Kansas City Shooting New Video Shows Injured Kids Flee ... 40 Shots Fired, AR-Style Pistol

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New video of the Kansas City shooting shows some of the injured children trying to escape the horrific scene -- and we've learned new info about what sort of weapon police believe the shooter used.

TMZ obtained this never-before-seen footage ... a new angle of Wednesday's shooting as the Chiefs Super Bowl celebration wrapped, and now you can see exactly where the shooting started ... and how the injured -- including a handful of kids -- reacted.

Police have said 9 minors were among the 23 victims who suffered gunshot wounds yesterday, and here you can see a few of them hobbling away -- but heroically, also helping each other -- immediately after the barrage of gunfire outside Union Station.

You can also hear someone yelling, "It's fireworks!" -- a mistake several witnesses have said people were making amid the chaos and confusion immediately following the shots.

Remember, cops have come out and said this didn't appear to be a terroristic act, but rather, a possible dispute between parties ... which killed at least one person.

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As for the investigation ... cops have only said they have 3 persons of interest in custody, and 2 of them are juveniles -- but our sources, with direct knowledge of the investigation, say cops also know there were an estimated 40 shots discharged on the scene.

We're also told cops recovered at least 3 weapons -- one of them is an AR-style pistol, and 2 others are handguns with extended magazines. It's unclear if all those weapons were fired during the shooting.

Our sources say cops believe the violence was set off by a confrontation between 2 males and one female -- and it's possible there was more than one person who opened fire in the dense crowd.

As of now, no one's been charged in the mass shooting ... and we're told the 3 persons of interest are being held in separate jails while police question them and gather more information.

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Time will tell if/when more info comes to light ... but for now, we have this intel.

BTW, vigils are going on in Kansas City Thursday night to honor the victims of the shooting -- and a lot of public officials are out there ... as are citizens to pay their respects, as well as to send their prayers.

Tough time in the city, no doubt.

Tiroteo en Kansas City Nuevo video muestra a niños heridos huyendo...

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La terrible escena

Un nuevo video del tiroteo en Kansas City muestra a algunos de los niños heridos tratando de escapar del lugar y junto con eso hemos averiguado nueva información sobre el tipo de arma que la policía cree que utilizó el tirador.

TMZ obtuvo este material, que es un nuevo ángulo del tiroteo ocurrido el miércoles en medio de la celebración del Super Bowl de los Chiefs, y ahora se sabe exactamente dónde comenzó el tiroteo y cómo reaccionaron los heridos, incluyendo un puñado de niños.

La policía ha dicho que 9 menores estaban entre las 23 víctimas que sufrieron heridas de bala, y en este video se puede ver incluso a algunos de ellos cojeando, pero heroicamente y ayudándose unos con otros. Esto ocurrió inmediatamente después de que estallaran los disparos afuera de Union Station.

También se puede escuchar a alguien gritando: "¡Son fuegos artificiales!", un error que varios testigos escucharon a la gente decir en medio del caos y la confusión después del tiroteo.

Recuerden, los policías han dicho que esto no parece ser un acto terrorista, sino más bien una posible disputa entre las partes que terminó cobrando la vida de una persona.

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Estallan los disparos

En cuanto a la investigación, los policías solo han dicho que tienen a tres personas de interés en custodia. Dos de ellas son menores de edad, pero nuestras fuentes, quienes tienen conocimiento directo de la investigación, dicen que los policías también saben que se efectuaron alrededor de 40 disparos en la escena.

También nos han dicho que la policía recuperó al menos tres armas: una de ellas era una pistola AR y otras dos contaban con cargadores de gran capacidad. No está claro si todas esas armas fueron disparadas durante el tiroteo.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que la policía cree que la violencia fue provocada por un enfrentamiento entre dos hombres y una mujer, y es posible que hubiera más de una persona abriendo el fuego entre la densa multitud.

Por ahora, nadie ha sido acusado y nos dicen que las 3 personas de interés están detenidas en cárceles separadas, mientras la policía los interroga y reúne más información.

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Caos total

El tiempo dirá si sale más información a la luz, por ahora, contamos con esto.

Por cierto, se realizaron varias vigilias en Kansas City el jueves por la noche para honrar a las víctimas del tiroteo. Un montón de funcionarios públicos estuvieron ahí, al igual que los ciudadanos quienes quisieron presentar sus respetos y enviar sus oraciones.

