V-Day Drug Bust Cop Dresses as Teddy Bear ... Lures Suspect for Arrest!!!

Teddy Bear Bust

A cop in Peru got creative this week to lure out a suspected drug dealer -- and it seems their holiday-themed scheme worked to a T ... teddy bear costumes usually do the trick, right?

Check out this wild video out of Lima ... which shows police officers going undercover and committing to the bit, full stop -- with one cop getting into a whole ass bear costume, complete with props and everything.

It's pretty clear what's happening -- ahead of Valentine's Day, they wanted to attempt to arrest a woman they suspected of drug dealing ... and figured an in-person telegram would do it.

As it turns out -- they were right. The lady they were after did, indeed, come outside to see what the deal was ... and once she was in their sights, the officers moved and pinned her to the ground.

You can hear the lady say she hasn't done anything and didn't have anything on her -- but they cuffed her anyway and searched her apartment after.

Unclear if they ended up finding any drugs on her -- but they dragged her to the station for booking, it seems. Operation V-Day can be considered a success ... con amor, por supuesto.

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Happy Valentine's Day!



8:13 AM PT -- BOP tells TMZ that Todd and Julie actually could've communicated on Valentine's Day -- but they just had to get it approved and planned out beforehand. They also tell us inmates get their mail in a prompt timeframe, despite Todd's claims.

Todd and Julie Chrisley won't be sending their love to each other on Valentine's Day ... which their attorney says is coming as a huge drag.

The couple's attorney, Jay Surgent, tells TMZ the duo won't be able to communicate with one another on Valentine's Day 'cause inmates aren't permitted to get in touch while in different federal prisons.

You'll recall ... Todd was given a 12-year sentence at FPC Pensacola for a slew of fraud charges, while Julie was sent to FMC Lexington in Kentucky for 7 years -- so not only are they in separate prisons, but they're also in different states.

Their attorney tells us the Federal Bureau of Prisons has a no-crossover/contact policy... but Jay doesn't quite understand it, telling us it creates zero security problems or cause for concern.

Jay says the Chrisleys being unable to communicate during V-Day will be a real bummer ... especially cause their love for each other is unwavering and distance has only made the heart grow fonder.

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Meanwhile, Jay says when he last spoke with Todd last week, TC said he wanted to pursue an investigation against FPC Pensacola prison administration for mail theft and general corruption ... among other things. He also claims he still hasn't received the mail he's been expecting, which raises further concerns with him.

As we all know by now, Todd's been vocal about the living conditions at his new digs ... ripping them apart for their disgusting food, possible mold, and bad plumbing.

But as it relates to the heart ... it seems like Todd and Julie's love is under lock and key for the time being.

Originally Published -- 1:00 AM PT

Todd y Julie Chrisley no pueden hablar en San Valentín desde la cárcel

Todd y Julie Chrisley no podrán amarse el Día de San Valentín, ya que su abogado tiene malas noticias.

El abogado de la pareja, Jay Surgent, le dice a TMZ que el dúo no será capaz de comunicarse entre el Día de San Valentín, porque a los reclusos no se les permite ponerse en contacto, además de están en diferentes prisiones federales.

Usted recordará que Todd fue condenado a 12 años en por una serie de cargos de fraude, mientras que Julie fue enviada a FMC Lexington en Kentucky durante 7 años, por lo que no solo están en prisiones separadas, sino que también están en diferentes estados.

Su abogado nos dice que la Oficina Federal de Prisiones tiene una política cero contacto... pero Jay no lo entiende muy bien y nos dice que no crea problemas de seguridad y no hay nada de que preocuparse.

Jay dice que los Chrisleys no podrán comunicarse durante este día tan especial y será realmente triste, ya que la distancia solo ha hecho que la relación se fortalezca.

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Mientras tanto, Jay dice que la última vez que habló con Todd la semana pasada, dijo que quería seguir una investigación contra la administración de la prisión de Pensacola FPC para el robo de correo y la corrupción en general... entre otras cosas. También afirma que todavía no ha recibido el correo que ha estado esperando, lo que plantea más preocupaciones con él.

