La policía investiga una violación en grupo en el Metaverso

La policía británica se adentra en aguas desconocidas con una nueva investigación. Están investigando una presunta violación en grupo en un juego de realidad virtual.

Se trata de una investigación histórica sobre un grupo de avatares que presuntamente violaron al avatar de una joven en el Metaverso, en lo que se cree que es la primera investigación de este tipo, según el Daily Mail.

Al parecer, la presunta víctima era una menor de 16 años que llevaba puestos unos auriculares de realidad virtual mientras jugaba a un juego inmersivo con su avatar, un personaje digital.

La policía del Reino Unido ha declarado al citado medio que la presunta víctima no sufrió lesiones físicas, pero puede haber sufrido traumas psicológicos y emocionales similares a los de las víctimas de violación.

En el Reino Unido hay un gran número de casos de violación en la vida real y algunas personas del otro lado del charco critican la investigación de esta violación en grupo virtual, que consideran una pérdida de tiempo y de recursos policiales.

Pero los policías dicen que hay que proteger a las mujeres y a los niños, en la realidad y en el Metaverso.

Estrella de 'BH 90210' Ian Ziering Se sincera sobre su aterradora pelea con motoqueros Pide a las autoridades que actúen contra la anarquía

Ian Ziering se está sincerando sobre su aterrador encuentro con un grupo de brutos motociclistas en Los Ángeles, diciendo que salió "ileso" con su hija, al tiempo que pide a las autoridades locales que hagan algo con la creciente ola de "criminalidad" en la ciudad.

El actor de "Beverly Hills, 90210" publicó un largo mensaje en Instagram el lunes, primero calificando el incidente de "alarmante" antes de profundizar en lo sucedido y dar su opinión sobre lo que se debería hacer para combatir la anarquía en el futuro.

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Ian explicó que uno de los mini motoristas se acercó agresivamente a su carro, lo que dio lugar a una "inquietante confrontación" cuando se bajó para "evaluar cualquier daño" a su vehículo estacionado en Hollywood Boulevard en la víspera de Año Nuevo.

Dijo que el encuentro con el motorista y los otros "se intensificó hasta un altercado físico", que se vio obligado a afrontar para protegerse a sí mismo y a su hija de 10 años, Penna, expresando el alivio que siente de que ambos estén "completamente ilesos".

Luego el actor apuntó a los funcionarios de Los Ángeles y reveló que está "profundamente preocupado" por la "creciente audacia de tales grupos", lo que está causando problemas de seguridad pública y perturbando la paz.

Señaló que el ataque a plena luz del día puso de relieve un problema mayor sobre "vandalismo en nuestras calles y la necesidad de contar con respuestas de la ley eficaces a tales comportamientos".

Ian también escribió: "Como ciudadano y como padre, me parece inaceptable que esos grupos puedan participar libremente en este tipo de comportamiento, causando miedo y caos, mientras la respuesta de las autoridades parece insuficiente".

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Riña con unos ciclistas

Terminó las cosas instando a los funcionarios de la ciudad a tomar medidas decisivas contra este comportamiento fuera de la ley y a proporcionar más recursos policiales para evitar que ocurran en el futuro.

TMZ publicó la noticia el domingo con un video en el que se veía a Ian enfrentándose a los motoristas en pleno Hollywood Boulevard. Otras imágenes obtenidas por TMZ captaban a Ian consolando a Mia, quien estaba llorando tras la aterradora reyerta.

'BH 90210' Star Ian Ziering Opens Up About Scary Biker Brawl ... Calls On L.A. Officials To Act On Lawlessness

Ian Ziering is speaking out about his terrifying encounter with a bunch of biker brutes in L.A., saying that he emerged "unscathed" with his daughter, while calling on local officials to do something about the rising tide of "hooliganism" in the city.

The "Beverly Hills, 90210" actor posted a lengthy message on Instagram Monday, first calling the incident "alarming" before diving into what happened and giving his thoughts on what should be done to combat future lawlessness.

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Ian explained that one of the mini bikers aggressively approached his car, leading to an "unsettling confrontation" when he got out to "assess any damage" to his vehicle parked on Hollywood Boulevard on New Year's Eve.

He said the encounter with the biker and others "escalated into a physical altercation," which he was forced to navigate to protect himself and his 10-year-old daughter, Penna, expressing relief they were "completely unscathed."

Then Ian took aim at L.A. officials, revealing he was "deeply concerned" about the "growing boldness of such groups," causing public safety issues and disturbing the peace.

