Blueface Not Scheduled to Get Outta Jail ... Until Later This Summer!!!

Blueface is behind bars over a probation violation that he got hauled into court over last week -- and now, we’ve learned he ain't due to get out for a while ... months, in fact.

The rapper was making headlines on Friday after officials say he violated one or more of the terms of his probation in his club beatdown assault case here in L.A. from a few years ago.

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On Friday, there was a hearing scheduled in the case citing some type of probation violation ... although it's unclear what exactly he's alleged to have done. BTW, this was just the latest in several probation violation hearings during the case.

Anyway, there was video of him making the rounds online as well ... showing him presumably heading to court. In the clip, Blue said he was just there to handle some business -- although, he did hint at the possibility he might be jailed right on the spot.

As it turns out ... he was. TMZ can confirm Blueface is in custody at the county jail right now -- and according to online records ... he ain't scheduled to be released until the summer.

More specifically, Blueface is not scheduled to be cut loose until July 2, 2024 ... although, with overcrowding in the jail -- it's certainly possible he'll be released sooner than this. No word on which wing of the jail he's being housed in just yet ... it looks like they're still sorting that.

Still ... Blue will likely be out of the public eye for the foreseeable future -- something his mother was decrying on Friday, and also blaming on his baby mamas ... Chrisean and Jaidyn.

She claimed these ladies had brought him nothing but trouble -- a sentiment echoed by Blue's manager, Wack 100, as well. As you well know, he's been very active over the past 12 months on a number of fronts ... and it looks like somewhere along the way, law enforcement saw something they felt violated his probation terms -- and then rang him up for it.

We're still working to figure out what exactly Blue is accused of doing -- and getting clarity on a realistic timeline for his release. Until then, he's locked up.

One last thing ... Blueface is on probation in his Vegas strip club case too, so this situation could possibly trigger a violation of his probation there as well. Not good from his POV.

R. Kelly se opone a una sentencia de 10.5 millones de dólares y dice desconocer la demanda

R. Kelly se defiende de una enorme sentencia en su contra en una demanda que involucra a mujeres que afirmaron haber sido víctimas de él... dice que no sabía de la demanda y no debe ser considerado responsable.

Así es la cosa, seis mujeres recibieron 10.5 millones de dólares en agosto después de demandarlo a él y a su ex gerente, Donnell Russell, alegando que eran responsables de un esfuerzo por cerrar una proyección de diciembre de 2018 en Nueva York de la docuserie "Surviving R. Kelly" con una amenaza de tiroteo masivo.

Según los nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Kelly afirma que se habría defendido de la demanda si hubiera sabido sobre el asunto.

El cantante en desgracia afirma que su cabeza ya está dando vueltas sobre sus diversos casos penales y procesamientos y que ha sido demandado tantas veces últimamente que apenas puede mantenerse al día con todo desde su celda de la prisión en Carolina del Norte.

Kelly también afirma que también ha barajado los equipos legales desde que fue encerrado y dice que esta demanda debe haber deslizado a través de las grietas, o no han sido entregados a él detrás de las rejas en absoluto.

Aun si hubiese recibido la demanda, Kelly dice que no sería capaz de entenderla o distinguirla de cualquier otro documento legal, diciendo que confía en sus abogados para que le expliquen las cosas porque "no puedo leer o entender palabras más allá de la de un niño de primaria".

Lo que es más, Kelly afirma que Donnell nunca fue su manager como la demanda afirmó y dice que no tenía ni idea de que Russell estaba tratando de detener la proyección de "Surviving".

Kelly dice que no le pidió a Donnell que lo hiciera y dice que si Russell hizo una amenaza de tiroteo para detener la proyección, "lo hizo por sus propias razones."

Todavía está la pregunta de si las mujeres verán un centavo de la sentencia de $10.5 millones, pero está claro Kelly no cree que él sea responsable.

R. Kelly Pushes Back Against $10.5M Lawsuit ... I'm Not Responsible!!!

R. Kelly is firing back against a huge judgment leveled against him in a lawsuit involving women who claimed they were victimized by him ... he says he didn't know about the suit and shouldn't be held accountable.

Here's the deal ... six women were awarded $10.5 million in August after suing him and his former manager, Donnell Russell, claiming they were responsible for an effort to shut down a December 2018 NYC screening of the 'Surviving R. Kelly' docuseries with a mass shooting threat.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Kelly claims he would have defended himself against the lawsuit if he knew about the darn thing.

The disgraced singer claims his head is already spinning over his various criminal cases and prosecutions ... and he's been sued so many times lately he can hardly keep up with it all from his prison cell in North Carolina.

