Starbucks Pink Stanley Cups RE$ELLING FOR BIG MONEY ONLINE ... Amid Target Store Chaos

If people risking jail time for a mug -- like some are to nab a limited edition Stanley Quencher Starbucks cup -- here's what ya gotta know ... they're making tons of money on the resale market.

It's pretty wild, and a sign of the times ... the pink cups retail for $49.95 at Starbucks branches inside Targets, and folks who've been able to snag them are turning around, and hawking them online for hundreds of dollars.

The resellers are working hard for that big payday, though ... the only way to get the cups seems to be camping outside Target for hours, or fighting through massive crowds in scenes straight out of Black Friday.


Other people are going to even greater lengths to try and cash in -- like the guy who hopped a counter and tried, unsuccessfully, to steal a whole box of the pink goodies.

On eBay, the pink cups are going for $250 to $280 ... and Mercari has them on sale for $225 to $300.

Social media is a factor too ... Stanley cups are wildly popular on Instagram and TikTok ... so there's huge demand and limited supply.

Economics 101, folks.

Big Boy My Weight Helped Me Hide Guns Once During Police Search!!!

Hip hop radio legend Big Boy is revisiting a time being overweight came in real handy -- he says all that extra cushion helped him duck gun charges that might've ended his career before it got started!!!

BB made the eye-popping revelation on "All the Smoke" after Matt Barnes and Stephen Jackson asked him about the urban legend that he hid a gun from the police in his body fat.

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BB once weighed over 500 lbs -- back before Will Smith convinced him to get surgery -- and he confirmed the legend as fact, but explained there was a perfectly good reason for his actions.

Before earning his stripes on radio, BB bodyguarded for The Pharcyde. and recalled the day of June 17, 1994 -- the same day O.J. Simpson famously led LAPD on the low-speed chase.

The iconic moment caused BB to be separated from the group as they stayed in the Bay Area and he flew back to L.A. -- but left them his gun to drive back to the city.

After BB retrieved his gun the next day, he got pulled over while he also had another gun on him ... so, really bad timing.

Luckily, the officer failed to pat him down properly, and he was able to skate any charges. God knows a strip search at county jail would've gotten interesting!!!

As fate would have it, he got a call from Power 106 the very next day, starting his on-air gig ... and eventually got a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame presented to him by Dr. Dre!!!

Oh, and he's slimmed way down -- so, no more conceal and carry.

La madre de Casey Anthony sufre un ataque de pánico al responder preguntas sobre su nieta

en aprietos
A&E & Lifetime

La madre de Casey Anthony sufrió un ataque de pánico mientras estaba en el banquillo... y fue tan grave que tuvo que abandonar una entrevista sobre su nieta fallecida.

Cindy Anthony sufrió un ataque de ansiedad durante una entrevista que le hicieron para el documental de A&E y Lifetime, "Los padres de Casey Anthony: La prueba del detector de mentiras", que se estrena esta noche y ella dice que está convencida de que su hija —Casey— sabe lo que le pasó a Caylee de 3 años de edad en 2008.

Cindy comienza a llorar durante la conversación, se lleva la mano al pecho y tiene que salir de la habitación, alegando que está teniendo un ataque de pánico... su marido, George, rápidamente va con ella para ayudar a calmarla.

Sin embargo, parece que el ataque no desapareció, ya que George le recomienda que acuda a un hospital mientras la tumba en el suelo para intentar que se relaje. Solo hemos visto un clip en este punto, por lo que no está claro qué tan grave se puso.

luchando por responder
A&E & Lifetime

Como informamos, George se emocionó durante la prueba del detector de mentiras en otro avance del documental, luchando por responder si ocultó o no el paradero de su nieta, algo que Casey afirmó.

Recordemos que Caylee desapareció en junio de 2008 y su cuerpo fue encontrado meses después, Casey dijo durante su juicio en 2011 que George se deshizo del cuerpo de Caylee y dijo el 2022 que escenificó su muerte para que pareciera que era culpa de Casey.

No están claros los detalles de cómo fue que los padres pasaron las pruebas del detector de mentiras, pero esto será revelado el jueves por la noche.

Casey Anthony's Mom Panic Attack Under Questioning

A&E & Lifetime

Casey Anthony's mom suffered a panic attack while in the hot seat ... and it was so severe, she had to walk away from an interview about her late granddaughter.

