Gypsy Rose Blanchard Taylor Swift Was My Rock In Prison

Gypsy Rose Blanchard says there was one artist in particular who helped her get through tough times behind bars ... Taylor Swift.

Gypsy tells TMZ ... she's been a Swiftie since the start, following Taylor's entire career and leaning on her music while serving 7 years in prison.

The famous felon says she and Taylor have both been through their own eras, and Taylor's music carried her through some of the best and worst times of her life.

More specifically, Gypsy says Taylor's tunes were a big help in getting through the abuse and trauma she suffered at the hands of her mother Dee Dee ... as well as her time behind bars.

As we reported, Gypsy would spend the money her father sent her in prison on Taylor's albums ... and we're told she was able to purchase every album Taylor put out, including her re-releases.

Gypsy says Taylor's songs kept her extremely motivated towards gaining her freedom ... and now she's finally out on parole.


As we've told you ... Gypsy's hoping she can meet her idol at this Sunday's Kansas City Chiefs game ... it's been on her radar for a while and her husband, Ryan, already bought tickets.

BTW, sources close to Gypsy tell us she's considering giving Taylor a shout-out on social media while at the game in hopes that Taylor sees it ... something Gypsy recognizes is a long shot.

It will be interesting to see if the meeting happens ... as a loyal Swiftie, Gypsy will be over the moon if her dream comes true.

Desestiman las acusaciones de abuso de la ex mujer de Jessey Lee

La estrella de "Bling Empire" Jessey Lee acaba de anotarse una gran victoria legal sobre su ex esposa. Ella lo acusó de abusar de ella y sus hijos, pero la solicitud de una orden de restricción ha sido desestimada.

De acuerdo con nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, la solicitud de Crystal Hoang Lee de una orden de restricción contra Jessey ha sido desestimada.

TMZ publicó la historia, la ex esposa de Jessey presentó una orden judicial de protección contra él a principios de este mes, entregando impactantes acusaciones de violencia contra él.

Crystal, que una vez estuvo casada con Jessey y tiene dos hijos con él, afirmó que golpeó a uno de sus hijos porque el niño no se iba a dormir. También le acusó de haberle provocado un aborto involuntario, pero sus documentos no entraban en más detalles sobre esa acusación. Al final, el juez desestimó todas las acusaciones por falta de pruebas.

En su solicitud de orden de alejamiento, Crystal también acusó a Jessey de golpearla, de abandonar a su familia para irse a jugar y de desarraigar a los niños. Debemos mencionar que un juez de Texas ya le había concedido la custodia temporal completa a Jessy antes de que Crystal solicitara la TRO.

El juez denegó la solicitud de Crystal de una orden de restricción temporal y fijó una audiencia para la semana pasada y ahora el juez la ha desestimado por completo.

El abogado de Jessey James Daily le dice a TMZ: "Es profundamente preocupante ser testigo de cómo los medios de comunicación pueden ser influenciados por afirmaciones sensacionalistas, especialmente a la luz de la abrumadora evidencia en contra de Crystal Lee. Declarada culpable de 73 cargos de desacato, sus acciones no solo trataron de difamar injustamente el carácter de Jessy Lee, sino que también despreciaron descaradamente el bienestar de sus hijos. Jessy, conocido por su naturaleza amable y cariñosa, ha sido víctima de una difamación maliciosa, un intento de ensombrecer su verdadera identidad como padre devoto y respetado hombre de negocios".


"Bling Empire" star Jessey Lee just scored a huge legal victory over his ex-wife... she accused him of abusing her and their kids, but her request for a restraining has been tossed.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Crystal Hoang Lee's request for a restraining order against Jessey has been dismissed.

TMZ broke the story ... Jessey's ex-wife filed for court-ordered protection from him earlier this month, leveling shocking allegations of violence against him.

Crystal, who was once married to Jessey and has 2 children with him, claimed he hit one of their kids because the child wouldn't go to sleep. She also accused him of causing her to suffer a miscarriage, but her docs didn't go into further detail on that allegation. In the end, the judge dismissed all allegations for lack of evidence.

