Armadora de "Rust" Se libera su foto policial tras la condena... Vistiendo el uniforme

Hannah Gutiérrez-Reed ya está tras las rejas a la espera de su sentencia luego de ser condenada por la muerte de Halyna Hutchins producto de un disparo y su foto ya fue liberada.

La ex armera, que estaba trabajando en el set de "Rust" cuando ocurrió la tragedia en 2021, fue ingresada en el Santa Fe County Adult Detention Facility el miércoles e hizo lo que cada preso tiene que hacer cuando es procesado: tomarse una foto para el registro.

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Escuchando el veredicto
Court TV

Como se puede ver, Hannah no mostró ninguna sonrisa sosteniendo su pizarra. Es interesante, su foto se ve algo anticuada, hasta la clasificación de color.

Como informamos, Hannah fue puesta en custodia inmediatamente después de que se leyera su veredicto en la corte, donde un jurado emitió una sentencia dividida por dos cargos. Fue declarada culpable de homicidio involuntario y no culpable de manipulación de pruebas.

Hannah se mantuvo estoica durante todo el proceso, pero su familia la apoyó con emoción.

El caso duró alrededor de 2 semanas y los fiscales interrogaron a múltiples testigos que subieron al estrado y declararon en contra de Hannah, incluyendo los productores que dijeron, bajo juramento, que nunca le pidieron tiempo adicional al armero en el set (como ella había afirmado) y que descartó el sistema de registro para asegurarse de que las armas estaban siendo atendidas adecuadamente durante la filmación.

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Declinó usar el sistema de registro
Court TV

El abogado de Hannah argumentó que la producción en sí ya era un ambiente inseguro por su reducido presupuesto y que ella estaba abrumada con sus deberes, aunque el jurado no le creyó.

La familia de Halyna emitió un comunicado tras el veredicto y dicen que están contentos con el resultado, aunque también presagiaron que se podría venir más justicia cuando comience el juicio de Alec Baldwin.

El actor también se ha declarado inocente de los cargos de homicidio involuntario.

'Rust' Armorer Mug Shot Released Post-Conviction ... Already Wearing Jumpsuit

Hannah Gutierrez-Reed is already behind bars as she awaits sentencing after being convicted in the shooting death of Halyna Hutchins -- and her mug shot's already out.

The former armorer -- who was working on the set of "Rust" when the tragedy occurred in 2021 -- was booked into the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Facility Wednesday and did what every inmate has to do when they're processed ... take a photo for the record.

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Court TV

As you can see, Gutierrez-Reed didn't flash any smiles ... and her info is right there on the slate she's holding up. It's interesting, her mug is kinda old-timey, right down to the color grading.

As we reported, Hannah was remanded to custody immediately after the verdict was read aloud in court, where a jury returned a split verdict on two charges she was facing. She was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter, and not guilty of evidence tampering.

Hannah remained stoic throughout the proceeding, but her family was emotional behind her.

The trial lasted about 2 weeks, and prosecutors trotted out multiple witnesses who took the stand and testified against Hannah -- including producers who said, under oath, that she never requested additional armorer time on set (as she'd claimed), and she brushed off a logging system to make sure the weapons were being attended to properly during filming.

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Hannah's attorney argued the production itself was already an unsafe environment because of its shoestring budget, and she was overwhelmed with her duties ... but the jury didn't buy it.


Halyna's family released a statement in the aftermath, and they're happy with the result ... while also foreshadowing more justice might be coming when Alec Baldwin's trial begins.

He's pled not guilty to manslaughter charges as well.

Teresa Giudice Not Stressing Marriage Despite Explosive 'RHONJ' Trailer

Teresa Giudice's marriage to Luis Ruelas is doing just fine -- this despite the fact that a new trailer for an upcoming season of her show suggests otherwise ... TMZ has learned.

A source close to the couple tells TMZ that fans of 'Real Housewives of New Jersey' shouldn't be concerned for Tre and Louie -- as they've never been better as a couple. In fact ... we're told fans should be praying for the other ladies on the show -- hinting at serious drama to come (for them).

