Dave Mays Suge Knight's Coming to 'Collect' ... Not Just Talking 💩 on New Podcast!!!

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Suge Knight's "Collect Call" podcast cohost Dave Mays thinks the incarcerated mogul's gotten a bad rap -- so he's helping him set the record straight once and for all!!!

TMZ Hip Hop chopped it up with the Breakbeat CEO this week and he assured us Suge's podcast commentary would be just as spicy as we'd expect it to be, but it won't be all sauce and no substance either.

Collect Call with Suge Knight

They dropped the first episode on audio today, and as you can hear Suge's doing his fair share of reflection and deflecting -- in this case -- at his ex-Death Row Records henchman Mob James.


As the trailer revealed, Dave says Suge will be responding back to the commentaries from the likes of Master P, Wack 100, Warren G, Akon, and many more -- with dramatic flair.

Dave tells us they used a bit of AI to make the visuals pop. Remember, Suge's serving a 25-year sentence for manslaughter, so they did what they could to spruce up his current digs!!!

The Source Magazine founder doesn't feel Suge got a fair shake in his criminal trial due to his reputation at the time. He says their friendship dates back to the early '90s when Dr. Dre was set to take the world by storm with his classic debut album, "The Chronic."

Dave convinced Suge to let Dre do the iconic gun-to-the-head cover photo, which led on to more explosive moments with The Source ... like the infamous "come to Death Row" line at the '95 Source Awards.


Suge shared Death Row stories with TMZ Hip Hop earlier this year ... admitting the label had its fair share of rough patches too.

Suge's got his own mic now, and he's coming in hot!!!

Alaska Airlines Piloto fuera de servicio intenta derribar un avión Acusado de 83 intentos

Un piloto fuera de servicio de Alaska Airlines se encuentra en un gran problema después de que supuestamente tratara de derribar un avión de una aerolínea hermana, y podemos suponerlo por las docenas de cargos que enfrenta ahora.

Joseph D. Emerson, de 44 años de edad, es empleado de Alaska y fue detenido y fichado el lunes por 83 cargos de intento de asesinato en el condado de Multnomah, Oregón. Esto, después de que las autoridades afirmaran que trató de apagar los motores de la aeronave mientras estaba en pleno vuelo la noche anterior.

Es una historia extraña. Al parecer, Emerson estaba haciendo autostop en un vuelo de Horizon Airlines, que es propiedad de la misma empresa que gestiona Alaska, que iba de Seattle a San Francisco, pero tuvo que desviarse a Portland debido a este incidente.

Según los policías --que citan a miembros de la tripulación a bordo-- Emerson realizó esta maniobra increíblemente peligrosa mientras estaba sentado en el asiento de salto de la cabina, pero afortunadamente el capitán y el primer oficial pudieron detenerlo y evitar que el avión se cayera.

Según los informes, el audio de ATC capturó a miembros de la tripulación discutiendo lo sucedido a través de las ondas. En ellas se escucha a alguien diciendo: "Tenemos al tipo que trató de apagar los motores fuera de la cabina y no parece que esté causando ningún problema en la parte trasera en este momento, creo que está controlado. Queremos a las fuerzas del orden en cuanto lleguemos a tierra y aparquemos".

Bueno, Emerson fue efectivamente recibido por los funcionarios, quienes lo acusan de muchas cosas. Además de los 83 cargos de intento de asesinato, también ha sido castigado con 83 cargos de imprudencia temeraria, además de poner en peligro un avión. No se sabe lo que posiblemente lo llevó a hacer esto.

Alaska dice que el equipo de pensamiento rápido de Horizon (quick-thinking team) es al que hay que agradecer por salvar la situación. La FAA, mientras tanto, dice que el episodio del domingo no está conectado a los acontecimientos mundiales ... Mejor conocidos como, Israel y Palestina.

Alaska Airlines Off-Duty Pilot Tries to Take Plane Down Hit w/ 83 Counts of Attempted Murder

An off-duty Alaska Airlines pilot is in big trouble after allegedly trying to take down a plane from a sister airline -- and you can tell by the dozens of charges he's now facing.

