Los padres de Courtney Clenney sabían que los fiscales vigilaban sus mensajes de texto

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Los padres de Courtney Clenney sospechaban que los fiscales en el caso de asesinato de su hija tenían sus antenas puestas sobre ella, esto incluso antes de que fueran acusados.

Así es la cosa, TMZ entrevistó a Kim y Deborah Clenney recientemente en un nuevo documental que tenemos al aire, el cual se sumerge en el caso y cuenta con imágenes nunca antes vistas y diferentes puntos de vista la relación de CC con Christian Obumseli.

A la luz de la detención de Kim y Deborah esta semana y con las fuerzas del orden acusándolas de delitos informáticos por supuestamente acceder al ordenador portátil de Christian después de que fuera asesinado, revisamos nuestras imágenes y encontramos una pepita fascinante... ¡sabían que estaban siendo vigiladas!

Échale un vistazo a este fragmento exclusivo. Se puede ver que sienten que la fiscalía en el caso de Courtney no solo va por su hija, sino que también tras de ellos.

Como Deborah nos explicó, ella dice que la ley estuvo vigilando sus textos y conversaciones con Courtney, señalando claramente que ella sabe que están siendo grabados. Deborah también dice que cree que la fiscalía estaría dispuesta a hacer y utilizar cualquier cosa que se dijeran el uno al otro en su contra en el caso... y así sucedió.

Los Clenneys no reconocieron nada respecto al ordenador portátil, pero que ya estaban telegrafiando el hecho de que sabían que los fiscales supuestamente vendrían por ellos, lo cual hace que el hecho de que terminaran siendo arrestados aún más sorprendente.

Por supuesto, ya sabemos que los Clenneys no creen que han hecho nada malo en este caso - hemos sido informados por fuentes con conocimiento directo de que piensan que los cargos informáticos son falsos ... a pesar de que las autoridades les acusan de acceder ilegalmente a algo que no les pertenecía. Eso quedó claro en los documentos de acusación.

intervención de los padres

Los Clenneys siguen actualmente bajo custodia, y se supone que van a ser procesados hoy en Texas también ... con la aplicación de la ley en la Florida con ganas de extraditarlos lo antes posible.

Nos informaron que los abogados de Courtney intentarán sacarlos de la cárcel, pero todo el asunto es bastante fluido en este punto. No está claro exáctamente cuandoes que todo va ocurrir, pero estamos atentos sobre los procedimientos a medida que se desarrollan.

En cualquier caso, en los próximos días se sabrá más, y cuando nuestro documental se emita el 12 de febrero, también tendremos más respuestas. El documental se llama "Killer OnlyFans Model: Deadly Love Story" y se emite en dos semanas en FOX a las 9/8c.

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Manténgase en sintonía...

Courtney Clenney's Parents Knew They Were Being Monitored Before Computer Charges

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Courtney Clenney's parents already had a suspicion prosecutors in her daughter's murder case had their antennas up on their communications ... this before they were even charged.

Here's the deal ... TMZ actually interviewed Kim and Deborah Clenney recently for a new documentary we have airing in 2 weeks -- which does a deep dive into the case, and features never-before-seen footage/insights into CC's relationship with Christian Obumseli.

In light of Kim and Deborah's arrest this week -- with law enforcement accusing them of computer crimes for allegedly accessing Christian's laptop after he was killed -- we went through our footage and found a fascinating nugget ... namely, they knew they were being monitored!

Check out this exclusive snippet of our sit-down with them ... you can see they feel the prosecution in Courtney's case not only has it out for their daughter -- but for them as well.

As Deborah explained to us, she says law enforcement had actually been keeping tabs on their texts and conversations with Courtney -- noting, quite clearly, that she knows they're being recorded. Deborah also says she believes the prosecution would be willing to do and use anything they say to each other against them in the case ... and that came to pass.

FWIW, the Clenneys didn't acknowledge anything about the laptop to us, specifically, but they were already telegraphing the fact that they knew prosecutors allegedly had it out for them -- which makes the fact they ended up getting busted anyway all the more stunning.

