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ABC News

Jonathan Majors mantiene su inocencia incluso después de ser declarado culpable por un jurado, afirmando en su primera entrevista televisada que quedó impactado por el veredicto.

El actor habló en exclusiva con ‘GMA’, emitido el lunes, donde Linsey Davis hizo algunas preguntas bastante difíciles, incluyendo si hizo lo que se le acusó por parte de la Oficina del Fiscal del Distrito de Manhattan, a saber, el agredir a su exnovia Grace Jabbari.

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Majors insiste en que no lo hizo… por lo que afirma que quedó atónito por el resultado, una condena por dos de los cuatro cargos, incluyendo el acoso y agresión, aunque eran los 2 cargos menos graves.

Davis le preguntó cómo Jabbari pudo haber sufrido sus lesiones si no fue él… encogió los hombros, diciendo que no tiene idea, pero que le encantaría descubrirlo para encontrar algo de paz.


También se le interrogó sobre un audio en el que sermoneaba a Jabbari sobre cómo debía ser más como Michelle Obama y Coretta Scott King si quería estar con él.

Jon afirma que simplemente señalaba a grandes personas a las que aspiraba a ser como ellas… defendiendo su discurso.

Hay otros puntos destacados, pero estos son los más importantes, Majors termina expresando su arrepentimiento por cómo manejó las cosas con su ex. Alega que debió ser lo suficientemente hombre como para dejarla antes de esa noche… y que no debió estar en el auto con ella.

No se menciona nada sobre la visión a futuro de su carrera, por lo que escuchamos… supongo que todo está por verse.

Jonathan Majors I Was Shocked by Guilty Verdict ... Because I Didn't Do It

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ABC News

Jonathan Majors is maintaining his innocence even after being found guilty by a jury of his peers -- saying he was shocked by the verdict in his first televised interview.

The actor spoke to 'GMA' in an exclusive sit-down that aired Monday, and Linsey Davis was asking him some pretty hard questions ... including whether he did what he'd been accused of by the Manhattan D.A.'s Office -- namely, assaulting his ex-GF Grace Jabbari.

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Majors insists he did not ... which is why he says he was stunned by the result, a conviction on two of four counts -- including harassment and assault, albeit the 2 lesser charges.

Davis asks him how Jabbari might've sustained her injuries if it wasn't him ... and he shrugs his shoulders, saying he has no idea -- but that he'd love to figure it out to find some peace.


JM was also grilled about this wild audio in which he's lecturing Jabbari about how she needed to be more like Michelle Obama and Coretta Scott King if she wanted to be with him.

Jon says he was simply pointing out great people he aspired to be like ... defending his rant.

There are other highlights, but these are the big ones -- and Majors ends by expressing regret over how he handled things with his ex. He says he should've been man enough to leave her before that night ... and also says he shouldn't have been in the car with her.

No mention of his future career prospects from what we heard ... suppose that's all TBD.

Ian Ziering La policía se centra cargos de vandalismo todavía no hay cargos de agresión

Los policías que investigan la loca pelea de motociclistas de Ian Ziering se están centrando en los cargos de vandalismo que podrían enfrentar los motociclistas, aunque Ian no está del todo libre de culpa todavía.

Los oficiales le dicen a TMZ que el foco principal del caso en este momento es un potencial cargo de vandalismo y delito grave contra los ciclistas por dañar el carro de Ian, pero no se han hecho detenciones hasta el momento.

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¿Nuevo ángulo, nueva verdad?

Nos dicen que los nuevos videos que han surgido en los que se ve a Ian empujando a uno de los motoristas, muestran que este incidente podría ser considerado un caso de combate mutuo, en cuyo caso no se presentarían cargos por agresión.

La policía dice que ninguno de los ciclistas se ha presentado ninguna queja contra Ian y por una buena razón -nos dicen que las mini motos del grupo son ilegales para montar en la calle y en el tráfico, por no decir que uno fue visto rompiendo el parabrisas de Ian.

El Fiscal de Distrito de Los Ángeles puede añadir cargos de agresión si sienten que tienen la evidencia correcta.

Ninguna provocación previa

Hablamos con dos miembros de la pandilla involucrada y nos dijeron que fue Ian quien comenzó la gran pelea, no ellos.

Ian Ziering Cops Focused On Vandalism Case But Fight Charges Still Loom

Cops investigating Ian Ziering's crazy biker brawl are zeroing in on at least one of the bikers for vandalism charges ... and, as of now, they're not as concerned about the fight side of things.

Law enforcement tells TMZ ... the main focus of the case is a potential felony vandalism charge against the bikers for damaging Ian's car, but no arrests have been made yet.

