.

Our sources says Djimon doesn't seem himself lately, and that it's starting to play out in public.

Mama June Honey Boo Boo Won't Move Back 'Til Geno's Gone Gone Gone

Mama June may have moved back into her home, but that doesn't mean her famous daughter is following behind anytime soon ... quite the opposite, actually.

Sources close to Mama June's family tell TMZ ... 13-year-old Alana -- AKA Honey Boo Boo -- adamantly refuses to move back in with her troubled mother, as long as she's got her BF, Geno, hanging off her hip.

We're told Geno being in the picture is a straight-up nonstarter for Alana. She wants MJ to ditch Geno ... and get herself into rehab.

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There's grave reason for concern. TMZ broke the story ... Geno was so wasted behind the wheel a few days back, he crashed into Mama June's home and couldn't even walk. He collapsed on the ground and Mama June needed help from a neighbor to drag Geno inside.

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HBB begged her mom to straighten out her life a while back, tearfully pointing out that she's currently living with her older sister, Pumpkin ... and not by choice but by necessity. It's pretty obvious she wants to be with her mom, but not in a chaotic, unstable and dangerous environment.

And, there's this ... we're told if push comes to shove and nothing changes, Pumpkin will go to court and fight to gain custody of her little sister. Our sources say so far, June hasn't expressed interest in getting her daughter back.

Tough situation, for sure.

Djimon Hounsou Crappy Father's Day ... I Haven't Seen My Son in Forever

FIA Pictures

Djimon Hounsou had himself a rough Father's Day because it sounds like he didn't even get a chance to see his son ... whom he shares with Kimora Lee Simmons.

The actor was visiting an L.A. County building Monday -- where it looked like he was handling some biz -- when a photog asked how his Father's Day went. Djimon didn't mince words ... he says it would've been nice to have seen his and Kimora's kid, Kenzo, let alone a convo.

The camera guy asks point blank how long it's been since he's seen the boy? Djimon holds up a five, but doesn't get specific about time frames. He then says he can't even recall.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Oddly enough, Djimon posted a photo of him and Kenzo together on Sunday ... but it's unclear if it's just an old photograph he threw up for the holiday.

As Djimon walks back to his car, someone on the street asks about fighting for custody -- but he quickly makes it clear that he's not engaging in a custody battle with his baby mama.

Kimora and Djimon dated for 5 years between 2007 and 2012 -- they had one child together, who was born in 2009.

When the photog asked if Djimon had any message for Kimora herself ... he scoffs and closes the door in frustration. Something tells us trouble could be brewing here ...

Jenelle Evans' Ex Reached Out After His Spat with David ... She Wasn't Having It!!!

Jenelle Evans' 2nd baby daddy extended an olive branch to her 3rd baby daddy, David Eason, after the men got into a heated dispute outside court -- but they're nowhere near a peace treaty.

Sources connected to the exes tell TMZ ... Nathan Griffith actually reached out to Jenelle on Tuesday after she and David got pissed at him. You'll recall, they called him out for talking to our camera guy. David called Nathan a blabbermouth -- and flipped him off in the process.

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We're told Nathan wasn't happy with how things were left as they drove away -- he does share 4-year-old Kaiser with Jenelle -- so he shot her a text to clarify he wasn't trying to do damage by talking to the media, he was just chit-chatting.

Our sources say Jenelle didn't buy it, and thinks Nathan was looking for dirt on her and David's child custody case. BTW, Jenelle got into it with her own mom after Tuesday's court hearing too. Tough family day, for sure.

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Back to Nathan though ... we're told he thinks Jenelle and David need to drop their us versus the world attitude, and he told them so.

Seems like his advice is falling on deaf ears -- the Easons are still fighting to regain custody of their 3 children.

Jenelle Evans Nasty Exchange with Mom After Custody Hearing

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11:46 AM PT -- Jenelle and her mom, Barbara, just had a nasty little exchange outside the courthouse. Barbara insinuates the only reason Jenelle was hugging her daughter is for the cameras ... and Jenelle says Barbara -- who currently has custody of Ensley -- has blocked her number.

10:49 AM PT -- Jenelle just had an emotional moment with 2-year-old Ensley, hugging her daughter in the parking lot before Ensley left with Jenelle's mom, Barbara.

10:13 AM PT-- Jenelle and David just left court -- sans any of their kids -- we're told they were simply there to give the judge updates on their progress with parenting classes and couple's counseling.