There's no shortage of intrigue in what Bravo teased in the trailer for Season 14 of 'RHONJ.' Like in previous seasons, Teresa's personal life is at the center of the new footage ... with costar Danielle Cabral alleging that the longtime reality star is "distraught" amid supposed trouble at home.

While the sneak peek does not get into many specifics -- they want you to watch, after all -- they do show a glimpse of Teresa and Louie bickering at one point. Another costar, Margaret Josephs, claims in a phone call that Louie has "pissed [Teresa's] money away."

Of course, we can't speak to the validity of this claim ... we reached out to Teresa’s attorney, James Leonard, but no word back just yet.

Still, this topic is likely a sensitive subject for Teresa. Remember, she served 11 months behind bars after pleading guilty to fraud charges back in 2014.

Her ex-husband, Joe Giudice, also pled guilty to the charges and served three years in prison before being released ... and subsequently deported. Since leaving Joe -- she's moved on and married Louie ... and on the surface, there's been no signs of trouble between 'em.

Time will tell what's true or not ... remember, these promos/trailers always wanna make something seem more dramatic than it is -- and they definitely succeeded in this case.

Chrisean Rock Refuses to Turn Herself In ... Over Oklahoma Warrant

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It's Working Out For Me

Chrisean Rock has no plans to turn herself in over a warrant out for her arrest in Oklahoma -- saying she's got no time for jail ... as she has a son to raise.

In a new IG Live session with her fans, Chrisean addressed the open bench warrant from the Oklahoma Dept. of Corrections ... which says she's wanted in connection to an incident from 2022 there, including drug and traffic charges.

It's been known for a while that Chrisean has this little situation outstanding there halfway across the country -- remember, she's living in L.A. right now while Blueface is in jail -- and now ... she's addressing it on camera ... saying she's working on getting it resolved.

In terms of why she says she doesn't wanna just surrender and do her time ... well, Chrisean says she's got a baby now -- and she simply doesn't wanna be away from him/behind bars.

Sounds like she's not really sweating it either ... Chrisean says it's worked out for her so far.

BTW ... this isn't the only legal woe of Chrisean's -- remember, she's being sued for allegedly assaulting a dancer for Tamar Braxton here in L.A. ... who claim she battered him backstage.

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She doesn't seem worried about that either ... that's her demeanor here in this clip anyway.

CHARLES BARKLEY promete darle un puñetazo a cualquier afroamericano Que lleve la foto policial de Trump

contra trump

Charles Barkley tiene un mensaje mordaz y algo violento para cualquier afroamericano que apoye a Donald Trump simplemente porque fue arrestado... resulta que te va a noquear.

El integrante del Salón de la Fama de la NBA emitió la advertencia el lunes por la noche en su programa de CNN con Gayle King, mientras discutían el reciente comentario de Trump donde afirmava que le agradaban más los afroamericanos desde que lo arrestaon en Georgia por intentar anular los resultados de las elecciones presidenciales de 2020.

Trump llegó a presumir de que los afroamericanos "se pasean con la foto de su ficha policial" estampada en sus camisetas.

Nada de eso le sentó bien a Barkley, que dijo: "Si veo a una persona negra paseándose con la foto de la ficha policial de Trump, le voy a dar un puñetazo en la cara".

Barkley explicó que siente que los comentarios de Trump son "un insulto a todos los afroamericanos", porque está comparando su arresto con los siglos de discriminación que la comunidad negra ha enfrentado.

La leyenda de la NBA no es ajena a criticar a Trump y ha acusado al candidato presidencial republicano por usar una "retórica pseudo-racista" cuando se habla de inmigración.

Trump no se ha dejado intimidar por cualquier reacción de Barkley o cualquier otro crítico, ya que sigue siendo el favorito para la nominación republicana. El martes de primarias en 15 estados y un territorio podrían dejar fuera a Nikki Haley.

Trump no ha respondido al comentario de Barkley, pero ya sabes que lo hará.

