el hijo de Mónica Aldama es acusado de pornografía infantil

El hijo de Monica Aldama, Austin Aldama, ha sido arrestado y acusado de posesión de pornografía infantil en Texas, y las acusaciones de las autoridades son inquietantes.

De acuerdo con nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Austin fue detenido el pasado jueves en el Condado de Navarro con una orden de arresto abierta para su detención, que hace referencia a una acusación del gran jurado en su contra con 10 cargos de posesión de pornografía infantil.

En concreto, Austin (de 27 años) fue llevado la cárcel del condado, posó para esta foto y fue puesto en libertad bajo fianza con ciertas condiciones, incluyendo tener que someterse a pruebas de drogas al azar y someterse a búsquedas voluntarias en su teléfono y la computadora. También tiene prohibido ver imágenes pornográficas por cualquier medio.

Debemos señalar que en los documentos los fiscales citan pruebas que dicen que tienen varios videos con nombres de archivos que describen a los niños que participan en actos sexuales que son menores de 10 años.

Austin no parece haber sido procesado todavía, por lo que no ha presentado una declaración hasta el momento.

Obviamente, es una noticia impactante, y es aún más sorprendente el hecho de que la comunidad "Cheer" que está allí en Navarro que aparece en la serie de Netflix, ya ha sido sacudida por un escándalo de pornografía infantil relacionado con una de las estrellas en la serie de Netflix, Jerry Harris.

Como recordarás... Jerry también fue golpeado con cargos de pornografía infantil y terminó siendo condenado a 12 años en 2022.

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En ese momento, Mónica dijo que estaba "destrozada" por las acusaciones contra Jerry, señalando en un comunicado: "Nuestros hijos deben ser protegidos del abuso y la explotación y estoy rezando mucho por las víctimas y todos los afectados".

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con Mónica para hacer comentarios, hasta ahora, no hay respuesta.


Oakland residents will soon have to travel a little further for their double-double and animal-style fries ... cause their local In-N-Out Burger is shutting its doors over increased crime.

Chief Operating Officer Denny Warnick says a surge in car break-ins, property damage, theft, and armed robberies are just a few of the reasons the fast food joint's closing its only Oakland location after nearly 2 decades in business.

He also says this wasn't an overnight decision ... they made persistent attempts to create safer conditions for employees and customers, but all came up short.

Basically, they couldn't keep encouraging their clientele to visit high-risk places.

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As for the staff at the burger joint, they'll be able to transfer to other branches or receive a severance package.

If you're in the Bay Area, there's still time to head down to the popular grub spot and bid it "bun voyage" ... the last day of operation is March 24.

Stalker Chasers PI Hired to Track Obsessed Man ... Tied to Stirling and Swift

TMZ Studios

The stalker problem in Hollywood has gotten so bad, that celebs are now having to hire PIs to track down these people to make sure they stay away ... including a famous violinist.

We did a ride-along with a seasoned vet in this industry -- a private investigator named Joe Dalu ... who was recently contracted by Lindsey Stirling to locate a man she claims has been stalking her and making her life a living hell.

Check out how Dalu explains this phenomenon to us in the car -- he says there are a lot of law enforcement agencies these days that don't want to serve stalkers with stay-away orders, out of fear of being attacked and harmed ... and as a result, there's no one left to do it.

That's where Joe comes in ... and you can see him doing the job here -- confronting a man who's alleged to be obsessed with Lindsey.

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BTW, this guy has ties to hounding Taylor Swift too -- he's been obsessed with her for more than a year -- which just speaks to the larger issue.

Anyway, the entire interaction here is part of a show airing Monday on FOX called 'TMZ Investigates: Obsessed and Dangerous: Hollywood’s Stalker Crisis' -- kicking off a new series that'll start to air weekly. The show starts at 9/8c ... and you won't wanna miss this.

Lindsey Stirling y Taylor Swift Contratan a un agente especial para rastrear a su acosador

ninguna ayuda de la policía
TMZ Studios

El problema de los acosadores en Hollywood se ha agravado tanto que los famosos tienen que contratar a detectives privados para rastrear a estas personas y asegurarse de que se mantengan alejadas... incluida una famosa violinista.