Cindy Anthony's anxiety set in during an interview she did for the A&E and Lifetime doc, "Casey Anthony's Parents: The Lie Detector Test," which debuts tonight ... and she says she's convinced her daughter, Casey, knows what happened to 3-year-old Caylee in 2008.

Cindy starts crying during the convo, reaches for her chest and has to step out of the room, claiming to be having a panic attack ... her husband, George, quickly goes with her to help calm her down.

It seems the attack didn't go away, however -- as George recommends heading to a hospital as he lays her on the ground to try and get her to relax. We've only seen a clip at this point, so it's unclear just how serious it got.

A&E & Lifetime

As we reported, George got emotional during a lie detector test in another preview of the doc, struggling to answer whether or not he concealed his granddaughter's whereabouts -- something Casey claimed.

Remember, Caylee disappeared in June 2008 and her body was found months later -- Casey said during her 2011 trial that George disposed of Caylee's body, and she said in a 2022 doc that he staged her death to make it look like it was Casey's fault.

Unclear how well the parents passed their lie detector tests ... but safe to say that'll be revealed Thursday night.


Michael Jackson, David Copperfield y Stephen Hawking están en la lista de asociados de Jeffrey Epstein, y aunque no hay pruebas de que ninguno de ellos haya tenido nada que ver con los crímenes del infame delincuente sexual, uno era supuestamente sospechoso.

Copperfield fue nombrado 6 veces en los documentos que se hicieron públicos el miércoles, incluido en una declaración de la presunta víctima, Johanna Sjöberg, quien dijo que ella y otra chica cenaron con el mago en la casa de Epstein.

Durante la cena, Johanna le preguntó a la otra chica a qué escuela iba y al no reconocer el nombre del colegio dijo que esta podría haber tenido edad para ir a la escuela secundaria.

Copperfield al parecer tenía la misma sensación. De acuerdo a los documentos, Johanna testificó que él le "preguntó si era consciente de que a las niñas se les pagaba para encontrar a otras chicas".

La relación de Copperfield con Epstein ya se había hecho pública en un artículo de 2019 del New York Times, en el que se detallaba la implicación de Ghislaine Maxwell en la búsqueda de chicas jóvenes. Maxwell nunca acusó a Copperfield de ninguna fechoría.

Sjöberg también testificó que Michael Jackson visitó la casa de Epstein en Palm Beach, aunque no alegó que hiciera nada ilegal.

Mientras tanto, el físico teórico Stephen Hawking también fue nombrado en los documentos recién publicados, donde se afirma que Epstein le dijo a Maxwell que iba a ofrecer dinero a los amigos de Virginia Giuffre si le "ayudaban a probar" que una acusación de que Stephen participó en una "orgía de menores de edad" era falsa.

Los 3 han sido nombrados después de que un juez ordenara que los documentos relacionados con la demanda civil de Virginia contra Maxwell pudieran hacerse públicos.

En la lista también están el expresidente Donald Trump y el príncipe Andrés. El miembro de la realeza británica habría tenido encuentros sexuales con Virginia, aunque él lo ha negado.

El expresidente Bill Clinton también aparece en los documentos judiciales recientemente desclasificados, donde se afirma que Epstein le dijo a una de sus víctimas de abuso sexual que a Bill le gustaban sus chicas jóvenes.

A pesar de las acusaciones, Bill estuvo de buen humor junto a su esposa Hillary mientras exploraba las encantadoras calles de San Miguel de Allende, México, el miércoles. La pareja incluso se dio el tiempo para parar un momento y conversar con los lugareños.

Más nombres de la lista se darán a conocer en los próximos días y semanas.

JEFFREY EPSTEIN MJ, HAWKING & Copperfield On List ... But, No Wrongdoing

Michael Jackson, David Copperfield and Stephen Hawking are on Jeffrey Epstein's list of associates -- and while there's no evidence any of them had anything to do with the infamous sex offender's crimes, one was allegedly suspicious.

Copperfield was named 6 times in the documents -- which were made public Wednesday -- including in the deposition of alleged victim, Johanna Sjöberg, who said she and another girl had dinner with the magician at Epstein's home.

