Deadly Accident Video Porsche Speeds At 100 MPH ... Loses Control, Crashes


A woman driving a Porsche at more than 100 miles per hour on a Washington state highway lost control and went airborne, crashing and killing her passenger -- and it was all caught on video.

26-year-old Ting Ye was charged with vehicular homicide as a King County judge issued an arrest warrant for her following the deadly September 30th incident in Bellevue, WA.

Traffic camera footage captured Ye whizzing down the freeway in the sports car with her passenger, Yabao Liu, in the early morning hours.

Suddenly, the vehicle spins around and travels sideways, slamming into a metal barrier and launching off the roadway while flipping over wildly.

The 27-year-old Liu died, whereas Ye was treated for minor injuries at a local hospital and released. The pair came to Bellevue for work, although their exact relationship was unclear.

According to court docs, Ye was uncooperative with police and slipped out of the medical center, hightailing it to Canada before fleeing to China.

Prosecutors then filed the criminal charge against Ye, while the judge signed off on her arrest warrant. Now, they're working with federal authorities in D.C. to bring her back to Bellevue to face justice.

One major obstacle is China, which does not have an extradition treaty with the U.S., preventing the foreign government from turning her over.

In the event Ye is arrested and returned to Washington, she could be sentenced to up to eight-and-a-half years behind bars if convicted of vehicular homicide.

STEVEN TYLER DEMANDADO POR AGRESIÓN SEXUAL EN 1975 La acusadora dice que tenía 17 años

Steven Tyler supuestamente agredió sexualmente a una mujer en una cabina telefónica de Nueva York en los años 70, esa es la afirmación de su acusadora en una nueva demanda que ha presentado casi 50 años después de los supuestos incidentes.

La acusadora, Jeanne Bellino, dice que era una modelo de 17 años en Nueva York cuando un amigo les organizó una cita con Aerosmith y una fiesta con ellos. Ella dice que estaba caminando por la 6 ª Avenida con Tyler y su séquito cuando ella hizo un comentario acerca de una letra de la canción que se frotó por el camino equivocado.

En los documentos, obtenidos por TMZ, Bellino afirma que Tyler la agarró y la empujó a una cabina telefónica, donde le metió la lengua en la garganta, manoseó su cuerpo, la inmovilizó contra la pared de la cabina y comenzó a "fingir que tenían relaciones sexuales". Dice que llevaba los pantalones puestos, pero que se dio cuenta de que estaba excitado.

Dice que salió de la cabina telefónica, pero luego se quedó con el grupo y se fue a un hotel cercano. El razonamiento de Bellino para permanecer con el grupo fue que necesitaba a su amiga como medio de transporte. Una vez en la habitación del hotel, ella alega que Tyler hizo la misma rutina que hizo en la cabina telefónica, manoseándola y simulando la acción sexual mientras estaba vestida, pero abruptamente salió de la habitación.

En ese momento, Bellino afirma que huyó del hotel y tomó un taxi a casa,. donde inmediatamente le dijo a su hermana lo que supuestamente había sucedido con Tyler.

En la demanda, Bellino afirma que sigue necesitando medicación para hacerle frente a las "lesiones físicas a largo plazo" asociadas a su trauma. Ella está demandando al frontman de Aerosmith por daños y perjuicios.

Tyler también fue demandado por agresión sexual el año pasado, cuando Julia Holcomb afirmó que se conocieron en 1973 cuando ella tenía 16 años.

En cuanto a la demanda de Bellino, ella afirma que Tyler cometió "al menos un delito menor o grave". Eso es importante porque no hay plazo de prescripción para ciertos tipos de delitos de agresión sexual bajo la ley del estado de Nueva York.

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con los representantes de Tyler para hacer comentarios, sin respuesta todavía.

Steven Tyler Sued for 1975 Sexual Assault ... Accuser Says She Was 17

Steven Tyler allegedly sexually assaulted a woman in a New York City phone booth back in the '70s ... that's the claim from his accuser in a new lawsuit she's filed nearly 50 years after the alleged incidents.

