Ejecución en Alabama Kenneth Eugene Smith sufre dolor y miseria... Mientras su familia observa

El asesino convicto Kenneth Eugene Smith fue ejecutado el jueves por el estado de Alabama utilizando un nuevo procedimiento mortal. Todo esto, mientras su esposa y su pastor miraban con horror absoluto su reacción al insoportable dolor.

Smith fue introducido en la cámara de ejecución del centro penitenciario William C. Holman de Atmore, donde el personal penitenciario lo inmovilizó y le colocó una máscara de gas en la cara para asfixiarlo con hipoxia de nitrógeno. Se convirtió así en el primer recluso condenado a muerte por este método.

Antes de que comenzara la ejecución a las 8:07 PM CST, Smith hizo una señal de corazón con su mano izquierda a su familia que estaba presente antes de decir sus últimas palabras a través de su máscara: "Esta noche Alabama hace que la humanidad dé un paso atrás... Me voy con amor, paz y luz".

Los 18 minutos siguientes se convirtieron en una pesadilla para Smith y sus dos confidentes más cercanos: su esposa Deanna y su guía espiritual Jeff Hood, quienes estaban presentes.

Hood dijo más tarde al Daily Mail que la ejecución fue lo "peor'" que había visto nunca, e incluso causó el impacto de algunos funcionarios de la prisión mientras Smith fallecía, mucho más lento de lo previsto.

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El pastor también dijo que Smith comenzó a convulsionar en la camilla después de que los funcionarios le pusieron la máscara de hipoxia de nitrógeno y lo obligaron a inhalar altas concentraciones del gas.

En un momento dado, Deanna gritó por su marido mientras este se agarraba a sus ataduras, dando sus últimas bocanadas de aire antes de asfixiarse. Smith fue condenado a muerte en 1996 por matar a la esposa de un predicador, Elizabeth Bennett, como parte de un complot de asesinato por encargo valorado en 1.000 dólares

Fue declarado muerto a las 8:25 PM CST.

Smith tenía 58 años.

Taylor Swift Stalker To Take Psych Exam ... Is He Fit To Stand Trial???

Taylor Swift's stalker is going to get his head checked ... because a judge wants to see if he's mentally able to stand trial.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, the guy who has been arrested multiple times outside Taylor's NYC townhouse this month is being sent for a psychological exam.

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John M. Mantel for Fox News Digital

As we reported ... David Crowe -- the man who prosecutors say has been lurking around Taylor's NYC home for a while now -- was arraigned Wednesday on stalking and harassment charges. He was set free and then was arrested again 2 hours later after going back to Taylor's block.

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Now, David's facing a new charge of contempt in the second degree for intentionally violating an order of protection. His defense wants him to get a psych exam before a potential trial, and a judge agreed.

Taylor's actually been in the Big Apple while all of this has been going down ... though it's unclear if she was ever home when David was getting busted outside.

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Sounds like Taylor might not have to worry about him coming by again anytime soon ... he's been ordered to remain in custody.

Teen Accused Of Killing Bicyclist Facing New Attempted Murder Charge ... Prosecutors Want It Added

The Las Vegas teen accused of fatally mowing down a retired police chief is now facing an attempted murder charge in a totally separate case ... and prosecutors wanna lump this into his already-existing murder case.

18-year-old Jesus Ayala was charged for attempted murder earlier this month, with prosecutors in Nevada claiming he stabbed somebody in the Vegas area -- which they say went down two months before he allegedly ran over Andreas Probst.

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The authorities say the alleged victim told them Ayala and another person approached him on the street and started to use brass knuckles and knives on him -- with the man claiming he sustained multiple lacerations to his torso as well as near his head.

Now, in light of this new info -- the state wants to add the attempted murder charge to Ayala's original case in a new indictment ... according to new legal docs obtained by TMZ.


Remember ... in the OG case, prosecutors claimed Jesus was behind the wheel of a stolen car when he ran over a bicyclist on the road back in August ... killing the guy on the bike, who turned out to be retired police chief Andreas Probst. There was another teen in the car who is accused of recording the incident. Video of the alleged incident surfaced as well.

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Like we said ... prosecutors are now seeking to amend Ayala's original charges to add the attempted murder charge from the stabbing incident -- and their argument is ... it's related.

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It's not a done deal yet ... Ayala's legal team is pushing back against the amended charges -- claiming the prosecution's original case against their client is thin, which is why they're trying to add something completely different in the 11th hour. A judge has yet to rule.

