Kodak Black Check Out My Star of David Bling ... Release Israeli Hostages!!!

Kodak Black is supporting Israel as only he can ... with some new jewelry and a rambling video message.

TMZ obtained a video Kodak filmed before his most recent trip behind bars, and he's calling for Hamas to release Israeli hostages in Gaza and pledging his support for his "Hebrew homies" as war rages in the Middle East.

"My Heart Goes Out"

Our sources say Kodak shot the video at his home in Florida, sitting down in front of the camera sometime between his December drug bust and subsequent return to federal lockup.

Kodak's showing off some new bling in the video ... a custom ring with the symbol of the Jewish people ... the Star of David.

We're told KB's new bling features 7.8 carats of VVS1 clarity diamonds and 14-karat white gold ... it was purchased from NYC Luxury and it comes with a $20,000 price tag.

Kodak's basically the anti-Kanye West here ... supporting Israel and the Jewish people in the war against Hamas terrorists.

On the other end of the spectrum, Kanye's going on disgusting antisemitic rants ... and apologizing with a statement that seems to be written by artificial intelligence.

La liberación de Gypsy Rose Blanchard será un proceso secreto

Gypsy Rose Blanchard está a solo unas horas de su liberación anticipada de la prisión, pero no va a salir de manera pública, de hecho, todo lo contrario.

La delincuente, que cumplía una condena de 10 años por asesinato en segundo grado, será liberada el jueves del Centro Correccional en Chillicothe, y hemos decubierto que será un proceso secreto.

Karen Pojmann, Directora de Comunicaciones para el Departamento de Missouri de Correccionales, le dice a TMZ que no se permitirá a nadie en las instalaciones durante liberación de Gypsy, lo que significa que no habrá medios de comunicación, aficionados o espectadores.

El aparcamiento está fuera de los límites también y nos dicen que todo esto es para asegurar la protección del personal penitenciario, garantizar la seguridad en la prisión y resguardar la privacidad de Gypsy.

El momento exacto de la liberación de Gypsy también se mantiene en secreto y no está interesada en hablar con los medios de comunicación durante su salida a pesar de que ha dando entrevistas desde la cárcel antes de su liberación.

Nos informan que Gypsy quería que su liberación fuera super discreta y la prisión está manteniendo las cosas de esa manera.

A Gypsy se le concedió la libertad condicional en septiembre y saldrá tres años antes. En 2016 fue condenada a una década entre rejas tras ser declarada culpable del asesinato de su madre. La prisión dice que su proceso de liberación lleva un año y que los funcionarios se toman su tiempo para asegurarse de que se ponen los puntos sobre las íes.

Una vez que Gypsy salga de la cárcel, los funcionarios esperan que pueda tener éxito y llevar una vida normal.

Durante los siete años que Gypsy ha pasado en prisión, hemos sabido que ha recibido clases de fotografía y videografía, que ha colaborado con el equipo de medios de comunicación y que ha estudiado la posibilidad de cursar estudios superiores.

Ahora que Gypsy va a salir en libertad condicional, nos dicen que tiene un plan para dónde va a vivir y cómo va a mantenerse al día con su oficial de libertad condicional.

Como informamos, una de las primeras órdenes de Gypsy es tratar de conocer a Taylor Swift este domingo en el partido de fútbol de los Kansas City Chiefs.

Danny Masterson Se publica su primera foto policial... Tras ser trasladado a prisión estatal

Danny Masterson está teniendo un cambio de escenario, pues el actor acaba de ser trasladado a la prisión estatal y TMZ tiene el primer vistazo de su ficha policial.

Acabamos de obtener la foto y la estrella de "That '70s Show" no se ve muy contento. El pelo y la barba de Danny lucen desordenados, él tiene la boca cerrada y no esboza ninguna sonrisa.

En cuanto a dónde está siendo alojado, Danny se registró el miércoles en la Prisión Estatal North Kern State en Delano, California, cerca de 143 millas al norte de Los Ángeles.

Las nuevas instalaciones de Danny son las mismas del rapero Tory Lanez, quien ha estado encerrado allí desde septiembre. Aunque su sentencia es mucho más corta que la de Danny.

Recuerden, Masterson fue condenado a 30 años tras las rejas en septiembre, después de haber sido declarado culpable de dos cargos de violación forzada.

