Taylor Swift Un hombre es arrestado cerca de su casa en NYC ... Dos veces en 3 días!!!


1/23/24 -- La policía de Nueva York dice que el tipo que fue arrestado en un carro de policía el lunes ha sido detenido y fichado por cargos de acoso y hostigamiento.

El departamento dice: "Los agentes fueron abordados por múltiples denunciantes que señalaron que un hombre emocionalmente perturbado estaba actuando erráticamente en el lugar. Una vez que los agentes observaron al varón acosando a múltiples denunciantes, lo detuvieron sin más incidentes; no se registraron heridos". El nombre del tipo es David Crowe y al parecer es de Seattle.

El mismo tipo que fue arrestado en la casa de Taylor Swift este fin de semana apareció en su puerta de nuevo y por suerte los policías aparecieron para manejarlo.

Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que el hombre que fue esposado el sábado por tratar de acceder a la casa de Taylor en Nueva York tuvo el descaro de pasar por su casa de nuevo el lunes, algo que su equipo de seguridad y vecinos alrededor advirtieron de inmediato.

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Arrestado por la policía

Nos dicen que el jefe de seguridad de Taylor inmediatamente llamó a la policía cuando el tipo llegó y nuestras fuentes dicen que todo el mundo informó de lo mismo, es decir, que estaba al acecho.

Por supuesto, esto es un gran problema, teniendo en cuenta lo que acababa de pasar hace un par de días con el tipo. Nos dicen que la policía de Nueva York llegó a la escena, pero no pudo encontrarlo inmediatamente. Al poco tiempo, lo localizaron a la vuelta de la esquina.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que se encontraba a menos de una cuadra de distancia de la residencia de Taylor, donde se enfrentó con la policía. Los agentes lo volvieron a esposar en la parte trasera de uno de sus carros de policía.

No hay duda de ello. Nos dicen que este es, de hecho, el mismo tipo del sábado, pero no estamos seguros de lo que va a pasar con él o si se están presentando cargos.

Ustedes recordarán, cuando lo atraparon por primera vez, los policías dijeron que lo encontraron tocando la puerta principal de Taylor, en lo que las autoridades percibieron como un intento de entrar sin autorización.

Cuando chequearon en su sistema, encontraron que había una orden de arresto abierta hacia él por un caso separado de 2017, cuando no se presentó ante el tribunal.

No hace falta decir que su regreso a la escena tan poco tiempo después del primer incidente es preocupante por decir lo menos y se tienen que imaginar que la aplicación de la ley será un poco más estricta esta vez.

Por otra parte, sabemos que las celebridades han tenido dificultades para lograr disuadir con éxito a este tipo de personas que parecen estar obsesionados con ellos. El sistema de justicia penal a menudo falla en protegerlos de un potencial peligro.

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Como ustedes saben, Taylor ha tenido una larga y documentada historia con acosadores en su propia carrera, incluyendo uno que fue arrestado previamente por tratar de entrar en su casa en Manhattan hace unos años. No está claro si es este tipo, pero no está sentando un buen precedente.

Nuestro nuevo documental, "TMZ Investigates: Obsessed and Dangerous: Hollywood's Stalker Crisis", se emite el lunes a las 9/8c en FOX, en donde desglosamos las historias de Taylor y más.

Publicado originalmente -- 1/22/24 5:31 PM PT

'AMW' HOST JOHN WALSH Crime Is Worse, So We're Back ... FBI Wanted Us On the Air!!!


"America's Most Wanted" host John Walsh says America's spiraling crime stats, and criminals getting smarter are just 2 reasons why his famous show is returning to FOX.

John and his son, Callahan Walsh, are hosting the 'AMW' reboot, and they joined us Monday on "TMZ Live" to discuss how crime has changed since the show's initial heyday in the '90s and early 2000s.

It was way back in 1988 when 'AMW' premiered on FOX and John tells us crime is so bad these days, honchos at the FBI told him they wanted his show to return, so he could help bust criminals ... particularly in areas the agency considers "lawless."