Of course, we already know the Clenneys don't believe they've done anything wrong in this case -- we've been told by sources with direct knowledge that they think the computer charges are bogus ... even though the authorities are accusing them of illegally accessing something that didn't belong to them. That much was made clear in the charging docs.


The Clenneys are still currently in custody, and they're supposed to be getting arraigned today out in Texas too ... with law enforcement in Florida wanting to extradite them ASAP.

We've been told attorneys for Courtney will attempt to bond them out of jail -- but the whole thing is pretty fluid at this point. It's unclear if/when everything is going down, but we're keeping a watchful eye over the proceedings as they unfold.

Anyway, more will be revealed in the coming days -- and when our doc hits the airwaves on Feb. 12 ... we'll have more answers by then as well. The documentary is called 'Killer OnlyFans Model: Deadly Love Story' ... and it airs in 2 weeks on FOX at 9/8c.

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Stay tuned ...

Pennsylvania Decapitation Murder Son Allegedly Chops Off Dad's Head .... Displays It In YouTube Vid

A Pennsylvania man allegedly beheaded his own father -- a gruesome crime law enforcement says he flaunted on his YouTube channel with some very graphic footage.

Justin Mohn was arrested Tuesday night for murder and for possessing an instrument of crime with intent after he allegedly snuffed out his dad, Michael, in the Middletown Township home they shared.

Cops say they responded to the house around 7 PM and found Michael's corpse inside the bathroom after they received a report of a man who was deceased at the location.

Michael's wife -- and, obviously, Justin's mom -- placed the 911 call, but it was unclear where she was when she phoned first responders. Her current status is also unknown.

Police say Justin fled the scene, but he was picked up hours later about 100 miles away near a National Guard training facility in Harrisburg, PA.

As for the YouTube video, the clip has already been making the rounds online. You can see Mohn display what appears to be a human head in a plastic bag with his gloved hands. In another scene, Michael's severed head was stewing inside a cooking pot. YouTube executives eventually caught wind of the disgusting 14-minute video and took it down.

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Investigators did not disclose a motive, but Mohn's online rants indicated he was angry with his father -- a 20-year federal employee -- for being what he called a "traitor." Mohan also blasted President Joe Biden's administration, the Black Lives Matter movement, the LGBTQ community, and Antifa activists.

Mohn, of course, was denied bail at his arraignment in court Wednesday morning.

OF Model Courtney Clenney Parents Arrested ... Alleged Evidence Tampering


4:40 PM PT -- According to online records, the Clenneys are facing unspecified felony charges from out of state -- but we're still working to confirm exactly what they've been dinged for.

The parents of Courtney Clenney -- the OnlyFans model who has been charged with murdering her boyfriend -- have been arrested themselves ... TMZ has learned.

Kim and Deborah Clenney were arrested at their Austin, TX home Tuesday in connection with the murder case ... and we're told it has something to do with potential evidentiary tampering.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us ... the Clenneys were taken into custody by law enforcement in Travis County on a warrant out of Miami.

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The allegation, from what we understand, boils down to a laptop that belonged to Courtney's late boyfriend, Christian Obumseli, which our sources say remained in their Miami apartment after he was killed in an argument in 2022.

We're told Courtney's dad, Kim, went back to their unit to clear out her stuff in the aftermath ... and in the process, stumbled across this laptop -- which we're told had not been impounded as evidence when police first went through after the incident.

Our sources say Courtney gave her father the password, and he got in ... but found nothing but a crypto exchange on the hard drive. After that, we're told he notified Courtney's defense attorney about it ... and handed it off to the legal team.

At this point, our sources say they're still in custody ... and the exact charges are a bit unclear -- but we're told they have a bond hearing in court Wednesday.

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We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Originally Published -- 4:08 PM PT


Muertes de hinchas de los Chiefs Nuevo video de un hombre esposado en ropa interior...

Esposado por la policía
Alex Caprariello / NewsNation

El video de un hombre esposado en ropa interior luego de que la policía descubriera tres cuerpos en su patio trasero acaba de hacerse público, y es solo el último desarrollo de este salvaje caso en Missouri.

