NBA's Ryan Rollins Accused Of Stealing From Target ... Cut From Wizards

Washington Wizards guard Ryan Rollins has been accused of stealing from Target on several occasions ... and now the point guard has been cut from the team.

Documents from the Alexandria General District Court show the 21-year-old was charged with seven counts of petit larceny for items worth less than $1k ... all of which are misdemeanors in Virginia.

The alleged offenses happened twice in September, four times in October, and once in November ... according to the court docs. He's due back in court in February.

According to The Athletic, Rollins has been accused of shoplifting household goods like groceries, body wash and candles.

Rollins -- who averaged 4.1 points and 1.1 assists per game this season -- was cut from the team on Monday ... but Wizards President Michael Winger said the team just found out about the charges.

"We cannot comment on that matter, or the basis for our roster decisions," Winger told The Athletic.

"We do take our role very seriously as citizens of the DMV, representatives of our fans and a team our community can be proud of. These are expectations, not aspirations."

Rollins was selected in the second round of the 2022 NBA Draft by the Hawks before they traded him to the Warriors ... but he had season-ending surgery on a Jones fracture in his right foot.

He was sent to the Wizards in July 2023 in the Dubs' blockbuster trade for Chris Paul.

Rollins' attorney, Nathan Muyskens, told us he has no comment at this time.

Miley Cyrus Alleged Stalker Busted ... Showed Up at Crib w/ Stuffed Animal

Miley Cyrus was apparently plush with trouble this morning after cops say some weirdo showed up on her doorstep with a token of love that was full of cotton ... and it landed the guy in jail.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ 52-year-old Alexander Kardalian was arrested early Friday near Miley's L.A.-area home -- this after they got a call around 1 AM on a report of a suspicious person Miley and co. suspected might've been somebody she's dealt with before.

As it turns out, they were right ... 'cause Miley previously got a restraining order against Kardalian for something similar last year ... and he was ordered to stay away from her.

Now, we're told he showed up at her front gate and was trying to give something to MC -- specifically, a stuffed animal of some sort, according to our sources. Doesn't sound like the guy got far though ... we're told Miley security detained him and waited for LAPD to arrive.

When cops showed up, we're told they hauled him away and ended up booking him for violating a court order. Remember -- Miley claims she's been dealing with this Kardalian since at least 2018 ... and notes he did some time in San Quentin before allegedly pulling up at her crib in 2022 upon release.

The last scary part about this ... we're told Miley was home for the latest dustup -- but luckily she didn't encounter the dude herself. Fortunately, her team was able to handle it.

Miley Cyrus Presunto acosador... Apareció en su casa con un animal de peluche

Miley Cyrus fue aparentemente envuelta en problemas esta mañana después de que la policía dijera que un bicho raro se presentó en su puerta con una muestra de amor que estaba llena de algodón, y el tipo aterrizó en la cárcel.

Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que Alexander Karddalian, de 52 años, fue detenido el viernes cerca de la casa de Miley en Los Ángeles. Esto, después de que recibieran una llamada alrededor de la 1 AM sobre una persona sospechosa que Miley y compañía temían que podría ser un sujeto con el que ella había tratado antes.

Resulta que tenían razón, porque Miley obtuvo una orden de restricción contra Karddalian por algo similar el año pasado y le ordenaron mantenerse alejado de ella.

Ahora, nos dicen que se presentó en la puerta principal de su casa y estaba tratando de entregarle algo a Miley Cyrus, en concreto, un animal de peluche de algún tipo, según dicen nuestras fuentes. Parece que el chico no llegó lejos, sin embargo ... Nos dicen que la seguridad de Miley lo detuvo y esperó a que la policía de Los Ángeles llegara.

Cuando los policías aparecieron, nos dicen que se lo llevaron y terminaron fichándolo por violar una orden judicial. Recuerden, Miley afirma que ha estado tratando con este Karddalian desde al menos 2018 y señala que pasó algún tiempo en San Quintín antes de supuestamente aparecer en su casa en 2022 después de la liberación.

La última parte aterradora de esta historia es que Miley estaba en casa para este último incidente, según nos cuenta, pero por suerte, no se encontró con el tipo. Afortunadamente, su equipo fue capaz de manejarlo.

Ariana Grande Acosador que portó un cuchillo se declara culpable Enfrenta años en prisión

El hombre que acosó implacablemente a Ariana Grande durante años, lo que incluyó una visita a su casa de Los Ángeles con un cuchillo, ha sido declarado culpable de los aterradores delitos y se enfrenta a años de prisión.