Como todos sabemos, Todd ha sido abierto sobre sus nuevas condiciones de vida, mostrándonos aparte por su comida repugnante y la mala plomería.

Pero en lo que se refiere al corazón... parece que el amor de Todd y Julie está bajo llave por el momento.

NBA's Bryn Forbes Arrested Again ... Allegedly Punched, Choked Woman

Former San Antonio Spurs guard Bryn Forbes has been arrested for the second time in the last year ... after he was accused yet again of putting his hands on a woman.

Jail records in Bexar County, Texas show Forbes was thrown behind bars on Tuesday afternoon and booked on a felony domestic violence charge.

Court documents, obtained by News 4's Mariah Medina, show the arrest all stemmed from an alleged violent encounter the basketball player had with the mother of his two children on Monday in San Antonio.

According to the docs, the woman told officers Forbes banged on her apartment's window -- and when she let him in, "he immediately punched her in the head."

Officials say the woman told them Forbes then choked her with his forearms, the collar of her shirt ... and then his bare hands.

The docs state the woman told Forbes she could not breathe ... but he allegedly responded, "if you can speak then you are not being choked."

Officials say the woman told them she was ultimately able to get away from Forbes but had soreness in her neck afterward.

This is not the first time the 30-year-old hooper has been accused of getting violent with a female ... back in February 2023, he allegedly hit a woman "several times" after a night out on the town in Bexar County.

Forbes was tagged with an assault charge over the allegations ... but court records show he entered into a pretrial diversion program back in June 2023.

Forbes last played for the Minnesota Timberwolves in the 2022-2023 season ... averaging 3.6 points per game in 25 contests. He has not played, however, in the 2023-2024 season.

Jackie Robinson 45-Year-Old Arrested For Stealing Statue ... Hit W/ 4 Criminal Charges

A 45-year-old man is now in police custody after cops claim he stole and destroyed a beloved Jackie Robinson statue in Kansas ... but authorities say they believe his actions were NOT motivated by hate.

According to the Wichita Police Department, Ricky Alderete has been hit with four criminal charges -- including felony theft and aggravated criminal damage to property -- after authorities say he nabbed the famed JR monument from outside a youth baseball facility late last month and then burnt it down to a pile of rubble.

Suspect In Custody
Wichita Police Department

Cops say their investigation revealed Alderete committed the act in order to cash in on the figurine's metal scraps.

Officials added they believe there might be more individuals involved in the crime.


"Our detectives remain committed to gathering information to identify and charge all individuals involved in the theft and destruction of the Jackie Robinson statue," cops said in a statement Tuesday. "The WPD extends its gratitude to the community for their support, patience, and information related to this case."

City officials, meanwhile, have already said they plan to replace the Robinson sculpture with another one in the near future.

A GoFundMe put in place to raise money for the eventual replacement statue has garnered more than $194,000.

Jackie Robinson Detienen a un hombre de 45 por robar su estatua Golpeado con cuatro cargos

Un hombre de 45 años está bajo custodia policial después de que los policías afirmaran que robó y destruyó una estatua del querido Jackie Robinson en Kansas, aunque las autoridades piensan que sus acciones no fueron motivadas por el odio.

De acuerdo con el Departamento Policial de Wichita (WPD), Ricky Alderete ha sido golpeado con cuatro cargos criminales, incluyendo un delito grave de robo y otro de daños a la propiedad criminal agravado, después de que las autoridades dijeran que agarró el famoso monumento de Jackie Robinson desde fuera de una instalación juvenil de béisbol a finales del mes pasado y luego lo quemara entre un montón de escombros.

Sospechoso en custodia
Wichita Police Department

La policía dice que su investigación reveló que Alderete cometió el acto con el fin de sacar provecho de los restos de metal de la estatuilla.

Añadieron que creen que podría haber más individuos involucrados en el crimen.

