Cardi B contó una impactante historia sobre unos oficiales de policía de Los Ángeles que la registraron por sospecha de tráfico de drogas, aunque parece que es solo un cuento, porque no hay registros que lo prueben.
Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que lo que Cardi contó sobre supuestamente haber sido detenida por la policía, no es cierto. Supuestamente, los oficiales la desnudaron en busca de droga, pero la verdad es que no hay evidencia que lo pruebe.

Esto simplemente no figura en ningún registro. Nuestras fuentes insisten en que si algo tan dramático como lo que ella describió hubiera sucedido, estaría documentado.
Christine Quinn de 'Selling Sunset' El marido presenta una demanda contra ella ... Cuenta otra historia
El marido de Christine Quinn, Christian Dumontet, está tratando de darle la vuelta a la tortilla. Esto, después de haber sido arrestado por supuestamente haberla agredido, pues está corriendo a los tribunales en busca de protección.
Dumontet acaba de solicitar una orden de restricción temporal para resguardarse de ella, algo que dice que es más que necesario teniendo en cuenta lo que ella ha alegado en su contra, lo que incluye la violencia doméstica y que Dumontet niega por completo.
En los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, Dumontet cuenta una historia muy diferente sobre lo que supuestamente cuando fue arrastrado en bata de baño la semana pasada.
Según él, la discusión estalló sobre dos perros que son suyos, que Dumontet dice que no son domesticados y que aparentemente orinan y cagan por todo el lugar todo el tiempo dentro de su casa. Dumontet afirma que Christine se niega a tenerlos entrenados.
Good morning!
— Christine Quinn (@XtineQuinn) June 8, 2020 @XtineQuinn
Dumontet afirma que descubrió que los dos perros se habían orinado en unas pertenencias muy valiosas suyas, a pesar de que había bloqueado esa área de la casa de ellos. Asegura que cuando fue a confrontar a Christine al respecto la encontró en su dormitorio con un montón de artículos de limpieza y cosas esparcidas por todas partes.
Dumontet dice que se enfadó y cogió una bolsa de basura del suelo, que según él estaba llena de trapos sucios y toallas de papel, y la lanzó contra la pared en señal de frustración.
Niega haber tirado la bolsa a Christine, como ella declaró a la policía, y también niega haber tirado la bolsa a su hijo pequeño. Más importante aún, Dumontet dice que la bolsa no estaba llena de vidrio, que fue lo que Christine transmitió a la policía, según nos dicen.
Una vez que lanzó la bolsa, Dumontet afirma que trató de escoltar a su hijo lejos de todo el caos, pero alega que Christine arrebató al niño y se refugió en otra habitación de la casa. Dumontet dice que antes de que se diera cuenta, los policías entraron con las armas en alto y fue arrestado, por lo que afirma fueron mentiras de Christine sobre lo ocurrido.
Dumontet alega que Christine presentó un informe policial falso y que fabricó las acusaciones de violencia doméstica para ganar ventaja en un posible divorcio, por no hablar de la custodia del niño. También afirma que quería avergonzarlo con todo esto y por eso involucró a la policía. Un juez aún tiene que aprobar su solicitud de alejamiento temporal.
Nos contactamos con Christine para que hiciera comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.
Cubrimos el drama en un episodio reciente de TMZ Podcast, disponible en todas las plataformas de podcast.
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Cardi B Wild Story About LAPD Not Traceable with Police Sources
Cardi B told a wild story about LAPD officers searching her over suspected drug trafficking -- but it sounds like she was just yapping to yap ... 'cause there's no record of it at all.
Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... whatever Cardi was ranting about on Monday -- namely, allegedly being detained by cops and getting strip-searched, etc. -- does not appear to be grounded in reality ... as our sources tell us there's no evidence it ever occurred.