44-year-old Joseph D. Emerson -- who's employed by Alaska -- was arrested and booked Monday on 83 counts of attempted murder in Multnomah County, OR ... this after law enforcement claims he attempted to shut off the aircraft's engines mid-flight the night prior.

It's a strange story ... apparently, Emerson was hitching a ride on a Horizon Airlines flight -- which is owned by the same company that manages Alaska -- that was going from Seattle to San Francisco ... but which had to divert to Portland because of this alleged incident.

According to cops -- who cite crew members onboard -- Emerson pulled this incredibly dangerous stunt while sitting in the cockpit's jump seat ... but thankfully, the captain and first officer were able to subdue him and prevent the plane from going down.

ATC audio reportedly captured crew members discussing what happened over the airwaves -- with someone saying, "We’ve got the guy that tried to shut the engines down out of the cockpit and he doesn’t sound like he’s causing any issue in the back right now, I think he’s subdued. We want law enforcement as soon as we get on the ground and parked."

Well, Emerson was indeed met by officials ... and they're accusing him of a lot. In addition to the 83 attempted murder charges, he's also been hit with 83 counts of reckless endangerment -- plus, endangering an aircraft. No word on what possibly led him to do this.

Alaska says the quick-thinking Horizon team are to thank for saving the day. The FAA, meanwhile, says Sunday's episode is not connected to world events ... aka, Israel-Palesine.

Synagogue President Stabbed to Death in Detroit ... No Suspect or Motive

A Jewish woman in Detroit -- the president of a synagogue, no less -- was killed outside of her home this weekend ... but it's unclear if the tragedy is related to the Israel conflict.

Samantha Woll was found early Saturday morning lying on the ground with multiple stab wounds -- a crime scene officers say they discovered after following a trail of blood from her residence ... near Lafayette Park. She was declared dead at the scene by first responders.

Detroit PD says they've assigned the case to the Homicide Unit due the nature of Woll's death, but have no suspect or motive -- and they're asking the public for any information.

Naturally, Woll's death has sparked tremendous concern in the community ... especially amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas war, which has spurred a number of pro-Palestine demonstrations across the country -- and which has put a lot of Jewish people on edge of late.

Woll had been leading the Isaac Agree Downtown Detroit Synagogue since 2022 -- and she was a prominent figure in the community ... including to several local politicians.

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel actually worked with Woll ... writing about her death, "I am shocked, saddened and horrified to learn of Sam’s brutal murder. Sam was as kind a person as I’ve ever known. She was driven by her sincere love of her community, state and country. Sam truly used her faith and activism to create a better place for everyone."

DPD's Chief issued the following statement ... "Understandably, this crime leaves many unanswered questions. This matter is under investigation, and I am asking that everyone remain patient while investigators carefully examine every aspect of the available evidence. It is important that no conclusions be drawn until all of the available facts are reviewed."

Some U.S. Congress members who knew Woll and worked with her over the years have publicly decried her death ... and many are calling for answers, and quickly at that.

Woll was only 40.


Rams' Demarcus Robinson Robbed At Gunpoint In Los Angeles

Rams receiver Demarcus Robinson was robbed at gunpoint in Los Angeles on Friday morning ... and cops say they were told the brazen thieves made off with over $100K worth of jewelry.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ Sports ... officers responded to calls of a robbery outside a Los Angeles area hotel just after midnight.

Cops were told two men approached the 29-year-old football player, pointed firearms at him ... and demanded he hand over his valuables -- which included a pricey watch.

Our sources say Robinson obliged ... and the thieves took off. Thankfully, the wideout is said to now be doing OK despite the circumstances.

Cops say they've launched an investigation into the matter ... though, so far, no arrests have been made.

Robinson began his career with the Kansas City Chiefs in 2016 and helped Patrick Mahomes win Super Bowl LIV in 2020. He joined the Rams this offseason -- but he's yet to record a catch through five games.