Es un momento duro para la ciudad, sin duda.

Austin North es detenido y presuntamente agredido Por el personal de urgencias

Austin North se volvió loco en un hospital en Las Vegas esta semana, atacando a varios empleados de urgencias y hubo que calmarlo... al menos eso dijo la policía.

De acuerdo con el informe de la policía, obtenido por TMZ, los oficiales fueron enviados al Hospital el martes por la noche debido a los informes de agresión que se habían producido en la sala de emergencias, y cuando llegaron, los policías dicen que entrevistaron a las presuntas víctimas.

Según un par de enfermeras y un enfermero, afirman haber sido golpeados por Austin de la nada. El actor estaba lanzando puños y empujando a los tres sin razón aparente.

Se alega que golpeó a una enfermera en la cabeza, empujó la cara de otra enfermera y empujó al enfermero contra una mesa, solo que esta última presunta víctima utilizó una bandeja cercana para golpearlo en la cabeza en defensa propia.

En este punto, los policías dicen que Austin fue contenido por los agentes de seguridad, pero se alega que atacó a una última persona, aunque no está claro en el informe cuál era su trabajo.

En cualquier caso, finalmente lo esposaron a una camilla. Los policías que llegaron para encargarse de esto dicen que le leyeron a Austin sus derechos cuando le dijeron que lo estaban arrestando por agresión y cuando le preguntaron si lo había entendido... afirman que dijo "sí".

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Fue llevado a la cárcel, donde fue fichado por delito grave de agresión y posó para esta foto. Desde entonces, Austin está en libertad bajo fianza. La única cosa que no se aborda en toda esta narrativa es, ¿qué diablos estaba haciendo en la sala de emergencias en primer lugar?

Eso está por verse, pero es un agujero muy extraño en la historia. Curiosamente, Austin estaba un poco documentando su fin de semana en Las Vegas - el tipo tiene toda una compilación en sus redes sociales que muestra todo lo que estaba haciendo, y parece que mucho.

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Nos hemos puesto en contacto con su equipo para hacer comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

'Outer Banks' Star Austin North Arrested in Vegas ... Allegedly Attacked ER Hospital Staff


6:26 PM PT -- Austin North just addressed the situation online, and he says he was having a very severe panic attack where he thought he might die ... adding he doesn't remember much of the incident at all.

AN posted a lengthy description of what he says happened that day -- noting he's been dealing with this condition for a long time, and that the attack he endured Tuesday was by far the worst he's ever experienced. He apologizes to the hospital staff, and says he hopes to shed more light on his condition as time goes on.

Austin North went haywire at a hospital in Vegas this week -- attacking several emergency room staffers and needing to be restrained ... so claim cops, anyway.

According to the police report, obtained by TMZ, officers were dispatched to UMC Hospital Tuesday night for reports of an assault and battery that had occurred in the ER ... and when they arrived, cops say they interviewed the alleged victims.

According to a couple nurses and a phlebotomist -- who claim to have been struck by Austin in a bum-rush they say came out of nowhere -- the actor was throwing fists and shoving all three of them in succession ... for no apparent reason whatsoever.

He's alleged to have punched a nurse in the head, shoved the face of another nurse and pushed the phlebotomist into a table -- only for the latter alleged victim to use a tray nearby to smack him in the head in self-defense.

At this point, cops say Austin was restrained by security officers ... but he's alleged to have attacked one last person -- although it's not clear from the report what her job was.

In any case, they finally cuffed him to a gurney there in the hospital. The cops who arrived to deal with this say they read Austin his Miranda rights when they told him they were arresting him for battery, and when asked if he understood ... they claim he said "yes."

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He was hauled off to jail, where he was booked for gross misdemeanor battery ... and posed for this mug shot. Austin has since bonded out. The one thing that isn't addressed in this whole narrative is ... what the hell was he doing in the ER in the first place???

That remains to be seen ... but it's a very bizarre hole in the story. Interestingly enough, Austin was kinda documenting his weekend in Vegas -- the dude has a whole compilation up on his social media page that shows off everything he was up to ... and it looks like a lot.

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We've reached out to his team for comment ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 3:40 PM PT

Una víctima del tiroteo de Kansas describe el momento En que el pistolero abrió fuego

Uno de los aficionados de los Chiefs que estuvo en el tiroteo masivo, dice que el pistolero abrió fuego en medio de una multitud, girando alrededor mientras mantenía un dedo en el gatillo.

