mostrando la evidencia

Hay un gran avance en el caso de asalto A$AP Rocky, los fiscales acaban de mostrar un video de él sosteniendo un arma de fuego antes de supuestamente dispararle a un ex compañero miembro de la mafia A$AP Relli.

El video fue reproducido en una sala de Los Ángeles el lunes por la tarde, y los fiscales dicen que es Rocky en el clip con un arma de fuego durante un altercado físico con Relli.

El detective de Los Ángeles, Frank Flores, subió al estrado y testificó que la polía obtuvo el video durante el curso de su investigación. La fiscalía también mostró fotos fijas de las imágenes para reforzar su afirmación de que es A$AP Rocky con una pistola.

El padre del bebé de Rihanna estaba en la corte cuando los fiscales hicieron su caso en su contra. Vestido con un traje azul oscuro, gafas negras y mascarilla negra, permaneció estoico durante todo el testimonio explosivo en su contra.

Los fiscales también jugó un clip separado de lo que dicen son 2 disparos ... aunque no ha habido ningún video de la supuesta disparos en sí. Relli afirma que Rocky le disparó en la mano.

La cámara de la policía también fue expuesta en el tribunal, y muestra al menos siete agentes llegando a la escena del presunto tiroteo y buscando pruebas, nunca encuentran el arma.

Como hemos informado, Relli afirma que tenía problemas con Rocky lo cual conduce al presunto incidente y testificó que Rocky puso una pistola en su estómago durante un acalorado intercambio.

en la corte

Relli testificó previamente que Rocky no disparó en ese momento, en lugar de afirmar que las balas comenzaron a volar poco después de que se separaron. Dice que Rocky salió corriendo y lo dejó en la calle después de disparar unos cuatro tiros.

Aunque la policía dice que no encontró ningún casquillo, Relli afirma que volvió al lugar esa misma noche y recuperó un par de casquillos de 9 mm. Los abogados de Rocky le interrogaron sobre esta afirmación, preguntándole cómo pudo encontrar casquillos cuando la policía no pudo.

Cabe señalar que no se encontraron huellas dactilares en los casquillos que Relli proporcionó a la policía.

A$AP Rocky Prosecutors We Got Him ON VIDEO WITH GUN IN HAND ... Before Alleged Shooting



2:35 PM PT -- The judge just decided there's enough to take Rocky's case to trial. He'll answer to two counts of first-degree assault with a firearm ... arraignment on January 8.


Potentially huge development in the A$AP Rocky assault case ... prosecutors just showed what they claim is video of him holding a gun before allegedly shooting former fellow Mob member A$AP Relli.

The video was played in an L.A. courtroom Monday afternoon, and prosecutors say that's Rocky in the clip holding a gun during a physical altercation with Relli.

LAPD detective Frank Flores took the stand, and testified cops obtained the video during the course of their investigation. The prosecution also showed still photos from the footage to bolster their claim it's A$AP Rocky with a gun.

Rihanna's baby daddy was in court as prosecutors made their case against him ... wearing a dark blue suit, black glasses and black facemask, remaining stoic throughout the explosive testimony against him.

Prosecutors also played a separate clip of what they say are 2 gunshots ... though there's been no video of the alleged shooting itself. Relli claims Rocky shot his hand.

Police body cam video was also shown in court ... and it shows at least 7 officers arriving at the scene of the alleged shooting and canvassing for evidence ... they never find the weapon.

As we reported... Relli claims he had beef with Rocky leading up to the alleged incident, and he testified Rocky put a gun to his stomach during a heated exchange.


Relli previously testified Rocky didn't shoot right then and there, instead claiming the bullets started flying shortly after they separated. He says Rocky took off running and left him on the street after firing about 4 shots.

While cops say they didn't find any shell casings, Relli claims he came back to the scene later that night and recovered a pair of 9mm shells. Rocky's lawyers grilled him over the claim, asking how he could easily find casings when the cops could not.


Worth noting ... no fingerprints were recovered from the shell casings Relli provided to law enforcement.

We covered the story on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Originally Published -- 1:36 PM PT

Rapper Russ Burglars Stole Guns From My Home ... Took My GF's Benz Too!!!