LA is scheduled to play Pittsburgh on Sunday at SoFi Stadium.

Yung Bleu Arrested For Battery Victim Says He Body Slammed Her!!!

Yung Bleu is accused of attacking a woman, an incident at the center of an alleged custody dispute involving a 10-year-old child.

The Hall County Sheriff’s Office in GA tells TMZ Hip Hop ... officers responded to a 911 call from a woman on October 15 to a home, and when deputies arrived they say the woman told them Bleu (real name Jeremy Biddle) had shown up at the residence unannounced with the intent to take the 10-year-old child with him.

The woman says an argument ensued, and she told deputies Bleu picked her up and threw her to the ground, causing injuries to her right arm and hip.

She says the "You're Mines Still" rapper left with the child but returned shortly after ... and then left again. We're told the EMS crews evaluated the woman for any injuries, but she refused to be transported to the hospital.

Our sources say Bleu later agreed to meet with deputies in person and was subsequently arrested for misdemeanor battery. The 29-year-old was booked into the Hall County Jail just after 2:30 AM on Sunday morning and was released a few days later after posting $2,400 bond.

Alec Baldwin May Be Recharged in 'Rust' Case ... His Attorneys Respond

Alec Baldwin might be put through the legal wringer again -- because prosecutors are zeroing in on him again ... a move his legal team thinks is complete BS.

The Santa Fe District Attorney's Office announced Monday that they'll convene a grand jury in the near future to consider whether to refile an involuntary manslaughter charge against Baldwin ... saying they feel it's appropriate for ordinary citizens to decide if the case against him should be revived.


Baldwin's attorneys, Luke Nikas and Alex Spiro of Quinn Emanuel tell TMZ ... "It is unfortunate that a terrible tragedy has been turned into this misguided prosecution. We will answer any charges in court."

Remember, the D.A. dropped this same charge against Baldwin just earlier this year ... this after making a big show of filing charges in the first place. While they seemed to close the book on his role in the fatal shooting of Halyna Hutchins -- they did say at the time that they reserved the right to recharge him if new information came to light. Apparently, it has.

Prosecutors reportedly decided to send the case back to the grand jury after submitting the gun for further analysis, which they claim contradicts Baldwin saying he never pulled the trigger.

This latest news comes on the heels of a ruling in the pending case against the armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed just last week -- when a judge decided that the production companies involved in "Rust" had to fork over correspondence and other docs pertaining to the film's pre-production.

The implication ... prosecutors wanted to see what, if any, role Alec had as a producer of the film as it pertains to allegations that corners were cut when it came to gun safety and training -- something Gutierrez-Reed has claimed took place in defending herself.

Gutierrez-Reed is also being criminally prosecuted in this case ... with the same charge. If convicted, the charge carries a prison sentence of up to 18 months.


Alec Baldwin podría tener problemas legales de nuevo porque los fiscales están yendose contra él otra vez... un movimiento de su equipo legal piensa que es una completa canallada.

La Oficina del Fiscal del Distrito de Santa Fe anunció el lunes que van a convocar a un gran jurado en un futuro próximo para considerar si se debe volver a presentar un cargo de homicidio involuntario contra Baldwin, diciendo que sienten que es apropiado para los ciudadanos comunes para decidir si el caso en su contra debe ser retomado.

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Los abogados de Baldwin, Luke Nikas y Alex Spiro de Quinn Emanuel le informan a TMZ: "Es lamentable que una terrible tragedia se ha convertido en este enjuiciamiento equivocado. Vamos a responder a cualquier cargo en la corte".

Recordemos que la justicia retiró este mismo cargo contra Baldwin a principios de este año, después de hacer un gran espectáculo de la presentación de cargos desde el comienzo. Si bien parecían cerrar el libro sobre su papel en el tiroteo mortal de Halyna Hutchins, dijeron en ese momento que se reservaban el derecho de volver a acusarlo si salía a la luz nueva información. Al parecer, lo ha hecho.

