Tinashe Breathing Room from Trespasser ... 3-Year Restraining Order Granted

Tinashe's hoping she finally has some peace of mind in her years-long ordeal involving a man who's repeatedly shown up at her home -- the R&B star's been granted court-ordered protection for the next 3 years.

According to court documents, the judge just signed off on the restraining order against Ramon Oppikofer, and it will remain in effect until December 2026.

TMZ Hip Hop broke the story ... Tinashe claimed she'd been bombarded with messages from Oppikoffer on IG since 2022, but says things escalated this year at her brother's Halloween party, where Oppikofer showed up, uninvited, and was allegedly lurking later in her neighborhood.

Tinashe claimed he later broke into her home before some of her peeps chased him away. We're told he was later arrested for trespassing, but then released on his own recognizance because of L.A.'s no-cash bail system.

However, the L.A. City Attorney has since charged Oppikofer with one misdemeanor count of trespassing.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

As for Tinashe, the restraining order news couldn't come at a better time -- her BB/Ang3l Tour starts next month in Atlanta.

New England Patriots Two Men Charged In Connection With Fight At Game ... Ended With Fan's Death

Two men have been hit with criminal charges for their alleged roles in an altercation that eventually ended with the death of a Patriots fan at Gillette Stadium earlier this year, TMZ Sports has confirmed.

According to the Foxborough Police Department, 59-year-old John Vieira and 39-year-old Justin Mitchell were charged with assault and battery and disorderly conduct this week after investigators say they were involved in a fight with Dale Mooney just prior to Mooney's death at the Pats vs. Dolphins game on Sept. 17.

The FPD says the charges came down after the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner ruled that Mooney died from "probable cardiac dysrhythmia in a person with severe hypertensive and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease during a physical altercation."

The FPD, however, added that despite the OCME ruling the manner of Mooney's death as a homicide ... the evidence its investigators gathered did not establish "a basis for criminal prosecution of charges related to homicide in Mr. Mooney’s death."

Vieira is slated for arraignment on Jan. 19 ... while Mitchell is set to be arraigned a week later.

“We thank the members of the public who made their private videos of the altercation available for our review," Norfolk District Attorney Michael W. Morrissey said in a statement Friday, "and the investigators at the Foxborough Police Department, for their help in establishing a clear picture of these tragic events."

Mooney -- who's been described as a New England super fan -- was just 53 years old.

Elijah Pritchett Alabama OL Arrested ... Accused Of Knowingly Transmitting STD

Univ. of Alabama offensive lineman Elijah Pritchett was arrested on Wednesday night after cops say he was accused of knowingly spreading a sexually transmitted disease.

The Tuscaloosa Police Department tells TMZ Sports ... the 19-year-old -- who was released from custody on $500 bond shortly after his arrest -- has already been hit with a misdemeanor charge in the case.

According to AL.com, Pritchett faces up to three months in jail or fines up to $500 if he's convicted.

We've reached out to the Univ. of Alabama for comment ... but, so far, no word back yet.

Pritchett was one of the top OL prospects in the 2022 H.S. class ... and committed to Bama over Florida State and Georgia, among others.

The GA native appeared in all 13 games for the Tide this season, playing mostly on special teams.

Pritchett, however, announced his plans to transfer earlier this month -- but he changed his mind a couple weeks later.

His Tide team, meanwhile, is slated to play Michigan in the opening round of the College Football Playoffs on Jan. 1 in the Rose Bowl.

Super Bowl Champ Derrick Ward Charged With Five Felonies ... After Allegedly Robbing L.A. Businesses

Derrick Ward is now facing some serious time behind bars after his alleged robbery spree ... 'cause TMZ Sports has learned he's just been hit with FIVE felony charges in the case.

According to court records, prosecutors levied the counts against the Super Bowl champion on Wednesday -- just two days after he was arrested.

The records show all five charges against Ward were second-degree robbery.

We broke the story, the ex-New York Giants tailback was thrown in jail on Monday afternoon following allegations he used force and fear to rob establishments in the Los Angeles area, including gas stations.

Jail records show as of Thursday morning, he still has not been released from police custody.

Ward played in the NFL from 2004 to 2011 -- helping New York beat Tom Brady's undefeated Patriots in SB XLII -- and he had such a fine career, he at one point signed a $17 million contract with the Buccaneers.

He finished his NFL tenure with 2,628 rushing yards and 12 total TDs.

Tiffany Haddish se declara inocente de conducir ebria en Los Ángeles

Tiffany Haddish se ha declarado inocente en su caso de conducción bajo estado de ebriedad en Los Ángeles, reflejando su declaración por el mismo cargo en Georgia.

