Gypsy Rose Blanchard No T-Swift Chiefs Meetup Parole Officer Says She Must Leave State of MO!!!

Gypsy Rose Blanchard has overstayed her welcome in Missouri post-prison, 'cause she's gotten the ol' GTFOH from cops ... dashing any hope of a Swiftie meetup, for now.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... the recently-released ex-con -- who was cut loose into the wild Thursday from a state prison there in the area -- was recently notified by her parole officer that she and her loved ones needed to get outta Missouri.

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The reasoning behind this is a bit unclear, but what we do know is that Gypsy was told local law enforcement officials spoke to the state corrections unit and notified them they wanted her gone ASAP. We're told this might be because of security risks her continued presence might present to the KC area ... where she's been hanging out for the past 24 hours or so.

It's true ... GRB has become a local celebrity during her brief time in town, taking photos with fans, and stopping/chatting with paps that have been hounding her. During the time she's been out behind bars, Gypsy has most certainly drawn a helluva lot of attention.

In any case, our sources tell us Gyspy's heard 'em loud and clear ... and is currently on her way to her husband's home in Louisiana -- which, of course, means she won't be at Sunday's Chiefs game.

We're told Gypsy is bummed about this development, as she and her hubby had plans to attend for a while now -- with tickets in hand dating back months and even some Chiefs merch ready to go that she got for Christmas. With that said, our sources say she gets it and is grateful to be freed.

As we reported ... Gypsy was hoping to meet Taylor Swift while at Arrowhead, with a Hail Mary shout-out that she hoped TS would see. Of course, it was a long shot to begin with.


Now, in terms of why Gypsy was allowed to roam around Kansas City to begin with -- we're told it had to do with the timing of her release (very, very early) which led MDOC to allow her to stay overnight in town at an Airbnb ... where her family partied.

Like we said, she's been living it up since getting back on the outside -- now, she'll just have to do it another state ... 'cause Missouri's told her to beat it, and she absolutely did.


Pretty crazy 48 hours for Gypsy, but it's nothing compared to her life story in general -- which, BTW, is going to be spotlighted in a new Lifetime special that's airing on Jan. 5.

The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard is a 3-night event that'll touch on the whole saga ... dating back to when she helped plan the murder of her abusive mother -- and it features a first-person perspective from GRB herself on her own newsworthy story.

Definitely worth a watch ... and we suppose we'll see what Gypsy gets up to next.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard No hay encuentro con Taylor Swift y los Chiefs ¡¡¡Debe dejar el estado de Missouri!!!

Gypsy Rose Blanchard ha sobrepasado su estancia en Missouri luego de salir de prisión, porque los policías le han dicho que se vaya inmediatamente, frustrando cualquier esperanza de tener un encuentro con Taylor Swift, por ahora.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que la ex-convicta, que fue liberada el jueves de una prisión estatal en la zona, fue notificada recientemente por su oficial de libertad condicional de que ella y sus seres queridos necesitan salir de Missouri.

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Gypsy fuera de la cárcel

La razón detrás de esto es un poco confusa, pero lo que sí sabemos es que los funcionarios encargados de hacer cumplir la ley local hablaron con la unidad correccional del estado, quienes les informaron que querían que Gypsy se fuera lo antes posible. Nos dicen que esto podría ser debido a los riesgos de seguridad que su presencia podría suponer para la zona de Kansas City, donde ha estado pasando el rato durante las últimas 24 horas más o menos.

Es cierto, Gypsy se ha convertido en una celebridad local durante su breve estancia en la ciudad, sacándose fotos con los fans y parando a conversar con los paparazzi que la han estado acosando. Durante el tiempo que ha estado fuera ha llamado mucho la atención.

En cualquier caso, nuestras fuentes nos dicen que Gyspy ha entendido el mensaje alto y claro y actualmente se encuentra camino a casa con su marido en Louisiana. Por supuesto, eso significa que no estará en el partido del domingo con los Chiefs.