Kelly also claims he's also shuffled legal teams since being locked up ... and he says this lawsuit must have slipped through the cracks, or not have been delivered to him behind bars at all.

Even if the lawsuit had been received, Kelly says he wouldn't be able to understand it or distinguish it from any other legal documents ... saying he relies on his lawyers to explain things to him because "I cannot read or understand words beyond that of a grade schooler."

What's more, Kelly claims Donnell was never his manager as the lawsuit claimed ... and he says he had no idea Russell was trying to stop the 'Surviving' screening.

Kelly says he didn't ask Donnell to do so and says if Russell did make a mass shooting threat to stop the screening, "he did that for his own reasons."

There's still a question if the women will see a dime of the $10.5 million judgment ... but it’s clear Kelly doesn’t think he’s responsible for this one.

Jam Master Jay Run-DMC DJ's Slaying ... Murder Trial Starts Jan. 29

The trial for 2 men charged with murdering hip hop legend Jam Master Jay of the trailblazing group Run-DMC is all set to begin ... more than 20 years after the pioneering DJ was killed.

Jury selection began last week from a pool of more than 500 prospective candidates -- the process is scheduled to be completed by January 22, and the trial will begin one week later.

The murder of Run-DMC DJ Jam Master Jay has been a mystery for nearly 2 decades ... but 2 men are finally in custody for the crime, TMZ has confirmed.

Jay was shot to death on October 30, 2002, in a recording studio in Queens, and now federal prosecutors are indicting  Ronald Washington and Karl Jordan, Jr. for the crime.

Karl Jordan Jr. and Ronald Washington are the defendants who were indicted back in August 2020.

Prosecutors charged a third defendant, Jay Bryant, in July 2023 and his trial will commence sometime in 2025.

Jay was shot and killed in October 2002 inside a Queens recording studio he owned and operated.

Run-DMC and Jay are credited for being one of the biggest influences on hip hop's progression, and they're the first rap group to go platinum.

Lena Waithe Latest Celeb Burglary Victim ... Thieves Take $200k in Jewelry

Lena Waithe is the latest celeb to fall victim to smash-and-grab burglars ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... a group of burglars smashed a window to the actress/comedian's Los Angeles-area home last week while she was out of town.

Our sources say the thieves made off with $200k worth of jewelry. One of Lena's staff discovered the break-in after coming to the home the following day and finding the front door unlocked.

Lena, best known as Denise from "Master of None" and creator of "The Chi," isn't alone ... several other stars have fallen victim to similar crimes in the past couple months.

Burglars in ski masks smashed one of Keanu Reeves' windows and entered his home in early December, and "Entourage" star Kevin Connolly's house was given similar treatment on Christmas Eve.

Model Abigail Ratchford might've endured the most terrifying situation of all ... actually being in the upstairs bedroom when someone broke in.

Scary time to be a celeb in L.A.

Donald Trump Thanks Mobster Sammy the Bull ... For Calling Him 'Legitimate'

Donald Trump just got a cosign on his upstanding character -- but he received it from none other than a notorious mobster in Sammy the Bull ... and yet, he's still pretty thankful.

The ex-Prez sent a shoutout to the former Gambino crime family underboss on Truth Social -- reacting to a clip of an interview Sammy recently did on VladTV where he discussed once trying to "get to" DT back in the day ... when he was just a big-time developer in NYC.

As Sammy explains, he was able to press a lot of real estate dudes in the game during that time and have his way with them ... but, apparently, Donny himself wasn't having it.

STB goes so far as to say that despite repeated attempts to get into business with Trump -- and getting rebuffed at each stop -- he decided Don was "legitimate" and moved on. It's certainly an interesting anecdote, but Trump loved the "praise" ... and made it known online.

Trump wrote in response, "Thank you to Sammy the Bull. I hope Judges Engoron & Kaplan see this. We need fairness, strength and honesty in our New York Courts. We don’t have it now!" The robes he's referring to here are the ones overseeing a couple of his cases at the moment, BTW ... he seems to think they need to take a cue from Sam on morality.

  1. Of course, the backdrop to this is Trump being in court on a number of different fronts as we head toward the '24 election. He's being prosecuted criminally, and being sued civilly too.

NY's Attorney General, Letitia James, for example claims DT is totally corrupt and a very shady business guy ... something she and her team have been trying to prove in court.

Trump, however, is pointing to Sammy as evidence that that isn't true ... so there you go.

Donald Trump Agradece al mafioso Sammy The Bull... Por llamarlo legítimo

Donald Trump acaba de recibir un espaldarazo de su íntegro carácter, lo recibió de nada menos que un notorio mafioso, Sammy the Bull, y aun así está muy agradecido.