Jenelle Evans and David Eason are back in court desperately trying to regain custody of their kids ... and at least one of the ex-'Teen Mom' star's kids was present.


Jenelle and David showed up together Tuesday to court in North Carolina in their ongoing Child Protective Services case ... but had nothing to say to our camera. As you know ... the troubled couple has been making court visits almost weekly since David shot and killed the family's dog.

Not long after Jenelle and David arrived, Jenelle's ex, Nathan Griffith, showed up with their 4-year-old son, Kaiser. It's unclear if any of Jenelle's other kids -- including 9-year-old Jace and 2-year-old Ensley -- made it to court.

As we first reported ... Jenelle and David enrolled in couples therapy in an attempt to get their kids back. David will also undergo a psych evaluation to determine what is at the core of his anger issues.

All of Jenelle's kids were removed after a judge decided there were serious issues with the couple that put the children at risk.

Originally Published -- 7:23 AM PT

Jenelle Evans & David Eason We're Going To Therapy ... To Get Our Kids Back

Jenelle Evans and David Eason are turning over a new leaf ... and doing everything they can to make sure they regain custody of her children.

Sources close to Jenelle and David tell TMZ ... since losing custody of all 3 kids Tuesday, the couple has enrolled in marriage counseling, signed up for parenting classes and David's got an upcoming psych evaluation to find the root of his anger issues ... all conditions set by the judge if they hope to get the kids back.

It's all part of the plan to prove Jenelle and David are willing to do whatever it takes to get 9-year-old Jace, 4-year-old Kaiser and 2-year-old Ensley living under the same roof once again.

Jenelle has no plans to dump David, even though his brutal killing of the family dog put the wheels in motion for CPS to take the kids out of their home. We're told Jenelle and David are still committed to each other, and they want to emerge from this extremely rough patch as a family.


As you know ... MTV booted Jenelle from its "Teen Mom" franchise after her husband shot and killed her French bulldog, Nugget because it nipped at Ensley.

We're told Jenelle's firing has really lit a fire inside her ... and she's getting back to work on her new makeup line, which is targeting an August launch. With no kids in the house, she's got a lot more time on her hands.

Bottom line for Jenelle and David ... there's a lot standing between them and her kids, but they're determined to get the family back together.

Jenelle Evans & David Eason Lose Custody of Their 3 Kids ... At Least For Now

Jenelle Evans and David Eason suffered a major court defeat Tuesday, when a judge ruled they will not regain custody of their 3 children ... and they will have virtually no face-to-face contact for the time being.

After 4 days of explosive testimony, in which Jenelle, David, Kaiser's dad Nathan Griffith and others testified about problems in the home, the judge decided there were serious issues with Jenelle and David that put the children at risk.

The trigger for the hearing was David killing the family dog earlier this month. As we reported, Child Protective Services ordered 4-year-old Kaiser to stay with Nathan, 9-year-old Jace with his grandma, Barbara, and 2-year-old Ensley also with Barbara.

Sources connected to the case tell TMZ, for the time being, Jenelle and David can see their kids only once a week for an hour with supervision.

As one source put it, "It's all David's fault."

Another source says the judge laid out a number of steps Jenelle and David must take in order to regain custody, including parenting classes, counseling and weekly drug testing.

And yet, another source told us Kaiser was "extremely fearful" of going back to the family house and claimed he was mistreated by David. His concerns were brought up in court and we're told affected the judge's decision.

As for Jenelle, one source says she was "stunned" by the ruling and believed she would walk out of court Tuesday with her kids. Instead, she walked out with David.

Nipsey Hussle Sister Keeps Custody of Daughter ... Baby Mama Pissed

Nipsey Hussle's daughter, Emani, will not go back to her mother ... and the mother is livid.

Tanisha Foster was in court Monday, trying to regain custody of her 10-year-old girl. Emani has been living with Nispey's sister, Samantha, since his death last March.

Nipsey's family was in court and squared off with Tanisha, whom they believe is not fit to care for Emani. The hearing was sealed ... but there's another date scheduled in July.

Tanisha's lawyer, Larry Lewellyn, tells TMZ he's working with Nipsey's family on a visitation schedule that will be in Emani's best interest.

As for Tanisha ... she left the courtroom crying and told us she's "pissed off."