Antes de la prisión estatal, Danny estuvo detenido en la Cárcel Central de Hombres del Condado de Los Ángeles.

Como informamos en su momento, al principio Masterson se mantuvo fuera de la zona de reos generales a la espera de su sentencia. Permaneció en la misma zona que otros reclusos de alto perfil del pasado, como Suge Knight y O.J. Simpson.

Tras su condena, la esposa de Danny y actriz, Bijou Phillips, le pidió el divorcio. Él acordó que Bijou tuviera la custodia completa de su hija de 9 años.

Ustedes recordarán que Masterson fue acusado de violación en 2020. Las presuntas víctimas alegaban que los incidentes habían ocurrido entre 2001 y 2003, justo en el medio de su trabajo en "That '70s Show".

Danny ha mantenido que es inocente, alegando que los incidentes fueron completamente consensuados.

A pesar de todo, ahora se está instalando en su nueva vida tras las rejas.


Danny Masterson is getting a change of scenery ... he was just transferred to state prison and TMZ has the first look at his first mug shot.

We just obtained the pic ... and the "That '70s Show" star looks none too pleased. Danny's hair and beard look messy, and he's keeping his mouth shut, and not cracking a smile.

As for where Danny is being housed, he checked in Wednesday at North Kern State Prison in Delano, CA ... about 143 miles north of Los Angeles.

Danny's new digs are the same prison where rapper Tory Lanez is behind bars. Tory's been locked up there since September, but his sentence is a lot shorter than Danny's.

Remember ... Masterson was sentenced to 30 years to life behind bars back in September, after being convicted on two counts of forcible rape.

Before state prison, Danny was being held in L.A. County Men's Central Jail.

As we first reported, Masterson was kept out of general population while awaiting sentencing ... staying in the same area as other high-profile inmates from the past, like Suge Knight and O.J. Simpson.

Following his conviction, Danny's actress wife, Bijou Phillips, filed for divorce ... and he agreed Bijou should have full custody of their 9-year-old daughter.

You'll recall, Masterson was charged with rape back in 2020, with the alleged victims claiming the incidents went down between 2001 and 2003 -- smack in the middle of his work on "That '70s Show."

Danny's maintained his innocence ... claiming the incidents were completely consensual.

Regardless, Danny's now settling into his new life behind bars.

La familia de una víctima de asesinato ataca a un sospechoso en el estrado

caos en la corte
Jason Wolff at Calfas Law

Una pelea estalló dentro de una sala de audiencias de Texas entre la familia de una víctima de asesinato de 15 años de edad y su presunto asesino y todo fue todo capturado en video.

Esta es la historia... en mayo de 2022, Ethan Soto fue presuntamente muerto a tiros por Víctor Rivas en un posible acto de represalia por un robo relacionado con las drogas en San Antonio, dijo la policía.

Luego, el martes, la hermana embarazada de Soto, Savanah, de 18 años, fue encontrada muerta junto con su novio, Matthew Guerra, de 22 años, tres días después de que se denunciara su desaparición.

Los detectives están investigando sus muertes como posibles homicidios, aunque no está claro si sus casos tienen alguna conexión con el asesinato de Ethan.

Un avance rápido hasta octubre de 2022 en una sala del tribunal de San Antonio, donde Rivas subió al estrado para testificar en el juicio por el asesinato de Ethan con la familia Soto presente.

Mientras Rivas testificaba, cuatro miembros de la familia Soto le atacaron en el estrado y todo quedó grabado en un video que fue publicado el martes en el DailyMail.

Los miembros de la familia se abalanzaron sobre Rivas, golpeándolo con sus puños hasta que los oficiales de la corte saltaron y pusieron la situación bajo control. Los oficiales rápidamente llevaron a Rivas -que no fue herido de gravedad- fuera de la sala del tribunal a un lugar seguro.

Cuatro personas fueron detenidas -dos varones adultos y dos varones menores de edad- y se espera que sean acusados de asalto y perturbar los procedimientos judiciales.

Texas Courtroom Brawl Homicide Victim's Family Attacks Suspect in Court

Jason Wolff at Calfas Law

A massive brawl broke out inside a Texas courtroom between the family of a 15-year-old murder victim and his alleged killer ... and the violence was all caught on newly released video.

