JOSH GIDDEY MENOR Y FAMILIA NO COOPERAN En medio de investigación policial

La investigación que acusa a Josh Giddey de tener una relación inapropiada con un menor de edad se ha topado con un obstáculo, TMZ Sports ha descubierto que el supuesto adolescente y su familia se niegan a cooperar con los funcionarios.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen que a la policía, obviamente, le gustaría hablar con la supuesta mujer y las personas cercanas a ella para reunir más información con respecto a las afirmaciones de los medios sociales que hizo rondas durante el fin de semana, pero por ahora, nadie está hablando.

Es un componente importante de toda la situación. La falta de cooperación hará que sea mucho más difícil para los funcionarios determinar si se violaron las leyes.

Como informamos anteriormente, Giddey está siendo acusado de tener una relación íntima con una chica menor de edad de California, con fotos y videos que supuestamente muestran juntos.

La NBA está "investigando" el asunto, pero Giddey ha seguido jugando para los Thunder después de las acusaciones.

Le preguntaron al jugador de 21 años sobre las afirmaciones en la práctica del viernes, pero optó por no hablar al respecto.

El entrenador de los Thunder, Mark Daigneault, también rechazó una pregunta sobre la investigación antes del partido del martes por la noche contra los Minnesota Timberwolves, diciendo que no discutiría nada fuera de la cancha en referencia a Giddey, y que seguirá jugando.

Giddey jugó 28 minutos y anotó 10 puntos en la derrota ante los Wolves y los aficionados en el Target Center mostraron su desaprobación abucheándolo sin cesar durante todo el partido.

Nardo Wick Breaks Silence on Fan Attack ... I Can't Control My Friends' Actions!!!


2:35 PM PT -- A spokesperson for Tampa PD tells us "detectives reached out to the performer" ... though a source close to Nardo Wick says the two sides have not yet spoken.

Nardo Wick is finally speaking out after members of his entourage were seen brutally attacking a fan who simply wanted a photo ... saying the whole thing left him upset, but claiming there was nothing he could have done to stop it.

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NW just took to Instagram to post an explanation of how he says he handled things immediately following the disgusting sucker punch. The rapper says he doesn't condone what happened, and reached out to the fan's mom to express how sorry and concerned he was over what went down.

Then he gets into the cowardly members of his team, writing, "I cant control another grown man actions, I ain't know that was gone happen, and I was mad when it happened."

Nardo goes on, "I tried to stop it as u can see in the video, and if somebody got the longer video you can see how mad I was, I love and appreciate all my fans and don't condone what happened at all dat s*** ain't gangsta or cool in no type of way."

TMZ broke the story, George Obregon Jr., a 20-year-old fan of Nardo, approached the rapper after his show in Tampa Sunday night to ask for a photo.

In video, obtained by TMZ, you see one member of NW's entourage punch George from the side while another punches him straight on ... we're told George suffered a severe concussion and brain bleed.

We've obtained Instagram messages from Nardo to George's mom as well as directly to George following the attack, you can see the rapper's upset over what happened.

Nardo's mom, who also works as his manager, was also in touch with George's mom ... getting updates on his medical condition.

A spokesperson from the Tampa Police Department tells us they're asking for help identifying the men who punched George.

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In his social media post, Nardo Wick does not mention the men by name, nor clarify if he's been speaking with the police to identify the men to help bring justice to his fan who only wanted a photo.


Originally Published -- 2:02 PM PT



2:35 PM PT -- Un portavoz de la policía de Tampa nos dice que "los detectives se pusieron en contacto con el artista", aunque una fuente cercana a Nardo Wick dice que las dos partes aún no han hablado.

Nardo Wick finalmente habla después de que miembros de su séquito fueron vistos atacando brutalmente a un fan que simplemente quería una foto, diciendo que todo el asunto lo dejó molesto, pero afirmando que no había nada que pudiera haber hecho para evitarlo.

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Nardo acaba de publicar una explicación acerca de cómo manejó las cosas inmediatamente después del repugnante  golpe. El rapero dice que no aprueba lo que pasó, y se puso en contacto con la madre del joven para expresar lo mucho que sentía y preocupado por lo que pasó.

Luego se mete con los cobardes miembros de su equipo, escribiendo: "No puedo controlar las acciones de otro hombre adulto, no sabía que eso iba a pasar, y estaba enojado cuando sucedió".

