NIRVANA, KURT COBAIN'S ESTATE Child Porn Lawsuit Over Album Cover Revived

Nirvana and Kurt Cobain's estate are being told nevermind when it comes to the dismissal of a child pornography lawsuit centered around a famous album cover ... 'cause the lawsuit is back on.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit revived the lawsuit Thursday, reversing a lower court's decision to toss the whole thing.

Remember ... Spencer Elden says he's the naked baby pictured on the band's "Nevermind" album cover. Of course, he's all grown up now and in 2021 he filed suit against Nirvana and Cobain's estate over the cover.

Spencer accused Nirvana of publishing child porn by using a nude photo of him on the album cover way back in 1991 ... when he was just four months old.

The suit was dismissed in September 2022 ... when a district judge in California ruled Spencer had waited too long to sue Nirvana.

Now, the appeals court says the suit can go forward because Nirvana republished the album cover in 2021 when the band re-released "Nevermind" and held that each republication of the cover may constitute a new injury to Elden ... clearing the way for Spencer to continue his lawsuit against the Seattle grunge band.

It will be interesting to see how this all shakes out ... stay tuned.

Se reaviva la demanda contra Nirvana por pornografía infantil por la portada de "Nevermind"

Nirvana y la herencia de Kurt Cobain volverán a enfrentar la demanda que los acusa de pornografía infantil

El Tribunal de Apelaciones de EE.UU. para el Noveno Circuito revivió la demanda el jueves, revocando la decisión de un tribunal inferior de olvidar todo el asunto.

Recordemos que Spencer Elden dice que él es el bebé desnudo que aparece en la portada del álbum "Nevermind" de la banda. Por supuesto, ahora ya es mayor y en 2021 presentó una demanda contra Nirvana y el patrimonio de Cobain por la portada.

Spencer acusó a Nirvana de publicar pornografía infantil al utilizar una foto suya desnudo en la portada del álbum allá por 1991, cuando solo tenía cuatro meses.

La demanda fue desestimada en septiembre de 2022, cuando un juez de distrito en California dictaminó que Spencer había esperado demasiado tiempo para demandar a Nirvana.

Ahora, el tribunal de apelaciones dice que la demanda puede seguir adelante porque Nirvana volvió a publicar la portada del álbum en 2021 cuando la banda volvió a lanzar "Nevermind" y sostuvo que cada republicación de la portada puede constituir una nueva lesión a Elden, despejando el camino para que Spencer continúe su demanda contra la banda de grunge de Seattle.

Será interesante ver cómo se resuelve este asunto esta vez... esten atentos.

Estudiantes se cuelgan del borde de un edificio para esconderse durante un tiroteo en Praga

Una escena increíble ocurrió en Praga cuando un grupo de estudiantes encontró refugio en la cornisa de un edificio, luego de que un hombre armado abriera fuego dentro de un edificio de la universidad dejando a varias personas muertas según los informes.

escondiéndose donde sea
Instagram / @havranekivo

El aterrador momento se desarrolló el jueves en la Universidad Charles, en la Plaza Jan Palach, la universidad más antigua y más grande de la República Checa. Por el momento no está claro cómo empezaron las cosas, pero las imágenes de la escena muestran a un grupo de estudiantes colgando del edificio para tratar de salir del rango de visión del tirador.

Parece que por un momento el pistolero se acercó a los estudiantes, porque fue visto en el techo con su rifle apuntando hacia abajo.

La policía checa dice que 10 personas han muerto y hay docenas de heridos, los policías también dicen que el tirador ha sido "eliminado" y todavía no ha sido identificado.

el terrible momento
X / @visegrad24

En medio del ataque, el departamento de filosofía de la escuela fue evacuado, con varias personas avistadas huyendo de la escena. Un correo electrónico enviado al personal dijo a la facultad: "No vayas a ninguna parte, si estás en las oficinas, ciérralas con llave y coloca los muebles delante de la puerta, apaga las luces".

Prague University Shooting Students Hang Off Edge Of Building ... Hiding In Fear Of Gunman


12:08 PM PT -- The killer has reportedly been revealed as 24-year-old David Kozak. Kozak allegedly killed his father in the day before making his way to the city and shooting people from a balcony at Charles University Arts facility.

9:17 AM PT -- Reports now state the gunman has left at least 15 dead ... including his father, who was found dead earlier in the day.

An unbelievable scene in Prague, as students find safety on the ledge of a building, after a gunman opened fire inside a university building ... with multiple people reportedly dead.

