Secuestro de un perro Sospechoso es detenido por presunto robo El perro sigue desaparecido

La policía dice que ha detenido a un sospechoso de secuestrar a un perrito, y cuyo caso se ha vuelto viral, pero por desgracia aún no encuentran al perro.

El Departamento de Policía de Los Ángeles anunció el sábado que detuvieron a Sadie Slater, de 21 años y residente de Los Ángeles, por un cargo de robo por su presunta implicación en el crimen. Su fianza está fijada en $70.000, de acuerdo con la policía de la ciudad.

Confirmamos la detención con fuentes policiales, quienes añadieron que han estado tratando de averiguar la ubicación del perro con la sospechosa.

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No se rinden tan fácilmente

Recuerden, Ali Zacharias estaba comiendo en el centro de Los Ángeles el mes pasado cuando una mujer se acercó, agarró la correa de su perro Onyx, y se fue con él. Ali la persiguió, pero el presunto ladrón alcanzó a subirse en un carro.

Ali se subió a su propio vehículo para perseguir a los ladrones por varias cuadras, temiendo por su vida hasta que el carro hizo un giro brusco y se perdió de vista.

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Aterrador incidente

Hablamos con Ali a principios de esta semana, quien nos dijo que la policía estaba empezando a tomarse en serio su caso, dada toda la atención que ha recibido de los medios de comunicación.

Bueno, la policía se lo está tomando en serio, con un primer sospechoso en custodia.

TMZ investiga
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Con suerte, los oficiales podrán encontrar a Onyx y llevarlo a casa, sano y salvo.

Dognapping Case Suspect Arrested For Alleged Robbery ... Dog Still Missing

Police say they've arrested a suspect in the viral dognapping case ... but, unfortunately, they haven't found the dog yet.

The Los Angeles Police Department announced Saturday they've arrested Sadie Slater ... a 21-year-old L.A. resident on a robbery charge for her alleged involvement in the crime. Her bail is set at $70,000, according to the LAPD.

We've confirmed the arrest with law enforcement sources ... who added they've been trying to find out the dog's location from the suspect.

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Remember ... the victim Ali Zacharias was eating lunch in DTLA last month when a woman came up, grabbed her dog Onyx's leash, and started to walk away with him. Ali gave chase before the alleged thief jumped into a car.

AZ leaped onto the hood of the thieves' getaway car and was driven around for several blocks, fearing for her life before the vehicle made a sharp turn and loosed her from the front.

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We spoke with Ali earlier this week ... who told us police were starting to take her case seriously when all of the media attention spotlighted it.

Well, cops are certainly taking it seriously ... with their first suspect in custody.

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Hopefully, officers can find Onyx ... and bring him home, safe and sound.

Darius Rucker Cops Claim He Had Multiple Drugs ... Marijuana, Psilocin Pills

Darius Rucker allegedly had multiple substances when cops say they busted him for drug possession in Tennessee ... TMZ has learned.

As it turns out that stop happened almost a year ago, but Darius just turned himself in to cops on Thursday.

According to the arrest affidavit, obtained by TMZ ... Franklin police officers say they pulled the Hootie & the Blowfish frontman over -- on Feb. 19, 2023 -- because they noticed the tags on his cars appeared to be expired, a fact they say they confirmed with their in-car computer.

Officers claim they smelled marijuana coming from the vehicle, then asked Rucker about whether he'd smoked that evening to which they say he promptly replied "no" -- though he allegedly said he may have smoked in it the day prior.

The cops searched the car and say they discovered what they suspected was a THC pen along with 14 unmarked purple pills -- items police allege Rucker said were given to him by his GF, Summer.

One of the officers then says he informed DR he'd pat him down ... and Darius then allegedly handed him a small marijuana blunt from his pocket before the search got underway.

The police claim they later tested the 14 pills and identified them as psilocin ... a schedule I controlled substance similar to psilocybin or magic mushrooms.


Officers released him from the scene without charges, pending identification of those pills. According to the docs, a warrant was issued for his arrest in December 2023.

