76ers Star Kelly Oubre Jr. Struck by Car in Philly Hit & Run ... Hospitalized, Broken Bones

Kelly Oubre Jr. is in the hospital and on the mend after getting struck by a car in a hit-and-run in the city he plays for -- and while it sounds like he'll recover ... he's banged up.

According to the Philadelphia 76ers -- on which Oubre is a starter -- their 27-year-old star player fell victim to a reckless driver Saturday night in the Center City neighborhood of Philly ... where Oubre was out and about, it seems, during a night off in the team's schedule.

The details of what exactly happened are a little murky at the moment ... but it sounds like he got hit at the corner of Broad and Locust Street, with the vehicle in question fleeing the scene without a trace. As a result of the hit, Oubre is said to have sustained some injuries.

Shams Charania reports the SF/G is dealing with broken ribs, bruises and other abrasions ... and he's currently hospitalized. Team personnel, including Prez Daryl Morey, showed up last night to visit him ... obviously, he's going to be out for a while.

Cops are investigating the hit-and-run ... so far, no suspects or persons of interest have been ID'd. Shortly before the incident, Oubre was photographed posing with a young fan.


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más sospechoso imposible

Samuel Haskell Jr. fue captado por una cámara desasiéndose de lo que muy bien pudo haber sido el torso de un cuerpo que la policía encontró en Encino (California), el miércoles. TMZ tiene el video que se puede relacionar perfectamente con el video de Haskell con bolsas idénticas en su casa.

Hemos obtenido nuevas imágenes que muestran a Haskell en un estacionamiento de Encino la tarde del martes en su Tesla blanco. Está estacionado y abre la maleta trasera para agarrar lo que parece una bolsa de basura grande y pesada. Haskell lucha mientras se la coloca en el hombro y luego la arroja al contenedor de basura.

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un ángulo diferente

Obtuvimos dos clips, uno desde un ángulo ligeramente más cercano, y otro capturando la escena desde un poco más lejos.

Este es el mismo lugar, y al parecer el mismo cubo de basura donde una persona sin hogar encontró un torso humano desmembrado en un estacionamiento del centro comercial a primera hora del miércoles.

La policía rodeó la zona y rápidamente arrestaron a Haskell por asesinato. Su esposa, Mei, y sus padres están desaparecidos. No está claro de quién era el torso, pero sabemos que era de una mujer.

Así es como se conectan todos los puntos. TMZ publicó un video que mostraba a Haskell en su casa el martes por la tarde, donde se le veía llevando grandes bolsas de basura, tan grandes que necesitó la ayuda de otros hombres no identificados.

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la escena del crimen

Uno de los trabajadores le dijo a NBC4 L.A. que Haskell les dijo que había piedras en las tres bolsas, pero sospecharon porque el contenido era blando. Se fueron, pero condujeron solo una cuadra y decidieron abrir una bolsa, donde encontraron partes del cuerpo, incluyendo un ombligo.

Los trabajadores volvieron a casa de Haskell unos minutos después de marcharse, devolvieron las bolsas y las colocaron en su entrada y devolvieron el pago. A continuación, fueron a la policía.

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capturado en cámara

Ahora bien, esto es crítico, Haskell salió de su casa en su Tesla alrededor de las 4:22 PM, y a las 4:45 PM (cuando este nuevo metraje comienza) se le ve tirando una bolsa de basura grande en el contenedor. Ese contenedor está a 6 millas de la casa de Haskell, así que la hora coincide.

No se sabe el paradero de las otras bolsas.

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Haskell es el hijo de un ex agente de Hollywood, Samuel Haskell Sr. que solía representar a Dolly Parton y a un montón de otras estrellas antes de retirarse en 2005.

Haskell sigue trabajando con Dolly en sus especiales de televisión, pero todavía no ha comentado nada sobre la detención de su hijo. Haskell Jr. permanece bajo custodia policial con una fianza de 2 millones de dólares.

Samuel Haskell Jr. Seen Dumping Apparent Body ... In New Surveillance Vid

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Samuel Haskell Jr. was caught on camera dumping what very well may have been the torso of a body police found in Encino, CA Wednesday ... and TMZ has the video, which aligns almost perfectly with video of Haskell with identical bags at his home.

