Ex presidente de Bad Boy Las acusaciones de agresión sexual son ficción... Las califica de repugnantes y desesperadas

Harve Pierre, expresidente del sello de Diddy, Bad Boys Records, está criticando la demanda por violación que lo nombra entre los acusados y nos dice que no va a soportar que su nombre sea mancillado.

En una nueva declaración obtenida por TMZ Hip Hop, Pierre dice: "Este es un cuento de ficción. Nunca he participado, presenciado, ni he oído hablar de nada de esto, nunca. Estas repugnantes acusaciones son falsas y un intento desesperado por obtener beneficios económicos".

Y continúa: "Protegeré enérgicamente mi reputación y defenderé mi nombre. Los que me conocen reconocen que estas afirmaciones no son ciertas".

Pierre está acusado de seducir a un menor de edad en Detroit en 2003 para que se subiera a un jet privado y pasara el rato con él y Diddy en una sesión de grabación de Nueva York. Ella afirma que ahí los hombres la agredieron sexualmente en el baño del estudio.

En la demanda también se dice que Pierre se sentó y fumó crack de una lata de Pepsi mientras se producían las agresiones. Los detalles alegados por la denunciante Jane Doe son atroces y viciosos, pero Pierre niega rotundamente que nada de eso sea cierto.

Diddy ha mantenido su inocencia a lo largo de las múltiples demandas que ha enfrentado, incluyendo la que se resolvió rápidamente con su exnovia Cassie en noviembre.

Más o menos parecido a lo que ha dicho Diddy sobre las demandas en su contra, Pierre está sugiriendo fuertemente que la denuncia es simplemente por dinero.

Ex-Bad Boy Prez Harve Pierre Sexual Assault Allegation Is Fiction ... Calls Lawsuit 'Disgusting, Desperate'

Diddy's former President of Bad Boys Records, Harve Pierre, is slamming the gang rape lawsuit that named him as a defendant ... and he's telling us he won't stand for his name being sullied.

In a new statement obtained by TMZ Hip Hop, Pierre says, "This is a tale of fiction. I have never participated in, witnessed, nor heard of anything like this, ever. These disgusting allegations are false and a desperate attempt for financial gain."

He continues, "I will vigorously protect my reputation and defend my name. Those who know me recognize that these claims are not true."

Pierre stands accused of enticing a Detroit minor back in 2003 into hopping on a private jet to hang with him and Diddy for a NYC recording session ... where she claims the men sexually assaulted her in the studio bathroom.

The suit also claims Pierre sat back and smoked crack cocaine from a Pepsi can as the assaults took place. The details alleged by the Jane Doe accuser are heinous and vicious ... but Pierre adamantly denies any of it is true.

Diddy has maintained his innocence throughout the multiple lawsuits he's faced -- including the one he quickly settled with ex-girlfriend Cassie in November.

Much as Diddy has said about the suits brought against him, Pierre's strongly suggesting his accuser's simply out for a money grab.

LeBron James Pleads For Gun Control After UNLV Shooting ... 'It's Ridiculous'


LeBron James is fed up with the lack of change to America's gun laws after the recent mass shooting on UNLV's campus ... saying it's "ridiculous" to see yet another tragedy unfold somewhere people should feel safe.

LeBron and the Los Angeles Lakers are slated to face off against the New Orleans Pelicans in Vegas for the semi-finals of the In-Season Tournament on Thursday ... and when speaking with media members, the four-time champ expressed his frustrations with hearing about yet another act of gun violence.

"It just goes back to what I said before about guns in America," LeBron said Wednesday. "I think it's such a longer conversation, but we're the only ones who keep dealing with this same story, this same conversation every single time it happens, and it just continues to happen."

"The ability to get a gun, the ability to do these things over and over and over, and there's been no change is literally ridiculous. It makes no sense that we continue to lose innocent lives, on campuses, on schools, at shopping markets and movie theaters and all type of stuff. It's just ridiculous."

67-year-old college professor Anthony Polito is accused of opening fire on UNLV's campus ... killing three people and wounding a fourth. Investigators are reportedly looking into whether a recent job rejection played a role in the act.

LeBron -- who has been outspoken against gun violence in the past -- believes lawmakers are asleep at the wheel ... claiming firearms have become even more accessible throughout the country.