During the dinner, Johanna asked the other young-looking girl what school she went to, and when she didn't recognize the name of the school as being a college ... she said the girl might have been of high school age.

Copperfield apparently had a similar feeling -- according to the docs, Johanna testified, he "questioned me if I was aware that girls were getting paid to find other girls."

Copperfield's involvement with Epstein has previously been made public ... in a 2019 article from the New York Times, which detailed Ghislaine Maxwell's involvement in scouting young girls. Maxwell never accused Copperfield of any wrongdoing.

Sjöberg also testified that Michael Jackson visited Epstein's Palm Beach home, though she didn't allege he did anything illegal.

Meanwhile, theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking was also named in the newly released filing ... where it's claimed Epstein told Maxwell she'd offer money to Virginia Giuffre's friends if they'd "help prove" an allegation that Stephen participated in an "underage orgy" was false.

The 3 have been named after a judge ordered documents relating to Virginia's civil suit against Maxwell could be made public.

Also on the list are former President Donald Trump and Prince Andrew. The British royal allegedly had sexual encounters with Virginia ... though he's denied it.

Former President Bill Clinton is also featured in the newly unsealed court documents ... where it's claimed Epstein told one of his sex abuse victims Bill likes his girls young.

Despite the allegations ... Bill was in good spirits alongside his wife Hillary as he explored the charming streets of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico Wednesday ... the pair making time to stop and chat with locals.

More names from the list are set to be revealed in coming days and weeks.

Jeffrey Epstein Told Victim 'Clinton Likes Them Young'

Jeffrey Epstein told one of his sexual abuse victims Bill Clinton like his girls young ... according to newly unsealed court documents.

The bombshell claim is from a deposition given by Johanna Sjöberg ... the deposition transcript, obtained by TMZ, says "Jeffrey told her 'Clinton likes them young,' referring to girls."

The former president's name appears several times among the hundreds of pages of recently unsealed court documents from a 2015 civil lawsuit filed by Virginia Giuffre, who claims she was one of Epstein's sex trafficking victims.

Clinton reportedly did not object to his identity being unsealed ... and he's long been linked to Epstein. In 2019, Bill said he went on 4 trips on Epstein's infamous private jet as part of humanitarian efforts with the Clinton Foundation, but denied knowledge about Epstein's crimes. Clinton denied ever having visited Epstein's private island in the U.S. Virgin Islands, which was confirmed by Epstein's associate, Ghislaine Maxwell.

Also in the document dump are details about Prince Andrew.

In the docs, Epstein is accused of forcing a minor to have sex with Prince Andrew in London and New York ... as well as on Epstein's private island as part of an orgy with other underage girls.

The docs go on to say Epstein instructed Jane Doe #3 to "give the Prince whatever he demanded" and required her "to report back to him on the details of the sexual abuse."

There's also this quirky bit from Sjöberg involving a puppet of Prince Andrew, which she says Maxwell got from a BBC production. During a social gathering in NYC, Sjöberg says Giuffre sat on a couch next to Andrew, and she sat on his lap -- then they all posed for a photo with the puppet's hand on Giuffre's breast, and Andrew's hand on Sjöberg's breast.

As we reported, Prince Andrew previously settled a lawsuit with Giuffre, who accused him of having sex with her when she was a minor. Andrew's denied her allegations and says he regrets his association with Epstein.

Jeffrey Epstein le dijo a su víctima que a Bill Clinton "le gustan jóvenes"

Jeffrey Epstein le dijo a una de sus víctimas de abuso sexual que a Bill Clinton le gustaban las chicas jóvenes... de acuerdo con documentos judiciales recientemente desclasificados.

La afirmación es de una declaración dada por Johanna Sjöberg. La transcripción de la declaración obtenida por TMZ, dice: "Jeffrey le dijo 'Clinton le gustan jóvenes,' refiriéndose a las niñas".

El nombre del expresidente aparece varias veces entre los cientos de páginas de documentos judiciales recientemente desclasificados de una demanda civil de 2015 presentada por Virginia Giuffre, quien afirma que fue una de las víctimas de tráfico sexual de Epstein.