Another change since the OG 'AMW' ... John says advances in technology are making it easier to find criminals -- but he points out some of that technology also gives the bad guys more tools to break laws, and get away with it.

There are plenty of new criminals for John and Callahan to track down on their reboot ... but they tell us their program will also take a crack at solving some cold cases too.

No one understands the importance of staying on cases like that more than the Walsh family -- John points out he waited 27 years for the police files that eventually helped solve his 6-year-old son Adam's 1981 abduction and murder.

The new 'AMW' premieres tonight at 8 PM ET on FOX, and the Walshes tell us they plan to keep fighting crime in Adam's honor.

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Following the premiere of 'AMW,' be sure to stick around and tune into "TMZ Investigates: Obsessed and Dangerous: Hollywood’s Stalker Crisis" -- the start of a weekly series that hits FOX Monday at 9/8c.

Kodak Black Wants Drug Case Tossed Lab Tests Prove It Was Rx Oxy!!!

Kodak Black has been behind bars since last month after cops claimed they found illegal drugs on him -- but now, his legal team says lab tests prove ... it was all kosher.

The rapper's attorney, Bradford Cohen, just filed new legal docs -- obtained by TMZ -- asking a judge to dismiss this new drug case against his client ... which alleges Kodak had a controlled substance on him, Oxy, on Dec. 7, and that he was trying to hide it from officers who rolled up on him.

You'll recall ... during the arrest, officers claimed that when they found Kodak that evening -- allegedly asleep at the wheel while parked on a road -- they discovered white powder in his mouth, and went on to allege that KB was trying to hide this from them.

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The cops say they tested the substance on the spot -- and alleged that it came back positive for cocaine, so they cuffed Kodak and hauled him off to jail ... where they booked him for possession, evidence tampering, and a traffic violation.

Of course, the authorities also alleged he was in violation of his current probation -- but now, Cohen says the lab tests have come back on the substance ... and they show Kodak wasn't lying when he said the white powder collected that night was just Percocet.

Cohen argues Kodak has a valid prescription for Oxycodone so prosecutors have no grounds to hit him with the drug possession charge.

He's asking for the court to dismiss the case against Kodak. A judge has yet to rule.

Blueface Doing His Time Ain't So Hard ... Relatively Cushy in Co. Jail

Blueface's life behind bars isn't so bad -- compared to most inmates -- in fact, our sources say it could be a whole heck of a lot worse.

The embattled rapper's back in L.A. County jail after violating his probation in a 2021 assault case, and law enforcement sources tell us he's staying in the administrative segregation area -- meaning he's kept outta gen pop -- and he's got a cell all to himself where he's getting his meals brought to him.

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Blue can leave his cell for up to 7 hours a week to participate in education classes or religious services -- assuming they're being offered -- or head to the rooftop yard to call his family or his lawyers.

There's a TV in the shared unit he can watch, and access to the library. Showers are allowed every other day ... unless he's headed to court in which case he's allowed to wash up on that day too.

Blueface will find some commissary options, too ... including Texas beef and cajun chicken ramen, tuna, sliced pepperoni, hot & spicy pork cracklings, hot cheese crunchies, jalapeño peppers, hot tortilla chips and Club crackers.

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For dessert, he can choose from Oreos, blueberry and chocolate donuts, chocolate chip cookies or bear claws -- and he can wash it all down with cocoa or coffee.

It's a good thing the food options look tasty ... cause Blue's gonna be locked up for a bit. We broke the story -- he's stuck in prison until at least the summer after violating his probation for a 2021 assault.

We don't know exactly what conditions he violated (his mom's blaming his baby mamas), but there was a hearing last Friday, and now he's in custody until July 2. He was supposed to do a full year, but for every day he serves in county, he'll get credit for another.

No one's saying County lockup is summer camp, but it sounds like Blue has it easier than most on the inside.

Cocaína en los camarones Un hombre es detenido por presunto tráfico de drogas...

Los productores de "Cocaine Bear" podrían tener una secuela del show porque un hombre fue atrapado presuntamente usando otra criatura para el contrabando de drogas.