He pointed out the broad daylight attack underscored a larger problem about "hooliganism on our streets and the need for effective law enforcement responses to such behavior."

Ian also wrote, "As a citizen and a parent, I find it unacceptable that groups can freely engage in this kind of behavior, causing fear and chaos, while the response from authorities seems insufficient."

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He wrapped things up by urging city officials to take decisive action against this lawless behavior and provide more police resources to prevent it in the future.


TMZ broke the story Sunday with a video that showed Ian battling the bikers in the middle of Hollywood Boulevard. Other footage obtained by TMZ captured Ian consoling Mia, who was crying after the frightening brawl.

MARVEL ACTRESS CARRIE BERNANS Hit by Car During NYE Celebration ... Sustains Horrific Injuries

Marvel actress Carrie Bernans was hit by a car while celebrating New Year's Eve in NYC ... and graphic images show the gruesome extent of her injuries.

Carrie is hospitalized and you can see her bloodied and hooked up to machines in photos her mom Patricia posted on Monday. She says Carrie had been walking with a friend when they stopped at food truck, and a car careened into it ... knocking Carrie unconscious and pinning her underneath.

Carrie, who was in "Black Panther" and "Avengers: Endgame," suffered broken bones and fractures. You can see her mouth is bloodied, she's chipped several teeth and sustained several cuts on her face.

The crash on West 34th Street and 9th Avenue was so serious, it was declared a mass casualty incident -- with 3 NYPD officers among 9 others who also were injured.

The cops were called to the scene around 1:40 AM Monday, and the driver -- a 44-year-old man -- is now in custody at Bellevue Hospital.

It's believed the police were chasing the car before the crash.

Despite the traumatic crash, Carrie's mother says her daughter is healing and holding onto an immense sense of gratitude for life itself -- and asking everyone to keep her in their thoughts and prayers.

Actriz de Marvel Carrie Bernans Es atropellada durante la celebración de Año Nuevo ... Sufre horribles heridas

La actriz de Marvel Carrie Bernans fue atropellada por un carro mientras celebraba la víspera de Año Nuevo en Nueva York, y las explícitas imágenes muestran el horrible alcance de sus lesiones.

Carrie está hospitalizada y en las fotos que su madre Patricia publicó el lunes se la puede ver ensangrentada y conectada a máquinas. Ella dice que Carrie estaba caminando con un amigo cuando se detuvieron en un carro de comida en la calle y un vehículo se estrelló contra ellos, dejando a Carrie inconsciente e inmovilizada debajo.

Carrie, quien participó en "Pantera Negra" y "Vengadores: Endgame", sufrió fracturas y rotura de huesos. En esta imagen se puede ver su boca ensangrentada y varios cortes en la cara. También se astilló varios dientes.

El accidente en West 34th Street y 9th Avenue fue tan grave, que fue declarado un incidente mayor, con tres agentes de la policía de Nueva York y otras 9 personas heridas.

Los policías fueron contactados alrededor de la 1:40 AM del lunes, y el conductor, un hombre de 44 años de edad, está ahora bajo custodia en el Hospital Bellevue.

Se cree que la policía estaba persiguiendo el carro antes del accidente.

A pesar del traumático accidente, la madre de Carrie dice que su hija está sanando y se está aferrando a un inmenso sentido de gratitud por la vida. Le está pidiendo a todos que la mantengan en sus pensamientos y oraciones.

Casey Anthony's Dad George Emotional During Lie Detector Test ... Quizzed On Caylee's Death

A&E & Lifetime

Casey Anthony has blamed her father for her daughter's death ... and now George Anthony is taking a lie detector test ... and it got emotional.

Casey's dad broke down when taking the polygraph test on camera ... choking up when he was repeatedly asked if he concealed Caylee Anthony's whereabouts.

George agreed to get hooked up to a polygraph for an upcoming A&E special on Lifetime, "Casey Anthony’s Parents: The Lie Detector Test," after Casey accused him of molesting her and Caylee and being responsible for Caylee's death.

While George says he didn't know where Caylee's body was when she was missing, he appears to be struggling with the question ... but says it's because he's picturing the wooded area where her dead body was ultimately found.

Remember ... Caylee disappeared in June 2008 and her body was found a few months later in December, when her death was ruled a homicide. Casey stood trial in 2011 and the jury acquitted her of murder, manslaughter and child abuse. She was found guilty of lying to cops, but that's it.

During the trial, Casey accused George of sexually abusing her when she was a child, and of disposing of Caylee's body ... claims he vehemently denied in court. In 2022 Casey doubled down in a Peacock docuseries, where she also accused George of staging Caylee's death to make it seem like it was Casey's fault.