Nos dicen que Gypsy está deprimida por como se dieron las cosas, ya que ella y su marido tenían planes de asistir desde hace un tiempo. Tenían entradas compradas de hace algunos meses e incluso algo de merchandasing de los Chiefs que ella había conseguido para la Navidad. Dicho esto, nuestras fuentes dicen que ella lo entiende y está agradecida de ser liberada.

Como hemos informado, Gypsy tenía la esperanza de conocer a Taylor Swift, mientras estuviera en el estadio Arrowhead y hacer un saludo que esperaba que Taylor Swift viera. Por supuesto, era una posibilidad remota para empezar.

Su historia

Ahora, en términos de por qué se le permitió a Gypsy vagar por Kansas City, para empezar nos dicen que tenía que ver con el momento de su liberación (muy, muy temprano) que llevó al departamento de Correccionales a permitirle pasar la noche en la ciudad en un AirBnb, donde su familia hizo una fiesta.

Como hemos dicho, ella lo ha estado pasando bien desde su regreso al mundo exterior. Ahora, solo tendrá que hacerlo desde otro estado, ya que Missouri le dijo que se fuera y ella obedeció de inmediato.

Verdad revelada

Estas 48 intensas horas no son nada comparado con la historia de su vida, que, por cierto, va a ser el centro de un nuevo especial de Lifetime que se emite el 5 de enero.

'Las confesiones de la prisión de Gypsy Rose Blanchard' es un evento de 3 noches que tocará toda la saga y que se remonta a cuando ella ayudó a planear el asesinato de su abusiva madre y cuenta con una perspectiva en primera persona de Gypsy en esta historia.

Definitivamente, vale la pena verlo, y suponemos que también sabremos lo que Gypsy hará a continuación.

Gypsy Rose I'm Havin' It My Way ... At Burger King!!!

Gypsy Rose Blanchard is getting a true taste of freedom ... at her favorite fast food restaurants!

The recently sprung ex-con hit up a Burger King in DeQueen, Arkansas Friday night, stopping to take a pic with one of her supporters.

Gypsy looks relaxed and happy, just days after her release after serving 7 years behind bars for the murder of her mom.

It's not her first fast food adventure post-prison ... earlier in the day she hit up a McDonald's, waiting patiently in the drive-thru line for a burger.

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Gypsy has been experiencing freedom in some pretty basic ways ... going shoe shopping, taking selfies -- things like that.

We're told this weekend she's headed to Kansas City for the Chiefs game against the Cincinnati Bengals on New Year's Eve. We're guessing football isn't the motivator ... she's a huge Taylor Swift fan and hopes to meet her.

In a way, this is the first week of freedom Gypsy has had since birth. As you know, her mom tortured her by ordering her to act sickly to garner sympathy.

Gypsy Rose Disfrutando a mi manera en... ¡¡Burger King!!

Gypsy Rose Blanchard está literalmente disfrutando cómo se siente su nueva libertad, ¡en sus restaurantes favoritos de comida rápida!

La recientemente ex-convicta fue a un Burger King en DeQueen, Arkansas el viernes por la noche y se tomó una foto con uno de sus seguidores.

Gypsy se veía relajada y feliz, a pocos días de su liberación después de cumplir una condena de siete años tras las rejas por el asesinato de su madre.

No es su primera aventura en un restaurante de comida rápida después que salió. Más temprano en el día había ido a un McDonald y había esperado pacientemente en la fila de autoservicio para una hamburguesa.

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Gypsy ha estado experimentando la libertad de algunas maneras muy simples, como ir a comprar zapatos, tomarse selfies y cosas por el estilo.

Nos dicen que este fin de semana irá a Kansas City para el partido de los Chiefs contra los Bengals en la víspera de Año Nuevo. Estamos adivinando que el fútbol no es su principal motivación, ella es una gran fan de Taylor Swift y espera conocerla.