Probablemente han oído hablar de esta historia, todo tiene que ver con un hombre llamado Jordan Willis de Kansas City, que fue anfitrión de una fiesta de los Chiefs con algunos amigos en su casa a principios de enero, y que terminó con 3 de ellos muertos en su propiedad días más tarde.

La historia es absolutamente descabellada y todavía encierra muchos misterios. Esto es lo que la policía sabe con certeza: en algún momento después de la fiesta del 7 de enero, las familias de 3 de los asistentes a la reunión (David Harrington, Ricky Johnson y Clayton McGeeney) denunciaron su desaparición, ya que nadie había visto ni oído hablar de ellos después de esa noche.

La gente trató de contactar al propio Willis, pero este también estuvo fuera del radar durante un par de días hasta que los oficiales llegaron a su casa el 9 de enero. Al parecer abrió la puerta con una copa de vino en la mano y vistiendo nada más que calzoncillos.

Y eso es exactamente lo que se ve en este nuevo video, que acaba de aparecer por cortesía del reportero Alex Caprariello, de NewsNation, fruto de su reporteo.

En el clip se puede ver a un vecino grabando a la policía camino a la casa de Willis y luego el momento en que lo detienen.

Y sí, está en ropa interior, tal como habían indicado los informes desde el principio.

Vale la pena señala que aunque Willis podría haber terminado esposado en el momento, luego de que los agentes descubrieran los cuerpos congeladosde Harrington, Johnson y McGeeney, en el patio trasero de Willis, NO fue arrestado o acusado de un delito, y no lo ha sido hasta el momento.

La policía dice que no hay sospecha de crimen violento hasta el momento e incluso están diciendo a su manera que no lo están considerando como un homicidio, a pesar de algunos detalles preocupantes que tienen al público tomándose la cabeza.

Willis, por su parte, ha negado cualquier conocimiento acerca de cómo sus amigos aparecieron muertos en su patio trasero y dice que ni siquiera era consciente de que alguien los estaba buscando. Ha negado tener cualquier relación con su muerte, a pesar de la indignación colectiva de las familias.

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Todavía hay mucho que averiguar, pero por ahora, los policías no están señalando a nadie en particular.

Chiefs Fans' Mystery Death Case Video of Man Cuffed in Underwear ... Bodies Found in Backyard

Alex Caprariello / NewsNation

Video of a man being handcuffed in his underwear as police discovered three dead bodies in his backyard is finally surfacing -- the latest development in this wild case out of Missouri.

You've probably heard of this by now -- it all has to do with this guy named Jordan Willis in Kansas City, who was hosting a Chiefs watch party at his house back in early January with some friends ... only for 3 of them to turn up as stiff corpses on his property days later.

The story is absolutely insane ... and it's still shrouded in mystery. Here's what cops know for sure though -- at some point after the watch party on Jan. 7, families for 3 of the attendees at Willis' get-together (David Harrington, Ricky Johnson, and Clayton McGeeney) reported them missing ... as no one had seen or heard from these men after that evening.

People had attempted to contact Willis himself, of course, but he too was off the radar for a couple days -- that is, until officers arrived at his home on Jan. 9 ... where he reportedly answered the door with a wineglass in hand ... and wearing nothing but tighty-whities.

That's exactly what you're seeing in this new video here, which just popped up courtesy of NewsNation reporter Alex Caprariello, who says he obtained it through his reporting.

In the brief clip ... you can see a neighbor recording the police run-in Willis experienced that night -- capturing all the officers who responded to the scene ... and them detaining Willis.

And yes, he indeed in his underwear ... just as reports have indicated from the get-go.

It's worth noting, while Willis might've landed in handcuffs here in the moment -- after which officers discovered the bodies of Harrington, Johnson and McGeeney, frozen to death in Willis' backyard -- he did NOT get arrested or charged with a crime ... and hasn't as of yet.