First the back story ... in May 2022, Ethan Soto was allegedly fatally shot by Victor Rivas in a possible act of retaliation for a drug-related robbery in San Antonio, police said.

Then, on Tuesday, Soto's pregnant sister, Savanah, 18, was found dead along with her boyfriend, Matthew Guerra, 22, three days after they were reported missing.

Detectives are now investigating their deaths as possible homicides, although it's unclear if their cases have any connection to Ethan's slaying.

Fast forward to October 2022 in a San Antonio courtroom, where Rivas took the stand to testify at trial for Ethan's murder with the Soto family present.

As Rivas was testifying, four members of the Soto family attacked him on the stand and it was all recorded on video, which was published Tuesday in the DailyMail.

Check it out ... the family members lunged at Rivas, pummeling him with their fists until court officers jumped in and brought the situation under control. Officers quickly led Rivas -- who was not seriously hurt -- out of the courtroom to safety.

Four people were arrested -- two adult males and two juvenile males - and expected to be charged with assault and disrupting court proceedings.

Tiffany Haddish Y'all ... Bev Hills Jails Are A Beaut! ... Jokes About DUI Arrest At Christmas Stand-Up Event

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Tiffany Haddish has turned her misfortune into some more comedy gold ... 'cause she took time out of her latest set to talk all about the "beautiful" Beverly Hills jails, on the heels of her appearing in court for her DUI arrest.

Tiff was crackin' wise at The Laugh Factory's annual Christmas feast Monday night, held for families in need -- but with her arrest and DUI case on everyone's mind, she decided to address it ... and while dressed as Mrs. Claus, no less.

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The comedian says the jails Beverly Hills has to offer are some of the most beautiful facilities -- getting a big laugh from the crowd, before joking about some of its many amenities.

While she didn't try the jail's food after taking multiple plates on Thanksgiving, Tiffany says the place was really clean, which ya wouldn't always expect from a jail ... and she even raves about the feminine products they had on deck for her.

As we reported, Tiffany pled not guilty last week to 2 counts of driving under the influence of alcohol and driving with a .08% BAC ... remember, she was arrested in Bev Hills last month when cops claimed she was asleep at the wheel.

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Don't forget, Tiffany joked about her arrest less than a day after it went down ... saying her prayers for a guy in uniform certainly were answered, just not in the way she was hoping for.


Tiffany Haddish bromea sobre las "hermosas" cárceles de Beverly Hills

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Tiffany Haddish ha convertido su desgracia en comedia, porque se tomó el tiempo en su último set para hablar todo sobre las "hermosas" cárceles de Beverly Hills, justo antes de su comparecencia ante el tribunal por su arresto por DUI.

Tiff estuvo en la fiesta anual de Navidad de The Laugh Factory lunes por la noche. Fiesta que se celebra para las familias necesitadas, pero con su detención y el caso de DUI en la mente de todos, decidió abordar los temas en el show... vestida como la señora Claus, nada menos.

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La comediante dice que las cárceles que Beverly Hills tiene para ofrecer son algunas de las instalaciones más bellas, consiguiendo una gran carcajada de la multitud antes de bromear sobre algunas de sus muchas comodidades.

Mientras que ella no probó la comida de la cárcel después de tomar varios platos en Acción de Gracias, Tiffany dice que el lugar estaba muy limpio e incluso delira sobre los productos femeninos que tenían en la cubierta para ella.

Como informamos, Tiffany se declaró inocente la semana pasada de dos cargos de conducción bajo la influencia del alcohol y conducir con un 0,08% BAC, recordemos que fue detenida en Bev Hills el mes pasado cuando los policías afirmaron que estaba dormida al volante.

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la vida continúa

No olvidemos que Tiffany bromeó sobre su arresto menos de un día después de que cayó, diciendo que sus oraciones por un hombre en uniforme ciertamente fueron contestadas, pero no de la manera que ella esperaba.

Charlie Sheen Neighbor Charged With Assault ... After Alleged Attack


4:58 PM PT -- Charlie Sheen's neighbor, Electra Schrock, pleaded not guilty in Tuesday's arraignment ... and the court issued a criminal protective order, which requires her to completely stay away from the actor and his residence.

Charlie Sheen's neighbor has officially been charged with a felony after the cops accused her of trying to strangle the actor.

The Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office charged Electra Schrock with one count of assault by means of force likely to produce great bodily injury -- and she's now being held on $75,000 bail, pending her arraignment.

TMZ broke the story … cops were called to Charlie's L.A. apartment last Wednesday after he called 911 to report that Schrock barged into his home and attacked him when he answered her knock on his door.

Law enforcement sources tell us ... Shrock ripped Charlie's shirt and attempted to strangle him before she returned to her own apartment on a higher floor.

Given the two are neighbors, police didn't have a tough time tracking down Shrock and arresting her. She was then booked into the L.A. County jail.

This may not have been the first time Shrock had a run-in with Charlie, who allegedly told officers the assault suspect recently squirted a sticky substance on his car.


It's unclear what triggered the alleged incidents.

Chrisleys, Joe Exotic, Weinstein Extra Gravy, Hold The Coal ... Christmas Prison Feasts

America's most famous prisoners won't be home for Christmas ... but that doesn't mean it's just another day behind bars ... look no further than their prison menus.

TMZ did some digging, and celebrity convicts are being served traditional Christmas fare ... like Cornish hens.

Here's a breakdown of their Xmas spreads:

Derek Chauvin at Arizona's FCI Tucson:

-- Herbed Cornish hens, cornbread dressing, garlic cheese potatoes, whole kernel corn, chicken gravy, whole wheat bread, holiday dessert

R. Kelly at North Carolina's FCI Butner Medium I

-- Cornish Hens, cream of broccoli, cornbread dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, sweet potatoes, glazed carrots, dinner rolls, pecan pie

Josh Duggar at Texas' FCI Seagoville

-- Baked Cornish hen, mashed potatoes, chicken gravy, dinner rolls, cheese and rice casserole, holiday pies

Julie Chrisley at Kentucky's FMC Lexington:

-- Roast turkey, baked candied yams with marshmallows, cornbread dressing, macaroni and cheese, cream gravy, cranberry sauce, dinner rolls, pecan pie

Todd Chrisley at Florida's FPC Pensacola:

-- Baked ham, turkey, macaroni and cheese, green beans, cranberry sauce, whole wheat bread, fresh fruit, pie

Joe Exotic at Texas' FMC Fort Worth

-- Baked Cornish hens, bread stuffing, macaroni and cheese, carrots, chicken gravy, cranberry sauce, dinner rolls, holiday pie

Harvey Weinstein at New York's Mohawk Correctional Facility:

-- Baked chicken breast, seasoned chicken gravy, steamed white rice, steamed kernel corn, dinner rolls, margarine, ice cream sundae

Tory Lanez at California Correctional Institution Tehachapi:

-- Pineapple glazed ham, carrot and pineapple salad, mashed potatoes, beef gravy, mixed vegetables, dinner roll, ice cream, blueberry crisp

These celeb convicts aren't just being treated to a special holiday spread, some prisons are offering special games and activities on Christmas Day.

It sounds nice, but it's a safe bet they would all rather be home with their families.

Se revelan las comidas de los presos famosos en la cárcel el día de Navidad de 2023

Los presos más famosos de Estados Unidos no estarán en casa por Navidad, pero eso no significa que sea un día normal tras las rejas.

TMZ investigó y descubrió que los convictos de celebridades se sirven comida tradicional de Navidad.

Aquí está un desglose de sus menús de Navidad:

Derek Chauvin en Arizona's FCI Tucson:

-- Gallinas de Cornualles con hierbas, aderezo de pan de maíz, patatas con queso y ajo, maiz integral, salsa de pollo, pan integral, postre navideño.

R. Kelly en Carolina del Norte FCI Butner Medio I

-- Gallinas de Cornualles, crema de brócoli, aderezo de pan de maíz, puré de patatas, salsa, patatas dulces, zanahorias glaseadas, rollos de cena, pastel de nuez

Josh Duggar en Texas FCI Seagoville

-- Gallina de Cornualles al horno, puré de patatas, salsa de pollo, panecillos, cazuela de queso y arroz, pasteles de vacaciones

Julie Chrisley en el FMC Lexington de Kentucky:

-- Pavo asado, boniatos confitados al horno con malvaviscos, aderezo de pan de maíz, macarrones con queso, salsa de crema, salsa de arándanos, panecillos, pastel de nuez