In her restraining order request, Crystal also accused Jessey of hitting her, leaving their family to go off and gamble, and uprooting the kids. We should mention, a Texas judge had already awarded temporary full custody to Jessy before Crystal even filed for the TRO.

The judge denied Crystal's request for a TRO and set a hearing for last week ... and now the judge has dismissed it altogether.

Jessey's attorney James Daily tells TMZ ... "It’s deeply concerning to witness how the media can be swayed by sensationalist claims, especially in light of the overwhelming evidence against Crystal Lee. Found guilty on 73 counts of contempt, her actions not only sought to unfairly malign Jessy Lee’s character but also blatantly disregarded the well-being of their children. Jessy, known for his gentle and loving nature, has been a victim of malicious defamation, an attempt to overshadow his true identity as a devoted father and respected businessman."

Illinois Star Terrence Shannon Jr. Charged With Rape ... Suspended From Team

Illinois star Terrence Shannon Jr. has been suspended from the Illini men's basketball team after he was charged with rape, the university announced Thursday.

According to the school, Shannon Jr. turned himself in to police in Douglas County, Kansas, on a warrant for his arrest this week ... after he was accused of sexual misconduct while he was in Lawrence back in September for Illinois' football game against the Jayhawks.

The school said Shannon Jr. was "not in Lawrence on official University business, nor was he a member of the University's travel party" when the alleged incident happened.

Jail records show Shannon Jr. posted $50,000 bail shortly after cops placed him in custody on Thursday.

The basketball player's attorney, Mark P. Sutter, said in a statement his client is innocent ... writing, "Since September, when these allegations surfaced, Terrence has cooperated with law enforcement throughout the investigation, declaring his innocence from the beginning."

"Now, several months later, my office learned that formal charges were filed against him yesterday in Lawrence, KS," Sutter added. "In less than 24 hours, my client responded, and he voluntarily surrendered to local authorities for processing and release. Terrence is innocent of these charges, and he intends to take his case to trial."

Shannon Jr. just transferred to Illinois last season after three years at Texas Tech -- and he's become the Illini's best player.

Through 11 games, he's scored 239 points -- and has been projected by pundits to be a potential pick in the 2024 NBA Draft.

Von Miller Breaks Silence On Arrest ... Calls DV Claims '100% False'


Von Miller is finally opening up on his domestic violence arrest ... adamantly saying the allegations against him are "100 percent false."

The Buffalo Bills superstar sat in front of media members for over 10 minutes on Thursday to explain his side of the story ... roughly one month after he was thrown behind bars for allegedly roughing up his pregnant girlfriend during a bye-week argument in Dallas.

Miller repeated over and over again that he did not put his hands on his GF -- saying emphatically, "All of it is incorrect. All of it is untrue."

"Never in any of my relationships that I've been in, never in my current relationship with my girlfriend, did any of those things happen," he said.

"It is 100 percent false," he added. "It's overblown."

Miller was accused of pushing and shoving his GF, before putting his hands around her neck following a dispute over travel plans. In 911 audio, Miller's alleged victim can be heard telling an operator, "My boyfriend was choking me, hitting me, pulling my hair."


"I have bruises all over me," she added in the call, before saying she had "some blood on me."

Miller, however, said the claims were simply just not true, telling reporters, "All of it is incorrect."

"All I can say is it's just a matter of time before everything gets set straight," he said.

Miller -- who has been allowed to play for the Bills despite the allegations -- has not been criminally charged in the case as an investigation remains ongoing.

As for his relationship now with his girlfriend, Miller said, "Everything is normal."

"It was just a crazy day."

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Vamos por unos zapatos!!!

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Gypsy fuera de prisión

Gypsy Rose Blanchard está disfrutando su primer sorbo de la libertad y una de sus primeras peticiones fue el calzado.

La famosa criminal y su marido Ryan se fueron de compras el jueves, a comprar algunos artículos de primera necesidad, como nuevos pares de zapatos.

Gypsy no está yendo de compras como terapia exactamente, en este caso, parece que realmente necesitaba los zapatos nuevos porque temprano en el día la vimos salir de su habitación de hotel solo con calcetines en los pies.