Russ says he's the victim of a home burglary in Georgia ... telling cops thieves made off with five guns, a pair of designer purses and his girlfriend's Mercedes-Benz.

According to the police report, obtained by TMZ, the Roswell Police Department says the rapper called them a little before 1 AM Friday and reported seeing burglars on his home security camera.

Cops say when they got there the front door was open and the place had clearly been ransacked ... though the alleged burglars appeared to be long gone.

Russ, who was not home at the time, got on FaceTime with the officers as they toured the home ... telling them 5 firearms were taken, as well as two purses and his girlfriend's 2020 Mercedes-Benz C-Class AMG.

Police say the "Losin Control" rapper told them the guns taken included a pair of Glock 19s, a CZ Scorpion and two Walther handguns ... all 9mm firearms.

As for the designer bags ... Russ claims thieves made off with two Chanel purses, a pink one valued at $15k and a black one valued at $9k.

Cops say an initial review of surveillance footage shows at least two people entering the home from the basement patio door around 10:15 PM Thursday ... before walking right out the front door around midnight with backpacks and suitcases.

Police say the individuals were wearing gloves and jackets ... but they couldn't make out many identifying features about them at least for now.

Rapero Russ Unos ladrones robaron unas armas de mi casa

Russ dice que fue víctima de un robo en su casa en Georgia y le dijo a los policías que unos ladrones se llevaron cinco armas de fuego, un par de bolsos de diseño y el Mercedes-Benz de su novia.

De acuerdo con el informe de la policía obtenido por TMZ, el Departamento de Policía de Roswell dice que el rapero los llamó un poco antes de la 1 AM del viernes para reportar que vio a los ladrones a través de su cámara de seguridad.

Los policías dicen que cuando llegaron vieron la puerta principal abierta y el lugar claramente saqueado, aunque los presuntos ladrones parecían haber desaparecido hace mucho tiempo.

Russ, que no estaba en casa en ese momento, se puso en FaceTime con los oficiales mientras estos recorrían la casa y les dijo habían tomado cinco armas de fuego, dos bolsos y el Mercedes-Benz Clase C AMG 2020, de su novia.

La policía dice que el rapero de "Losin Control" les dijo que las armas correspondían a un par de Glock 19s, un CZ Scorpion y dos pistolas Walther, todas armas de fuego de 9 mm.

En cuanto a los bolsos de diseño, Russ afirma que los ladrones se llevaron dos bolsos Chanel, uno rosa valorado en $15k y uno negro valorado en $9k.

La policía dice que la revisión inicial de las imágenes de vigilancia mostró a al menos dos sujetos entrando a la casa por la puerta del sótano alrededor de las 10:15 PM del jueves. Luego caminaron hacia la puerta principal hacia la medianoche con mochilas y maletas.

La policía dice que los individuos llevaban guantes y chaquetas, pero no pudieron distinguir muchos rasgos que les permitiera identificarlos, al menos por ahora.

50 Cent Evita una acusación penal por lanzar un micrófono

50 Cent no está en peligro por tirar un micrófono hacia la multitud durante un show en Los Ángeles, o al menos, por ahora. El incidente ocurrido en agosto dejó a una espectadora con múltiples lesiones en la cabeza y en su cara.

La locutora de Power 106 Bryhana Monegain presentó un informe a la policía tras el incidente del 30 de agosto. Originalmente, la policía había presentado el caso a L.A. County D.A. como un delito grave, pero la Oficina del Fiscal más tarde lo pateó a la Oficina del Fiscal de la Ciudad de Los Ángeles.

Ahora, la oficina del Fiscal de la Ciudad le dice a TMZ que no se han presentado cargos criminales contra el rapero de 48 años y no se presentarán, siempre y cuando él mantenga su nariz limpia.

Nos dicen que el caso permanecerá abierto durante 1 año a partir de la fecha del incidente y podría ser reevaluado si hay más incidentes entre 50 y Bryhana.

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Arrojado a la multitud
TikTok / @polyboy.steezy

Todo comenzó cuando 50 Cent actuó en el Crypto.com Arena de Los Ángeles. Un video lo mostraba muy enojado lanzando su micrófono a la multitud y golpeando a Bryhana en la frente tan fuerte que necesitó asistencia médica.

