O.J. Simpson Reportedly Has Prostate Cancer ... Undergoing Chemotherapy

O.J. Simpson is reportedly battling cancer -- but the man himself is somewhat pushing back that he's in poor health ... although, not necessarily denying the notion that he's been diagnosed.

The notorious ex-con -- who was famously acquitted in his double murder trial in the '90s, and who has maintained his innocence -- was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer ... according to Local 10 News.

The publication cites sources for their reporting ... and they go on to say O.J. has been receiving chemotherapy in the area. Unclear when exactly he was given the bad news.

One other bizarre element about this report is that Local 10 News says they're hearing O.J. has been going around and telling friends there are rumors about him going into hospice ... something he's apparently been denying to his closest pals.

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Welp, O.J. doubled down on that denial Friday on the heels of this report coming out -- and while he is denying any notion of him being in hospice ... nobody seems to be claiming that.

Again, O.J.'s not saying he doesn't have cancer ... but he is trying to make it seem like everything is just fine and dandy in his world -- and that his focus is on the Super Bowl.

Here's the weird thing about all this ... O.J. appears to have already acknowledged that he has cancer and that he had done chemo. A video he posted in May 2023 -- where he rambles -- briefly touches on the fact that he "caught cancer," without specifying what type -- but in the clip, he also suggested he'd beaten it and that he was doing just fine now.

The ex-RB talked about dropping weight during chemo and how weed helped him get his appetite back -- but this video seems to have completely flown under the radar at the time.

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O.J. doesn't have a clear history of health issues -- aside from arthritis and flare-ups of old injuries -- but he has appeared to look somewhat frail in recent years as he goes around town.

Jonathan Majors Se retrasa la sentencia de El equipo quiere que se anule el veredicto

Se suponía que Jonathan Majors iba a conocer su destino hoy, pero el asunto se ha aplazado porque su equipo está pidiéndole a un juez que anule la condena por completo.

El actor estaba citado para el martes, pero en vez de escuchar qué tipo de castigo enfrenta después de haber sido declarado culpable de asalto y acoso, el juez estiró la sentencia por un total de dos meses.

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dejando la corte

La próxima audiencia de Jon está programada para el 8 de abril y la razón es porque su equipo legal presentó algunas mociones de última hora que quieren que sean consideradas antes de entonces.

Nos dicen que su equipo está pidiendo que se anule el veredicto que se produjo en diciembre, cuando un jurado lo declaró culpable de dos cargos, olvidándose de otros 2 que eran mucho más graves. Recordemos que fue declarado culpable de asalto imprudente en el tercer grado y acoso.

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corriendo en las calles

Fuentes directas le dicen a TMZ que los abogados de Jonathan sienten que tienen varios motivos para que su moción sea concedida, incluyendo pruebas insuficientes presentadas en el juicio, cargos inconsistentes, y la idea de que los fiscales que persiguen una teoría "imprudente" no tenía fundamentos.

Nos informan que el equipo de Jonathan cree que los fiscales argumentaron que el asalto fue intencional durante todo el juicio, pero luego terminaron dando instrucciones al jurado acerca de condenarlo por un asalto "imprudente", ofreciendo una opción separada para una posible condena por algo que en realidad no estaban argumentando en el transcurso del juicio.

Por eso sus abogados creen que la presentación de un asalto "imprudente" al jurado no estaba justificado y nunca debería haber estado sobre la mesa en absoluto. En pocas palabras, el equipo de Jon no siente que él tuviera un trato justo, y por eso están pidiendole al juez que desestime el veredicto.

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El juez se pronunciará presumiblemente sobre la moción de su equipo y sobre la sentencia en abril.

Jonathan Majors Sentencing Hearing Delayed Lawyers Want Verdict Set Aside

Jonathan Majors was supposed to learn his fate today -- but the matter got kicked down the road ... because his team is asking a judge to vacate the conviction entirely.