"The fact that we haven't changed anything -- it's actually been a lot easier to actually be able to own a firearm, it's stupid."

Twitter / Yonatan Eyob

The league will reportedly hold a moment of silence for the UNLV victims ... but as of right now, the In-Season Tournament games will continue as planned.

Diddy New Sexual Assault Lawsuit ... Accuser Was 17, Claims She Was Gang Raped

Diddy's just been hit with a slew of new heinous allegations ... from an anonymous accuser who says she was still in high school when he, and others, sex trafficked her and gang raped her.

The lawsuit, filed by Jane Doe in federal court, alleges she met Bad Boy Entertainment President Harve Pierre in 2003 in the Detroit area, where Pierre allegedly called her "hot," dropped Diddy's name and invited her to jump on a private jet to go meet the mogul. The accuser says she was a 17-year-old, still in the 11th grade, when this meeting happened.

She says she accepted the invitation and ended up in NYC, where she met Diddy in a studio -- there was a recording session going on -- and she claims he invited her to sit in his lap ... and then they began plying her with drugs and alcohol.

The accuser included photos of that studio meeting in the lawsuit ... and you do see someone sitting on his lap. She's blurred her face in the images.

She says everything's a blur after that, but she remembers Diddy taking her into a bathroom where he penetrated her from behind as she was bent over a sink. She says she didn't consent to having sex. The accuser also claims Pierre and another man who she doesn't name ... also had forced sex with her during this night in the studio.

She claims she ended up in the fetal position on the bathroom floor -- and was eventually escorted out of the studio and flown back to Michigan.

This accuser says she suffered silently for 20 years, and although she knew speaking out would be difficult ... but felt confidence after seeing Cassie and several other women share similar allegations against Diddy.

The suit alleges Diddy violated NY State's Victims of Gender-Motivated-Violence Protection Law ... which has expanded the statute of limitations.

Diddy reacted swiftly to the filing, telling TMZ ... "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. For the last couple of weeks, I have sat silently and watched people try to assassinate my character, destroy my reputation and my legacy.


Sickening allegations have been made against me by individuals looking for a quick payday. Let me be absolutely clear: I did not do any of the awful things being alleged. I will fight for my name, my family and for the truth."

Diddy recibe una nueva demanda por agresión sexual Denunciante dice que tenía 17 años

Diddy acaba de ser sorprendido con una serie de nuevas acusaciones atroces, provenientes  de una acusadora anónima que dice haber estado todavía en la escuela secundaria cuando él, y otros la violaron en grupo.

La demanda, presentada por Jane Doe en un tribunal federal, alega que conoció al presidente de Bad Boy Entertainment, Harve Pierre, en 2003 en el área de Detroit, donde Pierre supuestamente la llamó "caliente", dejó caer el nombre de Diddy y la invitó a pasear en un jet privado para ir a reunirse con el magnate. La acusadora dice que tenía 17 años y estaba en 11º curso cuando se produjo el encuentro.

Ella dice que aceptó la invitación y terminó en Nueva York, donde se reunió con Diddy en un estudio. Había una sesión de grabación en curso y ella afirma que la invitó a sentarse en su regazo y luego comenzó a consumir drogas y alcohol.

La acusadora incluyó fotos de esa reunión en el estudio en la demanda y se ve a alguien sentado en su regazo. Ella ha difuminado su cara en las imágenes.

Dice que todo está borroso después de eso, pero recuerda que Diddy la llevó a un cuarto de baño donde la penetró por detrás mientras ella estaba inclinada sobre un lavabo. Dice que no dio su consentimiento para mantener relaciones sexuales. La acusadora también afirma que Pierre y otro hombre que no nombra, también tuvieron relaciones sexuales forzadas con ella durante esa noche en el estudio.

Ella afirma que terminó en posición fetal en el piso del baño y finalmente fue escoltada fuera del estudio y voló de regreso a Michigan.

Esta acusadora dice que sufrió en silencio durante 20 años y sabía que hablar sería difícil, pero sintió confianza después de ver a Cassie y varias otras mujeres compartir acusaciones similares contra Diddy.

La demanda alega que Diddy violó la Ley de Protección de Víctimas de Violencia de Género del Estado de Nueva York.