Robo a un miembo del salón de la fama

"Nuestros detectives siguen comprometidos con la recopilación de información para identificar y acusar a todos los individuos involucrados en el robo y destrucción de la estatua de Jackie Robinson", dijo la policía en un comunicado el martes. "El WPD extiende su gratitud a la comunidad por su apoyo, paciencia e información relacionada con el caso".

Los funcionarios de la ciudad, mientras tanto, ya han dicho que planean reemplazar la escultura de Robinson con otra en un futuro próximo.

Además, se puso en marcha un GoFundMe para recaudar dinero para la eventual estatua de reemplazo, que ya ha recaudado más de $194,000.

UFC's Sedriques Dumas Arrested In Florida ... After Tense Confrontation With Police

UFC fighter Sedriques Dumas -- who just recently scored an impressive win at UFC 294 -- was arrested on Tuesday in Florida following a tense confrontation with police.

According to Escambia County jail records, the 28-year-old was booked on a charge of battery at around 6:13 AM.

Further details surrounding his arrest were not made immediately available ... although video posted to Dumas' Facebook page late Monday night/early Tuesday morning appears to show him getting into a verbal argument with several law enforcement officers just hours before he was thrown behind bars.


In the footage, it looks like Dumas was clearly upset with at least one member of the Escambia County Sheriff's Office ... who had told him they had been called out over "a disturbance."

Dumas repeatedly asked the officers questions before he told one, "I'm beyond f***ing pissed ... I'm just walking to blow off steam and she want to come at me and tell me I'm disrupting?"

The mixed martial artist and the police then went back and forth for several minutes ... before one of the officers told Dumas they had received a call regarding a woman who had said "her boyfriend was banging on the door and ringing the doorbell."

Ultimately, the video ended after it appears the officers put Dumas in handcuffs.

Dumas most recently fought on Oct. 21, 2023 in Abu Dhabi ... where he beat Abu Azaitar by unanimous decision.

He currently has a 9-1 record as a pro fighter.

Seis detenidos en el Super Bowl LVIII Entre ellos dos invasores de campo

Parece que la mayoría de los aficionados en el Super Bowl LVIII estaban mostrando un buen comportamiento el domingo, porque TMZ Sports ha comprobado que solo seis personas fueron detenidas en el gran juego en la Ciudad del Pecado.

La policía nos dice que un fan fue arrojado tras las rejas por hurto mayor. Otro fue fichado por agresión a un oficial. Otros dos, dice la policía, fueron detenidos por obstrucción.

Por supuesto, los dos últimos arrestados fueron el dúo de hombres que se despojaron de sus camisetas y corrieron al campo durante una jugada en el tercer cuarto.

Ambos chicos fueron puestos bajo custodia por cargos de actos prohibidos durante un evento deportivo antes de ser liberados.

También hubo varias emergencias médicas durante el juego, policías nos dicen que recibieron 56 llamadas relacionadas con sustos de salud, añadiendo que nueve personas en total tuvieron que ser transportadas al hospital para su posterior evaluación.

Fuera de eso, el juego se desarrolló sin problemas y los Jefes ganaron en el tiempo extra 25-22 de manera muy emocionante.

Super Bowl LVIII 6 Arrested At Game ... Including 2 Field Invaders

Seems most fans at Super Bowl LVIII were on their best behavior Sunday ... because TMZ Sports has learned only six people were arrested at the big game in Sin City.

Cops tell us ... one fan at Allegiant Stadium during the Chiefs vs. Niners tilt was thrown behind bars for grand larceny. Another was booked for battery on an officer. Two others, police say, were arrested for obstruction.

Of course, the final two arrestees were the duo of men who stripped off their shirts and ran onto the field during a play in the third quarter.

Both guys, we're told, were put into custody on charges of prohibited acts during a sporting event -- before they were released.

There were also several medical emergencies during the game ... cops tell us they received 56 calls regarding health scares -- adding that nine total people needed to be transported to the hospital for further evaluation.

Outside of that ... the game went off without a hitch -- as the Chiefs won a thriller in overtime, 25-22.