Hubo problemas técnicos durante el concierto y 50 estaba enojado por el mal funcionamiento del micrófono. Su abogado Scott Leemon nos dijo que 50 "nunca golpearía intencionadamente a nadie con un micrófono".

50 CENT Avoids Criminal Charge for Throwing Mic

50 Cent is in the clear, for now, for chucking a microphone into the crowd during his L.A. show back in August ... an incident that left a spectator with multiple lacerations to her head and face.

Power 106 radio host Bryhana Monegain filed a police report following the incident on August 30 ... and cops originally presented the case to the L.A. County D.A. as a felony -- but the D.A.'s Office later kicked it to the L.A. City Attorney's office.

Now, the City Attorney's office tells TMZ no criminal charges have been filed against the 48-year-old rapper, and won't be filed as long as he keeps his nose clean.

We're told the case will remain open for 1 year from the date of the incident ... and it could be re-evaluated for possible criminal charges should there be any further incidents between 50 and Bryhana.

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TikTok / @polyboy.steezy

This all started when 50 Cent performed at L.A.'s Crypto.com Arena, and video showed him angrily throwing his mic into the crowd ... and it smashed Bryhana in the forehead so badly, she needed medical assistance.

There were technical issues during the concert, and 50 was pissed about the mic malfunctioning. His lawyer Scott Leemon told us 50 would "never intentionally strike anyone with a microphone."

Floyd Mayweather Boxing J. Gotti III Rematch Of June Fight That Ended W/ Brawl!

Floyd Mayweather's returning to the boxing ring to take care of some unfinished business ... the legendary fighter is taking on John Gotti III in Las Vegas over Super Bowl weekend in February, a rematch of their '23 fight that ended in chaos!

TMZ Sports is told the event will happen around Super Sunday (February 11 in Sin City) and will be headlined by 46-year-old Mayweather vs. 31-year-old Gotti III.

floyd mayweather brawl

Floyd, 50-0, is one of the greatest fighters to ever put on a pair of gloves. Gotti III, grandson of the legendary Gambino family crime boss, John Gotti, was originally an MMA fighter (5-1), who eventually got into boxing (2-0).

The rest of the card will be anchored by Floyd's Mayweather Promotions fighters.

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Of course, Floyd and John have history. Back in June, they boxed at FLA Live Arena in Sunrise, Florida ... but the bout was called in the sixth round after a bunch of holding and other shenanigans in the ring.

Although the fight was technically stopped by ref Kenny Bayless, it was just the beginning of the fighting ... as mayhem erupted inside the squared circle, and outside of it, too.

In fact, Joseline Hernandez and Big Lex were seen scrapping.

Order was eventually restored ... and reps for the fighters spoke and peaced things up.

Now, the men are set to battle again ... during what was already one of the biggest weeks in all of sports.

And, to make sure there isn't a repeat of the first fight, we're told there are clauses in the contracts that could trigger a financial fine if anyone gets out of line.

The fight, a pay-per-view event airing on Zeus network, will be promoted by Mayweather Promotions, along with partner Hidden Empire Films!

The exact date, time and location have not yet been announced.

Diddy Not Subject of Criminal Investigation ... NYPD Admits Providing 'Erroneous' Info


8:59 AM PT -- 11/17 -- NYPD says the information its spokesperson provided -- about a "locked" Diddy investigation -- was incorrect.

The full NYPD statement reads ... "Yesterday, a member of the NYPD’s public information office erroneously told a reporter about the apparent existence of an active case file containing the name 'Sean Combs.' There is no such investigation, at present. Further, the release of such information is not consistent with the internal policies of the office of the Deputy Commissioner, Public Information. The NYPD always treats allegations of sexual assault and rape extremely seriously, and urges anyone who has been a victim to file a police report so that support and services can be offered to survivors and a comprehensive investigation can be conducted."

Diddy is the subject of a secret, NYPD investigation, and although it's unclear if his ex, Cassie Ventura, made the criminal complaint, there is strong evidence it involves sexual assault.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... there is an open case at NYPD with the name, "Sean Combs." We're told it is an active case but the case file has been "locked" -- essentially meaning it's a sensitive case where access is restricted.