En cierto modo, esta es la primera semana de libertad que ha tenido Gypsy desde su nacimiento. Como saben, su madre la torturó para que fingiera que estaba enferma y así ganar simpatía.


Jussie Smollett's legal troubles are far from over ... but it looks as though he's working overtime to get his career back on track.

The troubled actor was seen reuniting with "Empire" showrunner Brett Mahoney ... with the duo sharing a hug Thursday outside Crossroads Kitchen in Los Angeles.

The sighting triggered speculation of a possible future collab ... though any TV comeback is realistically a long way off for Jussie as he deals with his personal and legal worries.

Sources told us just before Xmas ... Jussie was still in the midst of a rehab stint for substance abuse ... after checking himself into an outpatient facility in back in October.

He recently lost his appeal after being convicted for lying to cops about the fake Chicago hate crime attack back in 2019.

Jussie's lawyers say they'll continue their fight in the Illinois Supreme Court, although there's no guarantee the Court will hear the case.

If the Court turns thumbs down on hearing the case, Jussie could return to jail as soon as January to complete his 150 day sentence ... he's only served 6 days.

Nonetheless, it looks like Jussie's putting in the work on bettering himself ... and was even spotted reading Matthew Perry's book on his substance abuse battle earlier this month.

Ex-Cowboys LB Rashaan Evans Mug Shot Released ... After Weed Arrest

Former Dallas Cowboys linebacker Rashaan Evans was arrested on Tuesday ... and on Friday, cops released his mug shot -- and you can see, he was not thrilled to have been thrown behind bars.

The 28-year-old -- who was cut by America's Team on Wednesday following the arrest -- took the photo hours after cops placed him in handcuffs after officers say he reeked of weed in his 2021 Ram 1500 near the Cowboys' practice facility in Frisco, Texas.

According to police documents, cops say at around 10:46 PM they drove by Evans, who was in the driver's seat of his car ... and smelled a strong odor of marijuana.

They claim when they eventually questioned the football player, he told them there was "just a nugget" in the ride.

Cops say, however, that when they searched the Ram, they found burnt marijuana residue, marijuana cigarettes, rolling papers and a vacuum-sealable bag containing three separate baggies of marijuana.

They say the baggies weighed a total of 2.240 ounces.

Evans was ultimately booked on a misdemeanor charge of marijuana possession. And, hours later, the Cowboys moved on from him.

Evans had just joined Dallas' roster in October. He had played in nine games so far this season -- including the Cowboys' loss to Miami on Sunday -- tallying nine total tackles.

He has not yet publicly commented on the situation.

Boosie Badazz Lose Pooh Shiesty Mask, Son ... Real Steppers Might Get Wrong Idea

Boosie Badazz is scolding his oldest child for constantly wearing a ski mask, or a "Pooh Shiesty" as it's known in the streets ... and it's based on concerns for his son's safety.

The Louisiana rapper's fatherly instincts kicked in during an IG livestream session after peeping his son Tootie Raw wearing the mask, for what Boosie claims, was "two days straight."

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Boosie says he's from the old school and anyone wearing those masks back in the day was 100% guaranteed to be up to no good.

Pooh Shiesty, who's currently serving a 5-year prison sentence for gun conspiracy charges, popularized the masked-up look when he blew up back in 2020 ... but Boosie doesn't consider it a fashion statement.

He warned Tootie that the right kinda guys might get the wrong impression of him and his friends and they could potentially attack first ... because that's exactly what he would do.


Boosie echoed maturity like this when we spoke to him earlier this year alongside Freeway Rick Ross.

He's planning on ways to steer the youth away from the same culture that got him incarcerated ... and his son is obviously not exempt from the guidelines.

Presunto asesino de Tupac Muy peligroso para ser liberado antes del juicio... Fiscales no quieren fianza

El estado de Nevada está tratando de evitar la solicitud de Duane "Keefe D" Davis de salir de la cárcel antes del juicio, pues insisten en que el presunto asesino de Tupac Shakur es demasiado peligroso.