GRB y su marido han estado paseando en su sedán Cadillac blanco desde que la recogió el jueves temprano tras su anticipada liberación en libertad condicional, y tienen un equipo de cámaras documentando todos sus movimientos para una próxima docuserie de Lifetime.

Con su nueva libertad al alcance de la mano, Gypsy parece súper feliz aquí y tiene más planes en el horizonte, como por ejemplo, tratar de cumplir su sueño de ver a Taylor Swift este fin de semana en el juego de los Kansas City Chiefs.

Lo cubrimos todo en el último episodio de TMZ Verified, disponible en todas las plataformas de podcast.

Condena cumplida

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Let's Get Some Shoes!!!

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Gypsy Rose Blanchard is getting her first taste of freedom ... and one of her first orders of business is footwear.

The famous felon and her husband Ryan went on a bit of a shopping spree Thursday, buying her some necessities ... like new kicks from a shoe warehouse.

Gypsy's not exactly doing retail therapy here ... she really needed the new shoes ... because earlier in the day we saw her leaving their hotel room wearing only socks on her feet.

GRB and her hubby have been tooling around in his white Cadillac sedan since he picked her up early Thursday following her early release on parole ... and they have a camera crew documenting her every move for an upcoming Lifetime docuseries.

With her newfound freedom in hand, Gypsy looks super happy here ... and she's got more big plans on the horizon ... like trying to meet Taylor Swift this weekend at the Kansas City Chiefs game.

We covered it all on the latest episode of TMZ Verified, available on all podcast platforms.


El marido de Gypsy Rose Blanchard la recoge de la cárcel con un equipo de cámaras

Gypsy Rose Blanchard ya no está tras las rejas y TMZ tiene el primer vistazo a su recogida de la cárcel. Se puede ver su marido con un equipo de cámaras documentando todos sus movimientos.

La famosa delincuente fue puesta en libertad condicional el jueves temprano, y cuando salió del Centro Correccional en Chillicothe, fue recibida por su marido, Ryan Scott Anderson.

Gypsy quería mantener a los medios de comunicación alejados de la prisión y se marchó en un carro, pero no rehúye a la cámara de Ryan. Después de todo, ella es el tema de un próximo documental de Lifetime.

Ryan, un profesor de Louisiana que se casó con Gypsy en la cárcel el año pasado, capturó a su esposa gozando de su libertad luego de pasar siete años tras rejas y luego él y el fotógrafo volvieron al hotel unas horas más tarde, sin Gypsy.

Como te dijimos por primera vez, la liberación de Gypsy era supersecreta, a los medios de comunicación y a los fans no se les permitió en las instalaciones y el estacionamiento estaba fuera de los límites también.

Sin embargo, Ryan y su fotógrafo tenían el ticket de oro, su carro se destacó en el estacionamiento vacío, y no solo por la matrícula personalizada "Hitman", un homenaje al famoso luchador de la WWE.

La vuelta a casa de Gypsy ha sido muy esperada, recordemos fue condenada a una década entre rejas en 2016 al ser declarada culpable del asesinato de su madre, Dee Dee Blanchard, quien fue acusada de obligar a Gypsy a fingir ser discapacitada durante años.

El entonces novio de Gypsy, Nick Godejohn, admitió haber asesinado a Dee Dee en 2015 para ayudar a Gypsy a escapar de las garras de su madre y todavía está cumpliendo cadena perpetua.

Como hemos informado, a Gypsy se concedió la libertad condicional en septiembre y su liberación del jueves llega tres años antes de su fecha de liberación original.

El caso de Gypsy capturó la atención de la nación y dio lugar a un documentalnb de HBO y una serie de Hulu, aunque su historia será contada ahora en sus propias palabras gracias al nuevo documental de tres partes, "Las confesiones de prisión de Gypsy Rose Blanchard". Por eso el equipo de cámara en esta oportunidad.

El documental, que se estrenará a principios de 2024, relatará la boda de Gypsy y Ryan en la cárcel, mientras que también destacará los primeros días de su vida post-prisión, ¡incluyendo un viaje para ver a los Kansas City Chiefs de la NFL con la esperanza de conocer a Taylor Swift!


