Defense Attorney Mike Cavalluzzi Crumbley Verdicts Might Be Good ... More Watchful Parents


Ethan Crumbley's parents have been convicted of involuntary manslaughter in connection with the crime committed by their son ... an outcome at least one criminal defense attorney sees as both a troubling sign and a great lesson for parents.

We spoke with attorney Mike Cavalluzzi -- a Los Angeles-based lawyer -- about the verdicts on "TMZ Live" Friday, and, while he said he's concerned about the expanding criminal liability ... he's also seeing it as a wake-up call for parents.

As Mike explains it, school shootings in the United States have become far too commonplace, and he says he views verdicts like this as a way to stop people from buying weapons these shooters end up using to harm others.

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Mike also called the potential changes parents will make from Thursday's verdict opportunities rather than consequences -- as in, giving people the opportunity to make good parenting decisions.

Basically, MC says the verdicts will likely keep parents on high alert ... and, hopefully, that will help parents see the warning signs before it's too late.

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As you know ... Ethan Crumbley -- who killed four students during a 2021 shooting at Oxford High School in Michigan -- received life without the possibility of parole back in December, but his parents were also charged in connection with the crime.

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FOX 2 Detroit

Ethan's parents -- James and Jennifer Cumbley -- were both found guilty of involuntary manslaughter for being criminally negligent in the lead-up to their son's shooting ... with prosecutors even claiming James bought Ethan the gun he used days prior.

Jennifer was found guilty in early February while James got his guilty verdict Thursday ... but both are scheduled to be sentenced April 9.

Bottom line ... these verdicts may make some parents a bit nervous -- and Mike Cavalluzzi thinks that's probably for the best.

Subway Brawl Man Shot in Head with His Own Gun ... Altercation Caught on Video


A NYC subway rider is in critical condition after getting shot in the head at the end of a brutal brawl where he was also stabbed ... and the whole thing was recorded by an onlooker.

This went down Thursday in Brooklyn, where cops say 2 men got into a fight while they were both riding a subway car -- their showdown alarmed nearby commuters, some of whom started shooting video as it got physical.

Police say they were told the man who was shot actually instigated things -- and that seems to be confirmed by the video -- as he squared off with the other guy.


While the 2 men were punching and wrestling each other, a woman enters the fray and apparently stabs one of them in the back -- it appears she was with the other combatant. l

The stabbing victim, who was visibly bleeding, started screaming and asking if she'd stabbed him .. and then fumbles in his jacket pocket for a gun.

The man he was originally fighting ran over and tried to shield his woman ... as the gun-wielding man corners them.

At that point, everyone else in the subway car started running in the opposite direction ... desperately trying to get off, because they've seen the gun. It was a tense and terrifying scene ... and as they were cowering 4 gunshots go off.

Struggling To Stay Safe

Someone captured the aftermath of this -- where you can see cops on the scene attending to the man who was shot ... and as you can see it's the man who originally pulled out the gun.

The other man was eventually cuffed and led away, but it's unclear if he's been charged yet.

Rushed Out

NYC officials say it appears the man who was detained wrestled the gun away and fired upon the other man -- no word on whether this will be determined to be self-defense. The man who was shot was eventually rushed away by paramedics, and he's hospitalized in critical condition.

Missouri Teen Suffered Brain Damage After Brawl ... Family Starts GoFundMe

The Missouri teen who got her head slammed into the ground during a fight has suffered severe brain damage -- and now, her family is asking for help.

The 15-year-old's loved ones have started a GoFundMe for her, and they've revealed her name as Kaylee ... with them noting that she's battling for her life as she remains hospitalized in critical condition following last week's incident.

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According to the GFM -- which is aiming to raise $120,000 to help cover her mounting medical costs -- the brawl left Kaylee with major brain bleeding and swelling.

They also say she suffered a skull fracture and frontal lobe damage as well -- noting she's just at the start of what they consider to be an uphill battle of recovery.

Her family doesn't explicitly say it ... but it sounds like she might not be conscious.