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We broke the story ... Darius was arrested Thursday on 3 misdemeanor charges -- 2 for possession and one for driving with an expired registration. The whole booking took about an hour, and Darius was released after paying $10,000 bail.

We've reached out to Rucker's camp for comment ... so far, no word back.

Darius Rucker Ex-GF Kate Quigley Roasts Him Over Drug Arrest ... You're A Douchebag!!!

Darius Rucker's ex Kate Quigley is rubbing his nose in his Tennessee arrest for drug possession ... calling it "karma" and him a "d-bag."

The comedian posted a message on the social media app X hours after Rucker was booked into the Williamson County jail for three misdemeanor offenses Thursday and his mugshot spread across the national media.

Quigley wrote,  "Yes. I’ve heard. All I can say is Karma."

But Quigley wasn't done. About an hour later, she twisted the knife in his back, sharing a photo of herself smiling in a bikini with a snarky caption, "Mood when u hear your d-bag ex got arrested. #Karma."

As we first reported ... Rucker was busted for simple possession/casual exchange of a controlled substance and violation of the state’s vehicle registration law.

He was released from jail after posting a $10,500 bond. Police have not released details on the case. His lawyer, Mark Puryear, told TMZ ... Rucker is fully cooperating with the investigation.

As for Rucker and Quigley, their relationship ended in the toilet.

You may recall, Quigley survived an accidental overdose after allegedly using cocaine laced with fentanyl in September 2021. Three other comedians with her also overdosed, but died.


At the time, Rucker -- the lead singer of Hootie & the Blowfish -- issued a statement to TMZ, saying he had not dated Quigley for a while after they first hooked up the year before.

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Quigley later posted two messages on X, telling Rucker not to publicly comment on her well-being and shaming him for not reaching out to see how she was doing.

She also admitted Rucker's statement "stung" and joked that he was probably creating a song called, "Let Her Die," referring to the Hootie & the Blowfish tune by a similar title, "Let Her Cry."

Darius Rucker Arrested for Minor Drug Offense in TN


3:36 PM PT -- Darius Rucker's attorney, Mark Puryear, tells TMZ … "Darius Rucker is fully cooperating with authorities related to misdemeanor charges."

Darius Rucker got busted on a minor drug offense in Tennessee -- and from the sound of the charge he was booked on ... it basically amounts to an alleged handoff.

The country singer -- obviously famous from Hootie & the Blowfish -- was taken into custody Thursday in Williamson County, which is where he lives. He posed for this mug shot for the Sheriff's Dept. there ... and was booked on three separate charges, all misdemeanors.

Darius was arrested for two counts of simple possession/casual exchange of a controlled substance and one count of a violation of the state's vehicle registration law.

In terms of what DMV law cops think Darius broke ... they're saying he let his/tags expire on his car.

DR was brought into the jail around 10 AM PT, and he was released about an hour or so later -- we've confirmed Darius bonded out and is no longer in custody.


Unclear what exactly happened that led up to his arrest -- we're trying to get a hold of police now for further clarification.

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We've reached out to Darius' team for comment as well ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 3:21 PM PT

Blueface Warrant Issued Outta Las Vegas ... Alleged Probation Misstep

More legal trouble for Blueface as he sits in a Los Angeles jail cell ... 'cause a judge in Las Vegas wants him arrested and brought to Nevada for an alleged probation violation.

According to new legal docs obtained by TMZ, a Nevada judge issued a bench warrant for Blueface's arrest for violating the terms of his probation. In case you forgot, Blueface is also on probation in NV as part of a plea deal he cut in his Vegas strip club shooting case.

As we reported ... Blueface received a suspended sentence in that case, getting hit with 3 years of probation and no jail time if he kept his nose clean. He also had a 2-5 year underlying sentence, meaning a probation violation could get him locked up for a few years.

Now, in terms of what exactly he allegedly did to violate his probation in Vegas -- besides getting locked up here in Cali, of course, which will usually do the trick -- his attorney spoke on it to local media outlets and cited something else, specifically, prosecutors are eyeing.

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Blue's lawyer Kristina Wildeveld told 8 News Now the alleged probation violation relates to cell phone video from a Utah performance last December, with the footage appearing to show Blueface bringing a woman on stage and telling his fiancée to "get her" as she attacked her.

