Ex-Soccer Star Dani Alves Sentenced To 4 1/2 Years In Prison ... Over Rape Conviction

Former Brazilian soccer star Dani Alves was sentenced to four and a half years in prison after being found guilty of raping a woman in a nightclub in 2022.

Spain's top court in Catalonia decided on the sentence on Thursday following a three-day trial earlier this month where the 40-year-old former Barcelona star was found guilty of the December '22 crime.

The woman testified at trial that after dancing with Alves at a New Year's Eve party, they went to the bathroom, but she decided she wanted to leave ... that's when she said she was raped.

As for the 4 1/2 year punishment, the court said, "the sentence considers that it has been proven that the victim did not consent and that there is evidence, in addition to the testimony of the plaintiff, to consider the rape proven."

Alves will also have to pay a near-$163k fine to the victim.

It's not nearly the sentence length prosecutors were hoping for ... they wanted Alves thrown behind bars for 9 years. The victim was hoping for even more.

Despite the sentence, the victim's lawyer, David Saenz said they were happy the court acknowledged "that the victim was telling the truth and that she suffered."

Alves initially denied any wrongdoing, claiming he didn't know the woman, but later changed his story several times.

After biological evidence was presented, Alves admitted he had sex with the woman, insisting it was consensual ... saying he only lied because he was married.

Alves' lawyer Ines Guardiola continued to insist her client's innocent, announcing they'd appeal.

"I still believe in Dani Alves' innocence. We haven't read the whole sentence yet because it's very long, but we are going to study it in detail now. We defend [Alves'] innocence."

Before the arrest, Alves was considered one of the best defensive players of all time ... and spent time with Barcelona, Juventus, and Paris-Saint Germain during his 20-year career.

He has won major titles, including an Olympic gold medal and two Copa Americas for Brazil.

Kodak Black Cops to Probation Violation in Drug Case ... Released After Sitting in Jail for Weeks

Kodak Black has been sitting in Florida jail for weeks after his arrest for drug possession back in December triggered a probation violation ... but we've now learned the "Super Gremlin" rapper finally got out on Wednesday and will no longer have to deal with supervised release.

According to court docs, Kodak admitted to violating the terms of his supervised release but the judge sentenced the rapper to time served without any further supervised release ... and it sounds like it's all due to Kodak's lawyer really going to bat for his client in his drug possession case.

Ever since the arrest, Kodak's lawyer Bradford Cohen has argued that lab testing proves the substance Kodak was caught with wasn't cocaine, but rather a prescribed medication ... insisting his client was the victim of a false arrest.

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Lab tests determined that to be true and Cohen even sent a fiery letter to the Mayor of Plantation, FL, Nick Sortal over it, saying the officer's conduct exposed the city to a federal civil rights claim.

Now that he's a free man, Kodak can attend to bigger family matters ... his girlfriend is expecting his 2nd child soon and she wants him home to help raise the child!!!

Marshawn Lynch Cuts Deal In Las Vegas DUI Case

Marshawn Lynch just cut a deal with prosecutors in his DUI case ... avoiding a trial that was slated to begin in Las Vegas later Wednesday.

Court documents, obtained by TMZ Sports, show that as part of the agreement, the former NFL star's misdemeanor DUI charge will be reduced down to a reckless driving one if he completes several conditions.

Some of those, the docs show, include 200 hours of community service, DUI school, a $1,140 fine and keeping his nose clean for the next 12 months.

As an additional part of the deal, prosecutors agreed to drop the other charges Lynch had been facing.

Court records show Lynch is now due back in court for a hearing in the case in May.

Lynch's attorneys, Richard Schonfeld and David Chesnoff, said in a statement to 8 News Now following the agreement, "Mr. Lynch has not been convicted of any offense at this time. He has agreed to complete certain requirements which will result in this case being closed as a reckless driving traffic offense."

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The ex-Seattle Seahawks running back was initially charged with the DUI -- as well as, among other things, one count of failure to drive in a travel lane -- back in August 2022 ... after officials accused him of getting behind the wheel of a 2020 Shelby GT500 while drunk.