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OnlyFans model Courtney Clenney's explosive tirades against her BF escalated significantly when she was under the influence of drugs -- though it was Christian Obumseli himself who'd provide her with an easy supply.

OF star Patrycia "Paty K" Kratiuk witnessed it firsthand ... telling us on "TMZ Investigates: Killer OnlyFans Model: Deadly Love Story," airing on FOX Monday night at 9/8 Central, how she saw Christian offer up drugs to CC on a platter, urging her to do a line of coke.

Though, it wasn't a shock to Patrycia -- her manager warned her of Courtney's wild ways ahead of their first meet-up in Palm Springs for an OF content shoot ... telling her she was heavily into drugs/alcohol, and advising her to leave as soon as they finished filming together.

Fellow OF model Kristina Santa backs Patrycia's claims ... saying Christian would appear to get a kick out of Courtney being a "little f***ed up" -- this info shedding chilling new light into their violent relationship, and indicating the toxicity between them may have been a two-way street.

Kristina adds, on the surface, they gave the illusion of being a perfect couple ... but things went from 0 to 100 real quick when drugs and alcohol were involved.

But, it was Courtney's drug-fueled rages that always reached boiling point ... with Christian solely being the target of her temper. As you know ... she stabbed him to death in the Miami condo they shared on April 3, 2022, after getting wind he was flirting with other girls during an OnlyFans content trip in Aspen.

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"TMZ Investigates: Killer OnlyFans Model: Deadly Love Story" premieres Monday, 9/8c on FOX.

COURTNEY CLENNEY'S PARENTS She Told Us She Feared Boyfriend Would Kill Her ... And He Almost Did

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The parents of Courtney Clenney -- the OnlyFans model charged with murdering her boyfriend -- say she told them he nearly killed her a few weeks before his fatal stabbing.

We interviewed Kim and Deborah Clenney for a new 'TMZ Investigates' airing Monday at 9 PM ET/8 Central on FOX  -- examining Courtney's case and their volatile relationship -- and they say she told them she feared Christian Obumseli might kill her.

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Courtney's parents say their daughter told them Christian once strangled her to the point she started passing out, and a scary thought ran through her mind ... "Oh my gosh, my mom's going to have to plan my funeral."

The Clenneys say the alleged incident happened only a few weeks before Courtney stabbed Christian to death.


Courtney's parents admit she was abusive towards Christian, but they say he abused her too ... made worse by the fact he heavily outweighed her and was much bigger in physical stature and strength.

The Clenneys say that's all on display in the elevator video from the Miami apartment complex where Courtney fatally stabbed Christian.


Courtney's parents say the footage shows Christian manhandling her, easily throwing her in a headlock and being unaffected by her trying to shove him out of the elevator.

Remember ... Courtney's maintained she killed Christian in self-defense.

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"TMZ Investigates: Killer OnlyFans Model: Deadly Love Story” airs Monday night at 9/8c on FOX.

Padres de Courtney Clenney Ella les dijo que temía que su novio la matara Y él casi lo hizo!!!

¿Un intento desesperado?
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Los padres de Courtney Clenney, la modelo de OnlyFans acusada de asesinar a su novio, dicen que ella les dijo que él estuvo a punto de matarla unas semanas antes del fatal apuñalamiento.

Entrevistamos a Kim y Deborah Clenney para un nuevo especial de "TMZ Investiga", que se emite el lunes a las 9 PM ET/8 por Central FOX, en donde examinamos el caso de Courtney y su volátil relación, incluyendo que temía que Christian Obumseli la pudiera matar.

"Déjame darte una cachetada"
Miami Herald

Los padres de Courtney dicen que su hija les dijo que una vez Christian la estranguló tanto que empezó a desmayarse y tuvo el aterrador pensamiento de que iba morir en su mente. "Dios mío, mi madre va a tener que planear mi funeral".

Los Clenneys dicen que el presunto incidente ocurrió solo unas semanas antes de que Courtney apuñalara a Christian hasta provocarle la muerte.