Charles Barkley Vows to Punch Any Black Person ... Wearing Trump Mug Shot!!!


Charles Barkley has a pointed, somewhat violent message for any Black person backing Donald Trump simply because he got arrested ... he's gonna knock you out.

The NBA Hall of Famer issued the warning Monday night on his CNN show with Gayle King as they discussed Trump's recent remark about Black people liking him more after he was arrested in Georgia for attempting to overturn the 2020 presidential election results.

Trump went on to brag about Black people "walking around with his mug shot" on t-shirts.

None of that sits well with Barkley, who said, "If I see a Black person walking around with Trump's mug shot, I'm [gonna] punch him in the face."

Barkley explained he feels Trump's comments are "an insult to all Black people" ... because he's comparing his arrest to the centuries of discrimination the Black community has faced.

The NBA legend is no stranger to slamming Trump ... as he's previously called out the Republican presidential candidate for using "pseudo-racist rhetoric" when discussing immigration.

Trump has been undeterred by any backlash from Barkley or any other critics, as "The Apprentice" alum remains the frontrunner for the Republican nomination -- and the Super Tuesday primaries in 15 states, and one territory, could put the race nearly out of reach for Nikki Haley.

DT hasn't responded to Barkley's comment, but ya know that's coming.

Prostitutas en Tailandia Riña en Bangkok por "guerra de territorios" Policías implicados y detenidos...

Riña en Bangkok
Viral Press

Unas prostitutas tailandesas de Bangkok se enzarzaron en una pelea en el Barrio Rojo por una supuesta "guerra territorial" que involucró a la policía, ¡y las imágenes de la riña son absolutamente salvajes!

Echa un vistazo a este video que captura algunos momentos de la pelea del lunes, cuando se informó que un puñado de trabajadores sexuales de Filipinas estaba utilizando un popular hotel en la calle Sukhumvit, y al parecer, otras prostitutas querían proteger su territorio.

Los policías llegaron a la escena por una disputa con algunas de las trabajadoras filipinas, quienes fueron aparentemente acusadas de robarle clientes a las prostitutas tailandesas de la zona y cuando los policías las escoltaron fuera del edificio y hacia la calle, había una gran multitud esperando por ellas.

Ahí fue cuando empezó el alboroto: las prostitutas y los policías se enfrentaron y se lanzaron puñetazos unos con otros. Francamente, es difícil saber quién es quién aquí, pero en cualquier caso, un montón de personas recibieron golpes.

Honestamente, esto parece salido de una película. Fue un caos total.

Al final, los oficiales fueron capaces de llevar a las trabajadoras sexuales que estaban allí a la estación de policía, pero parece que todas estaban bastante maltratadas cuando entraron.

Al parecer, fueron detenidas por trabajar en la zona sin la documentación necesaria.

Thai Prostitutes Brawl in Bangkok Over 'Turf War' ... Cops Involved, Arrests Made

Viral Press

Thai prostitutes in Bangkok got into an all-out brawl in the Red Light District over a reported turf war that roped cops into the melee ... and the footage of all this is absolutely wild!

Check out this video that captures some of the highlights from Monday, where a handful of sex workers from the Philippines are reported to have been using a popular hotel on the busy Sukhumvit Road ... and, apparently, other prostitutes felt protective of their territory.

Officers were called over a dispute between some of the Filipino sex workers -- reportedly accused of stealing customers from a Thai prostitute in the area -- and as the cops escorted them out of the building and into the street ... there was a huge crowd waiting for them.

That's when the bruhaha started ... with prostitutes and cops clashing, and fists being thrown. Frankly, it's hard to tell who's who here -- but in any case, a lot of ass was kicked.

This honestly looks like something out of a movie scene ... it was that nuts and chaotic.

In the end ... the officers were able to bring the sex workers they were originally there for to the police station -- but it looks like they were all fairly roughed up as they went inside.

They were reportedly arrested for working in the area without the necessary paperwork.