Officials claimed Lynch tore up his car on the roadway ... before he parked it and fell asleep.

Police video shows when officers confronted Lynch ... he seemed uncooperative. And, after cops said he was "obstructing" their investigation, they pulled him from the car.

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"Roll over," the cops could be heard telling him as they wrestled him to the ground. "Hands behind your back. No more games today."

Lynch's attorneys argued at the time "the vehicle was safely parked and not in operation" -- and therefore the DUI charge shouldn't stick.

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Lynch, 37, last played in the NFL in 2019. He's done various TV work, including assisting in this year's coverage of "Thursday Night Football," in retirement.

Zachery Ty Bryan Happy Hour Drinks ... Only Days After DUI Bust

Zachery Ty Bryan still seems to be boozing after his recent DUI arrest -- hitting a couple bars this week ... although, it looks like he learned his lesson on getting behind the wheel.

The former "Home Improvement" star was spotted Tuesday for the first time since his Saturday morning bust in La Quinta, CA for allegedly driving under the influence ... and he stopped by two different watering holes in the same desert resort town, back to back.

First, Zachery went to the Amigos bar there around 3 PM yesterday ... plopping down at the bar for happy hour. There aren't any photos that explicitly show him sucking down drinks -- but it's a good bet that he probably might've been.

Now, we're told he stuck around for about an hour at Amigos before moving on to the next joint ... but he didn't drive on over -- he actually caught a rideshare this time.

Luckily, Zach played it safe on Tuesday ... responsibly grabbing an Uber to take him over to a local Applebee's, where he popped in and once again grabbed a chair at their bar.

Zachery again sat down ... and here, he was seen with a cold draft beer in front of him. He got to Applebee's around 4:15 PM, still prime time for happy hour by anyone's clock.

Obviously, him in this kind of setting is somewhat alarming -- especially when we know he was literally behind bars just a few days ago for allegedly drinking and driving. Yes, it's good that he's trying to be responsible by using Uber, but the fact he's in a boozy environment like this at all is troubling. Ya gotta wonder if everything's alright with him these days.

TMZ broke the story ... Bryan was arrested by La Quinta Police early Saturday morning for driving under the influence. He was also booked for misdemeanor contempt of court.

Cops say they conducted a traffic stop just past 2 AM after they saw a vehicle they suspected of being involved in a traffic collision. Police say they spoke with the driver -- later identified as Bryan -- who allegedly showed signs of impairment, leading to his arrest.

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Considering his other legal woes in recent years, here's hoping he can get straightened out.

Tim McKyer Three-Time SB Champ Arrested ... After Alleged Hit And Run

Former San Francisco 49ers defensive back Tim McKyer -- who won three Super Bowls in his NFL career -- was arrested in Florida this week ... after he was accused of crashing into multiple parked cars before fleeing the scene.

According to police documents, obtained by TMZ Sports, McKyer allegedly slammed his Tesla into five vehicles on Sunday in a Riviera Beach parking garage.

Cops wrote in the docs all five rides -- which were parked at the time -- had visible damage, with some left totally "inoperable."

Police say their investigation revealed that after wrecking the cars ... McKyer backed his Tesla into an open space on a different floor of the garage -- before he left without making anyone aware of the damage he had caused.

According to the docs, Riviera Beach Police Dept. officers made contact with McKyer a short time later ... and they claim he showed signs of inebriation -- namely, cops say he reeked of alcohol and struggled with his balance.

McKyer was taken into custody for leaving the scene of an accident with property damage ... and transported to a nearby hospital. While there, cops say he admitted he was the only one who had driven his Tesla that evening.

McKyer was ultimately arrested and booked on five total charges of hit and run.

Records show he's due in court for a hearing on the matter on March 4.

McKyer played in the NFL for 12 years ... helping Joe Montana and John Elway win Super Bowls in '89, '90 and '98. He logged snaps in 170 total games ... piling up 470 combined tackles and 33 interceptions.

