LA HERMANA DE HAILEY BIEBER es detenida en un bar Supuestamente se peleó y tiró un tampón

La hermana de Hailey Bieber, Alaia Baldwin Aronow, fue arrestada en Georgia a principios de esta semana. La policía afirma que fue parte de una pelea salvaje en un bar donde, entre otras cosas, se lanzaron tampones.

La influencer fue arrestada el sábado por la noche en Savannah, Georgia, después de que el propietario de un bar llamado Club Elan llamara al 911 para informar de un cliente revoltoso que, según él, estaba atacando a su personal y se negaba a abandonar el establecimiento. Resulta que la policía dice que esa persona era Alaia.

De acuerdo con el informe de la policía obtenido por TMZ, cuando los oficiales llegaron, se reunieron con dos tipos diferentes y uno de los camareros y todos tenían una historia similar.

Le dijeron al policía que Alaia había entrado en un baño solo para empleados, y cuando le dijeron que no podía estar allí y tuvo que usar el baño público, supuestamente comenzó a dar problemas, y finalmente la han acusadado de agredir a tres empleados.

Un guardia de seguridad afirma que ella le arrancó el pelo de la cabeza cuando trató de forcejear con ella, y otro guardia alega que ella le dio una patada en la ingle cuando trató de hacer lo mismo.

Una camarera le dijo a la policía que ella misma entró en el baño de empleados -tratando de mostrar discreción por Alaia al parecer- y afirma que le dijeron que Alaia necesitaba un minuto para vomitar y cambiarse el tampón. La empleada dice que esperó un rato y cuando volvió a entrar de nuevo, ella afirma que Alaia le lanzó un tampón.

Finalmente, el personal de seguridad dice que fueron capaces de conseguir un asimiento de ella y sacarla del edificio y el oficial que responde dice que cuando le preguntó a Alaia sobre todo esto, ella afirmó que se estaba defendiendo y que todo el asunto fue sacado de proporción.

Al final, fue detenida por varios cargos: agresión simple, agresión simple, agresión y allanamiento de morada. También posó para esta foto en la cárcel.

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Hemos contactado a Alaia, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.



Jenelle Evans está compartiendo detalles del intento de robo en su casa de Carolina del Norte, y la historia que cuenta es absolutamente horrible, dejando claro que tiene suerte de estar viva.

La ex estrella de "Teen Mom" apareció en TikTok el jueves para profundizar en lo que experimentó el pasado fin de semana y dice que todo esto se desarrolló durante la noche mientras estaba en casa con su hijo de 14 años de edad, Jace.

Jenelle dice que este tipo -al que ella nunca había visto antes- apareció de repente en su propiedad e intento de entrar a la casa.

Procedieron a esconderse y llamar al 911, todo mientras este hombre no identificado trataba de abrir su puerta corrediza de cristal, lo cual fue impedido por un palo de bloqueo desde el suelo.

Jenelle dice que tenía un arma con ella, pero no quería usarla si no era necesario, no quería poner a su hijo en riesgo. Al final, dice que el tipo se detuvo cuando se dio cuenta de que ella estaba con su hijo adolescente y se disculpó.

Ella dice que él le dijo que estaba en la casa equivocada, pero Jenelle dice que es mentira, diciendo que vive en el campo en una propiedad de 10 acres y sospecha que estaba allí para hacerle daño.

Jenelle también dice que tiene este tipo en la cámara, y está trabajando con la policía, ya que investigar. Ella dice que va a publicar este material pronto con la esperanza de que la gente en línea puede ayudar a localizarlo.

La única cosa que no aclaró, ¿dónde estaba su marido, David Eason? No se sabe nada al respecto.

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La policía dice que la llamada entró como un intento de robo y el sospechoso fue descrito como un hombre hispano. Por ahora, no hay nuevas actualizaciones en el caso.

'Teen Mom' Jenelle Evans Details Attempted Break-In at Home Says She Had Gun with Her


Jenelle Evans is getting into the details of the attempted break-in at her North Carolina home -- and the story she tells is absolutely horrific ... making clear, she's lucky to be alive.

The former "Teen Mom" star hopped on TikTok Thursday to get into what she experienced last weekend -- and she says this all unfolded in the middle of the night while she was at home with her 14-year-old son, Jace.

Jenelle says this random guy -- who she says she's never seen before, and who was not her husband -- was all of a sudden on her property and attempting to get into the house.