Para aquellos que no lo saben, los abogados de Keefe D le pidieron a un juez la semana pasada que lo liberara de la custodia en su propio reconocimiento antes del juicio, que actualmente está programado para comenzar en junio, y si el tribunal no lo permite, están pidiendo en su lugar establecer una fianza no superior a los $100k.

De acuerdo con los nuevos documentos obtenidos por TMZ, los fiscales dicen que la solicitud de Keefe D es absurda y entregan varias razones de por qué no debería estar en libertad antes de su juicio. Por ejemplo, dicen que es un ex miembro de alto rango de la South Side Compton Crips y que ha confesado en varias ocasiones su participación en el asesinato de Tupac en los últimos años.

Los fiscales también afirman que Keefe le hizo amenazas creíbles a los testigos mientras estaba encerrado.

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Capturado durante un paseo

También aseguran que tienen montañas de pruebas, incluyendo las propias palabras de Keefe D, que apuntan a Keefe como la persona que orquestó el asesinato de Tupac en 1996, a pesar de que Keefe se ha distanciado de esas antiguas declaraciones.

El estado le está pidiendo a la corte que lo mantenga tras las rejas hasta la fecha del juicio en junio, y cree que hay razones más que suficientes para hacerlo.

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Breve audiencia

Como informamos, Keefe D se declaró no culpable el mes pasado por el cargo que enfrenta actualmente de asesinato. Esto, después de aparecer dos veces en la corte previamente, aparentemente sin que su abogado se presentara.


Gypsy Rose Blanchard's enjoying a bit of luxury to kick off her new post-prison life at an Airbnb that's pretty modest ... but still a far cry from a cold jail cell.

Gypsy and her husband, Ryan, are staying in a cozy 4-bedroom home in the Kansas City area, and it has everything she needs to adjust to her new normal ... all for $132/night.

The newly renovated home has 2 living rooms where Gypsy can make fresh memories ... as well as a fully equipped kitchen, natural accent lights, and tasteful decor for that homey feeling.

Gypsy and her family will likely add a glowing review for the property ... as it was the perfect spot for a party to celebrate her prison release Thursday following 7 years incarcerated for her mother Dee Dee's murder.

The Airbnb is currently booked out until 5 January -- though it's not clear if Gypsy and her clan made the reservation till then.

We do know Gypsy's hanging around in town until at least New Year's Eve for the Chiefs game ... where she's hoping to run into her idol, Taylor Swift.

In the meantime, Gypsy's making up for lost time ... going shoe shopping, snapping Insta selfies, and hitting up a McDonald's.


Gypsy Rose Blanchard Fiesta de bienvenida en familia

Gypsy Rose Blanchard está celebrando que salió de la cárcel y su familia la está recibiendo con los brazos abiertos.

Tienen que ver estas fotos de la famosa criminal disfrutando de una fiesta de bienvenida con sus seres queridos, incluyendo su padre, su madrastra, su hermanastra y su marido.

Gypsy aparece sonriendo de oreja a oreja en las fotos, posando con su padre Rod Blanchard y su esposa, Kristy. También se reunió con su hermanastra Mia Blanchard.

Parece que la familia se esforzó mucho con la fiesta. Había globos dorados que decían "BIENVENIDA A CASA", además de decoración, pasteles, aperitivos y Champagne.

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Celebrando con burbujas

Gypsy incluso abrió una botella de burbujas al igual que su marido Ryan.

Condena cumplida

Como ustedes saben, Gypsy salió de la cárcel en libertad condicional el jueves después de pasar siete años tras las rejas por su condena por el asesinato de su madre Dee Dee.

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Gypsy sale de la cárcel

Desde que fue liberada, hemos visto a Gypsy comprando nuevos zapatos, viviendo en un hotel y visitando un McDonald's.

Gypsy y Ryan aparecieron en el autoservicio de Mickey D's el viernes, para su primera comida afuera y parece que se perdieron los Arcos Dorados.