Todd Chrisley en el FPC Pensacola de Florida:

-- Jamón al horno, pavo, macarrones con queso, judías verdes, salsa de arándanos, pan integral, fruta fresca, tarta

Joe Exotic en FMC Fort Worth, Texas

-- Gallinas de Cornualles al horno, relleno de pan, macarrones con queso, zanahorias, salsa de pollo, salsa de arándanos, panecillos, pastel festivo

Harvey Weinstein en el Correccional Mohawk de Nueva York:

-- Pechuga de pollo al horno, salsa de pollo sazonada, arroz blanco al vapor, maiz al vapor, panecillos, margarina, helado de crema

Tory Lanez en la Institución Correccional de California Tehachapi:

-- Jamón glaseado de piña, ensalada de zanahoria y piña, puré de patatas, salsa de carne, verduras mixtas, rollo de cena, helado, crujiente de arándanos

A estos presos famosos no solo se les agasaja con una comida navideña especial, sino que algunas prisiones ofrecen juegos y actividades especiales el día de Navidad.

Suena bien, pero seguro que todos preferirían estar en casa con sus familias.

Nick & Aaron Carter Sister Bobbie Jean Dead at 41

Nick and Aaron Carter's sister, Bobbie Jean Carter, has died ... TMZ has learned.

Bobbie Jean's mother, Jane Carter, tells us ... "I am in shock from learning of the sudden death of my daughter, Bobbie Jean; and I will need time to process the terrible reality of this happening for the third time.  When I am able to think clearly, I’ll release a fuller statement; but until then I would request to be left to grieve in private."

She adds ... "[H]owever deeply a parent feels the loss of a child, the suffering of a young child at the loss of a parent must be much greater. So, I would ask the sympathetic to say a prayer for my precious eight year old granddaughter Bella, who previously lost her father and is now also left without her mother."

The exact circumstances of Bobbie's death are unclear, but we know she passed away Saturday morning in Florida.

Bobbie Jean -- otherwise known as BJ -- was somewhat involved in the family's music business during the height of her brothers' careers ... especially Aaron, for whom she served as a wardrobe stylist and makeup artist during his tours back in the early 2000s.

She also appeared on the family's E! reality TV show, "House of Carters," on which she was featured in eight episodes. In the years since, Bobbie Jean lived a relatively private life in obscurity, shying away from the spotlight.

Bobbie Jean suffered from addiction and substance abuse over the years ... something that was documented on TV, and which she continued to battle into her later years of adulthood.

She had legal troubles as well, with arrests documented as recently as this year.

BJ's death marks yet another tragedy for the family at large. Not only did they lose Aaron last year due to a drowning at his home -- which was also found to have been drug-related -- but the Carters also lost their other sister, Leslie, in 2012 ... as a result of an overdose.

Now, the only living Carter siblings are Nick and Angel ... there are half-siblings and step-siblings in the family as well. Bobbie Jean is survived by a young daughter, Bella.

Bobbie Jean was 41.


North Dakota Lawmaker Arrested For DUI, Makes Xenophobic Comments Caught On Body Cam Video

the shocking footage

A North Dakota politician put his foot square in his mouth after he went on a xenophobic and homophobic rant while he was being arrested – and filmed! – for driving drunk.

Republican lawmaker Nico Rios was cruising around the district he represents in Williston the night of December 15, when police on patrol saw his car swerving and pulled him over.

The officers walked up to Rios behind the wheel and turned on their bodyworn cameras, leading to the shocking 21-minute encounter that has now gone viral.

Check out the footage ... the cops ask a series of questions to Rios who is slurring his words and getting caught in lies, falsely claiming at one point that he doesn't have an open beer bottle in his car.

Rios also gives an expired registration to the officers, who order him out of his vehicle for a field sobriety exam.

During the test, Rios becomes agitated and starts hurling threats at the officers, accusing them of "f—king picking on me" and promising they will regret it because of who he is.

Rios then rejects a request to take a breathalyzer from one of the officers, who promptly arrests him, placing him in handcuffs.

On the ride to the police station, Rios starts antagonizing the British-born officer, poking fun at his accent and claiming his country is being overrun by "f---king migrants and refugees."

In the stationhouse, Rios makes a homophobic remark to the officer, who informs his supervisor about the litany of derogatory comments from the lawmaker.