The actor's sentencing hearing was scheduled for Tuesday, but instead of him showing up to hear what sort of punishment he'd be facing after being found guilty of assault and harassment ... the judge in his case continued sentencing for a whole 2 months.

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Jon's next hearing is scheduled for April 8 -- and the reason is because his legal team filed some last-minute motions that they want heard and considered first before then.

The motion in question ... we're told his team is asking to set aside the verdict that came down in December, when a jury found him guilty of two counts, but not the other 2 -- which were far more serious. Remember, he was convicted of reckless assault in the 3rd degree and harassment.

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Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... Jonathan's lawyers feel like they have several grounds for their motion to be granted -- including insufficient evidence presented at trial, inconsistent charges, and the idea that prosecutors pursuing a "reckless" theory was BS.

Long story short ... we're told JM's team believes prosecutors argued that the assault was intentional throughout the trial ... but then they ended up giving the jury instructions about convicting him for a "reckless" assault -- offering up a separate option for a potential conviction on something they weren't really arguing throughout the course of the trial.

That's why his lawyers believe presenting the "reckless" assault to the jury wasn't justified, and should've never been on the table at all. Bottom line ... Jon's team doesn't feel like he got a fair shake, and because of that -- they're asking the judge here to throw out the verdict.

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The judge will presumably rule on his team motion, and on sentencing as well in April.

La madre del autor de un tiroteo es culpable de homicidio involuntario

Es un fallo histórico -el primero en su tipo- la madre del tirador de la escuela secundaria de Michigan -Ethan Crumbley- ha sido declarada culpable de homicidio involuntario, y podría ser condenada a 15 años en prisión.

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Jennifer Crumbley fue condenada por negligencia grave al no impedir que su hijo Ethan Crumbley matara a 4 estudiantes en Oxford High School en noviembre de 2021.

El jurado llegó al veredicto unánime en el segundo día de deliberaciones.

Nunca antes se había acusado penalmente a un padre de un niño que cometió un tiroteo masivo. El marido de Jennifer, James, también se enfrenta a cargos de homicidio involuntario y será juzgado el mes que viene. Él fue quien compró el arma.

Jennifer testificó en su juicio que James fue el responsable de esconder el arma que su hijo utilizó en el tiroteo.

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Jennifer también testificó que sabía que su hijo estaba pasando por un mal momento, pero no tenía idea de que era capaz de cometer un tiroteo masivo. Ella nunca puso a su hijo Ethan en terapia y dijo que si tuviera que hacerlo de nuevo no habría hecho nada diferente.

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cadena perpetua

Ethan, de 17 años, fue condenado a cadena perpetua. En cuanto a Jennifer, será sentenciada en abril, presumiblemente después del juicio de su marido.

Michigan High School Shooter Mother Guilty of Involuntary Manslaughter

It's a landmark ruling, the first of its kind ... the mother of Michigan high school shooter Ethan Crumbley has been found guilty of involuntary manslaughter ... and she could be sentenced to 15 years in prison.

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Jennifer Crumbley was convicted of being grossly negligent by not stopping her son Ethan Crumbley from killing 4 students at Oxford High School in November, 2021.

The jury reached the unanimous verdict on the second day of deliberations.

Never before has a parent been criminally charged with a child who committed a mass shooting. Jennifer's husband, James, is also facing manslaughter charges and will stand trial next month. He's the one who purchased the gun.

Jennifer testified in her trial James was responsible for hiding the gun their son used in the shooting.

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Jennifer also testified she knew her son was struggling but had no idea he was capable of committing a mass shooting. She never put her son Ethan in therapy and said if she had it to do over again she would have done nothing differently.

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17-year-old Ethan was sentenced to life in prison. As for Jennifer, she'll be sentenced in April --- presumably after her husband's trial.

Jussie Smollett Appeals to Illinois Supreme Court ... I Had a Deal And Prosecutors Screwed Me Over

Jussie Smollett is telling the Illinois Supreme Court a deal's a deal -- specifically, the deal prosecutors made when they dismissed the first indictment for faking an attack -- so he should never have been charged and prosecuted a second time.