Instagram / @havranekivo

The terrifying moment unfolded Thursday at Charles University in Jan Palach Square, the oldest and largest university in the Czech Republic. It's currently unclear how things started, but images from the scene show a group of students hanging off the building, trying to get out of the shooter's line of sight.

It appears at one point the gunman did get close to the students, because he was spotted on the roof, too ... with his rifle pointing down at the ground below.

Czech police say 10 people are dead, with dozens of others injured -- cops also say the shooter has been "eliminated." He has yet to be identified.

X / @visegrad24

In the midst of the attack, the school's philosophy department was evacuated ... with several people spotted fleeing the scene. An email sent to staff told faculty, "Don’t go anywhere, if you’re in the offices, lock them and place furniture in front of the door, turn off the lights."

Originally Published -- 8:27 AM PT

Super Bowl Champ Derrick Ward Charged With Five Felonies ... After Allegedly Robbing L.A. Businesses

Derrick Ward is now facing some serious time behind bars after his alleged robbery spree ... 'cause TMZ Sports has learned he's just been hit with FIVE felony charges in the case.

According to court records, prosecutors levied the counts against the Super Bowl champion on Wednesday -- just two days after he was arrested.

The records show all five charges against Ward were second-degree robbery.

We broke the story, the ex-New York Giants tailback was thrown in jail on Monday afternoon following allegations he used force and fear to rob establishments in the Los Angeles area, including gas stations.

Jail records show as of Thursday morning, he still has not been released from police custody.

Ward played in the NFL from 2004 to 2011 -- helping New York beat Tom Brady's undefeated Patriots in SB XLII -- and he had such a fine career, he at one point signed a $17 million contract with the Buccaneers.

He finished his NFL tenure with 2,628 rushing yards and 12 total TDs.

Fatal Marriage Proposal Man Arrested After GF Falls From Cliff ... Allegedly Rejected Him

A man in Turkey is in jail, accused of throwing his girlfriend to her death off a clifftop where he had just proposed to her ... and cops think she said, "no" before the fatal tumble.

Nizamettin Gursu has just been arrested in the death of his girlfriend, Yesim Demir, who reportedly fell 100 feet to her death in the Turkish city of Canakkale.

His arrest comes about 5 months after Yesim's fatal fall. Gursu originally told police his GF accepted his proposal, he left her at the edge of the cliff to grab food and drinks from his car and then heard her scream. He said he returned to find she had fallen over the ledge.

However, cops say their investigation now leads them to believe Yesim rejected the proposal, and a struggle ensued at the scenic picnic spot ... a struggle that ended with her going over the cliff to her death.

Police say Gursu still had the engagement ring in a box in his pocket ... and they also found a broken speaker and shattered glasses where the July 6 proposal went down.

What's more, cops say Yesim's family told them she had been planning to break up with Gursu before the proposal ... and they say she would have never gotten engaged to him.

The woman's family also told police she would not willingly stand at the edge of a cliff because she suffers from panic attacks.

Gursu remains in jail awaiting trial -- but, wow, if "Dateline" had a Turkish bureau they'd be all over this.

Detienen a un hombre por la muerte de su novia... ella cayó por un acantilado tras pedirle matrimonio

Un hombre de Turquía está en la cárcel, fue acusado de arrojar a su novia a la muerte desde lo alto de un acantilado donde acababa de proponerle matrimonio y la policía cree que ella dijo "no" antes de la caída fatal.

Nizamettin Gursu acaba de ser detenido por la muerte de su novia, Yesim Demir, que al parecer cayó desde 100 pies de altura en la ciudad turca de Canakkale.

Su detención se produce unos cinco meses después de la fatal caída de Yesim. En un principio, Gursu le declaró a la policía que su novia aceptó su proposición, la dejó al borde del acantilado para coger comida y bebida de su coche y la oyó gritar. Dijo que regresó para encontrar que ella había caído por la cornisa.

Sin embargo, los policías dicen que su investigación les lleva a creer que Yesim rechazó la propuesta y se produjo una lucha en el lugar de picnic, una lucha que terminó con ella cayendo por el precipicio a su muerte.

La policía dice que Gursu todavía tenía el anillo de compromiso en una caja en su bolsillo y también encontraron un altavoz roto y vasos rotos donde se hizo la propuesta del 6 de julio.

Es más, la policía dice que la familia de Yesim les dijo que había estado planeando romper con Gursu antes de la propuesta y dicen que nunca se habría comprometido con él.