Al parecer, los fiscales decidieron devolver el caso al gran jurado tras someter el arma a nuevos análisis, que según ellos contradicen la afirmación de Baldwin de que nunca apretó el gatillo.

Esta última noticia se produce después de que la semana pasada un juez dictara sentencia en el caso pendiente contra la armera Hannah Gutierrez-Reed y decidiera que las productoras implicadas en "Rust" tenían que entregar la correspondencia y otros documentos relacionados con la preproducción de la película.

Los fiscales querían estar seguros de cuál era el papel de Alec como productor de la película y su poder de decisión respecto a la seguridad de las armas en el set. Gutiérrez-Reed ha sacado a relucir este tema en su defensa

Gutiérrez-Reed también está siendo procesada penalmente en este caso, con el mismo cargo. Si es declarada culpable, el cargo conlleva una pena de prisión de hasta 18 meses.


Terrell Owens fue atropellado por un coche la noche del lunes y todo porque se metió en una pelea con alguien durante un juego de baloncesto, de acuerdo a la policía.

La ley le dice a TMZ Sports que Owens estaba en el área de Calabasas cuando al parecer se metió en una discusión con otra persona en la cancha.

Nos informan que después del partido, el hombre que había estado discutiendo con la leyenda de la NFL se metió en un carro y condujo el vehículo para golpear la rodilla del ex receptor.

Afortunadamente, la policía dice Owens no requirió atención médica.

La policía dice que los oficiales tomaron un informe de asalto con un arma mortal, aunque no se han hecho arrestos. Una investigación sigue en curso.

Owens ha estado involucrado en varios incidentes extraños similares desde su retiro. En 2022 se metió en una discusión salvaje con una vecina que finalmente dio lugar a cargos criminales para la mujer.

Luego, más tarde ese año, estuvo involucrado en una pelea a puñetazos fuera de un CVS.

terrell owens cvs fighting November 2022

Owens, que jugó por última vez en la NFL en la temporada 2010, ha dicho en ambos casos que no hizo nada malo.

Cops: Terrell Owens Struck By Car After Argument During Basketball Game

Terrell Owens was hit by a car on Monday night ... and it's all because he got into a tiff with someone during a pickup basketball game earlier in the evening ... this according to cops.

Law enforcement tells TMZ Sports ... Owens had been hooping in the Calabasas area when he apparently got into an argument with someone else on the court.

We're told following the game, the man who had been beefing with the NFL legend got into a car ... and drove the vehicle right into the former wide receiver's knee.

Thankfully, cops say Owens did not require medical attention.

Law enforcement says officers took a report for assault with a deadly weapon ... though no arrests have been made. An investigation remains ongoing.

Owens, of course, has been involved in several, similar bizarre incidents since his retirement ... back in 2022, he got into a wild argument with a female neighbor that actually led to criminal charges for the woman.

Then, later that year, he was involved in a fistfight with a heckler outside of a CVS.

terrell owens cvs fighting November 2022

Owens, who last played in the NFL in the 2010 season, has said in both cases he did nothing wrong.

Home Invasion Horror Gunman Accosts Woman Entering Her House ... Caught On Camera


A masked gunman was caught on security footage attempting a home invasion in Washington state, rushing up behind a fast-reacting woman, who managed to shut her front door and lock it just before he could gain entry.

Check out the Ring camera video ... it starts with the woman's male companion walking onto a porch and unlocking and opening the door before disappearing into the house in Kent, WA.

Moments later, the woman steps up onto the porch and is about to enter her abode when she suddenly feels someone behind her and spins around.

The ski-masked suspect dashes up to her with a gun in one hand. But the woman is too quick, running inside, slamming the door closed and bolting it.

The would-be intruder desperately tries to force open the door, but his efforts are futile. He then turns and sees the camera recording him, smashing it with the butt of his gun and cutting off the clip.

We've reached out to Kent PD to see if they've caught the perpetrator ... so far no word back.