Jonathan Majors is gaga for Meagan Good ... and not even his recent legal woes can put a dent in their relationship -- just check out the first words out of his mouth about her.

The couple was out and about Sunday at the 7th annual AAFCA Special Achievement Awards luncheon here in L.A. ... and the ex-Marvel star's practically glowing while sharing an update on their relationship when he was asked by Extra how they're doing.

Listen to JM's gushy response here -- he says, "We're in love... We're doing good, thanks for asking." Meagan chimes in too, saying, "We're doing great. God's good."

Jonathan has clearly got himself a keeper in Meagan ... remember, she stood by his side during his assault trial brought on by ex-GF, Grace Jabbari -- and she continues to stick by him even now post-conviction.

As we reported -- the jury ended up finding him guilty of one count of reckless assault in the third degree and one count of harassment. He was acquitted on 2 other charges.

Jonathan told us he was leaning on his faith in the aftermath of his conviction ... helping him stay strong in the run-up to his April sentencing. His legal team has filed to have the conviction tossed ... arguing the whole case was botched and unfair to him from day 1.

Of course, he'd been relying on Meagan all throughout the trial -- last month, the pair got away from NYC for a bit, hitting the road together for a cross-country road trip which included a pit stop in Dallas to see Majors' mother, Terri.

No doubt, Meagan's loyalty is rock solid ... and it's pretty clear she's sticking around for the long haul. Also interesting to see JM make the rounds in light of everything. Good on him?

Six Flags Over Georgia Teen Shot on Opening Day


Chaos reigned at the grand opening of Six Flags Over Georgia ... with mobs of unruly teenagers fighting inside the theme park, escalating to a massive police response and an officer-involved shooting.

Cops in Georgia say there were 500 to 600 youth running amok in the park Saturday night, getting out of control and leading to a huge brawl and panic among park guests.

The huge crowd of fighting teens overwhelmed theme park security, who called police.

When cops got there, officers say they followed the group out of Six Flags onto a nearby service road ... where gunshots started ringing out.

Police say several suspects fired at officers, with cops returning fire. One person was shot, reported to be a 15-year-old ... who's said to be in critical condition.

Six Flags Over Georgia confirmed a shooting outside the grounds and told FOX 5 Atlanta ... "It is incredibly disappointing that our community is disrupted at public events throughout the region by groups of underaged youth."

The park adds ... "We won't put up with that type of activity here."

Meanwhile, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation is investigating the officer-involved shooting.

Ex-NFL OL Chad Wheeler Sentenced To 81 Months In Prison ... For Attack On Girlfriend

Chad Wheeler -- a former New York Giants offensive lineman -- was just sentenced to 81 months in prison ... after he was convicted in November of roughing up his girlfriend during a violent encounter in 2021.

The 30-year-old learned his fate inside a King County, Wash. courtroom on Friday ... in front of some of his family and friends -- as well as the victim in the case, Alleah Taylor.

In addition to the nearly seven-year sentence, the judge also ordered Wheeler to have no contact with Taylor ... and to pay restitution as well. The sentence, according to court documents, is scheduled to begin immediately.

Wheeler was found guilty of one count of first-degree assault domestic violence back on Nov. 9 ... nearly three years after Taylor said he almost killed her during an altercation at their Washington apartment.


Taylor claimed Wheeler attacked her after she refused his orders to bow down to him. She alleged the football player grabbed her, threw her on a bed and choked her until she was unconscious.

Taylor said Wheeler was so violent, she suffered a concussion and an arm injury that required metal hardware to fix.

On Thursday night, just hours before Wheeler's sentencing took place, Taylor wrote on her X page, "Sending Chad to prison tomorrow!"

"I appreciate everyone that has supported me and the legal process to make this happen! It’s been a long road but we are finally here and finally receiving justice!"

Wheeler -- who was a member of the Seattle Seahawks at the time of the incident -- had initially blamed everything on a "manic episode."


fuera de control

La mujer que afirma que la hermana de Hailey Bieber -Alaia Baldwin Aronow- le arrojó un tampón, dice que está presentando cargos y tenemos un nuevo video para mostrar lo salvaje que realmente fue.