La comediante fue procesada el miércoles, donde se declaró "no culpable" de dos cargos presentados por la Oficina del Fiscal del Distrito del Condado de Los Ángeles, conducir bajo la influencia del alcohol y conducir con un 0,08% BAC.

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TMZ publicó la historia, Tiffany fue detenida en Beverly Hills el mes pasado cuando los policías afirman que la encontraron dormida al volante con su carro bloqueando parcialmente la carretera.

Tiffany bromeó al respecto el día después en su stand-up comedy, pero ahora parece que las cosas se están poniendo serias, porque se declaró inocente de los cargos aquí y en Georgia, aparentemente señalando que ella va a luchar.

El caso de Georgia en realidad se suponía que iba a juicio este mes, pero se ha pospuesto. En los documentos de la corte para ese caso, Tiff ha informado alegó que la policía allí en GA llevó a cabo una búsqueda ilegal de su vehículo y ella también ha pedido que su resultado de la prueba de sangre no se permita como prueba.

Mientras tanto, otra batalla judicial se avecina.

Young Thug's Father Tells Lil Baby 'STFU' About Gunna ... Gets Fans to Spam His IG

Infamous Sylvia

Young Thug's father is at his breaking point with Lil Baby shading Gunna over his plea deal, and wants him to zip it for good ... although, pops is using way harsher words!

In a new convo with Infamous Sylvia, Jeffrey Williams Sr. ripped Baby as the dust settled on his latest snipe ... calling Gunna a "rat" on his new track "350," which dropped last week.

Big Jeff isn't going for it, and straight up told Sylvia that Baby needs to "shut the f*** up" because he isn't helping Thug's cause.


He says Baby has yet to appear in court so the 4PF rapper doesn't have a clue what's going on ... and Jeffrey called for fans to swarm Baby's IG comments to ask him directly why he hasn't been in Fulton County's courtroom for the YSL RICO trial.

The scheme to flood Baby's block was a success ... on Wednesday, fans ruthlessly trolled him, with some even teasing him that Gunna had surpassed him.

At any rate, Gunna's not gambling with his life as the snitch narrative keeps pushin' like P. He was recently spotted with two armed security guards on a simple shopping trip in Bev. Hills.

Lil Baby might be looking for social media bodyguards soon.

Tiffany Haddish Pleads Not Guilty in L.A. DUI Case

Tiffany Haddish has pleaded not guilty in her L.A. DUI case -- mirroring her plea to the same charge out in Georgia.

The comedian was arraigned Wednesday, where she entered "not guilty" pleas to two counts brought by the L.A. County District Attorney's Office -- driving under the influence of alcohol and driving with a .08% BAC.

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TMZ broke the story ... TH was arrested in Beverly Hills last month, when cops claim they found her asleep at the wheel -- with her car partially blocking the road.

Tiffany joked about it the day after in a stand-up comedy set, but now it looks like things are getting serious ... 'cause she pleaded not guilty to the charges here AND in Georgia, apparently signaling that she's gonna fight.

The Georgia case was actually supposed to go trial this month, but it's been postponed. In court docs for that case, Tiff has reportedly alleged the cops there in GA conducted an unlawful search of her vehicle ... and she's also asked that her blood test result not be allowed as evidence.

In the meantime, another court battle looms ... or so it seems, anyway.

Chance Comanche de la NBA Confiesa haber estrangulado a una mujer ... Y enterrado su cuerpo en el desierto

Chance Comanche, el jugador de la NBA G Leaguer (la menor liga organizada por la NBA) que fue detenido por su presunta participación en el asesinato de una mujer a principios de este mes, confesó a la policía que estranguló a la mujer antes de enterrar su cuerpo en un desierto de Nevada. Esto, de acuerdo a nuevos documentos judiciales.

En los documentos, los investigadores del Departamento de Policía Metropolitana de Las Vegas dicen que a través de una serie de entrevistas se enteraron de que Comanche y su exnovia de 19 años, Sakari Harnden, jugaron un papel en la desaparición de Marayna Rodgers y cuando hablaron con el jugador sobre todo esto confesó haberla matado.

Los oficiales dicen que Comanche había ido a Las Vegas para participar en un partido de la G League con su equipo, los Kings de Stockton, el 4 de diciembre, pero desarrolló un plan con Harnden para matar a Rodgers poco tiempo después de que las mujeres tuvieran una aparente disputa.