Tiroteo en Kansas City Los fiscales presentan cargos por asesinato... Contra dos nuevos adultos

Presentan cargos

Dos adultos que han sido vinculados al tiroteo de Kansas City ahora se enfrentan a cargos de asesinato y otros delitos graves, algo que acaban de anunciar los fiscales de la ciudad.

Lyndell Mays y Dominic Miller fueron golpeados con cargos de asesinato en segundo grado el martes y también se enfrentan a otros de acción criminal armada y uso ilegal de un arma. Estos chicos son diferentes de los dos adolescentes que fueron acusados la semana pasada.

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La terrible escena

Es un desarrollo sorprendente, ya que recién nos estamos enterando de que los policías incluso tenían a estos dos hombres bajo custodia. Lo último que habíamos escuchado es que solo tenían 3 personas detenidas, entre ellas dos menores de edad.

Ahora, sin embargo, sabemos que hay al menos 4 personas en total implicadas en el crimen. Los fiscales dicen que todavía no están liberando fotos de los acusados porque estos 2 hombres todavía se están recuperando en el hospital.

Los fiscales llegaron a decir que podría haber otras personas detenidas y acusadas en el caso, pero por ahora están empezando aquí. Señalaron que los dos menores están siendo procesados por un tribunal diferente y sus identidades no se darán a conocer, ya que son justamente menores de edad.

No está claro cuántos años tienen los dos hombres adultos ni cuándo entraron en el radar de la policía. Pero algo interesante que mencionaron es que estas dos facciones en duelo - recuerden, habían dicho todo comenzó por una discusión- no se conocían entre ellos.

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El momento de la discusión

Los fiscales señalan que las pruebas sugieren que este acalorado intercambio llevó a que Mays desenfundara su arma de fuego, lo que motivó a que los demás hicieran lo mismo casi inmediatamente después, incluyendo Miller. Después de que estallaron los disparos, los fiscales dicen que el arma de Miller fue la que terminó golpeando a Lisa López-Galván, a pesar de que están atribuyendo su asesinato a ambos chicos.

TMZ dio a conocer la noticia, un registro audiovisual demostraba que había adolescentes capturados en la escena del miércoles, justo antes de que sonaran los disparos y testigos presenciales nos habían dicho que creían que estaban involucrados.

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Estallan disparos

Aunque nuestros testigos no vieron a los adolescentes abriendo fuego, afirman que la persona o personas con las que estaban discutiendo fuera de cámara, fueron los que hicieron los primeros disparos.

Las autoridades de Kansas City dicen que la investigación sigue en curso y que tienen la intención de exigir responsabilidades a todos los que participaron en la tragedia. De momento, esto es lo que tienen.

Además de la muerte de Lisa, al menos otras 22 personas sufrieron heridas de bala.

Kansas City Shooting Prosecutors File Murder Charges ... Against Two New Adults

new charges announced

Two adults who've been linked to the Kansas City mass shooting are now facing murder charges and other serious counts ... something just announced by KC prosecutors.

Lyndell Mays and Dominic Miller were both hit with 2nd-degree murder charges Tuesday ... and they're also up against armed criminal action and unlawful use of a weapon charges on top of that. These guys are different than the two teens who were charged last week.

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It's a stunning development, as we're just now learning about the fact that cops even had these two men in their custody. Last we heard ... they only had 3 people detained, including two juveniles.

Now, however ... we know there are at least 4 people total at this point being implicated in this crime. Prosecutors say they're not releasing mug shots yet 'cause these 2 men are still recovering in the hospital.

Prosecutors went on to say that there might be other people arrested and charged in the case -- but for now, they're starting here. They note that the 2 juveniles are being prosecuted by a different court ... and their identities will not be released since they're underage.

It's unclear how old the two adult men are -- and it's also unclear when these two guys came onto the cops' radar. But something interesting officials noted is that these two dueling factions -- remember, they say this all started with an argument -- did not know each other.