She goes on to describe her waking up Jace, huddling together and calling 911 ... all while this unidentified man tried yanking her sliding glass door open, which she says was only prevented by a stick blocking it from the floor.

Jenelle does say she had a gun with her ... but notes, she didn't want to use it if she didn't have to -- not wanting to put her boy through that type of trauma. In the end, she says the guy only stopped once he realized she was with her teenage kid, and he apologized.

She says he told her he was at the wrong house -- but Jenelle calls BS, saying she lives out in the country on a 10-acre property ... and she suspects he was there to do her harm.

Jenelle also says she's got this guy on camera, and is working with cops as they investigate. She says she'll post this footage soon in hopes that people online can help track him down.

The one thing she didn't clarify ... where was her hubby, David Eason? No word on that.

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Cops have since told TMZ ... the call came in as an attempted break-in, and the suspect was described as a Hispanic male. For now, there are no new updates in the case.

ECU Gunman Exchanges Gunfire w/ Cops on Video ... Allegedly Shot Employee


Police in North Carolina have taken a man into custody after he allegedly shot a college employee ... and their confrontation with the suspect was all caught on video.

Greenville police officers said the alleged gunman -- identified as 38-year-old Savell Hightower -- was taken into custody after they say he shot an East Carolina University employee outside a local elementary school in what they're currently calling an unprovoked attack.

Police say the alleged victim encountered a man on a bike before that man apparently fired at him at least five times. The 27-year-old ECU employee sustained non-life-threatening injuries.

Fast-forward a bit ... and cop cars flying down the street apparently drew the attention of a local citizen who started to film through his windows as a man calmly rode by the house on a bike.

It appears he caught the moment two police cars pulled up with officers hopping out, guns drawn and pointed at the man on the bike. It looks like the cops open fire though it's unclear from the video if the man is firing back -- though police say he did fire at officers.

Somehow, the suspect was reportedly uninjured, and cops say they managed to get him into custody without further incident.

Hightower is reportedly booked on multiple charges, including attempted murder counts, assault with a deadly weapon, and possession of a stolen firearm.

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Seems like everyone's gonna be just fine from this encounter ... but, certainly a scary situation to say the least.

Diddy Sexual Assault Accuser Can't Remain Anonymous

The woman suing Diddy for an alleged sexual assault she claims happened when she was in high school has to reveal her identity ... the judge just ruled she can't keep her identity under wraps as a Jane Doe if the case moves forward.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Diddy's accuser can no longer remain anonymous if her case against Diddy survives his attempt to get it dismissed.

The judge in the case denied the woman's motion to proceed anonymously ... but her identity will remain a secret at least until after the court decides whether to dismiss the case.

Diddy is trying to get the lawsuit against him tossed, and Thursday's ruling means if Diddy loses his motion to dismiss the case, the proceedings will move forward with the accuser's real name on the documents.

As we reported ... this Jane Doe filed suit against Diddy back in December 2023, claiming she was only 17 years old when Diddy and others sex trafficked and gang raped her. The woman alleges this all occurred way back in 2003 ... and she was among many people who came forward with old accusations against stars in NY late last year.

Diddy and his co-defendants argued they would suffer prejudice if the accuser got to remain anonymous while their identities were widely reported ... and it looks like they were able to convince the judge.

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Mind you ... this is just one of several lawsuits Diddy's dealing with. He's denied all the allegations levied against him in every single legal complaint.

DIDDY LA DENUNCIANTE DE AGRESIÓN SEXUAL No puede permanecer en el anonimato

La mujer que está demandando a Diddy por una supuesta agresión sexual que afirma ocurrió cuando ella estaba en la escuela secundaria, tiene que revelar su identidad. El juez acaba de dictaminar que no puede mantener su identidad en secreto -como Jane Doe- si el caso sigue adelante.

Según los nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, la acusadora de Diddy ya no puede permanecer en el anonimato si su caso contra Diddy sobrevive a su intento de conseguir que sea desestimado.

El juez del caso denegó la moción de la mujer para proceder de forma anónima, pero su identidad permanecerá en secreto al menos hasta después de que el tribunal decida si desestima el caso.

Diddy está tratando de deshacerse de la demanda en su contra y el fallo del jueves significa que si Diddy pierde su moción para desestimar el caso, el procedimiento seguirá adelante con el nombre real de la acusadora en los documentos.