Gypsy está pasando tiempo con su familia también, justo en lo que queda de las fiestas, y todo el mundo parece súper feliz.

Tupac's Alleged Killer Too Dangerous to Free Pre-Trial ... Prosecutors Want No Bail

The state of Nevada is pushing back on Duane "Keefe D" Davis' request to be let out of jail ahead of the trial ... because they insist Tupac Shakur's alleged killer is just too dangerous.

For those unaware, Keefe D's lawyers asked a judge last week to release him from custody on his own recognizance before his trial, which is currently set to start in June ... and if the court wouldn't allow it, asking instead to set his bail no higher than $100k.

According to new docs, obtained by TMZ, prosecutors say Keefe D's request is absurd, and they provide several reasons why he shouldn't get to walk free until his trial. For instance, they claim he's a former high-ranking member of the South Side Compton Crips, and has confessed multiple times to involvement in the Tupac murder over the years.

Prosecutors also claim Keefe's made credible threats to witnesses while being locked up.

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They also continue to claim they have mountains of evidence -- including Keefe D's own words -- pointing to Keefe orchestrating Tupac's murder back in 1996 ... despite Keefe now distancing himself from those previous statements.

The state's asking the court to keep him behind bars until his trial date ... and believes there are more than enough reasons to do so.

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As we reported, Keefe D pled not guilty last month for the murder charge he's currently facing ... after appearing in court 2 times before with his attorney apparently being a no-show.

Joe Giudice Holiday Fam Reunion ... With Teresa & Kids in Bahamas

Joe Giudice is enjoying some quality time with his family this holiday season, because his ex-wife, Teresa, and their daughters flew to the Bahamas to celebrate New Year's together.

Joe shared the family pics Friday, showing him posing in front of a Christmas tree with his 4 daughters Gia, Gabriella, Milania, and Audriana ... as well as a pic of the kids with him and Teresa.

As you know, Joe was deported to his native Italy in 2019 after serving 3 years in prison for fraud ... so the ladies had no choice but to travel internationally to see him in the islands.

Teresa's new hubby, Luis Ruelas, also took the trip with the ladies ... with everyone cheesin' together in one of the pics.

Joe's daughters spent Christmas 2021 with him in Italy, but before you assume Teresa making the trek to see her ex is an awkward situation ... remember, they've kept things very copacetic.

The 2 still seem to have a great relationship, despite their divorce being finalized in 2020 -- Teresa told E! News last month that the family's plan was for everyone to spend the holidays with Joe ... and aying the kids were "so excited."

She mentioned they were all gonna meet Joe's new girlfriend, although it's unclear how that went ... but based on the fam's smilin' photos, safe to assume all is well in the Giudice clan.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Primera selfie en libertad!!!

Gypsy Rose Blanchard está tratando de recuperar el tiempo perdido y se fue directo a las redes para tomarse su primera selfie en libertad, 1 día después de salir de la cárcel.

La famosa criminal no perdió tiempo en coger su teléfono para posar frente al espejo el viernes, ¡y le sale muy natural! ¡Mírala luciendo su mejor ángulo con la mano en la cadera!

Gypsy celebró su primera foto en libertad en el pie de foto y sus encantados seguidores la inundaron de comentarios de felicitaciones y mensajes de apoyo.

La selfie claramente está tomada desde la habitación del hotel que comparte con su marido Ryan antes de que se muden juntos, pero a partir de ahora Gypsy se está adaptando a la vida en el exterior, comenzando por comprar zapatos nuevos.

Había sido fotografiada usando calcetines mientras compraba su calzado nuevo, solo horas después de que Ryan la recogiera tras ser puesta en libertad condicional anticipadamente.

Mientras tanto, los fans de Gypsy no tendrán que depender únicamente de su Instagram para saber lo que está haciendo. La chica también tiene un equipo de cámaras documentando todos sus movimientos para una próxima docuserie de Lifetime.