Remember, Kaylee was seen alone and convulsing on the ground as the scuffle continued to play out around her -- which included several other teens throwing punches at one another. According to her family ... EMTs eventually arrived on the scene and rushed Kaylee to a local hospital in St. Louis, but it seems like the damage might've already been done by then.

As we reported ... the teen girl who assaulted Kaylee was arrested on a first-degree felony charge -- but the case is currently being handled by the juvenile court system due to the perpetrator's age.

However, we've learned she could be tried as an adult ... depending on how a court hearing plays out in a couple weeks. If Kaylee's condition worsens, it could spell bad news for the culprit in question too.

Stay tuned ...

OJ da Juiceman Still Makin' Trap Go Aye!!! Arrested On Drug Traffickin' Charges

OJ da Juiceman's 'brick' lyrics and infectious ad-libs may be his claim to fame -- but Georgia officials are looking at him in a different light after they say the rapper was ridin' dirty.

According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ Hip Hop, OJ was flagged for allegedly speeding in Coweta County, GA on March 4 around 10 PM ... and gave responding officers a short chase before he eventually pulled over.

After being apprehended, Coweta County sheriffs say OJ had cocaine and a 9mm handgun in his 2024 Ford Expedition and popped him on charges for drug trafficking in cocaine and other drugs, fleeing cops, firearm possession, and failure to maintain his lane.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

We’re told the 42-year-old rapper has been sitting in the jail since the arrest.

OJ had a spark when he first started rap ... he was a 2010 XXL Freshman alongside, J. Cole, Freddie Gibbs and Nipsey Hussle and was aligned with Gucci Mane early on ... but has only been releasing music sporadically the past few years.

It probably won't surprise anyone if that output slows down even further now.

Adolescente en Missouri Sufre daños cerebrales tras una pelea ... La familia empieza un GoFundMe

La adolescente de Missouri que se golpeó la cabeza contra el suelo durante una pelea ha sufrido graves daños cerebrales y ahora su familia está pidiendo ayuda.

Los seres queridos de la chica de 15 años comenzaron un GoFundMe para ella y han revelado su nombre como el de Kaylee, señalando que está luchando por su vida y que permanece hospitalizada y en estado crítico tras el incidente de la semana pasada.

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El brutal ataque

De acuerdo con el GoFundMe, que tiene como objetivo recaudar $100.000 para ayudar a cubrir sus crecientes gastos médicos, la pelea dejó a Kaylee con una hemorragia cerebral importante e hinchazón.

También dicen que sufrió una fractura de cráneo y daños en el lóbulo frontal, dando a entender que este es solo el comienzo de lo que podría ser una batalla cuesta arriba para su completa recuperación.

Su familia no lo dice explícitamente, pero parece que podría no estar consciente.

Recuerden, Kaylee fue vista sola y convulsionando en el suelo mientras la refriega continuaba a su alrededor, la que incluyó a varios otros adolescentes lanzándose golpes entre sí. Según su familia, los paramédicos finalmente llegaron a la escena y se apresuraron en llevar a Kaylee a un hospital local en St. Louis, pero parece que el daño podría haber estado hecho para entonces.

Como informamos, la adolescente que asaltó a Kaylee fue detenida por un cargo de delito grave en primer grado, pero el caso está siendo manejado por el sistema de tribunales de menores debido a la edad del autor.

Sin embargo, hemos averiguado que ella podría ser juzgada como un adulto, dependiendo de cómo se desarrolle una audiencia en la corte en un par de semanas. Si la condición de Kaylee empeora, podría significar malas noticias para quien resulte culpable.

Manténganse en sintonía ...

Jaguars WR Zay Jones Domestic Battery Case Dropped

Jacksonville Jaguars wide receiver Zay Jones is off the hook in his domestic battery case -- the charge he was facing was dropped a day before he was scheduled to be arraigned, TMZ Sports has confirmed.

According to a disposition notice from the Florida Assistant State Attorney filed on Tuesday ... prosecutors declined to move forward against Jones after reviewing evidence from the alleged incident back on November 13.