Aharon Zebulun Israel Brown se declaró culpable de los cargos de acecho, robo residencial y amenazas criminales contra la famosa cantante y actriz en los condados de Santa Bárbara y Los Ángeles a partir de 2021.

En su anuncio del jueves, el fiscal de distrito del condado de Santa Bárbara, John T. Savrnoch, dijo que Brown será sentenciado en mayo a tres años y ocho meses en una prisión estatal de California.

Después de cumplir su condena, Brown tendrá que acatar los términos de su orden de alejamiento, que le prohíbe tener cualquier contacto con Ariana durante 10 años.

Es una gran noticia para Ariana, que ha tenido que soportar la ira de Brown durante tanto tiempo.

Entre febrero de 2021 y septiembre de 2021, Brown forzó su entrada a la mansión de Ariana en Hollywood casi 100 veces e incluso llevó consigo un arma mortal en una ocasión.

TMZ dio a conocer la historia, Brown se enfrentó a los guardias de seguridad de Ariana mientras portaba un cuchillo y amenazó con matarlos a ellos y a la estrella del pop. Pero llamaron a la policía y se llevaron a Brown esposado.

Después de eso, se le concedió a la cantante una orden de restricción de 5 años contra Brown, pero no hizo mucho para detenerlo.

En junio de 2022, Brown irrumpió en la vivienda de Ariana en Montecito, cortando los cables conectados al sistema de alarma y las líneas telefónicas. Mientras se cometía el delito, la policía acudió al lugar y encontró a Brown hecho una bola en el sótano de la casa. Ariana no estaba en casa en ese momento.

Ariana Grande Knife-Wielding Stalker Pleads Guilty ... Faces Years In State Prison

The man who relentlessly stalked Ariana Grande for years – including showing up at her L.A. home with a knife – has now been convicted of the frightening crimes and faces years in prison.

Aharon Zebulun Israel Brown pleaded guilty to charges of stalking, residential burglary and making criminal threats against the famous singer/actress in Santa Barbara and Los Angeles counties beginning in 2021.

In his announcement Thursday, Santa Barbara County District D.A. John T. Savrnoch said Brown will be sentenced in May to three years and eight months in a California state prison.

After he serves his sentence, Brown will have to abide by the terms of his restraining order, barring him from having any contact with Ariana for 10 years.

That's great news for Ariana who had to endure Brown's wrath for so long.

Between February 2021 and September 2021, Brown forced his way into Ariana's Hollywood mansion nearly 100 times – and even brought along a deadly weapon on one occasion.

TMZ broke the story ... Brown confronted Ariana's security guards while brandishing the knife, threatening to kill them and the pop star. But cops were called and Brown was taken away in handcuffs.


After that, Ariana was granted a 5-year restraining order against Brown, but it didn't do much to stop him.

In June 2022, Brown broke into Ariana's Montecito abode, slashing wires connected to the alarm system and phone lines. As the crime was in progress, police responded, finding Brown balled up in a crawl space inside the house. Ariana wasn't home at the time.

Todd & Julie Chrisley Sell Tennesse Estate On the DL ... $5.2 Mil Price Tag

Todd and Julie Chrisley are locked up, but still making some dough in real estate -- TMZ has learned they unloaded their Tennessee mansion months after starting their prison sentences.

Property records show the Chrisleys sold their 13,279 square foot Brentwood, TN property for $5.2 million in April 2023. The place was sold off-market, which is why the sale has flown under the radar for so long... but, even on the down-low, the buyer picked a fantastic spot.

Todd and Julie's former property comes with an indoor sports court, a professional chef's kitchen, a sprawling pool with a jacuzzi, and gorgeous architecture throughout.

It's the same place Todd spent his days on house arrest in 2022 following his guilty verdict for tax evasion and bank fraud ... while he was awaiting his sentencing.

Remember, Todd and Julie were sentenced to a combined total of 19 years in prison at the end of 2022, starting their prison time about a year ago.

BTW, they bought the huge home in 2019 for $3.375M ... so, they likely made a bit of a profit, but it doesn't look like they're pocketing any of that cash.

As part of their sentencing, they were also ordered by a judge to cough up $17.2 million in restitution for their crimes ... so this likely was to start paying down their debt. They also have another home in Nashville, but it's unclear if they sold that property as well.

Just like losing in Monopoly, folks -- just hurts more IRL!!!

Un conductor de Los Ángeles arroja a su perro de un camión en marcha durante una persecución policial

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el infame momento

La policía de Los Ángeles persigue a un sospechoso que arroja a un perro por la ventanilla de su camioneta.

Este pedazo de basura era buscado por vandalismo y llevó a los oficiales a una persecución a alta velocidad el jueves por la tarde en varias autopistas de Los Ángeles diferentes antes de entrar a los suburbios de Pomona.