El ex presidente le envió un saludo al ex jefe de la familia criminal Gambino en Truth Social, como reacción a una reciente entrevista de Sammy en VladTV donde habló de cómo intentó contactarse con Donald Trump en su momento, cuando era solo un gran promotor en Nueva York.

Como Sammy explica, él fue capaz de presionar a un montón de tipos en el juego de los bienes raíces en ese entonces y pudo negociar con ellos, pero, al parecer, con el propio Donny no pudo conseguirlo.

STB  fue tan lejos como para decir que a pesar de sus repetidos intentos por hacer negocios con Trump -y ser rechazado en cada intento- decidió que Don era "legítimo" y siguió adelante. Es sin duda una anécdota interesante y a Trump le encantó el "elogio", tanto que lo hizo saber en línea.

En respuesta, Trump escribió: "Gracias a Sammy The Bull. Espero que los jueces Engoron y Kaplan vean esto. Necesitamos justicia, fuerza y honestidad en nuestros tribunales de Nueva York. Ahora no la tenemos". Los jueces a los que se refiere son los que están supervisando algunos de sus casos en este momento. Por cierto, parece pensar que deben seguir el ejemplo de Sam en cuanto a moralidad.

Por supuesto, el telón de fondo de todo esto es que Trump está en la corte por distintos frentes a medida que nos dirigimos hacia las elecciones 2024. Está siendo procesado penalmente y también demandado civilmente.

El fiscal general de Nueva York, Letitia James, por ejemplo, afirma que Donald Trump es totalmente corrupto y un hombre de negocios muy sombrío, algo que ella y su equipo han estado tratando de demostrar en los tribunales.

Trump, sin embargo, está señalando a Sammy como prueba de que eso no es cierto, así que ahí lo tienen.

Playboi Carti 2022 Arrest Speeding 133 MPH Ended Without Legal Drama For Rapper

Playboi Carti had his spot blown this week ... body cam footage of the enigmatic rapper being arrested in September 2022 for driving over 133 miles per hour on Atlanta's I-75/85 Southbound Expressway leaked online.

TMZ Hip Hop obtained the police report from the incident ... Carti was slapped with multiple traffic violations, including reckless driving ... a case he tried to plead with the arresting officer to no avail.

Carti told the officer he was driving like greased lightning because of an emergency getting to the airport, to which the officer informed him that driving 133 MPH in a 55-mile-per-hour zone, was a hazard in itself and placed him in the back of his vehicle.

According to the docs, a search of his car also found a Glock handgun on the passenger seat, along with an extended mag in the weapon but no round was chambered.

The firearm was legally registered to Carti and his background check revealed he was not a convicted felon ... his uncle later arrived on the scene and took possession of the weapon at Cart's request.

A somewhat funny moment also occurred when Carti was booked ... a fan recognized him through his face mask and openly admitted Carti was his fav rapper in the whole wide world!!!

We checked the records and Carti emerged with a clean slate from the incident ... which wasn't the case that following December.

His next challenge to overcome is getting his album and tour to the public after numerous delays.

Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. Leaves Jail After Gun Arrest ... Feels 'Good!'


Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. spent four nights in an L.A. jail after he was arrested for allegedly possessing two "ghost guns," but the former boxing champion was in high spirits when he was finally sprung Thursday night, before heading to rehab.

37-year-old Chavez Jr. was met with a crowd outside the detention center in Los Angeles ... where he was asked how he was doing following his arrest over the weekend.

"Good, good," Julio responded in Spanish.

Of course, TMZ Sports broke the story on Monday ... Chavez Jr., son of the legendary Chavez Sr., was arrested by LAPD for illegal weapons possession around 1:30 PM Sunday after cops responded to a call to Julio's home.

Our law enforcement sources tell us Chavez Jr. had two "ghost guns," untraceable firearms.

A reporter asked JCC Jr. about his time behind bars.

"Well, everyone is given what they deserve. But I'm well, thank God. I'm well and ready to defend myself," Julio responded, adding, "You guys here know I'm a good person. I'm good, everything's good. They treated me good [in jail] and I'm ready to move forward."

Chavez Jr. is due back in court in mid-February ... but until then, the plan is to enter a treatment program where the former WBC middleweight champ can receive help from professionals.

'8 Mile' Rapper Supa Emcee Arrested For Murder ... GF Found Stabbed To Death

Supa Emcee -- the Michigan-born rapper whose biggest claim to fame is being cut OUT of Eminem's "8 Mile" -- has been charged with murder following the death of his girlfriend.