Un adolescente de Las Vegas acusado de matar a un ciclista se enfrenta a un nuevo cargo De intento de asesinato

El adolescente de Las Vegas acusado de atropellar mortalmente a un jefe de policía retirado se enfrenta ahora a un cargo de intento de asesinato en un caso totalmente distinto, y los fiscales quieren mezclarlo con su caso de asesinato ya existente.

Jesús Ayala— de 18 años— fue acusado de intento de asesinato a principios de este mes, con los fiscales en Nevada alegando que apuñaló a alguien en el área de Las Vegas dos meses antes de que supuestamente atropellara a Andreas Probst.

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el horrible momento

Las autoridades dicen que la presunta víctima les dijo que Ayala y otra persona se acercaron a él en la calle y comenzaron a golpearlo incluso utilizando cuchillos. El hombre afirma que sufrió múltiples laceraciones en el torso, así como cerca de su cabeza.

Ahora, a la luz de esta nueva información, el estado quiere añadir el cargo de intento de asesinato al caso original de Ayala en una nueva acusación, de acuerdo con nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ.

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Recordemos que en el caso original, los fiscales afirmaron que Jesús estaba al volante de un carro robado cuando atropelló a un ciclista en la carretera en agosto, matando al ciclista que resultó un jefe de policía retirado llamado Andreas Probst. Había otro adolescente en el carro al que se le acusa de grabar el incidente.

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golpeando y corriendo

Como dijimos, los fiscales están tratando de modificar los cargos originales de Ayala para añadir el cargo de intento de asesinato por el incidente de apuñalamiento y su argumento es que todo está relacionado.

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El equipo legal de Ayala está presionando en contra de los cargos enmendados, alegando que el caso original de la fiscalía contra su cliente es débil, por lo que están tratando de añadir algo completamente diferente en la 11 ª hora. El juez aún no se ha pronunciado.

Drake Calls Out Judge After Young Thug Leaked Phone Call... Meek Mill Says Sue!!!

Drake and Meek Mill are angrily demanding justice for Young Thug  ... after an intimate video recording of him and his girlfriend speaking sweet nothings leaked from jail.

Social media began circulating the video of YT and Mariah The Scientist this week ... the two spend over a minute long telling one another how much they miss each other and admiring the Cuban necklaces Thug bought her.

On Thursday, Drake thrust the spotlight on Chief Judge Ural Glanville -- the judge presiding over YT's much publicized RICO trial -- and quite frankly asked him just what kinda circus he was running as ringmaster!!!

"This gotta be some form of jail misconduct," Drake wrote on IG. "You gonna drag this talented man then not be able to control your employees using his personal business for their own gain?

Drake continued ... "Somebody benefitted from this video even existing and that's shameful whole case is a wsh just 3 the guy and let him come home and continue bringing light to Atlanta ... Shit is disgraceful... is this a criminal case or atlanta social media promo Ural Glanville?"

Drake and Thug are tight but that doesn't mean his opinions of the case are biased -- the case has been subjected to several hijinks along the way.

Meek also supported Thug, demanding he sue for having his rights violated.

The trial abruptly postponed proceedings until next Monday after the breach ... maybe an investigation is underway.

Taylor Swift Acosador regresa a su casa en NYC ¡Por tercera vez!

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Reaparece el acosador de Taylor Swift

El acosador de Taylor Swift no está entendiendo el mensaje. Solo dos horas después de estar en la corte por merodear alrededor de su casa, apareció nuevamente en el barrio de la cantante, y fue arrestado de nuevo.

Este video muestra a David Crowe fumando un cigarrillo el miércoles alrededor de las 2 PM fuera de un McDonald's, a solo 2 cuadras de su casa de Nueva York. Sin embargo, los testigos dicen que finalmente apareció en la casa de Taylor y alguien en el barrio encendió las alarmas y llamó al 911 para reportarlo.

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Detenido por la policía

La policía llegó y detuvo a Crowe en un cargo de desacato penal, debido a que una orden de protección acababa de ser emitida durante su comparecencia del miércoles por la mañana en 2 cargos de acoso y 2 cargos de acecho.

Esta es la tercera vez que Crowe es arrestado en o cerca de la casa de Taylor. La primera vez fue el sábado, seguido de un arresto el lunes por la noche.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen que durante la redada de hoy, Crowe le dijo a la policía que era de Seattle, lo cual es cierto, y que iba a tomar un vuelo a casa. Pero la policía no encontró ninguna evidencia de ese viaje.