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Prosecutors note evidence suggests this heated exchange led to a firearm being drawn by Mays ... which then led to others pulling their firearms almost immediately afterward, including one by Miller. After the shots rang out -- prosecutors say Miller's weapon ended up being the one that hit Lisa Lopez-Galvan ... although they're pinning her murder on both guys.

TMZ broke the story ... there were teenagers caught on camera on the scene Wednesday just before shots rang out -- and eyewitnesses tell us they believe they were involved.

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While our eyewitnesses say they never saw any of the teens open fire ... they claim the person or persons they were facing off with, off-camera, did unload the first shots.

Kansas City officials say the investigation is still ongoing, and that they intend to hold everyone who participated in the tragedy responsible. At the moment, this is where they're at.

In addition to Lisa's death ... at least 22 others suffered gunshot wounds that day.

Memphis Mom Busted for Child Neglect Pics of Daughter Waxing Adults?!?

A woman in Memphis was reportedly arrested after allegedly having her young daughter wax the vaginas of adult women -- something she appears to have posted online.

30-year-old Jasmine Moss was booked last week on child neglect charges after cops say they received complaints about her posting graphic images on social media that allegedly depicted her 5-year-old daughter working at her waxing business.

Screengrabs of posts that Moss allegedly threw up on her business account, @jasminedemiracle, quickly started to circulate last week ... and they caused quite a stir.

In two different photos ... you see a little girl standing in front of what appears to be two different women with their pants/underwear off ... and their legs spread wide open. One picture, which is incredibly graphic, shows the girl wearing gloves and applying wax to a lady's crotch area.

The purported posts have captions that seem to reflect she's proud of her little girl, saying "When I say I'm passing down Deed & LLCs to my creations I mean that!"

If they are indeed authentic, it's stunning because the mom appears to say she had the kid do this for a total of 24 different clients starting at 7:25 AM, and had her going for 8 hours.

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Now, it looks like mama bear is in jail ... and she's set to appear in court Wednesday.

MADRE DE MEMPHIS es Detenida por negligencia infantil Hay fotos de la hija depilando adultos

Una mujer de Memphis ha sido detenida después de que se supiera que su hija depilaba las vaginas de mujeres adultas, algo que parece haber publicado en Internet.

Jasmine Moss -De 30 años de edad- fue detenida la semana pasada por cargos de negligencia infantil después de que la policía dijera que recibieron quejas sobre su publicación de imágenes gráficas en las redes sociales que supuestamente mostraban a su hija de 5 años de edad, que trabaja en su negocio de depilación.

Pantallazos de mensajes de Moss que circulaban supuestamente en su cuenta de negocios, @jasminedemiracle, rápidamente causaron un gran revuelo.

En dos fotos diferentes, se ve a una niña de pie delante de lo que parecen ser dos mujeres diferentes sin pantalones ni ropa interior y con sus piernas abiertas de par en par. Una foto, que es increíblemente gráfica, muestra a la niña usando guantes y aplicando cera en el área de la entrepierna de una dama.

Las supuestas publicaciones tienen pies de foto que parecen reflejar que está orgullosa de su pequeña, diciendo "¡Cuando digo que le estoy poniendo todo el empeño a mi negocio, lo digo en serio!".

Si todo esto es verdad, es impresionante porque la madre haya tenido a la niña haciendo esto para un total de 24 clientes diferentes a partir de las 7:25 AM... la tuvo durante 8 horas.

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Ahora, parece que mamá está en la cárcel y va a comparecer ante el tribunal el miércoles.

Zachery Ty Bryan Arrested For Alleged DUI

Zachery Ty Bryan has been arrested for a suspected DUI ... TMZ has confirmed.

Online records show Bryan, 42, was booked by La Quinta Police early Saturday morning for driving under the influence with three or more priors. He was also booked for contempt of court, a misdemeanor.

A spokesperson for the La Quinta Sheriff's Department tells TMZ ... cops conducted a traffic stop just after 2 AM after they saw a vehicle they suspected of being involved in a traffic collision.