We've obtained new footage which shows Haskell pulling into a parking lot in Encino late Tuesday afternoon in his white Tesla, casually parking by a dumpster and opening up the back to grab what appears to be a large, heavy garbage bag. Haskell struggles as he places it on his shoulder, and then hurls it into the trash bin.

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We obtained two clips -- one from a slightly closer angle, and another capturing the scene from a little further away.

This is the same location, and apparently the same garbage bin where a homeless person found a dismembered human torso in a strip mall parking lot early Wednesday.

Cops swarmed the area and quickly arrested Haskell for murder. His wife, Mei, and her parents are all missing. It's unclear whose torso it was ... but we know it was a woman's.

Now here's how the dots all connect. TMZ posted video earlier today showing Haskell at his home Tuesday afternoon as some day laborers drive up and then help Haskell carry big garbage bags -- seemingly identical to the one he later tossed -- into a nearby truck.

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One of the workers told NBC4 LA ... Haskell told them there were rocks in the 3 bags, but they were suspicious because the contents were soft and squishy. They left, but drove just a block and decided to open a bag, where they found body parts, including a belly button.


The workers returned to Haskell's house a few minutes after they left, returned the bags and placed them on his driveway, and returned payment. They then went to cops.

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Now this is critical -- Haskell then left his home in his Tesla around 4:22 PM, and at 4:45 PM (when this new footage starts) ... you see him pulling in and dropping a large trash bag in the bin. That bin is 6 miles from Haskell's house, so the time matches up.

No word on where the other bags might've gone.

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Haskell is the son of a former powerful Hollywood agent, Samuel Haskell Sr. ... who used to rep the likes of Dolly Parton and a slew of other A-listers before retiring from WME in '05.

He continues to work with Dolly on TV specials of hers, but hasn't commented on his son's arrest just yet. Haskell Jr. remains in police custody on $2 million bail.

Ex-NFL OL Chad Wheeler Found Guilty Of Dom. Violence ... After Attack On GF

Ex-NFL offensive lineman Chad Wheeler has been found guilty of domestic violence ... this after he was accused of nearly killing his girlfriend during a bipolar episode in 2021.

A jury in King County, Wash. came back on Thursday with the verdict ... formally finding Wheeler guilty of one count of first-degree domestic violence and one count of second-degree domestic violence. They did, however, issue a not guilty verdict on a charge of unlawful imprisonment.

Wheeler was remanded into custody following the ruling ... and he's now set for sentencing on Dec. 14.


According to a spokesperson for the King County Prosecuting Attorney's Office, officials can now seek "a mandatory minimum sentence of 5 years for the" first-degree charge after the jury found Wheeler "used force or means likely to result in death." The spokesperson said they can also now "seek a sentence above the standard range" for the second-degree charge.

The conclusion in the case comes nearly three years after Alleah Taylor said she sustained serious injuries when Wheeler snapped on her at their Washington apartment on Jan. 22, 2021.

Taylor alleged Wheeler -- who she had been dating for around six months at the time of the incident -- demanded she "bow down" to him, and when she didn't comply, he attacked her and choked her within an inch of her life.

Taylor said she sustained a concussion and an arm injury that required bolts and a steel plate to fix.

Following Thursday's ruling, she posted a statement on X ... saying, "I finally have justice."

For his part, Wheeler -- who played for the Giants and the Seahawks in his brief NFL career -- had initially blamed everything on a "manic episode" ... and went on to plead not guilty to the charges.

McDonald's Freak-Out Video Hungry Customer Goes Ballistic ... Demands Bags Of French Fries!!!


A McDonald's customer completely lost his s**t and went on a wild rampage, trashing one of the chain restaurants in Maryland from a drive-thru window.

The bizarre incident was captured on video and posted to TikTok, showing the furious man standing outside his vehicle at the fast food joint in White Marsh, which is about 16 miles south of Baltimore. The patron is clearly hungry and unhappy with the service he's getting.

Check out the clip ... the man reaches in through the drive-up window and grabs several drink cups and tosses them while screaming, "Shut it down right now" and "Give me some food!"

He starts pointing at the employees -- who are off-screen but shrieking in terror. Then he pushes a metal storage shelf lined with electronics and other items, watching it all come crashing down.

But he doesn't stop there ... the maniac continues to yell that he wants food, violently shaking the fallen shelf while demanding two bags of French fries in his view.