Nardo continúa: "Traté de detenerlo como se puede ver en el video, y si alguien tiene el video más largo se puede ver lo enojado que estaba, amo y aprecio a todos mis fans y no apruebo lo que pasó en absoluto dat s*** no es gangsta o fresco en ningún tipo de forma".

TMZ publicó la historia, George Obregon Jr, un fan de 20 años de Nardo, se acercó al rapero después de su show en Tampa domingo por la noche para pedirle una foto.

En el video, obtenido por TMZ, se ve a un miembro del séquito del rapero golpeando a George desde un lado, mientras que otro le da un puñetazo directo, nos dicen que George sufrió una conmoción cerebral severa y hemorragia cerebral.

Hemos obtenido mensajes de Instagram de Nardo a la madre de George, así como directamente a George después del ataque, se puede ver el disgusto del rapero por lo sucedido.

La madre de Nardo, que también trabaja como su manager, también estuvo en contacto con la madre de George y obtuvo actualizaciones sobre su estado de salud.

Un portavoz del Departamento de Policía de Tampa nos dice que están pidiendo ayuda para identificar a los hombres que golpearon a George.

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En su publicación en las redes sociales, Nardo Wick no menciona a los hombres por su nombre, ni aclara si ha estado hablando con la policía para identificar a los hombres para ayudar a hacer justicia a su fan que solo quería una foto.

NBA's Josh Giddey Subject of Police Inquiry ... Over Potential Underage Relationship


4:00 PM -- Thunder head coach Mark Daigneault was just asked about our report prior to Tuesday's matchup against the Minnesota Timberwolves ... and while he stated he will not comment on Josh Giddey's off-court situation, he reaffirmed Giddey will be available for the game.

Police are doing their due diligence on the recent troubling allegations surrounding Oklahoma City Thunder player Josh Giddey ... with officials opening an inquiry into whether he had an inappropriate relationship with a minor.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ Sports ... Newport Beach PD is currently investigating the allegations involving Giddey made on social media over the past week ... to see if there is any validity to the claims and if any laws were broken.

As we previously reported, anonymous X accounts accused the 21-year-old Australian athlete of having an intimate relationship with a minor based in California ... and pictures and videos of Giddey with an alleged underage girl quickly spread online.

The NBA announced on Friday it was "looking into" the matter ... but so far, Giddey -- who has remained active with the Thunder following the allegations -- has declined to speak on it.

Of course, Giddey could be in trouble both criminally and professionally -- the age of consent in California is 18, while it is 16 in Oklahoma.

Giddey is currently averaging 12.1 points, 5.8 rebounds and 4.8 assists in 16 games this season.

We covered the story on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Originally Published -- 1:53 PM PT

Paliza a un fan de Nardo Wick Su madre y un amigo devastado hablan del incidente

La madre y el amigo de George Obregón Jr., el fan de Nardo Wick que se encuentra hospitalizado tras un asqueroso ataque llevado a cabo por el séquito de Nardo, dicen que todo el asunto los ha dejado muy mal y casi sin palabras.

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Ataque injustificado

Michelle Obregon, madre de George, hizo una actualización sobre la condición de su hijo de 20 años y dijo a TMZ que actualmente está estable, pero los médicos están haciendo un seguimiento completo de su estado para evaluar si habrá algún daño a largo plazo.

El amigo de George, Connor Villa, que también estuvo en el concierto, nos dice que estaba solo unos metros detrás de su amigo cuando se produjo el ataque.

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Noqueado en seco

Dice que el equipo de Nardo les dio una mirada peculiar mientras caminaban con sus teléfonos después de salir del club, esto es, justo antes de que se desatara el asalto "de la nada" cuando George les pidió una instantánea juntos.

Connor añade que se quedó atónito cuando otro miembro de la comitiva siguió pegándole a George después de que lo dejaran noqueado con el primer golpe y sin respuesta.

Connor nos dice que recurrir a la violencia física por algo tan simple como pedir una foto es algo totalmente ridículo y nunca debería haber pasado.

Aunque ahora George se encuentra despierto y hablando, Michelle dice que no ha entrado en demasiados detalles sobre el incidente y no recuerda mucho.

