Dominique Dunne Killer BF's Ex Details DV Jurors Didn't Hear ... Testimony Would Have Changed Outcome

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Dominique Dunne was a rising star -- delivering the iconic line in "Poltergeist" -- before her life was tragically taken at the hands of her then-boyfriend ... and there's a woman who was not allowed to testify who could have changed the outcome of his trial.

The decades-old case against John Sweeney -- the man who strangled the young star back in 1982 -- is being reexamined anew in a documentary produced by TMZ Studios ... which puts a fresh light on the trial, the aftermath .... and presents shocking new evidence.

At the time, prosecutors charged Sweeney with first-degree murder case. He was convicted of manslaughter, and he was back on the streets after only 2 1/2 years behind bars.

The jurors you'll hear from in the documentary were stunned when we showed them our interview with Sweeney's prior girlfriend, Lillian Pierce, telling us had they heard from her they would have thrown the book at Sweeney.

Pierce was not allowed to testify during the trial ... the judge felt it would be unfair to Sweeney if she explained how he had repeatedly brutalized her. Pierce has never spoken publicly about the abuse she suffered at the hands of Sweeney, until now.

Check out the video ... what Pierce went through was horrific, and it mirrors some of what Dominique experienced.  She says Sweeney was wired to attack his girlfriend when he got mad.

What's more, we found yet another girlfriend whom Sweeney brutalized AFTER he was released from prison.

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Our doc, "Killing a Movie Star: Grave Injustice" airs Monday on FOX at 9/8c.

Jackie Robinson Statue Stolen From Baseball Facility ... Cops Investigating

A statue honoring baseball icon Jackie Robinson was stolen from outside a youth baseball facility in Kansas this week ... and cops are now searching for the scumbags who ran off with it.

Local police shared surveillance footage of the heist that went down at League 42's McAdams Park in Wichita early Thursday morning ... which appears to show someone cut the Robinson tribute at the ankles, put it in the back of a truck and flee the scene.


Wichita PD shared an image of what's left of the Dodgers legend's bronze figure ... just two feet standing on top of a home plate.

The station said the "community is devastated" over the vandalism ... and is calling on anyone with information regarding its whereabouts to come forward.

"The actions of those individuals who had the audacity to take the statue of Jackie Robinson from a park where kids and families in our community can gather, learn the history of Jackie Robinson, an American icon, and play the game of baseball should upset all of us," Wichita Police Chief Joseph Sullivan said.

"What troubles me even more is that this theft occurred just before the beginning of February, which marks the start of Black History Month."

"Our city wants the statute returned. We also want the individuals who robbed our community of a treasure to be held accountable for their actions."

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League 42 was created in 2013 to help children in Wichita learn the sport without worrying about high registration fees ... with hundreds signing up each year. Robinson's trailblazing career and breaking the MLB color barrier served as inspiration for the organization.

According to local reports, the league received permission from Robinson's family to erect the statue, which is part of a pavilion that was dedicated to the athlete in 2021.

DJ de Memphis Slick Rick Es encontrado decapitado en su casa... La policía está investigando

Un DJ local de Memphis, que da la casualidad que tiene el mismo apodo que un rapero muy famoso, al parecer fue asesinado de una manera brutal en su casa.

Rick Buchanan, también conocido como "Slick Rick" en la zona y sin ninguna afiliación con THE Slick Rick, fue encontrado muerto el miércoles por su hermano, quien le dijo a FOX13 que entró en la casa de su hermano y descubrió que había sido decapitado.

El hermano de Buchanan, John, relató el horrible incidente diciendo: "Entré y lo encontré, y llamé al 911". Luego, este describe exactamente cómo lo encontró.

John añade: "Pensé que su abrigo estaba sobre su cabeza como si tuviera frío o algo así. Salí corriendo y volví a entrar. Y entonces me di cuenta de que era algo peor". El hermano de Rick continúa explicando que este todavía estaba sosteniendo sus llaves y que sus pantalones estaban abajo. También dice que su puerta trasera estaba entreabierta, por lo que decir que esto es sospechoso, es un eufemismo.

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"Casi me muero"
Action News 5

Otra cosa. Rick fue baleado durante un robo en Memphis en 2014, del cual sobrevivió entonces, pero John dice que nunca fue el mismo después de eso.