Según los informes, Clinton no se opuso a que su identidad fuera desvelada y ha estado vinculado a Epstein durante mucho tiempo. En 2019, Bill dijo que realizó 4 viajes en el infame jet privado de Epstein como parte de los esfuerzos humanitarios con la Fundación Clinton, pero negó tener conocimiento sobre los crímenes de Epstein. Clinton negó haber visitado alguna vez la isla privada de Epstein en las Islas Vírgenes de Estados Unidos, lo que fue confirmado por la socia de Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell.

También en el volcado de documentos hay pepitas jugosas sobre el príncipe Andrew.

En los documentos, Epstein es acusado de obligar a un menor de edad a tener relaciones sexuales con el príncipe Andrew en Londres y Nueva York, así como en la isla privada de Epstein como parte de una orgía con otras chicas menores de edad.

Los documentos continúan diciendo que Epstein le dio instrucciones a Jane Doe # 3 para "darle el príncipe todo lo que exigía" y le exigió "que le informe sobre los detalles del abuso sexual".

Como informamos, el príncipe Andrés resolvió previamente una demanda con Giuffre, quien lo acusó de tener relaciones sexuales con ella cuando era menor de edad. Andrew ha negado sus acusaciones y dice que lamenta su asociación con Epstein.

Marshawn Lynch Accused Of Breaking Seahawks Fan's Phone ... In Confrontation Outside Seattle Bar


A Seahawks fan says Marshawn Lynch turned into Beastmode outside of a Seattle bar over the weekend ... smashing his phone during an altercation.

The Hawks supporter's name is Jose Lozano ... and he tells TMZ Sports the incident all happened in front of Xtadium in downtown Seattle on Sunday at around 1:30 AM.

Lozano says he tried to get a pic with Lynch inside of the bar earlier in the night -- but was denied by the Seahawks legend's friends ... who told him straight up, "No pictures."

However, when Lozano spotted Lynch outside of the establishment a short time later, he made one final attempt to get the former Seattle tailback to stop for a photo before he called it a night.

In video from the scene, you can see Lozano approach Lynch -- who's wearing a Beastmode sweatshirt -- and yell, "Marshawn! Beastmode! Let me a take a --."

Suddenly, though, Lynch appears to lunge at Lozano's phone -- before the footage cuts out.

Lozano tells us once the camera stopped rolling, Lynch grabbed his phone and screamed, "Y'all mother f***ers are weird," before he busted up the device with his hands. Eventually, Lozano said he was able to get the phone back just prior to Lynch leaving the area.

Lozano tells us he didn't realize his phone -- an iPhone 14 that he purchased just a few months ago -- was broken until several minutes had passed, but he said he has no intentions of going to police now over the incident because he's such a huge fan ... although he did say he wished Lynch hadn't been so "rude."

This, of course, is not the first time Marshawn has been accused of swiping at fans' phones ... back in 2017, he smacked a phone from a man's hands while out at LAX.

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Lynch -- who hasn't played in the NFL since the 2019 season -- has been working as a contributor to Amazon's "Thursday Night Football" coverage this season.

Ian Ziering Street Fight Was Unprovoked!!! So Claim Minibikers

The video of Ian Ziering brawling with a group of bikers in Hollywood tells the whole story -- at least according to one of the bikers who tells TMZ ... the whole incident was completely unprovoked by the motor crew.


We spoke to 2 men Wednesday on "TMZ Live" who sometimes ride with the 605 Minibike Gang, but are not members of the gang. They say Ian went from 0 to 100 all on his own, without any altercation prior to the video we've seen.

The 2 riders here go by Roy and Nocturnal. Nocturnal is the guy who was there on Sunday, and even recorded the video shot from behind Ian's SUV.

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New Angle, New Truth?

Nocturnal insists the group's first encounter with Ian was right there on Hollywood Blvd when the video starts.

He says 2 of his fellow minibikers were doing a legal lane split, and Ian purposely tried to prevent them from getting in front of his car ... even though they had every right to do so.


They say it appears Ian didn't like that ... and go on to allege he hopped out of his car to start a physical fight all on his own. If there was any incidental contact -- Nocturnal and Roy insist it was Ian's own doing ... and that he was the one who invited an ugly clash.

Nocturnal and Roy say they don't know why Ian might've escalated things the way he did -- especially with his young daughter right there with him -- but they theorize he was having a really bad day ... and let out his frustrations on the bikers.

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As we first reported, LAPD is investigating the incident for felony vandalism -- for the bashing of Ian's windshield with a helmet -- and misdemeanor battery for the fight.