As we previously reported, cops said Jones -- a 2nd round pick out of the 2017 NFL Draft -- and the mother of his child got into a heated argument that turned physical at a Jacksonville condo/apartment after she allegedly told him she was taking their child to Orlando.

Cops said in the report that they "observed several small scratches on the victim's neck, consistent with marks from a fingernail" ... and Jones was arrested for first-degree domestic battery causing bodily harm.

The team had no comment on the situation at the time.

Jones played college football at East Carolina, where he broke several school records including receptions in a game (22) ... and has suited up for the Bills, Raiders and Jags.

He became one of Trevor Lawrence's go-to guys and had an NFL career-high of 823 receiving yards in 2022.

Andrew Tate Detenido en Rumanía

Andrew Tate se enfrenta a más problemas legales: el influencer online fue detenido el lunes en Rumanía por presuntos delitos sexuales.

Tate y su hermano Tristan fueron detenidos anoche por 24 horas después de que las autoridades británicas emitieran órdenes de arresto por delitos de agresión sexual y explotación de personas en Gran Bretaña entre 2012 y 2015.

Su portavoz Mateea Petrescu negó categóricamente las acusaciones a Associated Press, diciendo que los Tate "expresan su profunda decepción de que resuciten acusaciones tan graves sin nuevas pruebas sustanciales".

Cuatro mujeres se quejaron ante las autoridades británicas, alegando que los Tate abusaron física y sexualmente de ellas. Pero los fiscales se negaron a seguir adelante con los casos, lo que llevó a las denunciantes a iniciar un litigio civil contra los hermanos como último recurso para exigirles responsabilidades.

Se espera que el Tribunal de Apelación de Bucarest tome una decisión el martes sobre si ejecutar las órdenes de detención, cumpliendo las órdenes emitidas por el Tribunal de Magistrados de Westminster, en Londres, mientras los hermanos están detenidos.

En un caso aparte, los Tate fueron acusados en Rumanía el año pasado de violación, trata de personas y de formar una banda criminal para explotar mujeres sexualmente.

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Llevado en esposas

Un año antes, los Tate fueron arrestados originalmente con dos mujeres en ese caso, pero fueron liberados de la cárcel después de 3 meses y puestos bajo arresto domiciliario. Los hermanos han negado haber hecho nada malo.

Andrew Tate fue un ex kickboxer profesional que apareció en el reality show "Gran Hermano". Ahora dirige destacadas plataformas de redes sociales que expresan lo que muchos consideran un discurso de odio.

Andrew Tate Detained in Romania

Andrew Tate is facing more legal troubles ... the online influencer was busted Monday in Romania for alleged sexual offenses.

Tate and his brother, Tristan, were detained last evening for 24 hours after UK authorities issued arrest warrants accusing them of sexual aggression and exploiting people in Great Britain from 2012 to 2015.

Their spokesperson, Mateea Petrescu, categorically denied the accusations to the Associated Press, saying the Tate's "express profound disappointment that such serious allegations are being resurrected without substantial new evidence."

Four women complained to UK authorities, claiming the Tates physically and sexually abused them. But prosecutors declined to move forward with the cases, prompting the accusers to pursue civil litigation against the brothers as a last resort to hold them accountable.

The Bucharest Court of Appeal is expected to make a decision Tuesday on whether to execute the arrest warrants, carrying out the orders issued by the UK's Westminster Magistrates Court in London while the brothers are detained.

In a separate case, the Tates were indicted in Romania last year for rape, human trafficking and forming a criminal gang to sexually exploit women.

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A year earlier, the Tates were originally arrested with two women in that case, but they were released from jail after 3 months and put on house arrest. The brothers have denied any wrongdoing.

Andrew Tate was a former professional kickboxer who appeared on the reality show "Big Brother." He now runs prominent social media platforms expressing what many view as hate speech.

MISSOURI TEEN Arrested After Slamming Girl's Head on Ground Could be Tried as Adult

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A teenage girl has been arrested after video surfaced showing her pounding another girl's head into the ground during a fight, and we've learned prosecutors may try her as an adult.