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Dice que se había vuelto difícil encontrar trabajo para él y que se volvió un poco ermitaño, a pesar de haber sido una gran personalidad en la comunidad durante años, pues era muy bueno actuando. Ahora, John y su familia están tratando de reconstruir exactamente lo que pasó, y por supuesto, hacer los arreglos funerarios, etc.

La pregunta obvia es, ¿qué están diciendo los policías? FOX13 dice que la policía de Memphis está investigando. A primera vista, suena como una masacre y carnicería absoluta.

Memphis DJ 'Slick Rick' Found Decapitated at Home ... Police Investigating


10:08 AM PT -- Memphis PD says a cause of death for Rick Buchanan has yet to be determined, and more interestingly ... that there's no sign of foul play in terms of how he died. Of course, they say they're still investigating.

A local DJ in Memphis, who just so happens to have the same moniker as a very famous rapper, appears to have been murdered in gruesome fashion ... via beheading.

Rick Buchanan -- otherwise known as "Slick Rick" in the area, no affiliation to THE Slick Rick -- was found dead Wednesday by his brother -- who told FOX13 reporter Walter Murphy that he walked into his sibling's home and discovered he'd been decapitated.

Buchanan's sibling, John, relayed the horrifying incident to the outlet, saying ... "I walked in and found him, and I just called 911." He goes on to describe exactly how he found him.

John adds, "I thought his coat was up over his head like it was cold or something. I ran out and then I ran back in. And, then I realized it was something worse." Rick's brother goes on to explain Rick was still holding his keys in this state, and that his pants were pulled down. He also says his back door was ajar ... so, to say this is suspicious is an understatement.

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One other thing ... Rick was actually shot during a robbery in Memphis back in 2014, which he survived at the time -- but John says he was never the same after that.

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He says it had become hard for Rick to find work, and that he became a bit of a recluse -- this despite being a huge personality known in the community for years ... who was big on performing. Now, John and the extended family say they're trying to piece things together on what exactly happened to Rick -- and, of course, making funeral arrangements, etc.

The obvious question ... what are cops saying? FOX13 cites Memphis PD as only saying they're investigating. On its face, it sounds like an outright slaughter and butchering.

Originally Published -- 6:50 AM PT

Vince McMahon es demandado por una ex empleada de la WWE Por tráfico sexual

Una ex empleada de la WWE está demandando a Vince McMahon, alegando que en repetidas ocasiones la asaltó sexualmente, la traficó sexualmente y luego le pagó para que guardara silencio.

Las inquietantes acusaciones fueron hechas por Janel Grant en una demanda presentada el jueves en un tribunal federal de Connecticut.

En la demanda, Grant dice que conoció a McMahon en 2019 en un momento en que estaba tocando fondo. Ella dice que sus padres acababan de morir y ella estaba luchando por encontrar trabajo.

Sin embargo, dice que después de ser presentada a McMahon a través de un amigo en común, él prometió conseguirle un trabajo en la WWE.

Según la demanda, mientras McMahon le estaba encontrando trabajo en su empresa, poco a poco comenzó a utilizar sus "promesas" para obligarla a actos sexuales.

Grant dice que justo después de que le dijeran que tenía un trabajo de "administradora-coordinadora legal" con un salario de 75.000 dólares dentro de la organización de lucha libre de McMahon, él la "atrapó". Ella alega que "temía una carrera adversa y consecuencias personales y represalias legales si declinaba sus avances sexuales" y comenzó a participar en lo que ella llamó actividad sexual no consentida con él.

Grant dijo en la demanda que el trabajo que le habían dado requería poco trabajo. De hecho, según la demanda, se le asignó un papel adicional en la XFL de McMahon para ayudar a llenar su tiempo.

Grant, sin embargo, afirma en su demandado —McMahon— de repente dejó de referirse a ella como una amiga y "en gran medida dejó de hablar con ella, limitándose al sexting y hablar de fantasías." Ella alega que la obligó a enviarle fotos explícitas, algunas de las cuales ella dice que él compartiría con otros miembros de la WWE. Poco tiempo después, ella dice que él reclutó a otros hombres y comenzó a traficarla sexualmente.

También dice que en mayo de 2020, McMahon organizó un trío con ella y su fisioterapeuta, diciéndole que "perdería una amistad si no seguía adelante". Ella afirma en la demanda que durante el encuentro, él defecó en su cabeza, pero la obligó a continuar realizando actos sexuales con los dos mientras estaba cubierta de heces. Alega que los días siguientes, él le envió un mensaje de texto: "Soy tu único dueño y controlo a quién quiero follarme".