El tipo no parecía reducir la velocidad en absoluto cuando él sorprendentemente arrojó al perro de su vehículo, obligando a las unidades de policía que persiguen a desviarse alrededor del pobre animal.

Por desgracia, no está claro si el cachorro sobrevivió a la caída de la camioneta.

En cuanto al idiota detrás de esto... golpeó a otros dos vehículos durante la persecución, el segundo fue una colisión frontal a 60 mph que le puso fin a la persecución.

Los policías rodearon rápidamente su camión y le gritaron instrucciones, pero no quiso salir. Finalmente, los agentes utilizaron munición no letal para disparar contra su ventanilla y a continuación lo sacaron a rastras y lo detuvieron.

Los otros dos conductores a los que atropelló no sufrieron heridas graves y pudieron salir ilesos de los accidentes.

Modelo de OnlyFans Nuevo video muestra violento altercado con su novio... 2 meses antes de matarlo

La modelo de OnlyFans Courtney Clenney tuvo una violenta y explosiva discusión con su novio solo 2 meses antes de apuñalarlo y provocarle la muerte... y TMZ tiene el video nunca antes visto hasta ahora.

Courtney y Christian Obumseli estaban en un viaje de contenido de OnlyFans en Aspen en febrero de 2022, cuando ella se puso furiosa después de que se enterara de que Christian había estado coqueteando con otras mujeres en el viaje.

En el video se la oye arremeter contra él y luego empieza a pegarle y a empujarlo. Fue una escena lo suficientemente impactante como para que otras modelos se detuvieran a mirar.

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Detención sangrienta

El video, que acaba de ser desvelado por los fiscales, es parte del caso de asesinato contra Courtney. El 3 de abril de 2022, la modelo lo apuñaló en su departamento de Miami y los fiscales planean usar el video de Aspen para demostrar que ella era volátil y violenta.

Courtney está alegando defensa propia, pues dice que Christian era violento con ella y el día en que murió tenía miedo de que la matara.

Courtney le dijo a la policía que lanzó el cuchillo contra Christian en defensa propia, pero el médico forense testificó en su audiencia que habría sido casi imposible para alguien que no es experto en lanzar cuchillos, que lo arrojara y diera justo en el cuerpo de alguien.


La defensa no está de acuerdo y realizó un video con un cadáver de cerdo para probar que si es posible darle a una persona al lanzar un cuchillo.

Meses antes del asesinato

La fiscalía también tiene un video de una pelea en un ascensor más o menos de la misma época que la discusión en Aspen, en que Courtney golpea a Christian. Ella dice que le tenía miedo y estaba tratando de sacarlo del ascensor para que no la siguiera hasta su casa.

L.A. Police Chase Driver Throws Dog from Moving Truck During High-Speed Chase

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Horrifying sight in L.A. during one of those wild police chases -- as the suspect was speeding away from cops, he tossed a small dog out his window!

This piece of crap was wanted for vandalism, and led CHP officers on a high-speed chase Thursday afternoon on several different L.A. freeways ... before exiting onto surface streets in the suburb of Pomona.

The guy didn't appear to slow down at all when he shockingly threw the dog out of his vehicle, forcing the pursuing police units to swerve around the poor animal.

Unfortunately, it's unclear if the pup even survived the fall from the truck.

As for the jerk behind the wheel ... he went on to hit 2 other vehicles during the chase -- the second one being a head-on 60 mph collision that brought the pursuit to an end.

Cops quickly surrounded his truck, and shouted instructions, but he would not get out on his own. Officers eventually used non-lethal rounds to shoot out his window, and then dragged him out and arrested him.

Both of the other drivers he hit were not seriously injured and were able to walk away from the accidents.

OnlyFans Model Courtney Clenney New Video Shows Violent Altercation with BF ... 2 Months Before She Killed Him


OnlyFans model Courtney Clenney was in an explosive, physical argument with her boyfriend less than 2 months before she stabbed him to death, and TMZ has the never-before-seen video.

Courtney and Christian Obumseli were at an OnlyFans content trip in Aspen back in February 2022, when she went ballistic after she got wind Christian was flirting with other women on the trip.

You hear her go off on him and then she begins hitting and pushing him. It was enough of a scene that other models stopped in their tracks to watch.

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The video, which was just unsealed by prosecutors, is part of the murder case against Courtney. She stabbed him in their Miami apartment on April 3, 2022, and prosecutors plan to use the Aspen video to show she was volatile and violent.

Courtney is claiming self-defense ... she says Christian was violent toward her and the day he died she was afraid he would kill her.