Diddy reaccionó rápidamente, diciendole a TMZ que: "YA ES SUFICIENTE. Durante las últimas dos semanas, me he sentado en silencio y he visto a la gente tratar de asesinar mi imagen, destruir mi reputación y mi legado.

Acusaciones repugnantes se han hecho contra mí por individuos que buscan un día de pago rápido. Permítanme ser absolutamente claro: yo no he hecho ninguna de las cosas horribles que se alegan. Lucharé por mi nombre, por mi familia y por la verdad".

Sofia Vergara Obtiene orden de alejamiento Denuncia que un "acosador inestable" la hostiga

Sofia Vergara acaba de obtener una orden judicial para protegerse a ella y a su hijo de un hombre que ha estado acosándola sin descanso, a pesar de que fue recientemente liberado de la cárcel y está en libertad condicional por haber cometido el mismo delito en el pasado.

En documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Sofía afirma que un hombre llamado Gregory Brown es un "acosador mentalmente inestable" y que tiene la "creencia delirante de que la conoce personalmente y de que tiene una relación con ella y su familia", incluyendo su hijo de 32 años, Manolo.

Vergara dice que su "conducta agresiva y acosadora" la ha dejado temiendo por su seguridad y le ha causado ansiedad y angustia emocional.

Dice que, a pesar de haber sido encarcelado por allanamiento y vandalismo en su propiedad a principios de este año, Brown sigue sin inmutarse en su implacable persecución.

Vergara afirma que Brown ha hecho múltiples esfuerzos por acercarse a ella y a su hijo. En julio de 2023, por ejemplo, obtuvo supuestamente acceso no autorizado a la comunidad cerrada donde viven haciendo senderismo por las colinas aledañas.

Más recientemente, en noviembre, dijo que Brown le envió una inquietante carta por correo, que decía que "la iba a ver y escuchar muy pronto, mi amor" y firmando como "Gangsta".

Sofía dice que Brown tiene antecedentes penales que incluyen detenciones por diversos delitos violentos, que la hacen temer más por su seguridad, y ahora el juez ha firmado una orden de restricción temporal que requiere que Brown permanezca al menos 100 metros de distancia de ella y de su hijo. También se le prohíbe ponerse en contacto con ellos.

SOFIA VERGARA GETS RESTRAINING ORDER Claims 'Unstable Stalker' Harassing Her

Sofia Vergara just got some court-ordered protection for herself and her son from a man she claims has been relentlessly stalking ... despite the fact he was recently released from jail and on parole for committing the same crime in the past.

In legal docs obtained by TMZ, Sofia claims a man named Gregory Brown is a "mentally unstable stalker" with "a delusional belief he personally knows her and has a relationship with her and her family," including her 32-year-old son Manolo.

Vergara says his "aggressive and harassing conduct" has left her in fear for her safety and caused her anxiety and emotional distress.

She says, despite being jailed for trespassing and vandalism at her property earlier this year, Brown remains undeterred in his relentless pursuit of her.

Vergara claims Brown has made multiple efforts to gain access to her and her son ... including allegedly obtaining unauthorized access into the gated community by hiking from the hills in July 2023.

Most recently, in November, she says Brown mailed her a disturbing letter, writing, "he'll be seeing and hearing her very soon, my love," and signing off as "Gangsta."


Sofia says Brown has a rap sheet including arrests for various violent offenses, which make her more fearful about her safety ... and now the judge has signed off on a temporary restraining order requiring Brown to stay at least 100 yards away from her and her son and prohibiting him from contacting them.

Explosión en casa de Virginia El sospechoso disparó y lanzó bengalas... Video muestra masiva bola de fuego

Completamente destruida

Una casa en Virginia explotó en una bola de fuego la noche del lunes, posiblemente causando la muerte del sospechoso de provocar el estallido, que estaba armado y disparando desde el interior durante un enfrentamiento policial.

La salvaje escena fue grabada en un dramático video en Arlington, en donde se ve cómo la casa vuela en pedazos y desprende escombros al cielo y a todo el barrio residencial.

Velo por ti mismo, un vehículo de la policía estaba con las luces intermitentes en la entrada de la casa cuando de repente detona una fuerte explosión que sacude el área circundante y hace gritar de miedo a los testigos alrededor.