La madre añade que se quedó "sin palabras" cuando vio el clip del ataque y que su principal prioridad ahora es la salud de su hijo. Asegura que ningún padre tiene que recibir la devastadora llamada telefónica que ella experimentó.

El incidente está bajo investigación policial. Un portavoz de la Policía de Tampa nos dice que están pidiéndole al público que los ayude a identificar a los atacantes. Se insta a que cualquier persona que tenga información se ponga en contacto con la policía de Tampa.


The mother and friend of George Obregon Jr., the Nardo Wick fan hospitalized following a disgusting attack carried out by Nardo's entourage, saying the whole thing has left them sick and almost speechless.

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Michelle Obregon, George's mom, gave an update on her 20-year-old son's condition -- telling TMZ he's currently stable -- but doctors are fully monitoring him to assess if there'll be any long-term damage.

George's pal Connor Villa, who also attended the concert, tells us he was just a few feet behind his buddy when the vicious attack occurred.

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He says Nardo's team gave them a peculiar look as they walked over with their phones up after exiting the club ... before unleashing the assault "out of nowhere" when George asked for a snap together.

Connor adds he was stunned when another member of the entourage continued to strike George after the first swing left him knocked out, leaning against the wall and unresponsive.

Connor tells us resorting to physical violence over a simple request for a picture was utterly ridiculous and should never have happened.

While George is now alert and talking ... Michelle says he hasn't gone into too much detail about the incident and doesn't remember much.

The devastated mother adds she had "no words to say" when watching the clip of the attack ... with her main priority being her son's health -- and ensuring that no other parents have to receive the devastating phone call she experienced.

The incident is currently under police investigation ... with a Tampa Police spokesperson telling us they're asking the public to help identify the attackers. Anyone with information is urged to reach out to Tampa Police.

Nardo Wick Fan Attacked, Knocked Out Cold By Rapper's Entourage

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9:51 AM PT -- A spokesperson for Tampa Police tells us they're asking the public to help identify the attackers ... adding the victim is in critical, but stable condition. Anyone with info is asked to reach out to Tampa Police.

A Nardo Wick fan got much more than he bargained for after asking for a photo with the rapper, as Nardo's entourage unleashed a brutal attack ... leaving the fan hospitalized and the incident under police investigation.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ the 20-year-old fan attended the NW show Sunday night at Club Skye in Tampa, and spotted Nardo leaving the venue around 1:15 AM.

That's where video, obtained by TMZ, picks up ... you can see the fan approach Nardo and his team for what we're told was to get a photo. Then, without warning, a member of Nardo's team sucker punches the young fan ... knocking his head against a concrete wall.

Unable to move, the fan seems stunned ... and that's when another member of NW's entourage punches the fan again, causing him to fall to the ground and hit his head on the pavement.

The attack is cowardly, and Nardo -- wearing the white shirt near the rear of the SUV -- appears to try to get his guys to relax ... but the effort proves useless.

As for the fan, we're told he was taken to a local hospital where he was allegedly treated for a severe concussion, and there's some spots where he's hemorrhaging. Our sources say it's currently unclear if there will be any long-term damage ... only time will tell.

We reached out to a rep for Nardo Wick ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 8:25 AM PT

Diddy Da un paso al costado como presidente de Revolt ... Como medida temporal

Diddy no está dispuesto a dejar que los problemas en su vida personal acaben con los éxitos en su vida profesional. Por eso ha tomado la difícil decisión de apartarse temporalmente de su puesto como presidente de Revolt.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que Diddy decidió que haría el movimiento la semana pasada. Nos dicen que su objetivo era impedir que las acusaciones que enfrenta distraigan el éxito y la misión de Revolt.

Actualmente, la empresa está celebrando su décimo aniversario y le está yendo bien bajo la dirección del director general Detavio Samuels y el director de marca Deon Graham. Nos dicen que Diddy no está involucrado en el día a día de la empresa.

Como ya informamos, Diddy se apresuró a resolver amistosamente una demanda interpuesta por Cassie, que lo acusaba de agresión sexual, abuso y tráfico de personas

Desde entonces se han presentado otras dos demandas contra él, una de Joi Dickerson-Neal que dice que Diddy la agredió sexualmente en cámara cuando ella era una estudiante universitaria en 1991, y otra de Jane Doe, que asegura que Diddy y el cantante y compositor Aaron Hall se turnaron para violarla a ella y a sus amigos en 1990 o 1991.