The officers say they spoke to the driver -- later identified as Bryan -- who allegedly showed signs of impairment leading to his arrest. Bryan's next court date is set for April 23.

This marks just the latest in a long string of legal issues Bryan's faced over the last few years. ZTB was arrested back in 2020 for allegedly strangling his then-girlfriend ... he pled guilty the following year to menacing and assault in the fourth degree.

And, just last year, Zachery was arrested last summer after police got a call about a dispute between a male and female.

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Bryan had left the scene of the alleged incident but was later tracked down and arrested for felony assault, in violation of the Abuse Prevention Act. He reportedly pled guilty to felony assault in the fourth degree in October and was sentenced to seven days in jail.

We've reached out to Bryan ... so far, no word back.

Chrisean Rock Responds to Alleged Assault Lawsuit ... With Expletive-Laden Tweet

Chrisean Rock seems to be responding to a lawsuit on social media ... penning an angry tweet calling out an unnamed person for wasting money on a lawyer.

The rapper took to X to vent her frustration in an expletive-laden tweet calling out a "big back bitch n****" for going after her money -- and saying this person's not getting a cent.

Now, Chrisean didn't say exactly to whom she was referring ... but we do know she's involved in one major lawsuit right now over an alleged assault at Tamar Braxton's show back in November.

As we reported ... TV personality James Wright is suing Chrisean for allegedly assaulting him backstage at Braxton's concert. He claims she left him with multiple face lacerations and two broken teeth.

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Wright was reportedly hospitalized after the show in Downtown Los Angeles ... and Tamar later opened up about the alleged incident during an emotional Instagram Live.

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We also got video of Chrisean breaking up a prayer circle before the concert ... but sources told us this had no bearing on the alleged incident -- and everyone laughed off the moment.

Despite the lawsuit, Chrisean seems pretty committed to keeping her money where it is ... at least if her tweet is any indication.

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Only time will tell if she's gonna stick to her guns.

'Angry Reactions' Oneya Johnson Arrested For Alleged Domestic Violence

Oneya Johnson -- better known as the influencer behind the "Angry Reactions" social media account -- has been arrested for an alleged domestic violence incident ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us the 25-year-old viral star -- famous for his "angry reactions" -- was arrested on the evening of Monday, February 12 in Burbank, California after a woman called from a hotel to report an altercation.

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Cops say Johnson and the woman got into a verbal argument that turned physical at one point. It's unclear exactly what may have happened between them -- but it was enough to land him in jail.

We're told the woman did not need medical attention, but Oneya was still booked on a felony domestic violence charge. He posted $50,000 bail and was released.

Oneya's risen to fame on social media in the past few years because of clips where he reacts angrily to other videos.

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For example, Johnson will film himself watching people cook or perform other weird trends on social media -- for instance, in one clip a man eats a whole corn cob -- and he'll launch into intense rants or simply stare ahead with an angry expression.

It's all in good fun -- in these videos anyway -- and he's incredibly popular ... with Johnson having amassed more than 27 million followers on TikTok since first posting back in 2020.

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Johnson's next court date is set for March 5.

GYPSY ROSE BLANCHARD Cameo Gypsy Isn't Me ... Imposter Account Appears Deactivated


2/17 11:22 AM PT -- It seems this account's a fake ... Gypsy Rose Blanchard tells TMZ this isn't actually her, and she's saddened someone would do this in her name.

We've also checked Cameo ... it appears the account's been deactivated.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard's post-prison media tour may be winding down ... but she's undeterred, turning to Cameo to continue cashing in on her life story.

The recently-released ex-con joined the personalized video message platform site this week to engage with fans further and shed new light on her experiences -- but it comes at a high cost ... $20 for a message and $100 a pop for a video.

BTW, she's also going by her married name now -- Gypsy Rose Anderson -- on Cameo, listing her occupation as "influencer." Her bio reads: "Survivor & Advocate, Overcoming Challenges, Finding My Own Path, Advocate for Mental Health Awareness, #SurvivorStrong."