Smollett just filed legal docs with the highest court in the land of Lincoln, claiming after he was first indicted by a Cook County Grand Jury, the State's Attorney offered him a deal -- do community service, forfeit his bond to the City of Chicago, and the case would not be prosecuted.

Jussie points to the prosecutor, who said, "After reviewing the facts and circumstances of the case, including Mr. Smollett's volunteer service in the community and agreement to forfeit his bond to the City of Chicago, the State's motion in regards to the indictment is to nolle pros [not prosecute]."

The prosecutor added, "We believe this outcome is a just disposition and appropriate resolution to this case."

Smollett says the reason he was indicted a second time ... the special prosecutor "gave in to public outcry."


Jussie argues he did community service and forfeited his bond, so filing the case a second time amounts to double jeopardy.

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Fox 32 Chicago

Smollett's argument has been rejected by the trial judge and the Illinois appellate court, so he's shooting his shot with the Supremes of Illinois.

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Jussie was convicted of 5 felonies related to the fake attack and sentenced to serve 150 days. He served 6 days and was released pending appeal.

Jussie Smollett declara ante el Tribunal Supremo de Illinois Que tenía un acuerdo para "no ser procesado"

Jussie Smollett le dice al Tribunal Supremo de Illinois que un trato es un trato. Esto respecto al  trato que los fiscales hicieron cuando desestimaron la primera acusación por fingir un ataque, por lo que nunca debería haber sido acusado y procesado por segunda vez.

Smollett acaba de presentar documentos legales ante el más alto tribunal en la tierra de Lincoln, alegando que después de haber sido acusado por primera vez por un Gran Jurado del Condado de Cook, el Fiscal del Estado le ofreció un trato... hacer servicio comunitario y renunciar a su fianza en la Ciudad de Chicago. De esta forma el caso no sería procesado.

Jussie señala al fiscal, quien dijo: "Después de revisar los hechos y circunstancias del caso, incluyendo el servicio voluntario del Sr. Smollett en la comunidad y el acuerdo de renunciar a su fianza a la ciudad de Chicago, la moción del Estado en lo que respecta a la acusación es nolle pros (no procesar)".

El fiscal añadió: "Creemos que este resultado es una disposición justa y la adecuada resolución de este caso".

Smollett dice que la razón por la que fue acusado por segunda vez, es que el fiscal especial "cedio al clamor publico".

Jussie argumenta que hizo servicio comunitario y perdió su fianza, por lo que presentar el caso por segunda vez equivale a un doble enjuiciamiento.

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Fox 32 Chicago

El argumento de Smollett ha sido rechazado por el juez de primera instancia y el tribunal de apelaciones de Illinois, por lo que está probando suerte con los Supremos de Illinois.

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Jussie fue declarado culpable de 5 delitos graves relacionados con el falso ataque y condenado a cumplir 150 días. Cumplió 6 días y fue puesto en libertad en espera de apelación.

Patrick Mahomes Dad's 'Doing Good' After Arrest ... But 'It's A Family Matter'

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CBS Sports

Patrick Mahomes says his father is "doing good" following his DWI arrest ... but the Chiefs star didn't want to reveal much further about his dad's legal issues, explaining, "It's a family matter."

The quarterback opened up briefly about Patrick Mahomes Sr.'s situation while he was on the podium at Super Bowl Opening Night at Allegiant Stadium on Monday ... after he was asked twice about his pops' run-in with cops on Saturday in Texas.

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He kept things short and sweet ... saying at first, "I don't really want to get into it too much, but he's doing good for whatever the situation is."

Then, he shut down the line of questioning ... adding in a follow-up, "It's a family matter. So I'll just keep it to the family. And, that's all I really have to say at this point."