Now, George is taking his denial a step further with the lie detector test ... and TMZ has the sneak peek.

The full special airs Thursday at 9 PM ET on AE.

Model Abigail Ratchford Home Broken Into By 3 Men ... While She Was Inside!!!

Abigail Ratchford had a terrifying situation unfold this weekend -- when cops say 3 goons broke into her freaking house ... this while she was still INSIDE!

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... the longtime Instagram model -- who has over 9 million followers -- was hanging out at her L.A.-area property Saturday evening when her house alarm went off while she was in there.


We're told 3 men had attempted to burglarize her home ... smashing through a large window from her backyard and slinking on in -- but running away before having their way with the place. Our sources say it appears either the alarm or the sounds from inside scared them off.

Cops took a report and are now investigating. BTW, this was all caught on surveillance video taken from a camera Abigail set up on her patio ... and the footage, obtained by TMZ, is wild. You can see these dudes brazenly smash the glass, and all enter the premises.

Now, in terms of how AR herself experienced all this -- sources close to her tell us she's totally freaked out and for good reason ... as this could've gotten ugly fast.

We're told Abigail was upstairs at her house and watching a movie when the guys came crashing through her sliding glass door ... but she luckily never came face to face with them. Still, our sources say the idea of her coming downstairs for a drink that evening and running into the three men absolutely terrifies her.

It's just the latest example of these break-in situations in the City of Angels -- they happen far too often lately ... and now, it seems like they don't even care if someone's home.

3 hombres asaltan la casa de Abigail Ratchford mientras ella está adentro

Abigail Ratchford vivió una situación aterradora este fin de semana cuando la policía dice que tres matones irrumpieron en su casa, ¡esto mientras ella todavía estaba adentro!

Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que la modelo de Instagram -que tiene más de 9 millones de seguidores- estaba pasando el rato en su propiedad en el área de Los Ángeles el sábado por la noche cuando la alarma de su casa se disparó mientras ella estaba allí.

irrumpiendo en la casa

Nos dicen que tres hombres habían intentado robar en su casa, entrando a través de una ventana grande de su patio trasero, pero huyendo finalmente. Nuestras fuentes dicen que la alarma o los ruidos del interior los asustaron.

La policía ha denunciado los hechos y está investigando. Todo esto fue capturado en un video de vigilancia tomado por una cámara del patio de la modelo y las imágenes, obtenidas por TMZ, son aterradoras. Se puede ver como estos tipos descaradamente rompen el vidrio y entran a la propiedad.

Ahora, en términos de cómo la propia Abigail se ha tomado todo esto, fuentes cercanas a ella nos dicen que está totalmente asustada y con razón.

Nos dicen que Abigail estaba arriba en su casa viendo una película cuando los hombres entraron a través de su puerta corrediza de cristal, por suerte nunca se encontró cara a cara con ellos. Sin embargo, nuestras fuentes dicen que la idea de bajar las escaleras para tomar una copa esa noche y encontrarse con los tres hombres la aterroriza.

Este es uno más de muchos robos en la Ciudad de los Ángeles. Han ocurrido con demasiada frecuencia últimamente, y ahora parece que ni siquiera les importa si alguien está en casa.

'BH 90210' Star Ian Ziering Comforts Weeping Daughter After Scary Attack

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I got my priorities straight!!!

Ian Ziering jumped right back into parent mode after his donnybrook with a bunch of L.A. biker thugs, dashing over to his weeping daughter to console her.

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TMZ has obtained more video showing the aftermath of Ian's terrifying New Year's Eve attack in the middle of Hollywood Boulevard, where the "Beverly Hills, 90210" star went toe to toe with the group of bikers, duking it out with them.

Check out the new footage ... the helmeted gang of assailants is mostly sitting on their choppers in the street, blocking traffic. Their leader, wearing a blue shirt and a head mask, lumbers across the road, pointing at the bikers and barking orders. The large man then climbs onto his own bike and takes off with his underlings.

In the midst of this, Ian runs across the boulevard to his 10-year-old daughter, Penna, who is clearly upset and crying. Like a doting dad, Ian wraps his arms around the girl and kisses her on her head, asking her if she's okay. Beside the shock of it all, Ian and Mia seem physically fine.

Police are now investigating the crazy brawl after an official report was filed with Ian's name listed as the victim.