Gypsy Rose Blanchard is no longer behind bars and TMZ has the first look at her prison pickup ... featuring her husband and a camera crew documenting her every move.

The famous felon was freed on parole early Thursday, and when she departed Chillicothe Correctional Center in Chillicothe, MO she was greeted by a familiar face ... her hubby, Ryan Scott Anderson.

Gypsy wanted to keep media away from the prison, and she left in a car ... but she's not shying away from Ryan's camera guy. After all, she's the subject of an upcoming Lifetime doc.

Ryan, a teacher from Louisiana who married Gypsy in prison last year, captured his wife's first taste of freedom after her 7 years behind bars ... and then he and the photog went back to their hotel a few hours later, without Gypsy.

As we first told you, Gypsy's release was super secretive ... media and fans weren't allowed on the premises, and the parking lot was off limits too.

Ryan and his photog had the golden ticket though ... his car stood out in the empty parking lot, and not just because of the personalized 'Hitman' license plate -- a tribute to the famous WWE wrestler.


Gypsy's homecoming has been eagerly anticipated ... remember, she was was sentenced to a decade behind bars back in 2016 being convicted in the murder of her mother, Dee Dee Blanchard -- who was accused of forcing Gypsy to pretend to be disabled for years.

Gypsy's then-boyfriend, Nick Godejohn, admitted to murdering Dee Dee in 2015 to help GRB escape her mother's clutches -- and he's still serving a life sentence.

As we reported ... Gypsy was granted parole in September, and her release on Thursday comes 3 years before her original release date.

Gypsy's case captured the nation's attention and spawned an HBO doc and a Hulu series ... though her story will now be told in her own words thanks to the new 3-part doc, "The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard." Hence the camera crew here.

Set to debut in early 2024, the doc will chronicle Gypsy and Ryan's prison wedding ... while also highlighting the early days of her post-prison life ... including a trip to see the NFL's Kansas City Chiefs in hopes of meeting Taylor Swift!

Big Hit I'm 🅱️angin' On These Beats ... Changing The Meaning For The Streets!!!

Bangin' As Long As I'm Breathin'

Big Hit is downplaying the notion he's actively gangbanging after his viral freestyle said quite the opposite ... but he still wants fans to tackle life with the same tough-nosed approach!!!

TMZ Hip Hop caught up with Hit-Boy's father outside L.A. Fitness in Hollywood on Wednesday where he elaborated on his recent bangfest on wax.

Remember ... BH recently went nutty over Mobb Deep's "Get Away" instrumental, rhyming "bang" with every other word -- and he tells us the term is simply a macho expression that no longer motivates beef between Crips or Bloods ... at least in his eyes.

Bang on your job, bang on the schoolbooks, bang bang like Pops from "Boomerang" ... whatever you choose, do it to standard is Big Hit's motto here.


BH wasted no time dropping his debut "The Truth Is In My Eyes" -- where he managed to snag a Snoop Dogg feature -- and some friendly advice on how to stay jail-free.

The OG was released from prison this summer after serving a 9-year bid for gun possession, but he's scoffing at the folks who are telling him he's too old for this behavior.

Sounds like Big Hit is going to rep his section at all costs and bang on TMZ while he's at it!!!

Idaho Murder House Torn Down ... Year After Kohberger Arrest

The home where 4 University of Idaho students were brutally murdered has been demolished ... this coming a year after suspected killer Bryan Kohberger was arrested.

The Dark Demolition
Court TV

The demo crew got to work early Thursday morning on razing the property in Moscow, ID ... the sun was barely up when demolition began, and the whole front of the building was out of sight in roughly 15 minutes.

The university claimed the demolition could take several days, although the property already looks completely unrecognizable. University officials said the decision to tear it down was an attempt "to decrease further impact on the students who live in that area."

As you know, it's been almost a year since 29-year-old Kohberger was arrested for the November 2022 murders of Kaylee Goncalves, Maddie Mogen, Xana Kernodle, and Ethan Chapin, who were all found dead inside the home.