As we reported, Cassie has filed an explosive federal lawsuit, which alleges rape and human trafficking, among other accusations.

We inquired about the case to NYPD, and they responded with this statement ... "The NYPD takes sexual assault and rape cases extremely seriously, and urges anyone who has been a victim to file a police report so we can perform a comprehensive investigation, and offer support and services to survivors."

It would seem based on the statement, not only is this a sexual assault case, but the NYPD is actively looking for other alleged victims.

We contacted other law enforcement in numerous jurisdictions Cassie mentions in her complaint -- including Miami, Beverly Hills and Los Angeles -- and at every juncture, we got the same reply ... no police report has been filed as it pertains to Cassie or Diddy, and no investigation has been launched.

We did find a 2016 case, where TMZ broke the story, BH cops were called after a breakup argument of some sort between Diddy and Cassie. A domestic incident report was taken, but no legal action followed.

As we reported, Cassie has claimed everything from rape, to assault/battery and even human trafficking -- this after alleging Diddy forced her to have sex with male prostitutes across state lines.

Because that could rise to a federal crime, we also checked with federal law enforcement sources -- including the U.S. Attorney's Office in the Southern District of NY, as well as the FBI -- and on both fronts ... zip.

Diddy's lawyer has come out strong, calling BS on Cassie's lawsuit. He told us most of her claims would be barred from criminal prosecution based on the statute of limitations. Her rape claim, however, could still be pursued here in Cali -- so time will tell if she files a criminal complaint there.

Diddy has vehemently denied all of Cassie's allegations ... and accused her of seeking to shake him down for big-time cash, to the tune of $30 million.

So as of now, we have found one case in NYC where it seems Diddy is in the crosshairs of police.


Originally Published -- 11/16 6:22 PM PT

Diddy No es sujeto de investigación criminal... Policía de Nueva York admite haber entregado información errónea


8:59 AM PT -- 11/17 -- La policía de Nueva York dice que la información proporcionada por su portavoz sobre una investigación "cerrada" de Diddy era incorrecta.

La declaración completa del organismo dice: "Ayer, un miembro de la oficina de información pública del Departamento de Policía de Nueva York informó erróneamente a un reportero sobre la aparente existencia de un expediente activo que contenía el nombre de "Sean Combs". En la actualidad no existe tal investigación. Además, la divulgación de dicha información no es coherente con las políticas internas de la oficina del Comisionado Adjunto de Información Pública. La policía de Nueva York siempre trata las acusaciones de agresión sexual y violación con extrema seriedad e insta a cualquier persona que haya sido víctima a que presente una denuncia policial para que se pueda ofrecer apoyo y servicios a los supervivientes y se pueda llevar a cabo una investigación exhaustiva".

Diddy es objeto de una investigación secreta de la policía de Nueva York, y aunque no está claro si su ex Cassie Ventura hizo la denuncia penal, hay una fuerte evidencia de que esta involucra agresión sexual.

Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que hay un caso abierto en la policía de Nueva York con el nombre de "Sean Combs". Nos dicen que es un caso activo, pero el archivo ha sido "bloqueado", lo que significa que es un caso sensible y el acceso está restringido.

Como informamos, Cassie presentó una demanda federal explosiva, en la que alega violación y trata de personas, entre otras acusaciones.

Le preguntamos sobre el caso a la policía de Nueva York y respondieron con esta declaración: "El Departamento de Policía de Nueva York (NYPD) toma los casos de asalto sexual y violación extremadamente en serio, e insta a cualquier persona que haya sido víctima a presentar una denuncia policial para que podamos realizar una investigación exhaustiva y ofrecer apoyo y servicios a los sobrevivientes".

Basándonos en la declaración, parece que este no es solo un caso de agresión sexual, pues la policía está buscando activamente a otras presuntas víctimas.

Nos pusimos en contacto con otras jurisdicciones policiales que Cassie menciona en su denuncia, incluyendo Miami, Beverly Hills y Los Ángeles, y en cada una de ellas obtuvimos la misma respuesta. No se ha presentado ningún informe policial en lo que respecta a Cassie o Diddy y no se ha iniciado ninguna investigación.