Police there are saying no foul play is suspected thus far in the investigation -- and they're even going out of their way to say this is not being looked into as a homicide ... despite some troubling details that have the public doing double takes and scratching their heads.

Willis, for his part, has denied any knowledge about how his friends turned up dead in his backyard ... and says he wasn't even aware anyone was looking for them. He's denied having anything to do with their demise ... this despite the families' collective outrage.

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There's still a lot to figure out ... including what else, if anything, may have resulted in the bizarre deaths of these guys. For now, cops aren't pointing the finger at anyone in particular.

Detienen a los padres de la modelo de OnlyFans Courtney Clenney


4:40 PM PT -- De acuerdo con los registros en línea, los Clenneys se enfrentan a cargos por delitos no especificados de fuera del estado - pero todavía estamos trabajando para confirmar exactamente lo que han sido dinged para.

Los padres de Courtney Clenney -la modelo OnlyFans que ha sido acusada de asesinar a su novio- han sido capturados por las autoridades... TMZ ha indagado.

Kim y Deborah Clenney fueron detenidos en su casa en Texas el martes en relación con el caso de asesinato ... y nos dicen que tiene algo que ver con la manipulación de pruebas potenciales.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen ... los Clenney fueron puestos bajo custodia por las fuerzas del orden en el condado de Travis en una orden de Miami.

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La acusación, por lo que entendemos, se reduce a una computadora portátil que pertenecía al difunto novio de Courtney, Christian Obumseli, que nuestras fuentes dicen que permaneció en su apartamento de Miami después de que fue asesinado en una discusión el año pasado.

Se nos dice que el padre de Courtney, Kim, regresó a su unidad para limpiar sus cosas en las secuelas ... y en el proceso, tropezó con este portátil - que se nos dice no había sido incautado como prueba cuando la policía fue por primera vez después del incidente.

Nuestras fuentes dicen Courtney dio a su padre la contraseña, y se metió en ... pero no encontró nada, pero un intercambio de criptomonedas en el disco duro. Después de eso, nos dicen que notificó al abogado defensor de Courtney ... y se lo entregó al equipo legal.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que todavía están bajo custodia, y los cargos exactos son un poco confusos, aunque nos dicen que tienen una audiencia de fianza en la corte el miércoles.

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Historia en desarrollo ...

La estatua robada de Jackie Robinson aparece quemada y destruida en Kansas

La estatua de Jackie Robinson que fue robada de fuera de un parque de béisbol juvenil la semana pasada ha sido localizada, pero por desgracia para los fans, se encontró destruida sin posibilidad de reparación.

Las autoridades de Wichita -Kansas- dieron la triste noticia el martes, diciendo que el departamento de bomberos recibió una llamada alrededor de las 8:40 AM por un incendio de basura en un parque local. Una vez extinguidas las llamas, los bomberos descubrieron trozos de bronce entre los escombros, lo cuales resultaron ser de la estatua.

Se determinó que la figura de Robinson - que se encontraba fuera de la Liga 42 McAdams Park durante años - no era salvable.

Los funcionarios de la ciudad ya están planeando hacer las cosas bien de nuevo para la comunidad, con el miembro del consejo -Brandon Johnson- diciendo en una conferencia de prensa que se asegurará que haya una réplica fuera del estadio de béisbol de nuevo.

"Vamos a seguir invirtiendo en esta comunidad, y este trágico incidente no eliminará esa esperanza que todos tenemos para la zona", dijo Johnson.

Como informamos anteriormente, la estatua de Robinson fue tomada la madrugada del jueves después de que alguien la cortara por los tobillos y se la llevara en un camión.


No hay arrestos por el momento, pero los funcionarios están llamando a cualquier persona con información para seguir adelante.

Una recaudación de fondos se ha creado para la sustitución, con más de $11.000 recaudados y un objetivo final de $100k.

Jackie Robinson Statue Found Burned, Destroyed ... Days After Being Stolen

The Jackie Robinson statue that was stolen from outside a youth baseball park last week has been located ... but unfortunately for fans of the beloved tribute, it was found destroyed beyond repair.