Ian, for his part, has suggested the bikers were at fault here ... and blamed cops for allowing "lawlessness" to take place. He hasn't responded to our calls to get his side of what set him off that day.

Ian Ziering La riña callejera no fue provocada Reclama uno de los ciclistas

El video de Ian Ziering peleando con un grupo de motociclistas en Hollywood cuenta toda la historia, al menos de acuerdo con uno de los motociclistas, quien dice a TMZ que todo el incidente fue completamente no provocado por parte del grupo de ciclistas.

Sin compromiso previo

Hablamos con 2 hombres el miércoles en "TMZ Live" que a veces andan con el grupo 605 Minibike Gang, pero no son miembros. Ellos dicen que Ian fue de 0 a 100 por su propia cuenta, sin un altercado previo del video que hemos visto.

Los dos pilotos con los que hablamos van por Roy y Nocturnal. Nocturnal es el tipo que estuvo allí el domingo e incluso grabó el video tomado desde detrás del todoterreno de Ian.

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nuevo ángulo, ¿Nueva verdad?

Nocturnal insiste en que el primer encuentro del grupo con Ian se produjo justo en Hollywood Blvd cuando comienza el video.

Dice que 2 de sus compañeros del grupo de ciclistas estaban haciendo una maniobra de carril legal e Ian trató a propósito de evitar que se pusieran delante de su carro, a pesar de que tenían todo el derecho a hacerlo.

Ataque despiadado

Parece que Ian no le gustó eso, dicen ellos y dicen que luego saltó de su carro para iniciar una pelea física por su cuenta. Si hubo algún contacto incidental, Nocturnal y Roy insisten en que fue cosa de Ian y que él fue quien dio pie a un enfrentamiento feo.

Nocturnal y Roy dicen que no saben por qué Ian podría haber escalado las cosas de la manera que lo hizo, especialmente con su hija pequeña allí, pero sugieren que estaba teniendo un día muy malo y que descargó sus frustraciones en los propios ciclistas.

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Riña con unos ciclistas

Como informamos, la policía de Los Ángeles está investigando el incidente por delito grave de vandalismo -por el golpe en el parabrisas de Ian- y delito menor de agresión por la pelea.

Ian, por su parte, ha sugerido que los motoristas tuvieron la culpa y culpó a los policías por permitir lo que él llama anarquía. No ha respondido a nuestras peticiones de aclaración.

Espeluznante intento de secuestro Un hombre de Florida intenta secuestrar a un niño de 4 años

Intento de secuestro

Un posible secuestrador de niños intentó robar a un niño de 4 años en un Walmart de Florida, pero afortunadamente la familia del niño intervino y frustró el acto, lo que condujo a la detención del sospechoso con la ayuda de herramientas de alta tecnología para la resolución de delitos.

Pablo Pintueles Hernández fue arrestado el 29 de diciembre en el condado de Lee y acusado del delito de privación ilegal de la libertad de un niño de 13 años o menos, ya que las imágenes de vigilancia recientemente publicadas captaron al asqueroso sujeto intentando supuestamente secuestrar al niño de su familia.

Echa un vistazo al aterrador clip, en este se ve al niño de pie junto a un miembro de la familia con un carrito en la tienda, cuando de repente aparece Hernández. Se acerca al niño y le agarra la muñeca. Hernández le dice: "Vamos", mientras intenta llevárselo.

Pero el miembro de la familia ve lo que está sucediendo y rápidamente interviene, apartando al niño de Hernández y avisando a la policía.

Los investigadores revisaron las imágenes de vigilancia, utilizando tecnología avanzada para identificar rápidamente al sujeto y se presentaron en su casa una hora más tarde para llevárselo esposado.

El sheriff del condado de Lee, Carmine Marceno, emitió el siguiente comunicado: "Lo que hizo este criminal es increíblemente perturbador. Nunca quiero que nadie en el condado de Lee se sienta inseguro, sobre todo yendo de compras. Mi equipo no se detendrá ante NADA para garantizar que criminales como este se enfrenten a las consecuencias de sus actos".

Creepy Attempted Kidnapping Video Florida Man Tries to Snatch 4-Year-Old Boy


A would-be child abductor tried to snatch a 4-year-old boy from a Walmart in Florida – but, thankfully, the kid's family stepped in and foiled the act, leading to the suspect's arrest with the help of high-tech crime-solving tools.