One of the workers hands him the bags of food, but the guy is still not satisfied and shouts some more until he finally slams the drive-through window shut and walks off.

During his tirade, the man also used some foul language, calling the staff a "b***h" and other names.

We've reached out to the Baltimore County Police Department to see if they're investigating ... so far no word back.

As far as we know, the irate customer is still on the loose.

VIDEO DE MCDONALD'S Cliente hambriento se vuelve loco ¡¡¡Exige más papas fritas!!!

¡¿Quieres papas fritas con eso?!

Un cliente de McDonald's perdió completamente la cabeza y se puso a destrozar un restaurante de la cadena en Maryland.

El extraño incidente fue capturado en video y publicado en TikTok, y muestra al hombre furioso en el local de comida rápida en White Marsh, a unos 16 kilómetros al sur de Baltimore, hambriento y claramente descontento con el servicio que está recibiendo.

Echa un vistazo al clip, en él se ve al hombre acercándose a la ventana de autoservicio y luego agarrando varios vasos de bebida y arrojándolos hacia el interior mientras grita: "Apágalo ahora mismo" y "¡Dame algo de comida!".

Después empieza a señalar a los empleados, que no se ven en pantalla pero se los escucha gritar aterrorizados. A continuación, empuja un estante de almacenamiento de metal forrado con aparatos electrónicos y otros artículos y todo se derrumba.

Pero no se detiene ahí, el loco continúa gritando que quiere comida, sacude violentamente el estante que se había caído mientras exige dos bolsas de patatas fritas a la vista.

Uno de los trabajadores le entrega lo que pide, pero el tipo sigue sin calmarse y grita más hasta que finalmente cierra de golpe la ventanilla del autoservicio y se va.

Durante su diatriba, el extraño hombre también utilizó un lenguaje grosero, llamando al personal "b***h" y otros nombres.

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con el Departamento de Policía del Condado de Baltimore para ver si están investigando, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

Por lo que sabemos, el cliente iracundo sigue suelto.

Gal Gadot Israeli/Palestinian Protesters Brawl in L.A. ... Near Hamas Terror Attack Film Screening

Gal Gadot's screening of a new film about the October 7 Hamas terror attack on Israel turned into a battleground of sorts ... as protestors clashed outside the Los Angeles theater where it was shown.


About 150 people attended Wednesday night's screening of the extremely graphic 47-minute film titled, "Bearing Witness to the October 7th Massacre," at the Museum of Tolerance. Media reports indicated Gadot -- who was supposed to host the event -- was MIA.

During the viewing inside, mobs of pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli demonstrators arrived outside, waving flags and shouting at one another.

Witnesses shot cell phone video of the rapidly devolving situation, which soon erupted into violence.


Check out the footage posted to X ... protestors are seen going at it, throwing wild punches and tackling each other to the ground. One woman can be heard screaming, "Free Palestine!"

LAPD officers were dispatched to break up the fights and quell the tension. It's unclear if anyone was injured or arrested, but we've put in a call to the LAPD. So far, no word back.

Earlier this week, news reports surfaced that Gadot was planning to host the L.A. screening -- which was met with backlash.

The gruesome footage in the film was intended to show the truth of what happened that day amid many skeptics.


Some people believe the terror attack was a false flag operation used by the Israelis to justify their invasion of the Gaza Strip, where the Palestinians live under Hamas rule.

Gal Gadot Manifestantes israelíes y palestinos se enfrentan en L.A.

Un visionado facilitado por la actriz Gal Gadot sobre el ataque terrorista del 7 de octubre de Hamás en Israel se convirtió en un campo de batalla cuando manifestantes de diversos lados se enfrentaron afuera del teatro de Los Ángeles donde se mostró.

Estallan las peleas

Alrededor de 150 personas asistieron a la proyección de 47 minutos, que era extremadamente gráfica y se titula "Testigos de la masacre del 7 de octubre", en el Museo de la Tolerancia. Los medios de comunicación indicaron que Gadot, que se suponía que iba a presentar el evento, no estuvo presente.

Durante el visionado en el interior, una multitud de manifestantes pro-palestinos y pro-israelíes salieron, agitando banderas y gritándose unos a otros.