It shouldn’t be too hard for law enforcement to track Blueface down ... like we said, he's currently in custody in Men's Central Jail in L.A., where he's been for weeks now ... the result of a separate probation violation for an assault case here in the Golden State.

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Blueface isn't technically scheduled to be released from jail until July, and the warrant out of Vegas could mean he then heads to Nevada to serve some time behind bars there as well.

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His lawyer told the same outlet Blueface is cooperating with law enforcement and plans to turn himself into Nevada authorities after he serves his time in California.

Blueface already got a warning from the Las Vegas judge ... she reportedly told him she wouldn't hesitate to throw him in prison on any kind of probation violation, and now he's being accused of having one.

If things don't shake out in his favor, he might not be home for a while. Sorry, Chrisean.

Tiffany Haddish se declara culpable de conducción temeraria En Los Ángeles

Tiffany Haddish tiene un problema menos de qué preocuparse, porque la situación legal aquí en la Costa Oeste se ha resuelto y fue capaz de llegar a un acuerdo, TMZ lo confirma.

La comediante apareció en la corte el jueves en Los Ángeles, donde ella y los fiscales llegaron a un acuerdo sobre los cargos en su contra. Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que Tiff tomó un acuerdo que es bastante sólido con los dos cargos de delito menor de conducción en estado de ebriedad en su contra fueron retirados.

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En cambio, ella terminó aceptando una condena por conducción temeraria, declararse no contendiente a la violación de tráfico, ni siquiera cerca de estar en el mismo estadio que lo que ella estaba en contra.

Usted recordará, Tiffany fue arrestado en Beverly Hills en noviembre, cuando la policía afirmó que fue encontrada dormida al volante y estacionada torpemente en una calle, con el carro parcialmente sobresaliendo.

Ellos terminaron esposándola y llevándola a la cárcel. Sin embargo ella estuvo libre en un tiempo récord y volviendo a hacer stand-up poco después, donde bromeó sobre el incidente.

A pesar de que Tiffany se comprometió a cambiar a raíz de esto, ella nunca realmente reconoció de una manera u otra lo que exactamente la llevó a ser arrestada, pero eso no importa ahora, porque ella ha terminado con este asunto por completo.

Esto no quiere decir que ella esté totalmente limpia... su caso de Georgia todavía está en curso y Tiffany ha señalado últimamente que planea luchar en los tribunales.

Tiene sentido que ella quisiera que uno de estos casos se resolviera de la misma manera que el de L.A., porque si terminaba siendo condenada por ambos, habría significado potencialmente algún tiempo en la cárcel. Ahora, sin embargo, no hay ninguna posibilidad de que eso suceda.

Sin embargo, su abogado -Alex Spiro- nos dice que "La Sra. Haddish ha accedido a una simple violación del código de vehículos, no conducir bajo la influencia, cosa de la que ha sido absuelta".

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Tiene que ser agradable para ella dejar esto atrás, ahora solo queda un problema más por resolver.

Clive Davis Grammy Party Gunman Arrested in Bev Hills ... Area Shut Down Amid Event Prep

Preparations for Clive Davis' famed pre-Grammy party came to a grinding halt Thursday morning as cops busted an armed man at the Waldorf Astoria ... TMZ has learned.

The Waldorf is right next door to the Beverly Hilton -- where Clive's event is held -- and cops swarmed the area after getting a call shortly after 9:30 AM for a disturbance at the hotel. We're told a drone was deployed over the Waldorf, and spotted the gunman standing on a hotel room balcony.

Cops immediately shut down one of all traffic around the intersection of Wilshire and Santa Monica Boulevard -- one of L.A.'s busiest intersections -- and deployed SWAT officers around the hotels.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... cops made contact with the guy in his hotel room and convinced him to surrender peacefully -- but once inside, they discovered he had already shot up the room.

The man was actually firing the gun while police were outside the room ... according to witnesses at the hotel.

Once he was in custody, we're told the gunman was booked for felony possession of a firearm and negligent discharge of the firearm.

Our sources say the weapons was a handgun with an extended magazine.