The accuser, Jeanne Bellino, says she was a 17-year-old model in NYC when a friend arranged for them to meet Aerosmith and party with them. She says she was walking down 6th Ave with Tyler and his entourage when she made a comment about a song lyric that rubbed him the wrong way.

In docs, obtained by TMZ, Bellino claims Tyler grabbed her and shoved her into a phone booth, where he stuck his tongue down her throat, groped her body, pinned her against the wall of the booth and began "humping her pretending to have sex." She says his pants were on, but she could tell he was aroused.

She says she got out of the phone booth, but then stayed with the group and went to a nearby hotel. Bellino's reasoning for remaining with the group was that she needed her friend for transportation. Once they got to the hotel, she alleges Tyler pulled the same routine he did in the phone booth -- groping and humping her while clothed, this time at an entrance to a bar in the building.

At that point, Bellino claims she fled the hotel and took a cab ride home ... where she immediately told her sister what had allegedly happened with Tyler.

In the suit, Bellino says she still requires medication to deal with "long term physical injury" associated with her trauma. She's suing the Aerosmith frontman for damages.

Tyler was also sued for sexual assault last year, when Julia Holcomb claimed they met in 1973 when she was 16.

As for Bellino's lawsuit, she's claiming Tyler committed "at least one misdemeanor or felony." That's important because there's no statute of limitation for certain types of felony sexual assault under NY state law.

We've reached out to Tyler's reps for comment, no word back yet.


La muerte de Matthew Perry está siendo investigada por la División de Robos y Homicidios de la Policía de Los Ángeles, lo que puede ser una sorpresa para algunos porque no se sospecha de asalto en lo absoluto. Sin embargo los policías dicen que es solo el procedimiento estándar para los casos de alto perfil.

La Policía de Los Ángeles le dice a TMZ que la División de Homicidios y Robo está investigando para asegurarse de que no hay nada nefasto involucrado en la muerte de Matthew y es normal que se investiguen los casos de alto perfil de esta manera.

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investigación en curso

Como informamos por primera vez, no hay evidencia de asalto en la muerte de Matthew, y es por eso que algunas personas se quedaron rascándose la cabeza cuando la División de Robos y Homicidio habló con los medios de comunicación acerca de la muerte del actor.

Recordemos que la estrella de "Friends" fue encontrada inconsciente en su jacuzzi el sábado, después de jugar pickleball durante unas horas antes en el Riviera Country Club.

Las fuerzas del orden registraron la casa de Matthew y no encontraron drogas ilícitas y el forense del condado de Los Ángeles aún no ha determinado una causa oficial de la muerte. Los resultados de toxicología tardarán por lo menos 6 semanas.

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audio del despacho

La Policía dice que la causa oficial de la muerte será determinada por los resultados de la autopsia y si hay algo extraño, se hará algo al respecto.

Con los años, la División de Robos y Homicidios y la Policía de Los Ángeles han investigado algunos de los casos más famosos de la ciudad, incluyendo la muerte de Michael Jackson, que finalmente fue declarado un homicidio.

No estamos diciendo que ese sea el caso aquí, pero será interesante ver a dónde conduce la investigación sobre la muerte de Matthew.

Deion Sanders Calls Locker Room Burglary 'Travesty' ... Do Something, NCAA!!!


Deion Sanders is livid that his Colorado players allegedly had a bunch of jewelry stolen from their lockers during Saturday's game against UCLA ... and now, he wants the NCAA to get involved.

Coach Prime ranted about the matter to reporters on Tuesday ... calling it a travesty that his student-athletes can't play a football game without worrying about their belongings getting jacked.

"Our kids got robbed during the game last week," Sanders said. "I think that's a travesty. I would expect the NCAA to do something about that."

Sanders explained his team has always stressed the importance of financial responsibility to their players in light of Name, Image and Likeness deals ... but admitted his staff dropped the ball when it comes to insurance.

Even though a lot of -- if not all -- the players didn't have their valuables insured, Sanders expects the items taken from their Rose Bowl lockers to be replaced or reimbursed.