Zacharie Scott fue detenido en el Aeropuerto Internacional John F. Kennedy de Nueva York el viernes por supuestamente intentar pasar cocaína de contrabando dentro de bolsas de camarones jumbo congelados.

El hombre de 22 años que vive en Guyana, pero tiene la ciudadanía de Estados Unidos, supuestamente escondía ladrillos de droga dentro de las bolsas de camarones, esencialmente cubriendo los paquetes de los crustáceos.

Los federales dijeron que hicieron una prueba de campo y revelaron rastros de cocaína, y todo junto, las drogas supuestamente pesaban más de 40 libras. Las autoridades dicen que hablaron con Scott y dicen que confesó haber aceptado el contrabando de las drogas por dinero en efectivo.

Scott apareció en el Tribunal Federal de Brooklyn el martes para hacer frente a los cargos presentados por Breon Peace, el Fiscal del Distrito Este de Nueva York que está encabezando el caso, y está detenido hasta su audiencia de libertad bajo fianza. Si es declarado culpable, podría enfrentarse hasta 20 años de prisión.

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Nos pusimos en contacto con el abogado de Scott para que hiciera comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

Menos mal que ninguno de estos camarones estaba viva cuando se introdujo la coca o la Guardia Costera de Estados Unidos podría tener un problema en sus manos.

Cocaine Shrimp Man Arrested For Allegedly Smuggling Drugs ... Hidden w/ Frozen Shrimp

"Cocaine Bear" producers might have a sequel ... 'cause a man was allegedly caught using another creature to smuggle blow -- and underwater sequences are all the rage.

Zacharie Scott was arrested at John F. Kennedy Airport International Airport in NYC Friday for allegedly attempting to smuggle coke inside bags of frozen jumbo shrimp.

The 22-year-old -- who lives in Guyana but holds U.S. citizenship -- allegedly hid bricks of the drug inside shrimp bags, essentially covering up the substance ... making for a very different kind of cocktail party.

Feds said they did a field test ... revealing traces of cocaine -- and all together, the drugs allegedly weighed more than 40 pounds! Authorities say they talked to Scott ... and he confessed to agreeing to smuggle the drugs for cash.

Scott appeared in Brooklyn Federal Court Tuesday to face charges brought by Breon Peace, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York who's spearheading the case -- and Scott's being detained until his bail hearing on Tuesday ... if convicted, he could face up to 20 years in prison.

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We've reached out to Scott's attorney for comment ... so far, no word back.

Thankfully none of these shrimp were alive when the coke was put in ... or the U.S. Coast Guard might have a JUMBO problem on their hands.

Pennsylvania Murder Mans Kills Neighbor Over Snoring ... Charged With Murder

A Pennsylvania man is dead because his loud snoring kept waking up his fed-up neighbor, who stabbed him to death to get him to stop.

The bizarre, real-life tale began last Sunday evening in Upper Moreland Township, where police responded to the home of Christopher Casey after receiving a 911 call from him to report a stabbing.

When they arrived, the cops discovered Casey's neighbor, Robert Wallace, about 50 feet from the house with two knife wounds in his body. Casey also had been stabbed in the right thigh. Police found blood inside and outside the residence.

Both men were rushed to a local hospital, where Wallace died, and Casey was treated for his non-life-threatening injuries.

Investigators were able to piece together that Wallace went over to Casey's home that night and stepped onto his porch to detach a screen from one of the windows.

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Casey, who was eating dinner, was somehow alerted and confronted Wallace, getting into a heated argument.

During the verbal altercation, Casey produced a military-style knife, plunging the blade into Wallace twice. It was not clear how Casey suffered his wound. Police recovered the knife at the crime scene.

Perhaps the most stunning element of the story came when detectives learned the motive behind the attack ... the neighbors had been involved in an ongoing beef over Casey's loud snoring, which could be heard through a wall shared by their connected homes.

Montgomery County District Attorney Kevin Steele said Casey was arrested Thursday and charged with Third-Degree Murder, Voluntary Manslaughter and Possessing an Instrument of Crime. Casey is currently in custody, while being held on $1 million cash bail.