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Lo que es más alarmante sobre esta detención es que sabemos que Taylor está de vuelta en Nueva York. El martes por la noche anduvo por la ciudad con Brittany Mahomes y Cara Delevingne. No está claro si Taylor estaba al interior de su casa cuando Crowe fue detenido hoy. Durante las detenciones anteriores había estado fuera de la ciudad.

Una fuente relacionada con quienes hacen cumplir la ley nos dice que Crowe es "consciente de lo que está haciendo y es elocuente. Está obsesionado con ella y no puede mantenerse alejado de donde vive. Estamos haciendo todo lo posible para protegerla".

Taylor Swift Stalker Heads Back to Her NYC Pad ... Busted for Third Time!!!

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Taylor Swift's stalker isn't getting the message -- 2 hours after he was in court over his last arrest for creeping around her home ... he was back on Taylor's block and getting busted again.

This video shows David Crowe smoking a cigarette Wednesday around 2 PM outside a McDonald's just 2 blocks from her NYC townhouse. However, witnesses say he eventually made his way back to Taylor's place ... and someone in the neighborhood sounded the alarm, calling 911 to report him.

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John M. Mantel for Fox News Digital

Police arrived and arrested Crowe on a criminal contempt charge ... due to the fact an order of protection had just been issued during his arraignment Wednesday morning on 2 counts of harassment and 1 count of stalking.

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This is now the third time Crowe's been arrested at or near Taylor's home -- the first time was Saturday, followed by a Monday evening bust.

Law enforcement sources tell us that during today's bust, Crowe told cops he was from Seattle -- which is true -- and he was going to take a flight home ... but police found no evidence of that trip.

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What's more alarming about this arrest is we know Taylor is back in NYC -- she was out on the town Tuesday night with Brittany Mahomes and Cara Delevingne. It's unclear if Taylor was actually inside when Crowe was taken into custody today, but she had been out of town during the previous arrests.

One law enforcement source tells us ... Crowe is "aware of what he's doing and he's articulate. He is fixated on her and cannot keep away from where she lives. We are doing all we can to protect her."


Taylor Swift Alleged Stalker Hit Her House 30 Times ... So Claim Prosecutors

Taylor Swift's alleged stalker just had his first day in court -- and prosecutors made a lot of troubling claims about him ... including the allegation he's gone to her pad dozens of times.

David Crowe -- the man who was cuffed and hauled away by cops twice in three days after numerous people said he was lurking around Taylor's NYC home -- was arraigned Wednesday on three separate charges ... including stalking in the 4th-degree and harassment in the 1st and 2nd-degrees.

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We're told Crowe did not enter a plea during this court appearance -- but he was cut loose from custody ... with prosecutors requesting supervised release with strict conditions.

A judge granted their request -- so Crowe is technically back on the streets -- but the judge signed off on a protective order prohibiting him from trying to contact Taylor ... and prosecutors ran through some other disturbing details in court.

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Law enforcement officials alleged in their complaint that they'd been informed Crowe had been spotted at Taylor's Tribeca home upwards of 30 times in the past 2 months.

Prosecutors claim that on a number of these drop-ins, Crowe asked to speak to Taylor. That's apparently why he's facing the stalking charge ... and why the court wants to keep a close eye on him upon release.

Remember ... Crowe was cuffed by cops for swinging by Taylor's home on Saturday, and again on Monday.

Taylor Swift presunto acosador fue a su casa 30 veces Según dicen las autoridades

El presunto acosador de Taylor Swift acaba de tener su primer día en la corte y los fiscales hicieron un montón de afirmaciones preocupantes sobre él, incluyendo la alegación de que ha ido a su casa docenas de veces.

David Crowe, el hombre que fue esposado por la policía dos veces en el lapso de tres días luego de que numerosas personas dijeron que estaba al acecho alrededor de la casa de Taylor en New York, fue procesado el miércoles por tres cargos separados, incluyendo el acecho en cuarto grado y acoso de primero y segundo grados

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Nos informan que Crowe no entró en una declaración durante esta comparecencia ante el tribunal, pero fue liberado de la custodia, con los fiscales solicitando su libertad supervisada con condiciones estrictas.

Un juez accedió a su petición -por lo que Crowe está técnicamente de vuelta en las calles- pero el juez firmó una orden de protección que le prohíbe tratar de ponerse en contacto con Taylor y los fiscales abordaron algunos detalles inquietantes en la corte.