Como ya informamos, Jane Doe presentó una demanda contra Diddy en diciembre, alegando que solo tenía 17 años cuando Diddy y otros traficaron sexualmente con ella y la violaron en grupo.

Diddy y sus co-acusados argumentaron que sufrirían de perjuicio si la denunciante permanece en el anonimato, mientras que sus identidades fueron ampliamente reportadas y parece que fueron capaces de convencer al juez.

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Eso sí, esta es solo una de varias demandas contra Diddy. Él ha negado todas las acusaciones y cada una de las demandas legales.

The TMZ Podcast: Kristin Cavallari Goes Public w/ New Model BF 🔥 & Bianca Censori Shows Bare Vagina at Paris Fashion Week 😳

On this episode of The TMZ podcast ...

Bianca Censori is once again turning heads with her most revealing outfit to date ... going without underwear and showing her bare vagina during Paris Fashion Week! 🫣

Kristin Cavallari has a new, much younger man in her life, going Instagram official with 24-year-old Mark Estes.

Adele is dealing with an unknown illness that caused her to postpone her next five weekends of her Vegas residency.

Plus, a truck from Kourtney Kardashian's health supplement brand, 'Lemme', was stolen with $4 million worth of product inside, and the thieves left a ransom note.

Subscribe to The TMZ Podcast wherever you get your podcasts!  

Hosts: Charlie Cotton & Katie Hayes


Diddy's latest accuser is being questioned on several key things after filing a lawsuit full of heavy allegations of sexual misconduct ... but his attorney has all the answers.

Rodney Jones' attorney, Tyrone Blackburn, is firing back after people started questioning his client's claims ... with the first being Rodney's allegation that Diddy forced him to watch a video involving Stevie J having sex with another man.

Remember, Stevie J told us earlier today that all the allegations concerning him were totally bogus -- and an adult film star Knockout has since come forward and said he's the man in the now-viral pic from the supposed sex tape and not SJ. So ... what gives, right?

Tyrone tells TMZ the video in question was allegedly provided to Rodney by Diddy himself, and we're told Rodney's sticking to his story that Diddy told him it was Stevie J -- that's what he's alleging anyway.

In terms of who it actually is ... Tyrone says his client only knew what was allegedly relayed to him when it first fell into his lap during his time with Diddy.

Tyrone also offers an explanation over another question that's been raised -- namely, why Rodney made no mention of sexual assault in his GoFundMe page a few weeks before the lawsuit was filed Monday ... where he literally tried to raise funds in an attempt sue Diddy after claiming he screwed out of royalties and publishing rights on Diddy's latest album.

Tyrone tells us, "Victims of sexual assault respond to their trauma in very different ways. There is no uniformity in response to sexual trauma."

He adds ... "Mr. Jones is a father and Christian. He was willing to sacrifice his rights concerning his assault, in an effort to protect his dignity and the dignity of his family. Mr. Combs was made aware of Mr. Jones' claim for assault from the moment Mr. Jones made his intentions to sue clear."

Tyrone explains the main reason Rodney started the GFM was to pay his previous attorney ... who was hired to assist with collecting the publishing and royalties money. Since then, his claims against Diddy have obviously expanded in scope ... and now Tyrone's involved.

Lastly ... Tyrone also addresses speculation that Rodney isn't the man with Cuba Gooding Jr. in a snap that was included in the complaint as purported evidence -- where the actor is allegedly seen cozying up with another dude, which the suit says is Rodney.

Tyrone's straight-up dismissing the conjecture that it ain't Rodney ... 'cause he says it 100% is. He actually claims they've got the video proof to back up their claims here.


Despite some holes people have tried poking in Rodney's narrative -- his attorney is remaining steadfast ... and insisting his client is telling the truth.

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Of course ... Diddy has vehemently denied all of Rodney's allegations.


Kourtney Kardashian y su marca de suplementos de salud Lemme, experimentaron un robo muy extraño la semana pasada. Alguien lo robó, ¡y dejó una nota de rescate!

Fuentes directas le dicen a TMZ que un camión que Kourtney usa para enviar productos de su marca Lemme, fue robado de las instalaciones este fin de semana pasado en el Valle de San Fernando.

Nos dicen que esto sucedió en las instalaciones logísticas que Kourtney y su equipo utilizan para los productos Lemme, y este camión contenía más de $4 millones de dólares en Lemme Burn, uno de sus productos más vendidos en la línea Lemme.