ALLEGED GILGO BEACH SERIAL KILLER Lawyer Defends His Sick Search History ... Porn, Torture, Rape

Suspected serial killer Rex Heuermann allegedly has a twisted internet search history ... but his lawyer says everyone Googles weird crap, and it doesn't make him a murderer.

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Heuermann -- the alleged Gilgo Beach killer -- had his alleged internet search history revealed in new court documents, with prosecutors saying he was looking up autopsy photos, violent hardcore porn and deviant sex acts.

But his lawyer, Michael Brown, is pushing back ... telling reporters this week, "Searching the internet, ask yourselves what you search on your computers and your phones."

Brown brushed it off this way ... "One thing leads to another -- you see a show about something, you start searching, and they talk about how somebody got killed. You start searching, and then they talk about another way, and you start searching."

Prosecutors claim Heuermann's Google searches included ... "tied up fat girl porn," "medieval torture of women," "skinny black girl slave porn," "autopsy photos of female," "wooden pony porn," "skinny white teen crying porn" and "how I was raped audio" ... just to name a few.

What's more, Heuermann allegedly had over 200 searches about the Gilgo Beach murder case and other known serial killers.

But his lawyer says ... "Think about if they looked at your own personal search history, how all of a sudden you're guilty because of your search history?”

As we reported ... earlier this week Heuermann was hit with a fourth murder charge.

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All four women worked as escorts near his home on Long Island ... and his internet history allegedly includes searches for all kinds of escorts -- running the gamut of identities ... racial, sexual and otherwise.

Heuermann's defense lawyers are also casting doubt on the DNA testing used in the case against him ... arguing the tech is faulty and that it doesn't provide a smoking gun, but simply eliminates other possibilities.

Scott Peterson Ex-Atty Geragos Grateful for Innocence Project ... Calls Trial 'Abomination'


The fact Scott Peterson's case has been taken up by the L.A. Innocence Project could result in the convicted murderer getting a new trial ... and his former attorney couldn't be happier.

Mark Geragos, Peterson's lawyer during his 2004 trial, joined us Friday on "TMZ Live," and we asked him about the startling development -- Innocence Project lawyers citing "new evidence" in court filings obtained by ABC News.

Mark says he feels "gratified" to have another set of eyes looking over Scott's case ... and also cites Peterson's reduced sentence as just one of many reasons the case needs more review.

Peterson's death sentence -- for murdering his wife Laci Peterson and their unborn child -- was knocked down to life without parole after the California Supreme Court said some jurors were improperly dismissed during jury selection.

Geragos says a hearing was ordered at the same time as the resentencing, and he thinks that's what drew the Innocence Project's attention  ... plus, Mark says the case against Scott is an "abomination."

Geragos says he can debunk all of the evidence from Peterson's trial, but thinks the jury was laser focused on Peterson's admission he was cheating on his wife.

The Innocence Project is a nonprofit that works to exonerate people who've fallen victim to wrongful conviction -- something Peterson has maintained is the case since the beginning.

The org confirmed it's repping Peterson, and added it's "investigating his claim of actual innocence" -- though they haven't elaborated beyond that.

In the court filing, the L.A. Innocence Project claims Peterson's state and federal constitutional rights were violated and his claim of actual innocence "is supported by newly discovered evidence."

As you may know ... Laci was 8 months pregnant with Peterson's child when she disappeared on Christmas Eve 2002. Her body was found in the San Francisco Bay months later.

Peterson became a prime suspect when it was revealed he was having an affair with his massage therapist, and cops arrested him in April 2003. He was found guilty of first-degree murder and second-degree murder.


ABC says the Innocence Project's asking for a ton of items related to the case it couldn't find ... including Laci's watch, evidence from a 2002 burglary across the street from the Petersons' home, and interviews with several witnesses.

The Stanislaus County D.A.'s Office, which prosecuted Peterson, says, "Mr. Peterson, like all individuals convicted of crimes, is afforded the legal right to appeal his conviction with representation of his choosing."

It also points out his conviction was affirmed by a Superior Court judge in 2022 "after arguments were presented by Mr. Peterson’s defense team and attorneys from the California Attorney General’s Office."

