Kyle Richards' Daughter Burglarized to the Tune of $1 Million!!!

Kyle Richards' daughter, Farrah Aldjufrie's home was hit by burglars last week ... and the thieves ended up taking off with upwards of a million bucks worth of stuff.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... the LASD Major Crimes unit is handling the investigation for the break-in, which took place at Farrah's house last Tuesday.

We're told thieves got away with sentimental and super-expensive jewelry, Hermes bags, designer luggage, high-end watches, and other luxury goods.

'General Hospital' Haley Pullos Thrown Into Jail for Next 90 Days ... Pled No Contest in DUI Case

Haley Pullos got thrown into jail this week over her DUI case -- and from the way she looked going into court ... it's almost as if she knew what was coming.

The "General Hospital" star was photographed walking into court Monday -- and she definitely didn't look too happy with what she was about to face. As it turns out, Haley ended up pleading no contest to one of the charges against her ... driving under the influence with .08 BAC causing bodily injury.

Officers at the time claimed they found edibles and mini-bottles of tequila in her car -- and that she showed clear signs of intoxication. Even before this nasty wreck -- which landed the other driver in the hospital -- police alleged she'd been involved in an earlier hit-and-run incident.

Hero Crimefighter Grandma Shoots Robber ... In the Middle of Taylor Swift 'Eras' Flick!!!

Forget anti-heroes ... a grandma in New Mexico is a full-blown hero after shooting an intruder who was on the run from cops -- right in the middle of Taylor Swift's "Eras" flick!

Anissa Tinnin was watching the movie version of Taylor's tour with her granddaughter. They were having a great time, singing, dancing, popping M&M's ... when a guy named Joseph Rivera came charging through her front door. Turns out Rivera had allegedly stolen a car and cops were on to him.

Tinnin says she was manhandled, threatened and ordered to turn over her car keys, which she did. She says, "I told him not to hurt us ... I would do whatever he wanted."

R. Kelly Chicago Sex Abuse Conviction Upheld 20-Year Sentence Remains


8:47 AM PT -- R. Kelly's lawyer Jennifer Bonjean tells TMZ ... "Our fight is not over. We will see review from the USSC (SCOTUS) on the statute of limitations questions at a minimum. And he has habeas remedies at his disposal. And if we win in NY. He will be entitled to resentencing in Illinois. So this story is far from over."

R. Kelly's crusade to make a dent in his lengthy lockup in prison has crashed and burned ... a federal appellate court just upheld his conviction and sentence to cap off the week.

The "Ignition" singer was sentenced to 20 years in prison in his child porn case out of Chicago, and the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals just affirmed that sentence -- this after Kelly tried having it tossed, citing the statute of limitations had passed as his defense.

Kim Kardashian Vuelve a la Casa Blanca por la reforma a la justicia penal

Para segundas oportunidades

Kim Kardashian volvió a la Casa Blanca para abogar por la reforma a la justicia penal, solo que esta vez se reunió con el equipo de Biden, demostrando que ella es leal a la causa y no a ningún partido político.

La estrella de los realities, que ha utilizado regularmente su plataforma para abogar por esto, se reunió con la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris el jueves en una mesa redonda. Esto, luego de que el Presidente concediera la clemencia a 16 personas previamente condenadas por delitos de drogas no violentos.

Aquí para ayudar

Al hablar con la vicepresidenta y algunas de las personas indultadas, dejó claro que su única agenda era abogar por una reforma penitenciaria, no importa quién esté en la oficina, y agradeció a los sujetos recientemente liberados por compartir sus historias y poner foco en el tema.

Harvey Weinstein Festejos y lágrimas Tras la anulación de su condena por violación

La condena por violación de Harvey Weinstein en Nueva York ha sido anulada y la decisión lo hizo emocionarse mientras se encuentra cumpliendo su tiempo en prisión.

La representante de Weinstein Juda Engelmayer le dice a TMZ que charló con su cliente dos veces hoy y está muy contento por el fallo de la Corte de Apelaciones el jueves, el que determinó que sus derechos constitucionales fueron violados en 2020 durante su juicio.

Sin embargo, Juda dice que el magnate del cine que actualmente se encuentra en una prisión del norte del estado de Nueva York, solo está cautelosamente optimista por el fallo del tribunal y sabe que tiene un camino difícil por delante, sobre todo porque queda por ver si va a ser procesado nuevamente y cuándo.

Kim Kardashian Back at White House For Criminal Justice Reform

to second chances

Kim Kardashian went back to the White House to advocate for criminal justice reform -- only here, it was with Biden's camp ... proving she's loyal to the cause, and not to any party.

The reality star -- who has regularly used her platform to advocate for this -- met with Vice President Kamala Harris Thursday for a roundtable discussion after POTUS granted clemency to 16 people previously convicted of nonviolent drug offenses.

here to help

As Kim spoke with the Veep and some of the pardoned individuals, she made it clear her only agenda was to advocate for prison reform, no matter who's in office ... and she thanked the recently released subjects for sharing their stories and putting a spotlight on the issue.

HARVEY WEINSTEIN CHEERS & TEARS After Rape Conviction Overturned

Harvey Weinstein's NYC rape conviction getting overturned has him so elated it's reduced him to tears as he sits in prison.

Weinstein's rep Juda Engelmayer tells TMZ he chatted with his client twice today, and Harvey's over the moon about the news of the Court of Appeals ruling Thursday ... which determined his constitutional rights were violated back in 2020 during the trial.

However, Juda says the disgraced movie mogul -- currently incarcerated in an upstate NY State prison -- is only cautiously optimistic about the court's ruling, and knows he has a difficult road ahead of him, especially since it remains to be seen if and when he'll be prosecuted again.