Hicimos un paseo con un veterano experimentado en esta industria, un investigador privado llamado Joe DeLu, quien fue contratado recientemente por Lindsey Stirling para localizar a un hombre que ella afirma que la ha estado acosando y haciendo de su vida un infierno.

Échale un vistazo a cómo DeLu nos explica este fenómeno. Dice que hay un montón de agencias de la ley estos días que no quieren involucrarse con los acosadores con órdenes de alejamiento por temor a sner atacados, y como resultado, no queda nadie para hacerlo.

Ahí es donde entra Joe. Se le puede ver haciendo su trabajo, enfrentándose a un hombre que supuestamente está obsesionado con Lindsey.

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TMZ Studios

Por cierto, este tipo también estuvo obsesionado con Taylor Swift durante más de un año, demostrando que es un problema aún más grande..

De todos modos, toda la interacción aquí es parte de un programa que se emite el lunes en FOX llamado "TMZ Investiga: Obsesionados y Peligrosos: La Crisis de los Acosadores de Hollywood", el inicio de una nueva serie que comenzará a emitirse semanalmente... no te lo querrás perder.

'Wizard of Oz' Mobster Admits, Yep, I Stole the Ruby Red Slippers!!!

The ruby red slipper theft has been solved ... with a confession from a mobster!

Terry Jon Martin has copped to stealing one of the most iconic items in movie history -- Dorothy's ruby red slippers from "The Wizard of Oz."

Terry Jon now admits ... he's the guy behind the smash and grab back in 2005 ... he used a hammer to obliterate the display case that was supposed to protect the slippers.

JJM says he was under the mistaken impression the shoes were bedazzled with real jewels. The reason he thought that -- the shoes were famously insured for $1M.

The shoes were recovered in 2018 and Martin was arrested and pled guilty to the theft.

The 76-year-old will not go to jail ... he's suffering from a serious illness so the judge showed him mercy. He's in hospice care and is only expected to live another 6 months.

TMZ Studios

BTW ... the current market value of the shoes -- $3.5 MILLION!!!

Un mafioso confesó haber robado los zapatos de rubí del Mago de Oz

El robo de los zapatos rojos de rubí ha sido resuelto, ¡luego de que de un mafioso confesara!

Terry Jon Martin confesó haber robado uno de los artículos más emblemáticos de la historia del cine, zapatillas de color rojo rubí de Dorothy en el "El Mago de Oz".

Terry Jon admite ahora que él es el  autor del robo que ocurrió en 2005. Utilizó un martillo para destruir la vitrina que se suponía iba a proteger las zapatillas.

Terry dice que estaba bajo la impresión errónea de que los zapatos estaban adornados con joyas reales. La razón por la que pensó eso... los zapatos estaban famosamente asegurados por $1M.

Los zapatos fueron recuperados en 2018 y Martin fue arrestado y se declaró culpable del robo.

El hombre de 76 años no irá a la cárcel, sufre una enfermedad grave, por lo que el juez tuvo piedad de él. Está en cuidados paliativos y solo se espera que viva otros seis meses.

¡A propósito, el valor actual de los zapatos es de $3.5 MILLONES!

Bristol Palin Defends Arming Herself Against Stalkers ... The Law Doesn't Help!!!

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Sarah Palin's eldest daughter, Bristol Palin, has been hounded by stalkers for years -- and after little help from the criminal justice system ... she's taken matters into her own hands.

We talked to Bristol for a new documentary airing Monday at 9 PM ET/8 Central on FOX -- delving into the horrors of famous people who've had to battle obsessed fans ... to the point their lives have been put at risk, including BP here -- whose history with this is well-documented.

The incidents for Bristol date back to the mid-2010s ... and they were all harrowing.

In the years since, Bristol hasn't shied away from the fact that she exercises her 2nd Amendment right to bear arms -- something she touches on here in our sit-down with her.

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Check it out ... she describes the anxiety she lives with in the aftermath of everything she's gone through -- and explains why she feels protecting herself, her home and her family is absolutely essential in her daily life going forward.

Part of the reason she feels she needs to go to these extremes is because the law itself is simply too lenient when it comes to stalking -- and doesn't do enough to deter them.

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We get far more into the topic in the doc itself -- titled 'TMZ Investigates: Obsessed and Dangerous: Hollywood’s Stalker Crisis' -- and cover more stars who've dealt with this.