"This is the Rose Bowl -- they say 'The Granddaddy of Them All,' right? I'm sure Granddaddy has some money. Grandpa should have some money to give these kids."

Coach Prime said the next step is for his players to give an itemized list of what was jacked during the game -- and he expects them to be truthful.

Also worth noting -- Sanders said it wasn't just the Buffaloes impacted by the alleged heist ... revealing there were items stolen from both teams' locker rooms.

"I hope we can do something about that, NCAA. You do something about everything else. Do something about that."

As we previously reported, an investigation into the allegations is underway ... but so far, a culprit has not been identified.

Matthew Perry Death Robbery Homicide Investigating ... Standard Procedure, Folks

Matthew Perry's death is being investigated by LAPD's Robbery Homicide Division, which may come as a surprise to some because foul play is NOT suspected at this point ... but cops say it's just standard procedure for high-profile cases.

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LAPD tells TMZ ... the Robbery Homicide Division is looking to make sure there is nothing nefarious involved in Matthew's death, and it's normal for RHD to take the lead on high-profile cases because RHD has the experience and manpower necessary.

As we first reported, there is NO evidence of foul play in Matthew's death ... which is why some folks were left scratching their heads when Robbery Homicide Division brass talked to the media about MP's death.

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Remember ... the "Friends" star was found unresponsive in his jacuzzi Saturday at his home in the Pacific Palisades, after playing pickleball for a few hours earlier in the day at Riviera Country Club.

Law enforcement searched Matthew's home and did not find any illicit drugs -- he's been open about struggles with substance abuse in the past -- and the L.A. County Coroner has yet to determine an official cause of death, with toxicology results expected to take at least 6 weeks.


LAPD says the official cause of death will be determined by the autopsy results ... and if there is something nefarious that comes back, RHD will take the reins.

Over the years, LAPD's RHD has investigated some of the most famous cases in the city ... including the Michael Jackson death, which was ultimately ruled a homicide.

We're not saying that's the case here, but it will be interesting to see where the investigation into Matthew's death leads.

Colorado Football Someone Jacked Our Jewelry!!! ... During UCLA Loss

The University of Colorado football team apparently left California with more than a loss on the field -- several Buffaloes players claim they had jewelry stolen from their lockers during their matchup against UCLA on Saturday.

Deion Sanders' son, Deion Jr., shared the allegations in a postgame video posted on Sunday night ... showing multiple athletes in shock outside the Rose Bowl after discovering their valuables were taken.

Star safety Cam'ron Silmon-Craig was one of the players who claimed they were affected ... saying, "You're gonna play football and know your s*** safe. That joint messed up."

Another player stated he had just gotten his chain the day prior ... and whoever snagged his stuff took it right out of the box.

An investigation into the matter is underway, according to OutKick.

"The UCLA athletic department confirmed that a report was filed to the Pasadena Police Department following the UCLA-Colorado football game regarding items that were reportedly missing from the Colorado locker room," the school said in a statement.

"UCLA is in communication with law enforcement, Rose Bowl Stadium officials and the University of Colorado on the matter."

The Buffaloes fell to the Bruins, 28-16 ... falling to 4-4 on the season.

Coach Prime has yet to address the alleged heist.


Robert Card, el hombre que según la policía es el autor del tiroteo masivo de Maine, tiene antecedentes militares. Ganó medallas en la Reserva del Ejército a pesar de no haber entrado nunca en combate.

Card se alistó en la Reserva del Ejército en 2002, trabajando como especialista en suministro de petróleo.

Durante su servicio, Card fue galardonado con varias medallas; incluyendo la Medalla de Logro del Ejército, la Medalla de Servicio de Defensa Nacional, la Medalla de Servicio Humanitario, dos Medallas de Logro del Componente de Reserva del Ejército y la Cinta de Servicio del Ejército.