Los padres de Courtney admiten que ella abusaba de Christian, pero dicen que él también abusaba de ella, lo que se veía empeorado por el hecho de que él pesaba mucho más que ella y era mucho más grande en estatura física y fuerza.

Los Clenneys dicen que todo queda en evidencia en el video del ascensor en el complejo de apartamentos de Miami, donde Courtney apuñaló mortalmente a Christian.

Los padres de Courtney dicen que las imágenes muestran a Christian maltratándola y lanzándola fácilmente en una llave de cabeza. También se ve cómo ella intenta empujarlo fuera del ascensor, sin recibir ningún efecto.

Recuerden, Courtney ha dicho que mató a Christian en defensa propia.

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"TMZ Investigates: Killer OnlyFans Model: Deadly Love Story" se emite el lunes por la noche a las 9/8c en FOX.

Darius Rucker Improvisa con Tua Tagovailoa en Las Vegas... El arresto no le molesta

Darius Rucker está cantando su blues y en un escenario lejano, en Las Vegas, junto al QB de los Miami Dolphins Tua Tagovailoa.

Tua se unió al legendario cantante y compositor para interpretar su canción "Wagon Wheel" antes del Super Bowl en la Ciudad del Pecado y el dúo dinámico le hizo pasar el momento de sus vidas a la multitud presente.

Echa un vistazo al video, Darius se queda en la voz principal, por supuesto -el tipo tiene tres Grammys en sus estantes, por lo que está a cargo- pero Tua está justo a su lado, con gafas oscuras, rasgueando su guitarra acústica.

El joven de 25 años estuvo apoyando a Darius Rucker tanto con su guitarra como con su voz, ¡y no hay controversia de sincronización de labios aquí!

La multitud también se ve cantando, incluyendo el QB de los Giants, Daniel Jones, quien estuvo disfrutando con un par de amigos.

Por cierto, esta no es la primera vez que lo hace. Tua mostró sus talentos musicales durante un episodio del ManningCast en diciembre, tocando su guitarra mientras los Jaguars se enfrentaban a los Bengals.

La actuación pareció llamar la atención de Rucker porque el viejo fan de los Dolphins le dijo que estaría dispuesto a improvisar con él en algún momento, ¡y parece que ese momento finalmente llegó!

Por cierto, Darius no se ve preocupado por su reciente drama legal. TMZ fue el primero en informar que Darius fue arrestado a principios de este mes por tres cargos de delitos menores, todos derivados de una detención de febrero de 2023.

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¡Dicen que la música es buena para el alma y ciertamente parece estar manteniendo muy contentos a Darius y Tua!

Darius Rucker Rockin' Out w/ Tua Tagovailoa ... Arrest Not Botherin' Him

Darius Rucker's singin' his blues away ... 'cause he hopped onstage in Las Vegas to belt out a few tunes -- alongside Miami Dolphins QB Tua Tagovailoa.

The legendary singer-songwriter was joined by TT for a performance of his song "Wagon Wheel" ahead of Super Bowl Sunday in Sin City ... and the dynamic duo seemed to give the crowd the time of their lives.

Check out the vid ... Darius' staying on lead vocals of course -- dude's got three Grammys on his shelf, so he's in charge -- but there's Tua right next to him, dark shades on, strumming away on his acoustic guitar.

Tua's not hiding in the back though ... the 25-year-old's supporting DR with both his guitar and his voice it appears -- no lip sync controversy here!

The crowd's belting away too ... with most of them ripping away on vocals -- including Giants QB Daniel Jones who's really getting into it with a couple buddies.

FWIW ... this isn't a stir-of-the-moment performance. Tua showed off his musical talents during an episode of the ManningCast back in December -- plucking away on his guitar as the Jaguars took on the Bengals.

The performance seemed to catch Rucker's eye ... 'cause the longtime Dolphins fan said he'd be down to jam with Tua sometime -- and that time finally came!

