Blueface Sentenced For Vegas Strip Club Shooting

Blueface better stay outta trouble for the next few years, or he could find himself doing some serious jail time ... getting up to 3 years probation for a Vegas shooting.

Blueface learned his fate Monday, getting sentenced to up to 3 years probation. There's also an underlying sentence of 2-5 years behind bars, so if he screws up the probation, he's certain to get locked up for several years.

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The shooting happened back in October 2022, and Vegas cops busted BF a month later, he was later charged with attempted murder  … but eventually pled guilty in July to lesser charges of battery and discharging a firearm at or into an occupied structure.

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Kentavious Traylor, the man who was apparently grazed by one of the bullets, expressed utmost frustration with the judicial process ... saying he's seen candy thieves get stiffer punishments and thinks Blueface benefitted from celebrity treatment.

Traylor claims the incident has ruined his life and prevented him from obtaining work ... and is letting the world know he'll never be a fan of Blue or Jaidyn Alexis anytime soon.

As for Blueface, he just had a baby with Chrisean Rock and recently launched his MILF Music label, which could be in jeopardy of becoming defunct if he spends significant time behind bars.

DONALD TRUMP A JUICIO POR FRAUDE CIVIL su imprio empresarial en juego

donald trump en la corte

El imperio empresarial de Donald Trump está en juego. Existe la posibilidad de que todo se venga abajo al comparecer ante el tribunal por primera vez para su juicio por fraude civil de 250 millones de dólares.

El ex presidente llegó a la Corte Suprema de Manhattan el lunes por la mañana cuando su juicio se puso en marcha, algo que Trump ha etiquetado previamente como una "caza de brujas" con el objetivo de disminuir su carrera por la presidencia.

Trump estaba sentado junto a sus abogados Clifford Robert, Alina Habba, y Christopher Kise cuando el abogado Kevin Wallace pronunció declaraciones de apertura en nombre de la oficina del Fiscal General.

Wallace dijo que Trump sobrevaloró sus declaraciones entre $812 millones y $2,2 mil millones, alegando que sabía que eran falsas y las usó para su beneficio.

El juicio del lunes se produce un año después de ser demandado por la fiscal general de Nueva York, Letitia James, alegando que tergiversó su patrimonio neto en miles de millones de dólares. Los altos ejecutivos de Trump y sus hijos Eric y Donald Jr. también están en el punto de mira por el presunto esquema de una década.

El juez Arthur Engoron dictaminó la semana pasada que Trump y compañía eran responsables de las demandas de fraude en su contra, cancelando los certificados de empresa del demandado en New York y ordenando que un administrador judicial independiente supervise su disolución.

En otras palabras, James consiguió una importante victoria en los tribunales antes incluso de que comenzara el juicio.

Trump se enfrenta a la posibilidad de que se le prohíba hacer negocios y se informa de que el juicio podría durar hasta tres meses... así que atentos.

Donald Trump In Court For Civil Fraud Trial ... Business Empire At Stake


Donald Trump's business empire is on the line, with the potential for it all to come crumbling down ... as he appears in court for the first time for his $250 million civil fraud trial.

The former president arrived at Manhattan Supreme Court Monday morning as his trial kicked off ... something Trump's previously labeled as a "witch hunt" with the goal of diminishing his run for the presidency.

Trump was seated next to his attorneys Clifford Robert, Alina Habba, and Christopher Kise ... as attorney Kevin Wallace delivered opening statements on behalf of the Attorney General's office.

Wallace said Trump overvalued his statements from anywhere between $812 million and $2.2 billion ... claiming he knew they were false but used them to his advantage.

Monday's trial comes a year after being sued by NY Attorney General Letitia James -- claiming he misrepresented his net worth by billions of dollars. Trump's top execs and his sons Eric and Donald Jr. are also in the crosshairs for the alleged decade-long scheme.

Judge Arthur Engoron ruled last week that Trump and co. were liable for the fraud claims against them -- canceling the defendant's NY business certificates and ordering an independent receiver to oversee their dissolution.

In other words, James got a substantial win in court before the trial even kicked off.

Trump is facing the possibility of being banned from doing business ever again, and it's reported that the trial could go on for 3 months ... so strap in.

Zachery Ty Bryan liberado tras violar parte de su acuerdo de liberación

Zachery Ty Bryan estuvo en una cárcel de Oregón por tercera vez la semana pasada pero finalmente está libre ahora después de un gran malentendido, según nos han informado.