TMZ broke the story with a video that captured the frightening ordeal. In the clip, the bikers are riding past Ian's car, possibly clipping it and sparking the confrontation. Ian exchanges punches with one of the bikers before he gets jumped by the other assailants. The whole thing turns into an all-out fight, and not a single bystander jumps in to help Ian.

By the way ... no one's been arrested yet. Stay tuned, though.


NFL's Muhammad Wilkerson Arrested In NJ ... Accused Of Driving Drunk With Loaded Gun In Car

Former NFL star Muhammad Wilkerson was arrested again last week ... after cops say he drove drunk with a loaded gun tucked beneath his car seat.

According to court documents, obtained by TMZ Sports, Wilkerson was initially pulled over by police in Morris County, New Jersey back on Dec. 22 at 6:41 AM.

During the stop, cops suspected he was under the influence ... saying a strong odor of alcohol was emanating from the former New York Jets pass rusher's ride.

In the docs, cops say at one point during questioning, Wilkerson told them he was coming from a New York City club ... and a short time later, they say he failed field sobriety tests.

Wilkerson was placed under arrest -- and afterward, cops said during a search of his vehicle they not only found an open bottle of Don Julio tequila ... but also an FN 509 Tactical Handgun with 11 hollow point bullets inside of it.

Police said Wilkerson told them the firearm was purchased in Florida -- but he did not provide them proper documentation.

Court records show Wilkerson has since been tagged with a bevy of charges in the case -- including operating a vehicle while under the influence and unlawful possession of a handgun.

He's due in court for hearings on the matter next month.

This, of course, is not the first time Wilkerson has been accused of drinking and driving ... he was arrested for DWI in 2020 and 2019 as well.

Wilkerson -- who was picked by the Jets in the first round of the 2011 NFL Draft -- made one Pro Bowl appearance while logging 44.5 sacks in his eight seasons in the NFL.

Frankie Sullivan de Survivor La casa del guitarrista es saqueada $300k en relojes perdidos...

El guitarrista Frankie Sullivan, miembro fundador de la banda Survivor, sufrió un robo en su casa de Los Ángeles y la policía dice que los ladrones se llevaron unos relojes de lujo que cuestan una tonelada de dinero.

La policía le dice a TMZ que los ladrones entraron a principios de este mes a su casa de San Fernando Valley, ubicada en las colinas, a través de la ventana del guitarrista de "Eye of the Tiger". Se llevaron un montón de relojes avaluados en más de $300.000.

La policía cree que fue obra de un grupo de ladrones sudamericanos que vuelan al país para asaltar casas caras -varias de ellas pertenecientes a famosos- y que supuestamente utilizan caminos de herradura en las montañas para acceder a las propiedades de lujo.

Los oficiales están instando a colocar cámaras de vigilancia en las propiedades, a asegurarse de que la zona esté bien iluminada y a poner alarmas en las puertas correderas de cristal y en las ventanas del segundo piso. Dicen que así es como los ladrones están entrando a las casas.

Como informamos, la casa de Keanu Reeves también fue asaltada a principios de este mes, y fuentes policiales nos dicen que el arma robada de su propiedad era una pistola Glock.

También nos enteramos de que la casa del vecino de Leonardo DiCaprio, que vive en la misma zona que Keanu, también fue allanada esa misma noche con más de $100k en joyas arrebatadas. La policía cree que el robo está relacionado con el de Keanu.

Survivor's Frankie Sullivan Guitarist's Home Ransacked ... $300k in Watches Gone

Guitarist Frankie Sullivan -- a founding member of the band Survivor -- had his L.A. home burglarized ... and cops say the thieves made off with fancy watches worth a ton of dough.

Law enforcement tells TMZ ... burglars smashed their way through the window at the "Eye of the Tiger" guitarist's San Fernando Valley home in the hills earlier this month, taking a bunch of timepieces, worth more than $300,000.

Cops think it was the work of a South American burglary crew that flies into the country to hit expensive homes -- several belonging to celebs -- and they allegedly use fire roads in the mountains to access the luxury properties.

Law enforcement is urging folks to put trail cams around their property, make sure the area is well-lit ... and put alarms on sliding glass doors and second-story windows. They say that's how the burglars are getting into the homes.

As we reported, Keanu Reeves' home was raided earlier this month, too ... and law enforcement sources now tell us the gun stolen from his property was a Glock pistol.

We also learned the home of Leonardo DiCaprio's neighbor -- who lives in the same area as Keanu -- was also broken into that same night, with more than $100k in jewelry getting snatched. Police think that the break-in is connected to Keanu's.