BTW ... Darius doesn't look like any of his recent legal drama's weighing him down -- we broke the story, Darius was arrested early this month on three misdemeanor charges all stemming from a February 2023 arrest.

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They say music's good for the soul though ... and it certainly seems to be keeping Darius and Tua cheery!

Taylor Swift Presunto acosador no es apto para ser juzgado

El presunto acosador de Taylor Swift no se enfrentará a un juicio penal después de haber sido arrestado varias veces fuera de su casa porque los fiscales dicen que simplemente no es apto para ello, legalmente.

Según la Oficina del Fiscal del Distrito de Manhattan, David Crowe, el hombre que los fiscales dicen que ha estado al alrededor de la casa de Taylor en Nueva York, ha sido considerado no apto para el juicio sobre la base de los resultados de su examen psicológico.

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Reaparece el acosador de Taylor

Nos dicen que el caso criminal contra Crowe ha sido desestimado y que será confiado a la custodia de la Oficina de Salud Mental, donde recibirá el tratamiento necesario.

Como ya informamos, David fue procesado el mes pasado por cargos de acoso y hostigamiento, pero luego fue puesto en libertad. Dos horas después fue detenido nuevamente tras regresar al barrio de Taylor.

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Crowe en el tribunal
John M. Mantel for Fox News Digital

Los abogados de Crowe pidieron un examen psicológico antes de enfrentar un posible juicio, y el juez accedió. Ahora los resultados están disponibles y él está siendo enviado a un centro de salud mental en vez de enfrentar un proceso penal.

Taylor estaba en la Gran Manzana durante las detenciones de Crowe, pero ahora está al otro lado del mundo en Japón y pronto estará en Las Vegas para el Super Bowl.

Teniendo en cuenta que ahora el hombre va a ser confinado en un centro de salud mental, se pueden imaginar que la estrella del pop estará más tranquila cuando regrese a su casa en Nueva York. Aunque este tipo era solo una de las múltiples personas que han estado obsesionadas con ella y que ha llegado a su casa sin invitación.

Además, los aviones de Taylor han sido rastreados en los últimos meses. Otro dolor de cabeza para ella y una gran preocupación para su equipo, quien dijo que el seguimiento equivalía a llevar una hoja de ruta de su paradero, información que, obviamente, puede conducir al peligro cuando está en las manos equivocadas.

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En este frente, sin embargo, no hay que preocuparse más de Crowe, que se va por un largo tiempo.


Taylor Swift's alleged stalker will not be facing a criminal trial after being arrested multiple times outside her pad ... because prosecutors say he's just not up for it, legally.

According to the Manhattan District Attorney's Office ... David Crowe -- the man who prosecutors say has been lurking around Taylor's NYC home for a while now -- has been deemed unfit for trial based on the results of his psychological exam.

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We're told the criminal case against Crowe has been dismissed and he will be committed to the custody of the Office of Mental Health, where he will receive necessary treatment.

As we reported ... David was arraigned last month on stalking and harassment charges but was then set free, only to be arrested again 2 hours later after going back to Taylor's block.

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John M. Mantel for Fox News Digital

Crowe's lawyers asked for a psych exam before a potential trial, and a judge agreed ... and now the results are in and he's being sent off to a mental health facility instead of facing criminal prosecution.

Taylor was in the Big Apple during Crowe's multiple arrests ... but now she's a world away on tour in Japan -- and soon, she'll be in Vegas for the Super Bowl ... distanced from this.

Considering this man is now going to be confined to a facility going forward ... ya gotta imagine she'll be breathing easier when she's at home in NYC -- although, this guy was just the latest person who's been obsessed with her and who came to her home uninvited.

Also ... Taylor's jets have been getting tracked in recent months -- another headache for her, and a major concern for her team -- who said the tracking amounted to a roadmap to her whereabouts, information that can obviously lead to danger when in the wrong hands.

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On this front, though ... no more worries about Crowe -- he's going away for a long time.

We'll be talking all things Taylor on the new "TMZ Swift-Tea Podcast" -- available on all podcast platforms.