Un funcionario de la cárcel del condado de Lane nos confirmó que la ex estrella de "Home Improvement" fue liberada de la custodia el domingo, esto después de que fuera arrestado y llevado por las autoridades el jueves. Nos dicen que pagó fianza para salir, pero no está claro de cuanto fue el monto.

Las acusaciones que aparecieron en su última hoja de antecedentes (obtenida por TMZ) fueron impactantes al principio: 2 cargos de asalto de cuarto grado. Pero después de hablar con personas directamente relacionadas con el caso, nos han asegurado que este último arresto NO se trata de un nuevo incidente.

El abogado de Zachery, John J. Kolego, nos dice que su cliente fue arrestado como resultado de una violación técnica de su acuerdo de liberación a principios de este año, cuando fue arrestado por cargos de asalto. Nos dijeron que Zachery olvidó cargar su monitor de tobillo por error... y eso fue todo.

Kolego nos dice que lo llevaron bajo custodia durante una comparecencia en la oficina de la corte previa al juicio y que su arresto no involucró a un juez. Nos dijeron que tampoco involucró ningún consumo excesivo de alcohol, como algunos medios de comunicación han sugerido.

El abogado de Zachery agrega sobre el arresto de julio y el caso subsiguiente: "Zachery espera exonerarse a sí mismo en el juicio".

Recuerda que Zachery aceptó un acuerdo de culpabilidad por su primer caso en 2020 por 2 cargos menores, pero lo arrestaron por segunda vez a principios de este año por cargos muy similares a los de su arresto inicial. Todo parece estar relacionado con una mujer con la que está en una relación y con quien tiene hijos.

En el momento de su primera condena, Zachery le dijo a la prensa que todo había sido exagerado por los medios de comunicación. La segunda vez, su abogado defensor dijo que Zachery merece la presunción de inocencia hasta que se conozcan todos los hechos.

Zachery no ha actuado mucho desde finales de la década de 2000, aunque apareció en una serie de Netflix el año pasado llamada "The Guardians of Justice".

Zachery Ty Bryan Released from Custody ... After Technical Violation

Zachery Ty Bryan found himself in an Oregon jail for a third time this past week -- but he's finally out now ... this after a major misunderstanding, TMZ has learned.

A Lane County Jail official confirmed to us that the former "Home Improvement" star was released from custody Sunday -- this after he was arrested and taken in by the authorities on Thursday. We're told he posted bail to get out ... but it's unclear how much at this point.

The charges that showed up on his latest booking sheet -- obtained by TMZ -- were startling at first ... 2 counts of 4th-degree felony assault ... but after speaking with people directly connected to the case, we've been assured this latest arrest is NOT over a new incident.

Zachery's attorney, John J. Kolego, tells us his client got hauled in as a result of a technical violation of his release agreement from earlier this year ... when he was busted on assault charges. We're told ZTB failed to charge his ankle monitor by mistake ... that's it.

Kolego tells us he got taken into custody during a pre-trial court office appearance, and that his arrest didn't involve a judge. We're told it also didn't involve any binge drinking -- as has been suggested by some media outlets.

Zachery's attorney adds of the July arrest and subsequent case ... "Zachery is looking forward to exonerating himself at trial."

Remember, ZTB copped a plea deal for his 1st case in 2020 on 2 lesser charges -- but he got busted for a 2nd time just earlier this year ... on very similar charges to his initial arrest. It all appears to pertain to a woman he's in a relationship with ... and with whom he has kids.

At the time of his first conviction, Zachery told the press that the whole thing was blown out of proportion by the media. The second time around, his defense attorney said Zachery deserves the presumption of innocence until all the facts come out.

Zachery hasn't acted in much since the late 2000s, although he did appear in a Netflix series last year called "The Guardians of Justice."

Pasajero extraviado de crucero Estaba en libertad condicional cuando desapareció

Kevin McGrath, el pasajero del crucero Carnival que desapareció misteriosamente durante un viaje a las Bahamas, estaba en libertad condicional cuando ocurrió el suceso, lo que añade una nueva arista al caso.

Los problemas legales de McGrath podrían proporcionar otra pista sobre su desaparición el fin de semana del Día del Trabajo, que dio lugar a una búsqueda de la Guardia Costera, que desde entonces ha sido suspendida sin poder encontrarlo.