Varios de ellos están por encima gritando, "Holy f****ing s**t y "What the f**k!" (Qué mier**).

Un representante del Departamento de Policía del Condado de Arlington dijo que los policías respondieron a la casa el lunes por la tarde después de que los vecinos informaran de haber escuchado disparos. Los agentes determinaron más tarde que el residente había disparado una pistola de bengalas entre 30 y 40 veces a la calle.

Horas más tarde, los agentes obtuvieron una orden de registro y estaban llegando a la casa cuando el hombre comenzó a disparar con un arma real antes de que la casa explotara.

Los investigadores aún no han confirmado si el sospechoso u otras personas en la casa fallecieron. No se informó de otras lesiones.

Los bomberos acudieron al lugar y controlaron las llamas. Se está investigando la causa de la explosión.

Virginia House Explosion Suspect Fired Flares, Gunshots ... Video Shows Massive Fireball



12:20 PM PT -- Authorities confirmed a 56-year-old man is "presumed, at this point, to be deceased."

A house in Virginia exploded in a fireball Monday night, possibly killing a gun-wielding suspect squeezing off shots from inside during a police standoff.

The wild scene was caught on dramatic video in Arlington last evening, as the entire home blew apart, sending debris into the sky and throughout the residential neighborhood.

Check it out ... an armored police vehicle with lights flashing rolls up to the driveway when, suddenly, the house detonates with a loud bang, rocking the surrounding area and prompting witnesses to scream in fear.

Several of them are overhead yelling, "Holy f****ing s**t and "What the f**k!"

A rep for the Arlington County Police Department said cops responded to the home Monday afternoon after neighbors reported hearing shots fired. The officers later determined the resident shot a flare gun 30 to 40 times into the street.

Hours later, officers obtained a search warrant and were converging on the home when the man began firing shots from a real gun before the house exploded.

Investigators have not yet confirmed whether the suspect or possibly others in the house were killed. No other injuries were reported.


The fire department responded and brought the blaze under control. The cause of the blast is under investigation.

Originally Published -- 5:49 AM PT

Deathbed Confession Dad Tells Daughter ... I Was a Bank Fugitive, Hun

A woman dished all on her father's shocking deathbed confession ... saying her life changed when she discovered he had been a wanted man for most of his life following an old bank heist.


Ashley Randele came on "TMZ Live" Monday to tell her tale -- saying her father, Tom Randele, came clean with an estimated 6 weeks to live following a lung cancer diagnosis ... suddenly off-loading the decades-long secret as they watched NCIS.

The 71-year-old explained to Ashley and her mom that he had to change his real name ... and they ought to finally know in case it came up after his passing ... because authorities "were probably still looking for him."

Ashley says she pressed him for more info the next day after realizing it wasn't a "terrible dad joke" -- adding it was vital for her to know her dad's real name: Ted Conrad.

Ignoring his pleas not to look into it, Ashley later found herself searching his name online ... yielding various "vault teller robs bank" headlines ... and recent articles stating the 50-year hunt was still active.

The revelation left her stunned ... after all, she had just learned the man she always perceived as an average suburban dad stole $215,000 --- the equivalent of $1.8M today -- while working as a vault teller at the Society National Bank in Cleveland, Ohio, on Friday, July 11, 1969, as a 20-year-old college dropout.

He fled to Washington, D.C., that night ... and when bank bosses discovered the theft on Monday, the FBI was called, and Conrad became a wanted man.

He ended up in Boston ... assuming a new identity and resuming normalcy despite his picture plastered across headlines.

Whether the heist was worth it or not would have been a question for Ted, AKA, Tom ... as Ashley says, most of the stolen money was blown on ritzy digs and at least one bad investment ... reaching the point of her loaning her parents 10K before they filed for bankruptcy in 2014.

Ashley goes in depth about her story on her podcast, "Smoke Screen: My Fugitive Dad."


She adds to us her dad never Googled himself ... refusing to believe that, after all this time, people cared about his crime. He passed away 2 months after his confession.

Jussie Smollett All Smiles at Nobu ... After Losing Appeal for Hate Crime Hoax Conviction

Jussie Smollett was all smiles over the weekend, chowing down with friends on the heels of losing his appeal in his hate crime hoax case.