Tekashi 6ix9ine Arrested In Dominican Republic For Alleged Domestic Violence

Tekashi 6ix9ine has found himself in a familiar place – behind bars – after getting arrested on a warrant in the Dominican Republic, TMZ has confirmed.

The New York-born rapper was taken into custody Wednesday by Santo Domingo authorities for a domestic violence incident, apparently involving his girlfriend -- reggae singer Yailin la Mas Viral.

According to CNN ... Tekashi was accused of "physical and psychological violence against" Yailin, prompting the police to haul him into the Palace of Justice in the DR's capital city.

We're told the case is being investigated by the Department Of General Violence, which handles domestic violence cases.

Dominican authorities issued a press release Thursday confirming Tekashi's arrest without providing details about what happened. Tekashi is currently being held by the local police as he awaits his first court appearance this morning.

As you know ... Tekashi has been a magnet for trouble over the years and has been arrested numerous times for numerous offenses.

Of course, everyone recalls when Tekashi cooperated with federal authorities and took the stand at his RICO trial to testify against his fellow gang members, putting many of them behind bars.

Lori Loughlin Daughter Olivia Jade Dredges Up "P" Word

Lori Loughlin's daughter Olivia Jade may want to redub her "prison" comment in a YouTube video she created showing off her amazing kitchen.


Olivia gave everyone a tour of her luxurious Los Angeles home in the 17-plus minute video she shot and uploaded to her YT vlog. But things got weird once she stepped into the kitchen and alluded to Lori's imprisonment for her mom's role in the infamous college admissions scandal.

Check it out ... Talking directly into the camera, Olivia tells her audience she just ordered wallpaper, so the kitchen won't feel so sterile.

She repeats the phrase, "It's not gonna feel like," before she stops and thinks for a moment. Then she delivers the punchline -- "a prison."

Realizing what she just said, Olivia warns her viewers to “Save the jokes. I don’t want to hear it. I set you up and I don’t want you to tee off. OK?”


Of course, the 24-year-old influencer was referring to her mother Lori and father Mossimo Giannulli's federal convictions in the 2021 college admissions case.

Lori and Mossimo pled guilty to paying a fixer half a million dollars to get Olivia and her sister, Isabella Rose, accepted into the University of Southern California under the false pretense they were rowing recruits.

The couple was convicted of federal fraud charges, and both served short prison sentences and paid $400,000 in fines -- but, hey, at the end of the day ... Olivia's got a sweet kitchen.

Todd Chrisley Concerned About Potential Prison Transfer

Todd Chrisley's disgusted by his living conditions in prison, but he's still really worried about a potential prison transfer ... TMZ has learned.

The reality star's attorney Jay Surgent tells TMZ ... his client doesn't want to move prisons because he's afraid guards and officials within the new facility will retaliate against him for speaking out against living conditions in his current pad, FPC Pensacola.

Basically, Todd -- who's doing a 12-year bid for a slew of fraud charges -- thinks his well-documented criticism of FPCP will have other prison officials taking aim at him ... and he's keeping his head on a swivel.

Jay says TC's heard through the grapevine he could be on his way out after ripping on Pensacola for disgusting food, possible mold and bad plumbing ... among other issues.

It's all hypothetical currently -- Jay hasn't received formal notice of transfer or anything like that -- but says if Todd is booted out of Florida, he'll most likely stay in the federal system, not a state prison ... as his daughter, Savannah, said he might be.

Family is another reason Todd's lookin' to stay in Pensacola ... Savannah's consistently visiting him and her mom, Julie, who's locked up in Kentucky. Todd's worried they'll move him too far away, and it'll make it harder for Savannah to visit him.

Plus, Surgent says Chrisley's become a mentor to Pensacola's other inmates ... a good thing too since Surgent told us a few months ago Todd believes God sent him to prison to help other inmates.

For its part, a spokesperson for the Federal Bureau of Prisons said it doesn't comment on individual prison transfers, but explained it reassigns prisoners for a variety of reasons including medical needs and or security reasons.