Luckily, no one was injured at the hotel.

The area will be heavily trafficked by media and celebs leading up to Clive's party Saturday night -- attendees have to pick up credentials ahead of the event.

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Police re-opened the area after making the arrest. As of now, it doesn't appear the gunman made any direct threats related to the pre-Grammy party.

Grammys Detienen a un hombre armado en Beverly Hills... Zona cerrada en medio de los preparativos

Los preparativos para la famosa fiesta antes de los Grammy de Clive Davis se detuvieron el jueves por la mañana cuando la policía detuvo a un hombre armado en el Waldorf Astoria, según ha averiguado TMZ.

El Waldorf está justo al lado del Beverly Hilton, donde se celebra el evento de Clive, y la policía rodeó la zona después de recibir una llamada poco después de las 9:30 AM por un disturbio en el hotel. Nos dicen que un avión no tripulado se desplegó sobre el Waldorf, y vio al pistolero de pie en un balcón de la habitación del hotel.

Los policías inmediatamente cerraron todo el tráfico alrededor de la intersección de Wilshire y Santa Monica Boulevard, una de las intersecciones más concurridas de Los Ángeles, y desplegaron oficiales SWAT alrededor de los hoteles.

Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que los policías hicieron contacto con el hombre en su habitación de hotel y lo convencieron de rendirse pacíficamente. Sin embargo, una vez dentro, descubrieron que ya había disparado en la habitación.

El hombre en realidad estaba disparando mientras la policía estaba afuera del cuarto, según cuentan testigos del hotel.

Una vez que estuvo bajo custodia, el pistolero fue fichado por delito grave de posesión de un arma de fuego y descarga negligente de dicha arma.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que el arma era una pistola con un cargador extendido.

Afortunadamente, nadie resultó herido dentro del hotel.

La zona será muy concurrida el sábado por la noche, por los medios de comunicación y las celebridades que participarán en la fiesta de Clive. Los asistentes, además, tienen que recoger las credenciales antes del evento.

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La policía reabrió la zona después de hacer el arresto. Por ahora, no parece que el pistolero haya hecho ninguna amenaza directa relacionada con la fiesta previa a los Grammy.

Tiffany Haddish Cops Plea Deal in L.A. DUI Case ... Settles for Reckless Driving

Tiffany Haddish has one less DUI case to worry about -- 'cause the legal sitch here on the West Coast is resolved, and she was able to work a sweet little deal ... TMZ can confirm.

The comedian popped into court Thursday in L.A., where she and prosecutors came to an agreement on the charges against her. Sources with direct knowledge tell us Tiff took a plea deal that's pretty solid ... the 2 misdemeanor DUI charges against her were dropped.

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Instead, she ended up accepting a conviction of reckless driving ... pleading no contest to the traffic violation, not even close to being in the same ballpark as what she was up against.

You'll recall ... Tiffany got arrested in Beverly Hills in November, when cops claimed at the time that she was found asleep at the wheel and parked awkwardly on a street, with her car partially jutting out.

They ended up throwing her in handcuffs and hauling her to jail -- but she was out in record time and back to doing stand-up shortly thereafter ... where she joked about the incident.

While Tiffany did vow to change in the aftermath of this ... she never really acknowledged one way or another what exactly led to her getting busted -- but it doesn't matter now, 'cause she's done with this matter entirely.

This isn't to say she's totally out of the woods ... her Georgia DUI case is still ongoing -- and Tiffany has signaled of late that she plans to fight it in court.

It makes sense that she'd want one of these DUI cases to be resolved the way the L.A. one was today ... 'cause if she ended up getting convicted for both, it would've potentially meant some jail time. Now, however, there's no chance of that happening.

On the Bev Hills thing, though ... her attorney, Alex Spiro, tell us, "Ms. Haddish has agreed to a simple vehicle code violation – not driving under the influence, which has been dismissed -- and looks forward to this being behind her."

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Gotta be nice to close the book on this one ... now, there's just one more to go.

Danny Masterson Es trasladado a la misma prisión de Charles Manson Rodeado de lo peor...