We're told that different divisions poked around on what she was describing -- which was somewhat incoherent rambling, TBH -- simply doesn't exist on any report sheet. Our sources insist that if something as dramatic as what she described happened, it'd be documented.
'Selling Sunset' Christine Quinn Husband Files for TRO Against Her ... Tells Different Story
Christine Quinn's husband, Christian Dumontet, is trying to turn the tables -- this after he was arrested for allegedly assaulting her -- because he's running to court for protection.
Dumontet's attorney, Alexandra Kazarian of Geragos & Geragos just filed for a temporary restraining order that seeks to enforce a legal forcefield around him -- something he says is more than necessary considering what she's alleged against him to police ... including domestic violence, which Dumontet completely denies.
In the docs, obtained by TMZ, Dumontet tells a very different story over what allegedly occurred last week when he was hauled away by police officers in his bathrobe.
DIDDY PRESUNTA "MULA" DETENIDA POR NARCOTRÁFICO En medio de redada de los federales
La supuesta "mula" de Diddy -tal y como se describe en una reciente demanda- fue arrestada el lunes, mientras Diddy y su equipo estaban siendo detenidos por agentes federales... TMZ ha confirmado.
De acuerdo con la declaración jurada obtenida por TMZ, Brendon Paul -de 25 años de edad- fue fichado por dos cargos de drogas diferentes luego de que los federales interceptaron el avión de Diddy en el aeropuerto de Opa Locka en Miami, por un cargo de posesión de presunta cocaína y otro de posesión de presuntos dulces de marihuana. Ambos son delitos graves en Florida.
En el papeleo, los oficiales afirman que mientras trabajaban en conjunto con el personal de Seguridad Nacional y Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza, se encontraron con lo que describen como las drogas sospechosas en las bolsas de viaje de Paul, las cuales dicen que reclamó.
Diddy Alleged 'Mule' Arrested on Drug Charges ... During Run-In with Feds
Exclusive Details
Diddy's alleged "mule" -- as described in a recent lawsuit -- was arrested Monday while Diddy and his crew were stopped by federal law enforcement agents ... TMZ has confirmed.
According to the affidavit, obtained by TMZ, 25-year-old Brendan Paul was booked on two separate drug charges after the feds intercepted Diddy's plane at the Opa Locka Airport in Miami -- namely, one count of possession of suspected cocaine and another of possession of suspected marijuana candy ... both of which are felonies in Florida.
In the paperwork, officers claim that while they were working in conjunction with Homeland Security and Customs and Border Protection personnel ... they came across what they describe as the suspected drugs in Paul's travel bags, which they say he claimed.
The TMZ Podcast: New Details About Diddy's Home Raids & Baltimore's Key Bridge Collapses
On this episode of The TMZ podcast ...
Diddy's homes in Los Angeles and Miami were raided by Homeland Security following several allegations in recent months, including human trafficking. And, he was spotted pacing around Miami Airport as everything went down.
Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge completely collapsed with reportedly 8 people on the structure after a cargo ship collided with it, and it was all caught on video.
Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce packed on the PDA while going for a swim out in the Bahamas last week.
Plus, the infamous door that Kate Winslet's character laid on at the end of 'Titanic' recently sold as the priciest item at a film memorabilia auction.
Subscribe to The TMZ Podcast wherever you get your podcasts!
Hosts: Charlie Cotton & Deven Rall
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Diddy LoveAir Private Jet Tracked Amid Raids Down on Caribbean Island
Diddy's homes were raided in the U.S. to kick off the week -- but the guy's own private jet is miles away in a completely different nation ... although it's unclear if he's aboard himself.
TMZ has tracked Diddy's personal LoveAir LLC jet -- the well-known black Gulfstream 5 that Diddy has flaunted and flown for years now -- and it looks like the aircraft is currently on the ground in Antigua ... which is down in the Caribbean.
Based on the flight activity, viewed by TMZ, Diddy's jet has been up and down California between Sunday and Monday -- taking off from Sacramento Executive Airport Sunday evening around 5:30 PM PT and landing at Palm Springs Int'l Airport about an hour later.

Un hombre de California está compitiendo con el hombre de Florida por el titular más extraño de la semana, porque fue arrestado por caminar y aparentemente masticar una pierna humana.
El nombre del tipo es Rosendo Tellez, y fue arrestado el viernes cerca de Bakersfield -en una pequeña ciudad llamada Wasco- después de que testigos lo vieron paseando por la ciudad con lo que parecía ser una extremidad inferior completa.
Funcionarios del Condado de Kern dicen que la pierna fue tomada ilegalmente de la escena de un accidente de tren esa mañana, cuando Téllez la robó después de que un hombre fue atropellado y muerto en la estación de Amtrak en la ciudad. No mucho después de eso, los ciudadanos dicen que vieron Tellez caminando con la pierna en la mano.
California Man Appears to Go Full Zombie Walking Around, Biting Human Leg?!?