Las funciones de Card como especialista en suministro de petróleo le hicieron responsable de la recepción, almacenamiento y envío de productos derivados del petróleo, asegurándose de que el combustible era transportado y manejado de forma segura y correctamente dispensado en varios vehículos y aviones de las Fuerzas Armadas.

La Reserva del Ejército de la lista de trabajo en línea para la posición de Card promueve el trabajo de esta manera: "Como Especialista en Suministro de Petróleo, suministrarás al Ejército el combustible que necesita para mantener un estado de preparación en todo momento".

si ves algo por favor testifica

Como informamos, la policía está buscando a Card. La información actual es que fue en un caótico tiroteo en un bar en Maine, en el que al menos 18 personas murieron y 13 resultaron heridas.

buscando refugio

Card supuestamente utilizó un rifle AR-15 en el tiroteo masivo del miércoles y en este momento hay una búsqueda cada vez mayor y desesperada para encontrarlo.


Hay más información acerca de la acusación de abuso infantil contra el marido de Jenelle Evan, David Eason, quien supuestamente maltrató a Jace de 14 años de edad.

Según documentos judiciales, obtenidos por TMZ, Eason está siendo acusado de infligir lesiones físicas en Jace, causandole "marcas en el brazo derecho y el lado izquierdo y derecho del cuello". Los documentos dicen que las lesiones no fueron accidentales.

Mientras que los documentos no explican exactamente lo que pasó, el momento en el que ocurrió del presunto incidente es interesante, indicando que todo se fue abajo el 28 de septiembre.

28 de septiembre es también la misma noche en la que Jace se escapó de casa, deslizándose por la ventana de su habitación hacia un bosque cercano. Es posible que Jace y David tuvieran algún tipo de intercambio antes de que Jace abandonara la propiedad. Recordemos que hay un video que tanto la policía como los servicios de protección infantil tienen en su poder, lo que podría haber llevado a la acusación.

Jace fue finalmente localizado gracias a la policía, aunque la desaparición del 28 de septiembre marcó su tercer incidente de fuga en aproximadamente un mes.

No parece que Jace esté actualmente bajo la custodia de Jenelle y creemos que está con su abuela, la madre de Jenelle, Barbara.

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lidiando con los haters

En cuanto a su parte, Jenelle lanzó una declaración en Instagram poco después de que TMZ  publicara la historia del cargo de abuso infantil menor de David. Evans escribió: "No confío en nadie a mi alrededor, No tengo ni idea de en qué ser humano puedo confiar más, ni siquiera en mi propia sangre".

Ella continúa: "Estoy siendo alimentada por todas estas historias diferentes de diferentes personas. Gente tratando de ponerse de mi lado, para luego traicionarme una y otra vez".

Maine Mass Shooting Suspect Has Army Background ... Enlisted Over 20 Years Ago

Robert Card, the guy cops say is the Maine mass shooter, has a military background ... earning medals in the Army Reserve despite never seeing combat.

Card enlisted in the Army Reserve way back in 2002, working as a petroleum supply specialist.

During his service, Card was awarded several medals ... including the Army Achievement Medal, the National Defense Service Medal, the Humanitarian Service Medal, 2 Army Reserve Component Achievement Medals and the Army Service Ribbon.

Card's duties as a petroleum supply specialist made him responsible for receiving, storing and shipping petroleum-based products ... making sure the fuel was transported and handled safely and properly dispensed in various Armed Forces vehicles and aircraft.

The Army Reserve's online job listing for Card's position promotes the job like this ... "As a Petroleum Supply Specialist, you’ll supply the Army with the fuel it needs to maintain a state of readiness at all times."


As we reported ... cops are on the hunt for Card, with police saying he went on a shooting rampage at a bowling alley and a bar in Maine, killing at least 18 people and injuring 13.


Card allegedly used an AR-15-style rifle in Wednesday's mass shooting ... and now there's an ever-expanding, and desperate, search to find him.

'Teen Mom' Jenelle Evans Husband David Eason Allegedly Injured Her 14-Year-Old Son ... Led to Child Abuse Charge

We're now learning more about what led to the child abuse charge leveled against Jenelle Evan's husband, David Eason ... who allegedly roughed up Jenelle's 14-year-old son, Jace, leaving marks on his body.