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que un individuo (o individuos) parecen haber hackeado el sistema de la instalación y se abrió camino en la propiedad con documentación e identificación falsa y nos dicen que, literalmente, condujo fuera del lote impune.

Aquí está la parte más loca, nuestras fuentes dicen que una nota de rescate fue enviada digitalmente por este grupo y exigió un pago a cambio de la mercancía de Kourtney.

Nos dicen que un gran informe de robo con la aplicación de la ley se presentó sobre esto y la policía está investigando.

Un representante Lemme nos dice: "Nuestro equipo está trabajando en estrecha colaboración con las fuerzas del orden para investigar el robo. Mientras tanto, estamos implementando planes de contingencia para minimizar cualquier impacto a nuestros clientes y socios minoristas".

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Si suena como algo sacado de una película, bienvenido a Los Ángeles.

Kourtney Kardashian Lemme Truck Stolen at Facility ... Ransom Note Left Behind!!!

Kourtney Kardashian and her partners at her buzzy health supplement brand Lemme experienced a crazy heist last week -- 'cause someone jacked their s*** ... and left a ransom note!

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... a truck stationed at a facility that Kourtney and co. are using to ship out product for her Lemme brand was stolen from the premises of the warehouse it was at this past weekend, out in the San Fernando Valley here in SoCal.

We're told this happened at the logistics facility Kourtney and her team use for Lemme products -- and this truck that was taken contained upwards of $4 million worth of Lemme Burn ... one of her top-selling products in the Lemme lineup.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

In terms of how exactly this happened ... our sources tell us an individual (or individuals) appear to have hacked the facility's system and made their way onto the property with false paperwork and identification ... and we're told they literally drove off the lot scot-free.

Here's the craziest part ... our sources say a ransom note was digitally sent by this group, and it demanded payment to get all these pricey capsules back in Kourtney's possession.

We're told a grand theft report with law enforcement was filed over this ... and cops are now investigating.

A Lemme rep tells us ... "Our team is working closely with law enforcement agencies to investigate the theft. In the meantime, we are implementing contingency plans to minimize any impact to our customers and retail partners."

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If it sounds like something straight out of a movie ... welp, welcome to Los Angeles.

Andy Reid Honors K.C. Shooting Victim Lisa Lopez-Galvan ... 'Very Good Human Being'


Chiefs head coach Andy Reid gave a brief eulogy for the woman who lost her life in the Kansas City parade shooting on Tuesday ... praising Lisa Lopez-Galvan as someone who had a positive impact on so many people.

The three-time Super Bowl-winning coach met with the media at the NFL Combine in Indianapolis minutes ago ... but before he started talking football, he wanted to address the tragedy that resulted in the local DJ's death -- and injuries to 22 others.

"I want to share my condolences for the Galvan and Lopez family for their loss of Lisa, and for the people of Kansas City," Reid told reporters.

"She was a personality there, and a very good human being, first of all. We'll all miss her, as I know her family will."

Reid said the shooting is not what Kansas City stands for as a whole ... and he called on the next generation to take action and be a part of the solution.

"You're our future," he added, "and as great as we can make this place, we want to do that. So we can turn this, which was a negative, into a real positive. With just a little togetherness and love we can fix a lot of problems."

As we previously reported, the Chiefs launched a fundraiser for those affected by the incident ... with Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce and Patrick and Brittany Mahomes donating to the cause.

Harrison Butker -- whose jersey Lopez-Galvan was wearing at the celebration -- also donated one of his own tops to the family for her funeral services.

Two men -- Lyndell Mays and Dominic Miller -- currently face charges for their involvement in the shooting.

'Teen Mom' Jenelle Evans Man Tried To Break Into My House ... We're Safe, But Shaken Up

Scary moment at home for Jenelle Evans ... cops say was the victim of an attempted break-in at her place in North Carolina this past weekend, and she tells us her family is rattled.

Jenelle, through her manager August Keen, tells TMZ … "With everything going on already this couldn't have happened at a worse time. Me and my children are safe, but a bit shaken up, the local community and police department are doing everything to ensure the capture of this person"

She adds, "I'll soon be exposing the details of what exactly happened that night. For now, we ask for prayers and privacy until me and my family recover from this terrifying experience. Thank you to everyone who is helping us to catch this perpetrator."

The attempted break-in comes only days after Jenelle regained custody of her 14-year-old son, Jace -- who's been at the center of a lot of drama in her family life lately.