A California man is competing with Florida Man for weirdest headline of the week -- 'cause he got arrested for walking around and apparently chomping on a human severed leg.
The dude's name is Rosendo Tellez. and he got busted Friday out near Bakersfield -- in a small town called Wasco -- after eyewitnesses saw him strolling through town with what looked to be an entire limb that was attached to a person just earlier in the day.
Kern County officials say the leg was illegally taken from the scene of a train accident that morning -- when Tellez is alleged to have swooped it up after a man was hit and killed at the Amtrak station in town. Not too long after that ... citizens say they spotted Tellez holding it.
Travis' Etienne's Brother Trevor Arrested For DUI
Breaking News
Trevor Etienne -- the college football star and brother to Jacksonville Jaguars running back Travis Etienne -- has been arrested for DUI ... TMZ has confirmed.
A representative with the Athens-Clarke County jail tells TMZ ... Trevor was booked at 4:35 AM ET on a DUI charge.
He was also charged with reckless driving, failure to maintain lane/improper driving on the road, and affixing materials that reduce visibility of windows/windshield.
Tiffany Haddish Sobria después del arresto... Por mandato judicial

Tiffany Haddish está viviendo una vida recta, pues asegura que no ha bebido ni fumado por más de dos meses, aunque admite que no ha sido totalmente por elección.
La comediante se unió a "The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet" el viernes, donde reveló que está llevando una vida sobria por estos días y que no ha bebido ni fumado ni hecho cualquier otra cosa en unos 72 días.

Tiffany dice que no ha sido tan difícil porque nunca ha sido una gran consumidora de sustancias, así que está bien con dejar todo eso.
Pero, no se dejen engañar. Haddish no lo está haciendo totalmente por iniciativa propia, también afirma que un juez le ordenó que dejara cualquier sustancia.
Tiffany también añade que habría luchado contra su cargo más reciente de conducción en estado de ebriedad (DUI) si el estrés no estuviera haciendo estragos en su salud, pues solo estaba conduciendo cansada.

Por supuesto, Haddish llegó a un acuerdo de culpabilidad en su caso de DUI de Hollywood, tras declararse no contendiente en febrero por una condena de conducción temeraria, un cargo mucho menor.
Recuerden, Tiffany fue detenida en noviembre luego de que los policías la encontraran dormida en su carro, el que estaba aparcado torpemente en la calle. Ella fue liberada poco después y bromeó sobre el incidente durante una rutina de comedia.

Más allá de todas las bromas, parece que Haddish realmente ha hecho un gran cambio en su vida, incluso si no era 100% su idea cuando comenzó.
¡¡¡Felicidades por tu sobriedad, Tiffany!!!
Tiffany Haddish Off Substances After DUI Arrest ... Court-Mandated Sobriety

Tiffany Haddish is living a straight-and-narrow existence ... saying she's been off substances for well over two months -- though admitting it's not totally by choice.
The comedian joined "The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet" Friday where she revealed she's living the sober life these days ... claiming she hasn't drunk, smoked weed or done anything else in about 72 days.

TH says it hasn't been super hard for her ... 'cause she says she's never been a big user of substances anyway -- so she's cool with giving all that up.
But, don't get fooled ... Haddish isn't totally making that decision on her own -- 'cause she claims she's actually been ordered by a judge to lay off any and all substances.
Tiffany also adds she would've fought her most recent DUI charge if the stress wasn't doing a number on her health -- saying she was just driving while tired.

Of course, Haddish copped a plea deal in her Hollywood DUI case ... pleading no contest in February to a conviction of reckless driving -- a much lesser charge.
Remember ... Tiffany was arrested in November when cops claimed they found her asleep in her car, parked awkwardly on the street. She was released pretty soon after, and joked about the incident during a comedy set pretty quickly after.