Courtney told cops she threw the knife at Christian in self-defense, but the Medical Examiner testified at her bond hearing it would have been almost impossible for someone who is not an expert knife thrower to throw and knife that plunged into someone's body.

pig plunge

The defense begs to differ, and has produced a video of a pig carcass where someone throws a knife at it and it does indeed stick.


The prosecution also has a video of a fight in an elevator around the same time as the Aspen fight, where Courtney beats on Christian. She says she feared him and was trying to get him out of the elevator so he did not follow her upstairs to her unit.


Hunter Biden has pled not guilty to all charges in the DOJ's case accusing the President's son of tax evasion.

As we reported, President Joe Biden's son was indicted last month on 9 charges, including failure to pay taxes, evasion of assessment, filing false or fraudulent tax returns ... and more.

Hunter made his first appearance in the case Thursday ... appearing before Judge Mark C. Scarsi, an appointee of former President Donald Trump, at the federal courthouse in downtown L.A.

He faces up to 17 years behind bars if convicted.

Special counsel David Weiss brought the case after an investigation involving Hunter's business dealings overseas.


Prosecutors claim Hunter spent millions on an extravagant lifestyle instead of paying his taxes.

As we reported, Hunter was indicted on separate gun charges back in Sept ... originally getting a plea deal for both the federal tax case and the gun situation.

But, the deal fell through after the judge questioned the terms of the arrangement.

Jelly Roll Backs Anti-Fentanyl Bill ... In Powerful Speech To Congress

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Jelly Roll says he was part of the drug problem in America -- but is hoping to be a part of the solution now ... taking a powerful stance against fentanyl in front of Congress.

The country singer/rapper was on Capitol Hill Thursday -- where he gave testimony about his own experience in this department ... going over his history as a drug dealer, and detailing how he came out the other side.

Jelly says his troubled past actually makes him the perfect person to throw his support behind the anti-fentanyl legislation that was being discussed here ... listing heartbreaking examples of how his life's been personally affected by the spiraling problem.


JR explains that he's attended more funerals for his loved ones than he cares to share ... fearing one day, he'll have to tell his teen daughter her drug addict mom has become a national statistic -- which sits at 190 people dying from an overdose daily.

JR -- who had 40 prison stints before the age of 22 -- says he thought selling drugs was a victimless crime ... and never thought America's drug epidemic would spiral from crack cocaine to opioids/OxyContin, and now fentanyl. Now, he's acknowledging how deadly fentanyl is ... and vowing to do everything he can to eradicate it, hence his words today.

JR's pushing for policymakers to understand drug addiction's root causes -- and offering continued support to help stop fentanyl usage. Like we said, this one hits hard.

Jelly Roll Apoya el proyecto de ley contra el fentanilo... En un poderoso discurso frente al Congreso

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Parte de la solución

Jelly Roll dice que él era parte del problema de las drogas en Estados Unidos, pero ahora espera ser parte de la solución, pues está tomando una postura poderosa contra el fentanilo frente al Congreso.

El cantante de country y rapero estuvo en el Capitolio el jueves, donde dio testimonio de su propia experiencia en esta materia. El cantante repasó su historia como traficante de drogas y detalló cómo logró salir adelante.

Jelly dice que su problemático pasado lo convierte en la persona perfecta para apoyar la legislación anti-fentanilo que se está discutiendo y enumeró desgarradores ejemplos de cómo su vida ha sido personalmente afectada por el problema.

¿Qué está pasando realmente?

JR explica que ha asistido a más funerales de sus seres queridos de los que quisiera compartir y teme que un día tendrá que decirle a su hija adolescente que su madre drogadicta se ha convertido en una estadística nacional. Se estima que 190 personas mueren diariamente a causa de una sobredosis.

JR, que tuvo 40 estancias en la cárcel antes de cumplir 22 años, dice que pensó que la venta de drogas era un crimen sin víctimas y que nunca imaginó que la epidemia de las drogas en Estados Unidos escalaría de la cocaína y el crack a los opioides, el OxyContin y el fentanilo. Ahora está reconociendo lo mortal que es el fentanilo y promete hacer todo lo posible para erradicarlo, de ahí sus palabras de hoy.

Jelly Roll está presionando para que los responsables políticos entiendan las causas profundas de la adicción a las drogas y está ofreciendo apoyo para ayudar a detener el uso de fentanilo. Como hemos dicho, esto golpea duro.

Darnell 'SuperChef' Ferguson Estranged Wife Files TRO ... After Alleged Attack

Darnell 'SuperChef' Ferguson's estranged wife is looking to protect herself after he allegedly attacked her ... because we've learned she filed a TRO against him.