The show airs Monday evening on FOX at 9/8c. BTW ... this show launches our "TMZ Investigates" series on Fox Monday nights at 9 PM ET/8 Central.

Bristol Palin Defiende ir armada contra los acosadores... La ley no ayuda

Armada y lista
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La hija mayor de Sarah Palin, Bristol Palin, ha sido hostigada por los acosadores durante años, y después de recibir poca ayuda del sistema de justicia penal, ella decidió tomar el asunto por sus propias manos.

Hablamos con Bristol para un nuevo documental que se emitirá el lunes a las 9 PM y 8PM Central en FOX, que profundiza en los horrores de los famosos que han tenido que lidiar con fans que se obsesionan con ellos a tal punto que sus vidas han estado en riesgo, incluyendo el caso de Bristol, cuya historia está bien documentada.

Los incidentes de Bristol se remontan a mediados de la década del 2010, y todos ellos fueron desgarradores.

En los años transcurridos desde entonces, ella no ha rehuido el hecho de que ejerce su derecho de la 2ª Enmienda de portar armas, algo que conversó con nosotros.

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Echa un vistazo al video, en este ella describe la ansiedad con la que vive después de lo que pasó y explica por qué siente que protegerse a sí misma, su hogar y su familia es absolutamente esencial en su vida diaria.

Siente que tiene que llegar a estos extremos en parte porque la ley en sí es simplemente demasiado indulgente cuando se trata de acoso, y no hace lo suficiente para disuadirlos.

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En el documental "TMZ Investigates: Obsessed and Dangerous: Hollywood’s Stalker Crisis", cubrimos mucho más sobre las celebridades que han lidiado con esto.

El programa se emite el lunes en la noche en FOX a las 9 PM ET y 8 Central.

NYC Man Arrested on Unrelated Warrant ... Tried to Open T-Swift's Door

Taylor Swift's NYC townhouse got an unwanted visitor Saturday ... and police arrested him on an unrelated warrant, TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us ... cops received a 911 call in the afternoon for a "disorderly person" and responded to Taylor's fancy Manhattan neighborhood, where the pop superstar owns some pricey real estate.

When they arrived, the officers encountered the unruly man and soon learned he tried but failed to access Taylor's building, our sources say.

Whether he knew it was Taylor's crib or not is anybody's guess, but we've obtained photos of the guy standing right outside the front door of her building. Creepy!!!

Other images show NYPD cops cuffing the dude and shoving him into the back of a police cruiser.

We're told police ran a background check on the unnamed suspect and arrested him on a 2017 warrant for failing to answer a court summons in Brooklyn. It was unclear what the warrant was for. NYPD officials have not indicated whether they will recommend charges for this latest incident.

We've reached out to Taylor's team ... so far no word back.

TS' got more than enough reason to be nervous about people showing up at her place ... she's got a long, documented history with stalkers -- one was arrested less than two years ago for trying to get into her Manhattan home.

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We break down Taylor's stalkers and more in our upcoming documentary "TMZ Investigates: Obsessed and Dangerous: Hollywood's Stalker Crisis" -- coming out Monday at 9/8c on FOX.

Logan Paul System Failed My Late Stalker ... After Apparent Suicide

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Logan Paul was once in the crosshairs of a man who seemed obsessed with him -- and who even broke into his home -- but he didn't realize the man took his own life ... until now.

We sat with the YouTuber-turned-boxer for a conversation about this dark chapter in his life -- namely, back in 2018 when a guy named Tahj Deondre Speight allegedly trespassed by making his way into Logan's house without authorization, which led to a confrontation.

LP ended up detaining Speight -- and he was ultimately arrested, charged, prosecuted and eventually jailed ... but at some point, he died -- and it appears it was via suicide.

Harvey actually broke this news to Logan in our interview ... and it's clear he was not aware of this development -- with the update hitting him hard on the spot. We ask the question ... did the system fail Speight by not getting him the help or resources he needed?

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Logan gives an honest answer, and somewhat surprisingly ... he says he has empathy for the man he once wrestled to the ground. It's an emotional response, and a heartfelt one too.