The Goncalves and Kernodle families issued a statement Wednesday, asking the university to wait to tear the building down until Kohberger's trial is completed -- even though a trial date has not been set.

Kaylee's family claimed the teardown would "destroy one of the most critical pieces of evidence in the case," but the home is gone now.

Casa del asesino de Idaho Es derribada... Un año después del arresto de Kohberger

La casa donde 4 estudiantes de la Universidad de Idaho fueron brutalmente asesinados ha sido demolida, un año después de que el presunto asesino Bryan Kohberger fue arrestado.

Tenebrosa demolición
Court TV

El equipo de demostración se puso a trabajar temprano la mañana del jueves para arrasar con la propiedad ubicada en Moscú, Idaho. El sol apenas había salido cuando comenzó la demolición y en unos 15 minutos todo el frente del edificio desapareció de la vista.

La universidad dijo que la demolición podría durar varios días, aunque el inmueble ya luce completamente irreconocible. Funcionarios de la universidad dijeron que la decisión de derribarlo fue un intento de "disminuir el impacto en los estudiantes que viven en esa zona".

Como saben, ha pasado casi un año desde que Kohberger, de 29 años, fue arrestado por los asesinatos de Kaylee Goncalves, Maddie Mogen, Xana Kernodle y Ethan Chapin en noviembre de 2022, quienes fueron encontrados muertos al interior de la casa.

Las familias Goncalves y Kernodle emitieron una declaración el miércoles, pidiendo a la universidad que espere para derribar el edificio hasta que el juicio de Kohberger se haya completado, a pesar de que la fecha del juicio no se ha fijado.

La familia de Kaylee ha dicho que la demolición significaría "destruir una de las piezas más críticas de las pruebas en el caso", aunque la casa ya ha desaparecido.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Es liberada de la cárcel

Gypsy Rose Blanchard está de vuelta en el mundo exterior, pues acaba de ser liberada de prisión y se encuentra en libertad condicional.

Gypsy había estado cumpliendo una condena de 10 años tras las rejas luego de ser declarada culpable de asesinato en segundo grado en relación con la muerte de su madre, Dee Dee Blanchard.

Como ya informamos, a Gypsy se le concedió la libertad condicional en septiembre y el Departamento Correccional de Missouri programó su liberación para el 28 de diciembre, tres años antes de su fecha de liberación.

Recuerden, Gypsy fue sentenciada a una década tras las rejas en 2016 después de declararse culpable del asesinato de su madre, un caso que generó un documental de HBO y una serie con guion de Hulu.

Recordarán que Dee Dee fue acusada de obligar a Gypsy a pretender ser discapacitada durante años, de mantenerla como un rehén e incluso de atarla a una cama después de que Gypsy intentara escapar de sus garras.

Dee Dee sufría el síndrome de Munchausen, un trastorno mental en el que la persona inventa enfermedades o realmente causa daño a alguien por simpatía o atención.

El entonces novio de Gypsy, Nick Godejohn, admitió haber asesinado a Dee Dee en 2015 para ayudar a Gypsy a escapar de su madre.

Mientras ahora Gypsy disfruta de una nueva libertad, Godejohn fue declarado culpable de asesinato y está cumpliendo cadena perpetua.

GRB, que ahora tiene 32 años, ha dicho en entrevistas en la cárcel que se sentía más libre entre rejas que cuando vivía con Dee Dee y dice que lamenta el asesinato de su madre.

Lo próximo para Gypsy es un viaje para ver a los Kansas City Chiefs de la NFL. Le dijo previamente a TMZ que ella y su marido Ryan consiguieron entradas para el partido de KC del 31 de diciembre, donde espera conocer a Taylor Swift.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Released From Prison

Gypsy Rose Blanchard's back on the outside ... she's just been released from behind bars and is out on parole.

Gypsy had been serving a 10-year prison sentence after being convicted of second-degree murder in connection with the death of her mother, Dee Dee Blanchard.

As we reported ... Gypsy was granted parole in September and the Missouri Department of Corrections scheduled her release for Dec. 28, three years before her release date.