Esperamos que el documental también cubra su largamente planeado viaje al partido de los Kansas City Chiefs con la esperanza de ver a Taylor Swift.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Welcome Home Party With Family

Gypsy Rose Blanchard is celebrating her release from prison ... and her family is welcoming her back with open arms.

Ya gotta see these photos of the famous felon enjoying a welcome home party with her loved ones ... including her father, stepmom, stepsister and her husband.

Gypsy is smiling from ear to ear in snaps from the party ... posing for pics with father Rod Blanchard and his wife, Kristy. GRB's also reuniting with stepsister Mia Blanchard.

Looks like the fam went all out for the bash ... there's gold balloons spelling out "WELCOME HOME" plus confetti, cake, snacks and Champagne.

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Gypsy even popped a bottle of bubbly ... as did her hubby Ryan.


As you know ... Gypsy got out of prison on parole Thursday after spending 7 years behind bars for her conviction in her mother Dee Dee's murder.

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Since being freed, we've seen Gypsy shopping for new shoes, living out of a hotel and hitting up a McDonald's.

Gypsy and Ryan hit the drive-thru Friday at Mickey D's for her first restaurant meal on the outside ... and it looks like she missed the Golden Arches.

Gypsy's mixing in some quality time with the family too ... at the tail end of the holidays ... and everyone looks super happy.



Gypsy Rose Blanchard is catching up on lost time ... heading online to snap her first selfie of freedom 1 day after her prison release.

The famous felon wasted no time picking up her phone to pose for a mirror selfie Friday -- and she's a natural! Check her out ... sporting her best angle with her hand on her hip!

She celebrated her first selfie of freedom in the caption ... and her delighted followers showered her with congratulatory comments and supportive messages.

The selfie's clearly taken from the hotel room she's sharing with husband Ryan before they move in together -- but as of right now, Gypsy's adapting to life on the outside, beginning with a shoe shopping spree.

She was snapped wearing only socks as she picked up some new footwear ... hours after Ryan picked her up following her early release on parole.

Meanwhile, Gypsy's fans won't have to rely solely on her Insta to see what she's getting up to ... she also has a camera crew documenting her every move for an upcoming Lifetime docuseries.


We're hoping the doc also covers her long-planned trip to the Kansas City Chiefs game in hopes of seeing Taylor Swift!

Gypsy Rose Blanchard dice que la música de Taylor Swift la ayudó a sobrevivir en prisión

Gypsy Rose Blanchard dice que hubo una artista en particular que la ayudó a superar momentos difíciles entre rejas... Taylor Swift.

Gypsy le dice a TMZ que ha sido una Swiftie desde el principio, siguiendo toda la carrera de Taylor y apoyándose en su música mientras cumplía 7 años de prisión.

La famosa delincuente dice que ella y Taylor han pasado por sus propias épocas, y la música de Taylor la llevó a través de algunos de los mejores y peores momentos de su vida.

Más específicamente, Gypsy dice que las canciones de Taylor fueron de gran ayuda para superar el abuso y el trauma que sufrió a manos de su madre Dee Dee así como su tiempo tras las rejas.

Como informamos, Gypsy gastó el dinero que su padre le envió a la cárcel en los álbumes de Taylor. Nos detallan que ella era capaz de comprar todos los álbumes, incluso sus reediciones.

Gypsy dice que las canciones de Taylor la mantuvieron muy motivada para conseguir su libertad y ahora por fin está en libertad condicional.

Como te hemos dicho, Gypsy espera que pueda conocer a la cantante en el partido de este domingo de los Kansas City Chiefs, puesto que ha estado en su radar por un tiempo y su marido, Ryan, ya compró entradas.

Por cierto, fuentes cercanas a Gypsy nos dicen que ella está considerando darle a Taylor un shout-out en las redes sociales, mientras que en el juego con la esperanza de que Taylor lo vea... algo que Gypsy ve como una posibilidad remota.

Será interesante ver si la reunión se produce, como leal Swiftie, Gypsy estará en la luna si su sueño se hace realidad.