The FBOP spokesperson adds the government agency's top priority is providing safe, secure and humane accommodations for prisoners. The org encourages incarcerated individuals to go through the proper channels when voicing their concerns.

For now, Todd's opting for the devil he knows, as opposed to one he doesn't -- but, unfortunately for him, he won't get to make the final call.

Katt Williams a.k.a. KattPac Ludacris Response ... Locked & Loaded Suge Knight Approved!!!

Katt Williams is on the verge of reminding Ludacris that he also raps ... 'cause he's out here responding to him with bars of his own, spittin' to none other than Suge Knight himself.

Suge and Dave Mays dropped their latest 'Collect Call' podcast episode Tuesday ... with a first-ever preview of Katt's acidic words -- a direct response to the freestyle Luda kicked to combat the viral "Club Shay Shay" interview.

Katt's ether opens with a voiceover of Mike Epps admitting being jealous of not being mentioned in the viral "Club Shay Shay" interview.

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Katt then lyrically lunges at Luda's jugular using metaphors that relate to him ... "Move Bitch," "Fast & Furious" -- the biggest burn just may be Katt called out Luda for NOT saying he was lying.

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Club Shay Shay

Remember, Katt dissed Luda first by (joking?) that the Atlanta rapper joined the Illuminati only to be rewarded with a wide-faced, light-skinned wife.

Katt is the first guest on "Collect Call" and he and Suge shared their unique origin story, ironically centered around their mutual love for Tupac Shakur.

Suge had a big reveal for Katt all the same ... he's back in the gym because he expects to be freed from prison soon ... uh oh!!! 👀

Gilgo Beach Case Suspect Rex Heuermann ... Hit with 4th Murder Charge

Rex Heuermann -- the alleged Gilgo Beach serial killer -- has just been hit with a new murder charge ... an expected development, officially rounding out the 4 known victims.

Prosecutors lodged a new murder complaint against Heuermann Tuesday -- accusing him of killing Maureen Brainard-Barnes ... a woman who's long been tied to the Gilgo Beach case, but is now being connected to RH via law enforcement.

Maureen disappeared in 2007, and her remains were found in 2010. She was technically the first of the Gilgo Four that was discovered within days of each other -- with the other three women being Megan Waterman, Amber Costello and Melissa Barthelemy.

Heuermann had already been charged in connection to their murders ... and now, he's being rung up for Brainard-Barnes too -- mind you, there are outstanding women's disappearances that are currently being investigated that may well end up being linked to this.

The added murder charge for Brainard-Barnes was something that seemed to be coming -- investigators were waiting for DNA test results from hair recovered from her remains.

Now, it appears as though they feel they have enough evidence to point the finger. Heuermann has pled not guilty to the charges against him ... he'll have to answer for this one at some point down the line.

His defense lawyers thus far cast doubt on the DNA testing being conducted -- arguing the tech is faulty ... and that it doesn't provide a smoking gun, but simply eliminates other possibilities. Basically, they're saying cops have falsely landed on him as being their guy.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Wave of Hate from Nick Supporters ... She Feels It's Unfair!!!

Gypsy Rose Blanchard is getting bombarded with criticism from Nick Godejohn supporters -- it's been going on since she got out of prison, but Gypsy feels the haters aren't giving her a fair shake.

Sources close to Gypsy Rose tell TMZ ... she's been inundated with folks expressing negative feelings toward her, because she's now free -- whereas Nick's serving a life sentence for murdering her mother Dee Dee.

We're told that fact of Gypsy's situation is one over which she feels a lot of guilt to this day.

Still, our sources say Gypsy feels it's not right she's being branded a murderer by some of these overzealous Nick fans ... and the reason for that is because she didn't actually carry out the act of taking her mother's life. Remember, Nick was the one who stabbed Dee Dee, and Gypsy was convicted of second-degree murder -- basically, for masterminding the slaying.

With that in mind, Gypsy also thinks it's strange Nick is getting sympathy from folks who want to see him freed. We're told she believes he enjoyed stabbing her mother 17 times, so the fact he's got a group of backers is sorta ass-backwards.