Varios meses después, afirma que McMahon reclutó a John Laurinaitis —una ex superestrella de la WWE que era en ese momento un ejecutivo de alto rango en la empresa— "para unirse a ellos".

Grant afirma que McMahon la presionó para que le enviara fotos explícitas a Laurinaitis. En diciembre de 2020, ella dice que McMahon arregló para que ella también tuviera un trío con Laurinaitis.

Ella dice que los meses posteriores fue trasladada al departamento de relaciones de talentos de la WWE, donde le informaron a Laurinaitis. Una vez que se produjo ese traslado, declaró en su demanda que tanto McMahon como Laurinaitis esperaban "que se comprometiera sexualmente con Laurinaitis, tanto físicamente como con contenido explícito".

En su demanda, Grant afirma que le ordenaron "servirse a sí misma como desayuno para Laurinaitis", en un hotel cercano antes del comienzo de su jornada laboral. Ella también afirma que McMahon le envió mensajes de texto, "Los días en que él esté en la ciudad, quiero que te lo folles cada mañana y más tarde en su oficina también".

Ella dice que los acuerdos la dejaron "miserable y enfurecida", pero "en sus años de experiencia con McMahon, sabía que sus peticiones de parar serían ignoradas en el mejor de los casos o utilizadas para destruir su carrera y reputación en el peor."

Grant declaró en su demanda que en junio de 2021, McMahon y Laurinaitis la violaron en la oficina de Laurinaitis. Ella dice que al comienzo del encuentro, les dijo "No, no, no" y "Por favor, detente", pero afirma que McMahon le dijo: "Tómalo, perra".

Grant dice que una semana más tarde, McMahon la forzó de nuevo sobre una mesa de masaje en la sede de la WWE ... antes de darle 15.000 dólares en tarjetas de regalo de Bloomingdales.

Grant también alegó en su demanda que McMahon la utilizó para ayudarle a fichar a una superestrella de la WWE. La demanda describe el talento como "un atleta de fama mundial y ex campeón de peso pesado de la UFC". El Wall Street Journal informó el jueves que se trataba de Brock Lesnar.

En la demanda, Grant afirma que McMahon le ordenó crear "contenido sexual personalizado" para la superestrella de la WWE. También afirma que él anunció "un encuentro sexual con ella" al luchador mientras intentaba negociar un nuevo contrato.

En última instancia, Grant afirma en su demanda que McMahon se distanció de ella en enero de 2022, alegando que su esposa, Linda McMahon, se había enterado de su relación. Grant dice que todo llevó a McMahon a pedirle que firmara un acuerdo de no divulgación.

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En la demanda, Grant dice que aceptó que le pagaran $3 millones para firmar el NDA, pero afirma que después de recibir $1 millón, McMahon no hizo más pagos.

Grant dice que ha quedado traumatizada por todo el calvario y ahora está buscando daños y perjuicios no especificados, así como para que un juez invalide su NDA.

Mientras tanto, McMahon, la WWE y Laurinaitis aún no han hecho comentarios sobre la demanda.

Vince McMahon Sued Ex-WWE Employee Claims He Sex Trafficked Her


2:22 PM PT -- TKO released a statement on the matter ... saying, "Mr. McMahon does not control TKO nor does he oversee the day-to-day operations of WWE."

"While this matter predates our TKO executive team’s tenure at the company, we take Ms. Grant’s horrific allegations very seriously and are addressing this matter internally."

A former WWE employee is suing Vince McMahon ... claiming he repeatedly sexually assaulted her, sex trafficked her -- and then paid her off to stay quiet about it all.

The disturbing allegations were made by Janel Grant in a lawsuit filed on Thursday in a federal court in Connecticut.

In the suit, Grant says she met McMahon back in 2019 ... at a time when she was at rock bottom. She says her parents had just died ... and she was struggling to find work.

However, she says after being introduced to McMahon through a mutual friend, he promised to get her a gig in the WWE.

But, according to the suit, as McMahon was finding her an entry-level role in his company ... he slowly began to use his "life-changing promises" to coerce her into sexual acts.

Grant says just after she was told she had a "legal administrator-coordinator" job with a salary of $75,000 inside McMahon's wrestling org. ... he "trapped her in an impossible situation." She alleges she "feared adverse career and personal consequences and legal retaliation if she declined his advances" -- and began to engage in what she called nonconsensual sexual activity with him.