Encontramos un caso de 2016, que TMZ publicó en su momento. La policía de Beverly Hills fue contactada después de una discusión entre Diddy y Cassie, presuntamente a causa de una ruptura. Se realizó un informe del incidente doméstico, pero no se siguió ninguna acción legal.

Como ya informamos, Cassie ha denunciado todo tipo de delitos, desde violación a agresión y hasta tráfico de personas, después de alegar que Diddy la obligó a mantener relaciones sexuales con prostitutos a través de las fronteras estatales.

Debido a que se eleva a un delito federal, también hemos comprobado con fuentes policiales de esa índole, incluyendo la Oficina del Fiscal de Estados Unidos en el Distrito Sur de Nueva York, así como con el FBI, y en ambos frentes nada.

El abogado de Diddy ha sido contundente en llamar "basura" la demanda de Cassie. Nos dijo que la mayoría de sus reclamos serían excluidos de la persecución penal sobre la base de la ley de prescripción. Su demanda por violación, sin embargo, todavía podría ser perseguida aquí en California, así que el tiempo dirá si ella presenta una denuncia penal allí.

Diddy ha negado vehementemente todas las acusaciones de Cassie y denunció su intento de quitarle dinero en efectivo a lo grande, por la suma de $30 millones.

Kelly Oubre Jr. Video Shows NBAer Wincing In Pain ... After Getting Hit By Car

111523_kelly_oubre_jr_1729556 November 2023

TMZ Sports has obtained footage of Kelly Oubre Jr. just minutes after he was struck by a vehicle over the weekend ... showing the Philadelphia 76ers forward struggling to walk as he entered his apartment.

As we previously reported, the 6'7" hooper was involved in a hit-and-run outside his Philly residence on Saturday ... suffering a broken rib and injuries to his hip and leg after a silver car swiped him with a side-view mirror.

Sources tell us Oubre returned home shortly after being hit ... and when his wife saw him in serious pain, she called 911.

In the Ring camera footage, Oubre is heard telling Shylynn he was hit by a car as he rolled a bicycle into his residence.

We're told the 27-year-old was taken by ambulance to a nearby hospital ... where medical professionals began treatment.

Our sources say a couple hours after the incident, officials interviewed Oubre to get some information on what went down.

At the time, Oubre claimed the incident happened near 15th and Spruce Street .... but on Wednesday, police said there was no surveillance video to support his claim.

Sources tell us two factors play into this -- one being Oubre was medicated and not in the right state of mind when he spoke with cops ... the other being he's fresh to the area, as he just moved to Philly in September and doesn't know his way around town just yet.

All that considered, our sources say it was challenging for Oubre to pinpoint the exact location of the accident ... so he tried his best.


There's no official timetable on Oubre's recovery ... although some reports claim he could be back in action as early as the end of the month.

Oubre's teammates have rallied behind him in his absence -- most notably, Tyrese Maxey dedicated his 50-point performance to the former Kansas standout following the accident.

Glen 'Big Baby' Davis Convicted Of Defrauding NBA's Healthcare Plan

Glen "Big Baby" Davis was just found guilty of swindling the NBA out of a ton of cash through the league's healthcare plan ... after authorities claim he accepted reimbursement for medical treatments he never received.

The U.S. Attorney's Office in the Southern District of New York announced the update in the case on Wednesday ... saying a jury determined the former Boston Celtics champion -- as well as fellow ex-NBAer Will Bynum -- were involved in a criminal scheme to defraud the NBA's Players' Health and Benefit Welfare Plan.

As we previously reported, a number of NBA alums -- including Darius Miles, Shannon Brown, Tony Allen, Jamario Moon, Tony Wroten, Melvin Ely and Ruben Patterson -- were accused of lining their pockets through the scheme by filing bogus claims for reimbursement with the league's healthcare plan.

Prosecutors previously claimed Terrence Williams, a 2009 NBA Draft first-round pick, was the mastermind behind it all.

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U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams released a statement ... saying, "While many of the more than 20 defendants convicted in this case were well-known NBA stars, their conduct was otherwise a typical fraudulent scheme designed to defraud the NBA’s health care plan and net the defendants over $5 million in illicit profits."