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atrapado por la policía

Los agentes del orden alegaron en su denuncia que habían sido informados de que Crowe había sido visto en la casa de Tribeca de Taylor más de 30 veces en los últimos dos meses.

Los fiscales afirman que en varias de esas ocasiones, Crowe pidió hablar con Taylor. Al parecer, es por eso que se enfrenta a la acusación de acoso, y por qué el tribunal quiere mantener una estrecha vigilancia sobre él después de la liberación.

Recordemos que Crowe fue esposado por la policía por pasar por la casa de Taylor el sábado, y otra vez el lunes.

Chris Young New Video Shows Him Getting Pushed ... Did He Start Fight?!?

Chris Young is accused of starting a fight with a Tennessee bureaucrat in a bar -- but now, new video appears to show he didn't do much of anything at all ... or so it seems, anyway.

You'll recall ... the country singer was arrested earlier this week after law enforcement officials alleged he got physical with an agent from the Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission out in Nashville Monday night -- this after they came in to check IDs and driver's licenses.

Waiting for your permission to load the Facebook Video.

The arrest affidavit claims Chris blocked the TABC agents from exiting the bar they were at -- alleging he then put hands on one of them ... and even claiming he struck one of their shoulders. That resulted in some sort of scuffle ... and with Chris being booked.

He's facing charges of disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and assault on an officer -- but with this new video here ... many are questioning whether Chris did anything whatsoever.

Chris' attorney has been decrying the charges, insisting these clips of the incident -- which are making the rounds online and elsewhere -- make it crystal clear ... he's innocent.

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His client has a court date later in February to answer for these charges ... but Chris' lawyer is pushing to have them dropped outright, and based on what's depicted here -- he might have a point. It certainly looks like Chris didn't start any fight ... the other dude did.

Anyway, we'll see what comes of it ... and whether Chris ends up entering a plea. We already know his position on this publicly, though -- he's saying he didn't do squat.

Boxing Star Jarrell Miller Cracked Jokes With Cops During Arrest ... Police Video Shows


Jarrell Miller appeared to be in good spirits during his arrest earlier this month ... with new police video, obtained by TMZ Sports, showing the boxing star was actually cracking jokes while in handcuffs.

Miller was confronted by Hollywood Police Dept. officers in Florida back on Jan. 2 ... after he had been accused of body-slamming a car dealership employee, before stealing a truck right off the lot.

According to police documents, officers were able to find Miller via a tracker that had been placed in the vehicle ... but body camera footage shows he was in a jovial mood despite the allegations against him.

In the video, Miller -- wearing a #F***AJOB" T-shirt -- can be heard asking an officer if he could go into a nearby establishment and make his "brother" aware of what was happening to him.

"He look like you?" the cop asked.

"Nah," Miller said as he flashed a huge smile. "He's white as a motherf***er. He's my God brother!"

Miller then seemed to make light of the situation further ... asking a policeman if there was any way he could "handcuff me to the front" of the squad car due to his 6-foot-4, 330-pound frame.

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Miller eventually got in the vehicle ... and was ultimately taken to a nearby station, where he was booked on charges of carjacking without a firearm or weapon and burglary with assault or battery.

Miller appeared in a courtroom two days later and pleaded not guilty to the charges. When he was released from custody, he issued a statement saying, in part, "I am prayerful and look forward to a favorable resolution of this case."

Miller -- aka Big Baby -- just recently fought Daniel Dubois in December ... but lost, moving his pro boxing record to 26-1-1.

Chris Young detenido tras un presunto altercado con funcionarios En un bar de Nashville

El cantante de country Chris Young salió a tomar una copa en Nashville y terminó su noche en la cárcel después de ser arrestado tras un presunto incidente con los funcionarios.

Según la declaración jurada de arresto, obtenida por TMZ, Chris estaba bebiendo en el bar Tin Roof el lunes por la noche en el centro de Nashville cuando los agentes de la Comisión de Bebidas Alcohólicas de Tennessee entraron para comprobar las identificaciones y tarjetas de licencia, y fue en ese momento que las cosas se complicaron.

El cantante de "Gettin 'You Home" supuestamente comenzó a interrogar a los agentes después de que comprobaron su identificación y los funcionarios dicen que comenzó a grabarlos y luego los siguió a la Dawg House, un bar de al lado donde el TABC estaba haciendo un control de rutina.