En los documentos, los oficiales afirman que Comanche les dijo que él y Harnden habían atraído a Rodgers con la promesa de que iban a pagarle por actos sexuales. Todo estaba fechado para el 6 de diciembre.

Los policías dicen que Comanche les dijo que lograron que Rodgers se subiera a un carro y después de recoger una botella de alcohol de una tienda de licores cercana, le hicieron parecer que iban a tener relaciones sexuales con ella durante el paseo.

Sin embargo, según los documentos, Comanche le dijo a la policía que sacó un cable HDMI y estranguló a Rodgers durante unos 10 segundos. Al parecer, la soltó -aunque los policías dicen que les dijo que Harnden continuó estrangulándola- hasta que dejó de responder.

Los agentes dicen que Comanche les dijo que, una vez que creyó que Rodgers estaba muerta, arrojó su cuerpo a una zanja y luego lo enterró con piedras.

Comanche fue detenido por este caso el 15 de diciembre, mientras practicaba para los Kings. Inicialmente, fue fichado por un cargo de secuestro, aunque las autoridades dijeron más tarde que sería acusado formalmente de asesinato.

Sin emoción alguna

El jugador, de 27 años de edad, 6 pies con 10 y que ha jugado en un partido de la NBA en su carrera, se presentó en el tribunal del condado de Sacramento el martes y parecía estoico antes de renunciar a su extradición. Se espera que sea transportado a Las Vegas en los próximos días.

En cuanto a Harnden, fue detenida el 13 de diciembre en Las Vegas y las autoridades dicen que también se enfrenta a un cargo de asesinato.

Cops:G League's Chance Comanche Confessed To Strangling Woman ... Burying Body In Desert

Chance Comanche -- the NBA G Leaguer arrested for his alleged role in the murder of a woman earlier this month -- confessed to cops that he strangled the female before burying her body in a Nevada desert ... this according to new court documents.

In the docs, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department investigators say through a series of interviews ... they learned that Comanche and his ex-girlfriend, 19-year-old Sakari Harnden, played a role in the disappearance of Marayna Rodgers -- and when they spoke to the basketball player about it all ... he fessed up to killing her.

Officials say Comanche had arrived in Las Vegas to participate in a G League game with his team, the Stockton Kings, on Dec. 4 -- but developed a plan with Harnden to kill Rodgers a short time later due to an apparent dispute the women had gotten into previously.

In the docs, officers claim Comanche told them he and Harnden had lured Rodgers out on Dec. 6 with the promise that they'd pay her for sexual acts.

Cops say Comanche told them they got Rodgers into a car -- and after picking up a bottle of booze from a nearby liquor store, they made it seem like they'd have intercourse with her inside of the ride.

However, according to the docs, Comanche told cops he pulled out an HDMI cord and strangled Rodgers for around 10 seconds. He allegedly let go -- though cops say he told them Harnden continued to choke her -- until she became unresponsive.

Officials say Comanche told them that once they believed Rodgers was dead -- they dumped her body in a ditch and then buried it with rocks.

Comanche was arrested on Dec. 15 while he was practicing for the Kings (the team released him later the same day). He was initially booked on a kidnapping charge, though officials later said he'd be formally charged with murder.


The 27-year-old, 6-foot-10 center -- who played in one NBA game in his career -- showed up in court in Sacramento County on Tuesday and appeared stoic -- before indicating he wouldn't fight extradition. It's expected he'll now be transported to Vegas in the coming days.

As for Harnden, she was arrested on Dec. 13 in Vegas and officials say she's facing a murder charge as well.

Fatal Marriage Proposal Man Arrested After GF Falls From Cliff ... Allegedly Rejected Him

A man in Turkey is in jail, accused of throwing his girlfriend to her death off a clifftop where he had just proposed to her ... and cops think she said, "no" before the fatal tumble.

Nizamettin Gursu has just been arrested in the death of his girlfriend, Yesim Demir, who reportedly fell 100 feet to her death in the Turkish city of Canakkale.

His arrest comes about 5 months after Yesim's fatal fall. Gursu originally told police his GF accepted his proposal, he left her at the edge of the cliff to grab food and drinks from his car and then heard her scream. He said he returned to find she had fallen over the ledge.

However, cops say their investigation now leads them to believe Yesim rejected the proposal, and a struggle ensued at the scenic picnic spot ... a struggle that ended with her going over the cliff to her death.

Police say Gursu still had the engagement ring in a box in his pocket ... and they also found a broken speaker and shattered glasses where the July 6 proposal went down.

What's more, cops say Yesim's family told them she had been planning to break up with Gursu before the proposal ... and they say she would have never gotten engaged to him.