Según documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, McGrath se declaró culpable de asalto con agravantes en Tennessee en septiembre de 2022. Su esposa dijo que amenazó con matarla a ella y a sus hijos, por lo que terminó siendo condenado a 6 años de libertad condicional supervisada.

Los documentos dicen que McGrath obtuvo un permiso para pasar de Tennessee a Florida, donde vivía con sus padres. El crucero era una celebración del cumpleaños 60 de su padre.

Pero los oficiales a cargo dicen que nunca obtuvo permiso para viajar en el crucero, y que al parecer su oficina de libertad condicional solo se enteró de que estaba a bordo del barco cuando los medios de comunicación informaron que había desaparecido.

Más aún, los documentos dicen que está violando la libertad condicional al no mantener comunicación con su oficial correspondiente. Todos los intentos de ponerse en contacto con él han sido infructuosos desde el crucero y su paradero sigue siendo desconocido.

Los policías también dicen que McGrath debe $241.20 en honorarios de libertad condicional, y no ha hecho ningún pago a la corte.

McGrath desapareció cuando el crucero regresaba a Florida desde las Bahamas. Al parecer, se le vio por última vez la noche del 3 de septiembre. Se utilizó su tarjeta de acceso para entrar en su habitación a las 3:30 de la madrugada del día siguiente. Su familia había acordado desayunar con él, pero este no apareció y luego se denunció su desaparición cuando todos bajaron del barco.

La policía dice que el personal y la seguridad de Carnival buscaron a McGrath por todo el barco y que el sistema de detección de abandono del barco nunca activó la alarma. En resumen: la policía dice que no hay pruebas de que se haya escapado por la borda, aunque tampoco había rastros de él a bordo.

La Guardia Costera de Estados Unidos trajo helicópteros para buscar a McGrath en 3.300 millas náuticas cuadradas, pero no encontró rastros de él y suspendió la búsqueda.

Asimismo, el Servicio de Aduanas y Control de Fronteras de Estados Unidos informó a Carnival de que no se había detectado a McGrath desembarcando del barco en Florida, por lo que el hombre se desvaneció en el aire. Aparentemente, al menos.

Missing Carnival Cruise Passenger On Probation When He Vanished ... Officials Now Skeptical

Kevin McGrath, the missing Carnival cruise passenger who mysteriously disappeared during a Bahamas trip, was on probation at the time ... which adds a whole new wrinkle to the case.

McGrath's legal troubles might provide another clue in his Labor Day weekend disappearance, which led to a Coast Guard search that has since been called off without finding him.

According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ, McGrath pleaded guilty to aggravated assault in Tennessee in September 2022 -- his wife said he threatened to kill her and their kids -- and he ended up getting sentenced to 6 years of supervised probation.

The docs say McGrath got permission to move from Tennessee to Florida, where he was living with his parents ... and the cruise was a celebration for his father's 60th birthday.

But, McGrath's probation officers say he never got permission to go on the cruise, and it appears his probation office only found out he was aboard the ship when the media reported he'd vanished.

What's more, the docs say he's violating probation by failing to maintain communication with his probation officer. All attempts to contact him have been unsuccessful since the cruise, and his whereabouts remain unknown.

The PO also says McGrath is delinquent on $241.20 in probation fees, and he hasn't made any payments toward court fees. He's on probation for

McGrath vanished as the cruise was returning to Florida from the Bahamas. He was apparently last seen the night of Sept. 3 and his keycard was used to enter his room at 3:30 AM the next day. His family had planned to meet for breakfast, but he didn't show up and was reported missing when everyone got off the ship.

Cops say Carnival staff and security scoured the ship for McGrath ... and the ship's overboard detection system never alarmed. Bottom line: Police say there is no evidence he went overboard, and there was no sign of him onboard.

The U.S. Coast Guard brought in helicopters to search 3,300 square nautical miles for McGrath but didn't find a trace and called off the search.

Likewise, U.S. Customs and Border Control reportedly told Carnival McGrath was not detected disembarking the ship in Florida -- so, the guy vanished into thin air. Seemingly, at least.



4:45 PM PT -- Bill Cosby's rep, Andrew Wyatt, tells TMZ … “No comment at this present time because this is utterly ridiculous and pointless.”

Bill Cosby is being sued by one of his accusers for an alleged sexual assault ... one she claims happened over 50 years ago.

According to a new lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, Cosby accuser Donna Motsinger claims he took advantage of her way back in 1972, when she was working as a server at the famous Trident restaurant in Sausalito, CA.