A bus driver found himself in the middle of a brutal attack last week, which was captured on video ... and which resulted in a huge crash, not to mention an arrest.

Cops allege passenger Tihron Harrison flipped into a rage Saturday while riding one of the city buses -- this after he apparently asked to be dropped off at a certain cross street, only to be rebuffed by the driver ... who told him he could leave him at the next designated stop.

As a result, Harrison flipped out and started going after the driver ... reaching out around the protective plexiglass and punching the driver's face, all while the bus is still in motion.

Conductor de bus en Oklahoma Agredido violentamente por un pasajero Causa un accidente!!!


Un conductor de autobús se encontró en medio de un brutal ataque la semana pasada, que fue capturado en video, y dio lugar a un gran accidente, por no hablar de un arresto.

La policía alega que el pasajero Tihron Harrison perdió totalmente el control el sábado mientras viajaba en uno de los autobuses de la ciudad. Esto, después de que al parecer le pidiera al conductor que lo dejara en una determinada calle, cosa que fue rechazada por el conductor, quien le dijo que podía dejarlo en la siguiente parada designada.

Como resultado, Harrison enloqueció y decidió abalanzarse en contra de él. Abrió el plexiglás de protección y hasta lo golpeó en la cara, mientras el bus seguía en movimiento.

Harvey Weinstein NY Rape Conviction Overturned ... Got Unfair Shake at Trial


7:28 AM PT -- A rep for the Manhattan D.A.'s Office tells TMZ ... "We will do everything in our power to retry this case, and remain steadfast in our commitment to survivors of sexual assault."

Harvey Weinstein's New York rape conviction just got overturned in the appeals court -- and a new trial has been ordered ... although it remains to be seen if he'll be prosecuted again.

The 4-3 ruling came down Thursday ... with the majority of judges agreeing that the disgraced movie producer's constitutional rights were violated back in 2020 when this case was first going down. According to them, prosecutors allowed other women to testify who weren't pertinent to the charges he was facing.

Harvey Weinstein Condena por violación es anulada en NY ... Recibió un trato injusto en el juicio


7:28 AM PT - Un representante de la Oficina del Fiscal de Manhattan le dice a TMZ: "Haremos todo lo posible para volver a juzgar este caso y permanecer firmes en nuestro compromiso con las sobrevivientes de abuso sexual".

La condena por violación de Harvey Weinstein en Nueva York acaba de ser anulada en el tribunal de apelaciones y se ha ordenado un nuevo juicio, aunque está por verse si va a ser procesado nuevamente o no.

La mayoría de los jueces coincidieron en que los derechos constitucionales del productor de cine fueron violados en 2020, cuando se inició el caso. Según ellos, los fiscales permitieron que declararan otras mujeres que no eran pertinentes a los cargos que enfrentaba.

En última instancia, decidieron que terminó siendo juzgado por otros casos relacionados con su presunto comportamiento en el pasado y no por los delitos específicos de los que había sido acusado. Como resultado, el Tribunal de Apelaciones de Nueva York consideró que Weinstein merece un jurado completamente nuevo para ser juzgado.

TMZ TV Hot Takes Brendan Paul's Arrest ... Kanye West, Caitlin Clark

Drug charges, an adult entertainment venture and a new shoe deal ... all in a day's work for TMZ! Check out the best clips from Wednesday.

TMZ Live


On "TMZ Live," Harvey and Charles discuss Diddy's associate Brendan Paul facing felony drug charges after his arrest last month.

Brendan Paul El ayudante de Diddy es acusado de un delito de drogas

El socio de Diddy, Brendan Paul, acaba de ser acusado de un delito grave por posesión de drogas y podría significar problemas para el magnate del rap.

Paul, que trabajaba como asistente principal de Diddy, fue arrestado en marzo en el Aeropuerto Ejecutivo de Miami-Opa Locka después de que los federales hicieran una redada en el avión y encontraran cocaína y caramelos de marihuana. Fue detenido y puesto bajo custodia, al mismo tiempo que los federales allanaban las mansiones de Diddy en Miami y Los Ángeles.

El joven de 25 años, que era muy amigo de Diddy y estaba al tanto de sus idas y venidas, se declaró inocente. Su abogado, Brian Bieber, le dice a TMZ: "Trataremos este caso en la sala del tribunal, no en el tribunal de la opinión pública".

Brendan Paul Diddy's Assistant Charged with Drug Felony

Diddy's associate, Brendan Paul, has just been charged with one felony count of drug possession, and it could spell trouble for the rap mogul.

Paul, a former Syracuse men's basketball player who worked as Diddy's main assistant, was arrested in March at the Miami-Opa Locka Executive Airport after feds searched his bag and allegedly found cocaine and marijuana candy. He was arrested and taken into custody, at the same time the feds were raiding Diddy's Miami and L.A. mansions.

The 25-year-old, who was extremely close to Diddy and was privy to Diddy's comings and goings, pled not guilty. His lawyer, Brian Bieber, tells TMZ, "We will be dealing with this case in the courtroom, not the court of public opinion."

Oregon Kidnapping Woman Abducted on Doorbell Cam ... Found, Suspect Knew Her

Hillsboro Police Department

A woman got kidnapped in Oregon over the weekend in the middle of the night -- all of which was captured on a doorbell camera ... and thankfully, she's been located and rescued.

Check out this footage that was taken Sunday night in Hillsboro, OR -- where a lady ran up to some stranger's home and tried ringing the doorbell before a dude entered the frame out of nowhere and swooped her up in his arms ... dragging her away as she screamed for help.

It's incredibly dramatic ... and while it might look random, cops are saying it's really not -- as they believe these two people knew each other and that there was some sort of relationship.