GYPSY ROSE BLANCHARD Kim K, Help Me Promote Prison Reform!!!

Gypsy Rose Blanchard wants to meet with Kim Kardashian to discuss prison reform ... and while a meeting has yet to happen, we're told Gypsy still wants to pick Kim's brain.

Sources close to Gypsy tell TMZ … she's open to working with Kim and feels they are a good fit because of her experience with the justice system and Kim's work on prison reform.

Our sources say Gypsy thinks Kim could provide guidance on how to navigate her newfound platform on social media, and use her voice to affect real change and advance her advocacy work.

Remember ... Gypsy tweeted at Kim back in November when she was still locked up, thanking Kim for recommending an HBO documentary about her case and saying, "maybe we should unite forces together to make real change with the justice system.

Since Gypsy’s release, our sources say Gypsy has not reached out to Kim and KK hasn't reached out to her ... but we're told the door is open for them to get together in the future.

When Gypsy shouted out Kim on social media, some folks accused her of starving for attention ... but our sources say GRB genuinely wants to use her platform for prison reform, and it's something she's going to focus on as she starts her new life after prison. Kim's one of the few people Gypsy follows, but KK's not following back as of now.

Kim's the one who actually got the ball rolling here ... a few years ago she highlighted Gypsy's 2017 HBO doc "Mommy Dead and Dearest" on a list of true crime documentaries she recommended to her followers.

Gypsy's already seen her plans to see Taylor Swift at a football game fizzle, so it will be interesting to see if she makes something happen with Kim.

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In the meantime, Gypsy's new docuseries, "The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard," is set to air as a three-night event Jan. 5-7 at 8 PM ET on Lifetime.


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New footage of Ian Ziering's battle with bikers on Hollywood Blvd shows the extensive damage to his car's windshield ... and new details from the scene make it all the more terrifying.

In new video obtained by TMZ, bikers violently kick and pound their helmets on Ian's car ... and we're told his 10-year-old daughter, Penna, was alone inside the vehicle at that very moment.


While bikers attacked the car with Penna inside, we're told Ian was on the other side of the street fighting off other bikers.

These new details validate just how terrified Penna must've been ... with a previous clip from the aftermath showing Ian consoling the weeping youngster after the bikers fled.

TMZ broke the story ... the frightening confrontation ignited when Ian's car was hit by bikers who were weaving in and out of traffic.

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Other footage shows Ian exchanging punches with one of the bikers before getting jumped by others in the violent brawl.

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Ian's since spoken out about the attack on IG ... confirming he and his daughter emerged unscathed while urging local officials to take action against the rising tide of "hooliganism" in L.A.

Estrella de 'BH 90210' Ian Ziering Sorprendente nuevo ángulo de la pelea con los ciclistas

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Paliza de una banda de motociclistas

Nuevas imágenes de la batalla de Ian Ziering con los ciclistas en Hollywood Blvd muestra el enorme daño causado en el parabrisas de su carro, y nuevos detalles de la escena hacen que todo sea aún más aterrador.

En un nuevo video obtenido por TMZ, los motociclistas patean violentamente y golpean con sus cascos el carro de Ian, y nos dicen que su hija de 10 años, Penna, estaba sola dentro del vehículo en ese mismo momento.

Mientras los ciclistas atacaban el carro con Penna en el interior, nos dicen que Ian estaba al otro lado de la calle luchando contra otros ciclistas.

Estos nuevos detalles validan lo intimidante que debe haber sido para Penna. Un clip anterior muestra cómo Ian la estaba consolando después de que los ciclistas huyeran.

TMZ dio a conocer la noticia, la aterradora confrontación se encendió cuando el carro de Ian fue golpeado por los ciclistas que estaban circulando por dentro y fuera del tráfico.

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Riña con los motociclistas

Otras imágenes muestran a Ian intercambiando puñetazos con uno de los ciclistas antes de ser atacado por otros en la violenta pelea.

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Desde entonces, Ian ha hablado sobre el ataque en Instagram, confirmando que él y su hija salieron ilesos, al mismo tiempo que instó a las autoridades locales a tomar medidas contra la creciente ola de "vandalismo" en Los Ángeles.

YFN Lucci Haircut, Shave, New Clothes Coming Up ... Gotta Look Fresh For Court!!!