Remember ... Gypsy was sentenced to a decade behind bars back in 2016 after pleading guilty to her mother's murder, a case that spawned an HBO documentary and a Hulu scripted series.

You'll recall ... Dee Dee was accused of forcing Gypsy to pretend to be disabled for years, holding her hostage and even tying her up in a bed after Gypsy tried to escape her clutches.

Dee Dee suffered from Munchausen by proxy ... a mental disorder where someone fabricates illnesses or actually causes injury to someone for sympathy or attention.

Gypsy's then-boyfriend, Nick Godejohn, admitted to murdering Dee Dee in 2015 to help Gypsy escape her mother.

While Gypsy is now enjoying some newfound freedom, Godejohn was convicted of murder and is serving a life sentence.


GRB, now 32 years old, has said in prison interviews she felt more free behind bars than she was when she was living with Dee Dee ... and she says she regrets her mother's murder.

Up next for Gypsy is a trip to see the NFL's Kansas City Chiefs ... she previously told TMZ she and her husband, Ryan, got tickets for KC's Dec. 31 game, where she's hoping to meet Taylor Swift.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Prison Release To Be Secretive Process

Gypsy Rose Blanchard is only a few hours away from her early prison release ... but she's not being let out to a bunch of pomp and circumstance ... in fact, quite the opposite.

The felon, who was serving a 10-year sentence for second-degree murder, is set to be released Thursday from the Chillicothe Correctional Center in Chillicothe, MO ... and we've learned it's going to be a secretive process.

Karen Pojmann, Communications Director for the Missouri Department of Corrections, tells TMZ ... no one will be allowed on the premises for Gypsy's upcoming release, which means no media, fans or spectators.

The parking lot is off limits too ... and we're told it's all about protecting prison staff, ensuring safety at the prison, and protecting Gypsy's privacy.

Gypsy's exact time of release is also being kept under wraps and she's not interested in talking to media during her exit ... even though she's been giving interviews from prison ahead of her high-profile release.

We're told Gypsy wanted her release to be super low-key... and the prison is keeping things close to the vest here because of her fame.

Gypsy was granted parole in September and is being released 3 years early. In 2016 she was sentenced to a decade behind bars after being convicted in her mother's murder. The prison says her release process is a year in the making ... with officials taking time to make sure all the I's are dotted and the T's are crossed.

Once Gypsy leaves custody, we're told corrections officials are hoping she can go on to be successful and lead a normal life.

During Gypsy's 7 years in prison, we're told she took photography and videography classes, got involved with the media team and explored higher education opportunities.


Now that Gypsy's being released on parole, we're told she has a plan for where she's going to live and how she's going to keep up with her parole officer.

As we reported ... one of Gypsy's first orders of business is to try and meet Taylor Swift this Sunday at the Kansas City Chiefs football game.

Kodak Black le pide a Hamás que libere a los rehenes israelíes

Kodak Black está apoyando a Israel como solo él puede, con algunas joyas nuevas y un video incoherente.

TMZ obtuvo un video que hizo Kodak antes de su más reciente viaje tras las rejas. En el video le pide a Hamás que libere a los rehenes israelíes en Gaza y prometiéndole apoyo a sus "homies hebreos" mientras la guerra hace estragos en el Oriente Medio.

se me va a salir el corazón

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Kodak grabó el video en su casa de Florida, sentándose delante de la cámara en algún momento entre su arresto por drogas en diciembre y su posterior regreso a la cárcel federal.

Kodak está mostrando nuevo bling en el video, un anillo personalizado con el símbolo del pueblo judío, la estrella de David.

Nos informan que la nueva joya del rapero cuenta con 7.8 quilates de diamantes VVS1 y 14 quilates de oro blanco, además es de diseñador y viene con una etiqueta de precio de $20.000.

Kodak es básicamente el anti-Kanye West en esta situación, dándole su apoyo a Israel y el pueblo judío en la guerra contra los terroristas de Hamás.

En el otro extremo del espectro, Kanye va en repugnantes diatribas antisemitas y disculparse con una declaración que parece estar escrito por la inteligencia artificial.