Idaho Murder House Torn Down ... Year After Kohberger Arrest

The home where 4 University of Idaho students were brutally murdered has been demolished ... this coming a year after suspected killer Bryan Kohberger was arrested.

The Dark Demolition
Court TV

The demo crew got to work early Thursday morning on razing the property in Moscow, ID ... the sun was barely up when demolition began, and the whole front of the building was out of sight in roughly 15 minutes.

The university claimed the demolition could take several days, although the property already looks completely unrecognizable. University officials said the decision to tear it down was an attempt "to decrease further impact on the students who live in that area."

As you know, it's been almost a year since 29-year-old Kohberger was arrested for the November 2022 murders of Kaylee Goncalves, Maddie Mogen, Xana Kernodle, and Ethan Chapin, who were all found dead inside the home.

The Goncalves and Kernodle families issued a statement Wednesday, asking the university to wait to tear the building down until Kohberger's trial is completed -- even though a trial date has not been set.

Kaylee's family claimed the teardown would "destroy one of the most critical pieces of evidence in the case," but the home is gone now.

Casa del asesino de Idaho Es derribada... Un año después del arresto de Kohberger

La casa donde 4 estudiantes de la Universidad de Idaho fueron brutalmente asesinados ha sido demolida, un año después de que el presunto asesino Bryan Kohberger fue arrestado.

Tenebrosa demolición
Court TV

El equipo de demostración se puso a trabajar temprano la mañana del jueves para arrasar con la propiedad ubicada en Moscú, Idaho. El sol apenas había salido cuando comenzó la demolición y en unos 15 minutos todo el frente del edificio desapareció de la vista.

La universidad dijo que la demolición podría durar varios días, aunque el inmueble ya luce completamente irreconocible. Funcionarios de la universidad dijeron que la decisión de derribarlo fue un intento de "disminuir el impacto en los estudiantes que viven en esa zona".

Como saben, ha pasado casi un año desde que Kohberger, de 29 años, fue arrestado por los asesinatos de Kaylee Goncalves, Maddie Mogen, Xana Kernodle y Ethan Chapin en noviembre de 2022, quienes fueron encontrados muertos al interior de la casa.

Las familias Goncalves y Kernodle emitieron una declaración el miércoles, pidiendo a la universidad que espere para derribar el edificio hasta que el juicio de Kohberger se haya completado, a pesar de que la fecha del juicio no se ha fijado.

La familia de Kaylee ha dicho que la demolición significaría "destruir una de las piezas más críticas de las pruebas en el caso", aunque la casa ya ha desaparecido.

NBA's Charlie Villanueva Grateful To Be Alive After Bad Car Crash

Former NBA star Charlie Villanueva is counting his blessings today ... revealing he's ultra thankful to be alive after he was involved in a bad car crash earlier this week.

The former Milwaukee Bucks forward said on his Instagram page Wednesday night that he and his wife, Lala, were riding in a Mercedes G Wagon when someone hit them from behind.

Thankfully, the 39-year-old ex-hooper revealed no one was seriously injured in the wreck -- though in pictures he shared from the crash scene, you can see his car was almost completely destroyed.

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"If you wondering what happened, my wife and I got hit bad by another car, and the crazy part is that whomever hit me, decided to run," Villanueva said.

"Sore neck, sore back, messed up car, we are thankful to see another day. Our lives can’t be replaced, but the vehicle can."

Villanueva -- who played 11 seasons in the NBA -- praised God for keeping them safe.

He then went on to leave a message for those who've dealt with similar scary situations this year.

"2023 is just preparing us for 2024," Villanueva said. "So to those whom 2023 has been a difficult year, a year of struggle be thankful, and don’t give up, because once you come out of the storm, you’ll see your true power."

Entourage star Kevin Connolly's L.A. Home Hit By XMAS Eve Burglar

Kevin Connolly had a visitor on XMAS Eve, and it wasn't Santa ... the "Entourage" star’s L.A.-area home was burglarized just before midnight ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... a burglar forced open a backdoor and entered Kevin's home. The actor was not there. The thief stole an antique gun and some other minor items before beating it.

Kevin was notified of the break-in and met the cops at his home, where they took a report.

Cops reviewed surveillance footage from the area and determined the suspect appeared to be a homeless man and not a member of the burglary rings that have been targeting high-dollar homes around L.A. in recent months.

TMZ broke the story ... thieves smashed a window at Keanu Reeves' home this month and stole his Glock.

A dollar amount will be determined after Kevin goes through the home to see what else if anything is missing. There have been no arrests and LAPD is investigating.