HORROR en casa delincuente sorprende A MUJER mientras ENTRA a SU CASA Capturado en video

por poco

Un hombre armado y enmascarado fue capturado en imágenes de seguridad intentando un allanamiento de morada en el estado de Washington, corriendo detrás de una mujer que logró cerrar la puerta y bloquearla justo a tiempo

Échale un vistazo al video. Comienza con el compañero de la mujer caminando hacia la casa y abriendo la puerta principal para posteriormente entrar.

Justo detrás venía la mujer que, cuando está a punto de entrar en su morada, siente a alguien detrás de ella y se da la vuelta.

El sospechoso, enmascarado, se precipita hacia ella con pistola en mano, pero la mujer es demasiado rápida para él y corre hacia el interior cerrando la puerta al instante.

El intruso intenta desesperadamente forzar la puerta para abrirla, pero sus esfuerzos son inútiles. Entonces se gira y ve la cámara que lo está grabando y la rompe con la culata de su pistola, cortando el video.

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con la policía de Kent para ver si han capturado al autor pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

la mamá de la ESTRELLA DE "SANDLOT" Expresó su preocupación una semana antes de ser asesinada

La madre de la estrella de "The Sandlot", Marty York, compartió su preocupación en línea no mucho antes de que fuera asesinada, hablando sobre la salud mental de su novio. El hombre que Marty cree que la mató.

La madre de Marty, Deanna Esmaeel, escribió en un grupo de apoyo a la esquizofrenia en Facebook a principios de este mes, preguntando si "¿Alguien más aquí tiene cónyuge o pareja con esquizofrenia, la mía no confía en mí y me acusa de engañarlo constantemente".

Ella continuó afirmando que ha recibido insultos y "violencia física sin razón", refiriéndose a su novio, Daniel James Walter.

Deanna también dejó un comentario la semana pasada en el post de alguien que le preguntó cómo lidiar con el abuso procedente de una pareja esquizofrénica.

Ella respondió: "Aprenderás a ver un patrón en su comportamiento. Cuando veas el patrón, ponte tapones para los oídos o auriculares y sube el volumen de la música. No escuches. Sigue sonriendo".

También explicó que las reacciones abusivas no son un reflejo de los sentimientos de su pareja, añadiendo: "Hago que el mío fume marihuana, ya que el cannabis realmente detiene el episodio y lo redirige".

TMZ publicó la historia, Deanna fue encontrada muerta el jueves dentro de su casa. Justo había hecho una denuncia a la policía local acerca de ponerle a tención a Walter.

Los oficiales dijeron que Walter era un sospechoso, pero los oficiales solo fueron capaces de localizar su coche, aunque más tarde fue capturado en Oregon.

Marty habló después del asesinato, diciendo: "Ayer por la noche mi madre fue asesinada por un hombre que estaba viendo. Ahora mismo hay una cacería humana a nivel nacional". Instó a cualquiera que tenga información que llame a la policía, señalando que tenía la sensación de que "maltrataría físicamente" a Walter si lo encontraba antes que la policía.

'Sandlot' Star Marty York Mom Posted About BF's Mental Health ... Expressed Concern Week Before Being Murdered

The mother of "The Sandlot" star Marty York shared her concerns online not long before she was murdered ... speaking out about the mental health of her boyfriend -- the man Marty believes killed her.

Marty's mom, Deanna Esmaeel, wrote in a schizophrenia support group on Facebook earlier this month, asking, "Anyone else here have spouse or significant other with schizophrenia .. mine doesn't trust me and accuses me of cheating constantly."

She went on to claim she's been on the receiving end of name-calling and him "becoming physical for no reason" ... referring to her boyfriend, Daniel James Walter.

Deanna also left a comment last week on someone's post, who asked how others deal with the abuse coming from a schizophrenic partner.

She replied, "You will learn to see a pattern in his behavior. When you see the pattern initiate put in earplugs or headphones and turn up the music. Don't listen. Keep smiling."