As we reported, Mahomes Sr. was booked on a charge of driving while impaired over the weekend after authorities claimed he showed signs of being intoxicated during a routine traffic stop in Tyler.

Authorities wrote in police documents that Mahomes Sr. admitted to having "a few beers while watching a game at a local bar" before getting behind the wheel. They added he also had an open 16-ounce can of Coors in his center console.

It's Mahomes Sr.'s third DWI -- and if he's convicted this time, he's facing up to 10 years behind bars.

However, Mahomes Sr. will still be allowed to travel to Vegas to watch his son in Super Bowl LVIII despite the troubles ... the judge who handled his case did not impose a travel ban as part of his bond conditions. It remains to be seen, though, if the younger Mahomes will now want him in attendance.

Patrick Mahomes Sr. Cops Say Chiefs Star's Dad Had Open Can Of Beer In Car Before DWI Arrest

Authorities claim Patrick Mahomes' father was driving around with an open can of beer in his car before he was arrested for DWI on Saturday night.

The allegation is spelled out in an arrest affidavit from the Smith County Sheriff’s Office ... according to the New York Post.

The outlet reported Monday that in the docs, an officer wrote Mahomes Sr. was found with an open, 16-ounce Coors beverage in his center console after he was pulled over around 8:30 PM in Tyler, Texas.

The officer added that Mahomes Sr. told them during the stop he "had a few beers while watching a game at a local bar" before he got behind the wheel.

Officials wrote in the docs they initially pulled over Mahomes Sr. after they discovered his car had expired tags after he was seen driving slower than the rest of traffic in the area.

The arresting officer alleged Mahomes Sr. failed field sobriety tests once they got him out of his vehicle ... writing in the docs, "I believed Patrick was impaired to a perceptible degree while operating a motor vehicle in a public place."

Mahomes Sr. was ultimately booked on a felony charge of driving while impaired. It's his third DWI -- and if he's convicted this time, he's facing up to 10 years behind bars.

Mahomes Sr. will, however, still be allowed to travel to watch his son play in the Super Bowl this weekend ... TMZ Sports has learned no travel ban was imposed on him as part of the conditions of his bond -- although it remains unclear if the Chiefs quarterback will now want him in attendance.

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Mahomes II has not yet publicly commented on the matter ... but he is expected to meet with the media later Monday evening as part of Super Bowl week's Opening Night.

The TMZ Podcast: Killer Mike Arrested at Grammys & Taylor Ignores Celine Dion 😬

On this episode of The TMZ podcast ...

Rapper Killer Mike was arrested outside Crypto.com Arena following the Grammy Awards after he was accused of battery to a security officer. Mike took home wins in all three categories he was nominated for including Best Rap Performance, Best Rap Album and Best Rap Song.

Taylor Swift's success continues as she won Album Of The Year for 'Midnights' ... but folks online called her out over an awkward interaction after appearing to ignore Celine Dion, who presented the award onstage.

Jay-Z defended Beyonce in his acceptance speech, questioning why she has been constantly snubbed for Album Of The Year despite holding the most Grammy awards in history.

Plus, retired porn star Lisa Ann was detained by NYPD at Matt Rife's Radio City comedy show for allegedly "using her phone."

Subscribe to the The TMZ Podcast wherever you get your podcasts!

Hosts: Charlie Cotton & Eric Colley

Patrick Mahomes Sr. Still Able To Travel To Super Bowl ... Despite DWI Arrest

Patrick Mahomes' father will still be allowed to travel to the Super Bowl this weekend in spite of his Saturday arrest ... TMZ Sports has learned.

Judge James Meredith -- who handled the case in Smith County, Texas on Sunday following Mahomes Sr.'s DWI arrest -- tells us he didn't impose any travel ban on the elder Mahomes as part of his bond conditions ... paving the way for Dad to watch his son play in Las Vegas in SB LVIII.

Of course, it's unclear if the Chiefs star will want him there now following the added distraction in the leadup to the Big Game ... but, at least in the eyes of the law, Mahomes Sr. will be allowed to leave the state for it.