Jussie hit up Nobu Malibu for a late-night supper and didn't seem bothered by anything -- at least on the surface.

Our sources tell us Smollett is still receiving outpatient treatment through a rehab treatment facility.

As we reported, an Illinois appeals court turned thumbs down on his appeal Friday by a 2-1 vote. Jussie's lawyers say they will try to take it up with the Illinois Supreme Court, although there's no guarantee that the Court will hear the case.

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Fox 32 Chicago

If things stand the way they are, Jussie will have to complete his 150-day sentence for faking a hate crime on the streets of Chicago back in 2019. He served 6 days before being released pending the disposition of his appeal.


If the Illinois Supreme Court takes the case, even if it upholds the conviction Jussie wouldn't begin serving the remainder of his sentence for at least a year. If the Court doesn't take the case, Jussie could be back in jail in January.

Charlamagne Tha God Nardo Wick debería abandonar a su séquito Tras brutal ataque a un fan

Aprendiendo por las malas

Charlamagne Tha God quiere que Nardo Wick contrate guardias de seguridad confiables en lugar de la pandilla con la que está acostumbrado. Esto, después de que su equipo protagonizara un brutal ataque a un fan.

El jefe de 'Breakfast Club' conversó con TMZ Hip Hop esta semana en la cumbre de la United Justice Coalition Summit, donde destacó las muchas razones por las que Nardo debería viajar con un equipo de fiar de ahora en adelante.

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Golpeado en seco

TMZ publicó la historia, el rapero de "Who Want Smoke" se situó en el centro de la controversia después de que dos miembros de su séquito se rebelaran y golpearan brutalmente a un fan que buscaba sacarse una selfie. El chico quedó inconsciente después del show en Florida y su familia ha pedido un abogado.

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Ataque injustificado

Charlemagne nos dice que el trabajo de seguridad no consiste en golpear a la gente, sino en tomar decisiones sabias en momentos de peligro y amenaza, y esto solo se puede hacer con una adecuada formación que la tripulación de Nardo claramente carece.

CTG continuó haciendo hincapié en que los artistas necesitan auditar a sus séquitos para asegurarse de que todos cumplan un rol real y un propósito en lugar de ser propensos a causar problemas o demandas, que de seguro es lo que se viene para Nardo.

Cuidado allá afuera

Cuando le preguntamos por el tema el año pasado, DJ Envy de "Breakfast Club" también abogó porque los artistas cuenten con equipos de seguridad de primera categoría, sobre todo cuando se trata de proteger objetos de valor o incluso la vida.

Nardo se refiere al tema

Nardo parece estar abierto a todos los consejos. Se disculpó varias veces con la víctima y su familia. Solo el tiempo dirá si esto será suficiente para mantener las denuncias fuera de los tribunales.

Lo cubrimos todo en el último episodio de TMZ Verified, disponible en todas las plataformas de podcast.

Charlamagne Tha God Nardo Wick Should Ditch Entourage After Brutal Attack on Fan


Charlamagne Tha God wants to see Nardo Wick hire legit security guards instead of the homegrown posse he's used to ... this after his crew unleashed a beating on a fan.

The 'Breakfast Club' chief chopped it up with TMZ Hip Hop at the United Justice Coalition Summit this week where he highlighted the many reasons why Nardo needs to travel with a legit team from here on out.

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TMZ broke the story, the "Who Want Smoke" rapper became the center of controversy after two members of his entourage went rogue and brutally knocked a selfie-seeking fan unconscious following a show in Florida. The victim's family has since lawyered up.

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Charlemagne tells us security's job isn't to beat people up -- it's to make wise, on-the-spot decisions in times of danger and threats and can only do so with the proper training -- which Nardo's crew clearly lacks.

CTG goes on to stress how artists need to audit their entourages to ensure everyone has an actual role and purpose as opposed to being prone to causing trouble ... or lawsuits, which he's sure will be coming Nardo's way.


'Breakfast Club's DJ Envy also advocated for top-notch security artists when we quizzed him on the topic last year, especially when it comes to protecting valuables such as jewelry ... or even your life.


Nardo appears to be open to all advice that could pull him out the hole. He apologized several times to the victim and his family. Only time will tell if it'll be enough to keep the complaints outta court.