La familia de la mujer también le dijo a la policía que ella no se pondría voluntariamente al borde de un acantilado porque sufre ataques de pánico.

Gursu sigue en la cárcel a la espera de juicio.

Jonathan Majors visto por primera vez desde que fue declarado culpable

Jonathan Majors luce bastante tranquilo después de que su carrera quedara patas arriba. Se lo vio tomando un café en solitario después de su veredicto de culpabilidad y la expulsión de Marvel.

El actor fue visto el martes en la ciudad de Nueva York por primera vez desde que fue declarado culpable en su juicio penal y posteriormente abandonado por Disney.

Jonathan luce imperturbable, al menos así parece en las fotos. Es notable el hecho de que no está Meagan Good a su lado. Recordemos que ella lo acompañó durante todo el juicio

el veredicto ya está

Como informamos, Jonathan fue declarado culpable de 2 de 4 cargos después de haber sido acusado de maltratar a su ex-novia, Grace Jabbari.

121323_jonathan_majors_kal MARCH 2023
persecución en la calle

El actor fue declarado culpable de los cargos de asalto imprudente y el acoso y fue absuelto de acoso agravado y asalto intencional.

En cuanto a su ex novia, Grace Jabbari —cuyas acusaciones fueron a juicio— finalmente rompió su silencio, publicando en redes sociales información acerca de una organización sin fines de lucro para las víctimas de violencia doméstica.

Grace dice que se apoyó en Santuario para las Familias mucho este año, el incidente con Majors ocurrió en marzo y le está pidiendo a la gente que donen algo para la causa.

Mientras que el abogado de Jonathan está señalando una apelación, Marvel y Disney rápidamente se distanciaron, echándolo de su papel clave como el gran villano de Marvel, Kang el Conquistador.

Una última nota interesante ... Majors está fuera con un solo café en la mano aquí, mientras que tenía 2 el fin de semana pasado cuando estaba fuera y alrededor en medio de su juicio.

Jonathan Majors Looking Calm & Collected First Sighting Since Guilty Verdict, Marvel Decision

Jonathan Majors is looking unbothered after his career was totally turned on its head ... grabbing coffee solo after his guilty verdict and Marvel ouster.

The actor was spotted Tuesday in New York City for the first time since being found guilty in his criminal trial and subsequently dropped by Disney.

Jonathan's seemingly unfazed, at least based on the photos, and it's notable he's by his lonesome ... with no Meagan Good in sight after being by his side throughout his NYC assault trial.


As we reported ... Jonathan was found guilty on 2 of 4 counts after being accused of roughing up his ex-girlfriend, Grace Jabbari.

121323_jonathan_majors_kal MARCH 2023

In all, the actor was convicted of charges of reckless assault and harassment ... and was acquitted of aggravated harassment and intentional assault.

As for his former gf, Grace Jabbari, whose allegations went to trial, she finally broke her silence ... posting on social media about a non-profit for domestic violence victims.

Grace says she leaned on Sanctuary For Families a lot this year -- the incident with Majors went down in March -- and is asking folks to donate to the cause.

While Jonathan's attorney is signaling an appeal ... Marvel/Disney quickly distanced themselves, booting him from his key role as Marvel's big villain, Kang the Conqueror.

One last interesting note ... Majors is out with just one coffee in his hand here, whereas he had 2 last weekend when he was out and about in the middle of his trial.

Vanilla Ice explica su amistad involuntaria con Pablo Escobar en los 90s

Vanilla Ice dijo recientemente que una vez fue amigo de Pablo Escobar, pero no sabía que era un importante capo de la droga y su explicación se reduce a que los billetes verdes te ponen en una burbuja.

El rapero —cuyo nombre real es Rob Van Winkle— hizo la revelación en una entrevista a VladTV, diciendo que solía ir de fiesta con el famoso gángster colombiano durante su apogeo en los años 90, pero insiste en que ni siquiera se dio cuenta de lo grande que era Escobar en ese entonces, especialmente a los ojos de los federales de EE.UU.

¡eran los 90s!

El rapero dice que recibió a Pablo varias veces en su casa de Florida en aquel momento, y el martes se unió a nosotros en "TMZ Live" para profundizar sobre qué es exactamente lo que tenían en común como amigos.

Vanilla Ice dice que su amor por lanchas de alta velocidad los unió al principio, e incluso le da crédito al narcotraficante por impulsar esa pequeña industria a causa de la cantidad de dinero que invertía en ella.