The woman's family also told police she would not willingly stand at the edge of a cliff because she suffers from panic attacks.

Gursu remains in jail awaiting trial -- but, wow, if "Dateline" had a Turkish bureau they'd be all over this.

Jonathan Majors Back in L.A. with Meagan Good ... After Guilty Verdict in NYC

Jonathan Majors has fled the Big Apple after his high-profile guilty verdict -- he's in Los Angeles, and he's still rolling with his ever-loyal GF Meagan Good.

The embattled actor -- who was convicted on assault and harassment charges Monday in his Manhattan criminal trial -- touched down at LAX late Tuesday night WITH Meagan right by his side, along with at least one other person in his crew.

As you can see, they were going down a set of stairs from the jetway to the tarmac and a waiting car -- it's a common move celebs make to avoid cameras outside LAX.

No clear shots of their faces or anything like that -- these pics were taken from a distance -- but everything about the scene says MG is sticking by Majors' side even after he was found guilty.

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Mind you, she walked out with him after the jury returned its verdict ... with her head high.

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We didn't see Meagan with JM while he stepped out by himself in NYC Tuesday afternoon -- but she's obviously still with the guy.

It's possible he wanted to get out of town and lay low somewhere else -- but frankly, Hollywood might not be the best place for that. If anything, there's more photogs here than perhaps even in NY ... so unless he plans on hunkering down in a house, he'll be spotted plenty.

Maybe he's here to seek comfort from his famous pals ... or to start the work of rehabbing his rep, which has taken a hit. It is the holidays after all, the season of forgiveness.

Detienen a un hombre por la muerte de su novia... ella cayó por un acantilado tras pedirle matrimonio

Un hombre de Turquía está en la cárcel, fue acusado de arrojar a su novia a la muerte desde lo alto de un acantilado donde acababa de proponerle matrimonio y la policía cree que ella dijo "no" antes de la caída fatal.

Nizamettin Gursu acaba de ser detenido por la muerte de su novia, Yesim Demir, que al parecer cayó desde 100 pies de altura en la ciudad turca de Canakkale.

Su detención se produce unos cinco meses después de la fatal caída de Yesim. En un principio, Gursu le declaró a la policía que su novia aceptó su proposición, la dejó al borde del acantilado para coger comida y bebida de su coche y la oyó gritar. Dijo que regresó para encontrar que ella había caído por la cornisa.

Sin embargo, los policías dicen que su investigación les lleva a creer que Yesim rechazó la propuesta y se produjo una lucha en el lugar de picnic, una lucha que terminó con ella cayendo por el precipicio a su muerte.

La policía dice que Gursu todavía tenía el anillo de compromiso en una caja en su bolsillo y también encontraron un altavoz roto y vasos rotos donde se hizo la propuesta del 6 de julio.

Es más, la policía dice que la familia de Yesim les dijo que había estado planeando romper con Gursu antes de la propuesta y dicen que nunca se habría comprometido con él.

La familia de la mujer también le dijo a la policía que ella no se pondría voluntariamente al borde de un acantilado porque sufre ataques de pánico.

Gursu sigue en la cárcel a la espera de juicio.

Jonathan Majors Regresa a L.A. con Meagan Good... Tras ser declarado culpable en Nueva York

Jonathan Majors ha huido de la Gran Manzana a Los Ángeles, después de su público veredicto de culpabilidad y todavía está de la mano con su leal novia Meagan Good.

El asediado actor, que fue condenado por cargos de agresión y acoso el lunes en su juicio penal en Manhattan, aterrizó en LAX el martes por la noche con Meagan a su lado, junto con al menos otra persona de su equipo.

Como se puede ver, la pareja está bajando las escaleras y parece que volaron en privado porque no hay nadie más a su alrededor, excepto por un trabajador de la aerolínea.

No hay imágenes claras de sus rostros ni nada por el estilo, ya que estas fotos fueron tomadas desde lejos, pero todo en la escena indica que Meagan Good está al lado de Majors incluso después de haber sido declarado culpable.

Como recordarán, ella salió después del veredicto con la cabeza en alto.

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Majors dejando la corte

No vimos a Meagan con Jonathan Majors mientras anduvo paseando solo por Nueva York el martes por la tarde, pero obviamente todavía está con el chico.

Es posible que Jonathan haya querido salir de la ciudad y pasar desapercibido en otro lugar, pero francamente, Hollywood podría no ser el mejor lugar para eso. Es posible que haya incluso más fotógrafos aquí que en Nueva York, así que a menos que planee refugiarse al interior de una casa, será muy, muy visto.