Algunos testigos en la escena grabaron con sus teléfonos celulares la rápida evolución de la situación, la que pronto estalló en violencia.

Los manifestantes se enfrentan en las calles

Echa un vistazo a las imágenes publicadas en X, los manifestantes se ven enardecidos, lanzándose golpes y empujándose al suelo. Se puede escuchar a una mujer gritando: "¡Liberen a Palestina!".

Agentes de la policía de Los Ángeles fueron enviados para disolver las peleas y calmar la situación. No está claro si alguien resultó herido o detenido, pero nos hemos puesto en contacto con la policía de Los Ángeles. Por el momento no tenemos noticias.

A principios de esta semana, aparecieron reportes de que Gadot planeaba ser la anfitriona de la proyección en Los Ángeles de la película dirigida por Guy Nattiv, la que muestra la matanza de 1.400 israelíes por parte de Hamás.

Las truculentas imágenes de la película, filmadas por las fuerzas de defensa israelíes, pretendían mostrar la verdad de lo que ocurrió aquel día en medio de varios escépticos.

Algunos creen que el ataque terrorista fue una operación de falsa y utilizada por los israelíes para justificar su invasión de la Franja de Gaza, donde viven los palestinos bajo el gobierno de Hamás.

Insane Robbery Uses Construction Backhoe ... Digs A Hole In The Side Of The Store!


Some alleged culprits turned to heavy machinery to carry out their heist ... taking a construction backhoe and digging right into the store.

Check out the wild clip, which reportedly took place Monday morning at an ampm store in Oakland, CA ... the excavation equipment blasts through the wall, with the store's clerk barely gettin' out of there before the crooks start the teardown.

While the shop's glass was bulletproof, it clearly wasn't backhoe-proof -- after getting the claw through the wall, the machine then goes after the ATM inside. Eventually, the thieves in question chain up the ATM, attached to a truck outside, and make their getaway.

Store owner Ali Abdulla told ABC7 there's "at least $70,000" worth of damages after the excavation. Ali says he's frustrated by what happened to his store, and thinks the only way to run a shop in his area these days is to "sleep in your store and stay locked and loaded with an AK-47 and just be ready because the police is not coming on time."

He notes, however, that he isn't putting the blame on Oakland PD -- claiming there simply aren't enough cops working.

When cops arrived at the scene, the backhoe was still there, but the alleged perps were gone ... and OPD's Burglary Unit is asking for anyone with info to come forward.

Israel Vs. Palestine Jewish Man Killed At Competing Rallies In CA ... Possible Hate Crime

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A Jewish man was killed at a pro-Palestinian rally in California ... and police are now investigating his death as a possible hate crime.

69-year-old Paul Kessler was attending the Sunday afternoon event in Thousand Oaks, CA, where there was also a competing pro-Israel rally. Kessler was demonstrating in support of Israel.

As you know, Israelis and Palestinians -- under the rule of Hamas -- are embroiled in a bloody war in the Middle East. Hamas attacked the Jewish state in October, sparking the conflict.

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Law enforcement tells us ... At the gathering in Ventura County, Kessler got into a heated argument with the Palestinian counter-protesters, leading to a physical fight.

Cops say Kessler was knocked backwards, causing him to fall and hit his head on the ground.

Video of the incident later surfaced on X. Take a look ... Kessler is sprawled out on the sidewalk after the altercation. He appears to be in agony as two people tend to him.


Kessler was rushed to a local hospital, where he died from his head injuries. The L.A. County Coroner determined his death was a homicide.

A rep for the Ventura County Sheriff's Office says they're investigating and have not ruled out "the possibility of a hate crime." No one has been arrested.

Israel vs. Palestina Muere asesinado un judió en mitin en California Posible delito de odio

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El mitin se volvió violento

Un hombre judío fue asesinado en una manifestación pro-Palestina en California, y la policía está investigando su muerte como un posible crimen de odio.

Paul Kessler, de 69 años, asistió al acto celebrado el domingo por la tarde en Thousand Oaks, donde también había una manifestación pro israelí en la que estaba Kessler.

Como saben, israelíes y palestinos -bajo el gobierno de Hamás- están envueltos en una sangrienta guerra en Medio Oriente. Hamás atacó al Estado judío en octubre, desatando el conflicto.