According to new docs, obtained by TMZ, Tatahda Ferguson filed in Lousiville, Kentucky Monday -- the day before Darnell was arrested -- seeking protection for her and their 3 kids.

She's also asking for Darnell to stay away from her work, home, and their kids' school ... and Tatahda is seeking temporary custody and child support.

In the docs, Tatahda claims Darnell came into her home without her permission on January 2 while she "had a guy friend sleeping with me." She says the guy took off when Darnell arrived.

She claims Darnell was upset that she wasn't responding to his calls, as well as the man sleeping with her, and got irate ... allegedly breaking her door and punching a hole in her wall before choking her out.

Tatahda says Darnell ripped her shorts off and demanded to see her private parts, "because I was his and no one else's."

As we reported, Darnell pleaded not guilty in court to the criminal charges related to this alleged incident, and his bond was set at $10k. Records show he posted bail Wednesday and was released.

BTW, it appears Tatahda filed a separate restraining order request back in July, claiming he went ballistic when she told him she wanted a divorce ... allegedly putting a tracker on her car, taking her phone, and hiring a private investigator to follow her. Looks like the case was subsequently dismissed per an agreed order.

Madre en Ohio es detenida Por supuestamente fingir el cáncer de su hija ... Recaudó miles de dólares

Una madre de Ohio está tras las rejas después de ser acusada de mentir sobre el cáncer de su hija y utilizarlo para recaudar dinero en un caso que recuerda inquietantemente a la terrible experiencia de Gypsy Rose Blanchard.

Pamela Reed fue detenida el lunes después de que las autoridades dijeran que la mujer le dijo a sus amigos y familiares que su hija, identificada como AR y hoy de 7 años, tenía cáncer, específicamente leucemia mieloide y que sufría convulsiones y era ciega de un ojo.

Las autoridades dicen que Pamela incluso rapó la cabeza de AR para reforzar sus afirmaciones y que habría recaudado alrededor de $8,000 para pagar los gastos de tratamiento del cáncer de AR.

Pero, de acuerdo con la declaración jurada del arresto, todo llegó a su fin cuando la enfermera de la escuela de AR descubrió que no estaba ciega de su ojo derecho, y tras llamar al médico de la niña, se enteró de que no tenía cáncer.

La policía dice que Reed confesó la verdad más tarde a la escuela y le dijo a la policía que reenvasaba recetas para hacer parecer que eran para el tratamiento del cáncer.

Los funcionarios también afirman que le dio medicamentos para las convulsiones a AR que no necesitaba.

Cuando los policías la interrogaron, Reed admitió haber seguido adelante con la mentira durante mucho tiempo porque disfrutaba del apoyo financiero.

Según los policías, Reed ha estado publicando sobre los problemas de salud de su hija desde que tenía 20 meses de edad.

Si esto suena similar a la situación de Gypsy, no se equivocan. Como se acordarán, la defensa de Gypsy en su caso criminal se centró en que su madre Dee Dee sufría de Síndrome de Munchausen por Poder, lo que la llevó a hacerle creer falsamente a Gypsy que sufría de leucemia y distrofia muscular y que necesitaba una silla de ruedas.

Ohio Mother Arrested Allegedly Faked Daughter's Cancer ... Raised Thousands in the Process

An Ohio mother is behind bars after being accused of lying about her daughter's cancer, and using it to raise money in a case eerily reminiscent of Gypsy Rose Blanchard's ordeal.

Pamela Reed was arrested Monday after authorities say she told friends and family for years her 7-year-old daughter, identified as AR, had cancer -- specifically myeloid leukemia -- suffered from seizures and was blind in her right eye.

Law enforcement says Pamela even shaved AR's head to bolster her claims, and had raised about $8,000 ... which was given to help aid AR's cancer treatment expenses.

But, according to the arrest affidavit, it all came to an end when AR's school nurse discovered she wasn't blind in her right eye, and after calling the girl's doctor, learned she did not have cancer.

Cops say Reed later confessed to doctoring AR's paperwork for the school and told cops she repackaged prescriptions to make it seem like they were for cancer treatment.

Officials also claim she gave AR seizure medication she didn't need.

When cops grilled her, Reed admitted carrying on the big lie for so long, because she enjoyed all the financial support.


According to cops, Reed has been posting about her daughter's health concerns since she was 20 months old.

If this sounds similar to Gypsy's past situation, you aren't wrong -- you'll recall, Gypsy's defense in her criminal case focused on her mom, Dee Dee, suffering from Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, which led to her making Gypsy falsely believe she suffered from leukemia and muscular dystrophy, and needed a wheelchair.