YFN Lucci is going to great lengths to look like his usual self when he enters a Georgia courtroom to stand trial for murder -- the incarcerated rapper got the judge's approval for some professional grooming.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ Hip Hop, Lucci has the greenlight to get a haircut and shave ahead of his trial ... and it seems like he'll be rocking a new suit too. The judge also granted him a contact visit, so a tailor could get his proper measurements.

Lucci's been locked up since the top of 2021 on murder charges, and his road to redemption hasn't been a cakewalk -- just ask his legal counsel.


TMZ Hip Hop broke the story ... Lucci claims he was stabbed by a fellow inmate in February 2022, but he has been unsuccessful in attempting to bond out of jail ahead of the trial.

It remains to be seen what sort of defense he presents, but he's at least looking to impress the court with his personal presentation.

Brutal incidente Líder demócrata de Corea del Sur es apuñalado en el cuello

Apuñalado en el cuello

El líder del Partido Demócrata de Corea del Sur fue brutalmente apuñalado por un sospechoso con un cuchillo durante una rueda de prensa, y el ataque fue grabado en video.

Lee Jae-myung se encontraba en un acto público rodeado de un grupo de periodistas y cámaras de televisión en la ciudad portuaria de Busan el martes, cuando el agresor se acercó a él para pedirle un autógrafo y repentinamente le clavó un cuchillo en el cuello.

Echa un vistazo al salvaje video, Lee hace muecas de dolor mientras se desploma en el suelo después del apuñalamiento. La multitud salta sobre el sospechoso, que lleva una corona azul de papel alrededor de la cabeza, y es derribado al suelo.

Otras imágenes muestran a Lee tumbado boca arriba en el piso con los ojos cerrados mientras alguien le aplica un pañuelo en la herida del cuello para detener la hemorragia.

Lee fue trasladado de urgencia a un hospital de Busan, donde le brindaron ayuda de emergencia para la herida del cuello, que no ponía en peligro su vida según Reuters. Luego, fue trasladado en avión a un centro médico de Seúl para recibir tratamiento adicional.

El portavoz del Partido Demócrata de Corea del Sur, Kwon Chil-seung, ofreció una rueda de prensa en la que afirmó que el personal médico cree que Lee sufrió daños en la yugular.

Mientras tanto, la policía acudió rápidamente al lugar del crimen y detuvo al hombre de 66 años, quien no reveló el motivo del ataque. Al parecer, el sospechoso se enfrenta a un cargo de intento de asesinato.

Stabbing Attack Video South Korean Dem Leader Knifed By Suspect on Video


The head of South Korea's Democratic Party was brutally stabbed by a knife-wielding suspect during a press conference ... and the horrifying attack was all caught on video.

Lee Jae-myung was at a public event surrounded by a gaggle of reporters and TV cameras in South Korea's port city of Busan Tuesday when the assailant approached him for an autograph before suddenly plunging a knife into his neck.

Check out the crazy clip ... Lee grimaces in pain as he collapses to the ground after the stabbing. The crowd jumps on the suspect, who's wearing a blue, paper crown around his head, tackling him to the pavement.

Other footage shows Lee lying face up on the ground with his eyes closed as someone applies a handkerchief to his neck wound to stop the bleeding.

Lee was rushed to a hospital in Busan, where he was given emergency care for his neck injury, which was not life-threatening, according to Reuters. He was then airlifted to a medical facility in the capital city of Seoul for additional treatment.

South Korean Democratic Party spokesman Kwon Chil-seung held a press conference, saying that medical staff believes Lee suffered damage to his jugular vein.

Meanwhile, police quickly responded to the crime scene and arrested the 66-year-old man, who did not provide a motive for the attack. The suspect reportedly faces an attempted murder charge.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Tastes Like Freedom ... NYE Kiss With Hubby!!!

Gypsy Rose Blanchard rang in the new year with a kiss and some confetti ... and TMZ has it all on video.

Gypsy and her husband, Ryan, shot off confetti and smooched as the clock struck midnight ... embracing before sharing the moment with family.

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Family sources tell TMZ … Gypsy had a last-minute NYE bash in Louisiana, making the most of it with a small party at her and Ryan's home.

Gypsy's dad, Rod Blanchard, and her stepmom, Kristy, were also in the house ... with Kristy helping Gypsy get ready, curling her hair.

GRB even had press on nails ... and we're told Ryan bought her NYE dress and shoes.

Our sources say Gypsy's dad and husband grilled steak together ... and the tender family moment warmed her heart ... after all, this is the family she's always wanted.