Danny Masterson ahora tiene algo en común con el difunto Charles Manson, ambos fueron encarcelados en la misma penitenciaría de máxima seguridad de California.

El actor caído en desgracia fue trasladado recientemente de la Prisión Estatal de North Kern en Delano a la infame Prisión Estatal de Corcoran (CSP) en Corcoran, donde Manson estuvo encerrado hasta su muerte en 2017.

Manson, quien falleció a los 87 años a causa de un paro cardíaco agudo y un cáncer de colon, fue internado en la Unidad de Alojamiento Protector para presos que, de lo contrario, podrían sufrir algún tipo de daño dentro de la población general.

CSP también alojó alguna vez al asesino del ex senador de Estados Unidos Robert F. Kennedy, Sirhan Sirhan, así como algunos de los más infames asesinos, miembros de pandillas y otros criminales del estado.

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No está claro si Masterson recibirá el mismo nivel de protección que se le dio a Manson, quien fue condenado por los notorios asesinatos de Tate-LaBianca en Los Ángeles en 1969.

Antes de llegar a CSP, Masterson fue procesado en el sistema penitenciario de California a través del centro de recepción de North Kern después de haber sido declarado culpable de 2 cargos de violación forzada. Se le entregó una sentencia de 30 años.

North Kern es un centro de detención de seguridad media. Ahora tendremos que ver cómo le va a Danny en el Corcoran, de mucha mayor seguridad.

Danny Masterson Sent To Charles Manson's Prison ... Surrounded By The Worst Of The Worst

Danny Masterson now has something in common with the late Charles Manson ... they were both incarcerated in the same maximum security California penitentiary.

The disgraced actor was recently transferred from North Kern State Prison in Delano to the infamous Corcoran State Prison (CSP) in Corcoran, where Manson was locked up until his death in 2017.

Manson, who passed away at 87 from acute cardiac arrest and colon cancer, was placed in the Protective Housing Unit for prisoners who might otherwise be harmed in the general population.

CSP also once housed former U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy assassin Sirhan Sirhan, as well as some of the state's worst of the worst murderers, gang members and other criminals.

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It's unclear if Masterson will receive the same high level of protection once given to Manson, who was convicted of the notorious 1969 Tate-LaBianca murders in Los Angeles.

Before arriving at CSP, Masterson was processed into the California prison system through the North Kern reception center after he was convicted of 2 counts of forcible rape and handed a 30-year sentence.

North Kern is a medium security detention facility. We'll now have to see how Danny fairs at the much higher security Corcoran.

Muertes de hinchas de los Chiefs El anfitrión entra a rehabilitación ... El caso tiene vínculos con las drogas

El hombre que organizó la fiesta para apoyar a los Chiefs y que terminó con tres personas muertas está buscando ayuda para lidiar con las adicciones, y TMZ ha averiguado más información sobre los fallecidos que podrían dar algunas pistas de lo que pasó.

Jordan Willis, quien invitó a varios amigos a su casa en el área de Kansas City para ver a los Chiefs a principios de enero, ahora está buscando tratamiento para superar el abuso de sustancias. Su abogado dice que este "reconoció que tenía un problema con la adicción", después de que sus tres amigos aparecieran muertos en su patio trasero tras una noche viendo fútbol, según informa Fox News.

Recuerden, las familias de estos tres hombres levantaron las alertas luego de varios días sin tener noticias de sus seres queridos. La policía se presentó en casa de Willis el 9 de enero y lo esposó cuando solo estaba en ropa interior, aunque no fue detenido.

Allí encontraron a David Harrington, Ricky Johnson y Clayton McGeeney sin vida en su casa. Un quinto hombre, Alex Waemer-Lee, también asistió al evento, pero al parecer abandonó la fiesta un poco antes.

Esposado por la policía
Alex Caprariello / NewsNation

Ahora, es interesante que Willis vaya a ingresar a rehabilitación porque TMZ ha hecho algunas investigaciones que coinciden con la idea de que esta tragedia podría estar relacionada con las drogas después de todo.

Por ejemplo, hemos averiguado que uno de los hombres, Clayton, tenía conexiones con productos farmacéuticos que podrían arrojar algo de luz: McGeeney tenía una licencia farmacéutica activa que fue emitida el año pasado y que expira a fines de mayo de 2024.