Motsinger says she met Cosby at the bayside restaurant, then a celeb hangout, claiming he came by constantly just to see her, ultimately inviting her to accompany him to his show at the Circle Star Theater in San Carlos.

In the docs, Motsinger says Cosby picked her up in a limo and gave her a glass of wine on the drive over. She claims he took her to the dressing room, where she began to feel sick and says Cosby gave her what she believed was an aspirin.

Motsinger says she took the pill and started falling in and out of consciousness. She claims Cosby's handlers but her back in the limo with him and the last thing she remembers was flashes of light.

In her suit, Motsinger claims she woke up in her house wearing only her panties and says she "knew she had been drugged and raped by Bill Cosby."

Motsinger says she's suffered mental, physical and emotional distress ... and she's going after Cosby for money.

She previously came forward in 2014 with similar accusations against Cosby ... and now she's followed up with a lawsuit.

We reached out to Cosby's camp ... so far no word back.

Originally Published -- 4:31 PM PT

Billy Cosby es demandado Me drogaste y me violaste por 1972 ... Afirma denunciante en documentos


4:45 PM PT -- El representante de Cosby Andrew Wyatt dice a TMZ: "Sin comentarios en este momento porque esto es totalmente ridículo y sin sentido".

Bill Cosby está siendo demandado por una de sus acusadoras por un presunto asalto sexual, uno que ella afirma que ocurrió hace más de 50 años.

Según una nueva demanda obtenida por TMZ, la denunciante de Cosby, Donna Motsinger, afirma que él se aprovechó de ella en 1972, cuando trabajaba como camarera en el famoso restaurante Trident en Sausalito, California.

Motsinger dice que conoció a Cosby en el restaurante junto a la bahía, en ese entonces, un lugar de reunión de celebridades, afirmando que iba constantemente a verla, y que al final la invitó a acompañarlo en su show en el Circle Star Theater en San Carlos.

En los documentos, Motsinger afirma que Cosby la recogió en una limusina y le dio una copa de vino durante el trayecto. Ella afirma que la llevó al camerino, donde comenzó a sentirse mal y que luego Cosby le dio lo que ella creía que era una aspirina.

Motsinger dice que tomó la píldora y empezó a perder el conocimiento. Ella afirma que la llevaron nuevamente a la limusina con él y lo último que recuerda fueron destellos de luz.

En su demanda, Motsinger afirma que se despertó en su casa vistiendo solo sus bragas y dice que "sabía que había sido drogada y violada por Bill Cosby."

Motsinger dice que ha sufrido angustia mental, física y emocional, y que va en busca de compensaciones económicas de Cosby.

En 2014, habló de acusaciones similares. Ahora ha procedido con una demanda.

Nos pusimos en contacto con el equipo de Cosby, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

Cyclist Hit-And-Run Commotion Heard In The Streets ... 911 Audio Reveals


There was a lot of commotion in the moments after the Las Vegas cyclist was intentionally struck and killed ... panic you can hear play out on the 911 call, made by the man's Apple Watch.

In the audio, obtained by TMZ, you can hear 64-year-old Andreas Probst's watch letting the 911 operator know he suffered a hard fall and was unresponsive.

What's more terrifying is the growing panic and chaos that can be heard in the background during the call, the retired police chief was later pronounced dead at the hospital.

That wasn't the only call from that day, however -- remember, cops believe the 2 suspects also hit another cyclist about half an hour before Probst. In that 911 call, you can hear the 72-year-old man tell dispatch the attack was intentional ... saying he could've been killed.

As we reported, 18-year-old Jesus Ayala, who was 17 at the time of the incidents, is now facing 18 counts, including murder ... this after cops say he was the one behind the wheel when Probst was killed.

Footage from the Probst incident was filmed by 16-year-old Jzamir Keys, and it sparked serious outrage after going viral. Officers had a hard time tracking down Keys a month after Probst's death, but he was eventually located and taken into custody, too.

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Officials say Keys was behind the wheel during the non-fatal hit-and-run with the separate cyclist earlier in the day.

Cops say the video shows the hit was intentional ... with Keys encouraging Ayala to hit Probst, and the 2 laugh it off as he lies in the street behind them.

Alleged Police Brutality CA Deputy Body Slams Teenage Girl ... Caught On Video


A California deputy was recorded committing alleged police brutality, body-slamming a teenage girl and nearly knocking her unconscious.

Disturbing footage of the terrifying ordeal was posted on Instagram late Friday night after Victorville PD deputies were called to squash a fight at Victor Valley High School earlier in the evening.