As part of the conditions of his bond, however, we're told Mahomes Sr. will not be able to take part in much partying in Sin City if he does make the trip. Law enforcement officials say he's been barred from possessing or consuming alcohol and/or illegal drugs. He's also been required to have an interlock device on his car -- as well as submit to random testing.


As we reported, Mahomes Sr. was thrown behind bars late Saturday night on a felony charge of driving while intoxicated.

A spokesperson for the Tyler Police Dept. said on Monday morning cops initially pulled over Mahomes Sr. at around 8:30 PM for a routine traffic stop ... though "evidence obtained during the stop led to the arrest."

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Mahomes II has not yet commented on the matter ... but the Kansas City quarterback is expected to face the media at Allegiant Stadium on Monday evening as part of Super Bowl Opening Night.

Killer Mike Booked for Battery on Citizen's Arrest Vid Shows Security Face-Off

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8:20 PM PT -- TMZ has obtained new video and info that sheds more light onto the Killer Mike situation -- including the fact that he's now being booked for battery on a citizen's arrest ... this after he allegedly got physical with a security guard at the venue, while out in the rain.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... Mike was booked for misdemeanor battery Sunday evening, this after a private person's arrest took place at Crypto.com Arena. We're told KM is accused of knocking down a security officer after they did not get out of his way quick enough -- the apparent aftermath of which looks to have been caught on tape, seen here.

We got a hold of video that seems to show Mike being chased down outside in the windy rain, where security personnel can be seen attempting to stop him ... with Mike looking determined to get by them. You can't see any "knock-down" as has been described to us by law enforcement -- but it does look like he faces off with security guards in tense fashion.

Eventually, Mike was cuffed and led away in the rain as well. It's still unclear what exactly led up to this -- remember, just moments earlier, he was inside soaking in the Grammy win.

Killer Mike's Grammys night came to an early end ... because he was just led out of the event in handcuffs -- after an alleged physical altercation.

A journalist for The Hollywood Reporter posted video to X showing the Run The Jewels rapper leaving the venue with a police escort ... hands bound behind his back.

The 48-year-old doesn't look particularly concerned as he's being led away ... chatting amicably with a man who is walking alongside him and police before saying hello to someone else in a tuxedo.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... Killer Mike was detained after allegedly getting into some kind of physical altercation with a security guard at the event.


We're told he's not under arrest, and officers are still trying to sort out exactly what happened.

It must feel like an emotional roller coaster for KM and his fans after an afternoon full of highs.

Mike's already got his Grammys ... he took wins in all three categories he was nominated for including Best Rap Performance, Best Rap Album and Best Rap Song -- though his win in the last contributed to some controversy and conspiracies.

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We've reached out to Killer Mike's team ... so far no word back.

Originally Published -- 5:10 PM PT

RAE SREMMURD's SLIM JXMMI Baby Mama Arrested ... Allegedly Punched Him!!!

Rae Sremmurd's Slim Jxmmi told cops the mother of his child socked him in the face during a heated argument ... and she ended up getting popped for domestic violence.

According to the police report, obtained by TMZ, cops were called to the "Black Beatles" rapper's Doral, FL home on January 22 for a domestic disturbance ... and that's when Slim told them Kiara Danielson hit him.

Officers say Slim told them the dispute started with an argument over social media, with Slim trying to get Kiara to leave his place ... but things allegedly spiraled from there.

Slim told cops he threw Kiara's belongings into the yard, and that's when she got aggressive ... punching him in the face 3 times.

Kiara's telling a different story, though -- police say she claimed she whipped out her phone to record Slim during the dispute and he reached for it ... they struggled and she scratched his eye.

Cops also say she told them Slim grabbed her at one point during the fight.

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The officers say Slim had a scratch on his eye, and Kiara had no visible injuries ... so they deemed her the primary aggressor, and arrested her for domestic violence.