The footage is shocking ... you can see 2 teens in the midst of a nasty brawl Friday near Hazelwood High School in Missouri -- with one of the girls gaining ground over the other, grabbing her head and slamming it into the sidewalk repeatedly once she's on top of her.

The girl getting pummeled appears to go unconscious almost instantly ... and other students around continue to scuffle. It looks like the girl on the ground starts to have a seizure too.

The girl whose head was slammed into the ground is reportedly in the hospital in critical condition. And now we're told cops have arrested the girl they believe did it to her on a first-degree felony charge ... and her case is being handled by the St. Louis County court system.

The D.A.'s Office has said the case isn't on their radar just yet ... because the perpetrator is a minor, and her case, for now, is being dealt with in the juvenile court system.

However, a rep for the St. Louis County Courts' 21st Judicial Circuit tells TMZ -- the minor in custody at the moment has a hearing in a couple weeks ... which will decide if she can be tried as an adult. We're told this could all happen by later this month.

We're told there's a lot of moving parts that would go into that decision -- including what ultimately happens to the girl in the hospital -- but if things take a turn for the worse ... this could be a much bigger deal than the charges she's currently facing.

In the meantime, the Hazelwood School District says that bullying and fighting are key community issues that need to be addressed for the sake of local children.

They add, "The Hazelwood School District offers our sincerest condolences to everyone involved, and will offer additional emotional support from our support and crisis team to those in need." No update on how exactly the girl in the hospital is doing.

Flau'jae Johnson's Brother Arrested After Injuring SEC Staff ... During LSU-SC Fight

The brother of LSU hoops star Flau'jae Johnson has been arrested after cops say he injured an SEC employee when he jumped onto the basketball court as a scuffle broke out on the hardwood during the Tigers-Gamecocks game.

Greenville Police tell TMZ Sports that Johnson's brother, Trayron Milton, was taken into custody Monday and was charged with assault, battery in the 3rd degree and disorderly conduct.

The arrest comes following his involvement in the altercation during the women's SEC title game on Sunday at Bon Secours Wellness Arena ... which was started when Gamecocks guard MiLaysia Fulwiley shoved Johnson to the floor.

Milton, who was sitting courtside, hopped over the scorer's table, apparently trying to defend his sister, but also injuring an SEC employee in the process.

"While Milton was jumping over the barrier, the victim was sitting at the scorer's table at the edge of the court," a GPD spokesperson said.

"To get over the table, Milton came from behind the table, pushed down on the victim’s head, and stepped on her shoulders to jump over."

Milton was eventually placed in handcuffs and escorted out of the arena while being booed by fans.

Johnson has not commented about the incident or her brother's arrest ... but South Carolina head coach Dawn Staley said the LSU guard approached her after the game and apologized.

As of Monday morning, Milton has not posted bond.

Jonathan Majors Se ejercita duro en el gimnasio Para posible nuevo papel...

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Trabajando duro en el gym

La carrera de Jonathan Majors en Hollywood aún no ha terminado, incluso con su sentencia acercándose, él ha estado yendo al gimnasio a tiempo completo para ponerse en forma para un próximo papel en una película y nos dejó tener un vistazo de su rutina.

Fuentes cercanas a Majors le dicen a TMZ que el actor estuvo en Los Ángeles una semana, entrenando duro en el gimnasio y poniéndose en forma para un posible rol antes de volar de regreso a Nueva York.

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Poniéndose en forma

No se sabe cuál podría ser ese papel, pero nos dicen que requeriría que él esté en increíble forma y es por eso que estaba entrenando tan intensamente.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Jonathan tiene como objetivo verse súper musculoso, como un superhéroe musculoso, y el video muestra que se está acercando bastante a su meta.

Jonathan solía ser una estrella de Marvel antes de que el estudio lo dejara luego de que un jurado de Nueva York lo declarara culpable por el delito menor de agresión y acoso por el ahora famoso incidente con su ex novia, Grace Jabbari.