Un representante de Diddy se refirió a las dos nuevas demandas diciendo: "Las reclamaciones relativas a la supuesta mala conducta contra el Sr. Combs de hace más de 30 años y presentadas en el último minuto son negadas y rechazadas completamente por él. Reconoce que se trata de un robo de dinero. Debido a la fama y el éxito del Sr. Combs, es un blanco fácil para los acusadores que falsificarán la verdad, sin conciencia ni consecuencias, para obtener beneficios económicos".

La declaración continúa: "La Legislatura de Nueva York seguramente no pretendía ni esperaba que la Ley de Supervivientes Adultos fuera explotada con fines indebidos. El público debería ser escéptico y no apresurarse a aceptar estas acusaciones sin fundamento".

Por el momento no está claro cuándo piensa Diddy retomar su papel en Revolt.

Diddy Steps Aside as Chairman of Revolt ... In Temporary Move

Diddy isn't about to let issues in his personal life take down the successes in his professional life, making the difficult decision to temporarily step aside from his role as Chairman at Revolt.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ Diddy decided last week he'd make the temporary move. We're told his goal in making the decision was to not allow the accusations he's facing distract from Revolt's mission or success.

Revolt is currently celebrating its 10-year anniversary, and doing well under the leadership of CEO Detavio Samuels and Chief Brand Officer Deon Graham. We're told Diddy is not involved in the company's day-to-day.

As we reported, Diddy was quick to settle a lawsuit brought by Cassie with an amicable resolution where she accused him of sexual assault, abuse and human trafficking.


There have since been two additional lawsuits filed against Diddy ... Joi Dickerson-Neal says Diddy sexually assaulted her on camera when she was a college student back in 1991, and a Jane Doe says Diddy and singer-songwriter Aaron Hall took turns raping her and friends in either 1990 or 1991.

A rep for Diddy addressed the 2 additional lawsuits by saying, "The claims involving alleged misconduct against Mr. Combs from over 30 years ago and filed at the last minute are all completely denied and rejected by him. He recognizes this as a money grab. Because of Mr. Combs’ fame and success, he is an easy target for accusers who will falsify the truth, without conscience or consequence, for financial benefit."

The statement continues, "The New York Legislature surely did not intend or expect the Adult Survivors Act to be exploited for improper purposes. The public should be skeptical and not rush to accept these unsubstantiated allegations."

It's currently unclear when Diddy plans to step back into his role with Revolt.


Susto a media noche

Jillian Barberie casi vive una invasión a su hogar este fin de semana cuando su puerta principal casi se viene abajo en plena madrugada… ¡Y ella lo filmó todo!

La exconductora de televisión y personalidad de FOX -- exintegrante de "Good Day L.A." y otros programas -- documentó el aterrador suceso de lo que ella describe como un fuerte estruendo a primera hora del domingo, dejando la entrada de su apartamento destrozada.

Jillian lo compartió en Instagram Live justo después de que ocurriera, e instada por sus seguidores/fans llamó a la policía, algo que aparentemente no se le ocurrió de inmediato.

Más tarde, Jillian explicó que aún estaba bastante desconcertada… pero mientras todo esto sucedía -- llevó a su audiencia a vivir un viaje, mostrando cómo estaba barricando la puerta con los suministros que tenía… Y hasta demostrando cómo planeaba defenderse.

No tenía una pistola ni nada por el estilo, pero el spray de pimienta serviría en caso de un apuro, suponemos.

De todos modos, al final llamó al 911 y también filmó ese encuentro. El oficial que llegó le hizo presentar un informe y le pidió que hablara con el personal de mantenimiento por la mañana. Lo extraño es que, al examinar los daños en la puerta, no encontraron huellas en el exterior, lo cual es lo que JB (y prácticamente todos los demás) sospechaba que era, es decir, alguien pateándola.

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Jillian ha estado publicando muchas actualizaciones en sus redes sociales… y reveló que un amigo se quedó con ella hasta que el equipo de mantenimiento llegó para hacer las reparaciones.

Extrañamente, aún no hay una explicación clara de lo que pudo haber sido. Jillian sigue pensando que fue causado por una persona y que alguien podría haber golpeado con todo su cuerpo la puerta y salió corriendo. Pero hay una investigación en curso y están buscando al culpable.