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New Angle, New Truth?

We're told the new videos that emerged, in which Ian is seen initiating the violence by pushing one of the bikers, show this fight could be considered mutual combat. If that's the case, battery charges are unlikely, especially since none of the bikers have filed a police report.

Let's face it ... that wouldn't be a very biker gang thing to do.

Another reason they're not running to cops ... we're told the mini motorbikes they were riding are illegal to ride on public streets or freeways.

As for the vandalism -- one of the bikers is seen clearly on video using a helmet to smash Ian's windshield. When the case gets submitted, however, the L.A. District Attorney can add battery charges if they feel the evidence is there.


ICYMI, we spoke with 2 men who ride with the 605 Minibike Gang, which was spotted in the infamous New Year's Eve vid ... and they told us it was Ian who started the big brawl, not their crew.

Criss Angel ayuda a reducir a un hombre problemático durante un espectáculo de magia

Criss Angel realizó el acto de desaparición perfecta durante su último show, la desaparición de un hombre problemático causando disturbios.

Los testigos le dicen a TMZ que el mago estaba realizando su show "MINDFREAK" la semana pasada en Las Vegas Planet Hollywood, cuando un hombre en la segunda fila comenzó a causar problemas y su comportamiento solo empeoró a medida que el espectáculo continuó.

Según un informe de la policía obtenido por TMZ, al hombre, Brandon McDonald, se le pidió que guardara su teléfono, pero no lo hizo. Intercambiaron palabras y luego las cosas finalmente escalaron con McDonald supuestamente lanzando puñetazos.

Los testigos nos dicen que a partir de ahí se desató el infierno cuando los de seguridad vinieron a sacar al hombre. A continuación se produjo una refriega y otro asistente fue agredido.

Nos dicen que fue solo cuando McDonald trató de agarrar a un guardia de seguridad por detrás que Criss intervino para someterlo, ayudando a la seguridad en la escolta McDonald fuera del teatro.

Cuando llegó la Policía Metropolitana, McDonald fue arrestado por agresión.

Criss fue un verdadero showman y gestionó las cosas de la mejor manera para terminar su show a pesar de los disturbios.


Criss Angel pulled off the perfect vanishing act during his recent show ... the disappearance of a belligerent man causing a disturbance.

Witnesses tell TMZ the magician was performing at his show "MINDFREAK" last week in Vegas' Planet Hollywood ... when a man in the second row of the audience started to cause a scene ... and his behavior only worsened as the show continued.

According to a police report, obtained by TMZ, the man, Brandon McDonald, was asked to put his phone away but wouldn't comply. Words were exchanged and then things eventually escalated to McDonald allegedly throwing punches.

Witnesses tell us from there all hell broke loose as security came to remove the man. A scuffle ensued and another ticketholder was assaulted.

We're told it was only when McDonald tried to grab one security guard from behind that Criss stepped in to subdue him ... assisting security in escorting McDonald out of the theater.

When Metropolitan Police arrived, McDonald was arrested for battery.

Criss was a true showman ... managing to complete his show despite the disturbance.

Lauren Boebert Allegedly Punches Ex-Hubby in the Nose ... Twice! Police Investigating


10:55 AM PT -- Boebert tells TMZ ... "This is a sad situation for all that keeps escalating and another reason I’m moving. I didn’t punch Jayson in the face and no one was arrested. I will be consulting with my lawyer about the false claims he made against me and evaluate all of my legal options."

9:53 AM PT -- Congresswoman Boebert’s office tells TMZ they are looking into the matter.

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert may have run afoul of the law ... for allegedly beating on her ex-husband.

Silt Police Lt. Matt Gronbeck tells TMZ ... cops were called Saturday night to Miner's Claim, a restaurant in Silt, Colorado.

Officers say the initial 911 call was a hangup, but wouldn't reveal any other info on their investigation ... including what charges Lauren or Jayson Boebert might face.

However, eyewitnesses at the scene tell TMZ ... Lauren was sitting in the restaurant when Jayson walked in, and the pair got into an argument before the congresswoman punched him in the nose twice.

Lauren, not Jayson, then called the police .... and Jayson was ordered to leave.

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Jayson seems contrite telling TMZ ... "I made a mistake. We both overreacted. I only want what's best for boys and I still love her very much. I only want the best for her."

He continued, "I really don't know what to say it's sad what has happened to us. I forgive her. I know she has a lot of hurt and pain. We both do.”