Officials in Wichita, Kansas shared the sad news on Tuesday ... saying the fire department received a call around 8:40 AM for a trash fire at a local park. Once the flames were extinguished, firefighters discovered pieces of bronze in the rubble, which turned out to be from the statue.

It was determined the Robinson figure -- which stood outside League 42's McAdams Park for years -- was not salvageable.

City officials are already planning on making things right again for the community ... with council member Brandon Johnson saying in a press conference he will ensure a replica statue will stand outside the ballpark again.

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"We will continue to invest in this community, and this tragic incident will not remove that hope that we all have for the area," Johnson said.

As we previously reported, the Robinson statue was taken early Thursday morning after someone cut it at the ankles and hauled it off in a truck.


No arrests have been made at this time ... but officials are calling on anyone with information to come forward.

A fundraiser has been set up for the replacement ... with more than $11,000 raised, and an end goal of $100k.

protagonista de "Squid Game" sufre un robo y un saqueo en su casa

Lee Byung-hun está pasando por un momento desagradable, porque su casa fue atacada por ladrones.

Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que uno de los miembros del personal de Lee se detuvo en su casa de Los Ángeles la semana pasada para encontrar el lugar saqueado. Nos dicen que los ladrones rompieron una puerta corredera de cristal para entrar en la casa.

El incidente se llevó a cabo mientras que la estrella de "Squid Game" estaba fuera de la ciudad y todavía no está clara la magnitud del robo. La policía dice que Lee revisará sus pertenencias cuando llegue a casa para averiguar que es lo que falta.

Nuestras fuentes policiales no creen Lee fuera el objetivo, y señalan que esto parece ser el trabajo de uno de los equipos de robo que han estado robando barrios ricos alrededor de Los Ángeles.

Uno de los recientes robos involucró a Lena Waithe, como te dijimos por primera vez, Lena perdió al rededor de $200.000 en joyas cuando los ladrones irrumpieron en su casa mientras estaba fuera de la ciudad.

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Nos dicen que no ha habido detenciones en ninguno de los casos, ya que la policía de Los Ángeles sigue investigando.

'Squid Game' Star Lee Byung-hun Home Burglarized and Trashed!!!

Lee Byung-hun probably wants to go all "Squid Game" on someone ... because the Netflix star's home got hit by burglars.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... one of Lee's staff members stopped by his Los Angeles area home last week to find the place ransacked. We're told the thieves smashed a sliding glass door to get inside the house.

The incident, we're told, went down while the "Squid Game" star was out of town ... but it's unclear what, if anything, was stolen and how much those items might be worth. Cops say Lee will go through his belongings when he gets home to figure out if anything is missing.

Our law enforcement sources tell us cops don't believe Lee was targeted here ... instead, police say this appears to be the work of one of the burglary crews that have been robbing wealthy neighborhoods around Los Angeles.

One of those recent smash-and-grab burglaries involved Lena Waithe ... as we first told you, Lena was hit for around $200,000 in jewelry when thieves broke into her home while she was out of town.

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We're told there have been no arrests in either case as LAPD continues investigating.

Una mujer se aferra a un carro en movimiento Después de que le robaran su bulldog francés

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rendirse jamás

Una mujer fue víctima de robo, pero se hizo cargo y terminó arriba del capó de un carro que huyó a toda velocidad.

Ali Zacharias estaba disfrutando de un almuerzo en un Whole Foods en el centro de Los Ángeles con su Bulldog Francés Onyx sentado a sus pies debajo de la mesa, cuando una mujer se acercó y comenzó a llamar al perro.

¡Resulta que ella era una secuestradora de perros! Agarró la correa y comenzó a alejarse.

Ali inicialmente pensó que era un simple caso de confusión de identidad y comenzó a gritar: "Disculpe, ese es mi perro".

Cuando la mujer la ignoró y siguió alejándose, Ali empezó a perseguirla, pero la mujer saltó a un carro cercano que estaba ahí para arrancar.