The video opens just after the deputy has hoisted the 16-year-old girl into the air, and then you see him aggressively throw her to the ground. Like a rag doll, her body goes limp.

People rush over to help her, including the photog ... the girl seems completely out of it and barely conscious.

A rep for Victorville PD tells TMZ ... deputies tried to disperse the rowdy group by firing pepper balls at them, but it didn't work.

The crowd then converged on the deputies as the girl tried to seize the pepper ball launcher.

That's when "the deputy pulled the female away causing her to land on the ground," according to police. Yet, the video clearly contradicts the PD's statement.

The teen was taken to a local hospital for treatment, but the extent of her injuries and her condition were not disclosed.

Cops said they arrested a 16-year-old boy for punching a deputy in the face and later booked him into a juvenile hall due to his age.

The D.A. is currently reviewing the matter to determine if charges are warranted against the boy -- and the girl.

Police brass would not comment on whether they're investigating the actions of the heavy-handed deputy, or if he would face any discipline.

Dog House of Horrors Dozens of Special Needs Pups Saved After Animal Abuse Claims

A woman said to be running a special needs dog rescue out of her Arizona home landed in jail after mounting allegations of animal abuse ... resulting in a major confiscation of pups.

April Mclaughlin was arrested Friday evening in Chandler, AZ following a search warrant that was executed at her house by local law enforcement ... which resulted in her being hauled away and booked on 55 counts of animal abuse, 55 counts of animal cruelty and a lone count of vulnerable adult abuse. All of this stems from what they found in this one home.


Multiple agencies were on the ground last night responding to the scene ... including the Arizona Humane Society, which assisted in removing dozens of canines from the property.

There were even hazmat teams deployed to deal with this -- as there was a reported foul odor emanating from the home that could be smelled from the street. Multiple bystanders watched as they removed dog after dog ... many of which were disabled and couldn't walk.

The bust follows weeks of claims from different animal rights orgs and other dog rescues in the area, as well as outside of the state ... with a key handful of women beating the drum on social media trying to raise awareness about what they alleged was going on here.

Essentially, they claimed this woman had gone around taking in special needs dogs from other dog rescues that didn't have the resources to accommodate them -- bringing them to a rescue called the Special Needs Animal Welfare League ... which these accusers allege is a total front, and that it simply existed as her own house as opposed to a legit facility.


Instead of providing them proper care, however ... these other orgs assert Mclaughlin treated them terribly -- allegedly removing the doggy wheelchairs of several of the pooches under her watch, and allegedly leaving them malnourished -- among other horrible conditions. Some of the court docs obtained by local outlets appear to back at least some of this up -- detailing what officers say they found inside, including several dead dogs in the freezer.

Here's another twist ... some outlets report that Mclaughlin had used multiple aliases to do what she's been alleged to have carried out. Obviously, unraveling this case will take time.

Unclear if AM's still in custody or not -- she's said to have been taken to Maricopa County Jail on $2,500 cash-only bond. Some reports have her on record as denying wrongdoing.

Whether she gets out or not ... her house has been officially condemned by the authorities.

Caos en Gales Una mujer es noqueada con un neumático En violenta pelea policial

Caos con la policía

Una mujer parece haber quedado inconsciente después de que alguien le arrojara un neumático suelto durante una pelea absolutamente loca entre policías y ciudadanos en Gales, y todo quedó registrado en video.

La violencia del clip es bastante brutal. Este muestra un grupo de personas, no demasiado grande, luchando directamente con un puñado de policías en las calles de Wrexham, específicamente, en el pueblo de Rhosllanerchrugog.

Se ve a los policías tratando de luchar contra un hombre en un barrio residencial, con un montón de gente (presumiblemente vecinos) mirando, incluyendo muchos niños. Algunos de los transeúntes adultos también parecen perderse entre el grupo. Lo que es seguro, es que es un completo caos.

Al final, pareciera que la policía piensa que está rodeada de ciudadanos hostiles y saca sus porras, les piden que retrocedan y los amenazan con golpearlos. Un oficial incluso despliega su spray de pimienta mientras los otros policías siguen tratando con alguien en el suelo.

Es entonces cuando un gran neumático de bicicleta es lanzado de la nada por alguien en la multitud. Parece que iba dirigido a uno de los policías, pero golpea a una inocente mujer que estaba de pie que cae al suelo de inmediato y se golpea fuertemente con el suelo. La gente se asusta, y otra mujer con un bebé la examina.