At this point, police in North Carolina have confirmed to TMZ there was an attempted breaking and entering at Jenelle's place.

The Columbus County Sheriff’s Office tells us … on Sunday, a deputy responded to Jenelle's home for a call about a breaking and entering, but when they got there the suspect had fled the property.

Cops say an unidentified man attempted to force his way into Jenelle's home from the back of the residence, and when he was unable to get inside he went into her garage and began throwing her personal items into the yard.

The Sheriff's Office says when the deputy arrived, no items appeared to be missing ... though the lock on the back door where the man tried to enter the home was damaged.

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In case it wasn't clear, Jenelle was home during this terrifying incident. We're told an investigation is ongoing.


El juicio de Alec Baldwin por el tiroteo de "Rust" ha sido programado, y va a ser antes de lo esperado. Resulta que se ha fijado una fecha para mediados del verano, y se prolongará durante una semana o más.

Los procedimientos judiciales para el juicio por homicidio involuntario del actor están programados para comenzar con la selección del jurado, la cual comenzará el 9 de julio. Después de eso, el juicio comienza al día siguiente -el 10 de julio- y las autoridades de Nuevo México dicen que va a estar en el banquillo durante los siguientes 9 días.

Se espera que el juicio se extienda por lo menos hasta el 19 de julio. Alec va a pasar una buena parte del verano allí en Santa Fe mientras los fiscales tratan de demostrar, más allá de toda duda razonable, que es legalmente responsable de la muerte de Halyna Hutchins. Alec se ha declarado formalmente inocente.

Va a haber un montón de mociones previas al juicio durante los meses previos a la fecha del mismo y mejor creer que Alec y sus abogados están preparando su mejor defensa.

NBC News

A propósito, la armera del set de la película también está actualmente en juicio y está siendo procesada por cargos de homicidio involuntario. Queda por ver cómo va a terminar todo este asunto.

Como hemos informado, esta es la segunda vez que Alec ha sido acusado de homicidio involuntario por el Estado, la primera vez terminaron retirando los cargos, pero los últimos meses se han desenterrado más pruebas que intentan probar que se trata de un crimen.

Un gran jurado dictó otra acusación en su contra a principios de este año, una decisión que muchos esperaban sobre la base de la forma en que los funcionarios estaban hablando sobre el caso en los últimos tiempos.

Alec ha insistido durante mucho tiempo que no tenía ni idea de que había una carga real en el arma que utilizó durante el ensayo y también ha dicho claramente que encargarse de la seguridad no era su responsabilidad.

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Vamos a ver qué pruebas tienen los fiscales para hacer su caso... esto se ha prolongado durante mucho tiempo.

Alec Baldwin 'Rust' Trial Date Set for Summer ... Expected to Last 9 Days

Alec Baldwin's trial for the "Rust" shooting has been calendared -- and it's coming sooner than he might've expected ... a date's been set for mid-summer, and it'll go for a week-plus.

Court proceedings for the actor's manslaughter trial are scheduled to begin with jury selection, which will start on July 9. After that ... the trial kicks off the next day on July 10, and New Mexico officials say he'll be in the hot seat for the following 9 days.

The trial is expected to run through at least July 19 ... and that doesn't seem to factor deliberations afterward. All in all, Alec will be spending a good portion of his summer there in Santa Fe as prosecutors attempt to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that he was legally responsible for the death of Halyna Hutchins -- which Alec has pled not guilty to, formally.

There's gonna be a bunch of pretrial motions that'll be heard in the months ahead of the trial date -- and best believe Alec and his lawyers will be preparing their best defense.

NBC News

Mind you, the on-set armorer for the doomed film is currently on trial herself -- and she, too, is being prosecuted on manslaughter charges. It remains to be seen how that'll shake out.

As we reported ... this is the 2nd time AB has been accused of manslaughter by the state -- the first time around, they ended up dropping the charges ... but in the months since, they've dug up more evidence that they believe implicates him in a crime and went after him anew.

A grand jury handed down another indictment against him earlier this year ... a decision that many were expecting based on the way officials were talking about the case of late.

Alec has long insisted ... he had no idea there was a live round in the gun he used during a rehearsal, and he's also said clearly -- making sure it was safe wasn't his responsibility.

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We'll see what evidence prosecutors have to make their case ... this thing's been dragging on for a long while now.