Aunque no sabemos si estaba trabajando en alguna farmacia en particular o practicando la farmacología de alguna manera al momento de su muerte, sí sabemos que la licencia le permitía trabajar como técnico de farmacia si lo deseaba.

Otro hecho interesante es que David Harrington, otro de los hombres que falleció, fue detenido en Colorado en 2011 por posesión de una sustancia controlada de la Lista II aunque parece que terminó con un año de libertad condicional y pagando algunas multas.

No sabemos a ciencia cierta cuál fue la sustancia que dio lugar a la detención de Harrington, pero las drogas que están dentro de la Lista II en Colorado incluyen los opiáceos como la oxicodona y el fentanilo, y otros narcóticos similares.

A primera vista, algunos de estos hechos parecen alinearse con lo que la policía ha mantenido desde el principio, es decir, que no hay evidencia de juego sucio y que por ahora tampoco sospechan de homicidio, aunque la investigación sigue en curso.

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Alex Caprariello, un reportero de NewsNation que ha estado cubriendo la historia desde el principio, informó que las familias de las víctimas se están reuniendo con el fiscal del condado de Platte para "discutir la investigación y la posibilidad de un proceso penal".

Está por verse lo que pueda salir de eso, pero por el momento, nadie está señalando a nadie. Por ahora, todas las pistas parecen sugerir un desastre relacionado con las drogas.

Chiefs Fans Mystery Death Case Watch Party Host Heading to Rehab Deceased Have Drug Ties

The man who hosted the ill-fated Kansas City Chiefs watch party that ended with three deaths is reportedly seeking addiction help in rehab -- and TMZ has learned more info about the deceased that could provide clues about what might've happened.

Jordan Willis -- who invited several friends to his K.C.-area home to watch the Chiefs play in early January -- is now seeking treatment for substance abuse -- with his attorney saying he "recognized that he had a problem with addiction" ... this in the aftermath of his three friends turning up dead in his backyard after a night of watching football ... according to Fox News.

Remember ... families of the three men raised the alarm after they hadn't heard from their loved ones for several days. Police showed up at Willis' house on January 9 and placed JW in handcuffs while he was just in his underwear -- though he was not arrested.

They found David Harrington, Ricky Johnson, and Clayton McGeeney dead at his home. A fifth man, Alex Waemer-Lee, attended the event but reportedly left the party early.

Alex Caprariello / NewsNation

Now, it's interesting that Willis is heading to rehab -- because TMZ has done some digging that jibes with the notion that this tragedy may, perhaps, be drug-related after all.

For instance, we've learned that one of the men, Clayton, had a connection to pharmaceuticals which might shed some light. We've uncovered that McGeeney had an active pharmacist license which was issued last year and set to expire at the end of May 2024.

While we don't know if he was working at any pharmacy in particular or practicing pharmacology in any way at the time of his death ... we do know the license would allow him to work as a pharmacy technician if he so desired.

Another interesting fact ... David Harrington -- another one of the men who died -- was arrested back in Colorado in 2011 for possession of a Schedule II controlled substance ... although it seems he ended up with just a year of probation and paying some fines.

We don't know for certain what the substance was that resulted in Harrington's arrest, but Schedule II drugs in Colorado include opiates such as oxycodone and fentanyl, and other similar narcotics.

On the face of things, some of these facts appear to line up with what police have maintained since the beginning ... namely, that there's no evidence of foul play, and that for now, they don't suspect homicide either -- though, the investigation remains ongoing.

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Alex Caprariello, a NewsNation reporter who's been chasing the story since the beginning, reported the families of the victims are meeting with the Platte County prosecutor to "discuss the ongoing investigation and possibility of criminal prosecution."

It remains to be seen what may come of that -- but at the moment, nobody is pointing the finger at any one person. All the clues for now seem to suggest a drug-related disaster.



Blueface's mom is tired of Chrisean Rock's antics -- she has her fingers crossed the new face tat she got of Blue is fake, and that she finally leaves her son alone. Spoiler ... at least one of those wishes won't come true.