We covered it all on the latest episode of TMZ Verified, available on all podcast platforms.

Nardo Wick Fan Attack Police Release Suspects Photos

Police investigating the Nardo Wick fan beatdown say they are honing in on 2 suspects ... releasing photos of the men they believe carried out the brutal attack captured on video.

The Tampa Police Department tells TMZ ... the men in the photos are suspects in their ongoing investigation, and they are accused of having direct involvement in a felony battery.

Cops tell us tips from community members helped lead them to the suspects, and they've ruled out one previous suspect.

Police say they want to talk to any witnesses, and are, once again, asking the public for help investigating the case.

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TMZ broke the story ... video shows Nardo Wick fan George Obregon Jr. walking up to the rapper after his Sunday night show, and getting sucker punched by 2 members of NW's entourage.


George's mom says her 20-year-old son was just asking Nardo for a photo when he was ambushed.

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Nardo's apologized for the attack ... saying he didn't know that's how his entourage would react, and he's upset about the whole incident.

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Meanwhile, the fan's mom and friend told us George is still in a hospital as doctors try to figure out if the attack left him with any long-term damage.

Ataque a fan de Nardo Wick La policía publica fotos de los sospechosos

La policía que está investigando la paliza a un fanático de Nardo Wick dice que está apuntando a dos sospechosos y ha publicado fotos de los hombres que creen que llevaron a cabo el brutal ataque capturado en video.

El Departamento de Policía de Tampa le dice a TMZ que los hombres que aparecen en las fotos son ambos sospechosos en su investigación y se los acusa de haber participado directamente en un delito de agresión.

Los policías nos dicen que la información proporcionada por la comunidad los ayudó a dar con los sospechosos, y que ya han descartado a un sospechoso anterior.

La policía dice que quiere hablar con los testigos y están pidiendo una vez más la ayuda de la comunidad para investigar el caso.

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Noqueado en seco

TMZ fue el primero en informar la noticia, el video muestra a George Obregon Jr., fan de Nardo Wick, caminando hacia el rapero después de su show del domingo y luego cómo es golpeado por dos miembros del séquito de Wick.

La madre de George dice que su hijo de 20 años solo quería pedirle una foto a Nardo cuando fue emboscado.

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Genuina preocupación

Nardo se ha disculpado por la agresión, diciendo que no sabía que su equipo reaccionaría de esa forma y que está molesto por todo el incidente.

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Ataque injustificado

Mientras tanto, la madre y un amigo de George nos dijeron que todavía está en el hospital mientras los médicos intentan averiguar si el ataque lo dejó con algún daño de largo plazo.

Josh Giddey Minor, Family Won't Cooperate ... Amid Police Inquiry


11:33 AM PT -- The NBPD just released a statement on the Josh Giddey investigation ... saying officials are actively seeking more information and pursuing all leads and evidence to get the facts of the case.

NBPD says the investigation remains active ... and is working to conduct a "fair and thorough" process.

The inquiry into whether Oklahoma City Thunder guard Josh Giddey had an inappropriate relationship with a minor has hit a roadblock -- TMZ Sports has learned the alleged teen and her family are refusing to cooperate with officials.

Law enforcement sources tell us police would obviously like to speak with the purported female and those close to her to gather more information regarding the social media claims that made rounds over the weekend ... but as of right now, no one is talking.

It's a significant component to the whole situation ... as a lack of cooperation will make it much more challenging for officials to determine whether any laws were broken.

As we previously reported, Giddey is being accused of having an intimate relationship with an underage girl from California ... with photos and videos allegedly depicting them together.

The NBA is "looking into" the matter ... but Giddey has continued to play for the Thunder following the bombshell allegations.

The 21-year-old was asked about the claims at practice on Friday ... but elected not to speak on it.

Thunder coach Mark Daigneault also shot down a question regarding the inquiry prior to Tuesday night's game against the Minnesota Timberwolves ... saying he would not discuss anything off-court related in reference to Giddey, and he will continue to play.

Giddey played 28 minutes and scored 10 points in the loss to the Wolves ... and fans at the Target Center showed their disproval by booing him relentlessly throughout the contest.

Originally Published -- 7:29 AM PT