She was hauled off to jail and booked for misdemeanor battery.

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"Leave Me Alone!"

The incident went down the day after the couple had another explosive fight ... this one while at her Miami apartment.

We obtained video of that argument, showing Slim taking his belongings from her place -- so, maybe not all that shocking things boiled over 24 hours later.

It's interesting, the domestic violence arrest comes about 2 years after Slim was arrested for battery ... when he allegedly attacked Kiara during a fight that started over ... once again, social media.

That case went away when Kiara recanted her story -- but there's a disturbing pattern here.

Patrick Mahomes Sr. detenido Por conducir ebrio

Patrick Mahomes Sr. fue arrestado por conducir en estado de ebriedad por tercera vez o más... TMZ ha indagado.

El padre de 53 años de Patrick Mahomes fue arrestado el sábado por la noche en Texas, según los registros de reserva en línea. Se espera que la fianza se establezca más tarde hoy mismo.

Este no es el primer arresto de Mahomes por conducir bajo estado de ebriedad según los informes, también fue arrestado en 2019 y fue sentenciado a 40 días de cárcel. Según los informes, cumplió su condena los fines de semana para cumplir con su requisito.

Es un mal momento para Mahomes Sr. ser arrestado, su hijo está a pocos días de competir contra los 49ers de San Francisco por un título del Super Bowl.

Pat Sr. hizo olas a principios de este mes por bromear que no se sentaría junto a Taylor Swift en el juego del Campeonato de la Conferencia AFC, ahora, no está claro si llegará a la Super Bowl.

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Nos hemos puesto en contacto con el campamento Mahomes para hacer comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Patrick Mahomes Sr. Arrested For DWI Third Time or More


3:49 PM PT -- Mahomes Sr. was released on $10,000 bail ... according to online jail records.

Patrick Mahomes Sr. was arrested for driving while intoxicated for the third time or more ... TMZ has learned.

The 53-year-old father of Patrick Mahomes was arrested Saturday night in Texas according to online booking records. Bond is reportedly expected to be set later today.

This isn't Mahomes' first arrest for DWI ... he was also reportedly arrested back in 2019 for DWI second or more for which he was sentenced to 40 days in jail. He reportedly served the time on weekends to fulfill his requirement.

It's a pretty wild time for Mahomes Sr. to be arrested ... his son is just days away from competing against the San Francisco 49ers for a Super Bowl title.


Pat Sr. made waves earlier this month for joking he wouldn't sit next to Taylor Swift at the AFC Conference Championship game ... now, it's unclear if he will make it to the Super Bowl.

TMZ Studios

We've reached out to the Mahomes camp for comment ... so far no word back.

Originally Published -- 11:34 AM PT

Boxing Star Jarrell Miller Asks To Remove Ankle Monitor ... I Can't Train With This Thing, Your Honor!!!

Jarrell Miller is pleading with a judge to remove the ankle monitor that officials placed on him following his carjacking arrest last month ... claiming the thing is hindering his ability to prep for future fights.

The boxing star's attorney filed a motion to amend the conditions of his pre-trial release last week ... stating in the docs Miller "trains as a fighter for a living and having a monitor limits his training."

Miller's lawyer also said the 26-1-1 pugilist's request should be granted because he "has not been in any trouble before and is not a flight risk."

A judge is expected to make a ruling on the motion at a hearing in a Broward County courtroom later Monday.

Miller is facing two charges in the case -- one felony count of carjacking without a firearm and one felony count of burglary with assault or battery -- after prosecutors alleged he beat up an employee on a car dealership lot, before stealing a truck from the property.

In police video we obtained of his arrest back on Jan. 2 ... you can see he was in a jovial mood despite the allegations against him, joking around with cops before they placed him into a squad car.


Miller -- who last fought Daniel Dubois in December -- pled not guilty to the charges -- while adding in a statement on his social media pages, "I am prayerful and look forward to a favorable resolution of this case."