"estoy en ese video"

Jacob Gooch Sr. -un fan de los Chiefs de Kansas- fue una de las 23 personas alcanzadas por los disparos y se unió a nosotros en "TMZ Live" el Jueves para contarnos acerca de su experiencia desgarradora.

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el momento del caos

Jacob dice que alguien en la multitud le estaba diciendo al tirador, "Ahora no, este no es el lugar" momentos antes de que los disparos comenzaron a sonar. Dice que sus hijas vieron al tirador sacando una pistola y disparar mientras giraba en círculo.

El tiroteo fue capturado en el video de vigilancia y Jacob dice que puede verse a sí mismo en el suelo mientras cunde el pánico y la multitud comienzan a correr para cubrirse.

Al principio, Jacob dice que pensó que los fuertes ruidos eran fuegos artificiales, hasta que miró hacia abajo y vio humo que salía de una herida de bala de su tobillo. También dice que su hijo recibió un disparo en el pie y su esposa recibió un disparo en la pierna.

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comenzando una disputa
Fox 49 Ozarks

La policía dice que el tiroteo no parece haber sido un acto de terrorismo, en cambio, las autoridades creen que una disputa entre varios grupos se intensificó hasta llegar a los disparos.

Jacob dice que no vio bien al tirador, pero su familia lo describe como un hombre de mediana edad.

KANSAS CITY PARADE SHOOTING Gunman Sprayed Bullets in Circle ... Gunshot Victim Recalls

One of the Chiefs fans hit with bullets at the Super Bowl parade mass shooting says the gunman opened fire in the middle of a crowd ... spinning around as he kept a finger on the trigger.

Recounting The Shooting

Jacob Gooch Sr., a Chiefs fan from Kansas, was among the 23 people struck by gunfire ... and he joined us on "TMZ Live" Thursday to tell us about his harrowing experience.

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Jacob says someone in the crowd was telling the shooter, "Not now, this isn't the place" moments before gunshots started ringing out. He says his daughters saw the shooter pull out a gun and fire shots as he spun around in a circle.

The shooting was captured on surveillance video and Jacob says he can see himself on the ground as panic ensues and people in the crowd start running for cover.

At first, Jacob says he thought the loud noises were fireworks, not gunshots ... until he looked down and saw smoke coming out from a gunshot wound to his ankle. He also says his son was shot in the foot and his wife was shot in the leg.

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Fox 49 Ozarks

Cops say the shooting does not appear to have been an act of terrorism ... instead, authorities believe a dispute between multiple groups escalated to gunfire.

Jacob says he didn't get a good look at the shooter, but his family described the gunman as a middle-aged man.

KANSAS CITY Parade SHOOTING Chiefs Fan Tackled Armed Suspect ... I Saw Big Gun Fall Out

The KC Chiefs fan who tackled an armed suspect at the parade shooting says he didn't think twice about going after him ... and the guy apparently had a big gun on him.

Paul Contreras is the person on video tackling one of the people who got detained Wednesday -- and he joined us on "TMZ Live" Thursday to tell us how he ended up being hailed a hero.


It all happened super fast ... Paul says folks were yelling at the crowd to tackle an individual who was running the opposite direction of everyone else. He had an angle on the guy and he says his instincts kicked in and he went out and pounced.

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Paul tells us he was wrestling the man to the ground when he noticed a large firearm hit the deck. As others fled for their lives, Paul says he fought for his ... wrestling with the guy and trying like hell to keep him pinned until police came and eventually handled the rest.

Cops say there are at least 3 people in custody in connection with the deadly mass shooting -- but none of them have been arrested or booked on any charges as far as we know.

Paul, a Chiefs fan from Nebraska, was at the Super Bowl victory parade with his 3 daughters ... one of whom tells us she helped keep the gun away from the shooter once the weapon was on the ground. That seems to be who we see pick up the gun in the now-viral clip.

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Fox 49 Ozarks

Cops say the shooting does not appear to have been an act of terrorism ... instead, authorities believe it was a dispute between multiple parties that escalated.

Police say 23 people were shot and one person died.

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For now, it's unclear if there was one shooter or several ... but Paul says, this guy was strapped.