Our sources say Gypsy's enjoying a low-key New Year's Day ... the first thing she did was fold clothes and put things away in her home ... but we're told it's these simple tasks that make her feel grateful for her new life post-prison.


As for Gypsy's resolutions for 2024 ... we're told she wants to enjoy being in the moment, believe in herself, be more confident and not worry about what others say or think about her.

Remember ... Gypsy and Ryan were planning to go to the Kansas City Chiefs game Sunday for a chance to meet Taylor Swift, but her parole officers wanted her out of Missouri and she went back home to Louisiana.

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Next up for Gypsy is her upcoming Lifetime docuseries ... "The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard" ... a three-night event Jan. 5-7 airing at 8 PM ET on Lifetime.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Strip Club Offers Gainful Employment After Prison

Gypsy Rose Blanchard already has a titillating job offer on the table following her release from prison ... a strip club's hoping the ex-con would do her big reveal on its stage.

Dream Girls Detroit fired off a job offer to Gypsy ... the club wants to show it's there to help people who ran afoul of the law post-confinement.

The club's general manager, Dan Wilhelm, says, "We stand in solidarity with everyone who is showing support to Gypsy Rose as she embarks on her new life" ... adding the cash she can make will help her "get the tools needed to be able to live a quality life in the real world."

Job offer aside, Dream Girls is also looking to host a release party for the 32-year-old ... something they're calling "Let's Get Tipsy With Gypsy."

As you know, Gypsy was released from the Chillicothe Correctional Center in Chillicothe, MO early Thursday morning -- and has already spent time shopping for shoes, posting selfies, and celebrating with family.

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She's also rented out a cozy Airbnb in Kansas City ... remember, she had tickets to the Chiefs' NYE game and was hoping to meet Taylor Swift, but she was unable to attend because her parole officer told her she had to leave the state.

Gypsy has a week to respond to Dream Girls' offers. No word if she'll be working the pole anytime soon.

le ofrecen trabajo a Gypsy Rose Blanchard en un club de striptease

Gypsy Rose Blanchard tiene una oferta de trabajo excitante sobre la mesa después de su salida de la cárcel... un club de striptease espera que la ex-convicta debute en su escenario.

Dream Girls Detroit le disparó una oferta de trabajo a Gypsy, el club quiere demostrar que está ahí para ayudar a las personas que vienen saliendo de prisión.

El gerente general del club, Dan Wilhelm, dice: "Solidarizamos con todos los que le muestran su apoyo a Gypsy Rose mientras se embarca en su nueva vida", añadiendo que el dinero en efectivo puede ayudarle a "obtener las herramientas necesarias para poder vivir una vida de calidad en el mundo real".

Dream Girls también está buscando organizar una fiesta de lanzamiento para la recién salida de 32 años, algo que están llamando "Let's Get Tipsy With Gypsy".

Como ustedes saben, Gypsy fue liberada del Centro Correccional de Chillicothe la madrugada del jueves y ya ha pasado el tiempo de comprando de zapatos, publicando selfies y celebrando con la familia.

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fuera de prisión

También ha alquilado un acogedor Airbnb en Kansas City, recordemos que ella tenía entradas para el juego de los Chiefs NYE y tenía la esperanza de conocer a Taylor Swift, pero no pudo asistir porque su oficial de libertad condicional le dijo que tenía que salir del estado.

Gypsy tiene una semana para responder a las ofertas de Dream Girls. No se sabe si va a trabajar en el poste pronto.

NFL's Muhammad Wilkerson Arrested In NJ ... Accused Of Driving Drunk With Loaded Gun In Car

Former NFL star Muhammad Wilkerson was arrested again last week ... after cops say he drove drunk with a loaded gun tucked beneath his car seat.

According to court documents, obtained by TMZ Sports, Wilkerson was initially pulled over by police in Morris County, New Jersey back on Dec. 22 at 6:41 AM.

During the stop, cops suspected he was under the influence ... saying a strong odor of alcohol was emanating from the former New York Jets pass rusher's ride.

In the docs, cops say at one point during questioning, Wilkerson told them he was coming from a New York City club ... and a short time later, they say he failed field sobriety tests.

Wilkerson was placed under arrest -- and afterward, cops said during a search of his vehicle they not only found an open bottle of Don Julio tequila ... but also an FN 509 Tactical Handgun with 11 hollow point bullets inside of it.

Police said Wilkerson told them the firearm was purchased in Florida -- but he did not provide them proper documentation.