Échale un vistazo a este material de archivo obtenido por TMZ, que muestra Alaia siendo expulsada del bar, y como se puede ver, las cosas estaban agresivas a la salida, por no hablar de lo que supuestamente estaba ocurriendo al interior.

Échale un vistazo, se puede ver a una mujer con ropa oscura -nos dicen que es Alaia- que se está enfrentando a lo que parece ser el personal de seguridad del bar. Hay un montón de gritos y Alaia parece estar en el suelo. Finalmente, se arrastra por las escaleras.

No es nada agradable de ver, eso es seguro, y puede servir como pista para hacerse una idea de lo que pasó en realidad. Por lo que sabemos, Alaia supuestamente se volvió loca y atacó a la gente, y supuestamente le lanzó un tampón a una de las camareras.

realmente feo

Hablando de esa camarera... estuvo invitada en "TMZ Live" el viernes y nos dijo lo que según ella ocurrió.

Alaia ya sumaba un montón de cargos, pero Haliegh Cauley, la camarera, nos dice que tiene la intención presentar cargos indignada por todo el asunto, y criticando a Alaia por arrojar fluidos corporales.

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TMZ Studios

En otras palabras, esto está lejos de terminar. Alaia no ha respondido a la noticia de la detención todavía.

Alaia Baldwin Aronow Alleged Victim Pressing Charges ... New Video of Bar Crawl 👀



1:54 PM PT -- Alaia Baldwin Aronow's attorney, Drew Findling, tells TMZ … "On February 24, 2024, Ms. Aronow traveled to Savannah, GA to celebrate the upcoming marriage of a close friend. Sadly, what should have been a celebratory girls night out, unfortunately took an unexpected turn."

He adds, "Ms. Aronow is embarrassed and saddened by the events of that night and is proactively taking the necessary steps to ensure that it never happens again."

The woman who claims Hailey Bieber's sister, Alaia Baldwin Aronow, threw a tampon at her says she's pressing charges -- and we got new video to show how wild this really was.

Check out this footage, obtained by TMZ, that shows Alaia getting thrown out of the Savannah, GA bar she's alleged to have attacked people last weekend -- and as you can see ... it was quite the scuffle on the way out, let alone what allegedly happened inside.

Take a look ... you can see a woman in dark clothing -- who we're told is Alaia -- and she's getting into it with what looks to be the bar security staff. There's a lot of yelling going on, and Alaia appears to be on the floor ... and eventually, she crawls away down the stairs.

It's not a pretty sight, that's for sure ... and it kinda tracks with what people told police that night -- namely, that Alaia allegedly went haywire and attacked people ... including allegedly throwing a tampon at one of the female bartenders who checked on her in the bathroom.


Speaking of that bartender, she actually came on "TMZ Live" Friday and gave us the alleged blow-by-blow ... recounting what she says happened, and what she's gonna do next.


Alaia was already booked on a slew of charges over this -- but Haliegh Cauley, the bartender, tells us she intends to see this through and press charges ... outraged over the whole thing, and slamming Alaia for chucking bodily fluids her way ... or so she claims.

TMZ Studios

In other words ... this is far from over. Alaia hasn't responded to the arrest news yet.

Originally Published -- 12:10 PM PT

Hailey Bieber's Sister Alaia Arrested at GA Bar Allegedly Fought, Threw Tampon

Hailey Bieber's sister, Alaia Baldwin Aronow, was arrested in Georgia earlier this week over what cops claim was a wild brawl at a bar -- which involved used tampons being hurled.

The influencer was busted Saturday night in Savannah, GA after the owner of a bar called Club Elan called 911 to report an unruly patron whom he claimed was attacking his staff and refusing to leave the establishment. As it turns out ... cops say that person was Alaia.

According to the police report, obtained by TMZ, when officers arrived ... they met with two different bouncers and one of the bartenders there -- all of whom had a similar story.