LSU RB Trey Holly Arrested ... Booked On Attempted Murder Charge

LSU running back Trey Holly -- who played in three games for the Tigers last season -- was arrested on Thursday in Louisiana and booked on several felony charges ... including attempted second-degree murder, TMZ Sports has confirmed.

Union Parish Sheriff Dusty Gates tells us ... Holly turned himself in to authorities with his attorney at around noon -- and in addition to the attempted murder charge, he was also booked for felony aggravated criminal damage to property and felony illegal use of a weapon.

Gates said the arrest was related to a shooting that Holly was allegedly involved in back on Feb. 9. The sheriff said the incident took place at an apartment complex following "a disturbance" at a previous location ... and left two people -- one male and one female -- hospitalized.

Gates said investigators identified Holly and three others as the shooting suspects after interviewing eyewitnesses. We're told Holly is now being held on a $512,000 bond.

LSU said in a statement shortly after Holly was thrown behind bars that it was "aware that a student-athlete has been arrested in relation to a shooting in Union Parish. This student-athlete has been suspended indefinitely from all team activities, in accordance with departmental policies. Out of respect for the judicial process, we will have no further comment.”

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Holly -- regarded as one of the best high school running backs in the nation -- was used sparingly in his true freshman season with the Tigers in '23 ... although he did record 11 carries for 110 yards and a touchdown in his limited snaps.

El tiroteo no fue un acto terrorista Sino una disputa entre fanáticos

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comenzó como una disputa
Fox 49 Ozarks

La policía dice que el tiroteo en el desfile del Super Bowl del miércoles no parece haber sido un acto de terrorismo, en cambio, las autoridades creen que fue simplemente una disputa entre varias partes que se intensificó.

El Jefe del Departamento de Policía de Kansas City Stacey Graves, hizo la revelación en una conferencia de prensa el jueves por la mañana, explicando que no han obtenido ninguna evidencia que demuestre que el tiroteo fue premeditado.

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el momento del caos

"Esto parecía ser una disputa entre varias personas que terminó en disparos", dijo.

Graves también reveló que 23 personas en total fueron alcanzadas por las balas durante el incidente. Se ha confirmado la muerte de una de ellas, Elizabeth Galvan, de 43 años. Otros ocho se encuentran actualmente en estado crítico.

Graves también dijo que de las 22 víctimas que todavía están luchando para recuperarse, al menos la mitad eran menores de 16 años de edad. La más joven de las víctimas, dijo, tenía 8 años.

Dos de las personas detenidas en relación con el tiroteo son menores de edad, agregó Graves.

Como informamos anteriormente, los disparos estallaron pocos minutos después de que Patrick Mahomes y Travis Kelce concluyeran sus discursos en un mitin tras recorrer en autobús las calles de Kansas City.

Ambas estrellas y sus organizaciones emitieron declaraciones tras la tragedia, expresando sus pensamientos y oraciones por las víctimas.

Cops: SB Parade Shooting Not Act Of Terrorism ... Likely 'Dispute Between Several People'

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Fox 49 Ozarks

Cops say the shooting at Wednesday's Super Bowl parade does not appear to have been an act of terrorism ... instead, authorities believe it was simply a dispute between multiple parties that escalated.

Kansas City Police Department Chief Stacey Graves made the revelation at a news conference with reporters Thursday morning ... explaining detectives have obtained no evidence that shows the gunfire at Union Station was a planned attack.

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"This appeared to be a dispute between several people that ended in gunfire," she said.

Graves also revealed that 23 people in total were struck by bullets during the incident. One, 43-year-old Elizabeth "Lisa" Lopez-Galvan, has been confirmed dead. Eight others, law enforcement added at the news conference, are currently in critical condition.

Graves also said that of the 22 victims who are still fighting to recover ... at least half were under the age of 16 years old. The youngest of the victims, she said, was 8 years old.

Two of the people detained in connection with the shooting are juveniles, Graves added.

As we previously reported, the gunshots erupted just minutes after Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelce wrapped up speeches at a rally following bus rides through Kansas City streets.

Both stars -- and their org. -- released statements following the tragedy ... expressing their thoughts and prayers for the victims.