Danny Masterson Prison Transfer Not Due To Safety Concerns

Danny Masterson is settling into his third prison in two months ... and TMZ has learned why he's been on the move so much.

Despite reports claiming concerns for Danny's "well-being" were behind his recent transfer from one of California's worst prisons to a more humane facility, we're told that's not quite the reason for the move.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... there was no attack on Danny at Corcoran State Prison, nor were there any credible threats against the ex-"That '70s Show" star. There've been a lot of rumors/speculation that something might've happened to him -- but it's all BS.

As we reported ... Danny started the year at North Kern State Prison, a medium security detention facility in Delano, before being transferred at the end of January to the maximum security CSP, the same penitentiary that once housed the late Charles Manson.

After a couple weeks at Corcoran, Danny was transferred to the California Men's Colony in San Luis Obispo, a medium to minimum-security prison.

Like we said ... all the shuffling around he's been doing between different prisons lately had some folks wondering why Masterson was being moved around ... and now we know.

As it turns out ... we're told North Kern is just a reception center where inmates are processed into the California prison system ... so it's literally a starting point, and wasn't ever going to be his permanent facility.

Our sources tell us Masterson had a primary prison and a secondary prison designating where he would be sent after being processed at North Kern ... the primary prison was California Men's Colony, and the secondary was Corcoran.

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But, when it was time for Masterson to leave North Kern, we're told there was no space for him at CMC ... so he was sent to the backup option -- the infamous CSP. Unclear if these were prisons Masterson himself chose, or if it's just where officials put him down on paper.

His latest move was explained to us this way -- after a couple months at maximum-security Corcoran, we're told there was an opening at California Men's Colony ... so the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation sent Masterson there, since that's where he was supposed to be all along.

So there you have it -- he's been getting moved around because of logistics ... not for any other reason.

Now, Danny's got some cushier digs as he serves his 30-year prison sentence for his 2023 Los Angeles conviction. Safe to say, the Men's Colony is way nicer than Corcoran.

DANNY MASTERSON EL TRASLADO DE PRISIÓN No se debe a motivos de seguridad

Danny Masterson se está instalando en su tercera prisión en dos meses y TMZ ha descubierto por qué ha estado en tanto movimiento.

A pesar de los informes que afirman que las preocupaciones por el "bienestar" de Danny estaban detrás de su reciente traslado de una de las peores prisiones de California a una instalación más humana, nos dicen que no es exactamente la razón de la mudanza.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que no hubo ningún ataque a Danny en Corcoran State Prison, ni hubo amenazas creíbles contra el ex-"That '70s Show". Ha habido un montón de rumores y especulaciones de que algo podría haberle sucedido, pero todo es mentira.

Como informamos, Danny comenzó el año en North Kern State Prison, un centro de detención de seguridad media en Delano, antes de ser trasladado a finales de enero a la prisión de máxima seguridad CSP, la misma penitenciaría que una vez albergó al difunto Charles Manson.

Después de un par de semanas en Corcoran, Danny fue trasladado a la Colonia de Hombres de California en San Luis Obispo, una prisión de mediana a mínima seguridad.

Esto generó mucha especulación.

Nos aclaran que North Kern es solo un centro de recepción donde los reclusos son procesados en el sistema penitenciario de California, por lo que es, literalmente, un punto de partida, y nunca iba a ser su instalación permanente.

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen Masterson tenía una prisión primaria y una prisión secundaria a designar donde sería enviado después de ser procesado en el Norte de Kern, la prisión primaria fue la Colonia de Hombres de California y la secundaria fue Corcoran.

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Pero, cuando llego el momento de que Masterson dejara North Kern, no había espacio para él en CMC, por lo que fue enviado a la segunda opción, el infame CSP. No está claro si se trata de prisiones que el mismo Masterson eligió, o si eso está en manos de los funcionarios.

Su último movimiento fue explicado a nosotros de esta manera, después de un par de meses en la prisión de máxima seguridad Corcoran, nos dicen que había un vacante en la Colonia de Hombres de California, por lo que el Departamento de Correcciones y Rehabilitación de California envió a Masterson allí, ya que es donde se suponía que debía estar desde le principio.

Así que ahí lo tienen, ha sido movido por cuestiones de logística simplemente.

Danny cumple su condena de 30 años de prisión por su condena del 2023 Los Ángeles y seguramente la Colonia de Hombres es mucho más agradable que Corcoran, si se lo merece o no... eso es otra historia.