Their relationship clearly isn't as amicable as they wanted people to believe. As we previously reported ... Jayson tried to take the fall for Lauren's theater hookup in the aftermath of the 'Beetlejuice' scandal.

Jayson said the marriage ended when he cheated and asked people to show the controversial conservative "grace and mercy."

It'll be interesting to see how much grace Jayson shows her after this explosive incident

Originally Published -- 9:49 AM PT

Gypsy Rose Blanchard 'Harry Potter' Date Night on Broadway ... Years After Learning to Read From Books


Gypsy Rose Blanchard decided to take in some high culture Saturday night, going to a Broadway show ... one with a special personal meaning.

The controversial ex-con hit the Big Apple with her husband Ryan Scott Anderson, and the two hustled to make curtain for "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child."

If you recall ... her mother, Dee Dee, yanked her out of school when she was very young, and she repeatedly read the 'Harry Potter' series to learn to read.

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Gypsy took to TikTok minutes before the curtain went up to share her 'Harry Potter' love, and snaps of her seats, with her exploding social media audience.

The couple's fun night out sits in stark opposition to the harrowing details emerging in her new Lifetime docuseries.

Gypsy recently revealed she'd been violent toward her mother before she and her then-boyfriend Nicholas Godejohn plotted her murder.

The 32-year-old says, after her mother caught her trying to run away when she was 19, Dee Dee chained her to the bed and beat her severely.

She said Dee Dee also bought a gun and one day, while arguing, Gypsy grabbed it off the table and fired multiple shots at her mother.

It turned out to only be a BB gun, but Gypsy said she was shocked to find she'd pulled the trigger at all, having made the snap decision without thinking.

Dee Dee's medical records show she was treated for a pellet gun injury ... but she said a man robbed and shot her in a Walmart parking lot.

Of course, a few years later, Gypsy did plan and successfully stab her mother to death ... a crime for which she served seven years.

ABC News

Since getting out of prison late last month, Gypsy has lived a pretty exciting life, doing interviews with "Good Morning America" and "The View" while also enjoying everyday errands ... like shoe shopping and grabbing fast food.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard disfruta de su cita en Broadway con Harry Potter

una tarde mágica

Gypsy Rose Blanchard decidió empaparse de alta cultura el sábado por la noche y asistió a un espectáculo de Broadway... uno con un significado personal especial.

La controvertida ex convicta llegó a la Gran Manzana con su marido Ryan Scott Anderson y los dos se apresuraron a hacer fila para "Harry Potter y el Niño Maldito".

Recordemos que su madre, Dee Dee, la sacó de la escuela cuando era muy pequeña y leyó repetidamente la serie de "Harry Potter" para aprender a leer.

Waiting for your permission to load TikTok Post.

Minutos antes de que se abriera el telón, Gypsy usó TikTok para compartir su amor por Harry Potter y las instantáneas de sus asientos con su creciente audiencia en las redes sociales.

La divertida noche de la pareja contrasta con los angustiosos detalles que aparecen en su nueva docuserie de Lifetime.

Gypsy reveló recientemente que había sido violenta con su madre antes de que ella y su entonces novio Nicholas Godejohn planearan su asesinato.

La joven de 32 años dice que, después de que su madre la sorprendiera tratando de huir cuando tenía 19 años, Dee Dee la encadenó a la cama y la golpeó severamente.

Dijo que Dee Dee también compró una pistola y un día, mientras discutían, Gypsy la cogió de la mesa y le disparó varias veces a su madre.

Resultó ser solo una pistola de aire comprimido, pero Gypsy dijo que se sorprendió al descubrir que había apretado el gatillo, después de haber tomado la decisión sin pensar.

Los registros médicos de Dee Dee muestran que fue tratada por una herida de escopeta de perdigones, pero ella dijo que un hombre le robó y le disparó en un estacionamiento de Walmart.

Por supuesto, unos años más tarde, Gypsy hizo un plan que resultó con su madre apuñalada hasta morir... un crimen por el que cumplió siete años.

gypsy lo dice todo
ABC News

Desde que salió de la cárcel a finales del mes pasado, Gypsy ha vivido una vida muy emocionante, haciendo entrevistas con "Good Morning America" y "The View", mientras que también disfruta de diligencias cotidianas, como ir a comprar zapatos y disfrutar de comida rápida.



Before things got hot and heavy under the covers ... Ryan Scott Anderson asked Gypsy Rose Blanchard to marry him while she was still in prison -- a moment from 2022 he fondly recalls in her new doc.

Speaking in Lifetime's "The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard," Louisiana teacher Ryan said he was spurred to pop the question 4 months after they first met in person ... when the famous former inmate quizzed him on where he saw their relationship going.