El video se corta después de eso, por lo que no está claro lo que sucedió después. La policía de Gales del Norte se ha referido al incidente, que ocurrió el jueves. Dicen que los oficiales fueron desplegados para responder a los reclamos de desorden público, pero no dicen lo que pasó exactamente.

Dicen que 5 personas fueron detenidas como resultado de esto ... y que algunos de los oficiales sufrieron lesiones. También dicen que una mujer fue hospitalizada, pero se desconoce su estado.

Bedlam in Wales Woman Knocked Out by Thrown Tire During Insane Police Video

welcome to wrexham?

A woman appeared to be knocked unconscious after somebody threw a loose tire at her during an absolutely crazy fight between cops and citizens in Wales ... and it's on video.

This clip is pretty tough to watch considering the brutality shown. It depicts a decent-sized crowd of people straight up battling with a handful of police officers in the streets of Wrexham -- specifically, in the village of Rhosllanerchrugog.

You see cops trying to wrestle a man down in a residential neighborhood -- with a bunch of people (presumably neighbors) watching ... including tons of kids. Some of the adult bystanders actually appear to get in the mix. Safe to say, it's complete violent chaos.

Eventually, it looks like the police are actually surrounded by hostile citizens and they bust out their batons -- telling them to get back, threatening to swing on them. One officer even deploys his pepper spray as the other cops continue dealing with someone on the ground.

That's when a large bicycle tire gets hurled out of nowhere by someone out in the crowd. It appears to have been intended for one of the cops -- but it hits an innocent lady who's just standing there. She goes down immediately, losing all control of her body ... hitting the ground hard. People are freaking out, and another woman carrying a baby checks on her.

The clip cuts out after that -- so it's unclear what happens after. North Wales Police have since addressed this incident, which occurred Thursday. They say officers were deployed to respond to reports of public disorder, but they don't say what that was exactly.

They say 5 people were arrested as a result of this ... and that some of the officers sustained injuries. They also say a woman was hospitalized, but her condition is unknown.

Peso Pluma Pulls Plug On Tijuana Show ... After Death Threats From Cartel

Peso Pluma isn't gonna take any chances with the Mexican cartel ... canceling next month's show in Tijuana after death threats made to the singer were spotted in the city.

The cancellation was announced on Instagram Wednesday -- music labels Double P Records and Prajin Music Group said in a statement, "Our goal is to protect the fans and the team. For the safety of everyone involved, we will cancel our show in Tijuana."

As we reported, it's been a week since the 24-year-old singer was in the cartel's crosshairs ... when banners were spotted within the city, warning Peso to not come to Tijuana and perform.

They read, "This goes to Peso Pluma, refrain from presenting yourself on October 14, because it will be your last show due to your disrespect and loose tongue." Seems the message was received loud and clear.

The threat was signed by the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, an organization based in the city where Peso was born.

FYI, Peso is just one of many Mexican artists who make references to drug lords, illegal organizations, and other crimes that have gone down in the country -- it appears that was where the cartel's distaste was coming from.

Peso Pluma Cancela su show en Tijuana tras recibir amenazas de muerte

Peso Pluma no va a correr ningún riesgo con el cartel mexicano. El cantante acaba de cancelar el show del próximo mes en Tijuana después de recibir amenazas de muerte.

La cancelación se anunció este miércoles en Instagram. Los sellos discográficos Double P Records y Prajin Music Group dijeron en un comunicado: "Nuestro objetivo es proteger a los fans y al equipo. Por la seguridad de todos los involucrados, cancelaremos nuestro show en Tijuana".

Como bien informamos, ha pasado justo una semana desde que el cantante de 24 años recibiera amenazas de parte del cartel, cuando diversas pancartas en la ciudad le advertían que no viniera a actuar a Tijuana.

Las advertencias decían: "Esto va para ti Peso Pluma, abstente de presentarte el día 14 de octubre porque será tu última presentación, esto por irrespetuoso y lengua suelta. Te presentas y te vamos a partir toda tu madre. Att CJNG”, decía el mensaje, y parece que fue recibido fuerte y claro.

La amenaza fue firmada por el Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación, una organización con sede en la ciudad donde nació Peso.

Para su información, Peso es solo uno de los muchos artistas mexicanos que hace referencias a los capos de la droga, organizaciones ilegales, y otros delitos en sus canciones. Parece que de ahí el disgusto del cartel.