Pablo Pintueles Hernandez was busted December 29 in Lee County and charged with false imprisonment of a child 13 years old and under – as newly released surveillance footage captured the creep allegedly attempting to steal the boy from his family.

Check out the frightening clip ... the little boy is standing next to a family member wheeling a cart inside the store when, suddenly, Hernandez appears, coming up beside the child and grabbing his wrist. Hernandez tells the boy, "Let's go," while trying to whisk him away.

But the family member sees what's happening and promptly steps in, yanking the boy back from Hernandez and notifying the police.

Investigators reviewed the surveillance footage, using advanced technology to quickly identify Hernandez, and showed up at his house one hour later to haul him away in handcuffs.

Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno issued this statement, "What this criminal did is incredibly disturbing. I never want anyone in Lee County to feel unsafe, especially going on a simple shopping trip. My team will stop at NOTHING to ensure criminals like this face the consequences of their actions."

Ian Ziering Biker Brawl Cops Hot on the Trail in Felony Investigation

Ian Ziering's terrifying encounter with a bunch of biker brutes in Hollywood is now under police investigation ... and cops have some early leads.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... there are surveillance cameras all up and down the section of Hollywood Blvd. where Ian got into it with the bikers, as well as cell phone footage of the incident, so investigators have a lot to work with here.

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Our sources say this group of bikers bumped Ian's car and when he got out of the vehicle, things got heated and the attack ensued ... which backs up what Ian's claiming.

Cops tell us this is not an isolated incident and it's happened before with large groups of motorcyclists, and bicyclists too.

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Police recommend anyone finding themselves in Ian's shoes should stay in their car, call 911 and remain calm ... because mob mentality can escalate very quickly in these situations.

The way cops see it ... it's better to let insurance handle things as long as it's just property damage and it's not worth getting into it with a large group of people.

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I got my priorities straight!!!

One angle from the attack shows bikers using their helmets to beat the crap out of Ian's car ... damaging his windshield while his 10-year-old daughter was inside.

Our sources say the case will most likely be turned over to the Los Angeles County District Attorney because it's a case of felony vandalism with over $1,000 in damage.

As for the battery aspect of the case, we're told any criminal charges there would likely be misdemeanors, because there were no major injuries.

Our sources say LAPD is aware of an Instagram post one of the bikers allegedly published on social media ... and they're looking into it.

Meanwhile, LAPD will have more eyes in the area in the future.

YFN Lucci Haircut, Shave, New Clothes Coming Up ... Gotta Look Fresh For Court!!!

YFN Lucci is going to great lengths to look like his usual self when he enters a Georgia courtroom to stand trial for murder -- the incarcerated rapper got the judge's approval for some professional grooming.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ Hip Hop, Lucci has the greenlight to get a haircut and shave ahead of his trial ... and it seems like he'll be rocking a new suit too. The judge also granted him a contact visit, so a tailor could get his proper measurements.

Lucci's been locked up since the top of 2021 on murder charges, and his road to redemption hasn't been a cakewalk -- just ask his legal counsel.


TMZ Hip Hop broke the story ... Lucci claims he was stabbed by a fellow inmate in February 2022, but he has been unsuccessful in attempting to bond out of jail ahead of the trial.

It remains to be seen what sort of defense he presents, but he's at least looking to impress the court with his personal presentation.

The Metaverse Cops Investigating Virtual Gang Rape

British police are moving into uncharted waters with a new investigation ... they're looking into an alleged gang rape in a virtual reality game.

The landmark investigation involves a group of avatars allegedly raping a young girl's avatar in the Metaverse ... in what is believed to be the first probe of its kind, according to the Daily Mail.

The alleged victim is said to be a girl under the age of 16 who was wearing a virtual reality headset while playing an immersive game using her avatar -- a digital character.

Cops in the United Kingdom told the outlet the alleged victim did not suffer any physical injuries but she may have suffered psychological and emotional trauma similar to rape victims.

There's a backlog of real-life rape cases in the UK and some folks across the pond are being critical of this virtual gang rape investigation ... viewing it as a waste of time and police resources.

But, cops are saying women and children need to be protected, in reality and in the Metaverse.