We broke the story ... Samantha believes Emani's biological mother is unfit to care for the 10-year-old, and Samantha played a crucial role in helping raise her when Nipsey was alive. Samantha wrote in her petition that she wants to "ensure the continued stability for Emani and ensure that she will be able to maintain her current and ongoing relationship" with her fam.

Emani's mother, Tanisha, broke down crying in court last week, saying she hadn't seen her daughter in months. At the time, the judge gave them about 20 minutes alone together.

Still ... Nipsey's sister might have a strong case in asking for guardianship. Tanisha has a warrant out for her arrest right now, relating to an unsettled DUI case in 2017. She's also got a lengthy rap sheet filled with arrests dating back to 2006 and 2007.

Nipsey has another child with Lauren London -- a son named Kross -- but he's obviously staying with his mom. No issues there.

Blac Chyna Makes Up with Her Ma, Tokyo Toni ... Blood IS Thicker Than Water!!!


Blac Chyna and her mother are tight again -- and their reunion in Atlanta was heartfelt and touching, to say the least.

BC gave her mom, Tokyo Toni, a big hug Saturday night at the Sparkles Skating Ring, where it appears Chyna was throwing some kind of event. Check out their embrace on the red carpet -- you can tell Chyna is genuinely surprised to see Toni there ... but ecstatic too.

They even kept the love fest going once inside, with Chyna posting a video of them hugging it out on a felted bench.

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When we asked Toni what message she had for Chyna in light of their reconciliation, she told a thing or two about family ... and how that bond always trumps everything else.


You'll recall ... Toni criticized Blac Chyna's parenting a few months ago with regards to how she was raising Dream, saying Rob Kardashian should get full custody until Chyna got it together. Chyna fired back, basically telling her ma to mind her own damn business.

Rob and Chyna settled their custody battle soon after that though, and everything seems to have been pretty smooth in Chyna's life since. Well, kinda ... still a couple bumps here and there.

But, as far she and her mama bear go, they're two peas in a pod now, it seems.

'Teen Mom' Star Kailyn Lowry We'll Be Fine Without Jenelle But Ratings Will Miss Her


Jenelle Evans was a huge draw for the 'Teen Mom' series, but the show can go without her and do just as well -- so says JE's former costar, Kailyn Lowry.

We got Kailyn at the Crosby Street Hotel Saturday in NYC, where she was hanging out with another reality TV star, Lindsie Chrisley. Our camera guy asked if Kailyn thought Jenelle being fired from 'Teen Mom' would hurt or help the show all things considered.

Check out Kailyn's answer -- she acknowledges Jenelle's value as a cast member, but also seems to be taking a slight shot by saying she was dragging the show's reputation down and that replacing her was the right move.

Lindsie chimes in on that sentiment too, saying there's a major difference between day-to-day drama that'd play well for TV ... and real-life criminal activity, which she seems to insinuate David Eason is guilty of by killing the family dog.


The aftermath of that decision has been devastating for Jenelle and her family -- not only was she booted from the show, but her kids have been removed from her custody under a judge's order.

She and David were just in court Thursday to fight to get the kids back, but it doesn't appear they've been returned at this point.

As to the idea of Kailyn herself assuming guardianship over Jenelle and David's 2-year-old daughter, Ensley ... well, she's got some thoughts on that too.

Jenelle Evans & David Eason Daughter Ensley Removed from House

11:36 AM PT -- A family source tells us Ensley is "out of the house."

Jenelle Evans and David Eason's 2-year-old daughter, Ensley, is at risk ... at least that's how a North Carolina judge sees it, and has now taken action in the wake of David killing the family dog.

Law enforcement sources tell us the Dept. of Social Services -- which includes CPS -- served a judge's order Tuesday directed at Jenelle and David.

As we reported, CPS was in the process of removing Ensley from the family home -- and she might be gone already, but we haven't been able to confirm that.

This follows the stay-away orders imposed on two of Jenelle's other kids, 9-year-old Jace and 4-year-old Kaiser. Jace is currently with Jenelle's mom, Barbara ... while Kaiser is with his father's family.

CPS has had its concerns about all of the children ever since learning David brutally killed their dog when it nipped the little girl a couple of weeks ago.

There were delays in getting the children, though, because the agencies were afraid to go on Jenelle and David's property due to David's violent history.

Originally Published -- 11:10 AM PT

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