Court records show Wilkerson has since been tagged with a bevy of charges in the case -- including operating a vehicle while under the influence and unlawful possession of a handgun.

He's due in court for hearings on the matter next month.

This, of course, is not the first time Wilkerson has been accused of drinking and driving ... he was arrested for DWI in 2020 and 2019 as well.

Wilkerson -- who was picked by the Jets in the first round of the 2011 NFL Draft -- made one Pro Bowl appearance while logging 44.5 sacks in his eight seasons in the NFL.

Gypsy Rose Back Home in Louisiana ... Misses Out on Taylor Swift Meeting & Chiefs Game


Gypsy Rose Blanchard is back home in Louisiana ... making it official, she'll miss out on a possible meeting with Taylor Swift after sources close told us she was asked to leave the state of Missouri.

Sporting a New Orleans Saints jersey, Gypsy posted a short video Sunday thanking fans for their support across her platforms on social media. Gypsy says it's nice to be home, and enjoying a day outside celebrating her freedom.

Already a marketing whiz, Gypsy announces she's got a lot of big things on the way, including her upcoming docuseries on LifeTime and her recently released ebook ... which she calls a reflection on everything she learned during her time behind bars.

TMZ broke the story, Gypsy and her husband had planned on attending Sunday's Chiefs game in Kansas City where she had hoped to possibly run into Taylor Swift -- who is likely to be in attendance cheering on boyfriend, Travis Kelce.

That plan was sidelined Saturday, as sources close to Gypsy tell us her parole officers wanted her out of the state ... unclear exactly why, but our sources say local officials contacted the parole team to tell them they wanted her out of MO stat.

It's possible they felt Gypsy's presence in Missouri could pose as a safety risk, especially if she had plans to attend a game with tens of thousands of others.


Regardless of the change in travel plans, Gypsy still looks happy ... and she's clearly wheeling and dealing. As we told you, she's already gained more than 4 million followers on her Instagram page -- with other profiles continuing to grow.

Gypsy Rose vuelve a su casa en Luisiana y se pierde el partido de Taylor Swift y los Chiefs

agradecida del apoyo

Gypsy Rose Blanchard está de vuelta en casa en Louisiana, haciéndolo oficial... se perderá un posible encuentro con Taylor Swift después de que fuentes cercanas nos dijeron que se le pidió que abandonara el estado de Missouri.

Luciendo una camiseta de los New Orleans Saints, Gypsy publicó un breve video el domingo agradeciendo a los fans por su apoyo a través de sus plataformas en las redes sociales. Gypsy dice que es bueno estar en casa y disfrutar de un día al aire libre celebrando su libertad.

Gypsy anuncia que vienen un montón de cosas grandes en camino, incluyendo su próxima docuserie en LifeTime y su libro electrónico recientemente publicado, el que ella llama una reflexión sobre todo lo que aprendió durante su tiempo entre rejas.

TMZ publicó la historia, Gypsy y su marido habían planeado asistir al partido de los Chiefs del domingo en Kansas City, donde ella tenía la esperanza de encontrarse con Taylor Swift, ya que probablemente esté presente animando a su novio, Travis Kelce.

Ese plan fue dejado de lado el sábado, ya que fuentes cercanas a Gypsy nos dicen que sus oficiales de libertad condicional la querían fuera del estadio, no está claro exactamente por qué, pero nuestras fuentes dicen que los funcionarios locales se contactaron con el equipo de libertad condicional para decirles que la querían fuera de MO stat.

Es posible que sintieran que la presencia de Gypsy en Missouri podría suponer un riesgo para la seguridad, especialmente si tenía planes de asistir a un partido con decenas de miles de personas.

Independiente del cambio en los planes, Gypsy parece feliz... y está claro que está haciendo lo suyo. Como te contamos, ya tiene más de 4 millones de seguidores en su página de Instagram y otros perfiles siguen creciendo.

Gypsy Rose acumula millones de seguidores en Instagram

Gypsy Rose Blanchard se ha convertido en una gigante de las redes sociales, acumulando millones de seguidores y posiblemente preparándose para hacer una fortuna.

Gypsy tiene ahora la friolera de 4.7 millones de seguidores en Instagram. Acaba de publicar sus cuentas de Snapchat y TikTok en su página de Instagram. Además, ella tiene 1.4 millones de fans TikTok.

Ella publicó esto: "Acabo de unirme a SnapChat, estos avatares son impresionantes!" También realizó un especial de Lifetime.