En el siguiente bar, los funcionarios afirman que Chris y un grupo de amigos comenzaron a hablar con la gente en el bar y el camarero, mientras que los agentes fueron a la parte trasera de la barra para comprobar las tarjetas de ABC.

Los agentes dicen que estaban caminando hacia la puerta cuando Chris bloqueó su salida, poniendo sus manos sobre uno de los oficiales para detener el agente de salir y golpear al agente en el hombro.

El agente dice que empujaron a Chris y luego los clientes del bar se apresuraron a interponerse entre Chris y los agentes ... dando lugar a muchos gritos y chillidos. Los agentes dicen que las personas que estaban con Chris les siguieron fuera del bar e hicieron la situación "hostil".

En su informe, los agentes dicen que Chris "tenía los ojos inyectados en sangre y llorosos" y que arrastraba las palabras.

Nos dicen que Chris fue detenido y fichado por 3 cargos, alteración del orden público, resistencia a la autoridad y asalto a un oficial de contacto ofensivo... todos delitos menores.

Chris pagó una fianza de $2.500 y fue puesto en libertad el martes por la mañana y tiene que presentarse en la corte el 16 de febrero.

Country Singer Chris Young Arrested At Nashville Bar ... Alleged Confrontation With Official

Country singer Chris Young went out for a drink in Nashville and ended his night in jail after being arrested following an alleged incident with officials.

According to the arrest affidavit, obtained by TMZ, Chris was drinking at the Tin Roof bar Monday night in midtown Nashville when agents from the Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission came in to check IDs and license cards ... and things spiraled from there.

The "Gettin' You Home" singer allegedly started questioning the agents after they checked his ID ... and officials say he started recording them and then followed them to the Dawg House, a bar next door where the TABC was doing a routine compliance check.

At the next bar, the officials claim Chris and a group of friends started talking to folks at the bar and the bartender while agents went to the back of the bar to check ABC cards.

The agents say they were walking to the door when Chris blocked their exit, putting his hands on one of the officers to stop the agent from leaving and striking the agent on the shoulder.

The officer says they pushed Chris away and then bar patrons rushed to get between Chris and the agents ... leading to lots of yelling and screaming. The agents say folks who were with Chris followed them out of the bar and made the situation "hostile."

In their report, the officers say Chris' "eyes were bloodshot and watery" and they say he was slurring his speech.

We're told Chris was arrested and booked on 3 charges ... disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and assault on officer offensive contact ... all misdemeanors.

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Chris posted $2,500 bond and was released from custody Tuesday morning and is due back in court Feb. 16.

YFN Lucci Gets ATL Murder Charge Dropped ... Still Facing Prison Time in Plea Deal

YFN Lucci is suddenly in the clear for the felony murder case he's been facing for nearly 3 years -- and, while he will be going to prison, his attorney believes it won't be for long.

On Tuesday morning, prosecutors dropped 12 of the 13 counts the rapper had been facing, including felony murder, for the death of James Adams ... who was killed during a shootout with a rival Atlanta gang back in December 2020.

Cops didn't suspect Lucci of pulling the trigger, but he was the driver of one of the vehicles involved in the shootout, and he eventually surrendered to cops in January 2021.

Lucci, whose real name is Rayshawn Bennett, pleaded guilty to one count of violating the street gang terrorism and prevention act ... and will have to do time for that. As part of the plea deal, he was hit with a 10-year sentence, plus 10 years probation.

He is getting credit for time served -- Lucci's been jailed awaiting his trial since the spring of 2021, when he violated his release on bond by going to a strip club.

However, his attorney Drew Findling believes his client will only be locked up for a few months. He tells TMZ, "As he has maintained for three years now, Mr. Bennett will NOT cooperate in any other case. By entering into this resolution, he will be eligible for parole in as early as four months from now. The prosecution has also agreed that he should be released early on parole and this will allow him to get back to his children, family and career."

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Findling's math breaks down like this -- Lucci got 10 years, but he's eligible for parole after 40 months ... and since he's been locked up for about 36 months (that's the time served), he's predicting Lucci's release in 4 months, as long as he keeps his nose clean.

Lucci's case was about to go to trial -- jury selection had begun a couple of weeks ago -- but now he's gotten a pretty huge break in the 11th hour.

YFN Lucci se libra de la acusación de asesinato, Pero aún enfrenta una pena en prisión

YFN Lucci tiene algo de claridad en su caso de asesinato y delito grave que ha estado enfrentando durante casi tres años, y a pesar de que va a pasar un tiempo en prisión, su abogado cree que no será por mucho tiempo.