Grant said in the suit the job she had been given required little work. In fact, according to the lawsuit, she was assigned an additional role in McMahon's XFL to help fill her time.

Grant, though, claims in her suit McMahon suddenly stopped referring to her as a friend ... and "largely stopped talking to [her] outside of sexting and fantasy talk." She alleges he forced her to send him explicit pictures, some of which she says he would share with others in the WWE. A short time later, she says he recruited other men and began sex trafficking her.

She says in May 2020, McMahon organized a threesome with her and her physical therapist ... telling her "he would lose a friendship if she did not go through with it." She claims in the suit that during the encounter, he defecated on her head but made her continue to perform sex acts with the two while she was covered in feces. She alleges in the days following, he texted her "i'm the only one who owns U and controls who I want to f*** U."

Several months later, the suit states, McMahon recruited John Laurinaitis -- a former WWE superstar who was at the time a high-ranking exec in the company -- "to join them."

Grant claims McMahon pressed her to send explicit pictures to Laurinaitis. In December 2020, she says McMahon arranged for her to have a threesome with Laurinaitis as well.

She says in the months afterward, she was moved to the WWE's talent relations department, where she reported to Laurinaitis. Once that move happened, she stated in her suit that there was an expectation from both McMahon and Laurinaitis "that she engage with Laurinaitis sexually, both physically and with explicit content."

In her suit, Grant says she was directed to "serve herself to [Laurinaitis] as 'breakfast'" at a nearby hotel before the start of their work day. She also claims McMahon texted her, "On days when he's in town, I want him to f*** U every morning and later In the office too."

She says the arrangements left her "miserable and enraged," but "in her years of experience with McMahon, she knew her requests to stop would be ignored at best or used to destroy her career and reputation at worst."

Grant stated in her suit that in June 2021, McMahon and Laurinaitis raped her in Laurinaitis' office. She says at the outset of the encounter, she told them "No, no, no" and "Please stop," but claims McMahon told her, "Take it, bitch."

Grant says a week later, McMahon forced himself on her again over a massage table at WWE's headquarters ... before giving her $15,000 in Bloomingdale's gift cards.

Grant also alleged in her suit that McMahon used her to help him sign a WWE Superstar. The suit describes the talent as "a world-famous athlete and former UFC Heavyweight Champion." The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday this was Brock Lesnar.

In the suit, Grant claims McMahon ordered her to create "personalized sexual content" for the WWE Superstar. She also says he advertised "a sexual encounter with her" to the wrestler while trying to negotiate a new booking contract.

Ultimately, Grant claims in her suit McMahon distanced himself from her in January 2022 ... claiming his wife, Linda McMahon, had found out about their relationship. Grant says it all led to McMahon's request that she sign a non-disclosure agreement.

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In the lawsuit, Grant says she agreed to be paid $3 million to sign the NDA ... but she claims that after receiving $1 million, McMahon didn't make further payments.

Grant says she's been traumatized from the whole ordeal and is now seeking unspecified damages ... as well as for a judge to invalidate her NDA.

Meanwhile, McMahon, the WWE and Laurinaitis have not yet publicly commented on the suit.

Teen Accused Of Killing Bicyclist Facing New Attempted Murder Charge ... Prosecutors Want It Added

The Las Vegas teen accused of fatally mowing down a retired police chief is now facing an attempted murder charge in a totally separate case ... and prosecutors wanna lump this into his already-existing murder case.

18-year-old Jesus Ayala was charged for attempted murder earlier this month, with prosecutors in Nevada claiming he stabbed somebody in the Vegas area -- which they say went down two months before he allegedly ran over Andreas Probst.

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The authorities say the alleged victim told them Ayala and another person approached him on the street and started to use brass knuckles and knives on him -- with the man claiming he sustained multiple lacerations to his torso as well as near his head.

Now, in light of this new info -- the state wants to add the attempted murder charge to Ayala's original case in a new indictment ... according to new legal docs obtained by TMZ.


Remember ... in the OG case, prosecutors claimed Jesus was behind the wheel of a stolen car when he ran over a bicyclist on the road back in August ... killing the guy on the bike, who turned out to be retired police chief Andreas Probst. There was another teen in the car who is accused of recording the incident. Video of the alleged incident surfaced as well.

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Like we said ... prosecutors are now seeking to amend Ayala's original charges to add the attempted murder charge from the stabbing incident -- and their argument is ... it's related.