They told the cop that Alaia had gone into an employees-only bathroom, and when she was told she couldn't be in there and had to use the public restroom -- she allegedly started becoming belligerent and combative ... and she's accused of assaulting three staffers.

One security guard claims she yanked hair out of his head when he attempted to wrangle her, and another guard alleges she kicked him in the groin when he tried doing the same.

A female bartender told cops she went into the employee bathroom herself at one point -- trying to show discretion for Alaia apparently -- and claims she was told Alaia needed a minute to throw up and change her tampon. The staffer says she waited for a while ... and when she reentered again to check on Alaia, she claims Alaia threw a tampon at her.

Eventually ... the security personnel says they were able to get a hold of her and get her out of the building -- and the responding officer says when he asked Alaia about all this, she claimed she was defending herself ... and that the whole thing was blown out of proportion.


In the end, she was arrested on a number of charges -- getting booked for simple assault, simple battery, battery and trespassing. She also posed for this mug shot at the jail.

TMZ Studios

We've reached out to Alaia for comment ... so far, no word back.

ECU Gunman Exchanges Gunfire w/ Cops on Video ... Allegedly Shot Employee


Police in North Carolina have taken a man into custody after he allegedly shot a college employee ... and their confrontation with the suspect was all caught on video.

Greenville police officers said the alleged gunman -- identified as 38-year-old Savell Hightower -- was taken into custody after they say he shot an East Carolina University employee outside a local elementary school in what they're currently calling an unprovoked attack.

Police say the alleged victim encountered a man on a bike before that man apparently fired at him at least five times. The 27-year-old ECU employee sustained non-life-threatening injuries.

Fast-forward a bit ... and cop cars flying down the street apparently drew the attention of a local citizen who started to film through his windows as a man calmly rode by the house on a bike.

It appears he caught the moment two police cars pulled up with officers hopping out, guns drawn and pointed at the man on the bike. It looks like the cops open fire though it's unclear from the video if the man is firing back -- though police say he did fire at officers.

Somehow, the suspect was reportedly uninjured, and cops say they managed to get him into custody without further incident.

Hightower is reportedly booked on multiple charges, including attempted murder counts, assault with a deadly weapon, and possession of a stolen firearm.

TMZ Studios

Seems like everyone's gonna be just fine from this encounter ... but, certainly a scary situation to say the least.

Rajon Rondo Asks Judge To Throw Out Gun Charge ... What About 2nd Amendment?!?

Rajon Rondo is hoping he won't have to fight a criminal gun charge much longer ... TMZ Sports has learned he's just asked a judge to throw out the count he's facing.

Court documents we obtained show the former NBA star's lawyer filed a motion on Tuesday to dismiss the unlawful carrying of a handgun charge prosecutors hit Rondo with following his arrest late last month.

In the documents, Rondo's attorney argues the charge is unconstitutional ... saying the ex-Boston Celtics point guard is protected by the Second Amendment right to bear arms that gave him the right to have the handgun cops say they found on him during a Jan. 28 traffic stop in Indiana.

"The statute under which Rondo is charged fails to be consistent with the Nation's historical tradition of firearm regulation," the docs state.

A judge has not yet made a ruling on the motion ... but there is a hearing on the docket scheduled for late March.

Rondo was first booked on the gun charge following allegations that a loaded, black, 9MM, Sig Sauer P365 was discovered under the cupholder of his car after cops pulled him over for not having plates on the back of his Tesla.

Cops said due to a previous case against Rondo, he was not allowed to have the firearm. In fact, in police documents, one officer wrote, "I asked Rondo Sr. if he was allowed to have a gun and Rondo Sr. said he was not allowed."

In addition to the gun charge, Rondo is also facing one count of possession of marijuana and one count of possession of paraphernalia in the case ... after cops said they found weed, THC gummies and a pipe with marijuana residue in his Tesla during the stop as well.

TMZ Studios

Rondo -- a four-time All-Star -- last played in the NBA during the 2021-22 season.