Worth noting -- Davis reportedly made more than $33.1 million over the course of his career.

"Today’s conviction exemplifies that despite notoriety or success in sports or any other field," Williams added, "no one is exempt from criminal charges if they engage in fraud."

Rod Wave Concert Way Less Than 200 Car Burglaries ... More Like FOUR!!!

When Rod Wave's "Nostalgia" tour blitzed through D.C., some car thieves did too ... hitting the parking lot at Capital One Center -- but, shocker, social media's blown the crime spree way outta proportion.

The wild narrative spread after Rod's Monday night show that more than 200 cars had been burglarized, but the D.C. Police Department tells TMZ Hip Hop they've only fielded 4 reports of car break-ins, as of now.

More reports could be expected in the coming days but the initial whopping number of 200 is feeling more like the Goodyear blimp ... a whole lot of hot air!!!

The fans whose cars did get hit suffered some serious damage -- the lowlifes smashed windows on all sides of the cars, and grabbed whatever they could scoop up in the least amount of time.

It's bad, for sure, but NOT 200 cars bad.

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Rod still has tons of cities to hit in support of his chart-topping album. Have your tickets ready, and maybe car alarms, too. Just in case.

Concierto de Rod Wave Mucho menos de 200 carros robados ¡¡¡Más bien CUATRO!!!

Cuando la gira de Rod Wave "Nostalgia" pasó por D.C., también lo hicieron algunos ladrones de carros, quienes fueron hasta el estacionamiento del Capital One Center, pero, ¡sorpresa! Las redes sociales han inflado la ola de crímenes fuera de toda proporción.

Después del show de Rod del lunes por la noche, se extendió el relato de que más de 200 carros habían sido robados, pero el Departamento de Policía de DC le dice a TMZ Hip Hop que solo han recibido reportes de cuatro vehículos robados, por ahora.

Se podrían esperar más denuncias en los próximos días, pero la cifra de 200 parece a todas luces demasiado exagerada.

Los carros que sí fueron afectados sufrieron graves daños. Los maleantes rompieron las ventanas y agarraron lo que pudieron recoger en el menor tiempo posible.

Está mal, seguro, pero NO son 200 carros averiados.

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A Rod aún le quedan muchas ciudades por visitar para promocionar su álbum, que es un éxito en las listas de ventas. Tengan preparadas sus entradas, y quizá también las alarmas de sus carros. Solo por si acaso.

RIHANNA Y A$AP ROCKY VUELVEN A SALIR POR SEPARADO En medio del caso criminal de Flacko

A$AP Rocky está ocupado con asuntos legales en este momento, ya que lucha contra los cargos penales en los tribunales y se podría pensar que su amada Rihanna estaría a su lado en público, pero no lo es así.

La pareja se mostró frente a las cámaras dos veces esta semana, justo después de la audiencia preliminar de alto perfil de Rocky en un juzgado el miércoles. En ambas ocasiones no estaban juntos. Y para este fin de semana, ni siquiera estaban en la misma parte de la ciudad.

El jueves, RiRi fue fotografiada en el San Vicente Bungalows en West Hollywood con algunas amigas, mientras que Rocky estaba en una parte diferente en la misma ciudad, sin compañía de Rihanna pero con un grupo de amigos.

Ambos parecían bastante neutrales el jueves, pero el sábado fueron vistos saliendo de nuevo (por separado) y se veían algo más alegres.

Rocky y Rihanna estaban vestidos para impresionar, pero solo él mostró una sonrisa mientras paseaba por una calle después de lo que nos dicen que fue una sesión de estudio nocturna en WeHo. Tiene un álbum que supuestamente saldrá pronto, así que es lógico que esté trabajando.

Rihanna, por otro lado, estaba en el lado opuesto de Tinseltown Sábado y se le pudo ver en su restaurante favorito, Giorgio Baldi en Santa Mónica, el cual ella suele frecuentar.

Como hemos dicho, ella no parecía muy feliz. Lucía gafas de sol y su semblante se notaba un tanto grave. Teniendo en cuenta que los fiscales van detrás de su hombre por cargos de armas.