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Cosas bastante espeluznantes, obviamente, y lo más sorprendente es que Jillian aparentemente vive en un elegante edificio de apartamentos en Ventura… que generalmente se considera una zona bastante segura.

Simplemente, demuestra que siempre hay que estar preparado para lo peor. ¡Manténganse a salvo!

Jillian Barberie Front Door Almost Broken Down ... Middle-of-the-Night Scare


Jillian Barberie almost experienced a would-be home invasion this weekend when her front door nearly came crashing down in the dead of the night ... and she filmed it all, too.

The former TV host and FOX personality -- who used to work on "Good Day L.A.," among other telecasts -- documented the terrifying aftermath of what she says was a loud bang in the wee hours of Sunday morning ... which left the entryway to her apartment crushed.

Watch ... Jillian jumped on IG Live right after it happened and was spurred by her followers/fans to call the police -- something that apparently didn't occur to her right away.

Later, Jillian explains she was still pretty out of it ... but while this was all unfolding -- she took her audience on quite a ride, showing off how she was barricading the door with what supplies she had ... and even demonstrating how she planned to defend herself.

She didn't have a gun or anything, but pepper spray will do in a pinch, we suppose.

Anyway, she ultimately did call 911 at 2:15 AM and filmed that encounter too. The officer who showed up had her file a report and told her to talk to maintenance in the AM. The weird thing is, when they examined the door damage ... there was no footprint on the outside, seeing that's what JB (and just about everyone else) suspected it was -- namely, somebody kicking it in.

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Jillian's been posting a ton of updates on her social media pages ... and reveals that a friend came to stay with her until the management team crew came by to make the repairs.

Strangely, there's still no clear explanation for what it could've been. Jillian still thinks this was human-caused -- and believes somebody might've just slammed their whole body into her door and bolted. But an investigation is underway and they're looking for the culprit.

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Pretty freaky stuff, obviously -- and what's crazier is that Jillian appears to live in a swanky apartment building out in Ventura ... which is usually considered a pretty decent area.

No evidence suggested anyone entered the residence. Detectives are investigating.

Just goes to show ... ya always gotta be prepared for the worst. Stay safe, y'all.

CHUCK LORRE 'TWO AND A HALF MEN' CREATOR Blew a Fuse ... L.A. Home Hit By Would-Be Burglars

Chuck Lorre -- the iconic television producer behind "Two and a Half Men," "The Big Bang Theory," & more -- had some unscripted drama go down at his Los Angeles-area crib earlier this month ... according to law enforcement.

They tell TMZ that cops responded to Chuck's home after his security alarm went off -- and upon arrival, found broken glass, signaling the would-be burglar's attempts to enter the abode through a window or glass door.

Police scoped out the home and surrounding area ... and while they found no suspects, they found plenty of evidence of an attempted burglary, including a tampered fuse box. Luckily, there wasn't a big bang.

We're also told that Chuck wasn't home at the time .... and it's believed the sound of the alarm scared off the thieves.

In a major plot twist ... we're also told that a week and a half later there was another alarm call to the same home ... as well as one in September.

It's unknown whether they were scoping out Chuck's home or trying to come back to finish the job.

We're told LAPD took an attempted burglary report and is investigating ... and so far, no arrests have been made.

Creador de "Two and a half men" Intento de robo en casa de productor Chuck Lorre

Chuck Lorre —icónico productor de televisión detrás de "Two and a Half Men", "The Big Bang Theory" y más— tuvo un drama en su casa en Los Ángeles a principios de este mes, de acuerdo con la policía.

Los policías que respondieron a la casa de Chuck le dicen a TMZ que después de que se activara su alarma de seguridad y llegaran a la escena, encontraron vidrios rotos que indican que los posibles ladrones intentaron entrar por una ventana o puerta de cristal.

La policía inspeccionó la casa y sus alrededores y aunque no encontraron a ningún sospechoso, sí hallaron un montón de pruebas de un intento de robo, incluyendo una caja de fusibles manipulada. Por suerte, no hubo Big Bang...

Nos dicen que Chuck no estaba en la casa cuando ocurrió el incidente y se cree que el sonido de la alarma asustó a los ladrones.

En un giro importante de la trama, también nos dicen que una semana y media después hubo otra llamada de alarma en la misma casa, así como una en septiembre.