She has amassed a huge following post-prison -- so yeah, that title technically applies.

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Gypsy fans will be thrilled to know there are various video types to choose from. Whether it's a personalized birthday message, a pep talk or advice session, or simply a response to a general question, there's something available for everyone on her menu here.

Safe to say, GRB's hoping to foster a positive online community ... especially since TMZ revealed last month she was getting a lot of hate for her ex-BF, Nick Godejohn, still being behind bars -- despite him being the mastermind behind her mother Dee Dee's slaying.

With that in mind, while Gypsy has said she feels a lot of guilt over the situation to this very day ... she also finds it strange that Nick's receiving sympathy from folks who want him freed.

Remember ... Nick got life in prison without the possibility of parole after his conviction for first-degree murder. Gypsy got a 10-year sentence but was released on parole in Dec, after more than 8 years of incarceration.

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Now that she's on the outside again ... she's looking for new modes of revenue -- and for now, Cameo is just the ticket.

Originally Published -- 2:50 PM PT

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Cobrando en cameo, baby... ¡¡¡$100 por un video!!!

La gira de Gypsy Rose Blanchard por los medios de comunicación tras su salida de la cárcel puede estar terminando, pero ella es imparable y ha recurrido a Cameo para seguir cobrando por la historia de su vida.

La recientemente liberada convicta se unió a la plataforma de mensajes de video personalizados esta semana para comprometerse con los fans y arrojar nueva luz sobre sus experiencias. Pero tiene un alto costo, $20 por un mensaje y $100 por un video.

Por cierto, también está usando su nombre de casada en Cameo, Gypsy Rose Anderson, y está definiendo su ocupación como "influencer". Su biografía dice: "Superviviente y defensora, superando retos, encontrando mi propio camino, defensora de la concienciación sobre la salud mental, #SupervivienteFuerte".

Gypsy ha acumulado un gran número de seguidores después de su salida de la cárcel, así que sí, ese título es técnicamente aplicable.

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Los fans de Gypsy estarán encantados de saber que hay varios tipos de video para elegir. Ya sea un mensaje de cumpleaños personalizado, una charla de ánimo, un consejo o simplemente una respuesta a una pregunta general. Hay algo para todos los gustos.

Es seguro decir que Gypsy Rose Blanchard espera fomentar una comunidad positiva en línea, especialmente desde que TMZ reveló que estaba recibiendo mucho odio por su ex-novio Nick Godejohn, quien todavía está tras las rejas. Esto, a pesar de que él fue el cerebro detrás del asesinato de su madre Dee Dee.

Con eso en mente, aunque Gypsy ha dicho que se siente muy culpable por la situación hasta el día de hoy, también encuentra extraño que Nick esté recibiendo la simpatía de la gente que lo quiere en libertad.

Recuerden, Nick fue condenado a cadena perpetua sin posibilidad de libertad condicional por asesinato en primer grado. Gypsy obtuvo una sentencia de 10 años, pero fue puesta en libertad condicional en diciembre, después de más de 8 años de encarcelamiento.

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Ahora que está libre nuevamente está buscando nuevas formas de obtener ingresos, y por ahora, Cameo es la opción.

Kansas City Suspects in Shooting Criminally Charged ... Two Juveniles Only

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Jeremy Scherle

Criminal charges are being handed down in the mass shooting at the Kansas City Chiefs rally -- and we're now learning that, for now, two juveniles stand accused of being responsible.

Prosecutors hit two individuals -- described as minors -- with gun-related charges and for resisting arrest ... but nothing yet pertaining to any actual deaths. Officials in Kansas City say more charges are likely coming.

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Because they're minors, court hearings and criminal proceedings related to this case will not be open to the public. Both suspects are being held in a juvenile detention center.

As we reported ... 22 people were shot and one person died in Wednesday's shooting, which broke out after the Chiefs wrapped up their championship parade. The shooting caused a mass panic, and ended up with multiple people being hospitalized, including children.