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La protesta continúa

Las fuerzas del orden nos dicen que en la reunión en el condado de Ventura, Kessler entró en una acalorada discusión con los manifestantes palestinos, lo que llevó a una pelea física.

La policía dice que Kessler fue golpeado hacia atrás, lo que hizo que se cayera y se golpeara la cabeza contra el suelo.

Más tarde apareció un video del incidente en X. Echa un vistazo, Kessler está tendido en la acera después del altercado. Parece que está agonizando mientras dos personas lo atienden.

Kessler fue trasladado a un hospital local, donde murió a causa de sus heridas en la cabeza. El forense del condado de Los Ángeles determinó que su muerte fue un homicidio.

Un representante de la Oficina del Sheriff del Condado de Ventura dice que están investigando y no han descartado "la posibilidad de un crimen de odio."

Aún no detienen a nadie.

SEN. BOB MENENDEZ Fake Movie Trailer Urges Him to RESIGN ... What About Bob Quitting?

Embattled U.S. Senator Bob Menendez is hearing renewed calls for his resignation, but this time it's coming with big laughs ... courtesy of a satirical movie trailer-inspired message.

The 2-minute clip uses cinematic voice-over calling out Menendez for his long list of alleged grievances -- federal corruption and bribery, to name a couple -- and also mixes in scenes from the 1991 comedy, "What About Bob?"

The result is hilarious clips of Richard Dreyfuss complaining about Bob ... hammering home New Jersey's frustrations with the fact the Senator won't step down from office amid the ongoing investigation into his alleged crimes.

The trailer also uses actual footage and soundbites from Menendez and his wife Nadine Arslanian Menendez -- including interviews where he's asked directly, "Don't you serve your state better by resigning now?"

Of course, the Senator confidently replies nope!

The clip also mockingly refers to him as "Senator Bob Menendez (D-Egypt)" ... referring to the fact he's accused of monopolizing the Egyptian market for importing halal meat. It also calls him out for threatening the Democratic Party's majority in the Senate.

The senator's enemies are urging folks on X to repost the trailer in order to urge Menendez to resign immediately. Don't hold your breath for that, however, film reviews are pouring in for the trailer.

One user on X gushed, "Wow! The edit. The voiceover. The script. The music. The whole piece is just brilliant…and btw, True‼️🤷‍♀️"

Trae Tha Truth Giving Big in November ... Prison T'Giving & H-Town Furniture Drives


Trae Tha Truth is getting back to his philanthropic power moves ... fully furnishing a Houston woman's home -- the first of many such upgrades -- and planning to uplift inmates' spirits later this month.

Trae tells TMZ Hip Hop ... he treats each month like a holiday when it comes to charitable donations, but he's already shifting into overdrive for this holiday season.

He recently visited men and women locked up at the Harris County Jail and is planning to return and deliver them Thanksgiving-style food in the upcoming weeks!!!

As for citizens on the outside, Trae says he'll be passing out food, and has partnered with Bel Furniture once again to boost the quality of life for less fortunate families.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Trae tells us he's keenly aware too many people live in this country without a proper support system, which is why he's stepping in to fill that gap.

He feels it's his God-appointed mission to use his strength to help those in need ... even if it means personal sacrifices, like making music.

Trae nearly broke a 3-year drought of releasing albums while focusing on everyone else, but he says he was able to lock in to create his most recent LP, "Stuck In Motion," which dropped a couple weeks ago.

He admits it's not easy being both selfless and selfish, which making an album often requires of an artist ... but says he's thankful to be a rapper again, especially now that his assault charges following his street scuffle with former collaborator Z-Ro have been dropped!!!

jumped by trae tha truth

TMZ Hip Hop broke the story ... Trae allegedly assaulted Z-Ro during 50 Cent's H-Town weekend last year, but completed a diversion program to wipe the slate clean -- and he says he's planning to keep it that way.

Can't help the people if you're locked up!!!


The suspect who snatched Lily Collins' belongings has been identified, law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... with the L.A. County Sheriff's Dept. seeking the public's assistance in catching the thief.

Andreea Catalina Rosca has been unmasked as the alleged perp who stole the "Emily in Paris" star's possessions, including her wedding band, engagement ring and some electronics.