Tal vez él está aquí para buscar consuelo de sus famosos amigos o para iniciar el trabajo de rehabilitación de su reputación, que ha recibido un duro golpe. Es temporada de fiestas, después de todo, la temporada del perdón.

Jonathan Majors visto por primera vez desde que fue declarado culpable

Jonathan Majors luce bastante tranquilo después de que su carrera quedara patas arriba. Se lo vio tomando un café en solitario después de su veredicto de culpabilidad y la expulsión de Marvel.

El actor fue visto el martes en la ciudad de Nueva York por primera vez desde que fue declarado culpable en su juicio penal y posteriormente abandonado por Disney.

Jonathan luce imperturbable, al menos así parece en las fotos. Es notable el hecho de que no está Meagan Good a su lado. Recordemos que ella lo acompañó durante todo el juicio

el veredicto ya está

Como informamos, Jonathan fue declarado culpable de 2 de 4 cargos después de haber sido acusado de maltratar a su ex-novia, Grace Jabbari.

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persecución en la calle

El actor fue declarado culpable de los cargos de asalto imprudente y el acoso y fue absuelto de acoso agravado y asalto intencional.

En cuanto a su ex novia, Grace Jabbari —cuyas acusaciones fueron a juicio— finalmente rompió su silencio, publicando en redes sociales información acerca de una organización sin fines de lucro para las víctimas de violencia doméstica.

Grace dice que se apoyó en Santuario para las Familias mucho este año, el incidente con Majors ocurrió en marzo y le está pidiendo a la gente que donen algo para la causa.

Mientras que el abogado de Jonathan está señalando una apelación, Marvel y Disney rápidamente se distanciaron, echándolo de su papel clave como el gran villano de Marvel, Kang el Conquistador.

Una última nota interesante ... Majors está fuera con un solo café en la mano aquí, mientras que tenía 2 el fin de semana pasado cuando estaba fuera y alrededor en medio de su juicio.

Jonathan Majors Looking Calm & Collected First Sighting Since Guilty Verdict, Marvel Decision

Jonathan Majors is looking unbothered after his career was totally turned on its head ... grabbing coffee solo after his guilty verdict and Marvel ouster.

The actor was spotted Tuesday in New York City for the first time since being found guilty in his criminal trial and subsequently dropped by Disney.

Jonathan's seemingly unfazed, at least based on the photos, and it's notable he's by his lonesome ... with no Meagan Good in sight after being by his side throughout his NYC assault trial.


As we reported ... Jonathan was found guilty on 2 of 4 counts after being accused of roughing up his ex-girlfriend, Grace Jabbari.

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In all, the actor was convicted of charges of reckless assault and harassment ... and was acquitted of aggravated harassment and intentional assault.

As for his former gf, Grace Jabbari, whose allegations went to trial, she finally broke her silence ... posting on social media about a non-profit for domestic violence victims.

Grace says she leaned on Sanctuary For Families a lot this year -- the incident with Majors went down in March -- and is asking folks to donate to the cause.

While Jonathan's attorney is signaling an appeal ... Marvel/Disney quickly distanced themselves, booting him from his key role as Marvel's big villain, Kang the Conqueror.

One last interesting note ... Majors is out with just one coffee in his hand here, whereas he had 2 last weekend when he was out and about in the middle of his trial.

Florida Man Busted for Trying to Kill & Dump Old Dog

Lee County Sheriff's Office

A guy in Florida was caught on video dumping what cops say was an old, helpless dog that he allegedly tried killing before throwing it away ... and now, he's facing criminal charges.

55-year-old Anthony Bellman was recently arrested and booked for animal cruelty in Lee County, FL -- this after he was seen on surveillance footage last week chucking a black garbage bag into a dumpster behind a Family Dollar store in Lehigh Acres.

The authorities there claim a 16-year-old Shih Tzu pooch was in the bag, and that it'd been left for dead after Bellman allegedly tried choking it out with a rope, but failed.

It was later found alive by an employee with a rope still around its body. The dog has since been taken to a clinic for its injuries. Her name is Xyla, and she's mostly blind.

As for Bellman, he was tracked down by the Sheriff's Office and hauled in for a mug shot not long after this ... and according to officials, he allegedly said he didn't want to take the dog to get euthanized since it'd be too sad. Instead, he attempted to snuff it out himself.

Law enforcement claims he attempted to snap Xyla's neck with a belt before ultimately giving up and throwing her out like trash. The Sheriff there, Carmine Marceno, says he's glad to have been able to hold Bellman accountable. A new home for Xyla is being sought out.