Ali intentó entrar en el carro, pero estaba lleno de personas, quienes empujaron a Ali y cerraron las puertas. Ali se paró frente al vehículo y gritó pidiendo ayuda, pero nadie acudió.

El conductor se fue, golpeando Ali con el capó del vehículo a toda velocidad mientras ella se aferraba para salvar su vida.

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El carro recorrió varias manzanas antes de hacer un giro brusco, arrojando violentamente a Ali desde el capó a la calle.

Ali denunció el secuestro a la policía de Los Ángeles, quienes rastrearon la zona en busca de imágenes de vigilancia de los sospechosos.

El carro fue descrito como un Kia Forte sedán blanco al que le faltaba el tapacubos delantero del lado del conductor.

Onyx es un Merle Frenchie negro con dos ojos de distinto color y un pelaje moteado que sigue desaparecido.

Ali le dijo a KTLA TV que "me robaron a mi hijo".

Ella continuó: "Solo estoy rezando para poder recuperarlo".

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El robo de Bulldogs franceses se ha vuelto bastante común, siendo el robo más famoso el de los perros de Lady Gaga. Sabemos que el paseador les estaba dando un paseo cuando un carro se detuvo y dos hombres salieron a robar los perros.

Finalmente, los perros fueron devueltos y se practicaron detenciones.

Ali ofrece una importante recompensa por la devolución de Onyx y pide a quien tenga información que se ponga en contacto con ella en el 626-264-7923 o llame a la policía de Los Ángeles al 1-877-275-5273.

Harry y Meghan Markle múltiples robos En el barrio de lujo

Es posible que el príncipe Harry y Meghan Markle quieran reforzar la seguridad en torno a su mansión de 15 millones de dólares en Montecito, después de que una serie de robos se llevaran a cabo en las lujosas casas de sus vecinos.

La pareja viajó a Jamaica el pasado miércoles para el estreno de la nueva película biográfica de Bob Marley, una banda de ladrones robó una finca a unos cinco minutos de su complejo real, según DailyMail.

Los delincuentes tenían la intención de robar una caja fuerte que contenía dinero en efectivo y otros objetos de valor. No está claro lo que realmente se llevaron.

Este es el último de una serie de robos que plagan el barrio de lujo, donde viven personalidades como: Katy Perry, Orlando Bloom, Oprah, Ellen, Rob Lowe entre otros.

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La portavoz del Sheriff del Condado de Santa Bárbara, Rachel Zick, emitió una alerta a los residentes de la zona, explicando que la policía ha recibido varias quejas recientes de robos "con notables similitudes en las disposiciones de los residentes, los tiempos de ocurrencia y los artículos tomados".

la premiere

Zick dijo que los ladrones están siempre en busca de cajas fuertes en casas desocupadas que estén cerca de espacios abiertos, tales como campos de golf, arroyos o el océano". Por lo general, los robos se han producido entre las 18:00 y las 22:00 horas.

La Asociación Montecito, un grupo de defensa local, le ha ofrecido consejos a la comunidad sobre la protección del hogar.

Harry y Meghan tienen un equipo de guardias de seguridad vigilando su finca, pero tal vez sea hora de que contraten a un ejército. Parece que las cosas se están poniendo muy peligrosas en su barrio.

Violent Dognapping Woman Clings to Speeding Car ... After French Bulldog Stolen

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When a French Bulldog was stolen right from under the owner's feet, she took matters into her own hands ... with the Dog Mom clinging to the hood of the thieves’ speeding getaway car.

Ali Zacharias was enjoying lunch at a Whole Foods in Downtown L.A. with her French Bulldog Onyx sitting by her feet under the table, when a woman walked up and began calling for the dog.

Turns out she was a dognapper, and grabbed the leash and began walking away.

Ali initially thought it was a simple case of mistaken identity, and started calling out, “Excuse me, that’s my dog.”

When the woman ignored her and continued walking away, Ali gave chase, but the woman jumped in a nearby getaway car that was lying in wait.

Ali tried to enter the car, but it was packed with other people ... they shoved Ali out and locked the doors. Ali stood in front of the vehicle and screamed for help ... but no one came.