Rios was charged with DUI and refusing to provide a chemical test. After he was released from custody, Rios posted a statement on X, expressing his deep sorrow and regret to the people of his district for making a "mistake." He did not issue an apology to the officer he offended.


Love thy neighbor ... or maybe not in Charlie Sheen's case.

Law enforcement tells TMZ ... LASD responded to Charlie's L.A. area home Wednesday for a neighborly dispute. Officers say Charlie's neighbor, a 47-year-old woman, forced her way into his home and attacked him when he opened the door after hearing a knock.

We're told she ripped Charlie's shirt and attempted to strangle him ... and then went back to her own house.

Our sources say paramedics came to the scene ... but Charlie was not transported to the hospital.

We're told Charlie doesn't understand what prompted the incident but this apparently isn't his first issue with her ... he told deputies he believes the same woman squirted some type of sticky liquid on his car recently.

A source close to Charlie adds to TMZ that he spoke to the woman after the car incident ... and their conversation was something to the effect of letting bygones be bygones.

They also tell us the woman dumped trash in front of Charlie's door a day before the attack. Charlie is the one who called 911.

The woman was eventually arrested at her home ... and booked for assault with a deadly weapon and burglary for allegedly forcing her way into the home and attacking him.

Charlie Sheen la policía dice que una vecina intentó estrangularlo

Ama a tu vecino... ¿o no Charlie?.

La Policía le dice a TMZ que respondieron a una llamada de la casa de Charlie en Los Ángeles el miércoles por una disputa de vecinos. Los oficiales dicen que la vecina de Charlie, una mujer de 47 años de edad, forzó su entrada de su casa y lo atacó cuando abrió la puerta después de escuchar un golpe.

Nos dicen que ella rasgó la camisa de Charlie y trató de estrangularlo y luego regresó a su casa.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que los paramédicos llegaron a la escena, pero Charlie no fue transportado al hospital.

Nos dicen que Charlie no entiende lo que provocó el incidente, pero esto al parecer no es su primer problema con ella, le dijo a los oficiales que cree que la misma mujer roció algún tipo de líquido pegajoso en su carro recientemente.

Una fuente cercana a Charlie le informa a TMZ que habló con la mujer después del incidente del carro y su conversación fue sobre dejar lo pasado en el pasado.

También nos dicen que la mujer tiró basura delante de la puerta de Charlie un día antes del ataque. Charlie fue quien llamó al 911.

La mujer fue finalmente detenida en su casa y fichada por asalto con un arma mortal y robo con allanamiento de morada por supuestamente forzar su entrada en la casa y atacarlo.

Kanye West Leading Bump J's Reintro Album ... Swizz, Metro & Juice On Board

Kanye West has been keeping his group of "Vultures" collaborators close, which especially includes Bump J ... because Ye is spearheading a big album release for him in 2024.

Sources close to Ye's camp tell TMZ Hip Hop ... he considers Bump J a fellow Chicagoan and hip hop legend and wants to help get his career back on track.

The bar is being set high ... we're told Swizz Beatz was the first producer to send Bump some beats, as did Metro Boomin, Wheezy and John "Juice" Harris ... all intending to help Bump create a second first impression in the industry.

Kanye produced Bump’s first single “Move Around” back in 2005, but an armed bank robbery charge forced him out of the picture while he served a 7-year prison sentence.

Bump and Kanye reconnected at the top of 2022 where he assisted Ye in co-writing on his unfinished "Donda 2" album, and later for The Game and Hit-Boy's "Drillmatic."

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Club Blu Dubai

We're told the lead single, "Vultures" originally belonged to Bump as a solo record, and once Ye heard it, he immediately summoned Bump to join him and the rest of the gang in Tokyo to help finish his joint album with Ty Dolla $ign.

Unfortunately for Bump, Japan denied him access to the country -- due to his record -- so he returned home and later joined Ye in Italy, where they completed the project.

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Bump was also part of the "Vultures" live premieres in Dubai and Miami where he rubbed shoulders with Lil Durk, Freddie Gibbs, Offset and others.

The time away helped grow Bump's street legacy in Chicago -- he influenced future Chicago rappers like G Herbo, Lil Bibby and Durk, who credits him with expanding his mind, so it was possible to have a rap career.