Through all the jokes, it seems Haddish has really made a huge change to her life -- even if it wasn't 100% her idea to begin with.
Congrats on your sobriety, Tiffany!!!
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Tim McKyer Three-Time SB Champ ... Cuts Deal To Close Out Hit-&-Run Case
Tim McKyer -- a three-time Super Bowl champion -- reached a deal with prosecutors on Friday in order to close out his hit-and-run case, TMZ Sports has learned.
Court records show the former San Francisco 49ers defensive back agreed to enter into a pretrial diversion program ... and in exchange, officials said they'd drop the charges against him if he successfully completed it.
According to court documents, in order to accomplish that ... McKyer must do 16 hours of community service, take four hours of defensive driving courses, pay $100 and keep his nose clean. A hearing has been set for late May to determine if McKyer has fulfilled all of the requirements.
It appears to be a good deal for McKyer -- as the ex-NFL player was facing serious time behind bars after he was charged with five counts of leaving the scene of an accident with property damage stemming from an alleged incident in a Riviera Beach, FL parking garage back on Feb. 19.
You'll recall, authorities accused McKyer of slamming his Tesla into five parked vehicles ... before leaving the scene without notifying anybody.
We reached out to McKyer's attorney for comment, but so far, no word back yet.
McKyer -- who last played in the 1997 NFL season -- logged time with seven different teams in his 12-year career ... recording 470 combined tackles and 33 interceptions.
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'RHOP' Star KAREN HUGER Reeked of BOOZE AFTER CRASH ... According to Cops
Karen Huger was swaying and had a strong odor of alcohol on her breath following her frightening crash Tuesday night in Potomac, MD ... this according to the police report.
According to the report, obtained by TMZ, officers noted the 'Real Housewives of Potomac' cast member also had slurred speech and bloodshot eyes when they arrived on scene -- and they say she didn't answer when cops asked her twice how much she had to drink.
Officers also noted she had 2 closed bottles of the alcoholic beverage Stella inside her vehicle.
The report adds that while cops thought Karen appeared to be intoxicated ... she declined to undergo a field sobriety test or a breathalyzer.
Fire rescue, which also responded to the scene, tried to get her to sit on a stretcher -- but the report says she refused both the stretcher and any medical care.
According to officers, Karen also made it clear she did not wish to be recorded when officers told her she was on their bodycam footage.
She was ultimately arrested for DUI, and driven to the police station where she was issued citations ... and later released to her husband, Raymond.
As we reported ... cops told us Karen hit the median and a street sign late Tuesday night while driving her 2017 Maserati -- and a security guard in the neighborhood called the police after witnessing the whole thing.
Huger hasn't addressed the charges yet.
BTW, we spoke with Karen's 'RHOP' costar Candiace Dillard Bassett ... who filled us in on the folks showing her tons of support following her crash -- as well as what it might mean for Karen's future on the series.

Pretty interesting insight from a reality bedfellow ... take a look for yourself.
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Menendez Brothers Murder Mansion Sells for $17M ... 28 Years After Conviction
The home where Erik and Lyle Menendez brutally murdered their parents just sold for big money ... and coincidentally, the transaction closed on a case-related anniversary.
According to the Los Angeles Times ... the mansion sold for $17 million on Wednesday just a couple months after being put on the market in December.
The home contains seven bedrooms, a pool, a tennis court, and a two-story guest house. It was purchased for $3.7 million in 2001 -- a pretty impressive ROI for the previous owner. reports the house sold for under its prevailing market value -- perhaps unsurprising given the grisly events that took place there.
As we said -- the sale of the house just so happened to fall exactly 28 years after the Menendez brothers were convicted of first-degree murder for killing their parents, Jose and Kitty, with a shotgun. They were convicted on March 20, 1996.

Of course, the Menendez case received a whole bunch of media attention last year after the release of the docuseries "Menendez + Menudo: Boys Betrayed" in which a member of the band Menudo claimed Jose Menendez had raped him while he was a teen.
Erik and Lyle's attorney Mark Geragos was pushing for a new trial based on the claim ... and, though that hasn't happened yet, it definitely renewed interest in the case.

No word yet on who the buyer might be ... but, it looks like they bagged themselves one heck of a property -- with one heck of an ugly history. Good luck!