The driver took off, knocking Ali onto the hood of the speeding vehicle, while she clung on for dear life.

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The car went several blocks before making a sharp turn, violently throwing Ali from the hood of the car into the street.

Ali reported the dognapping to LAPD, which canvassed the area for any surveillance footage of the suspects.

The car was described as a white Kia Forte sedan with a missing front driver’s side hubcap.

Onyx is a black Merle Frenchie with 2 different colored eyes and a spotted coat and is still missing.

Ali told KTLA TV, they “stole my child away from me.”

She continued, “I’m just praying that I can get him back.”

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This has been a significant problem in recent years -- stealing French Bulldogs. The most famous theft, of course, Lady Gaga's dogs who were being walked by her dogwalker when a car rolled by, stopped, and 2 men got out to steal the dogs.

The dogwalker was shot and the dogs were taken. Eventually, the dogs were returned and arrests were made.

Ali’s offering a significant award for Onyx’s return, and is asking anyone with info to contact her at 626-264-7923 or call the LAPD at 1-877-275-5273.

Prince Harry & Meghan Markle Burglars Invade Their Montecito 'Hood ... Targeting Safes In Lavish Estates

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle may want to beef up security around their $15 million Montecito mansion ... after a series of break-ins at their neighbors' lavish homes.

The couple traveled to Jamaica last Wednesday for the opening of the new Bob Marley biopic, an organized band of thieves burglarized an estate about five minutes from their royal compound, according to DailyMail.

The criminals were intent on stealing a safe containing cash and/or other valuables, but it was unclear what, if anything, was taken.

It was the latest in a string of burglaries plaguing the fancy neighborhood, where the likes of Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom, Oprah, Ellen, Rob Lowe and other celebs live.

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Santa Barbara County Sheriff spokesperson Rachel Zick issued an alert to area residents, explaining that police have received several recent burglary complaints "with notable similarities in the resident layouts, times of occurrence and items taken."


Zick said the crooks are always looking for safes, while targeting unoccupied homes that "back up into open spaces such as golf courses as well as creeks, streams or the ocean." Usually, the break-ins have occurred between 6 PM and 10 PM.

The Monticeto Association, a local advocacy group, has offered tips to the community on home protection.

Harry and Meghan have a team of security guards watching over their estate, but maybe it's time for them to hire an army. Seems like things are getting really dicey in their 'hood

Dominique Dunne KILLER BF TERRORIZED New Girlfriend AFTER Murder TRIAL

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The trial of the boyfriend of actress Dominique Dunne -- one of the stars of "Poltergeist" -- stands out as one of the most appalling miscarriages of justice ... and what unfolded in the aftermath of the 1982 murder is especially unsettling -- all exposed in our new FOX primetime special ... which unearths shocking new evidence.

In the harrowing doc airing Monday night, we confirm Griffin Dunne's lingering suspicion his sister's killer, John Sweeney, had committed more domestic violence after the trial -- one particular case from 2000 ... when a woman filed a restraining order against him, alleging shocking brutality.

Too scared to speak on camera, the woman speaks directly to Harvey Levin ... recalling how he dragged her by her ponytail through a hotel lobby, shoved her head in a bathtub, pushed her against a wall, and put his hands on her collarbone near her throat.

She escaped with their infant child and hasn't seen him since ... and despite getting the police involved, Sweeney wasn't charged with a crime.

Charles Wessler, an Oscar-winning producer and family friend of the Dunnes, says the recent revelations don't come as a surprise ... claiming Sweeney still caries the same volatile rage to this very day. Dominque's devastated pal Gloria echoes the sentiment, saying he was never cured ... calling him a caged animal.

Harold Johnson, the lead detective in the 1982 case, is equally disturbed ... saying it's a travesty a man as violent as Sweeney is still going around choking women.

TMZ Studios

"TMZ Investigates: Killing a Movie Star: Grave Injustice" premieres Monday January 29 on FOX at 9/8c and the next day on Hulu.