According to the local reports, Supa -- real name Jimmie Brown -- has been accused by the authorities of stabbing and slashing his partner of 13 years, Kelly Mays, around 17 times in the neck and chest during an alleged altercation in their Detroit apartment on January 7.

Cops claim he fled the scene before turning himself in later in the day ... when he was ultimately charged with murder.

Mays' daughter denounced all association with Brown, telling local Fox 2 Detroit, “I hate him now and he is no father of mine. I touched her foot, and it was cold. I have nightmares about it so every time I fall asleep, I see it.”

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Brown's a seasoned veteran on the Detroit rap scene ... he got the chance to battle rap against Em in the iconic hip hop film but the scene got downgraded to the DVD ... destined to become a relic soon.

We obtained the court docs ... Brown's next hearing is scheduled for January 25. He faces up to life in prison if convicted. Mays was 49.


L.A. POLICE CHASE Dog Thrown From Car Staying With Vets ... Animal Cruelty Charges Added

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The poor dog thrown out of a moving car during a police pursuit in Los Angeles is not being returned to its owner for the time being ... instead, it'll be staying with a local humane society.

Daniel Pena -- the animal control supervisor at the Inland Valley Humane Society & SPCA -- tells TMZ ... the pooch will remain in their care, for now, while an investigation into Thursday's incident plays out.

As we reported ... the dog was tossed out of the window of some scumbag's truck Thursday as the driver was leading police on a high-speed chase.

Cops tell us the suspect is a 47-year-old man named Robin Luna and the chase started with a reported vandalism.

The guy was initially charged with felony evading but now we're told prosecutors are going to tack on animal cruelty charges.

As a result, the SPCA says the dog will remain in protective custody with them until further notice.

Fortunately, the dog survived and appears to have avoided life-threatening injuries ... although it's a good bet the pup is shaken up.

YouTuber Arrested for Dumping Poo on Peeps ... Crappy Way to Get Clicks


A prankster was arrested in Europe earlier this month for dumping buckets of dog feces onto unsuspecting metro passengers in Belgium -- all for some clicks on YouTube.

Authorities in Belgium have had enough of his crap ... arresting and charging the individual they named as Y.D. with assault and battery, damage to property using violence and property damage on January 3 -- a day after he reportedly confessed to police about this prank in Brussels.

It wasn't just dog feces ... cops say he hurled a mixture of diverse substances such as excrement, oil, beer, water, fallen leaves and paint at innocent bystanders.

Since his arrest, the man's been identified as YaNike on YouTube ... where the prosecutor's office says the incidents can be traced in 7 of his 16 vids.

In his most offending video from November 28, titled "Suprise du chef (6)" -- translated to "Chef's Surprise" -- he dumps a bucket full of the nasty fecal matter onto a horrified train passenger before fleeing.

The victim filed a complaint, according to local outlet Sudinfo ... and a complaint was also filed by the local transportation operator there, STIB, according to Politico.

YaNike only has around 480 subscribers, so he wasn't anywhere near a big name on YouTube ... needless to say, the pressure to do anything for viral fame truly stinks.

For more viral news, check out TMZ Verified available on all podcast platforms.

Sam Haskell Jr. Pleads Not Guilty in Triple Murder Case Continues to be Shirtless

Sam Haskell Jr. is officially denying culpability in his triple murder case this week -- and the guy continues to go shirtless before a judge ... this as officials have fears of self-harm.

The murder suspect had an appearance in court Friday in Los Angeles, where he and his lawyers officially entered not guilty pleas to the 3 counts of murder Haskell is facing. Also of note ... the fact he was trotted out in front of everybody with his bare chest exposed again.

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Remember, he was rocking the same sorta look when he first appeared in court last month ... something correctional officers relegated him to because of what they said were suicidal thoughts he was expressing.

Now, more than a month later of his being in custody ... he's still shirtless, something his lawyers griped about Friday -- claiming their client has not indicated he intends self-harm upon himself. Despite this, hizzoner denied Sam a shirt ... offering a self-harm vest instead.

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Doesn't sound like Sam took the judge up on that ... and now, he's due back in court next month. It's unclear what exactly he's wearing behind bars, but when he's appeared in court ... he's been shirtless both times.

Remember, prosecutors allege Sam killed his wife, Mei, as well as her parents Yanxiang and Gaoshan. TMZ obtained surveillance video that appeared to show Haskell dumping something off at a dumpster shortly before he was arrested.

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He remains in custody without bail.

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Jenelle Evans Husband David Eason Upgraded Felony Child Abuse Charge

Jenelle Evans' husband, David Eason, is now facing a more serious charge in his criminal child abuse case as it pertains to her teenage son ... and the charge itself is troubling.