Cops detained 3 people at the scene ... however, only 2 people now are facing criminal prosecution -- unclear what might've happened with the third person who was detained.

Witnesses and gunshot victims have described the chaotic scene that erupted after shots rang out in K.C. ... one survivor said the gunman spun around in a circle as he fired multiple shots into the large crowd that was gathered.

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Another Chiefs fan was among the people who subdued an armed person in the crowd ... tackling the guy to the ground before police got to him. It's unclear if the person who got tackled is one of the people who's now charged. The identities of the suspects are unknown.

Police aren't calling the shooting an act of terrorism ... instead, they claim it was a dispute between multiple parties that escalated to gun violence.

New images are surfacing daily that show the carnage from the scene -- including these new pictures and videos from photographer Jeremy Scherle who was there in K.C. Wednesday.


Take a look at these photos showing the immediate aftermath ... including a gun that may have been used in the shooting ... not to mention pools of blood around it. Clearly, officers wanted to secure this scene right after it happened -- and that's what you're seeing here.

Of the 22 people who were shot and injured, at least half are under 16 years old. There have been a lot of unanswered questions about what happened here -- and even now with two people being held responsible ... we still don't know very much.

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Fox 49 Ozarks

Story developing ...

Kansas City Sospechosos del tiroteo son acusados penalmente ... Solo dos menores

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Las caóticas secuelas
Jeremy Scherle

Dos personas están siendo acusadas con cargos criminales por el tiroteo masivo en Kansas City en medio de las celebraciones por el Super Bowl, y ahora nos estamos enterando de que, por ahora, solo hay dos menores de edad acusados como responsables.

Los fiscales imputaron a dos individuos, descritos como menores de edad, con cargos relacionados con el uso de armas y resistencia a la autoridad, aunque aún no hay nada relacionado con las muertes. Funcionarios de Kansas City dicen que es probable que se vengan más cargos.

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Caos total

Debido a que son menores de edad, las audiencias judiciales y los procedimientos penales relacionados con el caso no estarán abiertos al público. Ambos sospechosos están detenidos en un centro de detención de menores.

Como informamos, 22 personas fueron heridas de bala y una persona murió en el tiroteo del miércoles, que estalló después de que los Chiefs terminaran su desfile por el campeonato. El tiroteo causó pánico y terminó con varias personas hospitalizadas, incluidos niños.

Los policías detuvieron a tres personas en la escena. Sin embargo, solo 2 personas se enfrentan a un proceso penal. No está claro lo que puede haber pasado con la tercera persona que había sido detenida.

Los testigos y las víctimas de los disparos han descrito la caótica escena: un sobreviviente dijo que el pistolero giró en círculos mientras disparaba tiros hacia la gran multitud.

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Estallan los disparos

Otro fan de los Chiefs contuvo a una persona armada en la multitud, abordando al tipo en el suelo antes de que la policía llegara por él. No está claro si la persona que fue abordada es uno de los acusados. Se desconoce la identidad de los sospechosos.

La policía ha dicho que los disparos no corresponden a un acto terrorista, en cambio, dicen que fue una disputa entre varias partes que se intensificó con la violencia armada.

Han surgido nuevas imágenes que muestran la tragedia en la escena, incluyendo estas nuevas fotos y videos del fotógrafo Jeremy Scherle que estaba allí el miércoles.

Echa un vistazo a estas fotos que muestran las consecuencias del fatal incidente. Se ve un arma que puede ser la que se utilizó en el tiroteo, por no hablar de los charcos de sangre a su alrededor. Claramente, los oficiales querían resguardar esta escena justo después de que ocurrió y eso es lo que se ve aquí.

De las 22 personas que fueron baleadas y heridas, al menos la mitad son menores de 16 años. Ha habido un montón de preguntas sin respuesta sobre lo que pasó aquí e incluso ahora que hay dos personas consideradas responsables. Todavía no sabemos mucho.

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Comenzó como una disputa...
Fox 49 Ozarks

Historia en desarrollo ...