According to court docs, obtained by TMZ, Eason is being accused of inflicting physical injury on Jace ... causing "marks on the right arm and left and right side of the neck." The documents say the injuries weren't sustained by accident.

While the docs don't exactly explain what happened, the timing of the alleged incident is interesting ... stating the whole thing went down on September 28.

September 28 is also the same night Jace ran away from home, slipping out his bedroom window and into the woods nearby. It's possible Jace and David had some sort of exchange before Jace left the property. Remember, we were told there's video both cops and child protective services have in their possession ... which could've led to the charge.

Jace was eventually located, after cops got involved, though the September 28 disappearance marked his 3rd runaway incident in about a month.

It doesn't appear Jace is currently in Jenelle's custody, and it's believed he's with his grandmother, Jenelle's mom, Barbara.

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As for their part, Jenelle released a statement on Instagram shortly after TMZ broke the story of David's misdemeanor child abuse charge. Evans wrote, "I do not trust anyone around me ... I have no idea what human being I can trust anymore, not even my own blood."

She continues ... "I'm being fed all these different stories from different people. People trying to get on my good side.. To then betray me over and over."

Maine Mass Shooting Gunman Opens Fire At Bowling Alley & Bar ... 18 Dead, 13 Injured


10/26 -- 7:45 AM PT -- Officials just held another press conference, revealing 18 people were killed in Wednesday night's shooting and 13 were injured. 7 (1F, 6M) of the deceased were killed at the Just-In-Time Recreation Center, 8 (8M) were killed at Schemengees Bar and Grille ... and 3 people transferred to the hospital died.


8:35 PM PT -- Cops just provided an update, saying the person of interest is 40-year-old Robert Card. Residents are advised to shelter in place, as he's still on the loose.

7:31 PM PT -- Reports now say at least 20 are dead ... and the suspect is still on the loose, allegedly seen driving a white Subaru.

A gunman went on a deadly shooting rampage at a bowling alley in Maine, killing at least 16 and injuring dozens more ... and the suspect is still on the loose.

The mass shooting went down Wednesday night in Lewiston, Maine ... and there are also reports of shots being fired at two other locations ... a local bar and a Walmart.

Maine State Police says it's an active shooter situation ... and folks are being asked to shelter in place.

There are images of a gunman in the bowling alley ... and he appears to be armed with an assault rifle.

Cops are also looking for a car believed to belong to the gunman.

Lewiston is the second largest city in Maine ... it's roughly 30 miles north of Portland.

Originally Published -- 10/25 6:47 PM PT

Sergio Brown Set To Face Murder, Concealment Of Dead Body Charges ... After Being Transported To Illinois

Sergio Brown has been transported from San Diego to Illinois ... where he's now set to go in front of a judge on Wednesday to face two separate charges in connection with his mother's death -- first-degree murder and concealment of a dead body.

The Maywood Police Department said in a statement to TMZ Sports late Tuesday evening the hearing will begin at 9 AM CT at a Maywood courthouse -- several miles from where Brown allegedly killed his 73-year-old mom and dumped her body near a creek behind her home.

Police released Brown's latest mug shot in announcing the updated charges against the former football player ... and, according to a spokesperson for the Maywood Police Dept., he was wearing a Ben Roethlisberger jersey as he was being processed.

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Brown had been behind bars in Southern California since Oct. 10 ... after authorities pulled him out of Mexico -- where he was spotted dancing and partying in the days following his mom's passing.

Video shot from inside of a plane just after Mexican officers apprehended Brown showed he was very uncooperative as they tried to extradite him back to the U.S.

Michelle Williams

It's unclear if law enforcement faced any sort of similar issues while transporting him from SD to Illinois this week.

Brown last played in the NFL in 2016 ... after logging time with the Patriots, Colts, Jaguars and Bills.