TMZ got Karlissa Saffold outside L.A's Men's Central Jail on Wednesday, following a failed attempt to see her son, and she tells us Chrisean's enormous tattoo of Blueface's mug on her cheek is "absolutely f***ng crazy" ... and she thinks it's a shady ploy to make Blue feel obligated to deal with her once he gets out of jail.

She also has a very simple, passionate reaction to CR moving back into Blue's pad -- "Hell motherf***ing no!" Karlissa says, again, the move will give Blue zero chance of escaping Chrisean's shenanigans ... when he should be focusing on getting his mind right.

What's more, she believes the face ink stems from mental issues ... and her son isn't trained to unpack Chrisean's baggage for her.

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For her part, Karlissa's tried to support Chrisean for the sake of her grandbaby ... but is now taking a step back after seeing her on IG live saying she wants Karlissa to die.

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But of course, as any doting grandma ... she's still willing to take care of the baby if it comes to that point.

For now, Karissa tells us she's devastated Blue's in jail for a probation violation -- in fact, it's her worst nightmare, especially cause her eldest son served 13 years behind bars, too ... and now history's repeating itself.

Basically, she's got a lot on her plate, and says CR needs to go find someone else's family to play "Fatal Attraction."

CixoT: LA Real Family Blues

Blueface's jail time is sure to play out in their family reality show, "CixoT: LA Real Family Blues."

Los padres de Courtney Clenney sabían que los fiscales vigilaban sus mensajes de texto

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Los padres de Courtney Clenney sospechaban que los fiscales en el caso de asesinato de su hija tenían sus antenas puestas sobre ella, esto incluso antes de que fueran acusados.

Así es la cosa, TMZ entrevistó a Kim y Deborah Clenney recientemente en un nuevo documental que tenemos al aire, el cual se sumerge en el caso y cuenta con imágenes nunca antes vistas y diferentes puntos de vista la relación de CC con Christian Obumseli.

A la luz de la detención de Kim y Deborah esta semana y con las fuerzas del orden acusándolas de delitos informáticos por supuestamente acceder al ordenador portátil de Christian después de que fuera asesinado, revisamos nuestras imágenes y encontramos una pepita fascinante... ¡sabían que estaban siendo vigiladas!

Échale un vistazo a este fragmento exclusivo. Se puede ver que sienten que la fiscalía en el caso de Courtney no solo va por su hija, sino que también tras de ellos.

Como Deborah nos explicó, ella dice que la ley estuvo vigilando sus textos y conversaciones con Courtney, señalando claramente que ella sabe que están siendo grabados. Deborah también dice que cree que la fiscalía estaría dispuesta a hacer y utilizar cualquier cosa que se dijeran el uno al otro en su contra en el caso... y así sucedió.

Los Clenneys no reconocieron nada respecto al ordenador portátil, pero que ya estaban telegrafiando el hecho de que sabían que los fiscales supuestamente vendrían por ellos, lo cual hace que el hecho de que terminaran siendo arrestados aún más sorprendente.

Por supuesto, ya sabemos que los Clenneys no creen que han hecho nada malo en este caso - hemos sido informados por fuentes con conocimiento directo de que piensan que los cargos informáticos son falsos ... a pesar de que las autoridades les acusan de acceder ilegalmente a algo que no les pertenecía. Eso quedó claro en los documentos de acusación.

intervención de los padres

Los Clenneys siguen actualmente bajo custodia, y se supone que van a ser procesados hoy en Texas también ... con la aplicación de la ley en la Florida con ganas de extraditarlos lo antes posible.

Nos informaron que los abogados de Courtney intentarán sacarlos de la cárcel, pero todo el asunto es bastante fluido en este punto. No está claro exáctamente cuandoes que todo va ocurrir, pero estamos atentos sobre los procedimientos a medida que se desarrollan.

En cualquier caso, en los próximos días se sabrá más, y cuando nuestro documental se emita el 12 de febrero, también tendremos más respuestas. El documental se llama "Killer OnlyFans Model: Deadly Love Story" y se emite en dos semanas en FOX a las 9/8c.

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TMZ Studios

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