His full chat is part of a new show called 'TMZ Investigates: Obsessed and Dangerous: Hollywood’s Stalker Crisis' -- the start of a weekly series that hits FOX Monday at 9/8c.

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org.

Logan Paul El sistema le falló a mi acosador... Después de un aparente suicidio

Les falló el sistema
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Logan Paul estuvo alguna vez en la mira de un hombre que parecía estar obsesionado con él, y que incluso irrumpió en su casa, pero no sabía que el hombre se había quitado la vida.... hasta ahora.

Nos sentamos con el YouTuber convertido en boxeador para conversar sobre este capítulo oscuro de su vida. Esto es, cuando por allá por 2018, un tipo llamado Tahj Deondre Speight supuestamente entró sin autorización a su casa, lo que llevó a un enfrentamiento.

Logan Paul terminó deteniendo a Speight, quien finalmente fue arrestado, acusado, procesado y finalmente encarcelado, pero en algún momento murió y parece que fue a través del suicidio.

Harvey le dio la noticia a Logan en nuestra entrevista y está claro que él no estaba al tanto del suceso y la noticia le golpeó fuertemente. Nos preguntamos... ¿le fallo el sistema al no proporcionarle la ayuda o los recursos que necesitaba?

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Logan da una respuesta honesta, y algo sorprendente, dice que tiene empatía por el hombre con quien alguna vez luchó. Es una respuesta emotiva y sincera.

Su charla completa forma parte de un nuevo programa llamado "TMZ Investiga: TMZ Investigates: Obsessed and Dangerous: Hollywood’s Stalker Crisis", el comienzo de una serie semanal que se emitirá en FOX el lunes.

Si usted o alguien que usted conoce está luchando o en crisis, la ayuda está disponible. Llame o envíe un mensaje de texto al 988 o chatee con 988lifeline.org.

Alec Baldwin Hit with New Criminal Charge ... In 'Rust' Case

Alec Baldwin is being dragged back into criminal court in the "Rust" case -- and he's facing the same charge as before ... involuntary manslaughter.

The actor just got hit with a new grand jury indictment out of Santa Fe -- and it says he's being rung up on one count of involuntary manslaughter involving negligent use of a firearm. However, there's an alternative charge he could face ... involuntary manslaughter without due caution or circumspection.

The reason there are 2 charges listed is because the grand jury basically agreed there is enough evidence for him to be prosecuted on either ... but the D.A.'s office will presumably only pursue one of these.

Remember, Alec has already been put through the wringer on this front -- he was charged with involuntary manslaughter, but those charges were eventually dropped.


He might've thought he was out of the woods, but prosecutors have been signaling for months they were leaving the window open to possibly re-charge ... and now they've followed through with the grand jury's indictment.


Alec pled not guilty at first -- and we imagine he'll enter the same plea again. His attorneys, Luke Nikas and Alex Spiro, signaled as much ... telling TMZ, "We look forward to our day in court."

Oklahoma State University Four Hit With Criminal Charges ... After Dead Longhorn Found At Fraternity

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Four people have been hit with criminal charges after officials allege they were responsible for hurling a dead longhorn onto the front yard of an Oklahoma State University fraternity house last month.

According to KOCO 5 News, three 19-year-olds and one 20-year-old were charged with misdemeanor unlawful disposal of a carcass in relation to the case.

You'll recall ... the steer was found on Dec. 1 at around 6:30 AM in front of the FarmHouse Fraternity in Stillwater, Okla. -- in what appeared to be some sort of twisted message sent to the Cowboys ahead of their Big 12 championship football game against the Texas Longhorns.

The body of the animal was discovered with its stomach cut open ... and on its side, someone had written "F*** FH."

At the time, OSU officials said they were "appalled at the disturbing display of animal cruelty" ... and promised to take "appropriate action" against the perpetrators following an investigation into the incident.

Authorities said in court documents obtained by KOCO 5 News that the four suspects were members of the Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity looking to play a prank on the FarmHouse Fraternity with the steer.

Court records show all four pled not guilty to the charges earlier this week. Each is now due in court for another hearing on the matter in March.

Oklahoma State University Acusan a 4 personas de delitos penales Después de encontrar a un Longhorn muerto...