Bill Skarsgård es detenido por posesión de marihuana en Suecia En Suecia

Bill Skarsgård fue detenido en Suecia por posesión de marihuana... TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen que el actor de 33 años, fue detenido en octubre por posesión de 2.43 gramos de cannabis en el aeropuerto de Arlanda en Estocolmo y fue condenado el miércoles.

Se nos dice que Bill fue condenado a pagar una multa de 40.000 coronas suecas, aproximadamente $3.825 USD y no se enfrentará a tiempo en la cárcel, libertad condicional o libertad condicional, lo que significa que todo el asunto quedará saldado una vez que desembolse el dinero en efectivo.

Nos dicen que Skarsgård se declaró culpable del delito y le presentó la documentación a la corte. Finalmente el juez sentenció Bill bándose en esos papeles.

Bill -que ha protagonizado "It" de Stephen King y "Atomic Blonde", junto con otras conocidas películas y programas de televisión- es la realeza de la actuación en Suecia con su padre Stellan y hermanos Alexander, Gustaf, Valter, Ossian y Kolbjörn también miembros de la profesión.

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Nos hemos puesto en contacto con Bill para hacer comentariosn pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Bill Skarsgård Arrested For Drug Possession ... Fined $4,000 in Sweden

Bill Skarsgård was arrested in Sweden for marijuana possession ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us ... the 33-year-old actor was arrested in October for possessing 2.43 grams of cannabis at Arlanda Airport in Stockholm and was sentenced Wednesday.

We're told Bill was ordered to pay a fine of 40,000 Swedish krona -- approximately $3,825 USD and will not face jail time, probation or parole -- meaning it’ll all be behind him once he forks over the cash.

We’re told Skarsgård pled guilty to the crime and submitted paperwork to the court … and a judge sentenced BS based on that paperwork.

Bill -- who's starred in Stephen King's "It" and "Atomic Blonde" along with other well-known movies and TV shows -- is acting royalty in Sweden with his father Stellan and brothers Alexander, Gustaf, Valter, Ossian and Kolbjörn also members of the trade.

TMZ Studios

We've reached out to Bill for comment ... so far no word back.

Sharon Stone Los policías me protegieron durante la persecución a O.J.

Sharon Stone no tenía ninguna conexión con O.J. Simpson en 1994, pero cuando este anduvo suelto, Stone estaba encerrada y con los policías escoltándola en un hotel.

La megaestrella habló con InStyle Magazine sobre su estrellato a la fama tras el estreno de "Basic Instinct" en 1992 y dijo que fue tan famosa luego de eso que cuando O.J. estaba siendo perseguido por los policías, los agentes de Los Ángeles se presentaron en su puerta.

Según Sharon Stone mientras estaba en curso la dramática persecución, los oficiales se presentaron en su puerta y le dijeron que empacara un bolso en los próximos 10 minutos.

Stone dice que un oficial le dijo específicamente: "Él es peligroso. Y no sabemos cuán peligroso y no sabemos qué es esto".

Vale la pena señalar que Stone no tenía ninguna conexión real con Simpson, por lo que muchos se están preguntando por qué la policía se presentaría en su casa. Obviamente, Stone fue una de las mayores estrellas de cine de la época, pero cientos de famosos viven en Los Ángeles y LAPD no puede ir a todas sus casas por lo que sabemos.

Una persona que no cuestionó lo que pasaba fue Sharon Stone, quien rápidamente hizo una maleta y se fue con los oficiales que la llevaron a un hotel. Sharon dijo que su vida se había vuelto tan loca después de que "Basic Instinct" explotara, que no pensó en nada.

Le recomendaron que comprara una casa con puerta y contratara seguridad, un consejo que ella siguió y fue una de las muchas medidas caras que tuvo que pagar para estar a salvo.

Por supuesto, Simpson más tarde regresó a su casa donde, después de un largo enfrentamiento, se entregó a la policía. Fue acusado de los asesinatos de Nicole Brown Simpson y Ron Goldman, pero por supuesto, fue declarado inocente de ambos asesinatos.

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En cuanto a por qué se presentaron los policías para proteger a Stone, tal vez solo querían conocerla. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Sharon Stone Cops Protected Me During O.J. Chase ... I Was THAT Famous in '90s

Sharon Stone didn't have any connection to O.J. Simpson back in 1994 ... but when The Juice was loose, Stone was locked up tight -- with cops sequestering her in a hotel room.