Nos dicen que Jonathan está haciendo ejercicio con sus entrenadores habituales, quienes lo están poniendo en plena forma.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que durante el próximo mes Jonathan viajará entre Los Ángeles y Nueva York para ver a Meagan Good y entrenar en L.A.

Lo que no está claro es cuándo comenzaría el rodaje de la película, si lo consigue, el tiempo es esencial, suponiendo que tenga que hacerlo antes de ser sentenciado.

En estos momentos, la sentencia está fijada para el 8 de abril, pero sus abogados siguen intentando que se anule la condena.

Jonathan Majors Hitting Gym Hard For Potential New Movie Role

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Jonathan Majors' Hollywood career isn't over yet -- even as his sentencing looms, he's going full gym rat, getting in shape for an upcoming film shoot ... and we got a glimpse of his routine.

Sources close to Majors tell TMZ … he was in L.A. for a week, hitting the gym hard and training for a possible gig before flying back to New York.

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No word on what Jonathan's potential role might be, but we're told it would require him to be in incredible shape ... and that's why he was training so intensely.

Our sources say Jonathan's aiming to get shredded -- like superhero ripped -- and the video shows he's getting pretty close to that goal.

Remember, Jonathan was a Marvel star before the studio dropped him immediately after a New York jury found him guilty of misdemeanor assault and harassment for the now-infamous incident with his ex-GF, Grace Jabbari.

We're told Jonathan's working out with his regular trainers, who are getting him in tip-top shape.

For the next month or so, our sources say Jonathan will be shuffling back and forth between visiting Meagan Good in New York and training in Los Angeles.

What's unclear is when the movie shoot would begin -- if he lands it, time is of the essence ... assuming he'd have to get it done before he's sentenced.

Right now, sentencing is set for April 8, but his lawyers are still trying to get the conviction thrown out.

Treat Williams' Death Other Driver in Fatal Crash Strikes Plea Deal ... Won't Do Jail Time

The Vermont man who crashed into Treat Williams -- resulting in the beloved actor's death -- is pleading guilty to a reduced charge, and, as a result, he will not go to prison.

Ryan Koss pled guilty on Friday to negligent driving with death resulting. Koss was turning into a parking lot last June when he collided with Treat, who was riding his motorcycle. Although he was wearing a helmet, and was airlifted to a hospital for treatment, Treat did not survive his injuries.

In exchange for his plea, Koss is getting a one-year deferred sentence, probation and his license is revoked for a year. In addition, he'll have to complete a community restorative justice program for the misdemeanor charge.

Prosecutors say Koss has fully cooperated, and been accountable for the tragedy from the start, and even called Treat's wife from the scene of the accident to tell her what had happened.

During Friday's hearing, he said, “I’m here to apologize and take responsibility for this tragic accident.” Interestingly, Treat's family was not interested in pressing charges or seeing Koss do time.

Treat's son, Gill, was in court and told Koss, “I do forgive you, and I hope that you forgive yourself." Treat's wife, Pam, expressed a similar sentiment in a statement that was read in court ... but she added, “Our lives will never be the same, our family has been torn apart and there is a huge hole that can’t possibly be filled."

Koss had originally been facing up to 15 years in prison ... as he'd been charged with gross negligent operation with death resulting, a felony. He pled not guilty to that charge, before copping a plea for the reduced misdemeanor charge.

Treat famously starred in the movie, "Hair" and the CW TV series, "Everwood."

Armadora de "Rust" No lo pasa bien en la cárcel... Tras ser condenada

La cárcel es un infierno para Hannah Gutierrez-Reed. La armadora de "Rust" no lo está pasando bien mientras espera la sentencia por su condena de homicidio involuntario.

El abogado de Hannah, Jason Bowles, le dice a TMZ que ella está teniendo un tiempo muy difícil en el centro de detención de Nuevo México.

Nos dicen que la familia de Hannah ya se está organizando para ir a visitarla y sus seres queridos se encuentran devastados con la sentencia de culpabilidad por el homicidio involuntario de Halyna Hutchins mediante a un disparo.