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It's not a done deal yet ... Ayala's legal team is pushing back against the amended charges -- claiming the prosecution's original case against their client is thin, which is why they're trying to add something completely different in the 11th hour. A judge has yet to rule.

Un adolescente de Las Vegas acusado de matar a un ciclista se enfrenta a un nuevo cargo De intento de asesinato

El adolescente de Las Vegas acusado de atropellar mortalmente a un jefe de policía retirado se enfrenta ahora a un cargo de intento de asesinato en un caso totalmente distinto, y los fiscales quieren mezclarlo con su caso de asesinato ya existente.

Jesús Ayala— de 18 años— fue acusado de intento de asesinato a principios de este mes, con los fiscales en Nevada alegando que apuñaló a alguien en el área de Las Vegas dos meses antes de que supuestamente atropellara a Andreas Probst.

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el horrible momento

Las autoridades dicen que la presunta víctima les dijo que Ayala y otra persona se acercaron a él en la calle y comenzaron a golpearlo incluso utilizando cuchillos. El hombre afirma que sufrió múltiples laceraciones en el torso, así como cerca de su cabeza.

Ahora, a la luz de esta nueva información, el estado quiere añadir el cargo de intento de asesinato al caso original de Ayala en una nueva acusación, de acuerdo con nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ.

audio del 911

Recordemos que en el caso original, los fiscales afirmaron que Jesús estaba al volante de un carro robado cuando atropelló a un ciclista en la carretera en agosto, matando al ciclista que resultó un jefe de policía retirado llamado Andreas Probst. Había otro adolescente en el carro al que se le acusa de grabar el incidente.

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golpeando y corriendo

Como dijimos, los fiscales están tratando de modificar los cargos originales de Ayala para añadir el cargo de intento de asesinato por el incidente de apuñalamiento y su argumento es que todo está relacionado.

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El equipo legal de Ayala está presionando en contra de los cargos enmendados, alegando que el caso original de la fiscalía contra su cliente es débil, por lo que están tratando de añadir algo completamente diferente en la 11 ª hora. El juez aún no se ha pronunciado.

Alec Baldwin insiste en su derecho a un juicio rápido Por los nuevos cargos de "Rust"

Alec Baldwin acaba de presentar su primera respuesta oficial a los nuevos cargos presentados contra él en el caso "Rust" en Nuevo México y lo primero que sale de su boca es... ¡Date prisa!

De acuerdo con nuevos documentos legales, obtenidos por TMZ, el actor ha sido ordenado a comparecer ante un juez para responder a la acusación de homicidio involuntario que se presenta en su contra (de nuevo) y él tiene que hacerlo el 1 de febrero a las 11 AM a través de una declaración oficial.

El papeleo señala que Alec puede aparecer en la corte a través de teléfono o videoconferencia, pero tiene que responderle al juez de una manera u otra si es culpable o inocente. Basado en la última vez que esto sucedió, algo nos dice que Alec va a ir con este último.

De hecho, sus abogados presentaron una respuesta casi de inmediato y dejan claro que quiere terminar con esto de una vez por todas, haciendo hincapié en su derecho constitucional a un juicio rápido.


Una de las razones que su equipo legal cita como motivo principal, es porque va a "minimizar el vilipendio público y la sospecha." Además, quiere "evitar los peligros de probar su inocencia que a menudo surgen después de un largo retraso en el enjuiciamiento".

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Recordemos Alec está enfrentando cargos otra vez la semana pasada. Cargos de homicidio involuntario por negligencia en el uso de un arma de fuego, o en la alternativa, homicidio involuntario sin la debida precaución o circunspección. Antes de que los cargos fueran retirados la primera vez, se enfrentaba a algo muy similar, y todo el tiempo negó vehementemente cualquier delito.

Por supuesto, todo esto tiene que ver con el hecho de que Alec estaba usando la pistola de utilería en el set, que de alguna manera disparó y envió una bala a través de la fallecida Halyna Hutchins.

Alec lo había atribuido a un terrible accidente, pero los fiscales de Nuevo México han alegado que se trataba de un delito y llevan tiempo persiguiendo a Baldwin. Su primera reacción oficial a que vayan a por él de nuevo se reduce básicamente a... ¡Vamos, vamos!

Alec Baldwin on 'Rust' Case Let's Get This Damn Thing Over With ... I Want A Speedy Trial!!!

Alec Baldwin just filed his first official response to the new charges being brought against him in the "Rust" case in New Mexico -- and the first thing out of his mouth is ... hurry up!