Remember ... Nick got life in prison without possibility of parole after his conviction for first-degree murder. Gypsy got a 10-year sentence, but was released on parole last month, after more than 8 years of incarceration.

Our sources tell us Gypsy feels like she tried to help Nick in his 2018 trial by testifying she came up with the plan to kill Dee Dee, because it was the only way she could escape her mother's abuse. She feels her testimony was the right thing to do to clear her conscience, and we're told doing so helped her forgive herself.

Now, we're told Gypsy has NO feelings towards Nick ... she doesn't want to communicate with him and she's trying to leave their past behind and move forward with her new life.

Our sources say Gypsy doesn't hate Nick, but she doesn't love him or feel sad for him either -- she just doesn't feel anything for him ... good or bad.

Some of the same folks attacking Gypsy online say Nick should be freed too ... but we're told she feels his punishment fits the crime. Our sources say Nick told Gypsy in text messages, before Dee Dee's murder, he was going to enjoy killing her mom ... and Gypsy feels her ex is a danger to society who needs extreme mental health care while behind bars.

Bottom line ... she's done her time, and Gypsy doesn't understand the continued criticism.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard recibe el odio de los seguidores de Nick Godejohn y lo considera injusto

Gypsy Rose Blanchard ha sido bombardeada por el odio de los partidarios de Nick Godejohn desde su salida de la cárcel y ella siente que está recibiendo un trato injusto.

Fuentes cercanas a Gypsy Rose le dicen a TMZ que ha estado experimentando sentimientos negativos hacia ella desde que fue puesta en libertad. Todo porque ella es la que ha asegurado su libertad, mientras que Nick está cumpliendo una cadena perpetua por asesinar a su madre Dee Dee.

Nos informan que la situación de Gypsy es un hecho por el que se siente muy culpable hasta el día de hoy.

Sin embargo, nuestras fuentes dicen que Gypsy siente que no es correcto que esté siendo tildada de asesina por algunos de los fans de Nick, y la razón de ello es que en realidad ella no le quitó la vida de su madre... recordemos que Nick fue quien apuñaló a Dee Dee y Gypsy fue condenada por asesinato en segundo grado, básicamente por ser la autora intelectual del crimen.

Nos dicen que Gypsy también piensa que es extraño, Nick está recibiendo la simpatía de la gente que quiere verlo en libertad. Nuestras fuentes dicen que ella cree que disfrutó de matar y apuñalar 17 veces a su madre, por lo que el hecho de que él tenga un grupo de seguidores es inaudito.

Recordemos que Nick fue declarado culpable de asesinato en primer grado y condenado a cadena perpetua sin posibilidad de libertad condicional, mientras que Gypsy fue condenada a 10 años pero salió en libertad condicional tras cumplir 8 años de prisión.

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que Gypsy siente que trató de ayudar a Nick en su juicio penal de 2018 al testificar que ideó el plan para matar a Dee Dee porque era la única manera de escapar del abuso de su madre y nos dicen que Gypsy siente que su testimonio fue lo correcto en ese momento para limpiar su conciencia, lo que la ayudó a perdonarse a sí misma y seguir adelante.

Ahora, nos dicen Gypsy NO tiene sentimientos hacia Nick... ella no quiere comunicarse con él y ella está tratando de dejar su pasado atrás y seguir adelante con su nueva vida.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Gypsy no odia a Nick, pero no lo ama o se siente triste por él tampoco... ella simplemente no siente nada hacia él, bueno o malo, y punto.

Algunas de las mismas personas que atacan a Gypsy en línea dicen que Nick debería ser liberado también, pero nos dicen que ella siente que su castigo se ajusta al crimen. Nuestras fuentes dicen que Nick le dijo a Gypsy en mensajes de texto antes del asesinato de Dee Dee que iba a disfrutar de matar a su madre y Gypsy siente que su ex es un peligro para la sociedad y necesita atención de salud mental extrema, mientras que está detrás de las rejas.

En pocas palabras... ella ha pagado su condena y Gypsy no entiende las críticas continuas.