Hannah fue declarada culpable el miércoles y rápidamente fue ingresada en el Centro de Detención de Adultos del Condado de Santa Fe, donde posó para una foto policial.

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Escuchando el veredicto
Court TV

Como bien saben, Hannah era la armera que estaba en el set de la película "Rust" cuando Alec Baldwin le disparó a Halyna con un arma de utilería cargada con munición real durante una escena.

El abogado de Hannah dice que van a apelar su condena e intentarán anular el veredicto y la sentencia.

Hannah fue declarada culpable de homicidio involuntario, pero fue considerada inocente del cargo de manipulación de pruebas.

Recuerden, la defensa de Hannah atribuyó el accidente a que ella estaba sobrecargada con el trabajo de producción, y su equipo legal insistió en que el disparo fatal de Halyna no tuvo nada que ver con Hannah.

El abogado de Hannah dice que la sala quedó conmocionada cuando se emitió el veredicto de culpabilidad y parece que ella está lidiando con su propia conmoción mientras se adapta a su vida tras las rejas.

Aún no se ha fijado la fecha de la sentencia, pero se enfrenta a 18 meses de prisión.

'Rust' Armorer Having Difficult Time In Jail ... After Manslaughter Conviction

Jail is hell for Hannah Gutierrez-Reed ... the "Rust" armorer is having a tough time behind bars as she awaits sentencing for her manslaughter conviction.

Hannah's lawyer, Jason Bowles, tells TMZ ... she is having a really ​difficult time in her new digs, a New Mexico detention center.

We're told Hannah's family is already setting up a time to visit her ... and her loved ones have been devastated by her guilty verdict for involuntary manslaughter in the accidental shooting death of Halyna Hutchins.

Hannah was found guilty Wednesday and was quickly booked into the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Facility, posing for a mug shot.

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Court TV

As you know ... Hannah was the armorer on the "Rust" movie set when Alec Baldwin shot Halyna with a prop gun loaded with live ammunition during a scene.

Hannah's lawyer says they will be appealing her conviction, seeking to overturn the verdict and judgment.

While Hannah was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter, she was found not guilty of evidence tampering.

Remember, Hannah's defense blamed the accident on her being overworked by the production, and her legal team insisted Halyna's fatal shooting wasn't on Hannah at all.

Hannah's attorney says the courtroom was shocked when the guilty verdict was returned ... and it sounds like she's dealing with shock of her own as she tries to adjust to life behind bars.

Her sentencing date has not been set yet, but she's facing up to 18 months in prison.


Erik Huffman -- famous from 'Survivor' -- has been busted for domestic violence, with cops claiming he roughed up his costar-turned-wife, Jaime Dugan.

According to a police report, obtained by TMZ, cops responded to a disturbance call at a convenience store out in Spartanburg, SC way back in late January ... where they say they ran into Erik -- who told them he was trying to locate his spouse, Jaime.

The police say Erik relayed he was worried about Jaime after she'd taken off in their car following a spat over accusations of cheating -- namely, her accusing him of having an affair. In the report, the cops say Erik admitted they got into a grabbing match over his phone.

Cops say Jaime told them he just wanted to make sure she was safe and medically OK ... claiming she was saying she wanted to harm herself.

However, when cops finally caught up with Jaime sometime later ... they claim she was singing a different tune -- and telling a completely different story, one that alleged Erik was getting physical with her.

Police say Jamie blasted Erik for telling them she wanted to hurt herself -- and went on to say it was a blatant lie.

She proceeded to tell cops she had actually found his burner phone while they were in the car, but she alleges he twisted it out of her hand ... claiming he'd broken her middle fingernail and left her with a few small cuts on her hand as well.

Cops say she told them she drove off while he went into the store 'cause she didn't feel safe ... so quite the opposite of what Erik was saying.

Ultimately, cops determined Erik was the primary aggressor and they arrested him later that day on a third-degree domestic violence charge -- with him posing for this mug shot as he was being booked into the jail there.

Erik and Jaime met and fell in love while filming "Survivor: China" in 2007. They got engaged and married in 2009 and share a son named Harper.