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Inquietante incidente

Cuatro personas han sido acusadas con cargos criminales después de que las autoridades alegaran que son responsables de dejar a un longhorn muerto en el patio delantero de una casa de la fraternidad de la Universidad Estatal de Oklahoma el mes pasado.

Según KOCO 5 News, tres de ellos tienen 19 años y uno 20. Todos fueron acusados del delito menor de eliminación ilegal de un cadáver en relación con el caso.

Ustedes recordarán que un novillo fue encontrado el 1 de diciembre alrededor de las 6:30 AM en frente de la Fraternidad FarmHouse en Stillwater, Oklahoma, en lo que parecía ser una especie de mensaje retorcido para los Cowboys antes de su partido de fútbol del campeonato Big 12 contra los Longhorns de Texas.

El cuerpo del animal fue descubierto con el estómago abierto y a su lado alguien había escrito "F*** FH" (Que se jodan los FarmHouse).

En ese momento, los funcionarios de OSU dijeron que estaban "horrorizados por la perturbadora exhibición de crueldad animal" y prometieron que tomarían las "medidas apropiadas" contra los perpetradores después de una investigación sobre el incidente.

Las autoridades dijeron en documentos judiciales obtenidos por KOCO 5 News que los cuatro sospechosos eran miembros de la fraternidad Alpha Gamma Rho que querían jugarle una broma a la fraternidad FarmHouse con el buey.

Los registros judiciales muestran que los cuatro se declararon inocentes de los cargos a principios de esta semana. Cada uno de ellos deberá comparecer ante el tribunal para otra audiencia sobre el caso en marzo.

Josh Giddey Won't Face Charges ... In Underage Relationship Investigation


1/18 9:35 AM -- The minor's attorney, Gloria Allred, tells TMZ Sports ... "It does not surprise me that law enforcement would close their investigation since our client who is a minor and her parents have chosen not to speak to law enforcement to protect their privacy."

Oklahoma City Thunder guard Josh Giddey will not face charges stemming from a police investigation into whether he had an improper relationship with an underage girl ... TMZ Sports has learned.

Newport Beach PD tells us the case -- which was launched back in November -- is officially closed ... after officials found no corroborating evidence.

In other words, no one involved was willing to talk ... and 21-year-old Giddey is in the clear.

As we previously reported, Giddey was the center of serious allegations made on social media during Thanksgiving weekend ... with photos and videos showing him interacting with a girl believed to be a high school junior at the time.

The NBA looked into the claims at the time ... but once Newport PD got involved, Adam Silver said it would take a "backseat" and let law enforcement do its thing.

Our sources told us at the time that the minor and her family were unwilling to cooperate with investigators ... which was a major roadblock in the process. We were also told the minor even lawyered up with prominent attorney Gloria Allred.

Giddey -- who has not publicly addressed the allegations -- has continued to play for the Thunder throughout the probe ... and has faced jeers from opposing fans on numerous occasions.

Originally Published -- 1/17 2:10 PM PT

Katt Williams a.k.a. KattPac Ludacris Response ... Locked & Loaded Suge Knight Approved!!!

Katt Williams is on the verge of reminding Ludacris that he also raps ... 'cause he's out here responding to him with bars of his own, spittin' to none other than Suge Knight himself.

Suge and Dave Mays dropped their latest 'Collect Call' podcast episode Tuesday ... with a first-ever preview of Katt's acidic words -- a direct response to the freestyle Luda kicked to combat the viral "Club Shay Shay" interview.

Katt's ether opens with a voiceover of Mike Epps admitting being jealous of not being mentioned in the viral "Club Shay Shay" interview.

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Twitter / @ludacris

Katt then lyrically lunges at Luda's jugular using metaphors that relate to him ... "Move Bitch," "Fast & Furious" -- the biggest burn just may be Katt called out Luda for NOT saying he was lying.

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Club Shay Shay

Remember, Katt dissed Luda first by (joking?) that the Atlanta rapper joined the Illuminati only to be rewarded with a wide-faced, light-skinned wife.

Katt is the first guest on "Collect Call" and he and Suge shared their unique origin story, ironically centered around their mutual love for Tupac Shakur.

Suge had a big reveal for Katt all the same ... he's back in the gym because he expects to be freed from prison soon ... uh oh!!! 👀