She told the anonymous asker the abusive reactions weren't reflective of their partner's feelings, adding, "I get mine to smoke pot as cannabis actually stops the episode and redirects it."

TMZ broke the story, Deanna was found dead Thursday inside her home, with the Del Norte County Sheriff's Office -- where she was a deputy -- putting out an alert to help track down Walter.

PD said Walter was a suspect, but officers were only able to locate his car ... although he was later captured in Oregon.

Marty spoke out after the killing, saying, "Last night my mother was murdered by a man she was seeing. Right now there is a nationwide manhunt." He urged anyone with info to call the cops -- noting he felt he would "physically maul" Walter if he found him before police did.

2Pac's Brother Mopreme Shakur Diddy Told Me, Personally ... He Was Not Involved in Pac's Murder

Tupac Shakur's brother Mopreme says Diddy called him personally to deny involvement in the Las Vegas murder, and while folks like 50 Cent continue to fuel that rumor ... it sounds like Mopreme still wants an official verdict.

On Monday, Pac's bro was back in the hot seat for "Art Of Dialogue" -- the same platform where Tupac murder suspect Keefe D told on himself -- and Mopreme dug into his memory vault to recall the Diddy phone call.

At the time, they hadn't met, but Mo says the Bad Boy mogul knew exactly who he was and what he was about -- and wanted to tell him "man-to-man" the killing wasn't on his hands.

Mopreme says Diddy dialed him "sometime in the 2000s" ... which aligns with the 2008 Los Angeles Times story written by Chuck Philips that implicated Diddy in Tupac's murder.

The Times eventually retracted the story after the FBI reports it cited were found to be falsified.

Mopreme admits finding answers behind Pac's death has been a chore, and doesn't know what to make of Diddy's phone call to him.

For what it's worth, Keefe has previously claimed Diddy was orchestrating behind the scenes. It's unclear what he'll say in court now, should he actually stand trial for Tupac's murder.

50 Cent hasn't seemed to care whether Diddy's involvement is fact or fiction, and has been riling up fans with jabs on social media and onstage.

2Pac & Biggie Auction Rare Mug Shots, Final Show Vid!!! Going for Millions at Auction

A pair of never-before-seen mugshots of both Tupac Shakur and The Notorious B.I.G. are set to hit the auction block soon -- and decades after their murders, their legacies still translate into millions.

GottaHaveRockandRoll has all the goods for its upcoming auction -- to be held from Oct. 25 to Nov. 10 -- and TMZ Hip Hop has learned it will also include clear footage of Biggie's final performance ... recorded December 26, 1996, during the Sting festival in Kingston, Jamaica.

The "One More Chance" rapper performed in a wheelchair with his leg still in a cast after a car accident with Lil Cease behind the wheel -- and, tragically, it would be his last ever concert before he was murdered on March 9, 1997.

The internet has been touting grainy footage of the event for years but GHRock certifies the OG video has been unreleased, and the winning bidder will get it with a full copyright.

They'll also get a copy of the agreement Biggie signed with Sting to join the festival lineup.

Biggie's family, on his mother's side, hails from Jamaica and Sting promoter Isaiah Laing recalls the legendary rapper immediately asking to be hooked up with "the good ganja weed," and had a pleasant stay at the famed Jamaica Pegasus Hotel.


GHRock estimates the footage will net anywhere between $1 mil to $2 mil, and the mug shots are expected to attract a very large stack of Benjamins, too!!!

Tupac's OG mug shot taken with a Polaroid has never been released to the public, and is estimated to sell for $20k - $40K. Biggie's mug comes with a signed thank you note from jail, and is predicted to attract a similar amount as Pac's.

A retired Vegas detective recently testified before a grand jury that he believes both rapper's murders are linked to the same characters -- a theory that's resurfaced in the aftermath of cops recently arresting Duane "Keefe D" Davis for Pac's murder.

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Las Vegas police feel they nabbed the last living suspect in the 1996 slaying ... making any collectibles from Tupac or B.I.G. that much more valuable.