Como informamos, uno de los ex miembros de Rocky A$AP Mob, Relli, subió al estrado y testificó que Rocky le había disparado en 2021 luego de una pelea y presunto enfrentamiento. Relli incluso afirmó que Rocky había amenazado con matarlo antes de supuestamente apretar el gatillo.


El abogado de Rocky, Joe Tacopina, Relli a la parrilla en la cruz, pero su cliente se debe de nuevo en la corte a finales de este mes para ver si esta cosa va a ir a un juicio con jurado en toda regla o no. AR abandonó el edificio de muy buen humor y emanaba confianza mientras firmaba autógrafos.

No se puede decir lo mismo del comportamiento de Rihanna aquí, sin embargo ... se ve un poco triste.

Por lo general la pareja es bastante unida y feliz, pero en este momento parece que hay una cierta distancia, al menos en la cara de las cosas. Esperemos que todo vaya bien. 🤞

Rihanna & A$AP Rocky Step Out Separately Again in L.A. ... Amid Flacko's Criminal Case

A$AP Rocky is in hot legal water right now as he fights criminal charges in court -- and you'd think his baby mama, Rihanna, would be right by his side in public ... but she isn't.

The couple stepped out in front of cameras twice this week -- right on the heels of Rocky's high-profile preliminary hearing in a DTLA courthouse Wednesday -- and on both occasions ... they were not together. And for this weekend, they weren't even in the same part of town.

On Thursday, RiRi was photographed hitting up the San Vicente Bungalows in West Hollywood with some gal pals in tow, whereas Rocky was in a different part of WeHo ... unaccompanied by Rihanna, and instead being trailed by his own crew of fellas.

Both of them looked fairly neutral on Thursday ... but come Saturday, they were seen stepping out again (separately) and seemed a little more chipper -- well, AR was anyway.

Rocky and Rihanna were both dressed to impress, but it was only him who flashed a grin as he strolled along a street following what we're told was a late-night studio sesh in WeHo. He's got an album that's supposedly due out soon, so it makes sense he's working.

Rihanna, on the other hand, was on the opposite side of Tinseltown Saturday ... hitting up her favorite restaurant, Giorgio Baldi in Santa Monica -- which she always frequents.

Like we said, she didn't look all that happy ... sporting sunglasses and a somewhat serious mug. Considering prosecutors are going after her man on gun charges, that also lines up.

As we reported ... one of Rocky's former A$AP Mob members, Relli, took the stand and testified that Rocky had shot him in 2021 -- this after a falling out and alleged face-off. Relli even claimed that Rocky had threatened to kill him before allegedly pulling the trigger.


Rocky's attorney, Joe Tacopina, grilled Relli on cross ... but his client is due back in court later this month to see if this thing's gonna go to a full-blown jury trial or not. AR left the building in a very good mood and emanated confidence as he signed autographs.

The same can't be said for Rihanna's demeanor here, though ... she looks kinda glum.

They're usually putting on a united front for everyone, but at the moment ... there appears to be some distance, at least on the face of things. Here's hoping everything's alright. 🤞


Kelly Oubre Jr. está en el hospital luego de ser golpeado por un carro en un en la ciudad para la que juega y aunque parece que se recuperará, no está nada bien.

Según los Philadelphia 76ers (en el que Oubre es titular) su jugador estrella de 27 años de edad, fue víctima de un conductor imprudente la noche del sábado en el barrio de Center City de Filadelfia, donde Oubre estaba fuera de casa, al parecer, durante una noche libre en el calendario del equipo.

Los detalles de lo que sucedió exactamente son un poco difusos... pero pareciera que fue golpeado en la esquina de Broad y Locust Street, con el vehículo en cuestión huyendo de la escena sin dejar rastro. Como resultado del golpe, Oubre habría sufrido algunas lesiones.

Shams Charania informa que el jugador tiene costillas rotas, contusiones y otras lesiones y actualmente está hospitalizado. El personal del equipo, incluyendo a Daryl Morey, apareció anoche para visitarlo y obviamente, va a estar fuera por un tiempo.

Los policías están investigando el atropello, hasta ahora, no hay sospechosos. Poco antes del incidente, Oubre fue fotografiado posando con un joven fan.