JENELLE EVANS Responds To Husband's Child Abuse Charge ... 'I Do Not Trust Anyone Around Me'

Jenelle Evans says she can't trust anyone in her life, not even her own family, and she's reeling in the wake of her husband being charged with child abuse.

The 'Teen Mom' star just broke her silence on the child abuse charge against David Eason in a case involving her 14-year-old son Jace ... going after police and the folks closest to her.

Jenelle says ... "I do not trust anyone around me ... I have no idea what human being I can trust anymore, not even my own blood."

She continues ... "I'm being fed all these different stories from different people. People trying to get on my good side.. To then betray me over and over."

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Jenelle does not name names in her social media posts ... and she also takes aim at the North Carolina cops who oversaw the child abuse case saying ...



TMZ broke the story ... David was charged with a misdemeanor after Jace ran away from David and Jenelle's home back in September, prompting an investigation. It was the third time Jace had run away from home in about a month's time.

Remember ... Jenelle got custody of Jace from her mother, Barbara, earlier this year and he's David's stepson.

For his part, David's remained mum on the incident ... but now Janelle's speaking out.


Sergio Brown ha sido trasladado de San Diego a Illinois y está listo para ir donde el juez el miércoles para hacer frente a dos cargos separados en relación con la muerte de su madre,  asesinato en primer grado y ocultar un cadáver.

El Departamento de Policía de Maywood le dijo a TMZ Sports en un comunicado la noche del martes que la audiencia comenzará a las 9 AM en un juzgado de Maywood, a varios kilómetros de donde Brown presuntamente mató a su madre de 73 años de edad y arrojó su cuerpo cerca de un arroyo detrás de su casa.

La policía dio a conocer la última foto de Brown en el anuncio de los cargos actualizados contra el ex jugador de fútbol y, de acuerdo con un portavoz de la Policía de Maywood, llevaba una camiseta de Ben Roethlisberger mientras lo procesaban.

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ninguna preocupación

Brown había estado tras las rejas en el sur de California desde el 10 de octubre luego de que las autoridades lo sacaron de México, donde fue visto bailando y de fiesta los días posteriores a la muerte de su madre.

El video filmado desde el interior de un avión justo después de que los oficiales mexicanos detuvieron a Brown mostró que era muy poco cooperativo, ya que trataron de extraditarlo de vuelta a los EE.UU.

¡esto es un secuestro!
Michelle Williams

No está claro si la aplicación de la ley se enfrentó a cualquier tipo de problemas similares, mientras que el transporte de SD a Illinois esta semana.

Brown jugó por última vez en la NFL en 2016, luego de formar jugar con los Patriots, Colts, Jaguars y Bills.

JENELLE EVANS Responde A La Acusación De Abuso De Menores De Su Marido NO CONFIO EN NADIE A MI ALREDEDOR

Jenelle Evans dice que no puede confiar en nadie, ni siquiera en su propia familia, y se siente terrible a raíz de su marido siendo acusado de abuso infantil.

La estrella de "Teen Mom" acaba de romper su silencio sobre la acusación de abuso infantil contra David Eason en un caso que involucra a su hijo de 14 años de edad, Jace.

Jenelle dice: "No confío en nadie a mi alrededor. Ya no puedo confiar en ningún ser humano, ni siquiera en mi propia sangre".

Ella continúa: Es como si pasara siempre lo mismo. Gente tratando de ponerse de mi lado, para luego traicionarme una y otra vez".

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lidiando con los haters

Jenelle no da nombres en sus mensajes por redes sociales, y apunta a los policías de Carolina del Norte que supervisaron el caso de abuso infantil diciendo:



TMZ publicó la historia, David fue acusado de un delito menor cuando Jace escapó de su casa (y la de jenelle) en septiembre, lo que provocó una investigación. Era la tercera vez que Jace se escapaba de casa en el lapso de un mes.

Recordemos que Jenelle obtuvo la custodia de Jace de su madre, Barbara, a principios de este año y él es hijastro de David.

Por su parte, David ha guardado silencio sobre el incidente, pero Janelle comenzó a hablar.