En algún punto se enteró de que Pablo no era un buen tipo y que podía estar metido en asuntos turbios... Vanilla dice que se dio cuenta cuando el FBI le interrogó.

Escucha su historia por ti mismo, porque es bastante interesante, como Ice señala, esto fue antes de Google amigos.

Por supuesto, Pablo fue localizado en Colombia en el 93, donde fue asesinado en un tejado mientras era perseguido por las autoridades. Él construyó un imperio ilícito masivo a expensas de una gran cantidad de cuerpos y derramamiento de sangre, mientras esparcía narcóticos en todo el mundo.

Parece que Ice no estaba al tanto de nada de esto... probablemente para mejor.

Vanilla Ice Yeah, I Partied with Pablo Escobar ... Ignorance Was Bliss in '90s

Vanilla Ice recently said he once palled around with Pablo Escobar, but didn't know he was a major drug kingpin -- and his explanation boils down to ... greenbacks put ya in a bubble.

The rapper made the revelation in a VladTV interview, saying he used to party with the notorious Colombian gangster during his heyday in the '90s ... but insists he didn't even realize how big a deal Escobar was back then -- especially in the eyes of the feds.

IT WAS THE 90s!!!

Ice, aka Rob Van Winkle, says he hosted Pablo several times at his Florida home at the time -- and on Tuesday, he joined us on "TMZ Live" to elaborate on what exactly they had in common as buddies.

Watch, he says their shared love of speed boats actually drew them together at first, and he even gives credit to the drug trafficker for fueling innovations in boat racing ... on account of how much money he poured into it at the time, making it kinda mainstream.

As for when/how he came to learn that Pablo wasn't actually a great guy and might've been mixed up in shady business -- well, Ice says it dawned on him when the FBI questioned him.

Listen to his story for yourself, 'cause it's wild. As Ice notes, this was before Google, so lots of people were in the dark about Mr. Escobar's, umm ... activities.

Of course, Pablo was tracked down in Colombia in '93 ... where he was killed on a rooftop while being pursued by the authorities. He'd built a massive illicit empire, but on the backs of a lot of bodies and bloodshed ... while spreading illegal narcotics all over the world.

Sounds like Ice wasn't aware of any of it -- probably for the best, TBH. See no evil, right?

NBA G Leaguer Chance Comanche Suspected Of Murdering Woman ... Dumping Her In Desert

Chance Comanche, an NBA player who's spent the majority of his basketball career in the G League, has been arrested ... after officials say he helped murder a woman -- and then dumped her remains in a desert.

Comanche was thrown behind bars in the case on Friday -- following a lengthy investigation into the disappearance of Marayna Rodgers by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.

According to the LVMPD, two individuals told officers on Dec. 7 that Rodgers had gone missing -- and a short time later, cops say they discovered the woman had scheduled a meeting with Comanche and his 19-year-old girlfriend, Sakari Harnden, on Dec. 5 -- but had not been seen or heard from since.

The LVMPD says early on in the investigation, its detectives "suspected foul play" in the case and sought to arrest both Comanche and Harden for kidnapping.

On Dec. 13, Harnden was booked in Las Vegas ... while Comanche -- who was playing this season for the G League's Stockton Kings -- was taken in by FBI agents in Sacramento two days later.

However, the LVMPD says following the arrests, officers were able to gather more information in the case and discovered Rodgers' remains in a desert area in Henderson, Nevada.

LVMPD detectives say they believe both Comanche and Harnden were responsible for her death -- and now, they say the two will be facing murder charges.

Comanche, a 27-year-old, 6-foot-10 center, first joined the G League in 2017 after going undrafted out of the University of Arizona ... and after spending time with multiple teams -- including the Stockton Kings -- he eventually made his debut in the NBA for the Portland Trailblazers last season.

This year, he rejoined the Stockton squad ... though he was cut following his arrest on Friday.

Comanche is now slated for a court appearance later this week, and it's expected he'll be extradited to Nevada shortly after.

Ucrania Video muestra a un político detonando una granada

Impactante registro

Un político local del oeste de Ucrania convirtió una reunión del pueblo en un caos el viernes por la mañana cuando detonó 2 granadas, hiriendo a 26 personas... y  todo fue transmitido en vivo por Facebook.

El hombre entra en la sala del consejo durante una acalorada discusión. Permanece de pie alrededor de medio minuto, luego saca las granadas de su chaqueta y las lanza en la habitación.

Se oyen las explosiones y los gritos de la gente mientras la habitación se llena de humo.