No se sabe si estaban explorando la casa del productor o si estaban tratando de volver para terminar el trabajo.

La Policía de Los Ángeles nos dice que tomó nota de un intento de robo y está investigando. Hasta ahora, no se han hecho arrestos.

Diddy Sued by Third Woman for Rape, Choking


9:40 AM PT -- A spokesperson for Diddy tells TMZ ... "These are civil suits with fabricated claims of misconduct from over 30 years ago, which are nothing but a blatant money grab. Mr. Combs is being unfairly targeted by anonymous accusers who lie for financial gain. The New York Legislature never intended the Adult Survivors Act to be exploited."

Diddy has been sued a third time for alleged sexual assault and this time a third person is allegedly involved.

The new lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, was filed anonymously -- by a Jane Doe -- who claims Diddy and singer-songwriter Aaron Hall took turns raping her and one of her friends, either in 1990 or 1991.

The lawsuit alleges the woman and her friend met Diddy at a record event, and Diddy and Hall began flirting with them, buying them drinks during the evening.

The woman claims Diddy and Hall took the woman to Hall's apartment, where she was offered more alcohol and then coerced into having sex with Diddy. She says she was traumatized, and then as she lay in the bed, Hall allegedly came in, pinned her down and raped her.

She says her friend was also raped by both men.

She says a few days later, Combs went to the woman's home and became enraged ... “He was irate and began assaulting and choking Jane Doe to the point that she passed out. Combs was searching for Jane Doe’s friend because he was worried that she would tell the girl he was with at the time what he and Hall had done to them.”

The New York lawsuit, first reported by Rolling Stone, claims she went to doctors and told her family and friends about what happened.


As you know, Cassie filed a lawsuit against Diddy last week, alleging, among other things, rape and human trafficking. The case settled the day after it was filed for an undisclosed amount.

As for the second lawsuit, a rep told us ... "This last-minute lawsuit is an example of how a well-intentioned law can be turned on its head. Ms. Dickerson's 32-year-old story is made up and not credible. Mr. Combs never assaulted her and she implicates companies that did not exist. This is purely a money grab and nothing more."

Originally Published -- 6:00 AM PT

Marines vs. Civilians War Breaks Out In Texas ... Wild Video Shows


Uniformed Marines battled civilians during a heated conflict in Texas -- and the wild scene was caught on video.

Sunday night's chaos was filmed by witnesses outside Austin's Voodoo Room, where the brawl erupted after a woman allegedly tried to snatch a cell phone from a Marine.

Check out the clip ... Marines, in full dress uniform, confront the woman and some other men on the street.

The two sides start arguing and shoving each other until one guy clocks a Marine in the head, causing all hell to break loose.

Several Marines go after the guy, punching him in the face and knocking him to the ground.

The soldiers jump on top of him and get in a few more licks before the police arrive and break up the fight.

We’re not sure if anyone was arrested or seriously injured so we’ve reached out to the Austin PD for answers. So far, no word back.

Keep the war on the battlefield next time!!!

For more viral news, tune in to the TMZ Verified Podcast. Dropping every Thursday on all podcast platforms.

Marinos vs. civiles Estalla la guerra en Texas... Muestra un salvaje video

Riña con los marinos

Marinos uniformados se enfrentaron a golpes contra algunos civiles durante un acalorado conflicto en Texas, y toda la escena fue capturada en video.

El caos fue filmado el domingo por la noche por testigos afuera de Austin Voodoo Room. La pelea estalló después de que una mujer supuestamente tratara de arrebatarle un teléfono a un infante de marina.

Echa un vistazo al clip, donde se ve a los marinos vestidos en sus uniformes de gala enfrentarse a la mujer y a algunos otros hombres en la calle.

Los dos bandos empiezan a discutir y a empujarse hasta que uno de los hombres golpea a un marino en la cabeza, provocando que se desate el infierno.

Varios marinos se lanzan contra el tipo, golpeándolo en la cara y tirándolo al suelo.

Los soldados saltan sobre él y le dan unos cuantos golpes más antes de que llegue la policía y disuelva la pelea.

No estamos seguros de si alguien fue arrestado o herido de gravedad, por lo que nos contactamos con la policía de Austin para obtener respuestas. Hasta ahora, no hemos recibido nada de vuelta.

La próxima vez... ¡¡¡mantengan la guerra en el campo de batalla!!!