An official at the Columbus County Courthouse in North Carolina confirms to TMZ that Eason's charges have, in fact, been recently updated ... and it's bad news for him because now he's got a felony that he's facing.

We're told that, as of right now, he's in their system with one count of misdemeanor child abuse and one count of felony assault by strangulation.

Before this, we'd been told that David was facing just a single charge -- misdemeanor child abuse -- but now ... that's changed, and it appears as if a new one has been added ... which perhaps isn't surprising based on what allegedly happened.

TMZ broke the story ... law enforcement in NC accused David of roughing up Jenelle's 14-year-old, Jace, in late September and the injuries he allegedly sustained included marks on his arm and neck.

It appears that as the investigation continued, officials determined a separate strangulation charge was warranted -- which just ups the ante on the case. Of course, we'd been told there was a possibility Jenelle herself might possibly be charged in connection to this too ... but that apparently hasn't happened yet.

Speaking of Jenelle ... she was airing some grievances of her own on social media Friday -- teasing the possibility of doing a doc about her own life ... and inviting production people to hit her up for the opportunity to collaborate.


The last we heard on Jace ... he was placed in foster care by CPS after running away from Jenelle's mother Barbra's house.

YouTuber Es arrestado por lanzar un cubo de mierda... Repulsiva forma de conseguir clics

Broma de mierda

Un bromista fue arrestado en Europa a principios de este mes por verter cubos de heces de perro en los pasajeros del metro de Bélgica y todo por algunos clics de YouTube.

Las autoridades de Bélgica han tenido suficiente de su mierda. El chico, al que nombraron como Y.D., fue detenido y acusado el 3 de enero de asalto y agresión y daños a la propiedad utilizando la violencia, un día después de que al parecer confesara sobre su broma a la policía.

No fueron solo las heces de perro. La policía dice que también lanzó una mezcla de diversas sustancias como excrementos, aceite, cerveza, agua, hojas caídas y pintura a transeúntes inocentes.

Desde su detención, el hombre ha sido identificado como YaNike en YouTube y la oficina del fiscal dice que los incidentes pueden ser rastreados en 7 de sus 16 videos.

En su video más ofensivo del 28 de noviembre, titulado "Suprise du chef (6)", el chico vierte un cubo lleno de materia fecal sobre un pasajero de tren horrorizado antes de huir.

La víctima presentó una denuncia, según el medio local Sudinfo y también fue presentada una por el operador de transporte local, STIB, según Politico.

YaNike solo tiene alrededor de 480 suscriptores, por lo que no estaba ni cerca de ser un gran nombre en YouTube. No hace falta decir que la presión de hacer cualquier cosa por la fama viral es realmente apestoso.

Cynthia Bailey Ex Peter Thomas Arrested For DUI


10:55 AM PT -- Peter Thomas has broken his silence on his recent arrest ... taking full responsibility for what went down last week.

In the clip, filmed from a plane and posted on his Instagram Friday, Peter says his phone has been blowing up and wanted to address the incident -- claiming he refused to blow for a breathalyzer test during the ordeal, and was in the hospital due to his high blood pressure.


He says he willingly turned himself in, and it was a quick process ... thanking the Cobb County Police Department for how they handled the whole thing.

Peter admits he's never been arrested for DUI and is mindful -- adding his younger brother died as a result of drunk driving in the past ... before thanking everyone for their concerns.

Cynthia Bailey's ex-husband, Peter Thomas, has been arrested for DUI, TMZ has confirmed ... after allegedly weaving between lanes and flying through a red light.

According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, officers in Atlanta say they spotted Peter weaving without tags on his SUV last week, so they followed him -- claiming he blew through a red light after exiting the interstate.

PD then pulled him over, and said they detected "a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage" coming from his car ... and said Peter had "watery, glassy, and bloodshot eyes."

After some field sobriety tests, Peter was placed under arrest for DUI -- they say he agreed to a blood test, but when he and cops arrived at the hospital, they say he changed his mind.

They initially brought him to Cobb Adult Detention Center, but he was denied due to blood pressure ... so he was brought back to the hospital and was left with staff -- what a night.

Cops later obtained an arrest warrant for Peter, and he was charged with DUI alcohol, as well as a slew of other traffic-related charges. According to journalist Kiki Monique, Peter was released later on the same day after posting his $3k bail.

The former "Real Housewives of Atlanta" first got in front of the camera in season 3 along with his girl, Cynthia Bailey -- the 2 got engaged and married on the show, but he bowed out of the series in season 9 when he and the model got divorced.

Originally Published -- 8:47 AM PT