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, the actor has been ordered to appear before a judge in NM to answer to the involuntary manslaughter charge being filed against him (again) ... and he's gotta do so on Feb. 1 at 11 AM through an official plea.

The paperwork notes that AB can show up to court via phone or video conference -- but he's gotta let the judge know one way or the other ... guilty or not guilty. Based on the last time this happened, something tells us Alec's gonna go with the latter.

In fact, his attorneys filed a response to this almost immediately -- submitting documents that make clear ... he wants to get this over and done with, stressing his constitutional right to a speedy trial.


One of the reasons his legal team cites as wanting to get the show on the road here is because it'll "minimize public vilification and suspicion." Plus, he wants to "avoid the hazards of proving his innocence that often arise after a lengthy delay in prosecution."

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Remember, Alec was slapped with new charges last week -- namely, involuntary manslaughter through negligent use of a firearm, or in the alternative ... involuntary manslaughter without due caution or circumspection. Before the charges were dropped the first time, he was facing something very similar ... and the entire time, he vehemently denied any wrongdoing.

Of course, this all has to do with the fact that Alec was using the prop gun on set -- which somehow fired and sent a live bullet through the late Halyna Hutchins, who was the DP.

Alec had chalked it up to a horrific accident -- but prosecutors there in New Mexico have alleged criminality was afoot, and they've been gunning for Baldwin for a while now. His first official reaction to them going after him again basically boils down to ... c'mon, let's go!

Boxing Star Jarrell Miller Cracked Jokes With Cops During Arrest ... Police Video Shows


Jarrell Miller appeared to be in good spirits during his arrest earlier this month ... with new police video, obtained by TMZ Sports, showing the boxing star was actually cracking jokes while in handcuffs.

Miller was confronted by Hollywood Police Dept. officers in Florida back on Jan. 2 ... after he had been accused of body-slamming a car dealership employee, before stealing a truck right off the lot.

According to police documents, officers were able to find Miller via a tracker that had been placed in the vehicle ... but body camera footage shows he was in a jovial mood despite the allegations against him.

In the video, Miller -- wearing a #F***AJOB" T-shirt -- can be heard asking an officer if he could go into a nearby establishment and make his "brother" aware of what was happening to him.

"He look like you?" the cop asked.

"Nah," Miller said as he flashed a huge smile. "He's white as a motherf***er. He's my God brother!"

Miller then seemed to make light of the situation further ... asking a policeman if there was any way he could "handcuff me to the front" of the squad car due to his 6-foot-4, 330-pound frame.

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Miller eventually got in the vehicle ... and was ultimately taken to a nearby station, where he was booked on charges of carjacking without a firearm or weapon and burglary with assault or battery.

Miller appeared in a courtroom two days later and pleaded not guilty to the charges. When he was released from custody, he issued a statement saying, in part, "I am prayerful and look forward to a favorable resolution of this case."

Miller -- aka Big Baby -- just recently fought Daniel Dubois in December ... but lost, moving his pro boxing record to 26-1-1.

Taylor Swift Man Busted Near Her NYC Townhouse ... Twice In Three Days!!!


1/23 -- 7:54 AM PT -- The NYPD says the guy who got dragged away in a police car Monday has been arrested and booked on stalking and harassment charges.

The department says, "Officers were approached by multiple complainants who pointed out an emotionally disturbed male acting erratically at the location. Once officers observed the male harassing multiple complainants, they took him to custody without further incidents; no injuries were reported." The dude's name is David Crowe -- and he's apparently from Seattle.

Taylor Swift had the same dude who was busted at her place this weekend show up on her doorstep AGAIN this week -- and best believe ... cops showed up to handle it.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... the man who was cuffed and hauled away Saturday while trying to access Taylor's NYC townhouse had the gall to swing by her pad yet again on Monday, something her security team and surrounding neighbors immediately noticed.

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We're told the head of Taylor's security immediately called cops when the dude arrived, and our sources say everyone reported the same thing ... namely, that he was just lurking.

Of course, considering what just happened a couple days ago with this fella ... that's a huge problem. We're told NYPD officers eventually arrived to the scene, but couldn't immediately find the man -- however, it didn't take long to track him down ... he was around the corner.

Our sources say they found less than a block away from Taylor's residence -- and that's where this interaction with the cops went down, with officers once again throwing him in handcuffs and into the back of one of their police cruisers.