He says Gypsy told him over the phone she was smitten and had developed romantic feelings for him -- a confession that delighted him as he'd already fallen in love with her ages before.

Following the convo, Ryan tied an engagement ring to his chain ... sneaking it into the visitation room at Chillicothe Correctional Center in Missouri during his third visit to see her.

Gypsy, who was still in prison when asked about the proposal, is heard in audio footage reminiscing ... saying he took her by the hand and told her he loved her.

Ryan adds their chemistry was electric ... and that just by sitting across from Gypsy -- who looked cute with her makeup done -- he knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. That's when he popped the question.


So far, he's taken his husband duties seriously ... staying by Gypsy's side since she was released from prison Dec. 28 after serving 7 of her 10-year prison sentence.


In return, Gypsy has defended her man from haters ... also letting everyone know she's impressed with his skills in the bedroom.

Blueface $13 Mil Vegas Judgment ... Now Up to $14 Mil, Interest's a Bitch!!!

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Blueface escaped jail time in his Las Vegas shooting case, but his debt to the shuttered strip club's owner is growing even bigger by the day.

According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ Hip Hop, Euphoric Gentleman's Club's $13,072,482 judgment has gone unpaid since the judge ordered it in October 2023 ... and accrued interest has raised the new total due to a staggering $14,386,164.23.

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The Vegas Arrest

The judge hit the rapper with probation after he took a plea deal for his role in the Nov. 2022 shooting. However, he was still ordered to shell out over $12 million for the venue's lost revenue and another $84k to cover lost wages for the employees.

Euphoric's owner slammed Blueface and his buddies with a passionate response at the time of the incident ... vowing to make him pay off the debt until the day he leaves this earth.

Unfortunately for him, IG likes don't enforce court orders. On the positive side, that interest is pilling up in his favor.

The guy who claimed he was shot by BF wasn't a happy camper in court, either, as he snapped a solemn selfie with the rapper/boxer in the background.

Instagram / @officialjaidynalexxis

Blueface recently bought a house for his child's mother Jaidyn Alexis -- so, he's spending, but very selectively.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Así fue su romántica proposición en la cárcel

Cuando sabes, sabes...

Antes de que las cosas se pusieran cachondas bajo las sábanas, Ryan Scott Anderson le pidió a Gypsy Rose Blanchard que se casara con él mientras todavía estaba en la cárcel, un momento de 2022 que recuerda con cariño en su nuevo documental.

En "The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard", de Lifetime, el profesor de Louisiana dijo que se propuso hacer la pregunta cuatro meses después de que se conocieron en persona, cuando la famosa ex reclusa le preguntó hacia dónde creía que iba su relación.

Dice que Gypsy le dijo por teléfono que estaba enamorada y que había desarrollado sentimientos románticos hacia él, una confesión que le encantó porque ya se había enamorado de ella hacía tiempo.

Después de la conversación, Ryan ató un anillo de compromiso a su cadena a escondidas en la sala de visitas de Chillicothe Centro Correccional en Missouri, durante su tercera visita.

Gypsy, que todavía estaba en la cárcel cuando le hicieron la propuesta, se escucha en las imágenes recordando que él la tomó de la mano y le dijo que la amaba.

Ryan añade que su química era eléctrica y que con solo sentarse frente a Gypsy -que estaba muy guapa maquillada- supo que quería pasar el resto de su vida con ella. Fue entonces cuando le hizo la pregunta.

Sin comparación

Hasta ahora, él ha tomado sus deberes de marido muy en serio, permaneciendo a su lado desde que fue liberada el 28 de diciembre tras cumplir 7 años de su sentencia de 10.

Gypsy en el centro de atención

A cambio, Gypsy ha defendido a su hombre de los haters, haciéndole saber a todo el mundo que está impresionada con sus habilidades en el dormitorio.

Blueface Debe $13 mil por la sentencia en Las Vegas Ahora hasta $14 mil por los intereses!!!

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Blueface escapó de pasar tiempo en la cárcel por el tiroteo en Las Vegas, pero su deuda con el propietario del cerrado club de striptease está creciendo cada día.

De acuerdo con los documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ Hip Hop, el monto de $13,072,482 por el juicio con Euphoric Gentleman's Club no ha sido pagado desde que el juez lo ordenó en octubre de 2023, y los intereses devengados han elevado el nuevo total a la asombrosa suma de $14,386,164.23.