Ella tenía una página de Instagram, pero no era nada fuera de lo común. De eso a 1.2 millones hay mucha diferencia, y lo ha hecho en un período de tiempo muy corto.

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En cuanto al futuro... ella se está preparando para hacer un paquete en redes sociales, lo cual es interesante. Antes de que la encerraran casi nadie podía ganarse la vida en las redes sociales, pero los tiempos cambian.

También está trabajando en algún tipo de programa/documental/reality show para A&E.

Por ahora, Gypsy está disfrutando de las cosas simples de la libertad después de cumplir siete años entre las rejas por el asesinato de su madre. Se hace selfies y visita McDonalds y Burger King.

Ahora lo hace a su manera.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Insta Social Media Giant with Big $$$ Prospects!!!

​Gypsy Rose Blanchard has become an instant social media giant since her release ... amassing millions of followers and possibly setting herself up to make a fortune.

Gypsy now has an eye-popping 4.7 million followers on Instagram. She's just pushed both her Snapchat and TikTok accounts on her Insta page. BTW she has 1.4 million TikTok fans.

She posted this ... "Just joined SnapChat. These avatars are awesome!" Also – she pushed the Lifetime special on there yesterday as well.

She had an Instagram page, but it was static at 1.2M upon her release, so she's gained millions in a super-compressed period of time.

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As for the future ... she's setting herself up to make a bundle on social media, which is interesting. When she was locked up, almost no one could make a living on social, but times change.

In the money department, she's also working on some kind of show/documentary/reality show for A&E.

For now, Gypsy is enjoying the simple things of freedom after serving 7 years behind bars for the murder of her mother. She's trying her hand at selfies, and hitting up McDonalds and Burger King.

She's having it her way now.

Danny Masterson First Days of Prison Schedule Revealed

We've got a look at what's on the docket for Danny Masterson for at least his first 90 days in prison ... and it looks like the disgraced actor will be on a short leash.

According to the official procedures for the prison, Masterson has to go through a reception and classification process that started Wednesday when he entered North Kern State Prison in Delano, CA -- a process that could take up to 90 days.

TMZ has learned ... during this time, Masterson will be in what's called privilege group U, and there are strict restrictions ... including no family visits, limited entertainment access and no access to personal property.

According to the CA Department of Corrections, he also gets one phone call within the first week of entering the facility, and then for the remainder of his time in group U he only gets one call per month.

He still has access to things like the yard and recreation services, but he won't get his full prison privileges until the classification process has finished.

Sources close to the situation say Masterson demonstrated "exceptional strength of mind and spirit" during his time in the L.A. County jail ... prior to his transfer to North Kern, and he's feeling hopeful about his chances of winning his appeal.

TMZ broke the story, Masterson was transferred to the prison, where he'll serve his sentence of 30 years to life ... following his September conviction on 2 counts of forcible rape.

Danny Masterson Revelada la agenda de sus primeros días en prisión

Tenemos un vistazo de la rutina de Danny Masterson en sus primeros 90 días encerrado en la cárcel, y parece que el actor caído en desgracia se mantendrá con la correa corta.

De acuerdo con los procedimientos oficiales de la prisión, Masterson tiene que pasar por un proceso de recepción y clasificación que se inició cuando entró en North Kern State Prison en Delano, California el miércoles, y el proceso podría durar hasta 90 días.

TMZ ha indagado que durante este tiempo, Masterson estará en lo que se llama grupo privilegiado U, y tiene serias restricciones durante este período, como por ejemplo, nada de visitas familiares, acceso limitado a entretenimiento y nada de acceso a sus propiedades personales.

Según el Departamento Correccional de California, también recibirá una llamada durante la primera semana tras su ingreso en el centro y luego solo una al mes por el tiempo que esté en el grupo U.

Danny todavía tiene acceso a cosas como el patio y los servicios de recreación, pero no obtendrá sus privilegios de prisión completa hasta que el proceso de clasificación termine.

Fuentes cercanas a la situación dicen que Masterson demostró una "fuerza mental y de espíritu excepcional" durante su estadía en la prisión del condado de Los Ángeles antes de su estancia en la cárcel y se siente esperanzado de sus posibilidades de ganar su apelación.

TMZ publicó la historia, Masterson fue trasladado hace días a la prisión, donde comenzará a cumplir su sentencia de 30 años a cadena perpetua. Esto, después de haber sido condenado en septiembre por 2 cargos de violación forzada.