No question about it ... we're told this is, in fact, the same dude from Saturday-- but we're not sure at this point what's gonna happen to him, or if charges are being pressed either.

You'll recall ... when he was originally picked up, cops say they found him fiddling with Taylor's front door, in what police perceived as an attempt to enter without authorization.

When they ran him in their system, they found there was an open warrant for his arrest -- this pertaining to a separate case from 2017 when he failed to show up to court.

It goes without saying ... him coming back to the scene so soon after all that is troubling, to say the least -- and ya gotta figure law enforcement will be a little stricter this time around.


Then again, we know celebs have had a hard time achieving successful deterrents from these sorts of people who appear to be obsessed with them ... with the criminal justice system often failing to protect them from potential danger.

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As you know ... Taylor has had a long, documented history with stalkers in her own career ... including one who was previously arrested for trying to get into her Manhattan pad a few years back. Unclear if this guy is that, but already ... he's not setting a good precedent.

Our new documentary, "TMZ Investigates: Obsessed and Dangerous: Hollywood's Stalker Crisis," airs Monday at 9/8c on FOX ... and we break down Taylor's stories and more.

Originally Published -- 1/22/24 5:31 PM PT

Taylor Swift Un hombre es arrestado cerca de su casa en NYC ... Dos veces en 3 días!!!


1/23/24 -- La policía de Nueva York dice que el tipo que fue arrestado en un carro de policía el lunes ha sido detenido y fichado por cargos de acoso y hostigamiento.

El departamento dice: "Los agentes fueron abordados por múltiples denunciantes que señalaron que un hombre emocionalmente perturbado estaba actuando erráticamente en el lugar. Una vez que los agentes observaron al varón acosando a múltiples denunciantes, lo detuvieron sin más incidentes; no se registraron heridos". El nombre del tipo es David Crowe y al parecer es de Seattle.

El mismo tipo que fue arrestado en la casa de Taylor Swift este fin de semana apareció en su puerta de nuevo y por suerte los policías aparecieron para manejarlo.

Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que el hombre que fue esposado el sábado por tratar de acceder a la casa de Taylor en Nueva York tuvo el descaro de pasar por su casa de nuevo el lunes, algo que su equipo de seguridad y vecinos alrededor advirtieron de inmediato.

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Arrestado por la policía

Nos dicen que el jefe de seguridad de Taylor inmediatamente llamó a la policía cuando el tipo llegó y nuestras fuentes dicen que todo el mundo informó de lo mismo, es decir, que estaba al acecho.

Por supuesto, esto es un gran problema, teniendo en cuenta lo que acababa de pasar hace un par de días con el tipo. Nos dicen que la policía de Nueva York llegó a la escena, pero no pudo encontrarlo inmediatamente. Al poco tiempo, lo localizaron a la vuelta de la esquina.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que se encontraba a menos de una cuadra de distancia de la residencia de Taylor, donde se enfrentó con la policía. Los agentes lo volvieron a esposar en la parte trasera de uno de sus carros de policía.

No hay duda de ello. Nos dicen que este es, de hecho, el mismo tipo del sábado, pero no estamos seguros de lo que va a pasar con él o si se están presentando cargos.

Ustedes recordarán, cuando lo atraparon por primera vez, los policías dijeron que lo encontraron tocando la puerta principal de Taylor, en lo que las autoridades percibieron como un intento de entrar sin autorización.

Cuando chequearon en su sistema, encontraron que había una orden de arresto abierta hacia él por un caso separado de 2017, cuando no se presentó ante el tribunal.

No hace falta decir que su regreso a la escena tan poco tiempo después del primer incidente es preocupante por decir lo menos y se tienen que imaginar que la aplicación de la ley será un poco más estricta esta vez.

Por otra parte, sabemos que las celebridades han tenido dificultades para lograr disuadir con éxito a este tipo de personas que parecen estar obsesionados con ellos. El sistema de justicia penal a menudo falla en protegerlos de un potencial peligro.

TMZ investiga
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Como ustedes saben, Taylor ha tenido una larga y documentada historia con acosadores en su propia carrera, incluyendo uno que fue arrestado previamente por tratar de entrar en su casa en Manhattan hace unos años. No está claro si es este tipo, pero no está sentando un buen precedente.

Nuestro nuevo documental, "TMZ Investigates: Obsessed and Dangerous: Hollywood's Stalker Crisis", se emite el lunes a las 9/8c en FOX, en donde desglosamos las historias de Taylor y más.