The megastar actress talked about how her fame exploded after the 1992 film "Basic Instinct" came out in an interview with InStyle Magazine ... and said she was so big two years later that when O.J. took cops on a low-speed chase, LAPD officers showed up at her door.

According to SS ... while the dramatic pursuit was in progress, officers showed up at Sharon's door and told her to pack a bag in the next 10 minutes.

Stone says one officer specifically told her, "He’s dangerous. And we don’t know how dangerous, and we don’t know what this is."

Worth noting ... Stone had no actual connection to Simpson -- leading some to wonder why the police would show up to her house anyway. Obviously, Stone was one of the biggest movie stars of the time, but tons of famous people live in L.A., and LAPD didn't go to all their houses as far as we know.

One person who didn't question why the police were there ... Sharon Stone, who quickly packed a bag and left with officers who took her to a hotel. Sharon said her life had become so crazy after "Basic Instinct" blew up she didn't think anything of the protection.

They recommended she buy a house with a gate and hire some security -- advice Stone took, and one of many expensive measures Sharon said she paid for to keep herself safe.

Of course, Simpson later returned to his home where -- following a lengthy standoff -- O.J. turned himself in to police. He was charged with the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman ... but, of course, he was found not guilty of both slayings.

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As for why officers showed up to protect Stone ... maybe they just really wanted to meet her. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Detroit Pistons' Isaiah Stewart Arrested In Phx ... Allegedly Punched Suns Player Before Game


11:20 AM PT -- Isaiah Stewart's attorney, Alex Spiro, clearly believes the situation has been blown out of proportion, telling TMZ Sports ... "Isaiah was issued a ticket -- not arrested -- and we expect the case to be dismissed."

Spiro also added that I.S. was not put in handcuffs ... and was released after receiving the citation.

Pistons center Isaiah Stewart was arrested for allegedly assaulting Suns forward Drew Eubanks during an altercation before Detroit's game against Phoenix on Wednesday.

The Phoenix Police Department said in a statement the alleged incident occurred in a parking tunnel at Footprint Arena in Arizona at around 4:45 PM -- roughly an hour before tip-off.

Cops said when officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with several bystanders ... who told them the two athletes had gotten into a verbal altercation as they arrived at the arena that turned violent.

"Witnesses said the argument escalated when they saw Stewart punch Eubanks, causing a minor injury," the Phoenix PD said in its statement. "Both men were separated by security which ended the fight."

A short time later, police said they arrested Stewart for assault ... and issued a citation. He was released -- but cops say the investigation remains ongoing.

The Pistons said they were aware of the incident ... adding that they're "in the process of gathering information about what happened and what provoked it, and responding to the NBA and local authorities."

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Supposed To Be A Brotherhood
Phoenix Suns

Kevin Durant -- who was traded to the Suns in 2023 -- spoke about the situation after the game ... calling it "unfortunate." He did say, though, the team has Drew's back.

"It’s supposed to be a brotherhood," Durant said. "But I also understand, dudes get into stuff. We try to avoid that in this league, hopefully we can move on from it. We all support Drew."

Stewart -- a first-round pick in 2020 -- is averaging 11 points and 6.8 rebounds per game this season. He gained national notoriety in 2021 after he got into a physical altercation with LeBron James on the court.

Eubanks, meanwhile, signed with the Suns last year after playing for the Blazers and Spurs. He's currently averaging 5.7 points per game.

Originally Published -- 7:00 AM PT

The TMZ Podcast: Meghan Markle's New Podcast Deal & Taylor Swift Gets Back to Touring!

On this episode of The TMZ podcast ...

Meghan Markle has signed a new deal to produce a podcast series with Lemonada Media after the $20 million Spotify agreement failed last year.

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez showed up to the premiere of her new film "This Is Me... Now" on Tuesday night, and Ben was incredibly chatty.

Taylor Swift reportedly touched down in Melbourne, Australia to resume her tour, disappointing Kansas City fans who eagerly anticipated an appearance at the Chiefs' celebration parade.

Speaking of Taylor ... Kanye West is denying the rumor that Swift "kicked" him out of the Super Bowl after he bought tickets in front of her.

Plus, Todd and Julie Chrisley are prohibited from contacting each other on Valentines Day amid their lengthy prison stays! 😬

Subscribe to The TMZ Podcast wherever you get your podcasts!

Hosts: Charlie Cotton & Nikki Hendry