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Sorpresivo arresto

El juez le otorgó al rapero la libertad condicional después de que aceptara un acuerdo de culpabilidad por su papel en el tiroteo de noviembre 2022. Sin embargo, también se le ordenó pagar más de $12 millones por los ingresos perdidos del lugar y otros $84k para cubrir los salarios de los empleados.

El propietario de Euphoric golpeó a Blueface y sus amigos con una respuesta apasionada en el momento del incidente, prometiendo que los haría pagar hasta el día de su muerte.

Por desgracia para él, los me gusta de Instagram no hacen cumplir las órdenes judiciales. Por el lado positivo, los intereses se están acumulando a su favor.

El hombre que asegura que recibió un disparo de Blueface tampoco estaba feliz en la corte, y se tomó una solemne selfie con el rapero y boxeador de fondo.

Sorpresa de Navidad
Instagram / @officialjaidynalexxis

Recientemente, Blueface compró una casa para la madre de su hijo Jaidyn Alexis, por lo que está gastando, pero muy selectivamente.

Robert Nelson Jr. Ex-College Football Star ... Arrested In L.A.

Robert Nelson Jr. -- a former Arizona State Sun Devils football star who spent three seasons in the NFL -- was arrested in Los Angeles last month for allegedly illegally possessing a gun ... TMZ Sports has learned.

Law enforcement tells us the arrest happened in Burbank back on Dec. 22.

We're told Burbank Police officers were patrolling a local mall parking lot at around 9 PM when they observed Nelson's vehicle in a handicap spot without a placard.

Cops say when officers looked into the car, they noticed a loaded handgun sitting in plain view on the floorboard. They later located Nelson and threw him behind bars.

Court records show Nelson was charged with one count of carrying a loaded firearm on/in person vehicle ... and was arraigned on Dec. 26. He's now due back in court in late February for another hearing on the matter.

Nelson Jr., a defensive back, played for ASU from 2011 to 2013 and became a star for the Sun Devils in his senior year, recording First-Team Pac-12 honors after logging six interceptions.

He went unpicked in the 2014 NFL Draft ... but still managed to latch on with several NFL teams -- earning playing time with the Browns, Texans and Jets from 2014 to 2017.

The 33-year-old most recently played for the Arlington Renegades in the XFL in 2023.

Nick y Aaron Carter Su hermana Bobbie Jean es enterrada en Florida... Su madre hace un discurso

La difunta hermana de Nick y Aaron Carter, Bobbie Jean Carter, ha sido enterrada ... TMZ ha averiguado.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que Bobbie Jean fue enterrada el sábado por la mañana en Florida, en algún lugar afuera de la zona de Tampa. Nos dicen que fue una ceremonia pequeña y privada, con solo amigos y familiares cercanos entre los asistentes.

No está claro si el propio Nick estaba allí, pero nuestras fuentes dicen que la madre de Bobbie Jean, Jane, dio el discurso.

Aunque su hermano pequeño, Aaron Carter, fue enterrado en el sur de California, nos dicen que la tumba de Bobbie fue elegida para estar más cerca de Jane, para que pueda visitar a su hija con regularidad. TMZ también ha obtenido el obituario de Bobbie Jean y menciona a sus famosos hermanos, así como a su difunta hermana menor, Leslie, que también falleció trágicamente en 2012.

Fuimos los primeros en contar la historia, Bobbie Jean fue encontrada sin respuesta en su cuarto de baño el mes pasado y aunque estaba en libertad condicional por un cargo relacionado a las drogas, la policía dice que no encontraron narcóticos en la escena y no se sospecha de crimen violento. Se desconoce la causa de su muerte.

Bobbie solo tenía 41 años.

Que en paz descanse.

Nick & Aaron Carter Sister Bobbie Jean Buried in FL ... Mom Jane Gives Eulogy

Nick and Aaron Carter's late sister, Bobbie Jean Carter, has been laid to rest ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us Bobbie Jean was buried Saturday morning in Florida -- somewhere outside of the Tampa area, specifically. We're told it was a small, private ceremony ... with only close friends and immediate family in attendance.

Unclear if Nick himself was there, but our sources say BJ's mother, Jane, gave the eulogy.

Whereas her little brother, AC, was buried here in Southern California ... we're told Bobbie's gravesite was chosen to be closer to Jane, so that she can visit her daughter regularly. TMZ has also obtained Bobbie Jean's obituary, and it mentions her famous brothers as well as her late younger sister, Leslie, who also tragically passed away in 2012.

We broke the story ... Bobbie Jean was found unresponsive in her bathroom last month -- and while she was on probation on a drug-related charge ... cops say there were no narcotics found at the scene, and no foul play is suspected. Her cause of death is unknown.

Bobbie was only 41.