El martes por la mañana, los fiscales retiraron 12 de los 13 cargos que el rapero estaba enfrentando, incluido el delito de asesinato por la muerte de James Adams, que fue asesinado durante un tiroteo con una banda rival de Atlanta en diciembre de 2020.

Los policías no sospechaban que Lucci haya apretado el gatillo, pero él era el conductor de uno de los vehículos implicados en el tiroteo, y finalmente se entregó a la policía en enero de 2021.

Lucci, cuyo verdadero nombre es Rayshawn Bennett, se declaró culpable de un cargo relacionado con el terrorismo de pandillas callejeras y la ley de prevención y tendrá que págar con algo de tiempo en prisión por esto. Como parte del acuerdo, se le impuso una condena de 10 años, más 10 años de libertad condicional.

Él está recibiendo crédito por el tiempo servid. Lucci ha sido encarcelado en espera de su juicio desde la primavera de 2021, cuando violó su libertad bajo fianza por ir a un club de striptease.

Sin embargo, su abogado Drew Findling cree que su cliente solo estará encerrado unos meses. Le dice a TMZ: "Como ha mantenido durante tres años, el Sr. Bennett no cooperará en ningún otro caso. Con esta resolución, podrá salir en libertad condicional dentro de cuatro meses. La fiscalía también ha acordado que debe ser puesto en libertad condicional anticipada y esto le permitirá volver a sus hijos, su familia y su carrera".

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Las matemáticas de Findling se descomponen así - Lucci recibió 10 años, pero es elegible para la libertad condicional después de 40 meses, y ya que ha estado encerrado durante unos 36 meses, predice la liberación de Lucci en 4 meses, siempre y cuando mantenga su nariz limpia.

El caso de Lucci estaba a punto de ir a juicio - la selección del jurado había comenzado hace un par de semanas - pero ahora ha conseguido una gran oportunidad en la hora 11.

Taylor Swift Man Busted Near Her NYC Townhouse ... Twice In Three Days!!!


1/23 -- 7:54 AM PT -- The NYPD says the guy who got dragged away in a police car Monday has been arrested and booked on stalking and harassment charges.

The department says, "Officers were approached by multiple complainants who pointed out an emotionally disturbed male acting erratically at the location. Once officers observed the male harassing multiple complainants, they took him to custody without further incidents; no injuries were reported." The dude's name is David Crowe -- and he's apparently from Seattle.

Taylor Swift had the same dude who was busted at her place this weekend show up on her doorstep AGAIN this week -- and best believe ... cops showed up to handle it.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... the man who was cuffed and hauled away Saturday while trying to access Taylor's NYC townhouse had the gall to swing by her pad yet again on Monday, something her security team and surrounding neighbors immediately noticed.

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We're told the head of Taylor's security immediately called cops when the dude arrived, and our sources say everyone reported the same thing ... namely, that he was just lurking.

Of course, considering what just happened a couple days ago with this fella ... that's a huge problem. We're told NYPD officers eventually arrived to the scene, but couldn't immediately find the man -- however, it didn't take long to track him down ... he was around the corner.

Our sources say they found less than a block away from Taylor's residence -- and that's where this interaction with the cops went down, with officers once again throwing him in handcuffs and into the back of one of their police cruisers.

No question about it ... we're told this is, in fact, the same dude from Saturday-- but we're not sure at this point what's gonna happen to him, or if charges are being pressed either.

You'll recall ... when he was originally picked up, cops say they found him fiddling with Taylor's front door, in what police perceived as an attempt to enter without authorization.

When they ran him in their system, they found there was an open warrant for his arrest -- this pertaining to a separate case from 2017 when he failed to show up to court.

It goes without saying ... him coming back to the scene so soon after all that is troubling, to say the least -- and ya gotta figure law enforcement will be a little stricter this time around.


Then again, we know celebs have had a hard time achieving successful deterrents from these sorts of people who appear to be obsessed with them ... with the criminal justice system often failing to protect them from potential danger.

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As you know ... Taylor has had a long, documented history with stalkers in her own career ... including one who was previously arrested for trying to get into her Manhattan pad a few years back. Unclear if this guy is that, but already ... he's not setting a good precedent.

Our new documentary, "TMZ Investigates: Obsessed and Dangerous: Hollywood's Stalker Crisis," airs Monday at 9/8c on FOX ... and we break down Taylor's stories and more.

Originally Published -- 1/22/24 5:31 PM PT