An active warrant is now out for Rosca's arrest in connection with removing jewelry and credit cards from lockers in a hotel spa and yoga studio .... and using the stolen items to create fake IDs and purchase over $67K in jewelry.

Keeping busy in her alleged criminal pursuits, she also holds a fake Washington State ID card under the name "Nicole Morri."

Andreea, aka Nicole, is described as a female white adult, approximately 34 years old, 5' 1", 100 lbs., with black hair and brown eyes.

With links to the Romanian Organized Theft Groups, she's known to travel the states committing similar crimes. Anyone with info on her whereabouts is urged to contact the West Hollywood Sheriff Station.

Remember ... TMZ first revealed Lily fell victim to major theft when her relaxing spa trip ended with over $10,000 of her valuables swiped from her locker.

It's the latest in a long list of celeb burglaries this year, with the homes of Drake, Miles Teller, and LAFC star Kellyn Acosta all ransacked this year.

Lily Collins La policía identifica al ladrón que robó sus joyas ... Orden de arresto

El sospechoso que arrebató las pertenencias de Lily Collins ha sido identificado, según cuentan fuentes policiales a TMZ. De hecho, el departamento del sheriff de Los Angeles está pidiendo apoyo del servicio público para capturar al ladrón.

Andreea Catalina Rosca ha sido desenmascarado como el presunto autor del robo de las posesiones de la estrella de "Emily en París", incluyendo su anillo de bodas, su anillo de compromiso y algunos aparatos electrónicos.

Ahora hay una orden de arresto activa contra Rosca por la sustracción de joyas y tarjetas de crédito de las taquillas de un spa de hotel y un estudio de yoga, así como por el uso de objetos robados para crear identificaciones falsas y comprar más de 67.000 dólares en joyas.

Manteniéndose ocupada en sus actividades delictivas, también posee un documento de identidad falso del Estado de Washington con el nombre de "Nicole Morri".

Andreea, alias Nicole, se describe como una mujer adulta blanca, de unos 34 años, 5 pies 1 pulgada, 100 libras, pelo negro y ojos marrones.

Vinculada a los Grupos Rumanos de Robo Organizado, se sabe que viaja por los Estados Unidos cometiendo delitos similares. Cualquier persona con información sobre su paradero se insta a ponerse en contacto con la estación de West Hollywood Sheriff.

Recuerden, TMZ reveló por primera vez que Lily fue víctima de un robo importante cuando su relajante viaje a un spa terminó con "más de $10.000" robados en objetos de valor.

Este es el último de una larga lista de robos a celebridades este año, con Drake, Miles Teller y los hogares de la estrella de LAFC, Kellyn Acosta, asaltados este año.


Patinando fuera de control

Una mujer que conducía un Porsche a más de 100 millas por hora en una carretera del estado de Washington perdió el control y se fue por los aires, chocando y matando al pasajero que la acompañaba, y todo fue capturado en video.

Ting Ye, de 26 años, fue acusada de homicidio vehicular cuando un juez del condado de King emitió una orden de arresto contra ella tras el accidente del 30 de septiembre en Bellevue, Washington.

Las imágenes de las cámaras de tráfico capturaron a Ye zumbando por la autopista en el carro deportivo con su pasajero, Yabao Liu, en las primeras horas de la mañana.

De repente, el vehículo da vueltas y se desplaza lateralmente, chocando contra una barrera metálica y saliendo disparado fuera de la calzada mientras se volcaba salvajemente.

Liu, de 27 años, falleció, mientras que Ye fue tratada en un hospital local por heridas leves. Ya fue dada de alta.  La pareja llegó a Bellevue por motivos de trabajo, aunque no está claro cuál es su relación exactamente.

De acuerdo con documentos de la corte, Ye no cooperó con la policía y se escabulló del centro médico, dirigiéndose a Canadá antes de huir a China.

Los fiscales presentaron entonces la acusación penal contra Ye, mientras el juez firmaba su orden de detención. Ahora, están trabajando con las autoridades federales de Washington DC para traerla de vuelta a Bellevue y que enfrente la justicia.

Un obstáculo importante es China, que no tiene un tratado de extradición con Estados Unidos, lo que impide que el gobierno extranjero la entregue.

En caso de que Ye sea detenida y devuelta a Washington, podría ser condenada a hasta ocho años y medio tras las rejas si es declarada culpable de homicidio vehicular.