Lo que hace esto aún más horrible es que la queja del hombre era por su salario. Los miembros del consejo estaban debatiendo si darse un aumento de sueldo en tiempos de guerra. Él había estado discutiendo con sus compañeros del consejo, luego salió de la reunión y regresó con las granadas.

Seis personas se encuentran actualmente en estado grave. Hubo informes de que el lanzador de granadas había muerto, pero los médicos le reanimaron.

Ukraine Video Shows Politician Detonating Grenades During Council Meeting

The Shocking Footage

A local politician in Western Ukraine turned a village meeting into chaos Friday morning when he detonated 2 grenades, injuring 26 people ... and it was live streamed on Facebook.

The man enters the council room during a heated discussion. He stands around for around half a minute, then pulls the grenades out of his jacket and tosses them into the room.

You hear the explosions and people screaming as the room fills with smoke.

What makes this even more horrific ... the man's grievance was over his salary. The council members were debating whether to give themselves a wartime pay increase. He had been arguing with his fellow council members, left the meeting and came back with the grenades.

Six people are currently listed in grave condition. There were reports the grenade-thrower had died, but doctors resuscitated him.

Buster Posey On Giants' Ohtani Pursuit ... It Was Affected By S.F.'s Issues With Crime, Drugs

Buster Posey says San Francisco's current issues with crime and drugs might very well be the reason Shohei Ohtani is currently wearing Dodger blue instead of Giants orange.

The S.F. legend -- who was part of the Giants' consortium that made its pitch to Ohtani recently to get him to sign with the Bay Area squad -- got candid with The Athletic after S.F. lost its pursuit of the two-way superstar to LA ... making it clear he thinks his former team's city truly impacted Shohei's free agency decision.

"Something I think is noteworthy," the three-time World Series champ said, "something that unfortunately keeps popping up from players and even the players' wives is there's a bit of an uneasiness with the city itself, as far as the state of the city, with crime, with drugs."

"Whether that's all completely fair or not," Posey continued, "perception is reality."

Posey added that while Ohtani himself never explicitly brought any of it up -- he said there was definitely some in the designated hitter's camp who did have "some reservation with the state of the city right now."

Ohtani is one of many big-name free agents who have passed up the chance to play in San Francisco recently -- last year, the Giants famously missed out on Aaron Judge, and in the past, they've swung and missed on guys like Bryce Harper and Seiya Suzuki too.

In his interview with The Athletic, Posey made it known the perception of S.F.'s current lifestyle might have had a big role in all of it.

"It's a frustrating cycle, I think, and not just with baseball," Posey said. "Baseball is secondary to life and the important things in life. But as far as a free-agent pursuit goes, I have seen that it does affect things."

Ohtani ultimately ended up inking a 10-year, $700 million contract with a LA -- a deal that Giants president of baseball operations Farhan Zaidi said this week was nearly identical to the one S.F. had offered.

Posey said he eventually hopes the tide will end up turning ... adding, "It's been well documented that we've come up short for a number of years now."

"But I can't say enough how happy I am to be a part of a group that is truly pushing as hard as they can and want the city of San Francisco to have a great baseball team."

Adam Silver On Josh Giddey NBA's Taking 'A Backseat' ... Amid Police Probe Into OKC Star

Adam Silver just spoke on the Josh Giddey situation ... explaining the NBA is currently taking "a backseat" on the matter while police investigate claims the point guard had an inappropriate relationship with a minor.

The Association's commish didn't get into too many specifics on the topic while addressing it with ESPN's Malika Andrews on Friday afternoon ... but he did confirm the NBA will allow cops to do their due diligence before it decides on how it'll move forward with the Oklahoma City Thunder star.

"I think if you look back," Silver said, "I can't think of many circumstances where we've suspended a player based on an allegation alone."

"I'd also add," he continued, "where there is a criminal investigation, we take a back seat."

The disturbing allegations against Giddy cropped up last month ... when an X user posted images to their account that appeared to show the now-21-year-old with an underaged girl.

A short time following the posts, the Newport Beach Police Dept. told TMZ Sports it was looking into the matter. Days after that, we learned the family of the girl at the center of the probe hired famed attorney Gloria Allred to assist in the case.

However, Giddey has been allowed to play for the Thunder despite it all ... something that Silver seemed to say will continue as long as the police investigation remains ongoing.

"I think this is the path we've consistently followed," Silver said. "There's an ongoing criminal investigation -- Newport Police opened up that investigation, notified us -- we then take a back seat. And, that's where things currently stand."