Publicado originalmente -- 1/22/24 5:31 PM PT

Rams' Demarcus Robinson Sues L.A. Hotel After Robbery ... You Failed To Protect Me!!!

Rams wide receiver Demarcus Robinson is suing an L.A.-area hotel ... after he says the establishment didn't do enough to protect him during a terrifying robbery in its lobby last year.

The 29-year-old claimed in a lawsuit filed in Los Angeles County last week that the incident happened at the Lexen Hotel in North Hollywood at around midnight on Oct. 20, 2023.

Robinson claims he entered the facility through a side entrance after pulling into the parking garage ... but when he made his way into the lobby, two masked men pulled guns on him and threatened to murder him.

In the suit, Robinson says the men took nearly $150,000 worth of stuff off of his person during the encounter ... including a luxury diamond watch and two diamond chains.

Robinson claims the hotel didn't have security guards outside the hotel or in the lobby -- adding that employees who were working at the front desk at the time didn't call authorities until after the suspects had fled the area.

Robinson's suing the place for negligence and more ... seeking at least $149,500 in damages ... plus punitives.

Robinson played in 16 regular season games for the Rams this year. He also logged snaps in the team's lone playoff game earlier this month against the Lions, recording three catches for 44 yards.

Robinson did it all despite saying in his suit he suffered "an emotional toll" from the October incident at the hotel.

'AMW' HOST JOHN WALSH Crime Is Worse, So We're Back ... FBI Wanted Us On the Air!!!


"America's Most Wanted" host John Walsh says America's spiraling crime stats, and criminals getting smarter are just 2 reasons why his famous show is returning to FOX.

John and his son, Callahan Walsh, are hosting the 'AMW' reboot, and they joined us Monday on "TMZ Live" to discuss how crime has changed since the show's initial heyday in the '90s and early 2000s.

It was way back in 1988 when 'AMW' premiered on FOX and John tells us crime is so bad these days, honchos at the FBI told him they wanted his show to return, so he could help bust criminals ... particularly in areas the agency considers "lawless."

Another change since the OG 'AMW' ... John says advances in technology are making it easier to find criminals -- but he points out some of that technology also gives the bad guys more tools to break laws, and get away with it.

There are plenty of new criminals for John and Callahan to track down on their reboot ... but they tell us their program will also take a crack at solving some cold cases too.

No one understands the importance of staying on cases like that more than the Walsh family -- John points out he waited 27 years for the police files that eventually helped solve his 6-year-old son Adam's 1981 abduction and murder.

The new 'AMW' premieres tonight at 8 PM ET on FOX, and the Walshes tell us they plan to keep fighting crime in Adam's honor.

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Following the premiere of 'AMW,' be sure to stick around and tune into "TMZ Investigates: Obsessed and Dangerous: Hollywood’s Stalker Crisis" -- the start of a weekly series that hits FOX Monday at 9/8c.

'Cheer' Star Monica Aldama Son Austin Charged with Child Porn ... 10 Counts in Indictment

'Cheer' star Monica Aldama's son, Austin Aldama, has been arrested and charged with possession of child porn in Texas -- and the allegations authorities lay out are disturbing.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Austin was arrested and booked last Thursday in Navarro County on an open warrant for his arrest ... which references a grand jury indictment against him with 10 counts of possession of child pornography.

Specifically, Austin (who's 27) was booked into the county jail, posed for this mug, and was released on bond with certain conditions ... including having to submit to random drug testing and other stipulations, like submitting to voluntary searches of his phone and computer. He's also prohibited from viewing pornographic images by any means.

We should note that in docs -- prosecutors cite evidence they say they have including several videos with file names describing children engaged in sex acts that are under the age of 10.

Austin doesn't appear to have been arraigned yet, so he hasn't entered a plea thus far.

It's obviously shocking news -- made even stunning by the fact that the 'Cheer' community there in Navarro -- prominently featured in the Netflix show -- has already been rocked by a child porn scandal ... namely, from one of the stars in the Netflix series, Jerry Harris.

You'll recall ... Jerry was also hit with child porn charges, and he ended up getting convicted in his case -- now, he was hit with a 12-year sentence back in 2022.

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At the time, Monica said she was "shattered" by the allegations against Jerry -- noting in a statement, "Our children must be protected from abuse and exploitation, and I'm praying hard for the victims and everyone affected."

We've reached out to Monica for comment ... so far, no word back.